WIN2000SERVER sys,

yyllcc 2003-08-12 12:10:56
程序->管理工具->Internet 服务管理器, 其中:

"默认 SMTP 虚拟服务器", 与我的邮件服务器ARGOSOFT MAIL SERVER冲突, 需要停止,但该服务有时随开机就运行, 每次都要手工停止,麻烦, 请问有无设置其始终停止的选项.
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BeRoy 2003-08-29
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yyllcc 2003-08-29
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yyllcc 2003-08-25
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我就是不想经常手工启东“默认 SMTP 虚拟服务器”,有自动的办法么?
renyx 2003-08-23
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yyllcc 2003-08-23
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yyllcc 2003-08-18
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应该不是很难吧,没人知道么? 有高手么?
dns服务器是什么 Ping不通,缓存在作怪! 出处:电脑报 作者:李政 2005-9-16 阅读人次:9779 Windows 2000自动启动了DNS Client服务,该服务提供了客户端的名字解析与缓存服务,用户的DNS查询结果会在本地得到缓存。在配置DNS服务器时,如果不能很好地掌握这个原理,往往会出现一些错误的操作。 错误操作,域名不通 笔者所在的网络为双机直接相连组成的网络,两台机器都安装Windows Server 2000系统,其中一台已升级为域控制器,IP地址设为"";另一台未安装活动目录,其IP地址为""。在做DNS服务器的配置实验时,将域控制器那台机器配置为DNS服务器,另一台机器作为DNS客户机。 假设欲设置域名www.jgx.com对应的主机IP地址为""。有不少学生在配置DNS服务器的过程中,在添加主机记录时,常把主机的IP地址记错或输错,如将""输成"",这样在客户机上域名就会Ping不通。如果这时候再回到DNS控制台进行修改,将IP地址改成""。完成后在客户端的命令提示符下再次执行Ping命令,域名解析出的IP地址仍是修改前的地址"",仍然会Ping不通。 巧用命令清除缓存 我们可在命令提示符下使用命令来清除DNS客户端缓存中的信息。在客户端执行"Ipconfig/flushdns"命令,出现盘符提示后,再执行"ping"命令即可解决问题。 值得我们注意的是,在"管理工具"中打开"服务"工具,找到"DNS Client"项,停止该服务后在客户端就不会缓存DNS查询信息,这样在DNS服务器上所做的修改在客户端重新查询时就能立即反映出来。参考资料: dns服务器是什么 在Windows XP系统中安装DNS服务1. 准备xp安装盘,win2000server安装盘(adv ser也可)各1张2. 打开c:\windows\inf\netoc.inf 3. 在 [Optional Components] 栏目下面有以下内容:[Optional Components]NetOC ;Top level optionNetServicesFileAndPrintSNMP......在NetServices下面添加1行DNS即:[Optional Components]NetOC ;Top level optionNetServicesDNSFileAndPrintSNMP......4. 在Windows 2000光盘中找到NETDNS.IN_(其实是个压缩文件,用winrar打开把里面的netdns.inf解压出来)然后将netdns.inf文件复制到c:\windows\inf目录下。5. 在控制面版-添加删除程序-添加windows组件-网络服务,此时就能看见被隐藏的 域名服务系统(DNS),点击安装。注意,安装期间会有2次提示,第一次放入win2000server安装盘,浏览i386目录,然后确定;第二次放入xp安装盘,确定。安装完成后即可在Windows XP下使用 DNS来做域外解析等! 别附:netdns.inf ; -- NETDNS.INX -- ; ; Microsoft Domain Name System Server ; ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. [version] signature="$Windows NT$" LayoutFile=layout.inf Provider=%Msft% DriverVer=10/01/2002,5.2.3790.3959 ; ; For Optional Components Use Only ; [DNS] CopyFiles = CpyFiles_Sys,CpyFiles_Sys_Console,CpyFiles_Dns,CpyFiles_DnsSamp,CpyFiles_DnsWmi Needs = WBEM ; Maintains proper ordering of OCs - we depend on WMI Uninstall = DNS.Remove StartServices = DNS RegisterDlls = DNS.Register ProfileItems = D
一、在服务器安装SQL 2000 安装sql时注意选择三个选项 本地帐户,混合模式验证,空密码 装完后启动sql服务,右下角有绿色三角箭头即表示启动 如果安装过程中出现“以前的某个程序安装已在安装计算机上创建挂起的文件操作。运行安装程序之前必须重新启动计算机”错误。解决办法步骤是: 命令行运行regedit 打开注册表编辑器,在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager中找到PendingFileRenameOperations项目,并删除它。这样就可以清除安装暂挂项目。 二:运行软件安装程序setup.exe, 完成后在软件目录运行restoredb.exe,建立数据库。(升级时也可用restoredb.exe导入数据) 提示建立成功后,询问是否初始化,点取消按钮则保留数据库里面带的数据. 三: 在网络工作站前台电脑新建目录d:\pos, 从服务器软件目录拷贝文件,创建*posq.exe的快捷方式于桌面即可。 四: 问题解决: 1、前台连接不成功:打开前台控制面板 → 管理工具 → ODBC → 系统DSN → 添加(SQL server)建立新的数据源到SQL SERVER →服务器(XX) → 使用用户输入登录ID和密码的SQL SERVER验证 → 客户端配置网络库(命名管道-WIN98、TCP/IP-WIN2000/NT) → 连接SQL SERVER 以获得其它配置选项的默认设置,登录ID(SA),密码默认为空. 文件说明 sys.ini 前后台程序连接数据库服务器参数文件 main.jpg 后台主窗口背景图 restoredb.exe  数据库建立/旧版本数据库升级 localdb.mdb  前台本地数据库,断网销售时用 *posq.exe 前台程序 *posh.exe 后台程序 pos*.mdf 数据库结构库 pos*_log.ldf 数据库日志库 API_COM.DLL 前台顾显驱动库 help.chm 联机帮助
一、启用guest来宾帐户; 二、控制面板→管理工具→本地安全策略→本地策略→用户权利指派里,“从网络访问此计算机”中加入guest帐户,而“拒绝从网络访问这台计算机”中删除guest帐户; 三、我的电脑→工具→文件夹选项→查看→去掉“使用简单文件共享(推荐)”前的勾; 四、设置共享文件夹; 五、控制面板→管理工具→本地安全策略→本地策略→安全选项里,把“网络访问:本地帐户的共享和安全模式”设为“仅来宾-本地用户以来宾的身份验证”(可选,此项设置可去除访问时要求输入密码的对话框,也可视情况设为“经典-本地用户以自己的身份验证”); 六、右击“我的电脑”→“属性”→“计算机名”,该选项卡中有没有出现你的局域网工作组名称,如“work”等。然后单击“网络 ID”按钮,开始“网络标识向导”:单击“下一步”,选择“本机是商业网络的一部分,用它连接到其他工作着的计算机”;单击“下一步”,选择“公司使用没有域的网络”;单击“下一步”按钮,然后输入你的局域网的工作组名,如“work”,再次单击“下一步”按钮,最后单击“完成”按钮完成设置。 访问网上邻居时显示:" windows xp系统访问局域网时显示 "WORKGROUP无法访问.您可能没有权限使用网络资源.请与这台服务器的管理员联系以查明您是否有访问权限.此工作组的服务器的列表当前无法使用." 我用的是xp系统 我也遇到过这样的情况,当时也是着急得不轻,后来看到了以下的内容,照着一步步的做了做,真的好了。内容不少,但是仍然希望你能耐住性子,仔细的看看自己属于那种情况,应该会有所收获。 局域网互访 - [ 网络 ] 我也是类似问题。 以前一个局域网10多台机子互访问。安了蕃茄花园v2.3,感觉主题漂亮,桌面壁纸自动换,很爽。访问局域网计算机没问题。可网内其它机子在工作组内能看到我的机子,但打不开。说什么“没有权限”。所有设置都作了如下改动(网上找的),依然无效,何故?但求高手指点。 “网上邻居”无法互访问题解决方法大全 “网上邻居”无法互访的问题实在是太常见了,无论在学校,网吧还是家里多台电脑联机,都有可能遇到网上邻居无法互访的故展。“网上邻居”无法访问的故障多种多样,总结起来基本上有下面的几个: 1,没有共享资源/共享服务未启用。 症状:电脑与电脑间可以Ping通,但无法访问共享资源,在“计算机管理”中查看“本地共享”后会弹出“没有启动服务器服务”的错误对话框。 解决:在控制面板-管理工具-服务中启动Server服务。并设置“启动类型”为“自动”。 2,IP设置有误。 症状:双机之间无法互Ping,连接用的双绞线经过测试没有问题,没有安装防火墙。 解决:检查两台电脑的IP是否处在同一网段,还有子掩码是否相同。 3,WINXP默认设置不正确。 症状:从WIN98/2000/2003上无法访问另一台WINXP的机器。 解决:在“控制面板”中的“用户帐户”启用Guest帐号。然后在运行中输入secpol.msc启动“本地安全策略”。 本地策略 -> 用户权利指派,打开“从网络访问此计算机”,添加Guest帐户 本地策略 -> 安全选项,禁止"帐户:使用空白密码的本地帐户只允许进行控制台登陆"。 另外有时还会遇到另外一种情况:访问XP的时候,登录对话框中的用户名是灰的,始终是Guest用户,不能输入别的用户帐号。 解决:本地策略 -> 安全选项 -> "网络访问:本地帐户的共享和安全模式",修改为"经典-本地用户以自己的身份验证" 4,系统漏洞修补软件修改了安全策略。 症状:在“网上邻居”中可以看到对方的计算机,但是访问共享时却提示“没有权限访问网络” 解决:在开始菜单运行中输入secpol.msc启动“本地安全策略”,本地策略 -> 用户权利分配,打开“拒绝从网络访问这台计算机”,删除guest用户。 5,防火墙规则。 症状:安装了防火墙(包括WINXP系统自带的防火墙),出现无法Ping通,或者是访问共享资源的时候提示"XXX无法访问"、"您可能没有权限使用网络资源"、"请与这台服务器的管理员联系以查明您是否有访问权限"、"找不到网络路径"等类似的提示。 解决:停止防火墙或者添加局域网的访问规则。 WINXP自带的防火墙:打开控制面板 -> 网络和Internet连接 -> Windows防火墙 -> 例外,勾选“文件和打印机共享”。 6,Win2000/XP与Win98互访 症状:Ping命令可以通过,但无法在“网上邻居”中实现互访。 解决:在WIN2000/XP系统中:控制面板 -> 管理工具 -> 计算机管理 -> 本地用户和组 -> 用户,在Guest帐户上点击鼠标右键,选择属性,在常规项里取消
************************************************************ * Product: Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility * Release: Production * Version: * Target Chipset(s)#: 955X/XM/975X/945G/P/PL/GM/PM/GMS/940GML/E7230/E8501 * Date: October 13 2005 ************************************************************ NOTE: For the list of supported chipsets, please refer to the Release Notes ************************************************************ * CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ************************************************************ This document contains the following sections: 1. Overview 2. System Requirements 3. Contents of the Distribution Package 4. List of Available Command Line Flag Options 5. Contents of the Extracted Files 6. Installing the Software in Interactive Mode 7. Installing the Software in Silent Mode 8. Installing the INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8A. Installing the Windows* 2000 INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8B. Installing the Windows* XP INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8C. Installing the Windows Server* 2003 INF Files Prior to OS Installation 9. Installing the INF Files After OS Installation 9A. Installing the Windows* 2000 INF Files After OS Installation 9B. Installing the Windows* XP INF Files After OS Installation 9C. Installing the Windows Server* 2003 INF Files After OS Installation 10. Verifying Installation of the Software and Identifying the Software Version Number 11. Troubleshooting ************************************************************ * 1. OVERVIEW ************************************************************ The Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility installs Windows* INF files to the target system. These files outline to the operating system how to configure the Intel(R) chipset components in order to ensure that the following features function properly: - Core PCI and ISAPNP Services - PCIe Support - IDE/ATA33/ATA66/ATA100 Storage Support - SATA Storage Support - USB Support - Identification of Intel(R) Chipset Components in the Device Manager This software can be installed in three modes: Interactive, Silent and Unattended Preload. Interactive Mode requires user input during installation; Silent Mode and Unattended Preload do not. This software also offers a set of command line flags, which provide additional installation choices. The command line flags are not case sensitive. Refer to Section 4 for detailed descriptions of these flags. Important Note: The Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility is distributed in two formats: self extracting .EXE files (INFINST_AUTOL.EXE) or compressed .ZIP files (INFINST_AUTOL.ZIP). Depending on which distribution format is being executed, the command-line syntax may differ. Refer to Section 4 for more details. ************************************************************ * 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ************************************************************ 1. Please refer to the Release Notes to view the list of chipsets that the software included with this distribution package is designed to operate with. 2. One of the following operating systems must be fully installed and running on the system before installing this software: Microsoft Windows* Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition* Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 NOTE: This software is designed for the latest service pack releases of above operating systems. To verify which operating system has been installed onto the target system, follow the steps below: a. Click on Start. b. Select Settings. c. Select Control Panel. d. Double-click on the System icon. e. Click on the General system properties tab. f. Verify which OS has been installed by reading the System information. 3. It is recommended that the software be installed on systems with at least 64MB of system memory when using Windows* 2000, Windows* XP and Windows Server* 2003. 4. It is recommended that there be a minimum of 5MB of hard disk space on the system in order to install this software. 5. The operating system must be fully installed and running on the system before running this software. 6. Close any running applications to avoid installation problems. 7. It is recommended that the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility be installed onto the target system prior to the installation of other drivers. Please check with the system provider to determine which operating system and Intel(R) chipset are used in the system. ************************************************************ * 3. CONTENTS OF THE DISTRIBUTION PACKAGE ************************************************************ The Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility package contains the following items: File(s) ------- INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -or- INFINST_AUTOL.ZIP README.TXT, RELEASE_xxx.HTM *** NOTE: Only the files that reference the currently detected devices are copied to the system. If the -A option is exercised, the files are not copied to the <Windows>\INF directory. Refer to Section 4 for more information. ************************************************************ * 4. LIST OF AVAILABLE COMMAND LINE FLAG OPTIONS ************************************************************ The Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility supports several command line flags for various installation options. Due to the different distribution formats available for the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility, the command line flag syntax may vary: 1. Self-Extracting .EXE Distribution: When installing this software using the .EXE distribution, an extra '-A' must be appended to the INFINST_AUTOL.EXE program call (i.e. INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -A) in order to successfully pass command line flags. NOTE: The extra '-A' flag for the self-extracting .EXE package is different from the '-A' command line flag option described under Compressed .ZIP Distribution. Example: To extract INF files using the '-A' flag described below, the installation program should be invoked as follows: INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -A -A (optional -P) 2. Compressed .ZIP Distribution: When installing this software using the .ZIP distribution, use the command line flags exactly as described below. Example: To extract INF files using the '-A' flag described below, the installation program should be invoked as follows: SETUP.EXE -A (optional -P) Below is a list of all the available command line flags that may be used with the program call. Note that the '-L' and the '-S' flags MUST be specified at the end of the command line flag list. Flag Description ---- ----------- -? Displays the list of available command line flags. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -A Extracts all the INF files and Readme to either "C:\Program Files\Intel\InfInst" or the directory specified using the '-P' flag. The software will NOT install these INF files to the system. This flag can be combined only with the '-P' flag. All other options will be ignored if the '-A' flag is specified. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -Aonly Extracts only the INF files necessary for the current system. If the install has been run once successfully, '-Aonly' will not return any INFs. When used in conjunction with '-overall' switch, all the needed INFs for the system will be extracted. -B Automatically reboots the system after installation. This flag is ignored if '-A' flag is specified. This flag works in either Silent Mode or Interactive Mode. -f2 Specifies an alternate location and name of the log file created by InstallShield Silent. This option is used for silent installation from a CD. 'Path' indicates the directory path where installation status is logged in file 'Logfile' -L Forces the installer user interface to display the specified language during setup. Note that there should be NO space between '-L' and the 4-digit language code (see below). This flag must be placed at the end of the command line flag list. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -NOLIC Does not display the license agreement dialog box during installation. This parameter works in Interactive Mode only. -NOREAD Does not display the Readme display during installation. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -NOWEL Does not display the welcome screen during installation. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -OVERALL Updates ALL INF drivers on all available devices even if third party drivers are currently installed. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -OVERIDE Updates the storage drivers even if a third party storage driver is currently installed. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -OVERSMB Updates the SMBus drivers even if third party SMBus drivers are currently installed. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -P Specifies the hard disk location to which the INF program files are copied. If this flag is not specified at the command line, the directory is as follows: C:\Program Files\Intel\INFInst If this flag is used without the '-A' option, only the Readme will be copied to . The directory name can include spaces, but then a pair of double quotes (") must enclose the directory name. There should not be any space between the switch '-p' and the directory name. This flag works in either Silent Mode or Interactive Mode. -S Runs the Installer in Silent Mode (no user interface is displayed). This flag and the '-L' flag must be placed at the end of the command line flag list. -SKIP Suppresses the installation of one or more devices.This flag works in either Silent Mode or Interactive Mode. Below are the language codes used with the '-L' flag: Language -------- ---------- 0001 Arabic (International) 0804 Chinese (Simplified) 0404 Chinese (Traditional) 0005 Czech 0006 Danish 0013 Dutch 0009 English (United States) 000B Finnish 040C French (International) 0007 German 0008 Greek 000D Hebrew 000E Hungarian 0010 Italian 0011 Japanese 0012 Korean 0014 Norwegian 0015 Polish 0416 Portuguese (Brazil) 0816 Portuguese (Standard) 0019 Russian 000A Spanish (International) 001D Swedish 001E Thai 001F Turkish ************************************************************ * 5. CONTENTS OF THE EXTRACTED FILES ************************************************************ INF files are copied to the hard disk after running the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility executable with an '-A' flag (i.e., "INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -A -A" or "SETUP.EXE -A"). The location of the INF files depends on whether a '-P' flag is specified along with the '-A' flag: 1. If a '-P' flag is not specified, then the INF files are copied to the following directory: "C:\Program Files\Intel\INFINST" 2. If a '-P' flag is specified, then the INF files are copied to the location listed immediately after the '-P' flag. Refer to Section 4 for more information on flag usage. After INF file extraction, the INF files and components are copied to the . These files and components are categorized according to the operating system. The following table summarizes the locations of the INF files by operating system: The directories are classified according to the operating system that they are designed for: Win2000\ Contains INF files designed for Windows* 2000 ONLY. XP\ Contains INF files designed for Windows* XP ONLY. Win2003\ Contains INF files designed for Windows Server* 2003 ONLY. NOTE: The sub directories (e.g. SP) contains special INFs. NOTE: INFAnswr.TXT makes a CUSTOM.INF template that installs the INF files for Intel(R) chipsets during operating system setup. OEMs can incorporate this file into the Setup directory for the OEM Preload Kit. (Refer to Section 8 for more details.) ************************************************************ * 6. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE IN INTERACTIVE MODE ************************************************************ 1. Verify that all system requirements have been met as described in Section 2 above. 2. Run the installation program: Self-extracting .EXE distribution: INFINST_AUTOL.EXE Compressed .ZIP distribution: SETUP.EXE 3. You will be prompted to agree to the license agreement. If you do not agree, the installation program will exit before extracting any files. 4. Once the operating system reboots, follow the on-screen instructions and accept default settings to complete the setup. ************************************************************ * 7. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE IN SILENT MODE ************************************************************ 1. Verify that all system requirements have been met as described in section 2. 2. Run the installation program: For silent install with auto-reboot: Self-extracting .EXE distribution: INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -a -b -s Compressed .ZIP distribution: SETUP.EXE -b -s - or - For silent install without auto-reboot: Self-extracting .EXE distribution: INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -a -s Compressed .ZIP distribution: SETUP.EXE -s 3. The utility will perform the necessary updates and record the installation status in the following system registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Intel\INFInst 4. If the utility was invoked with the "-b" flag, the system will automatically reboot if the update was successful. NOTE: The system MUST be rebooted for all device updates to take effect. 5. To determine whether the install was successful, verify the "install" value in the registry key specified in Step 3. 6. In Silent Mode the utility will not display the license agreement. When using Silent Mode the license agreement, license.txt, will be placed in the following folder: Program Files/Intel/INFInst folder. Please read this agreement. The following describes the various parameters: Name: "install" Type: String Data: "success" The installation was successful. Data: "fail" The installation was not successful. No INF files were copied to the system. Name: "reboot" Type: String Data: "Yes" A reboot is required to complete the installation. Data: "No" No reboot is required to complete the installation. Name: "version" Type: String Data: Current version number of the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility ************************************************************ * 8. INSTALLING THE INF FILES PRIOR TO OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ This procedure requires a minimum of 5MB of hard disk space. It is important to make sure there is enough disk space before beginning the copy process. Copy the operating system installation files from the setup directory to a directory on the hard disk. This can be done by opening 'My Computer', right-clicking on the correct drive, and selecting 'Properties'. The directories shall be referred to as follows: Windows* 2000 : <WIN2000 Setup Directory> Windows* XP : Windows Server* 2003 : <WIN2003 Setup Directory> ************************************************************ * 8A. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS* 2000 INF FILES PRIOR TO * OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ NOTE: The Windows* 2000 OEM Preload Kit distribution CD contains a setup directory with all the base operating system setup files and installation programs (WINNT.EXE and WINNT32.EXE). The name of the directory may vary depending on the distribution CD (e.g., \I386\). 1. Create the following directory structure under the <WIN2000 Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$$\INF 2. Copy the Windows* 2000 INF files from \Win2000 to the directory created in Step 1 above: <WIN2000 Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$$\INF 3. Create the following directory structure under the <WIN2000 Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 4. Copy the Windows* 2000 INF files and the catalog files (.CAT) from \Win2000 to the directory created in Step 3 above: <WIN2000 Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 5. Either modify the default Windows* 2000 installation answer file, UNATTEND.TXT, located in <WIN2000 Setup Directory>, or create a customized answer file. The answer file must include the following information: [Unattended] OemPreinstall = Yes OemPnPDriversPath="drivers\IntelINF" A sample answer file for preloading the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation utility files is available at: \Win2000\INFAnswr.TXT For more information about Windows* 2000 answer files and unattended installations, please refer to the Microsoft* Windows* 2000 Guide to Unattended Setup. If you are a computer manufacturer, refer to the Microsoft Windows* 2000 OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) User Guide for more information about the \$OEM$ folder. Otherwise, refer to the Microsoft Windows* 2000 Deployment Guide. 6. Run "WINNT.EXE /u: /s:<WIN2000 Setup Directory>" to install Windows* 2000. ************************************************************ * 8B. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS* XP INF FILES PRIOR TO * OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ NOTE: The Windows* XP OEM Preload Kit distribution CD contains a setup directory with all the base operating system setup files and installation programs (WINNT.EXE and WINNT32.EXE). The name of the directory may vary depending on the distribution CD (e.g., \I386\). 1. Create the following directory structure under the <WINXP Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$$\INF 2. Copy the Windows* XP INF files from \XP to the directory created in Step 1 above: <WINXP Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$$\INF 3. Create the following directory structure under the <WINXP Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 4. Copy the Windows* XP INF files AND the catalog files (.CAT) from \XP to the directory created in Step 3 above: <WINXP Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 5. Either modify the default Windows* XP installation answer file, UNATTEND.TXT, located in <WINXP Setup Directory>, or create a customized answer file. The answer file must include the following information: [Unattended] OemPreinstall = Yes OemPnPDriversPath="drivers\IntelINF" A sample answer file for preloading the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation utility files is available: \XP\INFAnswr.TXT If you are a computer manufacturer, refer to the Microsoft* Windows* XP Guide to Unattended Setup for more information about Windows* XP answer files and unattended installations. For more information about the \$OEM$ folder, refer to the Microsoft Windows* XP OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) User Guide. If you are not a manufacturer, refer to the Microsoft Windows* XP Deployment Guide. 6. Run "WINNT.EXE /u: /s:<WINXP Setup Directory>" to install Windows* XP. ************************************************************ * 8C. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS SERVER* 2003 INF FILES PRIOR * TO OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ NOTE: The Windows Server* 2003 OEM Preload Kit distribution CD contains a setup directory with all the base operating system setup files and installation programs (WINNT.EXE and WINNT32.EXE). The name of the directory may vary depending on the distribution CD (e.g., \I386\). 1. Create the following directory structure under the <WIN2003 Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$$\INF 2. Copy the Windows Server* 2003 INF files from \Win2003 to the directory created in Step 1 above: <WIN2003 Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$$\INF 3. Create the following directory structure under the <WIN2003 Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 4. Copy the Windows Server* 2003 INF files and the catalog files (.CAT) from \Win2003 to the directory created in Step 3 above: <WIN2003 Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 5. Either modify the default Windows Server* 2003 installation answer file, UNATTEND.TXT, located in <WIN2000 Setup Directory>, or create a customized answer file. The answer file must include the following information: [Unattended] OemPreinstall = Yes OemPnPDriversPath="drivers\IntelINF" A sample answer file for preloading the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation utility files is available: \Win2003\INFAnswr.TXT For more information about Windows Server* 2003 answer files and unattended installations, please refer to the Microsoft Windows Server* 2003 Guide to Unattended Setup. If you are a computer manufacturer, refer to the Microsoft Windows Server* 2003 OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) User Guide for more information about the \$OEM$ folder. Otherwise, refer to the Microsoft Windows Server* 2003 Deployment Guide. 6. Run "WINNT.EXE /u: /s:<WIN2003 Setup Directory>" to install Windows* 2000. ************************************************************ * 9. INSTALLING THE INF FILES AFTER OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ ************************************************************ * 9A. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS* 2000 INF FILES AFTER OS * INSTALLATION ************************************************************ Some Intel(R) chipset platforms already are supported by Windows* 2000, so it may not be necessary to use the INF files provided by this software to update Windows* 2000. The following steps describe the installation process of the Windows* 2000 INF files. You may need to repeat these steps to update all Intel(R) chipset devices not supported by Windows* 2000. 1. Copy the contents of the \Win2000 directory to the root directory of the floppy disk (A:\). 2. Close all programs currently running on the system. 3. Click on Start. 4. Select Settings. 5. Select Control Panel. 6. Double-click on the System icon. 7. Click on the Hardware tab. 8. Click on the Device Manager button. 9. Select "Devices by connection" under the View menu. 10. Click on MPS Uniprocessor PC -OR- MPS Multiprocessor PC. NOTE: Only one of the above items will be displayed for a given system. 11. Click on PCI bus. 12. Right-click on the line containing the description PCI standard host CPU bridge -or- PCI standard ISA bridge -or- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge -or- PCI System Management Bus -or- Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller -or- Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller (This line will be selected.) 13. Select Properties from the pull-down menu. 14. Click on the Driver tab. 15. Click on the Update Driver button. 16. Windows* 2000 will launch the Upgrade Device Driver Wizard. Select Next. 17. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) 18. Insert the floppy containing the Windows* 2000 INF files into the floppy drive. 19. Select Next. 20. Windows* 2000 will list locations from where the updated driver file can be found. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Floppy disk drives 21. Select Next. 22. Windows* 2000 should report that a driver has been found: (The detected device name will be displayed.) Select Next. 23. Select Finish. 24. Reboot the system when prompted to do so. ************************************************************ * 9B. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS* XP INF FILES AFTER OS * INSTALLATION ************************************************************ Some Intel(R) chipset platforms already are supported by Windows* XP so it may not be necessary to use the INF files provided by this software to update Windows* XP. The following steps describe the installation process of the Windows* XP INF files. You may need to repeat these steps to update all Intel(R) chipset devices not supported by Windows* XP. 1. Copy the contents of the \XP directory to the root directory of the floppy disk (A:\). 2. Close all programs currently running on the system. 3. Click on Start. 4. Select Settings. 5. Select the Control Panel. 6. Double-click on the System icon. 7. Click on the Hardware tab. 8. Click on the Device Manager button. 9. Select "Devices by connection" under the View menu. 10. Click on MPS Uniprocessor PC -OR- MPS Multiprocessor PC. NOTE: Only one of the above items will be displayed for a given system. 11. Click on PCI bus. 12. Right-click on the line containing the description PCI standard host CPU bridge -or- PCI standard ISA bridge -or- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge -or- PCI System Management Bus -or- Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller -or- Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller (This line will be selected.) 13. Select Properties from the pull-down menu. 14. Click on the Driver tab. 15. Click on the Update Driver button. 16. Windows* XP will launch the Upgrade Device Driver Wizard. Select Next. 17. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) 18. Insert the floppy containing the Windows* XP INF files into the floppy drive. 19. Select Next. 20. Windows* XP will list locations from where the updated driver file can be found. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Floppy disk drives 21. Select Next. 22. Windows* XP should report that a driver has been found: (The detected device name will be displayed.) Select Next. 23. Select Finish. 24. Reboot the system when prompted to do so. ************************************************************ * 9C. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS SERVER* 2003 INF FILES AFTER * OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ Some Intel(R) chipset platforms already are supported by Windows Server* 2003 so it may not be necessary to use the INF files provided by this software to update Windows Server* 2003. The following steps describe the installation process of the Windows* XP INF files. You may need to repeat these steps to update all Intel(R) chipset devices not supported by Windows Server* 2003. 1. Copy the contents of the \Win2003 directory to the root directory of the floppy disk (A:\). 2. Close all programs currently running on the system. 3. Click on Start. 4. Select Settings. 5. Select the Control Panel. 6. Double-click on the System icon. 7. Click on the Hardware tab. 8. Click on the Device Manager button. 9. Select "Devices by connection" under the View menu. 10. Click on MPS Uniprocessor PC -OR- MPS Multiprocessor PC. NOTE: Only one of the above items will be displayed for a given system. 11. Click on PCI bus. 12. Right-click on the line containing the description PCI standard host CPU bridge -or- PCI standard ISA bridge -or- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge -or- PCI System Management Bus -or- Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller -or- Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller (This line will be selected.) 13. Select Properties from the pull-down menu. 14. Click on the Driver tab. 15. Click on the Update Driver button. 16. Windows Server* 2003 will launch the Upgrade Device Driver Wizard. Select Next. 17. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) 18. Insert the floppy containing the Windows Server* 2003 INF files into the floppy drive. 19. Select Next. 20. Windows Server* 2003 will list locations from where the updated driver file can be found. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Floppy disk drives 21. Select Next. 22. Windows Server* 2003 should report that a driver has been found: (The detected device name will be displayed.) Select Next. 23. Select Finish. 24. Reboot the system when prompted to do so. ************************************************************ * 10. IDENTIFYING THE SOFTWARE VERSION NUMBER ************************************************************ The version numbers displayed by Device Manager for a given device may not be the same as the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility version. The correct version number is shown at the top of this file. ************************************************************ * 11. TROUBLESHOOTING ************************************************************ It is assumed that the system requirements in Section 2 above have been satisfied. Issue: At the end of executing the Chipset Software Installation Utility, the USB keyboard and mouse will stop functioning. This problem only occurs when using Windows XP with SP1 or Windows 2000 Server with SP4 on a system configured with a USB keyboard and/or mouse. This condition is temporary until a system reset. Solution1: A recommended fix has been provided by Microsoft in Knowledge Base article(822603). For additional information, please refer to the KB article located at;[LN];822603 Please use the following installation procedures: - Windows XP installed with SP1 - QFE (822603) installed - Latest Chipset Utility Software installed. Solution2: The command line flag "-Skip " can be used with the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility program to cause the USB2 driver not to be installed. The DevID's for ICH4/ICH5 are 24CD/24DD. This will cause the USB2 controller to have a yellow exclamation point in Device Manager (Usually located under Other Devices and identified as "Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller"). To install the USB2 driver right-click this entry, select update driver, and allow the system to install automatically. When completed, nothing more should be required. Issue: System locks up during Device Manager Remove or during restart. Solution: System lockup can occur during reboot as a result of several possible system issues. In the event of system lockup, reboot the machine and view Device Manager. If devices are listed properly and the system experiences no further problems, then the .INF file restore process was successful. If devices are not configured correctly, try re-running the procedures outlined in Section 3. If this does not fix the issue or further issues are experienced, reinstall the operating system. Issue: After running the setup program and rebooting the machine, Windows reports that it cannot find one of the following files: ESDI_506.pdr Solution: Click Browse in the dialog box where this issue occurs, locate the <Windows>\System\IOSubsys directory. Click OK. The system should be able to locate this file in this directory and continue re-enumerating for the new devices. Issue: After running the setup program and rebooting the machine, Windows reports that it cannot find one of the following files: UHCD.SYS USBD.SYS USBHUB.SYS Solution: Click Browse in the dialog box where this issue occurs and locate the following directory: <Winnt>\System32\drivers Click OK. The system should be able to locate the files in this directory and continue re-enumerating for the new devices. Issue: After running the setup program and rebooting the machine, Windows reports that it cannot find the following file: ISAPNP.VXD Solution: Click Browse in the dialog box where this issue occurs and locate the <Winnt>\System directory. Click OK. The system should be able to locate this file in this directory and continue re-enumerating for the new devices. Issue: After performing the silent install, the HKLM\Software\Intel\InfInst key was not created or the data of the value "install" is not "success". Solution: This is caused by one of the following scenarios: - The current system does not contain a supported operating system, or -or- - The current system does not contain a supported chipset. Verify that the System Requirements are met as outlined in Section 2. ************************************************************ * DISCLAIMER ************************************************************ Intel is making no claims of usability, efficacy or warranty. The Intel(R) SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (OEM / IHV / ISV Distribution & Single User) completely defines the licensed use of this software. ************************************************************ Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel(R) products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty relating to sale and/or use of Intel(R) products, including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel(R) products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life-sustaining applications. ************************************************************ Intel Corporation disclaims all warranties and liabilities for the use of this document and the information contained herein, and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, nor does Intel make a commitment to update the information contained herein. Intel reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time, without notice. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ * Intel is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. * Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Copyright (c) Intel Corporation, 1997-2005
登录失败:未授予用户在此计算机上的请求登录类型。无法访问。您可能没有权限使用网络资源。请与这台服务器的管理员联系以查明您是否有访问权限。 如果出现“xxx计算机无法访问,您可能没有权限使用网络资源。请与这台服务器的管理员联系以查明您是否有访问权限”的报错,这可能是计算机的安全设置被改动过了,导致目标计算机无法被访问。可以采取以下步骤解决: 1. 取消简单文件共享。 打开“我的电脑”,在菜单上选择“工具”->“文件夹选项”->“查看”,清除“使用简单文件共享(推荐)”的选择。 2. 启用guest账户。 右键点击“我的电脑”,选择“管理”,选择“本地用户和组”->“用户”,右键点击Guest用户,选“属性”,清除“帐户已停用”的选择。 3. 在组策略中设置,安全策略。 开始--运行--gpedit.msc--计算机配置--windows设置--安全设置--本地策略--“用户权力指派”,双击右边的“从网络访问此计算机”,保证其中有Everyone,双击左边的“拒绝从网络访问此计算机”,保证其是空的。 4. 选择左边的“本地策略”->“安全选项”, a.确认右边的“网络访问:本地帐户的共享与安全模式”为“经典”; b.确认右边的“Microsoft网络客户:为通讯启用数字签名(总是)”为“已停用”; c.确认右边的“Microsoft网络客户:为通讯启用数字签名(如果服务器允许)”为“已启用”; d.确认右边的“Microsoft网络服务器:为通讯启用数字签名(总是)”为“已停用”; e.确认右边的“Microsoft网络服务器:为通讯启用数字签名(如果服务器允许)”为“已启用”。 5.正确配置网络防火墙 1>很多机器安装了网络防火墙,它的设置不当,同样导致用户无法访问本机的共享资源,这时就要开放本机共享资源所需的NetBIOS端口。笔者以天网防火墙为例,在“自定义IP规则”窗口中选中“允许局域网的机器使用我的共享资源”规则,最后点击“保存”按钮,这样就开放了NetBIOS端口 。 2>关闭windows自带防火墙。 6.合理设置用户访问权限 网络中很多机器使用 NTFS文件系统,它的ACL功能(访问控制列表)可以对用户的访问权限进行控制,用户要访问这些机器的共享资源,必须赋予相应的权限才行。如使用Guest账号访问该机器的CPCW共享文件夹,右键点击该共享目录,选择“属性”,切换到“安全”标签页,然后将Guest账号添加到用户列表中,接着指定Guest的访问权限,至少要赋予“读取”和“列出文件夹目录”权限。如果想让多个用户账号能访问该共享目录,只需要添加Eeryone账号,然后赋予“读取”和“列出文件夹?.. 7、网络协议配置问题, A、网络协议的安装和设置 1.在WinXP中安装NetBEUI协议 对的,你没有看错,就是要在WinXP中安装NetBEUI协议。微软在WinXP中只支持TCP/IP协议和NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS兼容协议,正式宣布不再支持NetBEUI协议。但是在建立小型局域网的实际使用中,使用微软支持的两种协议并不尽如人意。比如,在解决网上邻居慢问题的过程中,笔者采用了诸多方法后网上邻居的速度虽然好一点,但还是慢如蜗牛;另外,在设置多块网卡的协议、客户和服务绑定时,这两种协议还存在BUG,多块网卡必须同时绑定所有的协议(除NWLink NetBIOS)、客户和服务,即使你取消某些绑定重启后系统又会自动加上,这显然不能很好地满足网络建设中的实际需要。而当笔者在WinXP中安装好NetBEUI协议后,以上两个问题都得到圆满的解决。 在WinXP安装光盘的“\\valueADD\\MSFT\\NET\\NETBEUI”目录下有3个文件,其中“NETBEUI.TXT”是安装说明,另外两个是安装NetBEUI协议所需的文件。安装的具体步骤如下: 复制“NBF.SYS”到“%SYSTEMROOT%\\SYSTEM32\\DRIVERS\\”目录; 复制“NETNBF.INF”到“%SYSTEMROOT%\\INF\\”目录; 在网络连接属性中单击“安装”按钮来安装NetBEUI协议。 注:%SYSTEMROOT%是WinXP的安装目录,比如笔者的WinXP安装在F:\\Windows目录下,就应该用F:\\Windows来替换%SYSTEMROOT%。 2.在WinXP中设置好其它网络协议 建议,如果你的局域网不用上Internet便只需要安装NetBEUI协议就行了。在小型局域网(拥有200台左右电脑的网络)中NetBEUI是占用内存最少、速度最快的一种协议,NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS兼容协议则应当删除掉。 如果你的局域网要上Internet则必须安装T



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