
magicmouse 2003-08-16 04:42:52
写了一段程序,在编译时出现Graphics.TBitmap和QGraphics.TBitmap类型不兼容错误,两者有何不同?如何处理? 加前缀Q的单元代表什么意思?
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magicmouse 2003-08-16
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zhoutian618 2003-08-16
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Graphics32 Graphics32 is a library designed for fast 32-bit graphics handling on Delphi, Kylix and Lazarus. Optimized for 32-bit pixel formats, it provides fast operations with pixels and graphic primitives, and in most cases Graphics32 outperforms the standard TCanvas classes. It is almost a hundred times faster in per-pixel access and about 2–5 times faster in drawing lines. Features Some of Graphics32 features include: Fast per-pixel access up to 100 times faster compared to standard TBitmap; High-performance Bitmap alpha blending (including per-pixel alpha blending); Pixel, line and polygon antialiasing with sub-pixel accuracy (combined with alpha blending); Arbitrary polygon transformations and custom fillings; Bitmap resampling with high quality reconstruction filters (e.g. Lanczos, Cubic, Mitchell); A unique state-of-the-art rasterization system; Affine transformations of bitmaps: rotations, scaling, etc with sub-pixel accuracy; Arbitrary projective transformations of bitmaps; Arbitrary remapping transformations of bitmaps (e.g. for Warping, Morphing); Flexible supersampling implementation for maximum sampling quality; Flicker-free image displaying components with optimized double buffering via advanced MicroTiles? based repaint optimizer; Multiple customizible easy-to-use overlay layers; Locking of bitmaps for safe multithreading; A property editor for RGB and alpha channel loading; Design-time loading of image formats supported by standard TPicture; Works on Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi, C++ Builder and Kylix (The last version that supported Kylix was 1.8.3). Also Lazarus is supported. As of version 1.5.1b Graphics32 is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License.
procedure BitmapFileToPNG(const Source, Dest: String); var Bitmap: TBitmap; PNG: TPNGObject; begin Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; PNG := TPNGObject.Create; {In case something goes wrong, free booth Bitmap and PNG} try Bitmap.LoadFromFile(Source); PNG.Assign(Bitmap); //Convert data into png PNG.SaveToFile(Dest); finally Bitmap.Free; PNG.Free; end end; Converting from PNG file to Windows bitmap file The above inverse. Loads a png and saves into a bitmap procedure PNGFileToBitmap(const Source, Dest: String); var Bitmap: TBitmap; PNG: TPNGObject; begin PNG := TPNGObject.Create; Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; {In case something goes wrong, free booth PNG and Bitmap} try PNG.LoadFromFile(Source); Bitmap.Assign(PNG); //Convert data into bitmap Bitmap.SaveToFile(Dest); finally PNG.Free; Bitmap.Free; end end; Converting from TImage to PNG file This method converts from TImage to PNG. It has full exception handling and allows converting from file formats other than TBitmap (since they allow assigning to a TBitmap) procedure TImageToPNG(Source: TImage; const Dest: String); var PNG: TPNGObject; BMP: TBitmap; begin PNG := TPNGObject.Create; {In case something goes wrong, free PNG} try //If the TImage contains a TBitmap, just assign from it if Source.Picture.Graphic is TBitmap then PNG.Assign(TBitmap(Source.Picture.Graphic)) //Convert bitmap data into png else begin //Otherwise try to assign first to a TBimap BMP := TBitmap.Create; try BMP.Assign(Source.Picture.Graphic); PNG.Assign(BMP); finally BMP.Free; end; end; //Save to PNG format PNG.SaveToFile(Dest); finally PNG.Free; end end;



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