请问connect reset 和disconnect 区别?

justkissyou 2003-08-19 04:04:10
请问connect rest 和disconnect 在使用上有什么区别?
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db2boy 2003-09-01
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connect reset对于ruow(就是在一个事务内只能连接一个数据库的事务)就是断开数据库连接,对于duow(就是在一个事务中可以连接多个数据库的事务)是将当前连接置于休眠状态,以进行与其他数据库的连接。可以用在命令行也可以用在程序中
huanghelang 2003-08-29
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好像不是这样,我用connect rest之后,再用sql语句时会提示没有数据库连接的,并没有楼上所说的数据库重新登陆
MasterJ 2003-08-29
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connect rest 重新启动数据库连接,此时数据库的缓冲区还在活动,只不过将数据库重新登陆、启动,并将新更新的数据库动态的反映到终端控制上;
disconnect 释放数据库连接,数据库缓冲区中的数据也要写惠磁盘,并且终止用户的一切对于数据库的活动!
课程说明 1 课程介绍 1 课程目标 1 相关资料 1 第1章 七号信令系统概述 2 1.1 七号信令的概念和特点 2 1.1.1 基本术语 2 1.1.2 信令传送方式 3 1.2 七号信令系统的功能级结构 4 1.2.1 功能级结构原理 4 1.2.2 七号信令系统的功能级结构 4 1.3 GSM系统中的接口和协议 6 第2章 消息传递部分(MTP) 8 2.1 MTP功能级结构 8 2.1.1 信令数据链路级 8 2.1.2 信令链路功能级 8 2.1.3 信令网功能级 9 2.2 MTP信令消息格式 11 第3章 信令连接控制部分(SCCP) 14 3.1 SCCP概述 14 3.1.1 为什么需要SCCP 14 3.1.2 SCCP的应用特点 14 3.2 SCCP业务功能 15 3.2.1 无连接业务 15 3.2.2 面向连接业务 16 3.3 SCCP消息格式 17 3.3.1 SCCP消息结构 17 3.3.2 SCCP消息类型 18 3.3.3 SCCP消息参数 19 第4章 基站子系统应用部分(BSSAP) 23 4.1 BSSAP整体结构 23 4.2 BSSAP的分配功能 24 4.3 直接转移应用部分DTAP 24 4.4 BSS移动应用部分BSSMAP 25 4.5 BSSAP消息举例 25 4.5.1 BSSMAP消息举例 25 4.5.2 DTAP消息举例 26 第5章 A接口消息详解 27 5.1 概述 27 5.2 连接建立消息 28 5.2.1 位置更新消息( Location updating Request ) 28 5.2.2 CM业务请求消息( CM Service Request ) 31 5.2.3 连接确认消息(Connect Confirm ) 32 5.3 正常有连接消息 33 5.3.1 鉴权请求消息(AUTHENTICATION REQUEST ) 33 5.3.2 鉴权响应消息(AUTHENTICATION RESPONSE ) 35 5.3.3 加密命令消息(CIPHER MODE COMMAND ) 35 5.3.4 加密结束消息(CIPHER MODE COMPLETE ) 36 5.3.5 位置更新接收消息(LOCATION UPDATING ACCEPT ) 37 5.3.6 CM业务接收消息(CM SERVICE ACCEPT ) 38 5.3.7 SETUP消息(SETUP ) 38 5.3.8 呼叫进行消息( CALL PROCEEDING ) 39 5.3.9 指配请求消息(ASSIGNMENT REQUEST ) 40 5.3.10 指配结束消息(ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE ) 41 5.3.11 振铃消息(ALERTING ) 42 5.3.12 通话建立消息(CONNECT ) 43 5.3.13 连接确认消息(CONNECT ACKNOWLEDGE ) 43 5.3.14 挂机消息(DISCONNECT) 44 5.3.15 释放消息(RELEASE) 45 5.3.16 释放结束消息(RELEASE COMPLETE ) 45 5.3.17 清除命令( CLEAR COMMANG ) 46 5.3.18 清除结束(CLEAR COMPLETE) 47 5.4 无连接消息 47 5.4.1 复位电路(RESET CIRCUIT) 47 5.4.2 阻塞电路(BLOCK CIRCUIT) 49 5.4.3 解闭电路 ( UNBLOCK CIRCUIT ) 50 5.4.4 复位消息( RESET ) 51 5.4.5 未安装电路(unequipped circuit) 51 第6章 A-bis接口信令分析 53 6.1 A-bis接口主叫阶段信令分析 53 6.2 A-bis接口被叫阶段信令分析 54 6.3 A-bis接口拆线阶段信令分析 55 附录一 DTAP消息 58 附录二 BSSMAP消息 60
-------------------------------------------------- USB Bulk Example Readme File Copyright (C) 2005 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. -------------------------------------------------- This release contains the following components: * USB Bulk Driver Example * USB Bulk Firmware Example * Host Application (F32x_BulkFileTransfer.exe) * Host Application Source Last updated: 25 MAY 2005 Running the Example on the C8051F32x target board ------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Connect the hardware: a) Connect the target board to a PC through a Debug Adapter. b) Install shorting blocks at the following positions: J3[1-2] (P2.0 Switch), J3[3-4] (P2.1 Switch), J3[5-6] (P2.2 LED), J3[7-8] (P2.3 LED), J9 (P0.2), J10 (P0.3) and J13 (P1.7 Potentiometer). c) Connect a USB cable between the target device and the host PC. d) To power the target board from an wall-powered source, place a shorting block at J2 and NO shorting block at J11. Next, connect a DC power adapter to the target board at P1. e) To power the target board from the USB bus, place a shorting block on the target board at J11 and NO shorting block on J2. 2) Build and download the Bulk Example firmware: a) Open the Silicon Laboratories IDE (v1.72 or later). b) Open the Connection Options window by selecting Options-> Connection Options... in the IDE menus. In the Debug Interface section, select C2. c) Connect to the target C8051F32x device (Alt+C, or IDE menu Debug->Connect). d) From the Project menu, select "Open Project" and browse to the Bulk Example Firware project "BulkFirmware.wsp", located by default in the "Silabs\MCU\Examples\C8051F32x\USB_Bulk\Firmware" directory. e) Build the project (F7, or through IDE menu Project->Build/Make Project). f) Download the firmware (Alt+D). 3) Run the Bulk Example firmware: a) In the IDE, Run the firmware (F5, or IDE menu Debug->Go). b) When Windows detects the device and the driver installation wizard opens: a. Choose "Search for a suitable driver for my device", and click Next. b. Check the box "Specify a location", and click Next. c. Browse to directory ..\USB_Bulk and select the file SilabsBulk.inf, and click OK. d. Follow the dialogue to finish driver installation. c) Once the firmware has been downloaded and is running, the IDE is no longer needed. Disconnect from the target device with the IDE and press the Reset button on the Target Board. 4) Run the Bulk Example host application: a) Run the F32x_BulkFileTransfer.exe application located by default in the "Silabs\MCU\Examples\C8051F32x\USB_Bulk" directory. b) The F32x_BulkFileTransfer application will display the current USB devices connected to the PC. Select the device to be used for the file transfer. c) Select file names for Transferring or Receiving data.



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