
lichudi 2003-08-19 05:26:48
Global BarIndex(8), PIndex As Integer, TrendIndex(4), HisIndex(4), PBigerIndex As Integer
Global Data(100) As Single, DTrend(100, 360) As Single, TString(360) As Date
Global TNumber As Long, TTT As Date, AlarmNumber As Integer
Global RangeInputID As String, ModelFlag As Boolean, LoginPade As Integer
Global FTAny As Boolean, RunFlag As Boolean, FTBT As Boolean, FTOne As Boolean
Global VoiceFlag(4) As Boolean, TrendOnePindex As Integer
Global PNumber As Single, CNumber As Integer, BarTrePIndex(20) As Integer
Global AlarmPNum As Integer, IndicatorFlag As Boolean, ControlFlag As Boolean
Global PPP As PDefine, CCC As ACollect, AAA As PAlarm, VoiceFileName As String
Global RListFlag As Boolean, TListFlag As Boolean, PListFlag As Boolean, LListFlag As Boolean, FListFlag As Boolean
Global AdjustErr5(8) As Integer, AdjustErr6(8) As Integer

Type PDefine
ID(100) As Integer
PFL(100) As String * 1
PName(100) As String
Data(100) As Single
PUnit(100) As String
MPID(100) As String
VSet(100) As Single
MLUp(100) As Single
MLDown(100) As Single
DLUp(100) As Single
DLDown(100) As Single
BDBH(100) As Boolean
End Type

Type PAlarm
ID(10) As Integer
PName(10) As String
PUnit(10) As String
DataIndex(10) As Integer
UpLimit(10) As Single
DownLimit(10) As Single
PLimit(10) As Single
Flag(10) As Integer
MValue(10) As Single
StartTime(10) As Date
End Type

Type ACollect
ID(20) As Integer
Address(20) As Integer
StartP(20) As Integer
PNum(20) As Integer
PIndex(20) As Integer
Detail(20) As String
End Type

Sub AdjustErrPermit()
Dim e%, t$, a As Single, c$, i%, j%, Y1_5 As Single, Y1_6 As Single, b As Integer
Dim SV1_5 As Single, SV1_6 As Single
Call idcbnum(5, 3, 18, 1, Y1_5, b, t$, e%)
Call idcbnum(6, 3, 17, 1, Y1_6, b, t$, e%)
Call IdcbEs(5, 3, 64, 8, AdjustErr5(1), t$, e%)
For i% = 1 To 8
If AdjustErr5(i%) <> 0 Then
For j% = 1 To 8
AdjustErr5(j%) = 0
Next j%
c$ = "RE;"
IdcbTx 5, c$, 0, a, e
c$ = "SET17;"
IdcbTx 5, c$, 0, Y1_5, e
Call AdapterInit
Exit Sub
End If
Next i%
Call IdcbEs(6, 3, 64, 8, AdjustErr6(1), t$, e%)
For i% = 1 To 8
If AdjustErr6(i%) <> 0 Then
For j% = 1 To 8
AdjustErr6(j%) = 0
Next j%
c$ = "RE;"
IdcbTx 6, c$, 0, a, e
c$ = "SET17;"
IdcbTx 6, c$, 0, Y1_6, e
Call AdapterInit
Exit Sub
End If
Next i%
End Sub
Sub PDefineInit()
Dim i As Integer
With frmMain.AdodcPDefine
Do While Not .Recordset.EOF
i = .Recordset("序号")
PPP.ID(i) = i
PPP.PFL(i) = .Recordset("参数类别")
PPP.PName(i) = .Recordset("参数名称")
PPP.Data(i) = .Recordset("参数实时值")
PPP.PUnit(i) = .Recordset("单位")
PPP.MPID(i) = .Recordset("测点编号")
PPP.VSet(i) = .Recordset("运行值")
PPP.MLUp(i) = .Recordset("仪表量程上限")
PPP.MLDown(i) = .Recordset("仪表量程下限")
PPP.DLUp(i) = .Recordset("显示上限")
PPP.DLDown(i) = .Recordset("显示下限")
PPP.BDBH(i) = .Recordset("标度变换标志")
PNumber = i
End With
End Sub
Sub PAlarmInit()
Dim i As Integer
With frmMain.AdodcPAlarm
Do While Not .Recordset.EOF
i = .Recordset("序号")
AAA.ID(i) = i
AAA.PName(i) = .Recordset("参数名称")
AAA.PUnit(i) = .Recordset("单位")
AAA.DataIndex(i) = .Recordset("数组序号")
AAA.UpLimit(i) = .Recordset("报警上限")
AAA.DownLimit(i) = .Recordset("报警下限")
AAA.PLimit(i) = .Recordset("报警限")
AAA.Flag(i) = 0
AlarmPNum = i
End With
AlarmNumber = 0
End Sub
Sub ACollectInit()
Dim i As Integer
With frmMain.AdodcACollect
Do While Not .Recordset.EOF
i = .Recordset("序号")
CCC.ID(i) = i
CCC.Address(i) = .Recordset("前端地址")
CCC.StartP(i) = .Recordset("起始通道")
CCC.PNum(i) = .Recordset("通道数")
CCC.PIndex(i) = .Recordset("数组起始号")
CCC.Detail(i) = .Recordset("说明")
CNumber = i
End With
End Sub
Sub CollectData()
Dim b(20) As Integer, t(20) As String, e As Integer, i As Integer, s As String
s = ""
With CCC
For i = 1 To CNumber
Call idcbnum(.Address(i), 0, .StartP(i), .PNum(i), Data(.PIndex(i)), b(1), t(1), e)
If e < 0 Then s = s + str(.Address(i)) + "=" + str(e)
Next i
End With
For i = 79 To 81
Data(i) = 1.25 * Data(i) - 0.25
Next i
frmMain.StatusBar1.Panels(3) = s
End Sub
Sub HistoryDataSave()
Dim k As Integer
frmMain.StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "正在存储历史数据..."
Call CollectAndPermite
Call S10Permite
With frmMain.AdodcHistory
.Recordset("日期") = Format(TTT, "yyyy年mm月dd日")
.Recordset("时间") = TimeValue(TTT)
For k = 1 To 81
.Recordset(k + 1) = Data(k)
Next k
End With
frmMain.StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "OK!"
End Sub
Sub ControlPermite()
Dim a(1) As Single, b(1) As Integer, t(1) As String, e As Integer
' idcbnum 6, 0, 900, 1, a(1), b(1), t(1), e%
frmControl.IndicatorT.BarID = 1
frmControl.IndicatorT.BarValue = Data(78) / 7 'a(1) * 100
frmControl.TrendT.AddXY 0, TTT, Data(78) 'frmControl.TrendT.TrackYMin + (frmControl.TrendT.TrackYMax - frmControl.TrendT.TrackYMin) * a(1)
idcbnum 6, 0, 211, 1, a(1), b(1), t(1), e%
frmControl.IndicatorT.BarID = 0
frmControl.IndicatorT.BarValue = a(1) * 100
idcbnum 6, 0, 213, 1, a(1), b(1), t(1), e%
frmControl.IndicatorT.BarID = 2
frmControl.IndicatorT.BarValue = a(1) * 100

' idcbnum 5, 0, 900, 1, a(1), b(1), t(1), e%
frmControl.IndicatorH.BarID = 1
' frmControl.IndicatorH.BarValue = (Data(75) + 300) / 6 'a(1) * 100
frmControl.TrendH.AddXY 0, TTT, Data(75) 'frmControl.TrendH.TrackYMin + (frmControl.TrendH.TrackYMax - frmControl.TrendH.TrackYMin) * a(1)
idcbnum 5, 0, 211, 1, a(1), b(1), t(1), e%
frmControl.IndicatorH.BarID = 0
frmControl.IndicatorH.BarValue = a(1) * 100
idcbnum 5, 0, 214, 1, a(1), b(1), t(1), e%
frmControl.IndicatorH.BarID = 1
frmControl.IndicatorH.BarValue = a(1) * 100
idcbnum 5, 0, 213, 1, a(1), b(1), t(1), e%
frmControl.IndicatorH.BarID = 2
frmControl.IndicatorH.BarValue = a(1) * 100

End Sub
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nengfeng 2003-08-19
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wingchi 2003-08-19
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wumy_ld 2003-08-19
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