
xuwj2000 2003-08-19 06:41:55
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lybapple 2003-08-19
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using namespace std;
Smartdoggie 2003-08-19
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ppgo 2003-08-19
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xuwj2000 2003-08-19
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<string>再加上using namespace std;
xuwj2000 2003-08-19
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xuwj2000 2003-08-19
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qiyin83 2003-08-19
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FILES ON DISKS -------------- DISK 1 ------ INSTALL EXE - Install program UNZIP EXE - Decompress .ZIP files README COM - Reads this README CLASSDBL ZIP - BIDSDBL PRJ - Project file for building classlibs TCLASDBL PRJ - Project file for building classlibs CLASSINC ZIP - ABSTARRY H - Header file for classlibs ARRAY H - Header file for classlibs ARRAYS H - Header file for classlibs ASSOC H - Header file for classlibs BAG H - Header file for classlibs BAGS H - Header file for classlibs BTREE H - Header file for classlibs CHECKS H - Header file for classlibs CLSDEFS H - Header file for classlibs CLSTYPES H - Header file for classlibs COLLECT H - Header file for classlibs CONTAIN H - Header file for classlibs DBLLIST H - Header file for classlibs DEQUE H - Header file for classlibs DEQUES H - Header file for classlibs DICT H - Header file for classlibs DLISTIMP H - Header file for classlibs HASHTBL H - Header file for classlibs LDATE H - Header file for classlibs LIST H - Header file for classlibs LISTIMP H - Header file for classlibs LTIME H - Header file for classlibs MEMMGR H - Header file for classlibs OBJECT H - Header file for classlibs PRIORTYQ H - Header file for classlibs QUEUE H - Header file for classlibs QUEUES H - Header file for classlibs RESOURCE H - Header file for classlibs SET H - Header file for classlibs SETS H - Header file for classlibs SHDDEL H - Header file for classlibs SORTABLE H - Header file for classlibs SORTARRY H - Header file for classlibs STACK H - Header file for classlibs STACKS H - Header file for classlibs STDTEMPL H - Header file for classlibs STRNG H - Header file for classlibs TIMER H - Header file for classlibs VECTIMP H - Header file for classlibs CLASSS ZIP - BIDSS PRJ - Project file for building classlibs TCLASSS PRJ - Project file for building classlibs CLASSSRC ZIP - ABSTARRY CPP - Abstract array class definitions ARRAY CPP - Source file for classlibs ASSOC CPP - Association class (used by dictionary class) BABSTARY CPP - Source file for classlibs BDICT CPP - Source file for Classlibs BSORTARY CPP - Source file for classlibs BTREE CPP - Tree class definitions BTREEINN CPP - Tree class definitions BTREELFN CPP - Tree class definitions COLLECT CPP - Ordered collection class definitions CONTAIN CPP - Container class definitions DBLLIST CPP - Doubly linked list class definitions DEQUE CPP - Source file for classlibs DICT CPP - Dictinary class definitiions HASHTBL CPP - Hash table class definitions LDATE CPP - Date class definitions LIST CPP - List class definitions LTIME CPP - Time class definitions MEMMGR CPP - Memory class definitions OBJECT CPP - Base class for other objects SORTARRY CPP - Sorted array class definitions STACK CPP - Source file for classlibs STRNG CPP - String class definitions TIMER CPP - Timer class definitions TMPLINST CPP - Timer class definitions CMDLINE CA2 - Split File of CMDLINE.ZIP EXAMPLES ZIP - BARCHART C - C example file CIRCLE CPP - C++ example file CIRCLE PRJ - Project file for CIRCLE.CPP CPASDEMO C - C example module for the Turbo Pascal - Turbo C++ interface demonstration CPASDEMO PAS - Pascal program that demonstrates Turbo Pascal - Turbo C++ interface CTOPAS CFG - Config file for Pascal - Turbo C++ interface demo CTOPAS PRJ - Project file for Turbo Pascal - Turbo C++ interface demo DCOPY CPP - C++ example file DEF CPP - C++ example module used by DICTION.CPP DEF H - Header file for DEF.CPP DEF2 CPP - C++ example - another version of DEF.CPP DEF2 H - Header file for DEF.CPP DICTION CPP - C++ example program DICTION H - Header file for DICTION.CPP DYNPOINT CPP - C++ example file DYNPOINT PRJ - Project file for DYNPOINT.CPP EX1 CPP - C++ example program EX2 CPP - C++ example program EX3 CPP - C++ example program EX4 CPP - C++ example program EX5 CPP - C++ example program EX5 PRJ - Project file for ex5.cpp EX6 CPP - C++ example program EX6 PRJ - Project file for ex6.cpp EX7 CPP - C++ example program EX7 PRJ - Project file for ex7.cpp EX8 CPP - C++ example program EX8 PRJ - Project file for ex8.cpp EX9 CPP - C++ example program EX9 PRJ - Project file for ex9.cpp FIGDEMO CPP - C++ example file FIGDEMO PRJ - Project file for FIGDEMO. CPP FIGURES CPP - C++ example file FIGURES H - Header file for FIGURES.CPP FILTER H - Header file for TASM2MSG.C and GREP2MSG.C GAME CPP - C example - simulated baseball game GETOPT C - Parses options in command line GREP2MSG C - Example program for Turbo C++ filters HELLO C - Example Turbo C++ program INTRO1 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO10 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO11 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO12 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO13 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO14 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO15 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO16 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO17 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO18 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO19 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO2 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO20 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO21 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO22 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO23 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO24 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO25 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO26 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO27 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO28 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO29 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO3 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO30 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO31 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO32 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO33 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO34 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO35 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO36 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO4 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO5 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO6 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO7 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO8 CPP - Example program from User's Guide INTRO9 CPP - Example program from User's Guide LIST CPP - C++ example program - linked list implementation LIST H - Header file for LIST.CPP LIST2 CPP - Another version of LIST.CPP LIST2 H - Header file for LIST2.CPP LISTDEMO CPP - C++ example file LISTDEMO PRJ - Project file for LISTDEMO.CPP MATHERR C - Source code for handling math library exceptions MCIRCLE CPP - C++ example file MCIRCLE PRJ - Project file for MCIRCLE.CPP PIXEL CPP - C++ example file PIXEL PRJ - Project file for PIXEL.CPP PLANETS CPP - C graphics example PLOTEMP C - C graphics example PLOTEMP1 C - C graphics example - bar graphs PLOTEMP2 C - C example - modification of PLOTEMP1.C PLOTEMP3 C - C example - modification of PLOTEMP2.C PLOTEMP4 C - C example - modification of PLOTEMP3.C PLOTEMP5 C - C example - modification of PLOTEMP4.C PLOTEMP6 C - C example - modification of PLOTEMP5.C POINT CPP - C++ example program POINT H - Header file for POINT.CPP POINT2 CPP - C++ example program SALESTAG C - C example program form User's Guide SOLAR CPP - C example program from User's Guide STACK CPP - Stack class definitions STACK H - Header file for STACK.CPP STACK2 CPP - Another version of STACK.CPP STACK2 H - Header file for STACK2.CPP STRING CPP - C++ example program TASM2MSG C - Example program for Turbo C++ filters VCIRC CPP - C++ example program VCIRC PRJ - Project file for VCIRC.CPP VPOINT CPP - C++ example program VPOINT H - Header file for VPOINT.CPP XSTRING CPP - C++ example program FILELIST DOC - List & description of files HELP CA2 - Split File of HELP.ZIP HELP CA3 - Split File of HELP.ZIP IDE CA2 - Split File of IDE.ZIP INCLUDE ZIP - Turbo C++ header files _DEFS H - Definition of _FAR, _Cdecl, _CType, _ClassType _NULL H - Definition of NULL ALLOC H - Turbo C++ RTL header file GRAPHICS H - Turbo C++ RTL header file ASSERT H - Turbo C++ RTL header file BCD H - Turbo C++ RTL header file BIOS H - Turbo C++ RTL header file COMPLEX H - Turbo C++ RTL header file CONIO H - Turbo C++ RTL header file CONSTREA H - Turbo C++ RTL header file CTYPE H - Turbo C++ RTL header file DIR H - Turbo C++ RTL header file DIRECT H - Turbo C++ RTL header file DIRENT H - Turbo C++ RTL header file DOS H - Turbo C++ RTL header file ERRNO H - Turbo C++ RTL header file FCNTL H - Turbo C++ RTL header file FLOAT H - Turbo C++ RTL header file FSTREAM H - Turbo C++ RTL header file GENERIC H - Turbo C++ RTL header file IO H - Turbo C++ RTL header file IOMANIP H - Turbo C++ RTL header file IOSTREAM H - Turbo C++ RTL header file LIMITS H - Turbo C++ RTL header file LOCALE H - Turbo C++ RTL header file LOCKING H - Turbo C++ RTL header file MALLOC H - Turbo C++ RTL header file MATH H - Turbo C++ RTL header file MEM H - Turbo C++ RTL header file MEMORY H - Turbo C++ RTL header file NEW H - Turbo C++ RTL header file PROCESS H - Turbo C++ RTL header file SEARCH H - Turbo C++ RTL header file SETJMP H - Turbo C++ RTL header file SHARE H - Turbo C++ RTL header file SIGNAL H - Turbo C++ RTL header file STAT H - Turbo C++ RTL header file STDARG H - Turbo C++ RTL header file STDDEF H - Turbo C++ RTL header file STDIO H - Turbo C++ RTL header file STDIOSTR H - Turbo C++ RTL header file STDLIB H - Turbo C++ RTL header file STRING H - Turbo C++ RTL header file STRSTREA H - Turbo C++ RTL header file TIME H - Turbo C++ RTL header file TIMEB H - Turbo C++ RTL header file TYPES H - Turbo C++ RTL header file UTIME H - Turbo C++ RTL header file VALUES H - Turbo C++ RTL header file VARARGS H - Turbo C++ RTL header file XLIB ZIP - EMU LIB - 8087 emulator library FP87 LIB - 8087 library OVERLAY LIB - Overlays library WILDARGS OBJ - Object code for module to expand wildcard arguments GRAPHICS LIB - Graphics library README - General information last minute changes to documentation DISK 2 ------ CLIB ZIP - C0C OBJ - Compact model startup code C0FC OBJ - Compact model startup code CC LIB - Compact model run-time library MATHC LIB - Compact model math library CMDLINE CA1 - OBJXREF COM - Conversion program for object files. BUILTINS MAK - File containing default inference rules and macros for MAKE.EXE CPP EXE - Turbo C++ preprocessor MAKE EXE - Protected mode version of program for managing projects MAKER EXE - Real mode version of program for managing projects TCC EXE - Command-line version of Turbo C++ Compiler TDUMP EXE - Utility to access internal file structure TLINK EXE - Turbo Linker HELP CA1 - TCHELP TCH - Turbo C++ help file THELP COM - On-line help program IDE CA1 - Files in Turbo C++ Compiler - IDE version TASM2MSG EXE - Display Tasm error msgs in IDE PRJCFG EXE - Utility to convert PRJ files TRANCOPY EXE - Utility to access transfer data GREP2MSG EXE - GREP filter program for IDE PRJCNVT EXE - Utility to convert from Turbo C 2.x project files to Turbo C++ project files TC PIF - Pif file for TC.EXE TC EXE - Turbo C++ compiler (IDE) TEMC EXE - Turbo editor macro compiler DISK 3 ------ BGI ZIP - ATT BGI - Graphics driver for ATT400 graphics card BGIDEMO C - Graphics demonstration program BGIOBJ EXE - Conversion program for fonts and drivers BOLD CHR - Font for Bold char set CGA BGI - Graphics driver for CGA EGAVGA BGI - Graphics driver for EGA and VGA EURO CHR - Font for European char set GOTH CHR - Font for gothic character set HERC BGI - Graphics driver for Hercules IBM8514 BGI - Graphics driver for IBM 8514 graphics card LCOM CHR - Complex char font set LITT CHR - Font for small character set PC3270 BGI - Graphics driver for PC3270 SANS CHR - Font for sans serif character set SCRI CHR - Font for script char set SIMP CHR - Font for Simplex char set TRIP CHR - Font for triplex character set TSCR CHR - Font for tiny script char set BIN ZIP - DPMI16BI OVL - Turbo C++ DPMI Server DPMIINST EXE - Turbo C++ DPMI Configuration program DPMILOAD EXE - Turbo C++ DPMI loader DPMIMEM DLL - Turbo C++ DPMI memory manager DPMIRES EXE - Turbo C++ DPMI resident loader(user executable) EMSTEST COM - Utility program for detecting expanded memory GREP COM - Turbo GREP program PRJ2MAK EXE - Utility to convert a TC project file into a TCC make file TLIB EXE - Turbo Librarian TOUCH COM - Program that updates a file's date and time TRIGRAPH EXE - Trigraph conversion utility CLASSDBS ZIP - BIDSDBS PRJ - Project file for building classlibs TCLASDBS PRJ - Project file for building classlibs CLASSEXM ZIP - DIRECTRY CPP - Directory class example file DIRECTRY H - Header file for DIRECTRY.CPP DIRECTRY PRJ - Project file for DIRECTRY.CPP FILEDATA CPP - FileData class example file FILEDATA H - Header file for FILEDATA.CPP LOOKUP CPP - Lookup table example file LOOKUP PRJ - Project file for LOOKUP.CPP QUEUETST CPP - Queue class example file QUEUETST PRJ - Project file for QUEUETST.CPP REVERSE CPP - String class example file REVERSE PRJ - Project file for REVERSE.CPP STRNGMAX CPP - String class example file STRNGMAX PRJ - Project file for STRNGMAX.CPP TESTDIR CPP - Directory example file CLASSL ZIP - BIDSL PRJ - Project file for building classlibs TCLASSL PRJ - Project file for building classlibs CLASSLIB ZIP - TCLASDBS LIB - Library file for C++ classes TCLASSS LIB - Library file for C++ classes DOC ZIP - BRIEF TEM - Editor Macros File for Brief emulation CMACROS TEM - Editor Macros File for C emulation DEFAULTS TEM - Sample Editor Macros File DOSEDIT TEM - Editor Macros File for Dosedit emulation EPSILON TEM - Editor Macros File for Epsilon emulation HELPME! DOC - Answers to commonly asked questions UTIL DOC - On-line documentation for utilities CLASSLIB DOC - On-line documentation for container classes ANSI DOC - On-line documentation for ansi compatability BASM DOC - On-line documentation for BASM HLIB ZIP - Huge model libraries C0H OBJ - Huge model startup code C0FH OBJ - Huge model startup code CH LIB - Huge model run-time library MATHH LIB - Huge model math library LLIB ZIP - Large model libraries C0L OBJ - Large model startup code C0FL OBJ - Large model startup code CL LIB - Large model run-time library MATHL LIB - Large model math library MLIB ZIP - Medium model libraries C0M OBJ - Medium model startup code C0FM OBJ - Medium model startup code CM LIB - Medium model run-time library MATHM LIB - Medium model math library SLIB ZIP - Small model libraries C0S OBJ - Small model startup code C0FS OBJ - Small model startup code C0T OBJ - Tiny model startup code C0FT OBJ - Tiny model startup code CS LIB - Small model run-time library MATHS LIB - Small model math library TCALC ZIP - Files for TCALC example program TCALC C - TurboCalc main program source code TCALC DOC - TurboCalc documentation TCALC H - The header file for TurboCalc TCALC PRJ - The TurboCalc project file TCDISPLY C - TurboCalc screen display source code TCINPUT C - TurboCalc input routines source code TCOMMAND C - TurboCalc commands source code TCPARSER C - TurboCalc input parser source code TCUTIL C - TurboCalc utilities source code
Welcome to Turbo C++ Version 3.0 -------------------------------- This README file contains important information about Turbo C++. For the latest information about Turbo C++ and its accompanying programs and manuals, read this file in its entirety. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1. How to Get Help 2. Installation 3. Features 4. Important Information 5. Testing Your Expanded Memory 6. Corrections to the On-line Help 1. HOW TO GET HELP ------------------- If you have any problems, please read this file, the HELPME!.DOC and other files in your DOC subdirectory, and the Turbo C++ manuals first. If you still have a question and need assistance, help is available from the following sources: 1. Type GO BPROGB on the CompuServe bulletin board system for instant access to the Borland forums with their libraries of technical information and answers to common questions. If you are not a member of CompuServe, see the enclosed special offer, and write for full details on how to receive a free IntroPak containing a $15 credit toward your first month's on-line charges. 2. Check with your local software dealer or users' group. 3. Borland's TECHFAX service. Call (800) 822-4269 for a FAX catalog of entries. 4. If you have an urgent problem that cannot wait and you have sent in the license agreement that came with the package, you may call the Borland Technical Support Department at (408) 438-5300. Please have the following information ready before calling: a. Product name and serial number on your original distribution disk. Please have your serial number ready or we will be unable to process your call. b. Product version number. The version number for Turbo C++ can be displayed by pressing Alt-H/A. c. Computer brand, model, and the brands and model numbers of any additional hardware. d. Operating system and version number. (The version number can be determined by typing VER at the DOS prompt.) e. Contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. f. Contents of your CONFIG.SYS file. 2. INSTALLATION ---------------- You MUST use the INSTALL program to install Turbo C++. The files on the distribution disks are all archived and have to be properly assembled. You cannot do this by hand! IMPORTANT! If you want to create backup copies of your disks, make sure that you put the backup on the same type of disk as the source. If you're backing up the 5 1/4 inch 1.2 Mb disk set, use only blank 5 1/4 inch 1.2 Mb disks for backup, etc. The installation will not work correctly if you do not use the same media type for the backup disks. To start the installation, change your current drive to the one that has the install program on it and type INSTALL. You will be given instructions in a box at the bottom of the screen for each prompt. For example, if you will be installing from drive A:, type: A: INSTALL - This INSTALL handles the installation of both the compiler and tools in one operation, and allows several new configuration options. - After installation, make sure you insert \TC\BIN - or whatever you selected as your BIN directory - into your DOS path so the executable files can be found. - Note: The list of files is contained in a separate file called FILELIST.DOC, which will appear in the target directory you specify during installation. - After your initial installation, you can run INSTALL again to add elements you omitted the first time. Just select the items you want to add in the INSTALL options screen. Because some things you may want to save could be overwritten, review the following items to make sure you don't lose important information: 1. Selecting CMD (the Command-line compiler) causes an overwrite of any existing turboc.cfg & tlink.cfg file with path information provided in that INSTALL session. Any switches other than -L (library path) and -I (include path) will not be preserved. 2. Selecting IDE will reset the include and library paths to those provided in that INSTALL session. 3. By selecting any one of the following, the help file paths and choices for THELP.CFG will reflect the current session's installation choices: a. CMD - command-line compiler b. IDE - integrated environment 4. Alterations to headers or startup files will be overwritten if any library models are selected. In general, any selection you make of something installed earlier will cause an overwrite of the earlier version without prompting. You should read the rest of this README file to get further information about this release before you do the installation. 3. FEATURES ------------ Turbo C++ 3.0 includes big speed and capacity gains. Here are some important features found in this version: - DPMI services for increased capacity - C++ 2.1 support, including the new nested class specifications, and support of C++ 3.0 templates. - Support for pre-compiled headers for substantial time savings during subsequent recompiles. - Color syntax highlighting - Unlimited Undo/Redo replacing previous 'restore line' capability - Added library functions for compatibility with other runtime libraries, and addition of support for long double parameters in math functions. (Please refer to On-line Help for details.) - New MAKE features. (Please see the MAKE chapter in the User's Guide for details.) - Added BGI (Borland Graphics Interface) fonts and support. (See "New BGI fonts" below.) - A resident DPMI kernel program, DPMIRES.EXE. (See "DPMI" below.) - THELP now allows you to switch between help files without unloading and reloading. (Please see UTIL.DOC for details.) NEW BGI FONTS ------------- Several new fonts have been added to the Borland Graphics Interface: Name Value Description ------------------------------------------- SCRIPT_FONT 5 Stroked script font SIMPLEX_FONT 6 Stroked simplex font TRIP_SCR_FONT 7 Stroked triplex script font COMPLEX_FONT 8 Stroked complex font EURO_FONT 9 Stroked European font BOLD_FONT 10 Stroked bold font The fonts in the BGI now support the full ASCII character set. DPMI ---- TC.EXE, TCC.EXE, and TLINK.EXE are now hosted under DPMI. These files support protected-mode compilation and replace the files of the same name in Turbo C++ Second Edition. Turbo C++ Second Edition should continue to be used in instances where real-mode compilation is desired. If you encounter a "machine not in database" message while attempting to run the compiler, run the DPMIINST program to add your machine configuration to the DPMI server database. This version includes a resident DPMI host program, DPMIRES.EXE, that allows you to preload the server before invoking TC, TCC, or any other DPMI-hosted executables. If you want to run such hosted EXEs in a Windows Standard Mode DOS window, you should run DPMIRES.EXE before loading Windows. To do this, enter the following commands at DOS: set DPMIMEM=MAXMEM 2000 dpmires win /s If you want to limit the amount of extended memory used by the DPMI-hosted executables, an environment variable called DPMIMEM can be set to do so. For instance, the command set DPMIMEM=MAXMEM 2000 reserves about 2 Mb of memory for DPMIRES. The number after MAXMEM can be adjusted, but cannot be lower than 1000. The hosted executables cannot spawn each other when SHARE is loaded. For instance, if you run MAKE on a file which in turn calls MAKE again, you will get a sharing violation. In this specific case, you can call the real mode version, MAKER, within the given makefile, and a sharing violation won't occur. 4. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ------------------------- - When using Brief with THELP, make sure to use Brief's -p switch to ensure that the thelp window will be visible. - We recommend that you use the following mouse drivers with this product: Microsoft Mouse version 7.04 or later; Logitech Mouse version 5.01 or later; Genius Mouse version 9.06 or later. - If you get a "floating point formats not linked" message at runtime, put the following somewhere in your source files: extern void _floatconvert(); #pragma extref _floatconvert This will force inclusion of floating point formats, which may not be linked to reduce executable size. COMPILER - The default extension for source files to the command-line compiler is .CPP; that is, if you enter TCC -c test the compiler will search for test.cpp, and give an error if a file of that name cannot be found. If you want to have the command-line compiler assume a .c extension and C language source, use the command-line option -P-c. For more information, see "The command-line compiler" in the User's Guide. - Note that the Generate COMDEFs choice under Options|Compiler|Advanced Code Generation and the -Fc command- line option are only supported in the C language. Linker errors will result if you attempt to use a communal variable in C++. - The macros min() and max() are not defined when stdlib.h is compiled as C++ (to allow their use in 3rd party libraries, etc.). - Note that SYMDEB creates .SYM files for use in debugging; Turbo C++ creates .SYM files for pre-compiled headers. They are not compatible and collisions should be avoided by setting the name of the pre-compiled header file (using - H=filename). - There is now full support of distance modifiers (near and far) used for class member pointers. Here are two sample declarations and their meanings: void (A::* far var) (); this is a far variable 'var' of type 'void (A::*)()'; void (far A::* var) (); this is a 'default distance' variable 'var' of type 'void (far A::*)()' - If you use C++ templates, and use a separate TLINK command line rather than letting TCC invoke TLINK, you should make sure that you turn on case-sensitive links with the /c switch. - Incorrect code will be generated if you have a statement of the type "A op B" where either A or B is an enum and the other operand is a long, and "op" is one of the following operators: += -= *= /= | ^ The same problem applies when the operands are a non-integer enum and an int. Cast the enum to long or int respectively to solve the problem. IDE - When debugging a mouse application the Options|Debugger|Display Swapping option should be set to "Always" for best results. - In the IDE, the mouse cursor is turned off during compilation for performance improvements. - To run or debug an overlaid application in the IDE when DOS SHARE is loaded, the .EXE file must first be marked as read-only. Otherwise, unload SHARE. - Pressing Control-Break twice while running or stepping a program from the IDE may cause unexpected results. In particular, avoid pressing Control-Break twice in response to any function requiring input (scanf, getch, etc.). To break out of a program during such interaction, press Control-Break and enter a valid input string. Control will be returned to the IDE. EXAMPLE PROGRAMS - When you are running any example programs that come with .PRJ files, if you didn't use the standard directories when you installed Turbo C++ you will have to change the .PRJ file to reflect your actual directory setup. Do this from inside Turbo C++ with Alt-O/D. LINKING C++ WITH C - Linking C++ modules with C modules requires the use of a linkage specification. Prototypes for C functions within C++ modules must be in one of the following forms: extern "C" declaration extern "C" { declarations } For example, if a C module contains these functions: char *SCopy(char*, char*); void ClearScreen(void) they must be declared in a C++ module in one of the following ways: extern "C" char *SCopy(char*, char*); extern "C" void ClearScreen(void); or extern "C" { char *SCopy(char*, char*); void ClearScreen(void); } Failure to do so will result in "Undefined symbol" errors during link. For further examples, see the standard header files. CLASS LIBRARY - Two versions of the class libraries are provided; one that includes debug information and one that does not. Small versions of each are provided, and project files are provided to build other models. Note that the non-debug versions are used by default. If you would like to use the debug version, copy it to the non-debug file. For instance, in the CLASSLIB\LIB directory, copy TCLASDBS.LIB to TCLASSS.LIB for the small model version. - In some places the User's Guide incorrectly refers to the online documentation for the Container Class Libraries as CONTAIN.DOC. The correct file name is CLASSLIB.DOC, located in the ..\DOC directory. 5. TESTING YOUR EXPANDED MEMORY: EMSTEST.COM --------------------------------------------- Included with Turbo C++ is a program to test your Expanded Memory hardware and software. If you have problems using Turbo C++ with your EMS, type EMSTEST at the DOS prompt and follow the instructions. 6. CORRECTIONS TO THE ON-LINE HELP ----------------------------------- The information for alloca is not available in on-line help. The correct help screen should read as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: alloca Allocates temporary stack space Syntax: #include void *alloca(size_t size); Remarks: alloca allocates bytes on the stack. The allocated space is automatically freed up when the calling function exits. Return value: o On success (if enough stack space is available), returns a pointer to the allocated stack area. o On error, returns null. Argument size is the number of bytes allocated on the stack. Because alloca modifies the stack pointer, do no place calls to alloca in an expression that is an argument to a function. NOTE: If the calling function does not contain any references to local variables in the stack, the stack won't be resotored correctly when the function exits and your program will crash. To ensure that the stack is restored correctly, use this code in your calling function: char *p; char dummy[1]; dummy[0] := 0;; ... p = alloca(nbytes); Because alloca is not defined in ANSI C, you should use malloc instead. See also: malloc ------------------------------------------------------------------
编译好的x265,带y4m文件 Syntax: x265 [options] infile [-o] outfile infile can be YUV or Y4M outfile is raw HEVC bitstream Executable Options: -h/--help Show this help text and exit -V/--version Show version info and exit Output Options: -o/--output Bitstream output file name --log-level Logging level: none error warning info debug full. Default info --no-progress Disable CLI progress reports --[no-]cu-stats Enable logging stats about distribution of cu across all modes. Default disabled Input Options: --input Raw YUV or Y4M input file name. `-` for stdin --fps Source frame rate (float or num/denom), auto-detected if Y4M --input-res WxH Source picture size [w x h], auto-detected if Y4M -f/--frames Maximum number of frames to encode. Default all --seek First frame to encode Quality reporting metrics: --[no-]ssim Enable reporting SSIM metric scores. Default disabled --[no-]psnr Enable reporting PSNR metric scores. Default disabled Profile, Level, Tier: --profile Enforce an encode profile: main, main10, mainstillpicture --level-idc Force a minumum required decoder level (as '5.0' or '50') --[no-]high-tier If a decoder level is specified, this modifier selects High tier of that level Threading, performance: --threads Number of threads for thread pool (0: detect CPU core count, default) -F/--frame-threads Number of concurrently encoded frames. 0: auto-determined by core count --[no-]wpp Enable Wavefront Parallel Processing. Default enabled --[no-]pmode Parallel mode analysis. Default disabled --[no-]pme Parallel motion estimation. De
Welcome to Turbo C++ Version 3.0 -------------------------------- This README file contains important information about Turbo C++. For the latest information about Turbo C++ and its accompanying programs and manuals, read this file in its entirety. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1. How to Get Help 2. Installation 3. Features 4. Important Information 5. Testing Your Expanded Memory 6. Corrections to the On-line Help 1. HOW TO GET HELP ------------------- If you have any problems, please read this file, the HELPME!.DOC and other files in your DOC subdirectory, and the Turbo C++ manuals first. If you still have a question and need assistance, help is available from the following sources: 1. Type GO BPROGB on the CompuServe bulletin board system for instant access to the Borland forums with their libraries of technical information and answers to common questions. If you are not a member of CompuServe, see the enclosed special offer, and write for full details on how to receive a free IntroPak containing a $15 credit toward your first month's on-line charges. 2. Check with your local software dealer or users' group. 3. Borland's TECHFAX service. Call (800) 822-4269 for a FAX catalog of entries. 4. If you have an urgent problem that cannot wait and you have sent in the license agreement that came with the package, you may call the Borland Technical Support Department at (408) 438-5300. Please have the following information ready before calling: a. Product name and serial number on your original distribution disk. Please have your serial number ready or we will be unable to process your call. b. Product version number. The version number for Turbo C++ can be displayed by pressing Alt-H/A. c. Computer brand, model, and the brands and model numbers of any additional hardware. d. Operating system and version number. (The version number can be determined by typing VER at the DOS prompt.) e. Contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. f. Contents of your CONFIG.SYS file. 2. INSTALLATION ---------------- You MUST use the INSTALL program to install Turbo C++. The files on the distribution disks are all archived and have to be properly assembled. You cannot do this by hand! IMPORTANT! If you want to create backup copies of your disks, make sure that you put the backup on the same type of disk as the source. If you're backing up the 5 1/4 inch 1.2 Mb disk set, use only blank 5 1/4 inch 1.2 Mb disks for backup, etc. The installation will not work correctly if you do not use the same media type for the backup disks. To start the installation, change your current drive to the one that has the install program on it and type INSTALL. You will be given instructions in a box at the bottom of the screen for each prompt. For example, if you will be installing from drive A:, type: A: INSTALL - This INSTALL handles the installation of both the compiler and tools in one operation, and allows several new configuration options. - After installation, make sure you insert \TC\BIN - or whatever you selected as your BIN directory - into your DOS path so the executable files can be found. - Note: The list of files is contained in a separate file called FILELIST.DOC, which will appear in the target directory you specify during installation. - After your initial installation, you can run INSTALL again to add elements you omitted the first time. Just select the items you want to add in the INSTALL options screen. Because some things you may want to save could be overwritten, review the following items to make sure you don't lose important information: 1. Selecting CMD (the Command-line compiler) causes an overwrite of any existing turboc.cfg & tlink.cfg file with path information provided in that INSTALL session. Any switches other than -L (library path) and -I (include path) will not be preserved. 2. Selecting IDE will reset the include and library paths to those provided in that INSTALL session. 3. By selecting any one of the following, the help file paths and choices for THELP.CFG will reflect the current session's installation choices: a. CMD - command-line compiler b. IDE - integrated environment 4. Alterations to headers or startup files will be overwritten if any library models are selected. In general, any selection you make of something installed earlier will cause an overwrite of the earlier version without prompting. You should read the rest of this README file to get further information about this release before you do the installation. 3. FEATURES ------------ Turbo C++ 3.0 includes big speed and capacity gains. Here are some important features found in this version: - DPMI services for increased capacity - C++ 2.1 support, including the new nested class specifications, and support of C++ 3.0 templates. - Support for pre-compiled headers for substantial time savings during subsequent recompiles. - Color syntax highlighting - Unlimited Undo/Redo replacing previous 'restore line' capability - Added library functions for compatibility with other runtime libraries, and addition of support for long double parameters in math functions. (Please refer to On-line Help for details.) - New MAKE features. (Please see the MAKE chapter in the User's Guide for details.) - Added BGI (Borland Graphics Interface) fonts and support. (See "New BGI fonts" below.) - A resident DPMI kernel program, DPMIRES.EXE. (See "DPMI" below.) - THELP now allows you to switch between help files without unloading and reloading. (Please see UTIL.DOC for details.) NEW BGI FONTS ------------- Several new fonts have been added to the Borland Graphics Interface: Name Value Description ------------------------------------------- SCRIPT_FONT 5 Stroked script font SIMPLEX_FONT 6 Stroked simplex font TRIP_SCR_FONT 7 Stroked triplex script font COMPLEX_FONT 8 Stroked complex font EURO_FONT 9 Stroked European font BOLD_FONT 10 Stroked bold font The fonts in the BGI now support the full ASCII character set. DPMI ---- TC.EXE, TCC.EXE, and TLINK.EXE are now hosted under DPMI. These files support protected-mode compilation and replace the files of the same name in Turbo C++ Second Edition. Turbo C++ Second Edition should continue to be used in instances where real-mode compilation is desired. If you encounter a "machine not in database" message while attempting to run the compiler, run the DPMIINST program to add your machine configuration to the DPMI server database. This version includes a resident DPMI host program, DPMIRES.EXE, that allows you to preload the server before invoking TC, TCC, or any other DPMI-hosted executables. If you want to run such hosted EXEs in a Windows Standard Mode DOS window, you should run DPMIRES.EXE before loading Windows. To do this, enter the following commands at DOS: set DPMIMEM=MAXMEM 2000 dpmires win /s If you want to limit the amount of extended memory used by the DPMI-hosted executables, an environment variable called DPMIMEM can be set to do so. For instance, the command set DPMIMEM=MAXMEM 2000 reserves about 2 Mb of memory for DPMIRES. The number after MAXMEM can be adjusted, but cannot be lower than 1000. The hosted executables cannot spawn each other when SHARE is loaded. For instance, if you run MAKE on a file which in turn calls MAKE again, you will get a sharing violation. In this specific case, you can call the real mode version, MAKER, within the given makefile, and a sharing violation won't occur. 4. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ------------------------- - When using Brief with THELP, make sure to use Brief's -p switch to ensure that the thelp window will be visible. - We recommend that you use the following mouse drivers with this product: Microsoft Mouse version 7.04 or later; Logitech Mouse version 5.01 or later; Genius Mouse version 9.06 or later. - If you get a "floating point formats not linked" message at runtime, put the following somewhere in your source files: extern void _floatconvert(); #pragma extref _floatconvert This will force inclusion of floating point formats, which may not be linked to reduce executable size. COMPILER - The default extension for source files to the command-line compiler is .CPP; that is, if you enter TCC -c test the compiler will search for test.cpp, and give an error if a file of that name cannot be found. If you want to have the command-line compiler assume a .c extension and C language source, use the command-line option -P-c. For more information, see "The command-line compiler" in the User's Guide. - Note that the Generate COMDEFs choice under Options|Compiler|Advanced Code Generation and the -Fc command- line option are only supported in the C language. Linker errors will result if you attempt to use a communal variable in C++. - The macros min() and max() are not defined when stdlib.h is compiled as C++ (to allow their use in 3rd party libraries, etc.). - Note that SYMDEB creates .SYM files for use in debugging; Turbo C++ creates .SYM files for pre-compiled headers. They are not compatible and collisions should be avoided by setting the name of the pre-compiled header file (using - H=filename). - There is now full support of distance modifiers (near and far) used for class member pointers. Here are two sample declarations and their meanings: void (A::* far var) (); this is a far variable 'var' of type 'void (A::*)()'; void (far A::* var) (); this is a 'default distance' variable 'var' of type 'void (far A::*)()' - If you use C++ templates, and use a separate TLINK command line rather than letting TCC invoke TLINK, you should make sure that you turn on case-sensitive links with the /c switch. - Incorrect code will be generated if you have a statement of the type "A op B" where either A or B is an enum and the other operand is a long, and "op" is one of the following operators: += -= *= /= | ^ The same problem applies when the operands are a non-integer enum and an int. Cast the enum to long or int respectively to solve the problem. IDE - When debugging a mouse application the Options|Debugger|Display Swapping option should be set to "Always" for best results. - In the IDE, the mouse cursor is turned off during compilation for performance improvements. - To run or debug an overlaid application in the IDE when DOS SHARE is loaded, the .EXE file must first be marked as read-only. Otherwise, unload SHARE. - Pressing Control-Break twice while running or stepping a program from the IDE may cause unexpected results. In particular, avoid pressing Control-Break twice in response to any function requiring input (scanf, getch, etc.). To break out of a program during such interaction, press Control-Break and enter a valid input string. Control will be returned to the IDE. EXAMPLE PROGRAMS - When you are running any example programs that come with .PRJ files, if you didn't use the standard directories when you installed Turbo C++ you will have to change the .PRJ file to reflect your actual directory setup. Do this from inside Turbo C++ with Alt-O/D. LINKING C++ WITH C - Linking C++ modules with C modules requires the use of a linkage specification. Prototypes for C functions within C++ modules must be in one of the following forms: extern "C" declaration extern "C" { declarations } For example, if a C module contains these functions: char *SCopy(char*, char*); void ClearScreen(void) they must be declared in a C++ module in one of the following ways: extern "C" char *SCopy(char*, char*); extern "C" void ClearScreen(void); or extern "C" { char *SCopy(char*, char*); void ClearScreen(void); } Failure to do so will result in "Undefined symbol" errors during link. For further examples, see the standard header files. CLASS LIBRARY - Two versions of the class libraries are provided; one that includes debug information and one that does not. Small versions of each are provided, and project files are provided to build other models. Note that the non-debug versions are used by default. If you would like to use the debug version, copy it to the non-debug file. For instance, in the CLASSLIB\LIB directory, copy TCLASDBS.LIB to TCLASSS.LIB for the small model version. - In some places the User's Guide incorrectly refers to the online documentation for the Container Class Libraries as CONTAIN.DOC. The correct file name is CLASSLIB.DOC, located in the ..\DOC directory. 5. TESTING YOUR EXPANDED MEMORY: EMSTEST.COM --------------------------------------------- Included with Turbo C++ is a program to test your Expanded Memory hardware and software. If you have problems using Turbo C++ with your EMS, type EMSTEST at the DOS prompt and follow the instructions. 6. CORRECTIONS TO THE ON-LINE HELP ----------------------------------- The information for alloca is not available in on-line help. The correct help screen should read as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: alloca Allocates temporary stack space Syntax: #include void *alloca(size_t size); Remarks: alloca allocates bytes on the stack. The allocated space is automatically freed up when the calling function exits. Return value: o On success (if enough stack space is available), returns a pointer to the allocated stack area. o On error, returns null. Argument size is the number of bytes allocated on the stack. Because alloca modifies the stack pointer, do no place calls to alloca in an expression that is an argument to a function. NOTE: If the calling function does not contain any references to local variables in the stack, the stack won't be resotored correctly when the function exits and your program will crash. To ensure that the stack is restored correctly, use this code in your calling function: char *p; char dummy[1]; dummy[0] := 0;; ... p = alloca(nbytes); Because alloca is not defined in ANSI C, you should use malloc instead. See also: malloc ------------------------------------------------------------------



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