###求bold for D7!

EdwinYeah 2003-08-20 10:30:44
下载了一个delphi 7 architect,把其中的bold trial单独安装后,运行时才知道该版只能和delphi 7的trial 版一起使用,而我的d7并非trial版。

现寻for D7的的bold。
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joekazz 2003-08-20
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sixgj 2003-08-20
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DIContainers is a collection of more than 100 individual container classes for Delphi (Embarcadero, CodeGear, Borland). Four different container structures are available: Hash containers Doubly-linked lists N-ary trees Vector containers DIContainers is designed with easy customization in mind. Unlike other libraries, it strictly separates a containers' data and structure: Data describes an individual item in the container, for example an Integer number. The data layer is mostly responsible to manage the item's memory, but also for copying, comparing, and streaming of items. Data items in DIContainers are made up of memory efficient Pascal records. Special item handlers take care to initialize and finalize items automatically as required. Structure describes the arrangement of items within the container, like linked list, linear vector, etc. The structure determines how quickly items can be added, manipulated and retrieved from the container. Using different item handlers, the same structure can provide for quite different containers (see hierarchy on the right). To create a new container for some type of data, it is often sufficient to reuse an already existing item handler or to create a new item handler for the new type of data. Type. On top of the general container classes, there are many ready-made containers which interface typed access to their items like strings (WideStrings and AnsiStrings), different Number types, Objects, Pointer, and various combinations of the above. More than 100 of these containers are ready to use straight out of the box. Advanced container operations include cross-container assignment (i.e. from lists to vectors) and cascading streaming. The graphic to the right shows the class hierarchy of containers contained in DIContainers. Bold font marks important classes like item handlers and structure containers. Their descendant classes in regular font provide typed access to their items. The graphic was automatically created from the DIContainers library by one of the demo applications.
Delphi 7.1 Update Release Notes=======================================================This file contains important supplemental and late-breakinginformation that may not appear in the main productdocumentation, and supersedes information contained in otherdocuments, including previously installed release notes.Borland recommends that you read this file in its entirety.NOTE: If you are updating a localized version of Delphi 7, visit the Borland Registered User web site to obtain a localized readme file that may contain important late- breaking information not included in this readme file.IMPORTANT: Delphi must be closed before installing this update. =====================================================CONTENTS * INSTALLING THIS UPDATE * UPDATING LOCALIZED VERSIONS OF DELPHI 7 * KNOWN ISSUES * ISSUES ADDRESSED BY THIS UPDATE - IDE - CORE DATABASE - DATASNAP - DBGO (ADO COMPONENTS) - dbExpress - dbExpress COMPONENTS AND DB VCL - dbExpress CORE DRIVER AND METADATA - dbExpress VENDOR ISSUES - dbExpress CERTIFICATION - WEB SNAP - ACTIVEX - COMPILER - RTL - VCL - THIRD PARTY - BOLD FOR DELPHI * VERIFYING THAT THE UPDATE WAS SUCCESSFUL * FILES INSTALLED BY THIS UPDATE =======================================================INSTALLING THIS UPDATE* This update can not be applied to Delphi 7 Architect Trial version. * This update can not be removed after it is installed.* You will need the original Delphi 7 installation CD available to install this update.* To install this update from the CD, insert the CD, and launch the d7_ent_upd1.exe file appropriate for your locale.* To install this update from the Web, double-click the self-executing installation file and follow the prompts. * The Delphi 7 documentation PDF files are available on the update CD.========================================================UPDATING LOCALIZED VERSIONS OF DELPHI 7* This update can be applied only to the English version of Delphi 7. There are separate updates for the German, French and Japanese ver
import="java.awt.*,java.awt.image.*,java.util.*,javax.imageio.*"%>    <%! //create by smallnest //email: smallnest@gmail.com //website:www.kuaff.com //生成随机颜色 Color getRandColor(Random random, int fc, int bc) { if (fc > 255) fc = 255; if (bc > 255) bc = 255; int r = fc + random.nextInt(bc - fc); int g = fc + random.nextInt(bc - fc); int b = fc + random.nextInt(bc - fc); return new Color(r, g, b); } %>    <% //设置页面不缓存 response.setHeader("Pragma", "No-cache"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); // 设置图片的长宽 int width = 176, height = 30; //设置备选汉字,剔除一些不雅的汉字 String base = "\u7684\u4e00\u4e86\u662f\u6211\u4e0d\u5728\u4eba\u4eec\u6709\u6765\u4ed6\u8fd9\u4e0a\u7740\u4e2a\u5730\u5230\u5927\u91cc\u8bf4\u5c31\u53bb\u5b50\u5f97\u4e5f\u548c\u90a3\u8981\u4e0b\u770b\u5929\u65f6\u8fc7\u51fa\u5c0f\u4e48\u8d77\u4f60\u90fd\u628a\u597d\u8fd8\u591a\u6ca1\u4e3a\u53c8\u53ef\u5bb6\u5b66\u53ea\u4ee5\u4e3b\u4f1a\u6837\u5e74\u60f3\u751f\u540c\u8001\u4e2d\u5341\u4ece\u81ea\u9762\u524d\u5934\u9053\u5b83\u540e\u7136\u8d70\u5f88\u50cf\u89c1\u4e24\u7528\u5979\u56fd\u52a8\u8fdb\u6210\u56de\u4ec0\u8fb9\u4f5c\u5bf9\u5f00\u800c\u5df1\u4e9b\u73b0\u5c71\u6c11\u5019\u7ecf\u53d1\u5de5\u5411\u4e8b\u547d\u7ed9\u957f\u6c34\u51e0\u4e49\u4e09\u58f0\u4e8e\u9ad8\u624b\u77e5\u7406\u773c\u5fd7\u70b9\u5fc3\u6218\u4e8c\u95ee\u4f46\u8eab\u65b9\u5b9e\u5403\u505a\u53eb\u5f53\u4f4f\u542c\u9769\u6253\u5462\u771f\u5168\u624d\u56db\u5df2\u6240\u654c\u4e4b\u6700\u5149\u4ea7\u60c5\u8def\u5206\u603b\u6761\u767d\u8bdd\u4e1c\u5e2d\u6b21\u4eb2\u5982\u88ab\u82b1\u53e3\u653e\u513f\u5e38\u6c14\u4e94\u7b2c\u4f7f\u5199\u519b\u5427\u6587\u8fd0\u518d\u679c\u600e\u5b9a\u8bb8\u5feb\u660e\u884c\u56e0\u522b\u98de\u5916\u6811\u7269\u6d3b\u90e8\u95e8\u65e0\u5f80\u8239\u671b\u65b0\u5e26\u961f\u5148\u529b\u5b8c\u5374\u7ad9\u4ee3\u5458\u673a\u66f4\u4e5d\u60a8\u6bcf\u98ce\u7ea7\u8ddf\u7b11\u554a\u5b69\u4e07\u5c11\u76f4\u610f\u591c\u6bd4\u9636\u8fde\u8f66\u91cd\u4fbf\u6597\u9a6c\u54ea\u5316\u592a\u6307\u53d8\u793e\u4f3c\u58eb\u8005\u5e72\u77f3\u6ee1\u65e5\u51b3\u767e\u539f\u62ff\u7fa4\u7a76\u5404\u516d\u672c\u601d\u89e3\u7acb\u6cb3\u6751\u516b\u96be\u65e9\u8bba\u5417\u6839\u5171\u8ba9\u76f8\u7814\u4eca\u5176\u4e66\u5750\u63a5\u5e94\u5173\u4fe1\u89c9\u6b65\u53cd\u5904\u8bb0\u5c06\u5343\u627e\u4e89\u9886\u6216\u5e08\u7ed3\u5757\u8dd1\u8c01\u8349\u8d8a\u5b57\u52a0\u811a\u7d27\u7231\u7b49\u4e60\u9635\u6015\u6708\u9752\u534a\u706b\u6cd5\u9898\u5efa\u8d76\u4f4d\u5531\u6d77\u4e03\u5973\u4efb\u4ef6\u611f\u51c6\u5f20\u56e2\u5c4b\u79bb\u8272\u8138\u7247\u79d1\u5012\u775b\u5229\u4e16\u521a\u4e14\u7531\u9001\u5207\u661f\u5bfc\u665a\u8868\u591f\u6574\u8ba4\u54cd\u96ea\u6d41\u672a\u573a\u8be5\u5e76\u5e95\u6df1\u523b\u5e73\u4f1f\u5fd9\u63d0\u786e\u8fd1\u4eae\u8f7b\u8bb2\u519c\u53e4\u9ed1\u544a\u754c\u62c9\u540d\u5440\u571f\u6e05\u9633\u7167\u529e\u53f2\u6539\u5386\u8f6c\u753b\u9020\u5634\u6b64\u6cbb\u5317\u5fc5\u670d\u96e8\u7a7f\u5185\u8bc6\u9a8c\u4f20\u4e1a\u83dc\u722c\u7761\u5174\u5f62\u91cf\u54b1\u89c2\u82e6\u4f53\u4f17\u901a\u51b2\u5408\u7834\u53cb\u5ea6\u672f\u996d\u516c\u65c1\u623f\u6781\u5357\u67aa\u8bfb\u6c99\u5c81\u7ebf\u91ce\u575a\u7a7a\u6536\u7b97\u81f3\u653f\u57ce\u52b3\u843d\u94b1\u7279\u56f4\u5f1f\u80dc\u6559\u70ed\u5c55\u5305\u6b4c\u7c7b\u6e10\u5f3a\u6570\u4e61\u547c\u6027\u97f3\u7b54\u54e5\u9645\u65e7\u795e\u5ea7\u7ae0\u5e2e\u5566\u53d7\u7cfb\u4ee4\u8df3\u975e\u4f55\u725b\u53d6\u5165\u5cb8\u6562\u6389\u5ffd\u79cd\u88c5\u9876\u6025\u6797\u505c\u606f\u53e5\u533a\u8863\u822c\u62a5\u53f6\u538b\u6162\u53d4\u80cc\u7ec6"; //备选汉字的长度 int length = base.length(); //创建内存图像 BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); // 获取图形上下文 Graphics g = image.getGraphics(); //创建随机类的实例 Random random = new Random(); // 设定图像背景色(因为是做背景,所以偏淡) g.setColor(getRandColor(random, 200, 250)); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); //备选字体 String[] fontTypes = { "\u5b8b\u4f53", "\u65b0\u5b8b\u4f53", "\u9ed1\u4f53", "\u6977\u4f53", "\u96b6\u4e66"}; int fontTypesLength = fontTypes.length; //在图片背景上增加噪点 g.setColor(getRandColor(random, 160, 200)); g.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.PLAIN, 14)); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { g.drawString("*********************************************", 0, 5 * (i + 2)); } //取随机产生的认证码(6个汉字) //保存生成的汉字字符串 String sRand = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int start = random.nextInt(length); String rand = base.substring(start, start + 1); sRand += rand; //设置字体的颜色 g.setColor(getRandColor(random, 10, 150)); //设置字体 g.setFont(new Font(fontTypes[random.nextInt(fontTypesLength)], Font.BOLD, 18 + random.nextInt(6))); //将此汉字画到图片上 g.drawString(rand, 24 * i + 10 + random.nextInt(8), 24); } //将认证码存入session session.setAttribute("rand", sRand); g.dispose(); //输出图象到页面 ImageIO.write(image, "JPEG", response.getOutputStream()); %>



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