
yzn169 2003-08-20 01:45:06
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vivanboy 2003-08-20
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Oracle9i备课笔记——吕海东 第1讲 Oracle9i简介 目的: 1. 了解数据库的发展,关系数据库的基本原理。 2. 了解目前市场上流行的数据库产品及特点 3. 了解Oracle数据库的发展 4. 掌握Oracle9i产品系列 5. 掌握Oracle9i Database Server的新特点及其在实际的应用 6. 安装Oracle9i Database Server, Client及客户端常用工具TOAD7.5.2 授课内容: 1.1 作为软件开发人员,在当今就业市场上最应该掌握的技能: (1) 数据库技术:SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Access, SQL, T-SQL, PL/SQL (2) 软件开发架构:J2SE, J2ME, J2EE, MS.NET (3) 开发语言: Java, C#.NET, J#.NET, VB.NET (4) Ineternet技术:HTML, XML, Web Service. JSP, ASP.NET, JSF (5) 软件工程:OOA, OOD, UML, RUP. (6) IDE开发工具:VS.NET 2003, JBuilderX, DreamwaverMX, Java Studio, IBM WebSpere Studio。 (7) 系统平台:Windows Server, Linux, Unix (8) 应用平台:IIS, Tomcat, Weblogic, WebShpere, Oracle AS. (9) 自然语言:英语,日语 1.2 学习Oracle数据库的重要性 (1) 数据库在当今世界的重要性。 (2) Oracle数据库的市场应用的广泛性。 (3) Oracle数据库的跨平台性,与Java语言对比说明。 (4) Oracle对大量数据管理的性能。数据的存储,修改,查询的性能是应用系统必须要考虑的首要因素。 1.3 Oracle数据库的特点: (1) 可移植性: (2) 跨硬件,软件平台 (3) 高性能,大容量 (4) 数据库的并发性:Oracle并发模型是独一无二的,优于IBM和Microsoft公司。大的ERP厂家都使用Oracle数据库的原因之一。 1.4 Oracle9i产品的构成 - Oracle9i已经不是一个简单的数据库服务器产品,而是一个完整的应用系统运行,开发平台。 - Oracle9i的产品系列包括: (1) Oracle9i Database Server (9iDS) (2) Oracle9i Application Server(9iAS): 支持J2EE架构的应用服务器。 (3) Oracle9i JDeveloper: IDE的java和Oracle应用开发工具。 (4) Form developer (5) Report Developer (6) Oracle9iDS的产品版本 (1) Enterprise Edition(企业版):带有数据仓库,OLTP的高级技术组件。高效的处理大数据量的技术支持。 (2) Standard Edition (标准版):适用于部门级的数据库规模。 (3) Personal Edition (个人版):单用户的开发测试系统。 1.5 Oracle9i数据库管理系统应用模式: (1) 客户/服务器模式: - Oracle9i数据库管理系统采用client/Server工作模式 - 数据库的核心运行在Server端:数据库的数据,管理系统,访问控制,安全控制,接受客户的请求,向客户发送响应信息都在服务器端完成。Server端要安装Oracle Server产品。 - 用户通过Oracle的客户端工具连接服务器端,向Server发送SQL命令,接收Server的发送结果,显示在client端的用户界面上。客户端要安装Oracle客户端软件。同时安装后要对客户端进行配置,以连接到某个数据库。 (2) 多层运行模式:针对Internet 1.6 Oracle服务器的标识 从Oracle8i开始,为了在Internet发布Oracle数据库,Oracle的标识采用了全局服务名的概念。 (1) 全局服务名:为了区分整个网络范围内的数据库,全局服务名的格式一般是, 类似与Internet的域名规范。 (2) SID: System Identifier 系统标识的缩写,用于区分同一台服务器上不同的数据库例程。 1.7 Oracle9i数据库管理系统的安装 - Oracle9i DS的安装文件在3张CD上。 - 9i DS的要求环境: CPU: Pentium 166 above RAM: 最低128, 一般256, 最好512M。 HD: 空闲空间要求4G. OS: Server端要求windows 2000 server (SP3以上), 2003 Server. Client端: windows98, 2000 professional, windows ME, windows XP, 2000 Server. - 9iDS Server端安装: (1) DISK1 ->开始安装 (2) 选择安装路径 (3) 选择安装产品: (4) 选择版本: (5) 选择数据库配置: (6) 设定数据库标识: (7) 确定数据库文件的位置: (8) 确定数据库字符集 (9) 安装后自动进行的任务: <1> 网络配置助手完成网络的配置 <2> Oracle HTTP服务启动 <3> Oracle数据库配置助手完成数据库的创建和启动 <4> Oracle智能代理启动 (10) 显示服务器创建完成信息: (11) 进行数据库管理员的密码重新设定: - 9i DS client端安装: (1) DISK1在客户机上 (2) 选择产品:Oracle9i client (3) 选择客户端安装类型类型: <1>管理员类型:安装管理控制台,管理工具,网络服务,使用程序,和基本的客户端软件。 <2>运行时类型:只安装应用开发程序,网络服务,基本客户软件 <3>自定义:自己决定的组件安装。 (4) Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: (5) 配置client网络服务:使用Net Manager进行客户端的配置。 - Server上安装后的产品: - Client机器上的安装产品: - Server计算机上的服务:
One of the problems with having plenty of development options is that it’s sometimes hard to figure out which one might be the best choice for your particular needs. Everyone wants as much flexibility as possible (as many choices as they can possibly have), but they also want things to be very cut and dried—in other words, easy. Oracle presents developers with almost unlimited choice. No one ever says, “You can’t do that in Oracle”; rather, they say, “How many different ways would you like to do that in Oracle?” I hope that this book will help you make the correct choice. This book is aimed at those people who appreciate the choice but would also like some guidelines and practical implementation details on Oracle features and functions. For example, Oracle has a really neat feature called parallel execution. The Oracle documentation tells you how to use this feature and what it does. Oracle documentation does not, however, tell you when you should use this feature and, perhaps even more important, when you should not use this feature. It doesn’t always tell you the implementation details of this feature, and if you’re not aware of them, this can come back to haunt you (I’m not referring to bugs, but the way the feature is supposed to work and what it was really designed to do). In this book I strove to not only describe how things work, but also explain when and why you would consider using a particular feature or implementation. I feel it is important to understand not only the “how” behind things, but also the “when” and “why”—as well as the “when not” and “why not”!
Database Performance Tuning and Optimization Publisher: Springer | Pages: 510 | 2002-12-13 | ISBN: 0387953930 | PDF | 2 MB Product Description: Examples abound in database applications of well-formulated queries running slowly, even if all levels of the database are properly tuned. It is essential to address each level separately by focusing first on underlying principles and root causes, and only then proposing both theoretical and practical solutions. "Database Performance Tuning and Optimization" comprehensively addresses each level separately by focusing first on underlying principles and root causes, and then proposes both theoretical and practical solutions using Oracle 8i examples as the RDBMS. The book combines theory with practical tools (in the form of Oracle and UNIX shell scripts) to address the tuning and optimization issues of DBAs and developers, irrespective of whether they use Oracle. Topics and features: * An integrated approach to tuning by improving all three levels of a database (conceptual, internal, and external) for optimal performance * Balances theory with practice, developing underlying principles and then applying them to other RDBMSs, not just Oracle * Includes CD-ROM containing all scripts and methods utilized in the book * Coverage of data warehouses provides readers much needed principles and tools for tuning large reporting databases * Coverage of web-based databases * Appendix B shows how to create an instance and its associated database and all its objects * Provides useful exercises, references, and Oracle 8i and select 9i examples Based on nearly two decades of experience as an Oracle developer and DBA, the author delivers comprehensive coverage of the fundamental principles and methodologies of tuning and optimizing database performance. Database professionals and practitioners with some experience developing, implementing, and maintaining relational databases will find the work an essential resource. It is also suitable for professional short courses and self-study purposes.



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