请高手指点:about SDI and MDI Programming

michaelwan 2003-08-20 10:57:47
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michaelwan 2003-08-27
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Beginning: Microsoft Visual C# 2008 0 About the Authors 9 Credits 10 Contents 12 Introduction 30 Who This Book Is For 30 How This Book Is Structured 31 What You Need to Use This Book 34 Conventions 34 Source Code 35 Errata 35 p2p.wrox.com 36 Part I: The C# Language 38 Chapter 1: Introducing C# 40 What Is the .NET Framework? 40 What Is C#? 45 Visual Studio 2008 46 Summary 48 Chapter 2: Writing a C# Program 50 The Development Environments 51 Console Applications 55 Windows Forms Applications 61 Summary 66 Chapter 3: Variables and Expressions 68 Basic C# Syntax 69 Basic C# Console Application Structure 71 Variables 73 Expressions 83 Summary 93 Exercises 94 Chapter 4: Flow Control 96 Boolean Logic 96 The goto Statement 106 Branching 107 Looping 115 Summary 127 Exercises 127 Chapter 5: More About Variables 130 Type Conversion 130 Complex Variable Types 140 String Manipulation 155 Summary 160 Exercises 161 Chapter 6: Functions 162 Defining and Using Functions 163 Variable Scope 175 The Main() Function 181 Struct Functions 184 Overloading Functions 185 Delegates 187 Summary 190 Exercises 191 Chapter 7: Debugging and Error Handling 192 Debugging in VS and VCE 193 Error Handling 213 Summary 221 Exercises 221 Chapter 8: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 222 What Is Object-Oriented Programming? 223 OOP Techniques 229 OOP in Windows Applications 240 Summary 243 Exercises 243 Chapter 9: Defining Classes 246 Class Definitions in C# 246 System.Object 253 Constructors and Destructors 255 OOP Tools in VS and VCE 260 Class Library Projects 266 Interfaces Versus Abstract Classes 270 Struct Types 272 Summary 275 Exercises 276 Chapter 10: Defining Class Members 278 Member Definitions 278 Additional Class Member Topics 291 Interface Implementation 294 Partial Class Definitions 299 Partial Method Definitions 301 Example Application 302 Summary 313 Exercises 313 Chapter 11: Collections, Comparisons, and Conversions 314 Collections 314 Comparisons 340 Conversions 363 Summary 365 Exercises 366 Chapter 12: Generics 368 What Is a Generic? 368 Using Generics 370 Defining Generics 388 Summary 405 Exercises 405 Chapter 13: Additional OOP Techniques 408 The :: Operator and the Global Namespace Qualifier 408 Custom Exceptions 410 Events 412 Expanding and Using CardLib 426 Summary 434 Exercises 435 Chapter 14: C# 3.0 Language Enhancements 436 Initializers 437 Type Inference 443 Anonymous Types 445 Extension Methods 449 Lambda Expressions 455 Summary 466 Exercises 467 Part II: Windows Programming 468 Chapter 15: Basic Windows Programming 470 Controls 471 The Button Control 477 The Label and LinkLabel Controls 480 The TextBox Control 481 The RadioButton and CheckBox Controls 491 The RichTextBox Control 498 The ListBox and CheckedListBox Controls 506 The ListView Control 512 The TabControl Control 523 Summary 528 Exercises 529 Chapter 16: Advanced Windows Forms Features 530 Menus and Toolbars 531 Toolbars 538 SDI and MDI Applications 549 Creating Controls 561 Summary 572 Exercises 572 Chapter 17: Using Common Dialogs 574 Common Dialogs 574 How to Use Dialogs 576 File Dialogs 577 Printing 596 Print Preview 612 FontDialog and ColorDialog 614 Summary 618 Exercises 619 Chapter 18: Deploying Windows Applications 620 Deployment Overview 620 ClickOnce Deployment 621 Visual Studio Setup and Deployment Project Types 634 Microsoft Windows Installer Architecture 635 Creating an Installation Package for the SimpleEditor 639 Building the Project 654 Installation 654 Summary 659 Exercises 660 Part III: Web Programming 662 Chapter 19: Basic Web Programming 664 Overview 665 ASP.NET Runtime 665 Creating a Simple Page 666 Server Controls 673 Event Handlers 674 Input Validation 679 State Management 683 Authentication and Authorization 689 Reading and Writing to an SQL Server Database 697 Summary 706 Exercises 707 Chapter 20: Advanced Web Programming 708 Master Pages 708 Site Navigation 716 User Controls 717 Profiles 720 Web Parts 725 JavaScript 738 Summary 744 Exercises 745 Chapter 21: Web Services 746 Before Web Services 747 Where to Use Web Services 748 Web Services Architecture 751 Web Services and the .NET Framework 754 Creating a Simple ASP.NET Web Service 757 Testing the Web Service 759 Implementing a Windows Client 761 Calling the Service Asynchronously 765 Implementing an ASP.NET Client 768 Passing Data 769 Summary 773 Exercises 774 Chapter 22: Ajax Programming 776 Ajax Overview 776 Update Panel 778 Timer Control 783 Update Progress 784 Web Services 786 Extender Controls 792 Summary 794 Exercises 794 Chapter 23: Deploying Web Applications 796 Internet Information Services 796 IIS Configuration 797 Copying a Web Site 800 Publishing a Web Site 802 Windows Installer 804 Summary 809 Exercises 810 Part IV: Data Access 812 Chapter 24: File System Data 814 Streams 815 The Classes for Input and Output 815 Serialized Objects 842 Monitoring the File Structure 847 Summary 855 Exercises 855 Chapter 25: XML 856 XML Documents 856 Using XML in Your Application 865 Summary 884 Exercises 885 Chapter 26: Introduction to LINQ 886 LINQ Varieties 887 First LINQ Query 887 Using the LINQ Method Syntax and Lambda Expressions 892 Ordering Query Results 895 orderby Clause 897 Ordering Using Method Syntax 897 Querying a Large Data Set 899 Aggregate Operators 902 Querying Complex Objects 905 Projection: Creating New Objects in Queries 909 Projection: Method Syntax 912 Select Distinct Query 912 Any and All 914 Ordering By Multiple Levels 916 Multi-Level Ordering Method Syntax: ThenBy 918 Group Queries 918 Take and Skip 920 First and FirstOrDefault 923 Set Operators 924 Joins 928 Resources and Further Reading 929 Summary 930 Exercises 930 Chapter 27: LINQ to SQL 932 Object -Relational Mapping (ORM) 933 Installing SQL Server and the Northwind Sample Data 933 First LINQ to SQL Query 935 Navigating LINQ to SQL Relationships 944 Drilling Down Further with LINQ to SQL 948 Grouping, Ordering, and Other Advanced Queries in LINQ to SQL 951 Displaying Generated SQL 954 Data Binding with LINQ to SQL 958 Updating Bound Data with LINQ to SQL 965 Summary 966 Exercises 967 Chapter 28: ADO.NET and LINQ over DataSet 970 What Is ADO.NET? 971 Overview of ADO.NET Classes and Objects 974 Reading Data with the DataReader 977 Reading Data with the DataSet 985 Updating the Database 989 Accessing Multiple Tables in a DataSet 1002 XML and ADO.NET 1010 SQL Support in ADO.NET 1014 Using LINQ over DataSet with ADO.NET 1022 Summary 1027 Exercises 1027 Chapter 29: LINQ to XML 1030 LINQ to XML Functional Constructors 1031 Saving and Loading an XML Document 1035 Working with XML Fragments 1039 Generating XML from LINQ to SQL 1041 How to Query an XML Document 1046 Summary 1053 Exercises 1053 Part V: Additional Techniques 1054 Chapter 30: Attributes 1056 What Is an Attribute? 1056 Reflection 1060 Built-in Attributes 1063 Custom Attributes 1075 Summary 1083 Chapter 31: XML Documentation 1086 Adding XML Documentation 1087 Making Use of XML Documentation 1105 Summary 1110 Exercises 1110 Chapter 32: Networking 1112 Networking Overview 1112 Networking Programming Options 1120 WebClient 1121 WebRequest and WebResponse 1123 TcpListener and TcpClient 1133 Summary 1141 Exercises 1142 Chapter 33: Introduction to GDI+ 1144 Overview of Graphical Drawing 1145 Drawing Lines Using the Pen Class 1156 Drawing Shapes Using the Brush Class 1159 Drawing Text Using the Font Class 1161 Drawing Using Images 1165 Advanced Capabilities of GDI+ 1175 Summary 1177 Exercises 1178 Chapter 34: Windows Presentation Foundation 1180 What Is WPF? 1181 Anatomy of a Basic WPF Application 1185 WPF Fundamentals 1197 Programming with WPF 1237 Summary 1249 Exercises 1250 Chapter 35: Windows Communication Foundation 1252 What Is WCF ? 1253 WCF Concepts 1254 WCF Programming 1258 Summary 1282 Exercises 1283 Chapter 36: Windows Workflow Foundation 1284 Activities 1288 The Workflow Runtime 1303 Data Binding 1310 Summary 1315 Index 1316
* 讀者來函 / 1 * 第㆓版序 / 5 第㆒版序/ 7 目錄/ 13 第0章 你㆒定要知道(導讀) / 27 這本書適合誰/ 27 你需要什麼技術基礎/ 29 你需要什麼軟硬體環境/ 29 讓我們使用同㆒種語言/ 30 本書符號習慣/ 34 磁片內容與安裝/ 34 範例程式說明/ 34 與前版本之差異/ 39 如何聯絡作者/ 40 第㆒篇 勿在浮砂築高臺 - 本書技術前提/ 001 第1章 Win32 程式基本觀念/ 003 Win32 程式開發流程/ 005 需要什麼函式庫(.LIB) / 005 需要什麼表頭檔(.H) / 006 深入淺出 MFC 14 以訊息為基礎,以事件驅動之/ 007 ㆒個具體而微的 Win32 程式/ 009 程式進入點 WinMain / 015 視窗類別之註冊與視窗之誕生/ 016 訊息迴路/ 018 視窗的生命㆗樞 - 視窗函式/ 019 訊息映射(Message Map)雛形/ 020 對話盒的運作/ 022 模組定義檔(.DEF) / 024 資源描述檔(.RC) / 024 Windows 程式的生與死/ 025 閒置時間的處理:OnIdle / 027 * Console 程式 / 028 * Console 程式與DOS 程式的差別/ 029 * Console 程式的編譯聯結/ 031 * JBACKUP:Win32 Console 程式設計/ 032 * MFCCON:MFC Console 程式設計/ 035 * 什麼是 C Runtime Library 的多緒版本/ 038 行程與執行緒(Process and Thread) / 039 核心物件/ 039 ㆒個行程的誕生與死亡/ 040 產生子行程/ 041 ㆒個執行緒的誕生與死亡/ 044 * 以 _beginthreadex 取代CreateThread / 046 執行緒優先權(Priority) / 048 * 多緒程式設計實例/ 050 目 錄 15 第2章 C++ 的重要性質/ 055 類別及其成員 - 談封裝(encapsulation) / 056 基礎類別與衍生類別 - 談繼承(Inheritance)/ 057 this 指標/ 061 虛擬函式與多型(Polymorphism) / 062 類別與物件大解剖/ 077 Object slicing 與虛擬函式/ 082 靜態成員(變數與函式) / 085 C++ 程式的生與死:兼談建構式與解構式/ 088 * ㆕種不同的物件生存方式/ 090 * 所謂 "Unwinding" / 092 執行時期型別資訊(RTTI) / 092 動態生成(Dynamic Creation) / 095 異常處理(Exception Handling) / 096 Template / 100 Template Functions / 101 Template Classes / 104 Templates 的編譯與聯結/ 106 第3章 MFC 六大關鍵技術之模擬/ 109 MFC 類別階層/ 111 Frame1 範例程式/ 111 MFC 程式的初始化過程/ 115 Frame2 範例程式/ 118 RTTI(執行時期型別辨識) / 122 CRuntimeClass 與類別型錄網/ 123 DECLARE_DYNAMIC / IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC 巨集/ 125 Frame3 範例程式/ 132 深入淺出 MFC 16 IsKindOf(型別辨識) / 140 Frame4 範例程式/ 141 Dynamic Creation(動態生成) / 143 DECLARE_DYNCREATE / IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE 巨集/ 144 Frame6 範例程式/ 151 Persistence(永續生存)機制/ 160 Serialize(資料讀寫) / 161 DECLARE_SERIAL/IMPLEMENT_SERIAL 巨集/ 167 沒有範例程式/ 170 Message Mapping(訊息映射) / 170 Frame7 範例程式/ 181 Command Routing(命令繞行) / 191 Frame8 範例程式/ 203 * 本章回顧/ 216 第㆓篇 欲善工事先利其器- Visual C++ 5.0 開發工具 / 217 第4章 Visual C++ - 整合性軟體開發環境/ 219 安裝與組成/ 220 ㆕個重要的工具/ 234 內務府總管:Visual C++ 整合開發環境/ 236 關於project / 237 關於工具設定/ 241 Source Browser / 243 Online Help / 247 除錯工具/ 249 VC++ 除錯器/ 251 Exception Handling / 255 目 錄 17 程式碼產生器 - AppWizard / 257 東圈西點完成MFC 程式骨幹/ 258 Scribble Step0 / 270 威力強大的資源編輯器 / 294 Icon 編輯器/ 295 Cursor 編輯器/ 296 Bitmap 編輯器/ 297 ToolBar 編輯器/ 297 VERSIONINFO 資源編輯器/ 299 String Table 編輯器/ 300 Menu 編輯器/ 301 Accelerator 編輯器/ 303 Dialog 編輯器/ 304 * Console 程式的專案管理 / 305 第㆔篇 淺出 MFC 程式設計/ 309 第5章 總觀 Application Framework / 311 什麼是 Application Framework / 311 侯捷怎麼說/ 312 我怎麼說/ 314 別㆟怎麼說 / 317 為什麼使用 Application Framework / 321 Microsoft Foundation Class(MFC) / 324 白頭宮女話㆝寶:Visual C++ 與MFC / 327 縱覽MFC / 329 General Purpose classes / 330 Windows API classes / 333 深入淺出 MFC 18 Application framework classes / 334 High level abstractions / 334 Afx 全域函式/ 335 * MFC 巨集(macros) / 335 * MFC 資料型態(data type) / 338 第6章 MFC 程式設計導論 - MFC 程式的生死因果/ 343 不㆓法門:熟記 MFC 類別的階層架構/ 346 需要什麼函式庫(.LIB) / 347 需要什麼含入檔(.H) / 349 簡化的 MFC 程式架構 - 以Hello MFC 為例/ 351 Hello 程式原始碼/ 352 MFC 程式的來龍去脈/ 357 我只借用兩個類別:CWinApp 和CFrameWnd / 358 CWinApp - 取代 WinMain 的㆞位/ 359 CFrameWnd - 取代WndProc 的㆞位/ 362 引爆器 - Application object / 364 隱晦不明的WinMain / 366 AfxWinInit - AFX 內部初始化動作/ 370 CWinApp::InitApplication / 372 CMyWinApp::InitInstance / 374 CFrameWnd::Create 產生主視窗(並註冊視窗類別) / 376      * 奇怪的視窗類別名稱 Afx:b:14ae:6:3e8f / 387 視窗顯示與更新/ 389 CWinApp::Run - 程式生命的活水源頭/ 390 把訊息與處理函式串接在㆒起:Message Map 機制/394 來龍去脈總整理/ 397 Callback 函式/ 398 目 錄 19 * 閒置時間(idle time)的處理:OnIdle / 403 Dialog 與Control / 406 通用對話盒(Common Controls) / 407 本章回顧/ 409 第7章 簡單而完整:MFC 骨幹程式/ 411 不㆓法門:熟記 MFC 類別的階層架構/ 411 MFC 程式的 UI 新風貌/ 412 Document/View支撐你的應用程式/ 419 利用 Visual C++ 工具完成 Scribble step0 / 423 骨幹程式使用哪些 MFC 類別? / 423 Document Template 的意義/ 430 Scribble 的 Document/View 設計/ 436 主視窗的誕生/ 438 工具列和狀態列的誕生(Toolbar & Status bar) / 440 滑鼠拖放(Drag and Drop) / 442 訊息映射(Message Map) / 445 標準選單 File/Edit/View/Window/Help / 446 對話盒/ 449 改用CEditView / 450 第㆕篇 深入 MFC 程式設計/ 453 第8章 Document-View 深入探討/ 455 為什麼需要 Document-View(形而㆖)/ 455 Document / 457 View / 458 Document Frame(View Frame) / 459 深入淺出 MFC 20 Document Template / 459 CDocTemplate 管理 CDocument / CView / CFrameWnd / 460 Scribble Step1 的 Document(資料結構設計) / 468 MFC Collection Classes 的選用/ 469 Template-Based Classes / 471 Template-Based Classes 的使用方法/ 471 CScribbleDoc 的修改/ 473 SCRIBBLEDOC.H / 475 SCRIBBLEDOC.CPP / 477 文件:㆒連串的線條/ 481 CScribbleDoc 的成員變數/ 481 CObList / 481 CScribbleDoc 的成員函式/ 482 線條與座標點/ 484 CStroke 的成員變數/ 484 CArray / 484 CStroke 的成員函式/ 484 Scribble Step1 的View:資料重繪與編輯/ 487 CScribbleView 的修改/ 488 SCRIBBLEVIEW.H / 488 SCRIBBLEVIEW.CPP / 489 View 的重繪動作 - GetDocument 和OnDraw / 493 CScribbleView 的成員變數/ 493 CScribbleView 的成員函式/ 493 View 與使用者的交談(滑鼠訊息處理實例) / 495 ClassWizard 的輔佐/ 496 WizardBar 的輔佐/ 498 Serialize:物件的檔案讀寫/ 498 目 錄 21 Serialization 以外的檔案讀寫動作/ 499 檯面㆖的 Serialize 動作/ 501 檯面㆘的 Serialize 寫檔奧秘/ 507 檯面㆘的 Serialize 讀檔奧秘/ 514 DYNAMIC / DYNCREATE / SERIAL ㆔巨集/ 522 Serializable 的必要條件/ 527 CObject 類別/ 529 IsKindOf / 529 IsSerializable / 530 CObject::Serialize / 531 CArchive 類別/ 531 operator<< 和 operator>> / 532 效率考量/ 536 自定 SERIAL 巨集給抽象類別使用/ 537 在 CObList ㆗加入 CStroke 以外的類別/ 537 Document 與 View 交流 - 為 Scribble Step4 做準備/ 543 第9章 訊息映射與命令繞行/ 547 到底要解決什麼/ 547 訊息分類/ 549 萬流歸宗 Command Target(CCmdTarget) / 550 ㆔個奇怪的巨集,㆒張巨大的網/ 551 DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP 巨集/ 552 訊息映射網的形成:BEGIN_/ON_/END_ 巨集/ 544 米諾托斯(Minotauros)與西修斯(Theseus) / 560 兩萬五千里長征 - 訊息的流竄/ 566 直線㆖溯(㆒般 Windows 訊息) / 567 拐彎㆖溯(WM_COMMAND 命令訊息) / 572 深入淺出 MFC 22 羅塞達碑石:AfxSig_xx 的秘密/ 580 Scribble Step2:UI 物件的變化/ 585 改變選單/ 585 改變工具列/ 588 利用 ClassWizard 連接命令項識別碼與命令處理函式/ 590 維護 UI 物件狀態(UPDATE_COMMAND_UI) / 594 本章回顧/ 599 第10 章 MFC 與對話盒/ 601 對話盒編輯器/ 602 利用 ClassWizard 連接對話盒與其專屬類別/ 606 PENDLG.H / 610 PENDLG.CPP / 610 對話盒的訊息處理函式/ 613 MFC ㆗各式各樣的MAP / 615 對話盒資料交換與查核(DDX & DDV) / 617 MFC ㆗各式各樣的DDx_ 函式/ 621 如何喚起對話盒/ 622 本章回顧/ 625 第11 章 View功能之加強與重繪效率之提昇/ 627 同時修改多個Views:UpdateAllViews 和OnUpdate / 629 在 View ㆗定義㆒個hint / 631 把 hint 傳給OnUpdate / 635 利用 hint 增加重繪效率/ 637 可捲動的視窗:CScrollView / 640 大視窗㆗的小窗口:Splitter / 650 分裂視窗的功能/ 650 目 錄 23 分裂視窗的程式概念/ 651 分裂視窗之實作/ 653 本章回顧/ 657 第12 章 印表與預覽/ 659 概觀/ 659 列印動作的背景原理/ 663 MFC 預設的印表機制/ 669 Scribble 列印機制的補強/ 685 印表機的頁和文件的頁/ 685 配置 GDI 繪圖工具/ 687 尺寸與方向:關於映像模式(座標系統) / 688 分頁/ 693 表頭(Header)與表尾(Footer)/ 695 動態計算頁碼/ 696 列印預覽(Print Preview) / 697 本章回顧/ 698 第13 章 多重文件與多重顯示/ 701 MDISDI / 701 多重顯像(Multiple Views) / 703 視窗的動態分裂/ 704 視窗的靜態分裂/ 707    CreateStatic 和CreateView / 709 視窗的靜態㆔叉分裂/ 711 Graph 範例程式/ 713 靜態分裂視窗之觀念整理/ 724 同源子視窗/ 725 深入淺出 MFC 24 CMDIFrameWnd::OnWindowNew / 726 Text 範例程式/ 727 非制式作法的缺點/ 734 多重文件/ 736 新的 Document 類別/ 736 新的 Document Template / 739 新的 UI 系統/ 740 新文件的檔案讀寫動作/ 742 * 第14 章 MFC 多緒程式設計(Multi-threaded Programming in MFC) / 745 從作業系統層面看執行緒/ 745 ㆔個觀念:模組、行程、執行緒/ 746 執行緒優先權(Priority) / 748 執行緒排程(Scheduling) / 751 Thread Context / 751 從程式設計層面看執行緒/ 752 Worker Threads 和 UI Threads / 754 錯誤觀念/ 754 正確態度/ 755 MFC 多緒程式設計/ 755 探索CWinThread / 755 產生㆒個 Worker Thread / 759 產生㆒個 UI Thread / 761 執行緒的結束/ 763 執行緒與同步控制/ 763 MFC 多緒程式實例/ 766 目 錄 25 * 第15 章 定製㆒個AppWizard / 771 到底 Wizard 是什麼? / 733 Custom AppWizard 的基本操作/ 774 剖析 AppWizard Components / 779 Dialog Templates 和 Dialog Classes / 780 Macros / 781 Directives / 783 動手修改 Top Studio AppWizard / 784 利用資源編輯器修改 IDD_CUSTOM1 對話窗畫面 / 785 利用 ClassWizard 修改 CCustom1Dlg 類別/ 785 改寫 OnDismiss 虛擬函式,在其㆗定義macros / 787 修改 text template / 788 Top Studio AppWizard 執行結果/789 更多的資訊/ 790 * 第16 章 站㆖眾㆟的肩膀 - 使用 Components 和 ActiveX Controls / 791 什麼是 Component Gallery / 792 使用Components / 795 Splash screen / 795 System Info for About Dlg / 797 Tips of the Day / 798 Components 實際運用:ComTest 程式/ 799 修改 ComTest 程式內容/ 818 使用 ActiveX Controls / 822 ActiveX Control 基礎觀念:Properties、Methods、Events / 823 ActiveX Controls 的五大使用步驟/ 825 使用 "Grid" ActiveX Control:OcxTest 程式 / 827 深入淺出 MFC 26 第五篇 附錄/ 843 附錄A 無責任書評:從搖籃到墳墓 - Windows 的完全學習/ 845 * 無責任書評:MFC ㆕大㆝王/ 856 附錄B Scribble Step5 程式原始碼列表/ 873 附錄C Visual C++ 5.0 MFC 範例程式總覽/ 915 * 附錄D 以 MFC 重建 Debug Window(DBWIN) / 921 第
3D Text
A button within a button
Flat Owner Drawn Buttons
Flat-look Buttons
Showing disabled combo text in black
Combobox Color Picker
Switch between drop down & drop list mode
处理drop down和drop list方式之间的转换(32KB)
Drop down a popdown window instead of a dropdown list from a combobox 在ComboBox中用Drop down方式代替dropdown list方式(32KB)
Change listbox width of combo boxes
Owner Drawn Font Selection ComboBox
This sample was developed on stage at the Washington Software Association's WinSIG meeting on the ninth of September, 1996 using Visual C++ 4.2. (13KB)
The project demonstrates the use of common control callback items in an MFC applicationthat manages a CListCtrl control in a CListView. (16KB)
The COLORLB sample shows how to implement an owner-draw list box. (53KB)
COMPER is an example of the ATL Composite Control. (123KB)
This sample shows how to add a couple of extra buttons to a CFileDialog. (23KB)
CUSTLIST shows how to use custom draw in a list view control. (23KB)
This sample shows how floating-point exceptions may be captured and handled in an MFC application. (14KB)
The project demonstrates many Windows common controls, including the extensive use of image lists. (83KB)
DOULBEEDIT shows how to sublcass an edit control inside a form view and react to double-clicks on the edit control by handling the WM_LBTNDOUBLECLICK message. (18KB)
DUMPSOME is a project for Visual C++ 4.x that shows how to write a CGI server extension which uses MFC and DAO. (8KB)
EDPOS is a MDI-based MFC application that shows an edit control in its primary view. (35KB)
this sample shows how to use the StreamIn() and StreamOut() members of the CRichEditCtrl class in MFC. (36KB)
RICHFIND is a dialog-based MFC application for Visual C++ 6.0. (24KB)
The FloatList sample is an MFC-based SDI application with an edit view as its main window. (49KB)
FULLY shows how to make an MFC application make one of its views go full-screen active. (43KB)
HOLDER contains the Internet Explorer web browser control using CHtmlView in an MFC application. (67KB)
LANGLOAD shows how to use the LANGUAGE keyword in a resource file to mark language-specific resources. (2KB)
This sample shows how to use the CList<> template. (9KB)
This Visual C++ 6 project shows how to create an MDI application that hosts CHtmlView (20KB)
MFCTALK was originally published with Mike's article on ISPAI programming with MFC in the May (23KB)
MCTTLIST is a dialog-based application that provides the same functionality as the TLIST sample in the SDK. (28KB)
MRULESS shows a way to strip the empty "Recent Files" item off the "File" menu when there are no entries in the MRU. (32KB)
MTPRINT demonstrates the use of a secondary thread to perform printing in an application that uses MFC's document/view architecture. (21KB)
MULTITOP shows how to write an SDI application which has multiple top level windows and uses the MFC doc/view architecture.(30KB)
This 16-bit DOS tool traverses all directories on all drives on your machine and finds files which match the template you specify. (33KB)
This sample shows how to make an application that doesn't have the doc/view architecture but still offers a form in the client area of the application's main window. (33KB)
ODCOMBO.ZIP is a VC++ 6.0 dialog-based project that contians an onwer-drawn combo box. (23KB)
It demonstrates calling CDocTemplate::OpenDocumentFile(). (49KB)
PrimeCon is a VC++ 6.0 sample which uses MFC in a console application.(60KB)
Q1 is a VC++ 6.0 project that creates two threads. (79KB)
This dialog-based application shows how to use the CListCtrl::Scroll() member. (14KB)
SpinRange is a VC++ 6.0 project that shows how to subclass a CSpinButtonControl to dramatically extend the range of the control. (24KB)
This VC++ 5.0 project shows how to manage views within a splitter window. (36KB)
This SDI application shows how to create an application that doesn't show up in the task bar in Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0. (29KB)
Because the Windows dialog manager eats all keystrokes, you'll need to install a Windows keyboard hook if you want to get keyboard input to your dialog without other controls getting in the way. (19KB)
Tree views are capable of storing hierarchical data, which isn't intuitively serialized. (41KB)
This console application shows how to bake resources into console applications. (566KB)
The XCTRL sample is an ATL "full control" ATL Control. (100KB)
How to get a button control wired-in and working(34KB)
An improvement on the CBitmapButton class.(22KB)
A simple drop-in class that provides a 'hot' look button using the _TrackMouseEvent function(17KB)
A button that looks like a LED.(24KB)
A class that turns rectangular buttons into elliptic buttons.(29KB)
A class that turns rectangular buttons into round buttons.(17KB)
A class that show AVIs inside a button.(49KB)
A fully featured owner-draw button class - it's got the lot!(225KB)
This article shows the use of a Push button with a drop down menu, similar to the one found in the Office 2000 suite.(31KB)
A class to make working with radio buttons easier, and another for custom drawing buttons(45KB)
CWBButton is a resizable bitmap button like GTK+ or Window Blinds.(44KB)
A simple tutorial explaining how to set the width of a combo dropdown list so that all items are fully visible(18KB)
An entry level tutorial on using the CComboBox control(65KB)
An entry level tutorial on using the CListBox control(62KB)
A combo box that can be used to display bitmaps(26KB)
A multicolumn, customizable, editable combobox(27KB)
combobox with disabled items(3KB)
A combo box with check boxes(21KB)
A combobox derived class that provides a simple color picker(36KB)
Learn how to programmatically initialize a combo box.(3KB)
2 Freeware MFC icon selection combo box classes(19KB)
A combobox that autocompletes as you type(17KB)
An extremely simple but useful CComboBox entension(12KB)
A combobox that encapsulates the functionality of CRecentFileList(29KB)
A drop-in replacement combobox that gives your apps the flat Office-style look(53KB)
Show a disabled dropdown style combobox like a read only edit box.(2KB)
Creates a combo box similar to those in Visual Basic.(27KB)
ComboBox with a tree control drop down(36KB)
Extends the CCheckListBox class to have multiple check box columns(19KB)
Listbox with disabled items.(2KB)
A list box for viewing images(25KB)
Using the custom-draw features in version 4.70 of the common controls to customise the look and feel of list controls(28KB)
Everything you need to know about using the standard list control in your applications(68KB)
This article explains how to support file drag and drop in your CWnd-derived object(40KB)
A control that shows drive names and icons like Explorer(23KB)
This article shows you how you can navigate through a multi-column, editable list view(42KB)
Learn how to use printf-like functionality to debug your GUI applications.(46KB)
An object properties list control than can change based on the objects state.(64KB)
A combination list control and tree control with checkbox capability(87KB)
Shows how to use text callbacks in list controls(16KB)
How to make the CListCtrl's header Multiline(29KB)
Printing the contents of a CListCtrl or CListView with multiple pages(56KB)
A custom-drawn tree-list hybrid, with explanations on how the control was developed.(39KB)
Code to add printing capabilities to a Tree View(32KB)
A tree control / list control hybrid(81KB)
Implements a tree control similar to the left hand side of Windows Explorer.(46KB)
A freeware MFC class to provide a tree options control.(32KB)
A very simple manager for shared folders using tree control drag & drop (42KB)
A CWaitingTreeCtrl-derived class to display network resources(40KB)
Two animation provider classes to add animation effects to any CWaitingTreeCtrl-derived class(33KB)
A CWaitingTreeCtrl-derived class to display Shell's resources(39KB)
A CTreeCtrl derived class that populates the branches of a tree only when necessary, with optional visual effects.(5KB)
An article on Browsing my computer and the network using a TreeCtrl(82KB)
This article is a light sample showing how to iterate and export a tree control content to an Excel file.(44KB)
A better looking tab control(89KB)
An easier tab control(32KB)
Two CPropertySheet/CPropertyPage derived classes to implement resizable property sheets or wizard dialogs with MFC(96KB)
A base class for a prefereneces dialog, similar to that used in Netscape(39KB)
A simply class to turn CPropertySheet into wizard mode without needing to alert the property pages within(2KB)
CAutoRichEditCtrl - automate rich edit formatting and RTF handling(49KB)
A tutorial that shows how to automatically split a view, and also how to indicate which view has the focus(31KB)
An extension to MFCs CSplitterWnd that provides splitter locking and dynamic view replacement(25KB)
Using fixed panes to add rulers to your view(5KB)
An entry level tutorial on using the CStatic control(64KB)
A bevelline control that displays vertical and horizontal text(83KB)
A class that provides a news/stock ticker for your MFC applications(47KB)
A control to display time, floating point numbers or integers using an LED digital-style display(41KB)
A control to display times and numbers using an LED digital-style display(52KB)
A simple histogram control for displaying data(23KB)
A CStatic class that gently fades text into view(99KB)
A fully stocked owner drawn CStatic class(52KB)
A control to display text or numbers with a 14 or 7 segment display(176KB)
Lightweight class for displaying long filespecs that may need to be truncated(16KB)
A tip-of-the-day control that uses a cool sliding effect to show each tip(133KB)
An entry level tutorial on using one of the Windows Common Controls in a dialog(42KB)
A C++/MFC sample how to implement UI notifications for user-defined controls(15KB)
An introduction to subclassing the Windows common controls using MFC(19KB)
An introduction to creating custom controls using MFC(22KB)
A comprehensive set of classes for displaying 2 dimensional data(386KB)
An Analog Meter Control for displaying real-time data(42KB)
A control that displays a numerical value as an analog meter(45KB)
A control that graphically displays numerical information(31KB)
A set of MFC classes the duplicate the Java Swing look and feel(76KB)
An Outlook 98/2000 Style SuperGrid Report Control that tries to overcome some of the weaknesses of other implementations.(179KB)
This article presents a wrapper class for the pager control(28KB)
A simple ruler control to allow users to set margins or indents(21KB)
A class that provides the ability to move and size controls at run-time (34KB)
Demonstrates the use of the windows animation control(145KB)
A Freeware MFC class to implement Map pins.(286KB)
The simplest way to change color, font or set blinking mode for any standard control(53KB)
A Freeware MFC PushPin button class.(15KB)
An article on using an Outlook style window slider control.(98KB)
An animation control that uses a bitmap imagelist instead of an AVI file(25KB)
A simple drop-in hyperlink control(28KB)
How to take a snapshot of an OCX without using HWNDs.(38KB)
A spin button whose arrows automatically disable themselves when they are at their maximum or minimum value.(27KB)
A plug in class that allows you to intercept and handle messages for any window class(266KB)
A method to allow the user to visually resize and position any control at run time(15KB)
A round slider control to allow users to adjust an angle or similar values(90KB)
An application demonstrating the windows Thumbnail control(42KB)
A very simple group box replacement to enhance your user interface(3KB)
An easy-to-use control to display bitmaps (stretch, scale, tile)(128KB)
A new class that adds hyperlink support to the MFC Grid Control(3KB)
A fully featured MFC grid control for displaying tabular data. The grid is a custom control derived from CWnd(381KB)
A set of classes derived from CGridCtrl that embed a tree control, button controls, and virtual cells within the grid(221KB)
Explains how to use comboboxes to edit cells in the MFC Grid Control(203KB)
A quick and simple example of using MSHTML to modify the DOM(36KB)
A simple method to processing HTML forms From a CHtmlView(60KB)
A simple modification to Chris Maunder's "Office 97 style Colour Picker" control(44KB)
A replacement color picker control allowing you full visual control over RGB and HSB selections(288KB)
A simple color chooser dialog that uses slifer controls to allow the user to combine different RGB values(37KB)
A dropdown menu button with checkbox menu items(25KB)
A control for selecting items from a list, with tool tips and mouse tracking(33KB)
A simple drop in color chooser control(54KB)
A popup window containing a progress control and cancel button - no resource file needed(34KB)
An enhanced progress control that supports gradient shading, formatted text, 'snake' and reverse modes, and vertical modes(80KB)
Subclasses the standard CProgressCtrl to allow for gradient fills. Supports vertical progress controls as well.(52KB)
A progress control with a difference(149KB)
A smooth progress control with text(15KB)
An easy way to add a progress control to a status bar(33KB)
A progress control that tells the user how long an operation has left to complete(26KB)
A wrapper class for the progress dialog provided by IE 5.(20KB)
A rotary knob similar to that used in the Windows 2000 CD Player(67KB)
An MS-Word like drop down window for creating tables(37KB)
A drop-in multiline extendable tooltip control(1052KB)
A class that allows you to display data for a control that is otherwise not large enough to display the full text(23KB)
Could be used to create a Visual C++ like search combo for CHtmlViews...
Update: Now you can highlight all matching words!(36KB)
Grid control with vertical column headers.(85KB)
CruiseYoung提供的带有详细书签的电子书籍目录 http://blog.csdn.net/fksec/article/details/7888251 该资料是《Visual C++ 2005入门经典》的源代码及课后练习答案 对应的书籍资料见: Visual C++ 2005入门经典 基本信息 原书名: Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2005 原出版社: Wiley 作者: (美)Ivor Horton 译者: 李颂华 康会光 出版社:清华大学出版社 ISBN:9787302142713 上架时间:2007-2-12 出版日期:2007 年1月 开本:16开 页码:1046 版次:1-1 编辑推荐   本书由编程语言先驱者Ivor Horton倾力而著,是国内第一本全面、深入介绍Visual C++ 2005的经典之作! 内容简介   本书系编程语言先驱者Ivor Horton的经典之作,是学习C++编程最畅销的图书品种之一,不仅涵盖了Visual C++ .NET编程知识,还全面介绍了标准C++语言和.NET C++/CLI。本书延续了Ivor Horton讲解编程语言的独特方法,从中读者可以学习Visual C++ 2005的基础知识,并全面掌握在MFC和Windows Forms中访问数据源的技术。此外,本书各章后面的习题将有助于读者温故而知新,并尽快成为C++高效程序员。...    作译者   Ivor Horton是世界著名的计算机图书作家,主要从事与编程相关的顾问及撰写工作,曾帮助无数程序员步入编程的殿堂。他曾在IBM工作多年,能使用多种语言进行编程(在多种机器上使用汇编语言和高级语言),设计和实现了实时闭环工业控制系统。Horton拥有丰富的教学经验(教学内容包括C、C++、Fortran、PL/1、APL等),同时还是机械、加工和电子CAD系统、机械CAM系统和DNC/CNC系统方面的专家。Ivor Horton还著有Beginning Visual C++ 6、Beginning C Programming和Beginning Java 2等多部入门级好书。 目录 封面 -18 前言 -14 目录 -9 第1章 使用Visual C++ 2005编程 1 1.1 .NET Framework 1 1.2 CLR 2 1.3 编写C++应用程序 3 1.4 学习Windows编程 4 1.4.1 学习C++ 4 1.4.2 C++标准 5 1.4.3 控制台应用程序 5 1.4.4 Windows编程概念 6 1.5 集成开发环境简介 7 1.6 使用IDE 9 1.6.1 工具栏选项 9 1.6.2 可停靠的工具栏 10 1.6.3 文档 11 1.6.4 项目和解决方案 11 1.6.5 设置Visual C++ 2005的选项 23 1.6.6 创建和执行Windows应用程序 24 1.6.7 创建Windows Forms应用程序 26 1.7 小结 29 第2章 数据、变量和计算 31 2.1 C++程序结构 31 2.1.1 程序注释 36 2.1.2 #include指令——头文件 37 2.1.3 命名空间和using声明 37 2.1.4 main()函数 38 2.1.5 程序语句 38 2.1.6 空白 40 2.1.7 语句块 41 2.1.8 自动生成的控制台程序 41 2.2 定义变量 42 2.2.1 命名变量 43 2.2.2 C++中的关键字 43 2.2.3 声明变量 44 2.2.4 变量的初值 44 2.3 基本数据类型 45 2.3.1 整型变量 45 2.3.2 字符数据类型 46 2.3.3 整型修饰符 47 2.3.4 布尔类型 48 2.3.5 浮点类型 48 2.3.6 ISO/ANSI C++中的基本类型 49 2.3.7 字面值 50 2.3.8 定义数据类型的同义词 50 2.3.9 具有特定值集的变量 51 2.3.10 指定枚举常量的类型 52 2.4 基本的输入/输出操作 53 2.4.1 从键盘输入 53 2.4.2 到命令行的输出 53 2.4.3 格式化输出 54 2.4.4 转义序列 55 2.5 C++中的计算 57 2.5.1 赋值语句 57 2.5.2 算术运算 58 2.5.3 计算余数 63 2.5.4 修改变量 63 2.5.5 增量和减量运算符 64 2.5.6 计算



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