
moqijun 2003-09-29 05:32:48
rq lh rksl cksl
2003-09-04 AL0005 27.00 .00
2003-09-05 AL0005 .00 17.00
2003-09-09 AL0009 .00 8.00
2003-09-23 AL0009 .00 13.00
2003-09-17 AL0013 260.00 .00
2003-09-18 AL0013 .00 182.00
2003-09-19 AL0013 .00 60.00

一個月每天的出入情況, 每個料號為二行, 一行為入庫情況, 一行為出庫情況
lh 1,2,3,4, 5,..9,..17..18..19..23..30
AL0005 27
AL0005 17
AL0009 8 13
AL0013 260
AL0013 182 60

67 13 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
13 条回复
changechange 2003-10-02
  • 打赏
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Select * from
Select lh,
(case when day(rq) = 1 then rksl else 0 end) as 1,
(case when day(rq) = 2 then rksl else 0 end) as 2,
(case when day(rq) = 30 then rksl else 0 end) as 30
from 出入库表
Union all
Select lh,
(case when day(rq) = 1 then cksl else 0 end) as 1,
(case when day(rq) = 2 then cksl else 0 end) as 2,
(case when day(rq) = 30 then cksl else 0 end) as 30
from 出入库表
) a
order by lh
playyuer 2003-09-30
  • 打赏
  • 举报

select a.lh,dateadd(day, -day(a.rq) + n,a.rq),t.cksl,t.rksl
select lh,min(rq) as rq
from T
group by lh,datediff(month,rq,getdate())
) a
select 1 as n
union all
select 2
union all
select 3
union all
select 4
union all
select 5
union all
select 6
union all
select 7
union all
select 8
union all
select 9
union all
select 10
union all
select 11
union all
select 12
union all
select 13
union all
select 14
union all
select 15
union all
select 16
union all
select 17
union all
select 18
union all
select 19
union all
select 20
union all
select 21
union all
select 22
union all
select 23
union all
select 24
union all
select 25
union all
select 26
union all
select 27
union all
select 28
union all
select 29
union all
select 30
union all
select 31
) b
where datediff(month,a.rq,dateadd(day, -day(a.rq) + n,a.rq) )=0
and a.lh *= T.lh
and datediff(day,T.rq, dateadd(day, -day(a.rq) + n,a.rq)) = 0

order by a.lh ,dateadd(day, -day(a.rq) + n,a.rq)
playyuer 2003-09-30
  • 打赏
  • 举报

declare @a varchar(8000)
set @a = 'select lh'
declare @b varchar(8000)
set @b = 'select lh'
declare @i integer
set @i = 0
declare @d datetime

select @i = @i + 1
,@a = @a + ',(select cksl from T where lh = a.lh and datediff(day,rq,'''+ cast(dateadd(day, -day(a.rq)+n,a.rq) as varchar) + ''')=0) as ''' + cast(@i as varchar) + '''' + char(13)
+ case when datediff(month,@d,dateadd(day, -day(a.rq)+n,a.rq) ) = 0 or @d is null then '' else ' from T a group by a.lh union all select a.lh' + char(13) end
,@b = @b + ',(select rksl from T where lh = a.lh and datediff(day,rq,'''+ cast(dateadd(day, -day(a.rq)+n,a.rq) as varchar) + ''')=0) as ''' + cast(@i as varchar) + '''' + char(13)
+ case when datediff(month,@d,dateadd(day, -day(a.rq)+n,a.rq) ) = 0 or @d is null then '' else ' from T a group by a.lh union all select a.lh' + char(13) + '' end
,@d=dateadd(day, -day(a.rq)+n,a.rq)
select lh,min(rq) as rq
from T
group by lh,datediff(month,rq,getdate())
) a
select 1 as n
union all
select 2
union all
select 3
union all
select 4
union all
select 5
union all
select 6
union all
select 7
union all
select 8
union all
select 9
union all
select 10
union all
select 11
union all
select 12
union all
select 13
union all
select 14
union all
select 15
union all
select 16
union all
select 17
union all
select 18
union all
select 19
union all
select 20
union all
select 21
union all
select 22
union all
select 23
union all
select 24
union all
select 25
union all
select 26
union all
select 27
union all
select 28
union all
select 29
union all
select 30
union all
select 31
) b
where datediff(month,a.rq,dateadd(day, -day(a.rq) + n,a.rq) )=0
and a.lh *= T.lh
and datediff(day,T.rq, dateadd(day, -day(a.rq) + n,a.rq)) = 0

order by a.lh ,a.rq

--print @a + ' from T a group by a.lh union ' + @b + ' from T a group by a.lh'
exec (@a + ' from T a group by a.lh union ' + @b + ' from T a group by a.lh')

realgz 2003-09-30
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realgz 2003-09-30
  • 打赏
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selct lh,
sum (case when datepart(day,rq)=1 then rksl+cksl else 0 end)
as [1],
sum (case when datepart(day,rq)=30 then rksl+cksl else 0 end)
as [30]

from [table]
group by lh,(case when rksl=0 then 1 else 2 end)
order by lh,(case when rksl=0 then 1 else 2 end)
realgz 2003-09-30
  • 打赏
  • 举报
selct lh,
sum (case when datepart(day,rq)=1 then rksl+ksl else 0 end)
as [1],
sum (case when datepart(day,rq)=30 then rksl+ksl else 0 end)
as [30]

from [table]
group by lh,(case when ksl=0 then 1 else 2 end)
order by lh,(case when ksl=0 then 1 else 2 end)
playyuer 2003-09-30
  • 打赏
  • 举报
zjcxc 2003-09-30
  • 打赏
  • 举报

select lh,[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],...[30]
select sort=0,lh
,[1]=sum(case day(rq) when 1 then rksl else 0 end)
,[2]=sum(case day(rq) when 2 then rksl else 0 end)
,[3]=sum(case day(rq) when 3 then rksl else 0 end)
,[4]=sum(case day(rq) when 4 then rksl else 0 end)
,[5]=sum(case day(rq) when 5 then rksl else 0 end)
,[30]=sum(case day(rq) when 30 then rksl else 0 end)
from 表 group by lh
union all
select sort=1,lh
,[1]=sum(case day(rq) when 1 then cksl else 0 end)
,[2]=sum(case day(rq) when 2 then cksl else 0 end)
,[3]=sum(case day(rq) when 3 then cksl else 0 end)
,[4]=sum(case day(rq) when 4 then cksl else 0 end)
,[5]=sum(case day(rq) when 5 then cksl else 0 end)
,[30]=sum(case day(rq) when 30 then cksl else 0 end)
from 表 group by lh
) a order by lh,sort
zjcxc 2003-09-30
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  • 举报
select sort=0,lh
,[1]=sum(case day(rq) when 1 then rksl else 0 end)
,[2]=sum(case day(rq) when 2 then rksl else 0 end)
,[3]=sum(case day(rq) when 3 then rksl else 0 end)
,[4]=sum(case day(rq) when 4 then rksl else 0 end)
,[5]=sum(case day(rq) when 5 then rksl else 0 end)
,[30]=sum(case day(rq) when 30 then rksl else 0 end)
from 表 group by lh
union all
select sort=1,lh
,[1]=sum(case day(rq) when 1 then cksl else 0 end)
,[2]=sum(case day(rq) when 2 then cksl else 0 end)
,[3]=sum(case day(rq) when 3 then cksl else 0 end)
,[4]=sum(case day(rq) when 4 then cksl else 0 end)
,[5]=sum(case day(rq) when 5 then cksl else 0 end)
,[30]=sum(case day(rq) when 30 then cksl else 0 end)
from 表 group by lh
order by lh,sort
moqijun 2003-09-30
  • 打赏
  • 举报
按上面的寫法, 一個料號會出現多行.一個料號只要有出入庫就一行.不符合要求.
waitwater 2003-09-29
  • 打赏
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Select lh,sum(a1) as 1,sum(a2) as 2,....sum(a30) as 30, from
Select lh,
(case when day(rq) = 1 then rksl else 0 end) as a1,
(case when day(rq) = 2 then rksl else 0 end) as a2,
(case when day(rq) = 30 then rksl else 0 end) as a30
from 出入库表
Union all
Select lh,
(case when day(rq) = 1 then cksl else 0 end) as a1,
(case when day(rq) = 2 then cksl else 0 end) as a2,
(case when day(rq) = 30 then cksl else 0 end) as a30
from 出入库表
) a
order by lh
yujohny 2003-09-29
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txlicenhe 2003-09-29
  • 打赏
  • 举报
Select * from
Select lh,
(case when day(rq) = 1 then rksl else 0 end) as 1,
(case when day(rq) = 2 then rksl else 0 end) as 2,
(case when day(rq) = 30 then rksl else 0 end) as 30
from 出入库表
Union all
Select lh,
(case when day(rq) = 1 then cksl else 0 end) as 1,
(case when day(rq) = 2 then cksl else 0 end) as 2,
(case when day(rq) = 30 then cksl else 0 end) as 30
from 出入库表
) a
order by lh



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