请问如下信息是什么原因造成的!~怎么解决之!? "浏览器无法自 \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{78A86A47-50E2-4463-913E-8E7DAEB300E2} 网络上的 \\

loulanlouzhu 2003-10-09 04:11:17
"浏览器无法自 \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{78A86A47-50E2-4463-913E-8E7DAEB300E2} 网络上的 \\TD 主浏览器上获得服务器列表。 数据为错误代码。"

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loulanlouzhu 2003-10-09
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数据可能丢失,将文件保存在其它地方“ 的错误!"

sungod8 2003-10-09
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1.什么是浏览列表(Browsing List) 在微软网络中,用户可以在浏览列表里看到整个网络(何指?子网还是广播域?大家可以考虑考虑)上所有的计算机。当你通过网上邻居窗口打开整个网络时,你将看到一个工作组列表,再打开某个工作组,你将看到里面的计算机列表(也可在 DOS方式下用net view /domain:workgroupname命令得到),这就是我们所说的 Browsing List。工作组从本质上说就是共享一个浏览列表的一组计算机,所有的工作组之间都是对等的,没有规定不可以让所有的计算机同处于一个工作组中。

2.浏览列表在哪里 曾在木棉上看到过一场争论,有人说:网上邻居里的计算机列表是广播查询得来的。可有人举反例说:我的同学都关机了,可我还是能在网上邻居里看到它,应该是从HUB或交换机之类较为固定的设备的缓存中取得的。 其实他们都只说对了一个方面,把他们二人的说法结合起来就是正确答案了--- 浏览列表是通过广播查询浏览主控服务器,由浏览主控服务器提供的。

3.浏览主控服务器又是什么 浏览主控服务器是工作组中的一台最为重要的计算机,它负责维护本工作组中的浏览列表及指定其他工作组的主控服务器列表,为本工作组的其他计算机和其他来访本工作组的计算机提供浏览服务,每个工作组都为会每个传输协议选择一个浏览主控服务器,而我们经常遇到的无法浏览网络的错误大多是因为你所处的工作组没有浏览主控服务器而造成的。你可以在一个工作组中用NBTSTAT -a computername 命令找出使用NBT协议的浏览主控服务器,它的标识是含有\\_MSBROWSE_名字段。

4.浏览主控服务器是如何指定的 缺省情况下,win98工作组中的浏览主控服务器是该工作组中第一台启用文件及打印机共享功能的计算机,也允许手工将一台win98计算机配置为浏览主控服务器(方法会在后面讲述网络配置时具体介绍,但由于浏览主控服务器需要维护动态浏览列表,性能会受影响),如果一个工作组中有多台计算机配置了这个选项,或是当前的浏览主控服务器关闭了系统,又没有其他计算机启用主控设置时,就要进行主控浏览器的选举。

5.如何通过浏览器选举产生浏览主控服务器 关于浏览器的选举报文,不太好抓包,我就只好按书上的东西来讲述了.其实过程很简单,首先由一台计算机发送一个选举临界报文,该报文包含了来自发送计算机的信息(操作系统,版本及NETBIOS名等),选举报文向网络中广播,工作组中的每一台计算机都会用自身信息与选举报文进行优先级比较,主要是操作系统起主要作用,记得好像是NT Server>NT Workstation>Win98>WFWG,反正到最后是那个自身条件最好的成为新的浏览主控服务器.

6.整个网络浏览的过程是怎样的 当一台win98进入网络时,如果它带有服务器服务(启用了文件及打印机共享)会向网络广播宣告自己的存在,而浏览主控服务器会取得这个宣告并将它放入自己维护的浏览列表中;而没有在相应协议上绑定文件及打印机共享的计算机则不会宣告,因而也就不会出现在网络邻居里了。当客户计算机想获得需要的网络资源列表时,首先会广播发出浏览请求,浏览主控服务器收到请求后,如果请求的是本组的浏览列表,则直接将客户所需的资源列表发回;如果请求的是其它工作组的浏览列表,浏览主控服务器会根据本身Browsing List中的记录找到相应工作组的主控浏览器返回给用户,用户可从那里得到它想要的浏览列表。

sungod8 2003-10-09
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主浏览表中维护一个可用的基于NETBLOS的资源列表,他其中会有NETBLOS名称到IP地址的映射,也就包含有我们所有的机器的信息。普通客户机在主浏览器的主浏览表中加入自己,告诉他:"我来到了这个网络"我的NETBILOS名字是COMPUTER1,IP是192.168.0.1,当你打开网上邻居的时候,首先通过广播来查找到"主浏览器"。 如果没有"主浏览器"或者主浏览器关机,则在网络中就会通过"选举"来推选出一个"主浏览器",选举考虑的原则包括
1 操作系统
2 措做系统版本
3 计算机角色
(注意:这个过程可能会很慢!!尤其在一个2000 98 混合环境中)找到主浏览器后,在从主浏览器中得到一个备份浏览器的列表,然后再从备份浏览器得到所有的列表(备份浏览器时主浏览器的备份,存储有浏览表的副本),这时,网上邻居中就出现了所有的计算机!



而在网络上,为了有效地定位网络资源,Microsoft Windows网络的浏览服务必须有特定的"浏览服务器"参与并提供。

1 有时候,明明计算机已经关了,但网上邻居上却仍然存在 ----浏览表没有更新
2 所有的网上邻居中的机器不可访问 ----主浏览器死机,还没有选举出新的浏览器
3 某些网上邻居的机器不可用 ----是浏览表中的内容没有更新




一、启用guest来宾帐户; 二、控制面板→管理工具→本地安全策略→本地策略→用户权利指派里,“从网络访问此计算机”中加入guest帐户,而“拒绝从网络访问这台计算机”中删除guest帐户; 三、我的电脑→工具→文件夹选项→查看→去掉“使用简单文件共享(推荐)”前的勾; 四、设置共享文件夹; 五、控制面板→管理工具→本地安全策略→本地策略→安全选项里,把“网络访问:本地帐户的共享和安全模式”设为“仅来宾-本地用户以来宾的身份验证”(可选,此项设置可去除访问时要求输入密码的对话框,也可视情况设为“经典-本地用户以自己的身份验证”); 六、右击“我的电脑”→“属性”→“计算机名”,该选项卡中有没有出现你的局域网工作组名称,如“work”等。然后单击“网络 ID”按钮,开始“网络标识向导”:单击“下一步”,选择“本机是商业网络的一部分,用它连接到其他工作着的计算机”;单击“下一步”,选择“公司使用没有域的网络”;单击“下一步”按钮,然后输入你的局域网的工作组名,如“work”,再次单击“下一步”按钮,最后单击“完成”按钮完成设置。 访问网上邻居时显示:" windows xp系统访问局域网时显示 "WORKGROUP无法访问.您可能没有权限使用网络资源.请与这台服务器的管理员联系以查明您是否有访问权限.此工作组的服务器的列表当前无法使用." 我用的是xp系统 我也遇到过这样的情况,当时也是着急得不轻,后来看到了以下的内容,照着一步步的做了做,真的好了。内容不少,但是仍然希望你能耐住性子,仔细的看看自己属于那种情况,应该会有所收获。 局域网互访 - [ 网络 ] 我也是类似问题。 以前一个局域网10多台机子互访问。安了蕃茄花园v2.3,感觉主题漂亮,桌面壁纸自动换,很爽。访问局域网计算机没问题。可网内其它机子在工作组内能看到我的机子,但打不开。说什么“没有权限”。所有设置都作了如下改动(网上找的),依然无效,何故?但求高手指点。 “网上邻居”无法互访问题解决方法大全 “网上邻居”无法互访的问题实在是太常见了,无论在学校,网吧还是家里多台电脑联机,都有可能遇到网上邻居无法互访的故展。“网上邻居”无法访问的故障多种多样,总结起来基本上有下面的几个: 1,没有共享资源/共享服务未启用。 症状:电脑与电脑间可以Ping通,但无法访问共享资源,在“计算机管理”中查看“本地共享”后会弹出“没有启动服务器服务”的错误对话框。 解决:在控制面板-管理工具-服务中启动Server服务。并设置“启动类型”为“自动”。 2,IP设置有误。 症状:双机之间无法互Ping,连接用的双绞线经过测试没有问题,没有安装防火墙。 解决:检查两台电脑的IP是否处在同一网段,还有子掩码是否相同。 3,WINXP默认设置不正确。 症状:从WIN98/2000/2003上无法访问另一台WINXP的机器。 解决:在“控制面板”中的“用户帐户”启用Guest帐号。然后在运行中输入secpol.msc启动“本地安全策略”。 本地策略 -> 用户权利指派,打开“从网络访问此计算机”,添加Guest帐户 本地策略 -> 安全选项,禁止"帐户:使用空白密码的本地帐户只允许进行控制台登陆"。 另外有时还会遇到另外一种情况:访问XP的时候,登录对话框中的用户名是灰的,始终是Guest用户,不能输入别的用户帐号。 解决:本地策略 -> 安全选项 -> "网络访问:本地帐户的共享和安全模式",修改为"经典-本地用户以自己的身份验证" 4,系统漏洞修补软件修改了安全策略。 症状:在“网上邻居”中可以看到对方的计算机,但是访问共享时却提示“没有权限访问网络解决:在开始菜单运行中输入secpol.msc启动“本地安全策略”,本地策略 -> 用户权利分配,打开“拒绝从网络访问这台计算机”,删除guest用户。 5,防火墙规则。 症状:安装了防火墙(包括WINXP系统自带的防火墙),出现无法Ping通,或者是访问共享资源的时候提示"XXX无法访问"、"您可能没有权限使用网络资源"、"请与这台服务器的管理员联系以查明您是否有访问权限"、"找不到网络路径"等类似的提示。 解决:停止防火墙或者添加局域网的访问规则。 WINXP自带的防火墙:打开控制面板 -> 网络和Internet连接 -> Windows防火墙 -> 例外,勾选“文件和打印机共享”。 6,Win2000/XP与Win98互访 症状:Ping命令可以通过,但无法在“网上邻居”中实现互访。 解决:在WIN2000/XP系统中:控制面板 -> 管理工具 -> 计算机管理 -> 本地用户和组 -> 用户,在Guest帐户上点击鼠标右键,选择属性,在常规项里取消
RELEASE NOTES FOR MICROSOFT(R) TCP/IP-32 FOR WINDOWS(TM) FOR WORKGROUPS 3.11 PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT General ------- This product is compatible with, and supported exclusively on, the Microsoft Windows For Workgroups 3.11 platform. If you are running a different TCP/IP product on your system, you must remove it before installing Microsoft TCP/IP-32. If you experience difficulties with another vendor's product, remove the existing TCP/IP stack, exit Network Setup completely, reboot your system, and then proceed to add the Microsoft TCP/IP-32 drivers by following the instructions given in the documentation. Known Problems -------------- There have been a number of reports on IBM TokenRing, EtherLink III cards, and ODI drivers that are related to bugs in drivers other than TCP/IP-32. These Windows For Workgroups 3.11 patches are described in the following Application Notes: WG0990 (contains updated ELNK3.386) WG0988 (contains updated IBMTOK.386) WG1004 (contains updated MSODISUP.386) You can obtain these Application Notes from the following sources: - The Internet (ftp.microsoft.com) - CompuServe(R), GEnie(TM), and Microsoft OnLine - Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) - Microsoft Product Support Services On CompuServe, GEnie, and Microsoft OnLine, Application Notes are located in the Microsoft Software Library. You can find an Application Note in the Software Library by searching on a keyword, for example "WG0990". Application Notes are available by modem from the Microsoft Download Service (MSDL), which you can reach by calling (206) 936-6735. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The highest download speed available is 14,400 bits per second (bps). For more information about using the MSDL, call (800) 936-4200 and follow the prompts. Previous Beta Users ------------------- If you had installed a previous beta of the Microsoft TCP/IP-32 for Windows for Workgroups product, you may encounter one of the following errors: "Setup Error 108: Could not create or open the protocol.ini file." "Setup Error 110: Could not find or open win.ini." If this happens do the following: 1) Remove any previous versions of Microsoft TCP/IP-32. 2) Exit Network Setup and restart your system. 3) Rename any OEMx.INF (where x is any number) files that are in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. 4) Go back into Network Setup and install Microsoft TCP/IP-32 following the installation instructions in the manual. Mosaic ------ NCSA's Win32s version of their popular Mosaic application requires that you pick up version 115a or greater of the Win32s distribution to function correctly. DHCP Automatic Configuration ---------------------------- DHCP is a new TCP/IP protocol that provides the ability to acquire TCP/IP addressing and configuration dynamically with no user intervention. DHCP depends on your network administrator to set up a DHCP server on your network. A DHCP server is scheduled to ship as part of Windows NT(TM) Server version 3.5. If you enable automatic DHCP configuration without a DHCP server available on your network, the following message will appear after approximately a 10 second black-screen delay during the Windows for Workgroups booting process: "The DHCP client was unable to obtain an IP network address from a DHCP server. Do you want to see future DHCP messages?" This message means that TCP/IP has initialized but without any addressing information. If you are running TCP/IP as your only protocol, you will not have access to the network. This situation requires that you go back to the TCP/IP configuration settings, disable DHCP, and manually specify your TCP/IP network parameters. If you are running multiple protocols, you should have access to your network with these. If you do have a DHCP server on your network and this message appears, this indicates that the server was unavailable and that your lease has expired. DHCP will (in the background) continue to try to acquire a valid lease while Windows for Workgroups continues to run (although you will not have TCP/IP functionality). If you are running with DHCP automatic configuration, use the IPCONFIG utility to learn your IP configuration. DHCP Options ------------ The following changes are not reflected in the TCP/IP-32 documentation. Currently Microsoft DHCP clients support only the following options: - DHCP protocol options - DHCP message type (53) - Lease Time (51), Renewal Time (58), Rebind Time (59) - Information options: - Subnet Mask (1) - Default Router (3) - DNS Server (6) - WINS Server (NetBIOS Name Server) (44) - NetBIOS Node Type (46) - NetBIOS Scope Id (47) Any other options received by the client are ignored and discarded. No Option Overlays - Option Limit Is 336 Bytes ---------------------------------------------- The DHCP client does not recognize option overlays. If a non-Microsoft server is sending the options, make sure that either all the options fit within the standard option field, or at least that those used by the Microsoft clients (listed above) are conta ined in the standard Option field. Since the Microsoft client only supports a subset of the defined DHCP option types, 336 bytes should be sufficient for any configuration. Ipconfig - Moving Client to New Address --------------------------------------- When a DHCP client is moved to a new reserved address or is moved from an address to make way for an exclusion or another client's reservation, the client should first release its current address using ipconfig /release. This may be followed by ipconfig /renew to get a new address. ARP Conflicts - Report to DHCP Server Administrator --------------------------------------------------- Before the TCP/IP stack comes up with the address acquired via DHCP, the stack ARPs for the address. If a machine is already running with this address, the client will display a popup informing the user of the address conflict. Users should contact the CP server administrator when this occurs. Once the server has excluded the conflicting address, the client should get a new address using ipconfig /renew. If this is unsuccessful, the client may need to reboot. NetBIOS over TCP/IP ------------------- Multihomed Computer NetBIOS Node Type A computer can be one of four NetBIOS node types: broadcast node, mixed node, point-to-point node, or hybrid node. The node type cannot be specified per network adapter card. In some circumstances, it may be desirable to have one or more network adapter c ards function as broadcast nodes and other network adapter cards to function as hybrids. You accomplish this by setting the node type to broadcast node, and configuring WINS name server addresses for the network adapter cards that will function as hybrids. The presence of the WINS addresses will effectively override the broadcast node setting for the adapters on which they are set. To make an adapter a broadcast node, configure DHCP to set the node type to Bnode, or in the absence of DHCP, the computer will assume Bnode behavior by default. Including Remote LMHOSTS Files You must modify the Registry of a remote computer if network clients will #INCLUDE the LMHOSTS file on the remote Windows NT computer. The share containing the LMHOSTS file must be in the Null Sessions list on the Server by adding the share name to the following Windows NT Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services \LanManServer\Parameters\NullSessionShares Microsoft TCP/IP Workstations with UB NetBIOS Name Servers ---------------------------------------------------------- The Microsoft clients can be configured to use a UB name server by adding the SYSTEM.INI parameter RefreshOpCode under the [NBT] section. Set its value to 9 to interoperate with UB name servers. NetDDE Applications Communicating over Subnets via LMHOSTS ---------------------------------------------------------- If you are connecting to a remote machine via a NetDDE application, using a #PRE LMHOSTS entry, you must have a separate entry specifying a special character in the 16th byte: REMOTEDDE #PRE "REMOTEDDE \0x1F" A special entry is not required if #PRE is not used. Browsing Resources on Remote IP Subnetworks ------------------------------------------- Browsing remote IP subnetworks requires a Windows NT computer on the local subnet. Using File Manager to Access Servers Specified in LMHOSTS --------------------------------------------------------- Reading and parsing LMHOSTS to resolve a name is done by the NBT driver at run time. This operation is not permissible under certain conditions. One such condition commonly encountered is when a network connection is attempted from the File Manager. The result is that the name is reported as 'not resolved' even if the name exists in LMHOSTS file (since the driver wasn't even allowed to open LMHOSTS file). The workaround for such conditions is to put a #PRE against the name in the LMHOSTS file. This causes the name to be stored in the name cache when the machine is first initialized, so the name gets resolved without the driver having to open LMHOSTS at run time. IP Routing ---------- Multiple Default Gateways in Microsoft TCP/IP Act as Backup Gateways When more than one default gateway is specified for a given IP network or for multiple IP networks on different network cards, the first default gateway for the first network card is always used to route IP network traffic. All the subsequent gateways are used as backup when the first default gateway is discovered to be unavailable. The Dead Gateway Detection mechanism is used only with TCP (connection-oriented traffic). Therefore, utilities like PING will only use the first default gateway. Notice that t his only applies to IP datagrams that have to be routed to a remote network (that is, to a network to which the workstation is not directly connected). FTP --- FTP is implemented in a Windows console in this release. It is not presently hooked to the Microsoft TCP/IP-32 Help file, although the Help file does have FTP command summaries in it. Many of the documented command line options are supported, although they require you to modify your FTP Program Item manually. The FTP application which ships with this product does not support the "!" command, which typically invokes a user shell. ODI Driver Support ------------------ Due to system restrictions, TCP/IP-32 cannot support more than one network adapter using ODI drivers. Multihomed configurations are supported using NDIS drivers only. If after installing TCP/IP-32 you have problems accessing the network over your ODI drivers, please make sure that the syntax and frame types listed in your NET.CFG file are correct for your network. DNS Resolution Hierarchy ------------------------ The Microsoft TCP/IP-32 stack uses various means to resolve a host name to get the IP address of a certain host. The various mechanisms used are Local Cached Information, Hosts File, DNS Servers, and NetBIOS name resolution mechanisms. The default resolution order for resolving a host name is Local Cached Information -> Hosts File -> DNS Servers -> NetBt (NetBIOS over TCP/IP). NetBIOS over TCP/IP name resolution can consist of local subnet broadcasts, and/or querying the Windows Internet Names Server (WINS) running on Windows NT Servers. Your Guide to Service and Support for Microsoft TCP/IP-32 --------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Support: Network Advanced Systems Products Support Options The following support services are available from Microsoft for Microsoft Advanced Systems products, including Microsoft Mail Server and its gateways, SQL Server, LAN Manager, Windows NT Workstation, Windows NT Server, and SNA Server. Electronic Services ------------------- Microsoft Forums ---------------- These forums are provided through the CompuServe Information Service, (800) 848-8199, representative 230 (sales information only). Access is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. These forums enable an interactive technical dialog between users as well as remote access to the Microsoft KnowledgeBase of product information, which is updated daily. These forums are monitored by Microsoft support engineers for technical accuracy. If you are already a subscriber, type "GO " at any ! prompt. MSCLIENT Microsoft Network Client support WINNT Microsoft Windows NT support MSSQL Microsoft SQL Server support MSWRKGRP Microsoft Windows for Workgroups support MSNETWORKS Microsoft LAN Manager support MSAPP Microsoft applications support MSWIN32 Information on Win32 MSDR Development-related discussion forum WINEXT Support for extensions and drivers for Windows WINSDK Support for Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Microsoft Download Service -------------------------- Use the Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) to access the latest technical notes on common advanced system products support issues via modem. MSDL is at (206) 936-6735, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays (1200, 2400, or 9600 baud; no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit). Internet -------- Use the Internet to access the Microsoft Driver Library and Microsoft KnowledgeBase. The Microsoft Internet FTP archive host FTP.MICROSOFT.COM (ip address supports anonymous login. When logging in as anonymous, please offer your complete e-mail name as your password. Telephone Support ----------------- Microsoft FastTips ------------------ An interactive, automated system providing support at no charge through toll lines and accessed by touch-tone phone. FastTips provides fast access to answers to common questions and a library of technical notes delivered by phone recording or fax. FastTips is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. Microsoft Advanced Systems products (800) 936-4400 Priority Telephone Support -------------------------- Get technical support from a Microsoft engineer. Microsoft offers pay-as-you-go telephone support from a Microsoft engineer, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except holidays. Choose from the following options: Per Incident: Dial (900) 555-2100. $150.00 per incident. (Charges appear on your telephone bill.) Per Incident: Dial (800) 936-5900. $150.00 per incident. (Charges billed to your Visa, Master Card, or American Express.) 10-pack: Ten incidents for $995 prepaid. Additional Information ---------------------- For additional information about Microsoft support options or for a list of Microsoft Solution Providers, call Microsoft Support Network Sales and Information Group at (800) 936-3500, Monday through Friday, 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Pacific time, excluding holidays. This list includes only domestic support programs. Microsoft's customer support services are subject to Microsoft's then-current price, terms, and conditions.



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