高分 求一字符串的加密与解密函数!

juit 2003-10-10 11:44:12

Public Function StringEnDeCodecn(strSource As String, MA) As String
61 7 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
7 条回复
jfx 2003-10-13
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godofwind 2003-10-13
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hlm750908 2003-10-13
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一个类 dsEncrypt.cls

Option Explicit

Private LCW As Integer 'Length of CodeWord
Private LS2E As Integer 'Length of String to be Encrypted
Private LAM As Integer 'Length of Array Matrix
Private MP As Integer 'Matrix Position
Private Matrix As String 'Starting Matrix
Private mov1 As String 'First Part of Replacement String
Private mov2 As String 'Second Part of Replacement String
Private CodeWord As String 'CodeWord
Private CWL As String 'CodeWord Letter
Private EncryptedString As String 'String to Return for Encrypt or String to UnEncrypt for UnEncrypt
Private EncryptedLetter As String 'Storage Variable for Character just Encrypted
Private strCryptMatrix(97) As String 'Matrix Array
Public Property Let KeyString(sKeyString As String)
CodeWord = sKeyString
End Property
Public Function Encrypt(mstext As String) As String
Dim X As Integer ' Loop Counter
Dim Y As Integer 'Loop Counter
Dim Z As Integer 'Loop Counter
Dim C2E As String 'Character to Encrypt
Dim Str2Encrypt As String 'Text from TextBox

Str2Encrypt = mstext
LS2E = Len(mstext)
LCW = Len(CodeWord)
EncryptedLetter = ""
EncryptedString = ""

Y = 1
For X = 1 To LS2E
C2E = Mid(Str2Encrypt, X, 1)
MP = InStr(1, Matrix, C2E, 0)
CWL = Mid(CodeWord, Y, 1)
For Z = 1 To LAM
If Mid(strCryptMatrix(Z), MP, 1) = CWL Then
EncryptedLetter = Left(strCryptMatrix(Z), 1)
EncryptedString = EncryptedString + EncryptedLetter
Exit For
End If
Next Z
Y = Y + 1
If Y > LCW Then Y = 1
Next X
Encrypt = EncryptedString

End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()

Dim W As Integer 'Loop Counter to set up Matrix
Dim X As Integer 'Loop through Matrix

Matrix = "8x3p5BeabcdfghijklmnoqrstuvwyzACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1246790-.#/\!@$<>&*()[]{}';:,?=+~`^|%_"
Matrix = Matrix + Chr(13) 'Add Carriage Return to Matrix
Matrix = Matrix + Chr(10) 'Add Line Feed to Matrix
Matrix = Matrix + Chr(34) 'Add "
' Unique String used to make Matrix - 8x3p5Be
' Unique String can be any combination that has a character only ONCE.
' EACH Letter in the Matrix is Input ONLY once.
W = 1
LAM = Len(Matrix)
strCryptMatrix(1) = Matrix

For X = 2 To LAM ' LAM = Length of Array Matrix
mov1 = Left(strCryptMatrix(W), 1) 'First Character of strCryptMatrix
mov2 = Right(strCryptMatrix(W), (LAM - 1)) 'All but First Character of strCryptMatrix
strCryptMatrix(X) = mov2 + mov1 'Makes up each row of the Array
W = W + 1
Next X
End Sub


Private MydsEncrypt As dsEncrypt
Set MydsEncrypt = New dsEncrypt
MydsEncrypt.KeyString = ("KAT123233344HER")
y= MydsEncrypt.Encrypt(x)

x= MydsEncrypt.Encrypt(y)

abc10 2003-10-10
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abc10 2003-10-10
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online 2003-10-10
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Option Explicit

'This encryption algorithim first gets the day of

'the current date (including the character "0" if

'applicable in two digits), converts both characters

'into ascii values, adds them to a prime number and

'uses that as the encryption key. The value is

'encrypted under a simple ascii value addition and

'can be deduced from the first few characters of the

'encrypted string. The first character of the

'encrypted data is ALWAYS the ascii value of how many

'characters after it is the decrypt key, ie the

'length of the decrypt key is the ascii value of the

'first character.



'I realise that a better method would be to use a

'"rolling key" method, ie, changing or incrementing

'the encryption key as each character is encrypted.

'But. I'll leave that to you.



Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Const BaseKey = 43 'used to encrypt the main key

Const AddToKey = 17 'added to help form the main key

Private Function GenerateKey() As Integer

'generates the main key use for encryption.

Dim MilliSecond As Integer

'I changed the daynum value to hold a second value

'instead of a day value for more variances.

'Changed again to an even shorter time value.

MilliSecond = (GetTickCount Mod 100) '/ 1000)

GenerateKey = Val(Trim(Str(Format(MilliSecond, "00")))) + AddToKey 'Second(Time)

End Function

Public Function EncryptData(Text As String) As String

Dim Counter As Integer

Dim DayNum As String

Dim DayKey As Integer

Dim RetData As String

Dim Encrypt As String

'if text is empty, return empty

If Text = "" Then

EncryptData = ""

Exit Function

End If

DayKey = GenerateKey

'store the amount of digits daykey is, in the first


RetData = Chr(Len(Trim(Str(DayKey))))

RetData = RetData & EncryptKey(Trim(Str(DayKey)))

'encrypt the rest of the data

For Counter = 1 To Len(Text)


Encrypt = Trim(Chr((Asc(Mid(Text, Counter, 1)) + DayKey) Mod 256))

RetData = RetData & Encrypt

Next Counter

EncryptData = RetData

End Function

Public Function DecryptData(Text As String) As String

Dim Counter As Integer

Dim DayNum As String

Dim DayKey As Integer

Dim RetData As String

Dim Decrypt As String

Dim DecryptNum As Integer

'get the amount of digits the key is and decrypt the


If Text = "" Then

Exit Function

End If

DayNum = GetKeyLength(Text)

DayKey = Val(DecryptKey(Mid(Text, 2, Val(DayNum))))

'DayKey = DayKey

'Dim test As Variant

'decrypt the rest of the data

For Counter = (Val(DayNum) + 2) To Len(Text)


' test = Mid(Text, Counter, 1)

' test = Asc(Mid(Text, Counter, 1)) - DayKey

' test = Chr(Asc(Mid(Text, Counter, 1)) - DayKey)

DecryptNum = (Asc(Mid(Text, Counter, 1)) - DayKey) Mod 255

If DecryptNum < 0 Then

DecryptNum = 255 + DecryptNum


DecryptNum = DecryptNum Mod 256

End If

Decrypt = Right(Chr(DecryptNum), 1)

RetData = RetData & Decrypt

Next Counter

DecryptData = RetData

End Function

Public Function GetKeyLength(Text As String) As String

Dim KeyLength As Integer

'get the amount of digits the key is and decrypt the


If Text = "" Then

Exit Function

End If

KeyLength = Len(Str(Asc(Mid(Text, 1, 1))))

GetKeyLength = KeyLength

End Function

Private Function EncryptKey(Key As String) As String

'adds the encryption key to the ASCII value of each


Dim Counter As Integer

Dim NewKey As String

On Error Resume Next

For Counter = 1 To Len(Key)

NewKey = NewKey & Right(Chr(Asc(Mid(Key, Counter, 1)) + BaseKey), 1)

Next Counter

EncryptKey = NewKey

End Function

Private Function DecryptKey(Key As String) As String

'subtracts the encryption key from the ASCII value

'of each character.

Dim Counter As Integer

Dim NewKey As String

Dim test As Variant

On Error Resume Next

For Counter = 1 To Len(Key)

test = Mid(Key, Counter, 1)

test = Asc(Mid(Key, Counter, 1))

test = Chr(Asc(Mid(Key, Counter, 1)) - BaseKey)

test = Right(Chr(Asc(Mid(Key, Counter, 1)) - BaseKey), 1)

NewKey = NewKey & Right(Chr(Asc(Mid(Key, Counter, 1)) - BaseKey), 1)

Next Counter

If Key = "" Then NewKey = ""

DecryptKey = NewKey

End Function
海牛 2003-10-10
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Option Explicit

Dim strgetAcc As String
Dim strgetPW As String
Dim strCrlf As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
strCrlf = Chr(10)
End Sub

Public Function LockString(strS1, strS2)
Dim intLen1 As Long, intLen2 As Long, intLenAll As Long, strLenPWR As String
Dim I As Long, K As Long, M As Long, N As Long
Dim strResult As String
Dim strRnd As String
Dim btTmp1 As Byte
Dim btTmp2 As Byte
Dim btRTmp As Byte
Dim strTmp As String
Dim chrTmp1 As String
Dim chrTmp2 As String
Dim btarrTmp1() As Byte
Dim btarrTmp2() As Byte
Dim intTmp As Long
Dim intPos As Long
Dim strOffset As String
Dim strPWRegion As String
Dim strHead As String
Dim strVar As String
Dim strCryp As String

strCryp = strS1 & strCrlf & StrReverse(strS2)
intLen1 = Len(strCryp)
intLen2 = Len(strS2)
K = intLen1
N = intLen2
Call Randomize(Timer)
ReDim btarrTmp1(K)
ReDim btarrTmp2(N)
strTmp = ""

For I = 1 To K
btarrTmp1(I) = Asc(Mid(strCryp, I, 1))

For M = 1 To N
btarrTmp2(M) = Asc(Mid(strS2, M, 1))

For I = 0 To K
btRTmp = btarrTmp1(I)
For M = 0 To N
btTmp2 = btarrTmp2(M)
btRTmp = btRTmp Xor btTmp2
If btRTmp <> 0 Then
chrTmp2 = Chr(btRTmp)
chrTmp2 = "[B]"
End If
If btRTmp = 34 Then
chrTmp2 = "[CHRSPEC]"
End If
strTmp = strTmp & chrTmp2
chrTmp1 = ""
chrTmp2 = ""
strPWRegion = strTmp
strLenPWR = Chr(Len(strPWRegion) + 16)

strRnd = GetRndString()

intTmp = Len(strRnd) + 16
chrTmp1 = Chr(intTmp + 11)
strVar = strLenPWR & chrTmp1 & strRnd
K = 7
strHead = ""
For I = 0 To 7
intTmp = Rnd * 25 + 97
If intTmp = 0 Then
intTmp = 65
End If
chrTmp1 = Chr(intTmp)
strHead = strHead & chrTmp1

strResult = strHead & strVar
intPos = Len(strResult)
strTmp = ""
K = Len(strPWRegion)
For I = 1 To K
strRnd = GetRndString()
intTmp = Len(strRnd)
chrTmp1 = Mid(strPWRegion, I, 1)
chrTmp2 = Chr(intTmp + 2)
strTmp = strTmp & chrTmp1 & chrTmp2 & strRnd
strTmp = strResult & strTmp
strTmp = Replace(strTmp, "'", "[CHRSPEC]")
LockString = strTmp
End Function

Public Property Get GetAcc()
GetAcc = strgetAcc
End Property

Public Property Get GetPW()
GetPW = strgetPW
End Property

Public Sub UnLockString(strS1, strS2)
Dim I As Long, K As Long, M As Long, N As Long
Dim intLen1 As Long
Dim intLen2 As Long
Dim intPWLen As Long
Dim chrarrTmp() As String
Dim strTmp As String
Dim btTmp As Byte
Dim intTmp As Long
Dim chrTmp As String
Dim intPos As Long
Dim btRTmp As Byte
Dim strResult As String
Dim btarrTmp2() As Byte
Dim strarrTmp() As String
Dim strC As String

strTmp = Replace(strS1, "[CHRSPEC]", "'")
intLen2 = Len(strS2)
chrTmp = Mid(strTmp, 9, 1)
intTmp = Asc(chrTmp)
intPWLen = intTmp - 16 '取得有效数据长度

chrTmp = Mid(strTmp, 10, 1)
intTmp = Asc(chrTmp)
intPos = intTmp - 16 '取得有效数据的开始位置
K = intPWLen - 1
For I = 0 To K
chrTmp = Mid(strTmp, intPos, 1)
strResult = strResult & chrTmp
chrTmp = Mid(strTmp, intPos + 1, 1)
intTmp = Asc(chrTmp)
intPos = intPos + intTmp
intLen1 = Len(strResult)

N = intLen2
ReDim btarrTmp2(N)
For M = 1 To N
btarrTmp2(M) = Asc(Mid(strS2, M, 1))
strResult = Replace(strResult, "[CHRSPEC]", "'")
K = Len(strResult)

strTmp = ""
For I = 1 To K
strC = Mid(strResult, I, 3)
If strC <> "[B]" Then
chrTmp = Mid(strResult, I, 1)
btRTmp = Asc(chrTmp)
I = I + 2
K = K - 3
btRTmp = 0
End If
For M = 1 To N
btTmp = btarrTmp2(M)
btRTmp = btRTmp Xor btTmp
If btRTmp > 0 Then
strTmp = strTmp & Chr(btRTmp)
End If
If InStr(1, strTmp, strCrlf) > 0 Then
strarrTmp = Split(strTmp, strCrlf)
strgetAcc = strarrTmp(0)
strgetPW = StrReverse(strarrTmp(1))
strgetAcc = ""
strgetPW = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Function GetRndString()
Dim I, K
Dim strTmp
Dim intTmp
Dim intStyle

K = Rnd * 6 + 2
intStyle = Int(Rnd * 9 + 1)
For I = 1 To K
intStyle = Int(Rnd * 9 + 1)
Select Case intStyle
Case 0, 1, 2, 3
'intTmp = Rnd * 13 + 7
Case 4, 5, 6
'intTmp = Rnd * 42 + 48
Case 7, 8, 9, 10
'intTmp = Rnd * 25 + 97
End Select
intTmp = Rnd * 25 + 97
If intTmp = 0 Then
intTmp = 65
End If
strTmp = strTmp & Chr(intTmp)
GetRndString = strTmp
End Function

Dim clsPW As New clsPassWord
Dim strPW As String
strPW = clsPW.LockString("UserName", "PassWord")
clsPW.UnLockString strPW, "PassWord"
Msgbox "UserName" & clsPW.GetAcc
Msgbox "PW=" & clsPW.GetPW



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