jb9 + weblogic7 部属ejb时候总出错?

qiao99 2003-10-21 12:16:46
E:\bea\jdk131_03\bin\javaw -classpath E:\bea\weblogic700\server\lib\weblogic.jar;E:\bea\weblogic700\server\lib\weblogic_sp.jar;E:\bea\weblogic700\server\lib\webservices.jar; weblogic.Deployer -user aaa -adminurl http://chq:7001 -password aaaaaaaa -deploy -name Demo1 -upload -source E:/working/myjava/jbuild/wls8test/Demo1.jar -targets myserver
WebLogic Application Deployment Utility
Usage: java weblogic.Deployer [options] [-activate|-deactivate|-remove|-unprepare|-cancel|-list] [files]
where options include:
-help Print this help message.
-version Print version information.
-adminurl <https://<server>:<port>> The URL of the administration server: default
-user <user> A user other than the default of
-password <password> Specifies the password on the command line.
If this option is absent the user is
-verbose Displays additional status during the
deployment process, including notifications
when the application is prepared and
activated on each target.
-debug Displays debug level messages to the standard
-examples Display example usage of this tool.
-upload Causes the specified source file(s) to be
transferred to the adminstration server. This
is used when the Deployer tools is not being
used on the same machine as the adminstration
server and the user does not otherwise have
access to place the targeted files on the
adminstration server.
-delete_files Causes the server to remove the files that
are specified in the file list and leave the
application activated. This option is valid
only for unarchived web applications.
-remote Signals that the tools is not runnning on the
same machine as the adminstration server and
that the source path should be made passed
through unchanged as it represents the path
on the remote server.
-nostage Sets the stagingMethod attribute on the
application mbean when it is created so that
the application will not be staged and the
original source is be used.
-external_stage Sets the stagingMethod attribute on the
application mbean when it is created so that
the application will not be staged but the
value of the staging path will be used when
preparing the application.
-stage Sets the stagingMethod staging attribute on
the application when it is created so that
the application will always be staged. This
value will override the stagingMethod
attribute on any targeted servers.
-nowait Once the action is initiated the tool will
print the task id and exit. This is used to
initiate multiple tasks and then monitor them
later using the -list action.
-timeout <seconds> The maximum time in seconds to wait for the
completion of the deployment task. When the
time expires the current status is printed
and the program exits.
-source <archive file or directory> Location of the file or directory that
represents the enterprise component or
application tha is being (re)activated. If
the source file is relative it is relative to
the current directory, unless the -remote
option is used. To specify individual files
within an application for reployment or
addition list them at the end of the command
-name <application name> The name of the application being deployed.
-targets <<server 1>,...<component>@<server N>> A comma separated list of the server and/or
cluster names. Each target may be qualified
with a J2EE component name. This enables
different components of the archive to
deployed on different servers.
-id <task identifier> Optional client supplied unique identifier
for the deployment task. The id is first
specified to -activate, -deactivate,
-unprepare or -remove. It is then used later
as an argument to -cancel or -list.
-activate (Re)activates the <source> application on the
<targets> with the <name>.
-deactivate Deactivates the application <name> on the
<targets> leaving an staged application files
in a state where the may be quickly
-unprepare Deactivates and unloads classes for the
application <name> on the <targets> leaving
an staged application files in a state where
the may be quickly reloaded.
-remove Deactivates the application <name> on the
<target> and removes any files that were
staged for this application. If there are no
longer any targets for the application, the
associated configuration is completely
-cancel Atempts to cancel the task <id> if it is has
not yet completed.
-list Lists the target status of each task <id>
-deploy a convenient alias for activate.
-undeploy a convenient alias for unprepare.
Optionally a list of the specific files in the archive that are to be
redeployed may be specified. If a directory is specified the entire subtree is
Full documentation on this tool is available at:
No actions was specified. Please specify one and only one of:
-activate, -deactivate, -cancel, -remove, -unprepare, or -list.
Type java weblogic.Deployer -examples for example usage.
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sery 2003-10-23
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因为我的机器事先有安装了JDK1.4 ,而使用的WEBLOGIC 的JDK 版本是1.3的。好象引起了版本的冲突。

所以我在“控制面板”的“系统”中把classpath 的指向JDK1.4 的系数去掉,则weblogic 启动正常。
sery 2003-10-23
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dbserver 2003-10-21
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