vmare workstation 4.0的使用

meyoushe 2003-11-08 03:40:13
No bootable CD, floppy or hard disk was detected.
To install an operating system, insert a bootable CD or floppy and restart the virtual machine by clicking the Reset button.
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ari 2003-11-08
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VMware Workstation 是一款功能强大的桌面虚拟计算机软件,提供用户可在单一的桌面上同时运行不同的操作系统,和进行开发、测试 、部署新的应用程序的最佳解决方案。 VMware Workstation可在一部实体机器上模拟完整的网络环境,以及可便于携带的虚拟机器,其更好的灵活性与先进的技术胜过了市面上其他的虚拟计算机软件。 对于企业的 IT开发人员和系统管理员而言, VMware 在虚拟网路,实时快照,拖曳共享文件夹,支持 PXE 等方面的特点使它成为必不可少的工具。 Vmware workstation 7新功能 VMWare Workstation 7出炉,支持Win7 Aero。除了支持Aero效果,VMWare Workstation 7还新增了很多功能,下面列出部分新增功能: 完善了对3D的支持 支持最新Windows 7 WDDM驱动 支持vSphere 4.0和ESX 可直接使用虚拟机进行打印 AutoProtect 支持对虚拟机进行加密 支持IPv6、ALSA 虚拟磁盘可扩展,无需使用额外软件 本版特性: 1:基于svcy汉化包+国外英文lite版制作 2:保留大部分的功能,基本满足大部分人的需求 3:支持安装各种操作系统:windows linux,MAC等等 4:支持使用后台功能,快照,拖放剪切,磁盘管理,虚拟机克隆 5:支持各种上网环境:nat共享,桥接等 6:支持USB设备识别及自动安装驱动服务器 7:安装完毕就是永不过期的授权类型,无需授权码
VMWare 是一个“虚拟 PC”软件,它使你可以在一台电脑上同时运行二个或更多的 Windows、DOS、LINUX 系统。与“多启动”系统相比,VMWare 采用了完全不同的概念。多启动系统在同一时刻只能运行一个系统,在系统切换时需要重新启动电脑。而 VMWare是真正“同时”运行多个**作系统,切换就象标准 Windows应用程序那样。而且每个**作系统你都可以进行虚拟分区与配置,并不影响真实物理硬盘的数据。你甚至可以通过虚拟网卡将几台虚拟机连接为一个局域网。 VMware Workstation 7.0.0 Build 203739 功能特色: * 创建的每个虚拟机最多可拥有 4 个虚拟处理器或 4 个虚拟内核,以及最多 32 GB 内存 * 支持 Win7、Vista 的 Aero 特效; * 完善了对 3D 图形的支持; * 支持最新 Windows 7 WDDM 驱动; * 支持 vSphere 4.0 和 ESX; * 可直接使用虚拟机进行打印; * AutoProtect; * 支持对虚拟机进行加密; * 支持 IPv6、ALSA; * 虚拟磁盘可扩展,无需使用额外软件 【精简版介绍】 源自 hlytg 的原文: 在winxp下,仿照vm6.5的批处理修改了一下,再结合vm7原版安装后进行对比制作而成的,有以下特点: 1.能正常使用桥接、NAT等功能上网; 2.能正常使用USB功能,估计所有USB设备都可连接到虚拟机上,我测试了USB的摄像头也行; 3.能正常使用磁盘映射功能; 4.能完全卸载精简绿色版。主要通过提升注册表权限,可删除注册表已加载的USB设备,这样卸载之后 如果再安装精简版的话也能正常使用USB设备,经测试其他的vm7精简版暂未发现能实现这个功能; 5.参照了wuliyen的精简版,再结合原版,完全纯净; 6.经测试在win7下也能正常使用。但要注意关闭UAC否则安装不成功(由于是批处理,所以取得管理员权限的方式也不能正常安装); 7.能正常使用Unity模式; 8.最低测试环境:845主板 512内存 集成显卡 (由于性能太低,Unity模式只能正常启用,不能使用) 测试不下十次,偶采取最笨的办法:安装原版后,运行VM,再删除安装目录下的文件,再结合其他的精简版文件对比测试。 【汉化说明】 本汉化版基于卡饭论坛 hlytg 的 vmware7 英文精简绿色版(2009.12.18) 部分汉化资源借用了汉化新世纪正式会员 tracky 的 VMWare6.0.2 59824 版(感觉汉化质量特别过关),同时参考了一下 liukpeng 的 Vmware 汉化第四修正版。 在此对以上网友表示感谢!同时感谢卡饭论坛 IllusionWing(小羽MM)的大力支持! 本汉化版特点: 1.目前网上汉化程度最高的 vmware7 汉化版: 大多数常用程序界面已汉化,常用提示基本汉化。 2.汉化后的程序对话框和菜单资源等各控件位置保持与英文版高度一致,尽可能地避免有的汉化版汉化后导致字串显示不全,对话框控件位置错乱,功能丧失的问题。
VMware 安装 mac os x 的解锁工具 Mac OS X Unlocker for VMware ============================ 1. Introduction --------------- The package is a combination of the Unlocker code written by Zenith432 plus some scripts written by myself that wrap the actual unlocker code. It has been tested against: * Workstation 8.0/9.0 on Windows and Linux (32 & 64-bit versions) * Player 4.0/5.0 on Windows and Linux (32 & 64-bit versions) * Fusion 4.0/5.0 on Snow Leopard and Lion * ESXi 5.0/5.1 The patch code carries out the following modifications dependent on the product being patched: * Fix vmware-vmx and derivatives to allow Mac OS X to boot * Fix vmwarebase .dll or .so to allow Apple to be selected during creation * Copy darwin.iso if needed to VMware folder Note that not all products recognise the darwin.iso via install tools menu item. You will have to manually mount the darwin.iso for example on Workstation. Also Player is missing vmware-vmx-debug and vmware-vmx-stats files and so an error is shown during patching as the files are not found. This can be safely ignored. In all cases make sure VMware is not running, and any background guests have been shutdown. 2. Windows ---------- On Windows you will need to either run cmd.exe as Administrator or using Explorer right click on the command file and select "Run as administrator". install.cmd - patches VMware and copies darwin.iso tools image to VMware uninstall.cmd - restores VMware and removes darwin.iso tools image from VMware 3. Linux --------- On Linux you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts. You may need to ensure the contents of the linux folder have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 4 files. install.sh - patches VMware and copies darwin.iso tools image to VMware uninstall.sh - restores VMware and removes darwin.iso tools image from VMware 4. Mac OS X ----------- On Mac OS X you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts. This is really only needed if you want to use client versions of Mac OS X. You may need to ensure the contents of the osx folder have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 3 files. install.sh - patches VMware uninstall.sh - restores VMware 5. ESXi ------- ESXi has to be patched using the scripts, as the unlocker is used to overlay the ESXi firmware at runtime. You will need to transfer the files to the ESXi host either using vSphere client or SCP. Once uploaded you will need to either use the ESXi support console or use SSH to run the commands. Please note that you will need to reboot the host for the patches to become active. You may need to ensure the contents of the esxi folder have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 3 files. install.sh - patches VMware uninstall.sh - restores VMware 6. Zenith432's Unlocker ----------------------- In all cases the unlocker can be run without the scripts but you would need to carry out additional actions which the scripts encapsulate for you especially on ESXi. If you want to run the unlocker directly the parameters are: Usage: ./Unlocker.Linux64 [-h] [-u] [target_directory] -h: print help -u: remove the patch target_directory: customize location of vmx executables On all platforms you must run it with administrator or root privileges. The source code is provided and Zenith432 makes it freely available for modification. In 1.1.0 I have modified the code and it is available as per Zenith432's original statement. Thanks to Zenith432 for building the unlocker and Mac Son of Knife for all the testing and support. Also to Albert Nietznie for original Workstation 7 code. History ------- 11/10/11 1.0.0 - First release 07/11/11 1.0.1 - Fixed typo in Windows command files 07/12/11 1.0.2 - Updated patcher and tools for latest release WKS 8.0.1 & FUS 4.1.1 10/05/12 1.1.0 - Changed the patching mechanism for vmwarebase .dll or .so & tested against ESXi 5.0 U1 and Tech Previews.



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