'Private Function AccountChang(ByRef strWan As String, ByRef strQian As String, ByRef strBai As String, ByRef strShi As String, _
' ByRef strKuai As String, ByRef strJiao As String, ByRef strFen As String, ByVal strAccount As String)
' Dim StrFPSum As String
' Dim intTemp(10)
' Dim strLeft As String
' Dim strRight As String
' Dim strBLeft As String
' Dim strBRight As String
' '初始化
' StrFPSum = ""
' strAccount = Format(strAccount, "#########0.00")
' intTemp(0) = "零": intTemp(1) = "壹": intTemp(2) = "贰": intTemp(3) = "叁": intTemp(4) = "肆"
' intTemp(5) = "伍": intTemp(6) = "陆": intTemp(7) = "柒": intTemp(8) = "捌": intTemp(9) = "疚"
' '取得小数点前后的字符串形式的数字
' strLeft = Left(strAccount, InStr(strAccount, ".") - 1)
' strRight = Mid(strAccount, Len(strAccount) - 1)
' For i = 0 To Len(strRight) - 1
' StrFPSum = intTemp(CInt(Mid(strRight, Len(strRight) - i, 1))) & StrFPSum
' Next
' StrFPSum = "." & StrFPSum
' For i = 0 To Len(strLeft) - 1
' StrFPSum = intTemp(CInt(Mid(strLeft, Len(strLeft) - i, 1))) & StrFPSum
' Next
' strBLeft = Left(StrFPSum, InStr(StrFPSum, ".") - 1)
' strBRight = Mid(StrFPSum, Len(StrFPSum) - 1)
'On Error Resume Next
' strFen = Mid(strBRight, 2, 1)
' strJiao = Mid(strBRight, 1, 1)
' strKuai = Mid(strBLeft, Len(strBLeft), 1)
' strShi = Mid(strBLeft, Len(strBLeft) - 1, 1)
' strBai = Mid(strBLeft, Len(strBLeft) - 2, 1)
' strQian = Mid(strBLeft, Len(strBLeft) - 3, 1)
' strWan = Mid(strBLeft, Len(strBLeft) - 4, 1)
'End Function
AccountChang Text1.Text, Text2.Text, Text3.Text, Text4.Text, Text5.Text, Text6.Text,Text7, Text8.Text