
lmby 2003-12-17 12:24:58
FUNCTION long _hread(ulong hFile, ref blob) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION long _hwrite(ulong hFile, ref blob) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int _lclose(ulong hFile) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int _lcreat(ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION long _llseek(ulong hFile, long lParam, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int _lopen(ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong _lread(ulong hFile, ref blob) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong _lwrite(ulong hFile, ref blob) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int AbortDoc(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int AccessResource(ulong hInstance, ulong hRsrc) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong AddAtom(ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int AddFontResource(ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION AdjustWindowRect(ref RectStruct rect, ulong lParam, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION AdjustWindowRectEx(ref RectStruct rect, ulong lParam, int num, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong AllocDStoCSAlias(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong AllocResource(ulong hInstance, ulong hRsrc, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong AllocSelector(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION AnimatePalette(ulong hPalette, uint num, uint num, ref PaletteEntryStruct pes) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION string AnsiLower(ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong AnsiLowerBuff(ref string str, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION string AnsiNext(ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION string AnsiPrev(ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION AnsiToOem( ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION AnsiToOemBuff(ref string str, ref string str, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION string AnsiUpper(ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong AnsiUpperBuff(ref string str, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int AnyPopup( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int AppendMenu(ulong hMenu, uint num, uint num, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int Arc(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong ArrangeIconicWindows(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong BeginDeferWindowPos(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong BeginPaint(ulong handle, ref PaintStruct) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int BitBlt(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, ulong hDC, int num, int num, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int BringWindowToTop(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int BuildCommDCB(ref string str, ref DcbStruct dcbs) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
432 20 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
20 条回复
lipowerbuilder2000 2004-01-15
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//仿造Delphi的DataGrid控件前的行标记;单击列标题排序 //
// //
// //
// 数据窗口的Constructor事件中的代码 //
//作者:李江 日期:2003-08-14 //


string ls_text,ls_button,ls_compute
//创造按钮对象NAME=B_1 用于在CLICK事件中引用
ls_button='create button(band=detail text=""filename=""action="0" border="0" color="0" x="0" y="0" height="70" width="67" vtextalign="0" htextalign="0" name=b_1 font.face="@宋体" font.height="-9" font.weight="400" font.family="0" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="2" background.color="67108864" )'
ls_compute='create compute(band=detail alignment="0" expression="~'▼~'"border="0" color="0" x="0" y="0" height="70" width="50" format="[GENERAL]" name=compute_1 visible="1~tif(getrow()=currentrow(),1,0)" font.face="@宋体" font.height="-9" font.weight="400" font.family="0" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )'
ls_text='create text(band=header alignment="0" text="" border="6" color="0" x="0" y="0" height="70" width="60" name=t_1 font.face="宋体" font.height="-9" font.weight="400" font.family="0" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="2" background.color="67108864" )'


string text_height
long ll_i=1 //以第一列的高度为基准
string ls_column //列名

ls_column=This.Describe("#"+String(ll_i)+".Name") //第一列的列名
text_height=String(long(text_height)+9) //列标题高度加9

String Detail_height
Detail_height=This.Describe("#"+String(ll_i)+".Height") //第一列的高度
Detail_height=String(long(Detail_height) - 2)
This.Modify("b_1.Height='"+Detail_height+"'") //按钮的高度同步
This.Modify("compute_1.Height='"+Detail_height+"'") //按钮的高度同步




String ls_pointer
Long ll_row
ls_Pointer = this.GetObjectAtPointer()
IF Left(ls_pointer,3)='b_1' THEN
ll_Row=Long( Mid( ls_Pointer, Pos( ls_Pointer, "~t" ) + 1 ))
IF ll_row>0 THEN


string ls_addpict,ls_curobj,ls_picture,ls_curcol
integer li_pictpos

if row=0 and this.describe(ls_curobj+".text")<> "!" and this.describe(ls_curobj+".band")="header" then
ls_curcol=left(ls_curobj,len(ls_curobj) - 2)
if is_ordercol <> ls_curcol then //CLICK的列与上次不同
this.modify("Destroy p_"+is_ordercol) //删除上次所建图标
is_ordercol=ls_curcol //给实例变量赋值,记录当前排序列
is_sorttype="A" //ascending
li_pictpos=integer(this.describe(ls_curobj+".X"))+(integer(this.describe(ls_curobj+".width")) - 70)

ls_addpict='create bitmap(band=foreground filename="'+ls_picture+'"'+ &
'X="'+string(li_pictpos)+"~tinteger(describe('"+is_ordercol+ &
".X'))+(integer(describe('"+is_ordercol+".width'))"+' - 70)" Y="24"'+ &
' height="33" width="51" border="0" name=p_'+is_ordercol+' visible="1")'

this.setsort(is_ordercol+" "+is_sorttype)
if is_sorttype="A" then
end if
this.setsort(is_ordercol+" "+is_sorttype)
end if
return 1 //CLICK HEADER 时,不让列反色显示
end if


tommyhuanglei 2003-12-20
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hzhxxx 2003-12-18
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最好制作未 .chm ,加上中文的解释和使用介绍

那就更要大力支持了,就像 我们使用的 vb api 浏览工具一样
flwen139 2003-12-18
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workhand 2003-12-17
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lmby 2003-12-17
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FUNCTION int UngetCommChar(int num, char) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int UnhookWindowsHookEx(ulong hHook) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int UnionRect(ref RectStruct rect, ref RectStruct rect, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION UnlockSegment(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int UnrealizeObject(ulong hGDIObj) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int UnregisterClass(ref string str, ulong hInstance) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int UpdateColors(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION UpdateWindow(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ValidateCodeSegments( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ValidateFreeSpaces( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ValidateRect(ulong handle, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ValidateRgn(ulong handle, ulong hRgn) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong VerFindFile(ulong uFlags, ref string szFileName, ref string szWinDir, ref string szAppDir, ref string szCurDir, ref ulong lpuCurDirLen, ref string szDestDir, ref ulong lpuDestDirLen) LIBRARY "VER.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong VerInstallFile(ulong uFlags, ref string szSrcFileName, ref string szDestFileName, ref string szSrcDir, ref string szDestDir, ref string szCurDir, ref string szTmpFile, ref ulong lpuTmpFileLen) LIBRARY "VER.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong VerLanguageName(ulong wLang, ref string szLang, ulong nSize) LIBRARY "VER.DLL"
FUNCTION int VerQueryValue(ref string pBlock, ref string lpSubBlock, ref string lplpBuffer, ref ulong lpuLen) LIBRARY "VER.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong VkKeyScan(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION WaitMessage( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong WindowFromPoint(PointStruct point) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong WinExec(ref string str, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int WinHelp(ulong hwndMain, ref string lpszHelp, ulong usCommand, ulong ulData) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong WNetAddConnection(ref string str, ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong WNetCancelConnection(ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong WNetGetConnection(ref string str, ref string str, ref uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int WriteComm(int num, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int WritePrivateProfileString(ref string str, ref string str, ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int WriteProfileString(ref string str, ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int wvsprintf(ref string lpszOut, ref string lpszFmt, ref string lpParams) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION Yield( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
lmby 2003-12-17
  • 打赏
  • 举报
FUNCTION ulong ShellExecute(ulong hwnd, ref string lpOperation, ref string lpFile, ref string lpParameters, ref string lpDirectory, int iShowCmd) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION ShowCaret(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ShowCursor(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ShowOwnedPopups(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ShowScrollBar(ulong handle, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ShowWindow(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SizeofResource(ulong hInstance, ulong hRsrc) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SpoolFile(ref string str, ref string str, ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int StackTraceCSIPFirst(ref StackTraceEntryStruct lpStackTrace, ulong wSS, ulong wCS, ulong wIP, ulong wBP) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int StackTraceFirst(ref StackTraceEntryStruct lpStackTrace, ulong hTask) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int StackTraceNext(ref StackTraceEntryStruct lpStackTrace) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int StartDoc(ulong hDC, ref DocInfoStruct dis) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int StartPage(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int StretchBlt(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int StretchDIBits(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SubtractRect(ref RectStruct rect, ref RectStruct rect, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int SwapMouseButton(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION SwapRecording(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION SwitchStackBack( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION SwitchStackTo(uint num, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int SystemHeapInfo(ref SysHeapInfoStruct lpSysHeap) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int SystemParametersInfo(uint num, uint num, VOID FAR*, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long TabbedTextOut(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ref string str, int num, int num, ref int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int TaskFindHandle(ref TaskEntryStruct lpTask, ulong hTask) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int TaskFirst(ref TaskEntryStruct lpTask) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int TaskNext(ref TaskEntryStruct lpTask) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong TaskSetCSIP(ulong hTask, ulong wCS, ulong wIP) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int TaskSwitch(ulong hTask, ulong dwNewCSIP) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION TerminateApp(ulong hTask, ulong wFlags) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int TextOut(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION Throw(ref int num, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int TimerCount(ref TimerInfoStruct lpTimer) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int ToAscii(ulong wVirtKey, ulong wScanCode, ref uchar lpKeyState, ref ulong lpChar, ulong wFlags) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int TrackPopupMenu(ulong hMenu, uint num, int num, int num, int num, ulong handle, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int TranslateAccelerator(ulong handle, ulong hAccel, ref MsgStruct ms) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int TranslateMDISysAccel(ulong handle, ref MsgStruct ms) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int TranslateMessage(ref MsgStruct ms) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int TransmitCommChar(int num, char) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
lmby 2003-12-17
  • 打赏
  • 举报
FUNCTION int SaveDC(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong ScaleViewportExt(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int ScaleViewportExtEx(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, ref SizeStruct sizestr) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong ScaleWindowExt(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int ScaleWindowExtEx(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, ref SizeStruct sizestr) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ScreenToClient(ulong handle, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ScrollDC(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ref RectStruct rect, ref RectStruct rect, ulong hRgn, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ScrollWindow(ulong handle, int num, int num, ref RectStruct rect, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ScrollWindowEx(ulong hwnd, int dx, int dy, ref RectStruct prcScroll, ref RectStruct prcClip, ulong hRgn hrgnUpdate, ref RectStruct prcUpdate, ulong flags) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int SelectClipRgn(ulong hDC, ulong hRgn) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SelectObject(ulong hDC, ulong hGDIObj) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SelectPalette(ulong hDC, ulong hPalette, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long SendDlgItemMessage(ulong handle, int num, uint num, ulong wParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long SendDriverMessage(ulong hDriver, ulong message, long lParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long SendMessage(ulong handle, uint num, ulong wParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetActiveWindow(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long SetBitmapBits(ulong hBitmap, ulong lParam, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetBitmapDimension(ulong hBitmap, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetBitmapDimensionEx(ulong hBitmap, int num, int num, ref SizeStruct sizestr) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetBkColor(ulong hDC, ulong ColorRef) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetBkMode(ulong hDC, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetBoundsRect(ulong hDC, ref RectStruct lprcBounds, ulong flags) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetBrushOrg(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetCapture(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION SetCaretBlinkTime(uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION SetCaretPos(int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long SetClassLong(ulong handle, int num, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetClassWord(ulong handle, int num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetClipboardData(uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetClipboardViewer(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetCommBreak(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetCommEventMask(int num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetCommState(ref DcbStruct dcbs) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetCursor(ulong hCursor) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION SetCursorPos(int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetDIBits(ulong hDC, ulong hBitmap, uint num, uint num, ref string str, ref Bitmapinfostruct bmis, uint num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetDIBitsToDevice(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, uint num, uint num, LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION SetDlgItemInt(ulong handle, int num, uint num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION SetDlgItemText(ulong handle, int num, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION SetDoubleClickTime(uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetErrorMode(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetFocus(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetHandleCount(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION SetKeyboardState(ref uchar ch) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetMapMode(ulong hDC, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetMapperFlags(ulong hDC, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetMenu(ulong handle, ulong hMenu) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetMenuItemBitmaps(ulong hMenu, uint num, uint num, ulong hBitmap, ulong hBitmap) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetMessageQueue(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetMetaFileBits(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetMetaFileBitsBetter(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetPaletteEntries(ulong hPalette, uint num, uint num, ref PaletteEntryStruct pes) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetParent(ulong handle, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetPixel(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ulong ColorRef) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetPolyFillMode(ulong hDC, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetProp(ulong handle, ref string str, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION SetRect(ref RectStruct rect, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION SetRectEmpty(ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION SetRectRgn(ulong hRgn, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetROP2(ulong hDC, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetScrollPos(ulong handle, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION SetScrollRange(ulong handle, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetSelectorBase(uint num, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetSelectorLimit(uint num, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetStretchBltMode(ulong hDC, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION long SetSwapAreaSize(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION SetSysColors(int num, ref int num, ref ulong ColorRef) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetSysModalWindow(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetSystemPaletteUse(ulong hDC, uint num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetTextAlign(ulong hDC, uint num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetTextCharacterExtra(ulong hDC, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetTextColor(ulong hDC, ulong ColorRef) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetTextJustification(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetViewportExt(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetViewportExtEx(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ref SizeStruct sizestr) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetViewportOrg(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetViewportOrgEx(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetWinDebugInfo(ref WinDebugInfoStruct lpwdi) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetWindowExt(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetWindowExtEx(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ref SizeStruct sizestr) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION long SetWindowLong(ulong handle, int num, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetWindowOrg(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetWindowOrgEx(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetWindowPlacement(ulong handle, ref WindowPlacementStruct wps) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int SetWindowPos(ulong handle, ulong handle, int num, int num, int num, int num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION SetWindowText(ulong handle, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong SetWindowWord(ulong handle, int num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
lmby 2003-12-17
  • 打赏
  • 举报
FUNCTION int NotifyUnRegister(ulong hTask) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong OemKeyScan(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION OemToAnsi( ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION OemToAnsiBuff(ref string str, ref string str, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int OffsetClipRgn(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION OffsetRect(ref RectStruct rect, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int OffsetRgn(ulong hRgn, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong OffsetViewportOrg(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int OffsetViewportOrgEx(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong OffsetWindowOrg(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int OffsetWindowOrgEx(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int OleIsDcMeta(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "OLE2.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong OleQueryClientVersion( ) LIBRARY "OLE2.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong OleQueryServerVersion( ) LIBRARY "OLE2.DLL"
FUNCTION int OpenClipboard(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int OpenComm(ref string str, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong OpenDriver(ref string szDriverName, ref string szSectionName, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int OpenFile(ref string str, ref OFStruct OutputFile, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int OpenIcon(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION OutputDebugString(ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int PaintRgn(ulong hDC, ulong hRgn) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int PatBlt(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int PeekMessage(ref MsgStruct ms, ulong handle, uint num, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int Pie(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int PlayMetaFile(ulong hDC, ulong hMetaFile) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int Polygon(ulong hDC, ref PointStruct point, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int Polyline(ulong hDC, ref PointStruct point, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int PolyPolygon(ulong hDC, ref PointStruct point, ref int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int PostAppMessage(ulong hTask, uint num, ulong wParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int PostMessage(ulong handle, uint num, ulong wParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION PostQuitMessage(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong PrestoChangoSelector(ulong sourceSel, ulong destSel) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ProfClear( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ProfFinish( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ProfFlush( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int ProfInsChk( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ProfSampRate(int num,int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ProfSetup(int num,int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ProfStart( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ProfStop( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int PtInRect(ref RectStruct rect, PointStruct point) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int QuerySendMessage(ulong h1, ulong h2, ulong h3, MsgStruct lpmsg) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ReadComm(int num, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong RealizePalette(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int Rectangle(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int RectInRegion(ulong hRgn, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int RectVisible(ulong hDC, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int RedrawWindow(ulong hwnd, ref RectStruct lprcUpdate, ulong hRgn hrgnUpdate, ulong flags) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long RegCloseKey(ulong hKey) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION long RegCreateKey(ulong hKey, ref string str, ref ulong hKey) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION long RegDeleteKey(ulong hKey, ref string str) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION long RegEnumKey(ulong hKey, ulong lParam, ref string str, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION ulong RegisterClipboardFormat(ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong RegisterWindowMessage(ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long RegOpenKey(ulong hKey, ref string str, ref ulong hKey) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION long RegQueryValue(ulong hKey, ref string str, ref string str, long FAR*) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION long RegSetValue(ulong hKey, ref string str, ulong lParam, ref string str, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION ReleaseCapture( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ReleaseDC(ulong handle, ulong hDC) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int RemoveFontResource(ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int RemoveMenu(ulong hMenu, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong RemoveProp(ulong handle, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ReplyMessage(long lResult) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ResizePalette(ulong hPalette, uint num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int RestoreDC(ulong hDC, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int RoundRect(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
lmby 2003-12-17
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FUNCTION int LineTo(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LoadAccelerators(ulong hInstance, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LoadBitmap(ulong hInstance, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LoadCursor(ulong hInstance, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LoadIcon(ulong hInstance, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LoadLibrary(ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LoadMenu(ulong hInstance, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LoadMenuIndirect(ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LoadModule(ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LoadResource(ulong hInstance, ulong hRsrc) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int LoadString(ulong hInstance, uint num, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LocalAlloc(uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LocalCompact(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int LocalFirst(ref LocalEntryStruct lpLocal, ulong hGlobal hHeap) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong LocalFlags(ulong hLocal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LocalFree(ulong hLocal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LocalHandle(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int LocalInfo(ref LocalInfoStruct lpLocal, ulong hGlobal hHeap) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int LocalInit(uint num, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION string LocalLock(ulong hLocal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int LocalNext(ref LocalEntryStruct lpLocal) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong LocalReAlloc(ulong hLocal, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LocalShrink(ulong hLocal, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int LocalUnlock(ulong hLocal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int LockInput(ulong h1, ulong hwndInput, int fLock) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION string LockResource(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong LockSegment(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int LockWindowUpdate(ulong hwndLock) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION LogError(ulong err, ref string lpInfo) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int LPtoDP(ulong hDC, ref PointStruct point, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION string lstrcat(ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int lstrcmp(ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int lstrcmpi(ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION string lstrcpy(ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION string lstrcpyn(ref string str, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int lstrlen(ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION long LZCopy(ulong hFile, ulong hFile) LIBRARY "LZEXPAND.DLL"
FUNCTION int LZOpenFile(ref string str, ref OFStruct OutputFile, uint num) LIBRARY "LZEXPAND.DLL"
FUNCTION int LZRead(ulong hFile, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "LZEXPAND.DLL"
FUNCTION long LZSeek(ulong hFile, long lParam, int num) LIBRARY "LZEXPAND.DLL"
FUNCTION MapDialogRect(ulong handle, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong MapVirtualKey(uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION MapWindowPoints(ulong hwndFrom, ulong hwndTo, ref PointStruct lppt, ulong cpt) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int MemManInfo(ref MemManInfoStruct lpEnhMode) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong MemoryRead(ulong wSel, ulong dwOffset, ref string lpBuffer, ulong dwcb) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong MemoryWrite(ulong wSel, ulong dwOffset, ref string lpBuffer, ulong dwcb) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION MessageBeep(uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int MessageBox(ulong handle, ref string str, ref string str, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ModifyMenu(ulong hMenu, uint num, uint num, uint num, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong ModuleFindHandle(ref ModuleEntryStruct lpModule, ulong hModule hModule) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong ModuleFindName(ref ModuleEntryStruct lpModule, ref string lpstrName) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int ModuleFirst(ref ModuleEntryStruct lpModule) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int ModuleNext(ref ModuleEntryStruct lpModule) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong MoveTo(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int MoveToEx(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int MoveWindow(ulong handle, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int MulDiv(int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
lmby 2003-12-17
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FUNCTION ulong GlobalAddAtom(ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalAlloc(uint num, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalCompact(ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalDeleteAtom(ulong atom) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalDosAlloc(ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalDosFree(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GlobalEntryHandle(ref GlobalEntryStruct lpGlobal, ulong hGlobal hItem) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int GlobalEntryModule(ref GlobalEntryStruct lpGlobal, ulong hModule hModule, ulong wSeg) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalFindAtom(ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GlobalFirst(ref GlobalEntryStruct lpGlobal, ulong wFlags) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION GlobalFix(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalFlags(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalFree(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalGetAtomName(ulong atom, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalHandle(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalHandleToSel(ulong hGlobal hMem) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int GlobalInfo(ref GlobalInfoStruct lpGlobalInfo) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION string GlobalLock(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalLRUNewest(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalLRUOldest(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GlobalNext(ref GlobalEntryStruct lpGlobal, ulong wFlags) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalPageLock(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalPageUnlock(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalReAlloc(ulong hGlobal, ulong lParam, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GlobalSize(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION GlobalUnfix(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GlobalUnlock(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION HideCaret(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int HiliteMenuItem(ulong handle, ulong hMenu, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION hmemcpy(ref blob blob1, ref blob blob2, long lParam) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION InflateRect(ref RectStruct rect, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int InitAtomTable(int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int InSendMessage( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int InsertMenu(ulong hMenu, uint num, uint num, uint num, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int InterruptUnRegister(ulong hTask) LIBRARY "TOOLHELP.DLL"
FUNCTION int IntersectClipRect(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int IntersectRect(ref RectStruct rect, ref RectStruct rect, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION InvalidateRect(ulong handle, ref RectStruct rect, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION InvalidateRgn(ulong handle, ulong hRgn, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION InvertRect(ulong hDC, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int InvertRgn(ulong hDC, ulong hRgn) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsBadHugeReadPtr(ref blob lp, ulong cb) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsBadHugeWritePtr(ref blob lp, ulong cb) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsBadReadPtr(ref string lp, ulong cb) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsBadStringPtr(ref string lpsz, ulong cchMax) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsBadWritePtr(ref string lp, ulong cb) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsCharAlpha(char) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsCharAlphaNumeric(char) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsCharLower(char) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsCharUpper(char) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsChild(ulong handle, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsClipboardFormatAvailable(uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsDBCSLeadByte(uchar ch) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsDialogMessage(ulong handle, ref MsgStruct ms) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong IsDlgButtonChecked(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsGDIObject(ulong hGDIObj) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsIconic(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsMenu(ulong hMenu) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsRectEmpty(ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsTask(ulong hTask) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsWindow(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsWindowEnabled(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsWindowVisible(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int IsZoomed(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int KillTimer(ulong handle, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
lmby 2003-12-17
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FUNCTION int GetKBCodePage( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetKerningPairs(ulong hDC, int num, ref KerningPairStruct kps) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION GetKeyboardState(ref uchar ch) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetKeyboardType(int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetKeyNameText(long lParam, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetKeyState(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetLastActivePopup(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetMapMode(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetMenu(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetMenuItemCount(ulong hMenu) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetMenuItemID(ulong hMenu, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetMenuState(ulong hMenu, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetMenuString(ulong hMenu, uint num, ref string str, int num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetMessage(ref MsgStruct ms, ulong handle, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long GetMessageExtraInfo( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetMessagePos( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long GetMessageTime( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetMetaFile(ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetMetaFileBits(ulong hMetaFile) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetModuleFileName(ulong hInstance, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetModuleHandle(ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetModuleUsage(ulong hInstance) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetNearestColor(ulong hDC, ulong ColorRef) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetNearestPaletteIndex(ulong hPalette, ulong ColorRef) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetNextDlgGroupItem(ulong handle, ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetNextDlgTabItem(ulong handle, ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetNextDriver(ulong hDrvr, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetNextWindow(ulong handle, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetNumTasks( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetObject(ulong hGDIObj, int num, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetOpenClipboardWindow( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetPaletteEntries(ulong hPalette, uint num, uint num, ref PaletteEntryStruct pes) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetParent(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetPixel(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetPolyFillMode(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetPriorityClipboardFormat(ref uint num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetPrivateProfileInt(ref string str, ref string str, int num, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetPrivateProfileString(ref string str, ref string str, ref string str, ref string str, int num, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetProfileInt(ref string str, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetProfileString(ref string str, ref string str, ref string str, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetProp(ulong handle, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetQueueStatus(ulong flags) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetRasterizerCaps(ref Rasterizer_statusStruct rast, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetRgnBox(ulong hRgn, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetROP2(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetScrollPos(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION GetScrollRange(ulong handle, int num, ref int num, ref int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetSelectorBase(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetSelectorLimit(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetStockObject(int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetStretchBltMode(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetSubMenu(ulong hMenu, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetSysColor(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetSysModalWindow( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long GetSystemDebugState( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetSystemDir(ref string szAppDir, ref string lpBuffer, int nSize) LIBRARY "VER.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong GetSystemDirectory(ref string str, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetSystemMenu(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetSystemPaletteEntries(ulong hDC, uint num, uint num, ref PaletteEntryStruct pes) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetSystemPaletteUse(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetTabbedTextExtent(ulong hDC, ref string str, int num, int num, ref int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION uchar GetTempDrive(char) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetTempFileName(uchar ch, ref string str, uint num, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetTextAlign(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetTextCharacterExtra(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetTextColor(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetTextExtent(ulong hDC, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetTextExtentPoint(ulong hDC, ref string str, int num, ref SizeStruct sizestr) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetTextFace(ulong hDC, int num, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetTickCount( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetTimerResolution( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetTopWindow(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetUpdateRect(ulong handle, ref RectStruct rect, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetUpdateRgn(ulong handle, ulong hRgn, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetVersion( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetViewportExt(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetViewportExtEx(ulong hDC, ref SizeStruct sizestr) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetViewportOrg(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetViewportOrgEx(ulong hDC, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetWinDebugInfo(ref WinDebugInfoStruct lpwdi, ulong flags) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetWindow(ulong handle, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetWindowDC(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetWindowExt(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetWindowExtEx(ulong hDC, ref SizeStruct sizestr) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION long GetWindowLong(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetWindowOrg(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetWindowOrgEx(ulong hDC, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetWindowPlacement(ulong handle, ref WindowPlacementStruct wps) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION GetWindowRect(ulong handle, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetWindowsDir(ref string szAppDir, ref string lpBuffer, int nSize) LIBRARY "VER.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong GetWindowsDirectory(ref string str, uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetWindowTask(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetWindowText(ulong handle, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetWindowTextLength(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetWindowWord(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetWinFlags( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
lmby 2003-12-17
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FUNCTION int GetABCWidths(ulong hDC, uint num, uint num, ref ABCStruct ABC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetActiveWindow( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetAspectRatioFilter(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetAspectRatioFilterEx(ulong hDC, ref SizeStruct sizestr) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetAsyncKeyState(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetAtomHandle(ulong atom) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetAtomName(ulong atom, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION long GetBitmapBits(ulong hBitmap, long lParam, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetBitmapDimension(ulong hBitmap) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetBitmapDimensionEx(ulong hBitmap, ref SizeStruct sizestr) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetBkColor(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetBkMode(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetBoundsRect(ulong hDC, ref RectStruct lprcBounds, ulong flags) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetBrushOrg(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetBrushOrgEx(ulong hDC, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetCapture( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetCaretBlinkTime( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION GetCaretPos(ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetCharWidth(ulong hDC, uint num, uint num, ref int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION long GetClassLong(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetClassName(ulong handle, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetClassWord(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION GetClientRect(ulong handle, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetClipboardData(uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetClipboardFormatName(uint num, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetClipboardOwner( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetClipboardViewer( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetClipBox(ulong hDC, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION GetClipCursor(ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetCommError(int num, ref ComStatStruct css) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetCommEventMask(int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetCommState(int num, ref DcbStruct dcbs) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetCurrentPDB( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetCurrentPosition(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetCurrentPositionEx(ulong hDC, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetCurrentTask( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetCurrentTime( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetCursor( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION GetCursorPos(ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetDC(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetDCEx(register ulong hwnd, ulong hRgn hrgnClip, ulong flags) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetDCOrg(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetDesktopWindow( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetDeviceCaps(ulong hDC, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetDialogBaseUnits( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetDIBits(ulong hDC, ulong hBitmap, uint num, uint num, ref string str, ref Bitmapinfostruct bmis, uint num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetDlgCtrlID(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetDlgItem(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetDlgItemInt(ulong handle, int num, ref int , int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetDlgItemText(ulong handle, int num, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION string GetDOSEnvironment( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetDoubleClickTime( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetDriverInfo(ulong hDrvr, ref DriverInfoStruct dis) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetDriverModuleHandle(ulong hDriver) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetDriveType(int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetExpandedName(ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "LZEXPAND.DLL"
FUNCTION int GetFileResource(ref string lpstrFilename, ref string lpstrResType, ref string lpstrResID, ulong dwFileOffset, ulong dwResLen, ref string lpData) LIBRARY "VER.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong GetFileResourceSize(ref string lpstrFilename, ref string lpstrResType, ref string lpstrResID, ref ulong lpdwFileOffset) LIBRARY "VER.DLL"
FUNCTION int GetFileTitle(ref string str, ref string str, uint num) LIBRARY "COMMDLG.DLL"
FUNCTION int GetFileVersionInfo(ref string lpstrFilename, ulong dwHandle, ulong dwLen, ref string lpData) LIBRARY "VER.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong GetFileVersionInfoSize(ref string lpstrFilename, ref ulong lpdwHandle) LIBRARY "VER.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong GetFocus( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetFontData(ulong hDC, ulong lParam, ulong lParam, ref string str, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetFreeSpace(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetFreeSystemResources(uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong GetGlyphOutline(ulong hDC, uint num, uint num, ref GlyphMetricsStruct gms, ulong lParam, ref string str, ref Mat2Struct) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetInputState( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int GetInstanceData(ulong hInstance, ref string ch, int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
lmby 2003-12-17
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FUNCTION int Ellipse(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int EmptyClipboard( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int EnableCommNotification(int num, ulong handle, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int EnableHardwareInput(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int EnableMenuItem(ulong hMenu, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int EnableScrollBar(ulong handle, int num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int EnableWindow(ulong handle,int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int EndDeferWindowPos(ulong hDwp) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION EndDialog(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int EndDoc(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int EndPage(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION EndPaint(ulong handle, ref PaintStruct) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong EnumClipboardFormats(uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int EqualRect(ref RectStruct rect, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int EqualRgn(ulong hRgn, ulong hRgn) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int Escape(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION long EscapeCommFunction(int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ExcludeClipRect(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int ExcludeUpdateRgn(ulong hDC, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ExitWindows(ulong dwReturnCode, ulong wReserved) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ExitWindowsExec(ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int ExtFloodFill(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ulong ColorRef, uint num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong ExtractIcon(ulong hInstance hInst, ref string lpszExeFileName, ulong nIconIndex) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION int ExtTextOut(ulong hDC, int num, int num, uint num, ref RectStruct rect, ref string str, uint num, ref int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION FatalAppExit(uint num, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION FatalExit(int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int FillRect(ulong hDC, ref RectStruct rect, ulong hBrush) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int FillRgn(ulong hDC, ulong hRgn, ulong hBrush) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong FindAtom(ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong FindExecutable(ref string lpFile, ref string lpDirectory, ref string lpResult) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION ulong FindResource(ulong hInstance, ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong FindWindow(ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int FlashWindow(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int FloodFill(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ulong ColorRef) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int FlushComm(int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int FrameRect(ulong hDC, ref RectStruct rect, ulong hBrush) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int FrameRgn(ulong hDC, ulong hRgn, ulong hBrush, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION FreeLibrary(ulong hInstance) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int FreeModule(ulong hInstance) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int FreeResource(ulong hGlobal) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong FreeSelector(uint num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
lmby 2003-12-17
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FUNCTION int DdeAbandonTransaction(ulong idInst, ulong hConv, ulong idTransaction) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION string DdeAccessData(ulong hData, ref ulong pcbDataSize) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeAddData(ulong hData, ref string pSrc, ulong cb, ulong cbOff) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeClientTransaction(ref string pData, ulong cbData, ulong hConv, ulong hszItem, ulong wFmt, ulong wType, ulong dwTimeout, ref ulong pdwResult) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION int DdeCmpStringHandles(ulong hsz1, ulong hsz2) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeConnect(ulong idInst, ulong hszService, ulong hszTopic, ref ConvConText pCC) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeConnectList(ulong idInst, ulong hszService, ulong hszTopic, ulong hConvList, ref ConvConText pCC) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeCreateDataHandle(ulong idInst, ref string pSrc, ulong cb, ulong cbOff, ulong hszItem, ulong wFmt, ulong afCmd) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeCreateStringHandle(ulong idInst, ref string psz, int iCodePage) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION int DdeDisconnect(ulong hConv) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION int DdeDisconnectList(ulong hConvList) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION int DdeEnableCallback(ulong idInst, ulong hConv, ulong wCmd) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION int DdeFreeDataHandle(ulong hData) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION int DdeFreeStringHandle(ulong idInst, ulong hsz) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeGetData(ulong hData, ref string pDst, ulong cbMax, ulong cbOff) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeGetLastError(ulong idInst) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeInitialize(ref ulong pidInst, ref function *pfnCallback, ulong afCmd, ulong ulRes) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION int DdeKeepStringHandle(ulong idInst, ulong hsz) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeNameService(ulong idInst, ulong hsz1, ulong hsz2, ulong afCmd) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION int DdePostAdvise(ulong idInst, ulong hszTopic, ulong hszItem) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeQueryConvInfo(ulong hConv, ulong idTransaction, ref ConvInfo pConvInfo) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeQueryNextServer(ulong hConvList, ulong hConvPrev) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION long DdeQueryString(ulong idInst, ulong hsz, ref string psz, ulong cchMax, int iCodePage) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DdeReconnect(ulong hConv) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION int DdeSetUserHandle(ulong hConv, ulong id, ulong hUser) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION int DdeUnaccessData(ulong hData) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION int DdeUninitialize(ulong idInst) LIBRARY "Ddeml.dll"
FUNCTION DebugBreak( ) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION long DefDlgProc(ulong handle, uint num, ulong wParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long DefDriverProc(ulong dwDriverIdentifier, ulong driverID, ulong message, long lParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DeferWindowPos(ulong hDwp, ulong handle, ulong handle, int num, int num, int num, int num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long DefFrameProc(ulong handle, ulong handle, uint num, ulong wParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long DefMDIChildProc(ulong handle, uint num, ulong wParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long DefWindowProc(ulong handle, uint num, ulong wParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DeleteAtom(ulong atom) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int DeleteDC(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int DeleteMenu(ulong hMenu, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DeleteMetaFile(ulong hMetaFile) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int DeleteObject(ulong hGDIObj) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION DestroyCaret( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DestroyCursor(ulong hCursor) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DestroyIcon(ulong hIcon) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DestroyMenu(ulong hMenu) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DestroyWindow(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION DirectedYield(ulong hTask) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION long DispatchMessage(ref MsgStruct ms) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DlgDirList(ulong handle, ref string str, int num, int num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DlgDirListComboBox(ulong handle, ref string str, int num, int num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DlgDirSelect(ulong handle, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DlgDirSelectComboBox(ulong handle, ref string str, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx(ulong handle, ref string str, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DlgDirSelectEx(ulong handle, ref string str, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DPtoLP(ulong hDC, ref PointStruct point, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION DragAcceptFiles(ulong handle, int num) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION DragFinish(ulong hDrop) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION ulong DragQueryFile(ulong hDrop, uint num, ref string str, uint num) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION int DragQueryPoint(ulong hDrop, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "Shell.dll"
FUNCTION DrawFocusRect(ulong hDC, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DrawIcon(ulong hDC, int num, int num, ulong hIcon) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION DrawMenuBar(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int DrawText(ulong hDC, ref string str, int num, ref RectStruct rect, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
lmby 2003-12-17
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FUNCTION int CallMsgFilter(ref MsgStruct ms, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long CallNextHookEx(ulong hHook, int code, ulong wParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int Catch(ref int num) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION int ChangeClipboardChain(ulong handle, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION CheckDlgButton(ulong handle, int num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int CheckMenuItem(ulong hMenu, uint num, uint num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION CheckRadioButton(ulong handle, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong ChildWindowFromPoint(ulong handle, PointStruct point) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int Chord(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int ClassFirst(ref ClassEntryStruct lpClass) LIBRARY "Toolhelp.dll"
FUNCTION int ClassNext(ref ClassEntryStruct lpClass) LIBRARY "Toolhelp.dll"
FUNCTION int ClearCommBreak(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ClientToScreen(ulong handle, ref PointStruct point) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ClipCursor(ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int CloseClipboard( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int CloseComm(int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long CloseDriver(ulong hDriver, long lParam, long lParam) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CloseMetaFile(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION CloseWindow(ulong handle) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int CombineRgn(ulong hRgn, ulong hRgn, ulong hRgn, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CommDlgExtendedError( ) LIBRARY "COMMDLG.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong CopyCursor(ulong hInstance, ulong hCursor) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CopyIcon(ulong hInstance, ulong hIcon) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION long CopyLZFile(ulong hFile, ulong hFile) LIBRARY "Lzexpand.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CopyMetaFile(ulong hMetaFile, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION CopyRect(ref RectStruct rect, ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION int CountClipboardFormats( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateBitmap(int num, int num, uint num, uint num, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateBitmapIndirect(ref BitMapStruct) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateBrushIndirect(ref LogBrushStruct) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION CreateCaret(ulong handle, ulong hBitmap, int num, int num) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateCompatibleBitmap(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateCompatibleDC(ulong hDC) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateCursor(ulong hInstance, int num, int num, int num, int num, ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateDC(ref string str, ref string str, ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateDIBitmap(ulong hDC, ref BitMapInfoHeaderStruct bmihs, ulong lParam, ref string str, ref Bitmapinfostruct bmis, uint num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateDIBPatternBrush(ulong hGlobal, uint num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateDiscardableBitmap(ulong hDC, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateEllipticRgn(int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateEllipticRgnIndirect(ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateFont(int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, uchar ch, uchar ch, uchar ch, uchar ch, uchar ch, uchar ch, uchar ch, uchar ch, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateFontIndirect(ref LogFontStruct lfs) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateHatchBrush(int num, ulong ColorRef) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateIC(ref string str, ref string str, ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateIcon(ulong hInstance, int num, int num, uchar ch, uchar ch, ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateMenu( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateMetaFile(ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreatePalette(ref LogPaletteStruct) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreatePatternBrush(ulong hBitmap) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreatePen(int num, int num, ulong ColorRef) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreatePenIndirect(ref LogPenStruct) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreatePolygonRgn(ref PointStruct point, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreatePolyPolygonRgn(ref PointStruct point, ref int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreatePopupMenu( ) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateRectRgn(int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateRectRgnIndirect(ref RectStruct rect) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateRoundRectRgn(int num, int num, int num, int num, int num, int num) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION int CreateScalableFontResource(uint num, ref string str, ref string str, ref string str) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateSolidBrush(ulong ColorRef) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateWindow(ref string str, ref string str, ulong lParam, int num, int num, int num, int num, ulong handle, ulong hMenu, ulong hInstance, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
FUNCTION ulong CreateWindowEx(ulong lParam, ref string str, ref string str, ulong lParam, int num, int num, int num, int num, ulong handle, ulong hMenu, ulong hInstance, ref string str) LIBRARY "User32.dll"
jdsnhan 2003-12-17
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klbt 2003-12-17
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jb99334 2003-12-17
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wwwafa9 2003-12-17
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