
ccyanhuan 2000-12-27 10:49:00
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cool_hlzy 2001-02-22
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1)bitmap-file formats

windows bitmap files are stored in a device-independent bitmap (dib) format
that allows windows to display the bitmap on any type of display device. the
term "device independent" means that the bitmap specifies pixel color in a
form independent of the method used by a display to represent color. the
default filename extension of a windows dib file is .bmp.

bitmap-file structures

each bitmap file contains a bitmap-file header, a bitmap-information header,
a color table, and an array of bytes that defines the bitmap bits. the file
has the following form:

bitmapfileheader bmfh;
bitmapinfoheader bmih;
rgbquad acolors[];
byte abitmapbits[];

the bitmap-file header contains information about the type, size, and layout
of a device-independent bitmap file. the header is defined as a
bitmapfileheader structure.

the bitmap-information header, defined as a bitmapinfoheader structure,
specifies the dimensions, compression type, and color format for the bitmap.

the color table, defined as an array of rgbquad structures, contains as many
elements as there are colors in the bitmap. the color table is not present
for bitmaps with 24 color bits because each pixel is represented by 24-bit
red-green-blue (rgb) values in the actual bitmap data area. the colors in the
table should appear in order of importance. this helps a display driver
render a bitmap on a device that cannot display as many colors as there are
in the bitmap. if the dib is in windows version 3.0 or later format, the
driver can use the biclrimportant member of the bitmapinfoheader structure to
determine which colors are important.

the bitmapinfo structure can be used to represent a combined
bitmap-information header and color table. the bitmap bits, immediately
following the color table, consist of an array of byte values representing
consecutive rows, or "scan lines," of the bitmap. each scan line consists of
consecutive bytes representing the pixels in the scan line, in left-to-right
order. the number of bytes representing a scan line depends on the color
format and the width, in pixels, of the bitmap. if necessary, a scan line
must be zero-padded to end on a 32-bit boundary. however, segment boundaries
can appear anywhere in the bitmap. the scan lines in the bitmap are stored
from bottom up. this means that the first byte in the array represents the
pixels in the lower-left corner of the bitmap and the last byte represents
the pixels in the upper-right corner.

the bibitcount member of the bitmapinfoheader structure determines the number
of bits that define each pixel and the maximum number of colors in the
bitmap. these members can have any of the following values:

value meaning

1 bitmap is monochrome and the color table contains two entries. each
bit in the bitmap array represents a pixel. if the bit is clear, the pixel is
displayed with the color of the first entry in the color table. if the bit is
set, the pixel has the color of the second entry in the table.

4 bitmap has a maximum of 16 colors. each pixel in the bitmap is
represented by a 4-bit index into the color table. for example, if the first
byte in the bitmap is 0x1f, the byte represents two pixels. the first pixel
contains the color in the second table entry, and the second pixel contains
the color in the sixteenth table entry.

8 bitmap has a maximum of 256 colors. each pixel in the bitmap is
represented by a 1-byte index into the color table. for example, if the first
byte in the bitmap is 0x1f, the first pixel has the color of the
thirty-second table entry.

24 bitmap has a maximum of 2^24 colors. the bmicolors (or bmcicolors)
member is null, and each 3-byte sequence in the bitmap array represents the
relative intensities of red, green, and blue, respectively, for a pixel.

the biclrused member of the bitmapinfoheader structure specifies the number
of color indexes in the color table actually used by the bitmap. if the
biclrused member is set to zero, the bitmap uses the maximum number of colors
corresponding to the value of the bibitcount member. an alternative form of
bitmap file uses the bitmapcoreinfo, bitmapcoreheader, and rgbtriple

bitmap compression

windows versions 3.0 and later support run-length encoded (rle) formats for
compressing bitmaps that use 4 bits per pixel and 8 bits per pixel.
compression reduces the disk and memory storage required for a bitmap.

compression of 8-bits-per-pixel bitmaps

when the bicompression member of the bitmapinfoheader structure is set to
bi_rle8, the dib is compressed using a run-length encoded format for a
256-color bitmap. this format uses two modes: encoded mode and absolute mode.
both modes can occur anywhere throughout a single bitmap.

encoded mode

a unit of information in encoded mode consists of two bytes. the first byte
specifies the number of consecutive pixels to be drawn using the color index
contained in the second byte. the first byte of the pair can be set to zero
to indicate an escape that denotes the end of a line, the end of the bitmap,
or a delta. the interpretation of the escape depends on the value of the
second byte of the pair, which must be in the range 0x00 through 0x02.
following are the meanings of the escape values that can be used in the
second byte:

second byte meaning

0 end of line.
1 end of bitmap.
2 delta. the two bytes following the escape contain unsigned values
indicating the horizontal and vertical offsets of the next pixel from the
current position.

absolute mode

absolute mode is signaled by the first byte in the pair being set to zero and
the second byte to a value between 0x03 and 0xff. the second byte represents
the number of bytes that follow, each of which contains the color index of a
single pixel. each run must be aligned on a word boundary. following is an
example of an 8-bit rle bitmap (the two-digit hexadecimal values in the
second column represent a color index for a single pixel):

compressed data expanded data

03 04 04 04 04
05 06 06 06 06 06 06
00 03 45 56 67 00 45 56 67
02 78 78 78
00 02 05 01 move 5 right and 1 down
02 78 78 78
00 00 end of line
09 1e 1e 1e 1e 1e 1e 1e 1e 1e 1e
00 01 end of rle bitmap

compression of 4-bits-per-pixel bitmaps

when the bicompression member of the bitmapinfoheader structure is set to
bi_rle4, the dib is compressed using a run-length encoded format for a
16-color bitmap. this format uses two modes: encoded mode and absolute mode.

encoded mode

a unit of information in encoded mode consists of two bytes. the first byte
of the pair contains the number of pixels to be drawn using the color indexes
in the second byte.

the second byte contains two color indexes, one in its high-order nibble
(that is, its low-order 4 bits) and one in its low-order nibble.

the first pixel is drawn using the color specified by the high-order nibble,
the second is drawn using the color in the low-order nibble, the third is
drawn with the color in the high-order nibble, and so on, until all the
pixels specified by the first byte have been drawn.

the first byte of the pair can be set to zero to indicate an escape that
denotes the end of a line, the end of the bitmap, or a delta. the
interpretation of the escape depends on the value of the second byte of the
pair. in encoded mode, the second byte has a value in the range 0x00 through
0x02. the meaning of these values is the same as for a dib with 8 bits per

absolute mode

in absolute mode, the first byte contains zero, the second byte contains the
number of color indexes that follow, and subsequent bytes contain color
indexes in their high- and low-order nibbles, one color index for each pixel.
each run must be aligned on a word boundary.

following is an example of a 4-bit rle bitmap (the one-digit hexadecimal
values in the second column represent a color index for a single pixel):

compressed data expanded data

03 04 0 4 0
05 06 0 6 0 6 0
00 06 45 56 67 00 4 5 5 6 6 7
04 78 7 8 7 8
00 02 05 01 move 5 right and 1 down
04 78 7 8 7 8
00 00 end of line
09 1e 1 e 1 e 1 e 1 e 1
00 01 end of rle bitmap

bitmap example

the following example is a text dump of a 16-color bitmap (4 bits per pixel):

type 19778
size 3118
reserved1 0
reserved2 0
offsetbits 118
size 40
width 80
height 75
planes 1
bitcount 4
compression 0
sizeimage 3000

xpelspermeter 0
ypelspermeter 0
colorsused 16
colorsimportant 16
blue green red unused
[00000000] 84 252 84 0
[00000001] 252 252 84 0
[00000002] 84 84 252 0
[00000003] 252 84 252 0
[00000004] 84 252 252 0
[00000005] 252 252 252 0
[00000006] 0 0 0 0
[00000007] 168 0 0 0
[00000008] 0 168 0 0
[00000009] 168 168 0 0
[0000000a] 0 0 168 0
[0000000b] 168 0 168 0
[0000000c] 0 168 168 0
[0000000d] 168 168 168 0
[0000000e] 84 84 84 0
[0000000f] 252 84 84 0
. bitmap data

michaelh 2001-02-14
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michaelh 2001-02-14
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who want it please tell me ur e-mail address!
zeroweb 2001-01-03
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You are so lazy.
yanhuan 2000-12-30
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wistaria 2000-12-28
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Hank 2000-12-28
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名称 宽度 标识符
JPG 10位 chr($FF)+chr($D8)+chr($FF)+chr($E0)+chr($00)+chr($10)+'JFIF'
Hank 2000-12-28
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名称 宽度 标识符
JPG 10位 chr($FF)+chr($D8)+chr($FF)+chr($E0)+chr($00)+chr($10)+'JFIF'
ccyanhuan 2000-12-28
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ccyanhuan 2000-12-27
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青润 2000-12-27
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