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dbcontrols 2002-01-24
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HOWTO: Use DCOM Config (DCOMCNFG.EXE) with Windows 95
Last reviewed: March 10, 1998
Article ID: Q182248
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Professional and Enterprise Editions for Windows, version 5.0

DCOMCNFG.EXE (known as DCOM Config) is a utility that can be used to secure distributed COM (DCOM) objects that have been created.

Because security is much more advanced on Windows NT, the options differ on Windows NT systems. This article, written for those running DCOM Config on Windows 95 systems, describes the options and settings in DCOM Config.

The DCOM Config's main window is divided into three tabs:

Applications Tab.

Default Properties Tab.

Default Security Tab.

The following explains each tab in DCOM Config, beginning with the Applications tab.

Applications Tab
The Applications tab shows each of the items registered under the following registry key:

Beneath this key are all of the objects that can be launched on a remote machine. DCOM Config displays just the ProgIDs (friendly names) of each object, such as "Microsoft Word Document" or "Microsoft Access Database." Some objects may register without registering a ProgID; in these cases, the GUID of the object will be displayed, such as "{4E6B942A-01B0-11D1-A9CB- 00AA00B7B36F}."
Properties for each application listed in the Applications tab can be viewed either by selecting an item and choosing the "Properties" button, or by double-clicking the application name.

Default Properties Tab
Each of the values displayed under the Default Properties tab may be found under the following key in the registry:


The first item in the Default Properties tab is a check box:

"Enable Distributed COM on this computer"

This is a global setting for the entire machine. When this option is checked, the machine allows the creation of DCOM objects. If it is not checked, no objects may be created via DCOM.
NOTE: You must reboot the system in order for a change in this setting to take effect.

The second part of the Default Properties tab is the Default Distributed COM Communication properties, which consists of two parts:

Default Authentication Level

Default Impersonation Level

These two options can only be modified if DCOM is enabled on this system.

Default Authentication Level

Authentication Levels are as follows:

Name Description

None No authentication.

Connect Authentication occurs when a connection
is made to the server. Connectionless
protocols do not use this.

Unlike Windows NT, Windows 95 machines can only accept calls on the 'None' or 'Connect' levels.

Default Impersonation Level

If no security is set at the object level, the server uses the security setting specified here as the default. The possible values are:

Name Description

Identify The server can impersonate the client to
check permissions in the ACL (Access Control
List) but cannot access system objects.

Impersonate The server can impersonate the client and
access system objects on the client's behalf.

The last item on the Default Properties tab is a check box:

"Provide additional security for reference tracking"

This tells the server to track connected client applications by keeping an additional reference count. Checking this box uses more memory and may slow down COM, but it ensures that a client application cannot kill a server process by artificially forcing a reference count to zero.

Default Security Tab
On Windows 95 machines, there is an option under the Default Security tab for Default Access Permission. The value displayed here may be found in the Windows registry at the following location:


Default Access Permission - This value determines the users who can access an object when no other access permissions are provided. For information on how to give individual access permissions to specific DCOM objects, see the "Application Properties" section later in this document.
An additional option under the Default Security tab is "Enable remote connection." This option must be selected in order to enable remote connections to DCOM Servers running on Windows 95. The value is stored as a Yes or No value in the Windows registry at the following location:


Application Properties
You may specify custom settings for individual DCOM applications by choosing the Properties button on the "Applications" tab in DCOM Config. This section describes each tab (General, Location, and Security) and setting found within Application Properties.

The General tab provides general information about the application. This tab displays the Application name, type (local server or remote server), and location (local path or remote computer). These settings are not modifiable through the DCOM Config interface.

The General Tab retrieves all of its information from subkeys of the following registry key:


where {...CLSID...} is the unique CLSID for the Object Server currently being viewed.

This tab is used to determine where DCOM will execute the application. There are three possible choices:

Run application on the computer where the data is located - If selected, DCOM will execute the application where the data is located. This is useful only if the application provides a data file for the server application.

Run application on this computer - Indicates that the DCOM application should run on the local machine.

Run application on the following computer - Allows you to specify a computer to execute on. This option should only be selected on DCOM Client machines to specify where the DCOM server is located. For DCOM Servers this option will not work as expected, Windows 95 machines cannot delegate an application to execute on a different machine

On this tab, you may customize settings for individual application permissions. This tab is only available for objects capable of performing as DCOM Servers. You may customize the settings for the following permissions:

Use default access permissions.
Use custom access permissions.

With custom access permissions, you may specify individual users who may access the application. If you do not choose to use custom access permissions, the default security settings are used. For more information about the Security tab see the "Default Security" section earlier in this article.

dbcontrols 2002-01-24
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自定义业务对象需要确保客户端能将其程序名称 (ProgId) 映射到可用于 DCOM 的标识符 (CLSID)。为此 DCOM 对象的 ProgID 必须位于客户端注册表并映射到服务器端业务对象的类标识码。不过,这对于所支持的其他协议(HTTP、HTTPS 以及进程内)则没有必要。

例如,如果要显示具有特定类标识码的名为 MyBObj 的服务器端业务对象如“{00112233-4455-6677-8899-00AABBCCDDEE}”,就需要确认以下条目已经添加到了客户端注册表:

(Default) "{00112233-4455-6677-8899-00AABBCCDDEE}"

How To Configure a Non-DCOM Server and Client to Use DCOM
Last reviewed: November 6, 1996
Article ID: Q158582
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft COM/DCOM libraries included with: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Windows 95 with DCOM support

COM server and client applications that were written before the introduction of DCOM can be configured to use DCOM by making appropriate changes to the server application's registry entries. The server and client applications do not need to be rewritten. This procedure can be applied to any COM server and client, including those created using MFC or Visual Basic.

The registry entries can be changed using the DCOMCNFG.EXE tool, the OLE Viewer tool, or manually.

Before making the changes, register the server application in the registry of the client machine and server machine. This may involve running the server application's setup program or running the server application and shutting it down on both machines. The server application does not need to reside on the client machine. If the server uses custom interfaces, the marshaling code must be installed on the client and server machines. Automation servers that support vtbl-binding must install their type libraries on the client and server machines. Automation servers that do not support vtbl-binding do not need to install their type libraries on the client machine.

After the registry changes have been made, run the client application on the client machine. DCOM will look at the server application registry entries on the client machine and will determine the name of the server machine. It will then connect to the server machine, determine the location of the server application from the registry entries on the server machine, and launch the server application on that machine.

Note that DCOM is not supported for 16-bit applications. Also, see the last section of this article for special instructions for DCOM on Windows 95.

Changing the Registry Using DCOMCNFG

Launch the DCOMCNFG.EXE graphical utility (found in the Windows NT system32 directory) on the client machine. It will list all the registered servers. If you do not see the name of your server, it is probably listed by CLSID. (This is true for many Visual Basic servers because they do not put a name string as the default value of their CLSID key.) To determine the CLSID of your server, run the registry editor (regedit.exe). Open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder. All the ProgIDs (for example, 'MyServer.MyClass') of the registered servers will be listed in the left pane. Select the ProgID key of your server and open it. Then select the CLSID sub-key and open it. The CLSID value will be listed in the right pane.

If your server is listed by its CLSID and if you would like DCOMCNFG to list the name of the server instead, open the registry editor (after closing DCOMCNFG) and go down the list in the left pane until you reach the CLSID key. Open the CLSID key and find and open your server's CLSID. At the top of the right pane is a value preceded by "(Default)." Double- click on this prefix; a string editor will pop up. Enter the name of your server in this string editor and close the registry editor. Now when DCOMCNFG is run, it will list your server by name instead of CLSID. Do this on the server machine and the client machine.

Run DCOMCNFG on the client machine, select your server (by name or by CLSID) and select the Properties button. This will bring up a Properties dialog. Select the Location tab. Then select the "Run application on the following computer" checkbox and specify the name of the server machine. Clear the other checkboxes, and then press the Apply button.

Run DCOMCNFG on the server machine, select your server, and select the Properties dialog. Select the Security tab. You can choose to apply the default access and launch permissions to the server or you can choose to apply custom permissions. The default permissions can be changed using the Default Security tab in DCOMCNFG. Make sure that SYSTEM is in the Launch and Access permissions, and then add the account of the user on the client machine to the Launch and Access permissions. Press the Apply button. You are now ready to access the server from the client.

Changing the Registry Using the OLE Viewer Tool
Get the latest version of the OLE Viewer tool from http://www.microsoft.com/oledev/olecom/oleview.htm on the World Wide Web.

Run the OLE Viewer tool on the client machine and select the View/ExpertMode menu. Double-click "All Objects" in the left pane and select your server. Select the "Implementation" tab in the right pane, select the LocalServer sub-tab. and clear the location of the server. Select the "Activation" tab and specify the name of the server machine. Close the OLE Viewer tool.

Run the OLE Viewer tool on the server machine and select the View/ExpertMode menu. Double-click "All Objects" in the left pane and select your server. Use the LaunchPermissions and AccessPermissions tabs in the right pane to set permissions for the server. You can choose to apply the default access and launch permissions or you can choose to apply custom permissions. The default permissions can be changed using the File/SystemConfiguration menu. Make sure that SYSTEM is in the Launch and Access permissions, and then add the account of the user on the client machine to the Launch and Access permissions. You are now ready to access the server from the client.

Changing the Registry Manually
You can also make many of these modifications manually instead of using the DCOMCNFG tool, as follows:

Using the registry editor, modify the server application's registry entries on the client and the server machines. The following registration information uses the REGEDIT4 syntax where the key is specified in square brackets. The line after each key specifies a name and a value. The name is on the left of '=' and the value on the right.
'@' on the left indicates a value without a name. Replace the following
GUIDs with your GUIDs. You can generate a new GUID for AppID (using
uuidgen.exe), or use the same GUID as the CLSID. Replace hello.exe with
your server's EXE name and replace 'Hello App' with a string that
describes your server application:

;;;; CLSID key

;;;; AppID key
@="Hello App"


Remove any InprocServer32 and LocalServer32 keys from the server application's registry entries on the client machine. (These should not be removed on the server machine where the server application resides.) Add the following key to the server's registry entries on the client machine. Use the same GUID for the AppID as in the previous step. Replace server_machine_name with the name of the machine on which the server is located:
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\APPID\{0bf52b15-8cab-11cf-8572-00aa00c006cf}] "RemoteServerName"="server_machine_name"

On the server machine, use DCOMCNFG or the OLE View tool to specify access and launch permissions for the server application. See the sections in this article that describe these tools for more information about how to specify permissions.

DCOM on Windows 95
DCOM for Windows 95 is in Beta at the time this article is being written. At this time, DCOMCNFG is not available for Windows 95 and the registry changes will have to made either by using the OLE Viewer tool or manually.

On Windows 95 with DCOM, there is an additional registry setting that enables or disables incoming calls:


By default, the EnableRemoteConnections named value is set to "N" and incoming calls are disabled. To enable incoming calls, change this to "Y." The OLE Viewer tool can be used to change this using its File/SystemConfiguration menu. Note that this affects server applications that run on Windows 95 machines and that it does not affect client applications on these machines.
It is not possible to launch a process on a Windows 95 machine securely from a client machine because all processes in Windows 95 run in the security context of the currently logged-on user. Therefore, DCOM on Windows 95 does not support remote activation. A server application on a Windows 95 machine will have to be launched manually or by some other mechanism to be accessed by a client application on another machine. Consequently, the DefaultLaunchPermissions and LaunchPermissions registry values have no affect on Windows 95.

第一部分 了解COM 第1章 COM概述 何谓CoM COM术语 COM利与弊 COM的好处 COM的局限性 COM组件与接口 何谓接口 接口特征 接口类型 接口规则 接口设计 COM组件的实现规则 实现IUnknown规则 内存管理规则 引用计数规则 COM激活 COM类型 COM客户机 COM服务器 ActiveX控件 COM与面向对象技术 包装 抽象 多态 继承 COMTrader应用程序 小结 第2章 由VC++建立并使用COM服务器 IDL文件 建立第一个COM服务器 定义自定义接口 实现IUnknown和自定义接口 完成COM服务器 生成测试客户机 用ATL建立COM服务器 关于ATL 用ATL建立进程内COM服务器 用ATL建立进程外COM服务器 线程与COM服务器 Win32多线程应用 线程COM组件 自动化与IDispatch 用VC++实现IDispatch ATL与自动化 Automation数据类型 再谈类型库 C++自动化客户机 VB自动化客户机 小结 第3章 用VB建立并使用COM服务器 选择COM项目 设计接口 描述接口 浏览接口 生成对象 使用ClassBuilder 增加属性 增加方法 增加事件与枚举 使用ActiveXDataObject(ADO) 在服务器组件中使用Recordset对象 在客户机组件中使用ADOR 生成断开的Recodset 生成自己的RecodsctS 使用用户定义类型 错误处理 服务器客户机错误处理 使用VBErr.Raise机制 在VB中使用线程模型 设置线程模型 了解再入性与公寓 小结 第二部分 COM与Internet 第4章 在VC++中建立并使用ActiveX控件 ACtiveX控件概还 属性与方法 控件与容器通信 事件与连接点 建立第一个控件 生成控件 测试控件 增加方法 增加属性 增加事件 增加属性页 允许属性保持 使用控件 建立复合控件 增加复合控件 增加功能 增加事件 处理复合控件事件 处理错误 使用控件 小结 第5章 在VB中建立并使用ActiveX控件 VB控件简介 约束与无约束控件 控件生成技术 属性类型 方法 属性配置 过程属性 环境属性配置 运行时只读属性 只在运行时有效的属性 扩展属性 容器属性 合成控件属性 可关联属性 持续与属性包 属性包 使用ActiveX控件界面向导 了解控件寿命 生成ActiveX控件 生成无约束控件 生成设计时数据约束控件 生成运行数据约束控件 小结 第6章 用VC++建立InternetCOM组件 IEActiveX控件 轻量级控件 安全控件 持续属性 文档对象模型编程 活动服务器组件 活动服务器页面 ASP页面的COM组件 小结 第7章 用VB建立InternetCOM组件 无窗口控件 ActiveX控件容器的线程模型 ActiveX控件的安全性 Web页面访问 VBDHTML项目 DHTML项目基础 DHTML应用程序样本 VBIIS应用程序 WebClass 一个IIS应用程序样本 设计控件 设计控件与HTML文件 样本设计控件 小结 第三部分 了解DCOM 第8章 DCOM概述 何谓DCOM 为什么使用DCOM DCOM操作 DCOM组件位置 进程内或进程外组件 代理 RPC(RemoteProcedureCall,远程过程调用) 调动 数据传递 DCOM配置实用程序 DCOM应用程序的安全机制 验证 授权 加密 整性检查 小结 第9章 用VC++建立DCOM服务器 标准与自定义调动 标准调动 自定又调动 网络通伯 远程激活 AppID注册表项 可配置AppID注册表项参数 IUknown优化 DCOM与NT服务 NT服务解剖 基于NT服务的COM服务器 小结 第10章 用VB建立DCOM服务器 应用程序对象模型 何谓对象模型 如何生成对象模型 DCOM设计准则与技术 再论调动 按数值与按引用 DCOM进程外服务器 建立DCOM组件 增加测试客户机 IIS应用程序 增加WebClasses 使用模板 增加自定义Webltems 远程错误处理 小结 第四部分 了解COM++ 第11章 COM++概述 COM与WindowsDNA 用户界面层技术 中间层技术 数据库层技术 组件服务配置 事务处理 排队组件(QC) 实时结构的限制 事务性消息排队 排队组件结构 排队组件故障恢复 QC安全性 动态负荷平衡 对象地 小结 第12章 用VC++建立COM++组件 ADO编程 ADO与OLEDB VC++中的ADO VC++的ADO扩展 建立COM++应用程序 温习IObjectContext接口 用ATL建立COM++组件 编制基于角色的安全性 处理COM+事务 控制事务结果 指定事务属性 确定事务情境 传递接口指针 共享状态 建立事务性COM+组件 小结 第13章 用VB建立COM+组件 了解事务 事务与多层应用程序 COM+与事务 事务属性:ACID COM+系统简介 COM运行环境 COMComponentServices COM+接口 资源分配器 应用程序组件 探索COM+编程模型 COM+组件作为COMDLL 基本COM+编程规则 COM+API 用VB编程COM+ 对象描述表 COM+组件的生命周期 ObjectControl接口 MTS活动 COM+中生成对象 安全引用 组件之间的参数传递 数据类型 使用分布式事务 分布式事务协调器(MSDTC) COM+事务的工作 事务与有状态对象 使用共享属性管理器(SPMSharedProperyManager) 小结 第14章 了解MSMQ 何谓MSMQ MSMQ的好处 MSMQ组件 队列 消息 MSMQ对象模型 MSMQ设置 MSMQ基础 消息发送 消息接收 MSMQ事件 MSMQ事务 小结 第五部分 高级COMCOM+ 第15章 VC++与VB中的COM+服务 了解COM+激活 描述表包装器 激活顺序 使用即时(JIT)激活 使用对象构造 中性公寓简介 了解同步域 表示事务状态 取得对象信息 使用对象地 对象池的好处 对象地要求 对象地配置 使用排队组件 QC限制 QC配置 QC调用 QC播放控件 使用负荷平衡 负荷平衡要求 负荷平衡配置 小结 第16章 COMCOM+安全性 何谓安全性 WindowsNT安全简介 NT验证 NT扮演 NT访问控制 COM安全结构 验证 访问控制 启动权限 标_ 扮演与掩盖 安全总括 COM+安全 COM+说明性安全 COM+角色 编程COMCOM+安全 整个进程安全 接口级安全 激活安全 服务器方安全 调用描述表安全信息 SecuntyProperty信息 安全性与数据库访问 小结 第17章 Windows2000中的新COM特性 同步机制 COM同步API COM同步接口 异步COM 异步接口构造 异步接口调用 关于异步服务器与客户机 让服务器进行异步处理 调用序列化与自动完成 COM管道 COM管道接口 异步管道与提前读取 调用对象与调用取消 调用取消请求 调用取消处理 轻量级处理器 标准LWH 自定义LWH 小结 第六部分 调试与部署COMCOM+应用程序 第18章 调试与剖析COMCOM+应用程序 调试VB组件 调试MTS组件 调试COM+组件 使用条件编译 调试VC++组件 用VisualStUdioAnalyzer剖析 小结 第19章 部署COMCOM+应用程序 DCOM应用程序部署 配置DCOM服务器 配置DCOM客户机 在Internet上部署 Internet上部署与包装 签名CAB文件 许可ActiveX控件 自动化COM+配置 使用COMAdmin接口与集合 配置COM+应用程序 配置组件 配置角色 部署COM+应用程序 小结



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