求visual j++ 6.0 中文版!500分

zhzhkun 2004-02-25 05:52:57
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! ! Unigraphics Modeling Application Menu File ! ! ! VERSION 120 UG6.0 ! *************** Changes to the Menubar itself *************** EDIT UG_GATEWAY_MAIN_MENUBAR ! *************** Format Menu *************** AFTER UG_ARRANGE_GROUP BUTTON UG_MODELING_GROUP_FEATURE LABEL Group &Features... MESSAGE Groups features into a collection called a feature set. SYNONYMS block, wblock HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_feature_set POPUP_LABEL &Group... POPUP_MESSAGE Groups the selected features into a collection called a feature set. ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_AFTER MENU UG_ARRANGE BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_EDIT_GROUP_FEATURE LABEL Edit... MESSAGE Adds or removes members of a feature set. SYNONYMS block, wblock HELP DSN_feature_edit POPUP_LABEL &Add/Remove Members... POPUP_MESSAGE Adds or removes members of the selected feature set. ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU ! *************** Edit Menu *************** AFTER UG_EDIT_UNDO_LIST BUTTON UG_EDIT_REDO LABEL &Redo MESSAGE Redoes the previously undone action. BITMAP redo ACCELERATOR Ctrl+Y ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR END_OF_AFTER MENU UG_EDIT SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE LABEL &Feature MESSAGE Lists Edit Feature commands. CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FREEFORM LABEL Su&rface MESSAGE Lists Edit Surface commands. CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FACET LABEL Facet &Body MESSAGE Lists Edit Facet Body commands. BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FACE LABEL F&ace... MESSAGE Modifies the faces of a body by the use of various methods. HINT This command is superseded by Synchronous Modeling commands. To run this legacy command, set UGII_DMX_NX502=1. HELP DSN_face_edit ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU AFTER UG_EDIT_CUT SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_COPY_FEATURE LABEL Cop&y Feature... MESSAGE Copies a feature so that it can be pasted either within the same part or to another. SYNONYMS duplicate, repeat HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_AFTER MENU UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_PARAMETERS LABEL Edit &Parameters... MESSAGE Edits parameter values of a feature in the current model state. SYNONYMS dimensions, change, modify HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP editfeatparams POPUP_LABEL Edit &Parameters... POPUP_MESSAGE Edits parameter values of the selected feature in the current model state. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_EDIT_FEATURE_DIMENSION LABEL Feature Dimension... MESSAGE Edits the selected feature dimension. HELP DSN_feature_dimension BITMAP feature_dimension POPUP_LABEL Edit Value... POPUP_MESSAGE Edits the selected feature dimension. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_EDIT_DIMENSION LABEL Edit Dimension MESSAGE Edits the preferences or appended text for a dimension. BITMAP dimension_edit POPUP_LABEL &Edit... POPUP_MESSAGE Edits the preferences or appended text for the selected dimension. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_EDIT_DIMENSION_STYLE LABEL St&yle... MESSAGE Edits the style of annotations or views. SYNONYMS notes, fonts, text, appearance, look, properties BITMAP annotation_style POPUP_LABEL St&yle... POPUP_MESSAGE Edits the style of the selected annotations or views. ACTIONS STANDARD TOGGLE_BUTTON/HIDE UG_EDIT_DISPLAY_AS_PMI LABEL Di&splay as PMI MESSAGE Displays Feature Dimension as PMI. HINT EXCLUDE_FROM_COMMAND_FINDER POPUP_LABEL Di&splay as PMI POPUP_MESSAGE Displays Feature Dimension as PMI. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_SHOW_DIMENSIONS LABEL Show Dimensions MESSAGE Displays Feature Dimensions of selected feature. BITMAP display_show_dimensions POPUP_LABEL Show Dimensions POPUP_MESSAGE Displays Feature Dimensions of selected feature. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_WITH_ROLLBACK LABEL Edit &with Rollback... MESSAGE Edits a feature by rolling back to the model state prior to the feature. SYNONYMS dimensions, change, modify HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP edit_with_rollback POPUP_LABEL Edit &with Rollback... POPUP_MESSAGE Edits the selected feature by rolling back to the model state prior to the feature. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_POSITION LABEL Edit P&ositioning... MESSAGE Moves a feature by editing its positioning dimensions. SYNONYMS reattach, relocate, rigid motion, relative position dimensions, relative positioning, RPO, transform HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP editrpo POPUP_LABEL Edit P&ositioning... POPUP_MESSAGE Moves the selected feature by editing its positioning dimensions. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_MOVE LABEL &Move... MESSAGE Moves a non-associative feature to a desired location. SYNONYMS locate, place, transform, orient HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP movefeature ACTIONS STANDARD !HIDDEN BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_REORDER LABEL &Reorder... MESSAGE Changes the order in which a feature is applied to the model. SYNONYMS move, rearrange, backwards, forwards, up, down HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP reorderfeature ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_REPLACE LABEL Repl&ace... MESSAGE Replaces one feature with another and updates dependent features. SYNONYMS substitute, alternate, swap, switch HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_replace BITMAP replace_feature POPUP_LABEL Repl&ace... POPUP_MESSAGE Replaces the selected feature with another and updates dependent features. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_SUPPRESS LABEL &Suppress... MESSAGE Temporarily removes a feature from the model. SYNONYMS hide, hold back, remove, blank HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP suppress POPUP_LABEL &Suppress POPUP_MESSAGE Temporarily removes the selected feature from the model. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_UNSUPPRESS LABEL &Unsuppress... MESSAGE Restores a suppressed feature. SYNONYMS show, bring back, restore, unblank HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP unsuppress POPUP_LABEL &Unsuppress POPUP_MESSAGE Unsuppresses the selected feature. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_SUPPRESS_EXPRESSION LABEL Suppress by &Expression... MESSAGE Uses an expression to suppress a feature. SYNONYMS hide, hold back, remove, conditional, blank HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP suppressbyexp ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_REMOVE_PARAMETERS LABEL Remo&ve Parameters... MESSAGE Removes all parameters from a solid or sheet body, producing a non-associative body. SYNONYMS orphan, delete, simplify HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP removeparams ACCELERATOR Shift+V ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_DENSITY LABEL So&lid Density... MESSAGE Changes the density and the density units for a solid body. SYNONYMS edit mass, thickness, solid property HELP DSN_solid_density BITMAP editsoliddensity ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_PLAYBACK LABEL Play&back... MESSAGE Reviews how the model is created, feature by feature. SYNONYMS replay, regenerate, model player, step, show steps HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP feature_playback ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_EDIT_SHOW_PARENTS LABEL Show P&arents... MESSAGE Shows the parents of a selected feature. SYNONYMS unblank, visible, visibility HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP unblank POPUP_LABEL Show P&arents POPUP_MESSAGE Shows the parents of the selected feature. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_EDIT_HIDE_PARENTS LABEL Hide P&arents... MESSAGE Hides the parents of a selected feature. SYNONYMS blank, invisible, visibility HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP blank_object POPUP_LABEL Hide P&arents POPUP_MESSAGE Hides the parents of the selected feature. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_EDIT_SKETCH_PROFILE LABEL Edit S&ketch... MESSAGE Opens the Sketch task environment to edit a sketch. SYNONYMS edit string, edit section, edit profile, open sketch HELP DSN_feature_edit BITMAP sketch.bmp POPUP_LABEL Edit S&ketch... POPUP_MESSAGE Opens the Sketch task environment to edit the selected sketch. ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_EDIT_FREEFORM BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_POLE_EDITING LABEL &X-Form... MESSAGE Edits poles and points of splines and surfaces. SYNONYMS pole editing, control point editing, surface editing, b-surface editing, spline editing, curve editing, shape surface, shape curve, shape spline HELP DSN_xform BITMAP xform ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_MOVE_POINT LABEL Move &Defining Point... MESSAGE Modifies a surface by moving points that define the surface. SYNONYMS pole editing, control point editing HELP DSN_fff_edit BITMAP move_defpoint ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_MOVE_POLE LABEL Mo&ve Pole... MESSAGE Modifies a surface by moving poles that define the surface. SYNONYMS pole editing, control point editing HELP DSN_fff_edit BITMAP move_pole ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR/FOLDED BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_DEFORM LABEL Def&orm... MESSAGE Dynamically modifies a surface using stretch, bend, skew, twist, and shift operations. SYNONYMS surface deformation, surface feature HELP DSN_deform_surface BITMAP deform_sheet ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_TRANSFORM LABEL &Transform... MESSAGE Dynamically scales, rotates, or translates a surface. HELP DSN_transform_surface BITMAP transform_sheet ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_OVERCROWN LABEL &Global Shaping by Function... MESSAGE Deforms a surface region using a law defined by a function. SYNONYMS overcrown, global deformation, surface feature HELP DSN_global_shaping_by_function BITMAP globalshaping ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_OVERCROWN2 LABEL Global Shaping by S&urface... MESSAGE Deforms a surface using a law defined by a base and a control surface. SYNONYMS overcrown, global deformation HELP DSN_global_shaping BITMAP globalshaping_by_surface ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_MATCH_EDGE LABEL &Match Edge... MESSAGE Modifies a surface so it is geometrically continuous with the common boundary of a reference object. SYNONYMS align poles, align control points HELP DSN_match_edge BITMAP match_edge ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_BOUNDARY LABEL &Boundary... MESSAGE Modifies or replaces the boundary of a surface. SYNONYMS untrim surface, periphery HELP DSN_fff_edit BITMAP sheetboundary ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_CHANGE_EDGE LABEL &Change Edge... MESSAGE Modifies an edge of a surface using various methods such as matching to a curve or body. HELP DSN_fff_edit BITMAP changeedge ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_SNIP_SURF LABEL &Snip Surface... MESSAGE Divides a surface at a specific point or snips off unneeded portions of a surface. SYNONYMS snip surface by curve plane, natural trim, trim surface, crop, clip HELP DSN_snip_surface BITMAP snip_surface ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_ENLARGE LABEL Enl&arge... MESSAGE Changes the size of an untrimmed sheet or face. SYNONYMS extend surface, natural extension, expand HELP DSN_enlarge BITMAP surface_enlarge ACCELERATOR Alt+Shift+L ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_ISO_TRIM LABEL &Isoparametric Trim/Divide... MESSAGE Trims or divides a surface by a percentage parameter in either the U or V isoparametric direction. SYNONYMS UV snip, trim surface, crop, clip HELP DSN_fff_edit BITMAP isotrimdiv ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_REFIT_FACE LABEL &Refit Face... MESSAGE Improves the aesthetics of a face while maintaining close tolerance with the original geometry. SYNONYMS reparameterize surface, fit surface to target HELP DSN_refit_face BITMAP refit_face ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_CHANGE_DEGREE LABEL D&egree... MESSAGE Changes the degrees of a surface. SYNONYMS change surface degree HELP DSN_fff_edit BITMAP changedegree ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_CHANGE_STIFFNESS LABEL Sti&ffness... MESSAGE Modifies the shape of a surface by changing its degree. SYNONYMS change surface stiffness HELP DSN_fff_edit BITMAP changestiff ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_POLE_REG LABEL Smooth &Poles... MESSAGE Modifies pole distribution by calculating the proper location of selected poles in relation to surrounding surfaces. SYNONYMS smooth control points HELP DSN_regularize_surf_pole BITMAP surface_pole_regularization ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_CURVE_SHAPE LABEL S&hape by Template... MESSAGE Transforms a spline from its current shape to match the shape characteristics of a template spline. SYNONYMS spline match, shape spline HELP DSN_shape_by_template BITMAP shape_by_template ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FF_REVERSE_NORMAL LABEL Reverse &Normal... MESSAGE Reverses the surface normal direction of a sheet body. SYNONYMS flip surface HELP DSN_fff_edit BITMAP reversenormal ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_EDIT_FACET BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FACET_SNIP LABEL &Snip... MESSAGE Snips or divides a facet body. SYNONYMS divide, break, polygons, trim facets, clip HELP DSN_snip_facet_body BITMAP snip_facet_body ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FACET_FILL_HOLE LABEL &Fill Hole... MESSAGE Closes holes in facet bodies. SYNONYMS polygons, repair HELP DSN_hole_filling BITMAP fill_hole ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FACET_DECIMATE LABEL &Decimate... MESSAGE Reduces the size of the part by lowering the number of facets on a facet body, while keeping the general shape intact. SYNONYMS reduce, chordal deviation, polygons, facets, simplify HELP DSN_decimate_facet_body BITMAP decimate_facet_body ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FACET_SUBDIVIDE LABEL S&ubdivide... MESSAGE Subdivides facets to increase the facet density without changing the surface smoothness. SYNONYMS increase polygons, facet resolution HELP DSN_subdivide_facet_body BITMAP subdivide_facet_body ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FACET_SMOOTH LABEL S&mooth... MESSAGE Reduces scanning artifacts and imperfections, the so called "orange peel" effect, in a facet body by smoothing it. SYNONYMS level HELP DSN_smooth_facet_body BITMAP smooth_facet_body ACTIONS STANDARD CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_ALIGN_FACET LABEL &Alignment MESSAGE Lists Facet Alignment commands. END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_ALIGN_FACET BUTTON UG_MODELING_ALIGN_FACET_PTSET LABEL &Point Set to Point Set... MESSAGE Aligns multiple facet bodies to one another using reference points. HELP DSN_point_set_alignment BITMAP point_set_to_point_set_alignment ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_ALIGN_FACET_BSTFT LABEL &Multi Patch... MESSAGE Aligns multiple facet bodies to one another without using reference points. SYNONYMS register multiple views, align scan data HELP DSN_multi_patch_alignment BITMAP best_fit_alignment ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_ALIGN_FACET_BSTFT2 LABEL &Best Fit... MESSAGE Aligns geometric objects to each other using a best fit method. SYNONYMS registration, approximation, approximate HELP DSN_best_fit_alignment BITMAP best_fit_alignment_2 ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU !*************** Insert Menu *************** BEFORE UG_MODELING_ASSOCIATIVE_COPY CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_DESIGN_FEATURES LABEL D&esign Feature MESSAGE Lists Design Feature commands. END_OF_BEFORE AFTER UG_MODELING_ASSOCIATIVE_COPY SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_CONSTRUCTOR LABEL Com&bine Bodies MESSAGE Lists Combine Body commands. CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_TRIM LABEL &Trim MESSAGE Lists Trim commands. CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_OFFSET_MENU LABEL &Offset/Scale MESSAGE Lists Offset and Scale commands. CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_BLEND_TAPER LABEL Detai&l Feature MESSAGE Lists Detail Feature commands. SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SURFACE LABEL Su&rface MESSAGE Lists Surface commands. CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_CURVE_MESH_MENU LABEL &Mesh Surface MESSAGE Lists Mesh Surface commands. CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SWEEP_MENU LABEL S&weep MESSAGE Lists Sweep commands. CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FLANGE_SURFACE LABEL Flan&ge Surface MESSAGE Lists Flange Surface commands. SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FACET_BODY LABEL Facet Bod&y MESSAGE Lists Facet Body commands. SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_DIRECT_MODELING LABEL Synchronous Model&ing MESSAGE Lists Synchronous Modeling commands. SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SHEETMETAL_FEATURE LABEL S&heet Metal Feature MESSAGE Lists Sheet Metal Feature commands. END_OF_AFTER !UG_DATUM_MENU BEFORE UG_CURVE_ASSO_POINT BUTTON UG_MODELING_DATUM_PLANE_FEATURE LABEL &Datum Plane... MESSAGE Creates a datum plane used to construct other features. SYNONYMS reference plane, sketch plane, base plane HELP DSN_datum_plane BITMAP datumplane POPUP_LABEL &Datum Plane... POPUP_MESSAGE Creates a datum plane based on the selected geometry. ACCELERATOR D ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_DATUM_AXIS_FEATURE LABEL Datum &Axis... MESSAGE Creates a datum axis used to construct other features. SYNONYMS reference axis, vector HELP DSN_datum_axis BITMAP datumaxis POPUP_LABEL Datum &Axis... POPUP_MESSAGE Creates a datum axis based on the selected geometry. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_DATUM_CSYS_FEATURE LABEL Datum &CSYS... MESSAGE Creates a datum coordinate system used to construct other features. SYNONYMS reference coordinate system, triad, BORN, create component HELP gwy_csyscon BITMAP datumcsys ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_DATUM_PLANE_GRID LABEL Datum Plane &Grid... MESSAGE Creates a bounded grid based on the selected datum plane. BITMAP grid POPUP_LABEL Datum Plane Grid... POPUP_MESSAGE Creates a bounded grid based on the selected datum plane. ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR END_OF_BEFORE MENU UG_MODELING_ASSOCIATIVE_COPY BUTTON UG_MODELING_EXTRACT_FEATURE LABEL &Extract... MESSAGE Creates a body by copying a face, a set of faces, or another body. SYNONYMS copy, duplicate HELP DSN_extract_face_body_region BITMAP extractfeat ACCELERATOR Alt+X ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_COMPOSITE_CURVE_FEATURE LABEL &Composite Curve... MESSAGE Creates curves by copying other curves or edges. SYNONYMS copy, duplicate, chain HELP DSN_extract_feature BITMAP sectionbuilder ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_INSTANCE_FEATURE LABEL &Instance Feature... MESSAGE Copies a feature into a rectangular or circular pattern. SYNONYMS copy, pattern, array HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_instance_feature BITMAP instance ACCELERATOR I ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_MIRRORFEATURE_FEATURE LABEL &Mirror Feature... MESSAGE Copies a feature and mirrors across a plane. SYNONYMS copy, duplicate, reflect, symmetric HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_mirror_feature BITMAP mirror_feature POPUP_LABEL &Mirror Feature... POPUP_MESSAGE Copies the selected feature and mirrors across a plane. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_MIRRORBODY_FEATURE LABEL Mirror &Body... MESSAGE Copies a body and mirrors across a plane. SYNONYMS copy, duplicate, reflect, symmetric HELP DSN_mirror_body BITMAP mirror_body POPUP_LABEL Mirror &Body... POPUP_MESSAGE Copies the selected body and mirrors across a plane. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_TRANSCOPY_FEATURE LABEL Instance &Geometry... MESSAGE Copies geometries into various pattern arrays. SYNONYMS copy, duplicate HELP DSN_geometry_instance BITMAP assyseq_step_motion.bmp POPUP_LABEL Instance &Geometry... POPUP_MESSAGE Copies the selected geometry into a pattern array. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_PROM_FEATURE LABEL &Promote Body... MESSAGE Promotes a body from a loaded assembly component to the level of the assembly. SYNONYMS copy, assembly level geometry, assembly level body, assembly level feature HELP DSN_promotion_body BITMAP promotion ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_DESIGN_FEATURES BUTTON UG_MODELING_EXTRUDED_FEATURE LABEL &Extrude... MESSAGE Creates a feature by extruding a section along a vector. SYNONYMS sweep, protrusion, protrude, cutout, boss, pocket HELP DSN_extrude_feature BITMAP extrude POPUP_LABEL &Extrude... POPUP_MESSAGE Creates a feature by extruding the selected sketch along a vector. ACCELERATOR X ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_REVOLVED_FEATURE LABEL &Revolve... MESSAGE Creates a feature by revolving a section about an axis. SYNONYMS spin HELP DSN_revolve_dynamic BITMAP revolution POPUP_LABEL &Revolve... POPUP_MESSAGE Creates a feature by revolving the selected sketch about an axis. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_BLOCK_FEATURE LABEL Bloc&k... MESSAGE Creates a block by defining corner locations and dimensions. SYNONYMS cube, primitive, form feature HELP DSN_block_feature BITMAP block ACCELERATOR K ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_CYLINDER_FEATURE LABEL &Cylinder... MESSAGE Creates a cylinder by defining axis location and dimensions. SYNONYMS tube, primitive, form feature BITMAP cylinder ACCELERATOR Y ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_CONE_FEATURE LABEL C&one... MESSAGE Creates a cone by defining axis location and dimensions. SYNONYMS primitive, form feature HELP DSN_cone_feature BITMAP cone ACCELERATOR O ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SPHERE_FEATURE LABEL &Sphere... MESSAGE Creates a sphere by defining center location and dimension. SYNONYMS primitive, form feature HELP DSN_sphere_feature BITMAP sphere ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_OLD_HOLE_FEATURE LABEL &Pre-NX5 Hole... MESSAGE Adds a hole (pre-NX5.0.2) to a solid body with options for counterbored and countersunk. HELP DSN_hole_feature BITMAP hole_pre_nx5 ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_HOLE_FEATURE LABEL &Hole... MESSAGE Adds a hole to one or more solid bodies in a part or assembly with options for counterbored, countersunk and threaded. SYNONYMS remove, cutout, form feature HELP DSN_advanced_hole_feature BITMAP hole ACCELERATOR Alt+H ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_BOSS_FEATURE LABEL &Boss... MESSAGE Adds a cylindrical boss on a planar face of a solid body. SYNONYMS pad, protrusion, protrude, extrude, form feature HELP DSN_boss_feature BITMAP boss ACCELERATOR Alt+B ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_POCKET_FEATURE LABEL &Pocket... MESSAGE Removes material from a solid body or modifies a sheet body with faces made by projecting a section along a vector. SYNONYMS slot, cutout, extrude, form feature HELP DSN_pocket_feature BITMAP pocket ACCELERATOR Alt+K ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_PAD_FEATURE LABEL P&ad... MESSAGE Adds material to a solid body or modifies a sheet body with faces made by projecting a section along a vector. SYNONYMS boss, protrusion, protrude, extrude, form feature HELP DSN_pad_feature BITMAP pad ACCELERATOR Alt+D ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_NX_EMBOSS_FEATURE LABEL E&mboss... MESSAGE Modifies a body with faces made by projecting a section along a vector, with options for end cap location and shape. SYNONYMS extrude, project, depress, engrave HELP DSN_emboss BITMAP emboss ACCELERATOR Alt+Z ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_OFFSET_EMBOSS_FEATURE LABEL O&ffset Emboss... MESSAGE Modifies a body with faces made by creating a pad or pocket based on point or curve, with certain size. HELP DSN_offset_emboss BITMAP offsetemboss ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SLOT_FEATURE LABEL S&lot... MESSAGE Adds a passage through or into a solid body in the shape of a straight slot. SYNONYMS pocket, cutout, extrude HELP DSN_slot_feature BITMAP slot ACCELERATOR Alt+L ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_GROOVE_FEATURE LABEL &Groove... MESSAGE Adds an external or internal groove to a cylindrical or conical face of a solid body. SYNONYMS pocket, cutout, revolve HELP DSN_groove_feature BITMAP groove ACCELERATOR Alt+G ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_BDTOOL_DART_DESIGN LABEL &Dart... MESSAGE Adds a dart feature along the intersection curve of two sets of faces. HELP DSN_dart_feature BITMAP bdtool_dart ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_THREAD_FEATURE LABEL &Thread... MESSAGE Adds a symbolic or detailed thread to a cylindrical face of a solid body. SYNONYMS screw, tapping HELP DSN_thread_feature BITMAP thread ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_UDF_FEATURE LABEL &User Defined... MESSAGE Adds a user defined feature to the model. SYNONYMS feature group, UDF, custom feature, user-defined, catalogs HELP DSN_user_defined_feature BITMAP userdefined ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_BLEND_TAPER BUTTON UG_MODELING_BLEND_FEATURE LABEL &Edge Blend... MESSAGE Rounds sharp edges between faces. The radius can be constant or variable. SYNONYMS round, fillet HELP DSN_blend_feature BITMAP blend POPUP_LABEL &Blend... POPUP_MESSAGE Rounds the selected edge. ACCELERATOR Alt+E ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_FACE_BLEND LABEL &Face Blend... MESSAGE Adds tangent blend faces between selected sets of faces. The blend shape can be circular, conic, or law controlled. SYNONYMS round, fillet HELP DSN_fff_face_blend BITMAP faceblend ACCELERATOR Alt+F ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_SOFT_BLEND LABEL &Soft Blend... MESSAGE Adds tangent and curvature continuous blend faces between selected sets of faces. SYNONYMS round, fillet HELP DSN_fff_soft_blend BITMAP softblend ACCELERATOR Alt+Shift+F ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_STYLED_BLEND LABEL St&yled Blend... MESSAGE Blends surfaces and applies tangent and curvature constraints to the tangent curves of the blend. SYNONYMS round, fillet, class A blend, variable radius blend, law blend, G1, G2, G3 HELP SHP_surf_styled_blend_curve BITMAP styled_blend ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/HIDE/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_FILLET LABEL F&illet... MESSAGE Creates fillet sheets of constant or variable radius between two faces. SYNONYMS round, blend HELP DSN_fff_fillet BITMAP surfacefillet ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_BRIDGE LABEL &Bridge... MESSAGE Creates a sheet body that joins two faces. SYNONYMS connect HELP DSN_fff_bridge BITMAP bridge_sheet ACCELERATOR Alt+Shift+B ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_STYLED_CORNER LABEL Style&d Corner... MESSAGE Creates an accurate and aesthetically pleasing Class A quality corner at the projected intersection of three incoming curved surfaces. SYNONYMS class A corner blend, corner surface, curvature continuous surface, blend fillet HELP DSN_styled_corner BITMAP styled_corner ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_SPH_CORNER_FEATURE LABEL Sphe&rical Corner... MESSAGE Creates a spherical corner from three walls. SYNONYMS corner blend, sphere HELP DSN_spherical_corner BITMAP spherical_corner ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_CHAMFER_FEATURE LABEL &Chamfer... MESSAGE Chamfers sharp edges between faces. SYNONYMS bevel HELP DSN_chamfer_feature BITMAP solid_chamfer POPUP_LABEL &Chamfer... POPUP_MESSAGE Chamfers the selected edge. ACCELERATOR Alt+C ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_TAPER_FEATURE LABEL Draf&t... MESSAGE Modifies faces by changing the angle relative to a draw direction. SYNONYMS taper HELP DSN_taper_feature BITMAP taper ACCELERATOR Alt+T ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_BODY_TAPER_FEATURE LABEL Draft B&ody... MESSAGE Adds and matches drafts on both sides of a parting surface and automatically fills undercut regions with material. SYNONYMS taper body HELP DSN_double_sided_taper BITMAP taper_body ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_OFFSET_MENU BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_OFFSET LABEL &Offset Surface... MESSAGE Creates a body by offsetting a set of faces. HELP DSN_fff_offset BITMAP offset_sheet ACCELERATOR Alt+V ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_VAROFFSET LABEL &Variable Offset... MESSAGE Offsets a face with a distance that may vary over four points. HELP DSN_fff_offset BITMAP variable_offset ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_ROUGH_OFFSET LABEL &Rough Offset... MESSAGE Creates an offset sheet body without self-intersections, sharp edges, or corners from a set of faces or sheet bodies. HELP DSN_fff_rough_offset BITMAP rough_offset ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_OFFSET_FEATURE LABEL Offset &Face... MESSAGE Offsets a set of faces from their current location. SYNONYMS offset feature HELP DSN_offset_faces_feature BITMAP offset_face POPUP_LABEL Offset &Face... POPUP_MESSAGE Offsets the selected face along the face normal. ACCELERATOR Alt+O ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SCALE_FEATURE LABEL &Scale Body... MESSAGE Scales a solid or sheet body. SYNONYMS scale model, transform, shrinkage, resize HELP DSN_scale_feature BITMAP scale ACCELERATOR Alt+A ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_THICKEN LABEL &Thicken... MESSAGE Creates a solid body by adding thickness to a set of faces. SYNONYMS offset, shell, hollow, extrude HELP DSN_fff_thicken_sheet BITMAP thicken ACCELERATOR F3 ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_HOLLOW_FEATURE LABEL S&hell... MESSAGE Modifies a solid body by applying wall thickness and opening selected faces. SYNONYMS hollow, thin-wall HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. HELP DSN_hollow_feature BITMAP hollow POPUP_LABEL S&hell... POPUP_MESSAGE Hollows out the selected solid body. If a face is selected, this defines the open face. ACCELERATOR H ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_SSW LABEL Sheets to Solid &Assistant... MESSAGE Produces a solid from a set of unsewn sheet bodies. SYNONYMS thicken, join HELP DSN_sheet_solid_expert BITMAP sheet_to_solid_assist ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_WRAP_GEOMETRY_FEATURE LABEL Wrap &Geometry... MESSAGE Simplifies a model by computing a solid envelope to surround it. SYNONYMS encompass, boundary, outline HELP DSN_wrap_geometry BITMAP wrap_geom ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_CONSTRUCTOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_UNITE_FEATURE LABEL &Unite... MESSAGE Combines the volume of two or more solid bodies into a single body. SYNONYMS add, combine, bind, join, boolean HELP DSN_unite_feature BITMAP booleanunite ACCELERATOR Alt+U ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_SUBTRACT_FEATURE LABEL &Subtract... MESSAGE Subtracts the volume of one solid body from another, leaving a void. SYNONYMS remove, cut, boolean HELP DSN_subtract_feature BITMAP booleansubtract ACCELERATOR Alt+S ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_INTERSECT_FEATURE LABEL ##01&Intersect... MESSAGE Creates a body containing the volume shared by two different bodies. SYNONYMS boolean HELP DSN_intersect_feature BITMAP booleanintersect ACCELERATOR Alt+I ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EMBOSS_FEATURE LABEL &Emboss Sheet... MESSAGE Modifies a sheet body by adding faces of a solid body, as if the solid was pressed into the sheet. SYNONYMS extrude, project, depress HELP DSN_dfm_embossed_sheet BITMAP section_targetbody.bmp ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_ASSEMBLY_CUT_FEATURE LABEL &Assembly Cut... MESSAGE Adds a hole or another type of cut-out through multiple components. SYNONYMS assembly holes, multi-part geometry HELP ASSEM_assembly_cut_feature BITMAP assembly_cut ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_SEW_FEATURE LABEL Se&w... MESSAGE Combines sheet bodies by sewing common edges together, or combines solid bodies by sewing common faces. SYNONYMS stitch, quilt, knit, join HELP DSN_sew_feature BITMAP sew ACCELERATOR E ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_UNSEW_FEATURE LABEL U&nsew... MESSAGE Unsews faces from a body. SYNONYMS unstitch, non-stitched, knit, delete face HELP DSN_unsew_feature BITMAP unsew ACCELERATOR Ctrl+Shift+E ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_PATCH_FEATURE LABEL Pat&ch... MESSAGE Modifies a solid or sheet body by replacing faces with the faces of another sheet. SYNONYMS combine, replace HELP DSN_patch_body BITMAP patch ACCELERATOR Alt+Y ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_FF_QUILT LABEL &Quilt... MESSAGE Combines several surfaces into one surface. HELP DSN_fff_quilt BITMAP quilt ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_TRIM BUTTON UG_MODELING_DIVIDEFACE_FEATURE LABEL &Divide Face... MESSAGE Divides a face into multiple faces using curves, faces, or a datum plane. SYNONYMS split face, trim, split surface HELP DSN_divideface_dynamic BITMAP subdivideface ACCELERATOR Alt+J ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_JOINFACE_FEATURE LABEL &Join Face... MESSAGE Joins faces on a body. SYNONYMS merge surfaces HELP DSN_face_edit BITMAP joinface ACCELERATOR Alt+Q ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_TRIM_FEATURE LABEL &Trim Body... MESSAGE Trims off a portion of a body using faces, or a datum plane. SYNONYMS crop body, plane cut, clip HELP DSN_trim_body_feature BITMAP trim_body ACCELERATOR Ctrl+Q ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SPLIT_FEATURE LABEL S&plit Body... MESSAGE Divides a body into multiple bodies using a face, datum plane, or other geometry. SYNONYMS divide, trim, plane cut, partition HELP DSN_split_body_feature BITMAP split ACCELERATOR Alt+P ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_TRIMMED LABEL T&rimmed Sheet... MESSAGE Trims off a portion of a sheet body using curves, faces, or a datum plane. SYNONYMS crop sheet, crop surface, clip, trim at curve HELP DSN_fff_trimmed_sheet BITMAP trimmed_sheet ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_TREX LABEL Trim a&nd Extend... MESSAGE Trims or extends a set of faces by distance or to the intersection with another set of faces. SYNONYMS crop, enlarge, clip HELP DSN_fff_trim_extend BITMAP trim_and_extend ACCELERATOR Alt+Shift+T ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_UNTRIM_FEATURE LABEL &Untrim... MESSAGE Removes trimmed boundaries to result in faces with natural boundaries. SYNONYMS extend surface boundary patch HELP DSN_untrim BITMAP sheetboundary ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_CURVE_MESH_MENU BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_RULED LABEL &Ruled... MESSAGE Creates a body between two sections where the ruled shape is a linear transition between the sections. SYNONYMS surface through sections, loft surface, thru curves HELP DSN_fff_ruled BITMAP ruled ACCELERATOR L ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_THROUGH_CURVES LABEL &Through Curves... MESSAGE Creates a body through multiple sections where the shape changes to pass through each section. SYNONYMS loft surface, thru curves HELP DSN_fff_thru_curves BITMAP thrucurves ACCELERATOR U ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CURVE_MESH LABEL Through Curve &Mesh... MESSAGE Creates a body through a mesh of sections in one direction and guides in another direction where the shape fits through the mesh of curves. SYNONYMS mesh of curves, blend UV network HELP DSN_fff_curve_mesh BITMAP thrucurvemesh ACCELERATOR M ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_STUSRF_NXN LABEL St&udio Surface... MESSAGE Creates a surface using any number of section and guide strings. SYNONYMS mesh of curves, blend UV network, surface by boundary HELP SHP_studio_surface BITMAP surface_general ACCELERATOR Alt+5 ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_SECTION LABEL &Section... MESSAGE Creates a body through sections defined using conic construction techniques. SYNONYMS conic surface, cubic surface, circle surface, linear surface, fillet BITMAP sections ACCELERATOR Alt+Shift+S ACTIONS STANDARD CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_SECTION_TYPE LABEL &Sections MESSAGE Lists commands which create bodies through sections by the use of conic construction techniques. BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_NSIDED LABEL &N-sided Surface... MESSAGE Creates a surface enclosed by a set of end-connected curves. SYNONYMS fill holes with continuity, surface by boundary, dome HELP SHP_nsided_surface BITMAP n_sided ACCELERATOR Alt+Shift+N ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_SWEEP_MENU BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_STYLED_SWEEP LABEL St&yled Sweep... MESSAGE Creates an accurate and smooth Class A quality surface from a set of curves. SYNONYMS dynamic sweep, sweeping, clay sweeper, swept HELP SHP_styled_sweep BITMAP styled_sweep ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_SWEPT LABEL &Swept... MESSAGE Creates a body by sweeping a section along one or more guides using various options to control the shape along the guide. SYNONYMS sweep HELP DSN_swept_feature BITMAP swept ACCELERATOR W ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_SWEEP_FEATURE LABEL Sweep along &Guide... MESSAGE Creates a body by sweeping a section along a guide. SYNONYMS swept HELP DSN_swept_feature BITMAP sweep POPUP_LABEL Sweep along &Guide... POPUP_MESSAGE Creates a body by sweeping a section along the selected guide. ACCELERATOR Alt+W ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_VSWEEP_FEATURE LABEL &Variational Sweep... MESSAGE Creates a body by sweeping a cross section along a path where the shape of the section varies along the path. SYNONYMS swept HELP DSN_Variational_sweep BITMAP variational_sweep POPUP_LABEL &Variational Sweep... POPUP_MESSAGE Creates a body by sweeping a cross section along a path where the shape of the section varies along the path. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_CABLE_FEATURE LABEL &Tube... MESSAGE Creates a solid body by sweeping a circular cross section along a curve with options for outer and inner diameter. SYNONYMS cable, pipe HELP DSN_tube_feature BITMAP tube ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_SURFACE BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_SURF4P LABEL &Four Point Surface... MESSAGE Creates a surface by specifying four corners. SYNONYMS simple surface, 4 point surface, 4-point surface, surface by 4 points HELP DSN_4point_surface BITMAP surface_4points ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_SWOOP LABEL &Swoop... MESSAGE Dynamically creates a surface using stretch, bend, skew, twist, and shift operations. SYNONYMS simple shape, rectangular surface, basic b-surface HELP DSN_fff_swoop BITMAP swoop ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_THROUGH_POINTS LABEL T&hrough Points... MESSAGE Creates a surface through a rectangular array of points. SYNONYMS reverse engineering HELP DSN_fff_thru_points BITMAP thrupoints ACCELERATOR Alt+Shift+P ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_FROM_POLES LABEL Fr&om Poles... MESSAGE Creates a surface using a rectangular array of points which will define the poles of the surface. SYNONYMS reverse engineering HELP DSN_fff_from_poles BITMAP frompoles ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_FROM_CLOUD LABEL From Point &Cloud... MESSAGE Creates a sheet body that approximates a large "cloud" of data points. SYNONYMS reverse engineering HELP DSN_fff_point_cloud BITMAP fromptcloud ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_RAPID_SURFACE LABEL R&apid Surfacing... MESSAGE Creates a surface model from a facet body. SYNONYMS reverse engineering HELP UGS::ModlFacetUI::RapidSurface BITMAP rapid_surfacing ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_FF_EXTENSION LABEL E&xtension... MESSAGE Creates an extension sheet from a base sheet. HELP DSN_fff_extension BITMAP extension ACCELERATOR Alt+Shift+X ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_BDTOOL_CORNER_DESIGN LABEL &Transition... MESSAGE Creates a feature at the intersection of two or more sectional shapes. SYNONYMS blend, merge, suitcase, corner HELP DSN_BODYDES_CORNER BITMAP bdtool_corner ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_BOUNDED_PLANE LABEL &Bounded Plane... MESSAGE Creates a planar sheet body enclosed by a set of end-connected planar curves. HELP DSN_fff_bounded_plane BITMAP boundplane ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SHEET_FEATURE LABEL Sh&eet from Curves... MESSAGE Creates a sheet body through curves. HELP DSN_sheets_from_curves BITMAP sheets ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_FF_FOREIGN LABEL Foreig&n... MESSAGE Imports "foreign" bodies, planes, and coordinate systems stored in the Boeing Loft database. HELP DSN_fff_foreign BITMAP foreign ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_RIBBON LABEL &Ribbon Builder... MESSAGE Creates a sheet body between an input profile and a profile which is offset from the input profile. HELP DSN_dieeng_die_ribbon BITMAP die_ribbon.bmp ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_MIDSURFACE LABEL &Midsurface... MESSAGE Creates a continuous surface feature that resides between opposing faces of a thin-walled solid body. SYNONYMS midplane, mid-plane, mid-surface, interpolate HELP scn_midsurface BITMAP midsurface.bmp ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FF_PATCHOPENINGS LABEL &Patch Openings... MESSAGE Creates sheet bodies to plug openings in a set of faces. HELP DSN_fff_holefill BITMAP dieareafill.bmp ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_FLANGE_SURFACE BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_LAWEXT LABEL &Law Extension... MESSAGE Creates a law-controlled extension from a base sheet, dynamically or based on laws for distance and angle. SYNONYMS flange HELP DSN_fff_lawext BITMAP extension_law ACCELERATOR Alt+Shift+W ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_SFLANGE LABEL Silhouette &Flange... MESSAGE Creates a Class A quality surface with smooth edge details, optimized aesthetic shape, and slope continuity. SYNONYMS first fillet flange, gap based flange, visual and absolute gap flange HELP SHP_sflange_basic BITMAP silhouette_flange ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_FACET_BODY BUTTON UG_MODELING_FACET_EXTRACT_FEATURE LABEL &Extract Feature... MESSAGE Extracts feature lines or separates regions of different curvature from a facet body based on the curvature map. SYNONYMS copy, duplicate HELP SHP_extract_feature BITMAP extract_feature ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_DIRECT_MODELING BUTTON UG_ADM_MOVE_FACE_FEATURE LABEL &Move Face... MESSAGE Moves a set of faces and adjusts adjacent faces to accommodate. SYNONYMS move faces HELP DSN_adm_move_face BITMAP move_face POPUP_LABEL &Move Face... POPUP_MESSAGE Moves the selected faces and adjusts adjacent faces to accommodate. ACCELERATOR J ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_PULL_FACE_FEATURE LABEL &Pull Faces... MESSAGE Pulls a face out of the model to add material or into the model to subtract material. SYNONYMS Extrude,move HELP DSN_pull_face BITMAP lift_face POPUP_LABEL &Pull Faces... POPUP_MESSAGE Pulls the selected faces out of the model to add material or into the model to subtract material. ACCELERATOR Ctrl+Shift+Q ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_OFFSET_REGION_FEATURE LABEL &Offset Region... MESSAGE Offsets a set of faces from their current location and adjusts adjacent blend faces to accommodate. SYNONYMS offset faces HELP DSN_offset_region BITMAP offset_region POPUP_LABEL &Offset Region... POPUP_MESSAGE Offsets the selected faces from their current location and adjusts adjacent blend faces to accommodate. ACCELERATOR Ctrl+V ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_REPLACE_FACE_FEATURE LABEL &Replace Face... MESSAGE Replaces a set of faces with another set of faces. HELP DSN_replace_face BITMAP replace_face POPUP_LABEL &Replace Face... POPUP_MESSAGE Replaces the selected faces with another set of faces. ACCELERATOR F ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_RESIZE_BLEND_FEATURE LABEL Resize &Blend... MESSAGE Changes the radius of a blend face, regardless of its feature history. SYNONYMS round, fillet HELP DSN_reblend_face BITMAP resize_blend POPUP_LABEL Resize &Blend... POPUP_MESSAGE Changes the radius of the selected blend face, regardless of its feature history. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_RESIZE_FACE_FEATURE LABEL Resi&ze Face... MESSAGE Changes the diameter of a cylindrical or spherical face and adjusts adjacent blend faces to accommodate. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_resize_face_feature BITMAP resize_face POPUP_LABEL Resi&ze Face... POPUP_MESSAGE Changes the diameter of the selected cylindrical or spherical face and adjusts adjacent blend faces to accommodate. ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_DELETE_FACE_FEATURE LABEL Delete F&ace... MESSAGE Deletes a face or set of faces from a solid body and adjusts other faces to accommodate. SYNONYMS modify, simplify body HELP DSN_delete_face BITMAP delete_face POPUP_LABEL &Delete Face... POPUP_MESSAGE Deletes the selected faces from the solid body and adjusts other faces to accommodate. ACCELERATOR G ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_REUSE_FACE LABEL Re&use MESSAGE Lists Synchronous Modeling Reuse commands. SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_CONSTRAIN_FACE LABEL Cons&train MESSAGE Lists Synchronous Modeling Constrain commands. SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_DIMENSION LABEL &Dimension MESSAGE Lists Synchronous Modeling Dimension commands. SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_SHELL LABEL Sh&ell MESSAGE Lists Synchronous Modeling Shell commands. SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_ADM_GROUP_FACE_FEATURE LABEL &Group Face... MESSAGE Collects a set of faces together as a group. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_group_face BITMAP group_face ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_SECTION_EDIT_FEATURE LABEL &Cross Section Edit... MESSAGE Edits the model by modifying the cross section. SYNONYMS modify HINT This command is available in History-Free modeling mode. HELP DSN_section_edit BITMAP edit_cross_section ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_CONSTRAIN_FACE_FEATURE LABEL Co&nstrain Face... MESSAGE Modifies a set of faces by adding constraints between a target face and a reference face. SYNONYMS modify HINT This command is superseded by Synchronous Modeling commands. To run this legacy command, set UGII_DMX_NX502=1. HELP DSN_constrain_face_feature BITMAP constrain_face ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_LOCAL_SCALE_FEATURE LABEL &Local Scale... MESSAGE Scales a set of faces and adjusts adjacent blend faces to accommodate. SYNONYMS transform, resize HELP DSN_local_scale_feature BITMAP local_scale ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_SIMPLIFY_FEATURE LABEL Simplif&y... MESSAGE Removes connected sets of faces from a solid body. HINT This command is superseded by Synchronous Modeling commands. To run this legacy command, set UGII_DMX_NX502=1. HELP DSN_simplify_body BITMAP simplify_body ACCELERATOR Alt+M ACTIONS STANDARD TOGGLE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_HISTORY_MODELEING LABEL &History Mode MESSAGE Sets the modeling mode to store features in linear history, providing feature edit with rollback and replay. BITMAP clock ACTIONS STANDARD TOGGLE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_HISTORY_FREE_MODELEING LABEL History-&Free Mode MESSAGE Sets the modeling mode to provide History-Free edit with synchronous modeling commands. No history is stored. BITMAP synchronous_mode ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_REUSE_FACE BUTTON UG_ADM_COPY_FACE_FEATURE LABEL &Copy Face... MESSAGE Copies a set of faces. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_copy_face BITMAP copy_face ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_CUT_FACE_FEATURE LABEL Cu&t Face... MESSAGE Copies a set of faces and deletes them from the model. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_cut_face BITMAP cut_face ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_PASTE_FACE_FEATURE LABEL &Paste Face... MESSAGE Modifies a body by adding or subtracting faces of a sheet body. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_paste_face BITMAP paste_face ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_MIRROR_FACE_FEATURE LABEL &Mirror Face... MESSAGE Copies a set of faces and mirrors across a plane. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_mirror_face BITMAP mirror_face ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_PATTERN_FACE_FEATURE LABEL Pattern &Face... MESSAGE Copies a set of faces in a rectangular or circular pattern, or mirrors them, and adds them to a body. SYNONYMS array, instance, copy, duplicate, reflect, symmetric HELP DSN_pattern_face BITMAP pattern_face POPUP_LABEL Pattern &Face... POPUP_MESSAGE Copies the selected faces in a rectangular or circular pattern, or mirrors them, and adds them to a body. ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_CONSTRAIN_FACE BUTTON UG_ADM_COPLANAR_FEATURE LABEL Ma&ke Coplanar... MESSAGE Modifies a planar face to be coplanar with another face. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_adm_coplanar BITMAP make_coplanar ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_COAXIAL_FEATURE LABEL Make Coa&xial... MESSAGE Modifies a cylinder or cone to be coaxial with another cylinder or cone. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_make_coaxial BITMAP make_coaxial ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_TANGENT_FEATURE LABEL Make &Tangent... MESSAGE Modifies a face to be tangent with another face. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_make_tangent BITMAP make_tangent ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_SYMMETRIC_FEATURE LABEL Make Sy&mmetric... MESSAGE Modifies a face to be symmetric with another face. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_make_symmetric BITMAP make_symmetrical ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_PARALLEL_FEATURE LABEL Make &Parallel... MESSAGE Modifies a planar face to be parallel with another face. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_make_parallel BITMAP make_parallel ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_PERPENDICULAR_FEATURE LABEL Make P&erpendicular... MESSAGE Modifies a planar face to be perpendicular with another face. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_make_perpendicular BITMAP make_perpendicular ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_DIMENSION BUTTON UG_ADM_LINEAR_DIMENSION_FEATURE LABEL &Linear Dimension... MESSAGE Moves a set of faces by adding a dimension and changing its value. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_adm_linear_dimension BITMAP linear_dimension ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_ANGULAR_DIMENSION_FEATURE LABEL &Angular Dimension... MESSAGE Moves a set of faces by adding a dimension and changing its value. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_adm_angular_dimension BITMAP angular_dimension ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_RADIAL_DIMENSION_FEATURE LABEL &Radial Dimension... MESSAGE Modifies a face by adding a dimension and changing its value. SYNONYMS modify HELP DSN_adm_radial_dimension BITMAP radial_dimension ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_SHELL BUTTON UG_ADM_ADAPTIVE_SHELL_FEATURE LABEL &Shell Body... MESSAGE Modifies a solid body by applying wall thickness and opening selected faces. The wall thickness is maintained when the model is modified. SYNONYMS hollow, thin-wall HINT This command is available in History-Free modeling mode. HELP DSN_adaptive_shell BITMAP adaptive_shell ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_SHELL_FACE_FEATURE LABEL Shell &Face... MESSAGE Adds faces to the shell volume of a model with an existing shell body. SYNONYMS hollow, thin-wall HINT This command is available in History-Free modeling mode. HELP DSN_shell_face BITMAP shell_face ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_ADM_CHANGE_SHELL_THICKNESS_FEATURE LABEL Change Shell &Thickness... MESSAGE Changes the wall thickness of an existing shell body. SYNONYMS hollow, thin-wall HINT This command is available in History-Free modeling mode. HELP DSN_change_shell_thickness BITMAP change_shell_thickness ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_SHEETMETAL_FEATURE BUTTON UG_MODELING_SMD_FLANGE LABEL &Flange... MESSAGE Adds a flange to a planar face. HELP SMD_FLANGE BITMAP sm_flange ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_SMD_INSET_FLANGE LABEL &Inset Flange... MESSAGE Adds an inset flange to a planar face. BITMAP sm_inset_flange ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_PROFILE_FLANGE LABEL Profile Fl&ange... MESSAGE Adds a set of bends defined along a section profile. HELP SMD_FLANGE BITMAP sm_profile_flange ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_SMMBB LABEL Multibend Brac&ket... MESSAGE Creates a sheet metal feature defined from selected planar geometry. HELP SMD_MULTIBEND_BRACKET BITMAP sm_mbracket ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_GENFLG LABEL &General Flange... MESSAGE Adds a flange along any curved bend edge. HELP SMD_GEN_FLANGE BITMAP sm_general_flange ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_BRIDGE LABEL Bri&dge... MESSAGE Adds a bridge between a base and target. HELP SMD_BRIDGE BITMAP sm_bridge ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_BEAD LABEL B&ead... MESSAGE Adds a bead along a centerline path. HELP SMD_BEAD BITMAP sm_bead ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_PUNCH LABEL &Punch... MESSAGE Adds emboss, coin, and lance operations across multiple, adjacent placement faces. HELP SMD_PUNCH BITMAP sm_punch ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_HOLE LABEL &Hole... MESSAGE Adds a hole to any type of face, which will form and unform itself to the underlying surface. HELP SMD_HOLE BITMAP sm_hole ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_SLOT LABEL &Slot... MESSAGE Adds a slot to any type of face, which will form and unform itself to the underlying surface. HELP SMD_SLOT BITMAP sm_slot ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_CUTOUT LABEL &Cutout... MESSAGE Adds a cutout to any type of face, which will form and unform itself to the underlying surface. HELP SMD_CUTOUT BITMAP sm_cutout ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_CORNER LABEL C&orner... MESSAGE Adds a corner between two flanges. HELP SMD_CORNER BITMAP sm_corner_butt ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_RELIEF LABEL Re&lief... MESSAGE Adds a circular, U, V, or routed relief feature between bend areas. HELP SMD_RELIEF BITMAP sm_relief ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_SPUNCH LABEL Solid Pu&nch... MESSAGE Adds a sheet metal feature that inherits the shape from the punch type tool body. HELP NXSM_solid_punch BITMAP sm_solid_punch ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_EDGE_RIP LABEL &Edge Rip... MESSAGE Adds an opening or gap to a hollowed solid along an edge. HELP SMD_EDGE_RIP BITMAP rip_edge ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_SMD_BEND LABEL &Bend... MESSAGE Adds a bend area to a solid body of uniform thickness. HELP SMD_BEND BITMAP sm_bend ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_SMD_UNBEND_REBEND LABEL Unbend/&Rebend... MESSAGE Unforms, unforms to an angle, or reforms a cylindrical bend region. HELP SMD_UNBEND_REBEND BITMAP sm_unbend_rebend ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_REGION LABEL &MetaForm... MESSAGE Unforms complex geometry (not restricted to Sheet Metal features) to an alternate shape, while accounting for material characteristics. HELP SMD_METAFORM BITMAP sm_metaform ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_SMD_FORM_UNFORM LABEL Form/&Unform... MESSAGE Forms or unforms self-forming features. HELP DSN_smftr_create BITMAP sm_form_unform ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_SMD_UTILITIES LABEL U&tilities MESSAGE Lists Sheet Metal Utilities commands. END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_SMD_UTILITIES BUTTON UG_MODELING_SMD_BRACKET LABEL Brac&ket... MESSAGE Creates a bracket from reference geometry. HELP SMD_BRACKET BITMAP sm_bracket ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU MENU UG_MODELING_FF_SECTION_TYPE BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CONIC_EAS LABEL Section Ends-Ape&x-Shoulder... MESSAGE Creates a section surface using start and end curves and an interior shoulder curve. An apex curve defines the slopes at both start and end. BITMAP ffsect_ends_apex_should ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CONIC_ESS LABEL &Section Ends-Slopes-Shoulder... MESSAGE Creates a section surface using start and end curves and an interior shoulder curve. Two slope curves define the slopes at start and end independently. BITMAP ffsect_ends_slopes_should ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CONIC_FS LABEL Section &Fillet-Shoulder... MESSAGE Creates a section surface using start and end curves and an interior shoulder curve. The two faces on which the start and end curves lie define the slopes. BITMAP ffsect_fillet_should ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CONIC_EAR LABEL Section Ends-Apex-&Rho... MESSAGE Creates a section surface using start and end curves and a rho value. An apex curve defines the slopes at both start and end. BITMAP ffsect_ends_apex_rho ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CONIC_ESR LABEL Section Ends-Slopes-R&ho... MESSAGE Creates a section surface using start and end curves and a rho value. Two slope curves define the slopes at start and end independently. BITMAP ffsect_ends_slopes_rho ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CONIC_FR LABEL Section F&illet-Rho... MESSAGE Creates a section surface using start and end curves and a rho value. The two faces on which the start and end curves lie define the slopes. BITMAP ffsect_fillet_rho ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CONIC_EAH LABEL Section Ends-&Apex-Hilite... MESSAGE Creates a section surface using start and end curves which are tangent to a hilite surface. An apex curve defines the slopes at both start and end. BITMAP ffsect_ends_apex_hilite ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CONIC_ESH LABEL Section Ends-S&lopes-Hilite... MESSAGE Creates a section surface using start and end curves which are tangent to a hilite surface. Two slope curves define the slopes at start and end independently. BITMAP ffsect_ends_slopes_hilite ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CONIC_FH LABEL S&ection Fillet-Hilite... MESSAGE Creates a section surface using start and end curves which are tangent to a hilite surface. The two faces on which the start and end curves lie define the slopes. BITMAP ffsect_fillet_hilite ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CONIC_FPS LABEL Section Fo&ur-Points-Slope... MESSAGE Creates a section surface using start and end curves and two interior control curves. A slope curve defines the slope at the start. BITMAP ffsect_four_points_slope ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CONIC_FP LABEL Section Fi&ve-Points... MESSAGE Creates a section surface using start and end curves and three interior control curves. BITMAP ffsect_five_points ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CIRCLE_TPA LABEL Section Three-&Points-Arc... MESSAGE Creates a circular section surface using start and end curves and an interior control curve. BITMAP ffsect_three_points_arc ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CIRCLE_TPR LABEL Section T&wo-Points-Radius... MESSAGE Creates a circular section surface using start and end curves and a radius value. BITMAP ffsect_two_points_radius ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CIRCLE_ESA LABEL Secti&on Ends-Slope-Arc... MESSAGE Creates a circular section surface using start and end curves. A slope curve defines the slope at the start. BITMAP ffsect_ends_slopes_arc ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CIRCLE_PRAA LABEL Section Point-Radius-An&gle-Arc... MESSAGE Creates a circular section surface using a start curve, a radius value, and an angle. The face on which the start curve lies defines the slope at the start. BITMAP ffsect_point_radius_angle_arc ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CIRCLE_CIR LABEL Se&ction Circle... MESSAGE Creates a full circular section surface using a guide curve, an optional orientation curve, and a radius value. BITMAP ffsect_circle ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_CIRCLE_CT LABEL Sec&tion Circle-Tangent... MESSAGE Creates a circular section surface using a start curve and a radius value. The face on which the start curve lies defines the slope at the start. BITMAP ffsect_circular_tangent ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_FILLET_ESC LABEL Section En&ds-Slopes-Cubic... MESSAGE Creates a cubic section surface using start and end curves. Two slope curves define the slopes at start and end independently. BITMAP ffsect_ends_slopes_cubic ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_FILLET_FB LABEL Section Fillet-&Bridge... MESSAGE Creates a cubic section surface using start and end curves. The two faces on which the start and end curves lie define the slopes. BITMAP ffsect_fillet_bridge ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_FF_LINEAR_LT LABEL Sectio&n Linear-Tangent... MESSAGE Creates a linear section surface using a start curve and a tangency face. BITMAP ffsect_linear_tangent ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_MENU ! *************** Tools Menu *************** MENU UG_TOOLBOX CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_HUMAN LABEL Human Mod&eling MESSAGE Lists Human Modeling commands. SEPARATOR BUTTON UG_MODELING_TOOLBOX_PARTFAM LABEL Part Fami&lies... MESSAGE Creates a family of parts using a template part and the spreadsheet. SYNONYMS standard parts HELP DSN_assy_part_families ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_ASSY_DEFORM_COMPONENT LABEL Define Deforma&ble Part... MESSAGE Defines a part as capable of assuming more than one shape when it is added to an assembly. SYNONYMS flexible, springs, variable geometry ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR CASCADE_BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_COMPOSITE LABEL &Composite MESSAGE Lists Composite commands. END_OF_MENU MENU UG_UPDATES TOGGLE_BUTTON UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_DELAYED_UPDATE LABEL Delayed &after Edit MESSAGE Delays the update of the model until the "Update Model" option is chosen. SYNONYMS postpone, defer HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. BITMAP delayupdatemodel ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_EDIT_FEATURE_UPDATE LABEL Update &Model MESSAGE Updates the display of the model with the edits made while "Delayed after Edit" was turned on. SYNONYMS regenerate HINT This command is available in history modeling mode. BITMAP updatemodel ACTIONS STANDARD SEPARATOR BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FEATURE_REPLAY_MAKE_FIRST_CURRENT LABEL Make &First Feature Current MESSAGE Goes to the first feature appearing in the Part Navigator, and makes it the current feature. BITMAP vcr_goto_start ACCELERATOR Shift+Ctrl+Home ACTIONS STANDARD BUTTON/FOLDED UG_MODELING_FEATURE_REPLAY_MAKE_PREVIOUS_CURRENT LABEL Make &Previous Feature Current MESSAGE Goes to the feature appearing before the current feature in the Part Navigator, and makes it the current feature. BITMAP vcr_previous ACCELERATOR Shift+Ctrl+Le
触摸板开关 for Synaptics TouchPad 触摸板开关使用说明v1.4 20080828 只用键盘操作方法 # 本程序运行后,在任何时候按下列热键即可实现相应功能: * 按Win+Z 开关触摸板 * 按Win+S 显示本窗口 * 按Win+J 仅关闭显示器(也适用于台式机) * 按Win+K 关闭显示器并且锁定电脑(也适用于台式机) * 按Win+Q 退出本程序 # 先按Alt+Tab多次使本程序成为当前窗口,然后: * 按Alt+Z 开关触摸板 * 按Alt+F4 退出本程序 * 按Esc键 最小化,可减少内存占用量 # 推荐先最小化本程序窗口,然后用上列Win系列热键操作。 # 如果命令行参数中包含“quiet”,则不弹出操作方法提示对话框。 # 本程序的主要功能是:触摸板开关 和 关闭显示器,主要是笔记本电脑上使用。 临时禁用触摸板--打开/关闭笔记本电脑的触摸板,当外接鼠标时可停止笔记本自带的触摸板工作,以免打字时候手指移动造成误操作。 关闭显示器--触动鼠标或任意键可以重新打开屏幕。在电脑下载文件、挂机升级或者人暂时离开,不希望电脑停止工作时可以使用此功能,可以有效延长LCD灯管寿命,且可节能。 按Win+K 关闭显示器并且锁定电脑--可用来取代系统内置的Win+L。 # 开发本程序只是为了方便自己使用笔记本电脑,玩玩编程而已。 # 本程序是在中文Windows XP SP3 + 中文Visual Basic 6.0平台上开发的。 # 本程序只在中文Windows XP SP3平台上测试通过,其它平台未知。 # 本程序估计适用于绝大多数使用Synaptics公司生产的触摸板(Synaptics TouchPad)的笔记本电脑, 事实上,绝大多数笔记本电脑上使用的触摸板是Synaptics公司生产的。 # 如果在其它中文Windows XP平台上不能正常运行,可能会改用英文Delphi重新编程, 从而推出适应性更好的版本。 ## 如果不能正常运行,请先下载并安装触摸板最新驱动程序即可使用,下载地址: http://drivers.synaptics.com/Synaptics_Driver_v10_1_8_XP32.exe 版权所有,免费使用,欢迎传播,多提建议 ============================================ 版本变化: V1.0:仅实现最简单的触摸板开关功能,不支持全局热键。 V1.1:增加关闭显示器和锁定电脑功能,仍不支持全局热键。 V1.2:支持全局热键(Win系列热键),大大方便使用,不隐身。 V1.3:支持全局热键(Win系列热键),大大方便使用,且以隐身于后台运行方式实现系统内存占用少的目的。 V1.4:支持命令行参数“quiet”;防止同一程序执行多次;优化源代码模块布局。
网管教程 从入门到精通软件篇 ★一。★详细的xp修复控制台命令和用法!!! 放入xp(2000)的光盘,安装时候选R,修复! Windows XP(包括 Windows 2000)的控制台命令是在系统出现一些意外情况下的一种非常有效的诊断和测试以及恢复系统功能的工具。小编的确一直都想把这方面的命令做个总结,这次辛苦老范给我们整理了这份实用的秘笈。   Bootcfg   bootcfg 命令启动配置和故障恢复(对于大多数计算机,即 boot.ini 文件)。   含有下列参数的 bootcfg 命令仅在使用故障恢复控制台时才可用。可在命令提示符下使用带有不同参数的 bootcfg 命令。   用法:   bootcfg /default  设置默认引导项。   bootcfg /add    向引导列表中添加 Windows 安装。   bootcfg /rebuild  重复全部 Windows 安装过程并允许用户选择要添加的内容。   注意:使用 bootcfg /rebuild 之前,应先通过 bootcfg /copy 命令备份 boot.ini 文件。   bootcfg /scan    扫描用于 Windows 安装的所有磁盘并显示结果。   注意:这些结果被静态存储,并用于本次会话。如果在本次会话期间磁盘配置发生变化,为获得更新的扫描,必须先重新启动计算机,然后再次扫描磁盘。   bootcfg /list   列出引导列表中已有的条目。   bootcfg /disableredirect 在启动引导程序中禁用重定向。   bootcfg /redirect [ PortBaudRrate] |[ useBiosSettings]   在启动引导程序中通过指定配置启用重定向。   范例: bootcfg /redirect com1 115200 bootcfg /redirect useBiosSettings   hkdsk   创建并显示磁盘的状态报告。Chkdsk 命令还可列出并纠正磁盘上的错误。   含有下列参数的 chkdsk 命令仅在使用故障恢复控制台时才可用。可在命令提示符下使用带有不同参数的 chkdsk 命令。   vol [drive:] [ chkdsk [drive:] [/p] [/r]   参数  无   如果不带任何参数,chkdsk 将显示当前驱动器中的磁盘状态。 drive: 指定要 chkdsk 检查的驱动器。 /p   即使驱动器不在 chkdsk 的检查范围内,也执行彻底检查。该参数不对驱动器做任何更改。 /r   找到坏扇区并恢复可读取的信息。隐含着 /p 参数。   注意 Chkdsk 命令需要 Autochk.exe 文件。如果不能在启动目录(默认为 %systemroot%System32)中找到该文件,将试着在 Windows 安装 CD 中找到它。如果有多引导系统的计算机,必须保证是在包含 Windows 的驱动器上使用该命令。 Diskpart   创建和删除硬盘驱动器上的区。diskpart 命令仅在使用故障恢复控制台时才可用。   diskpart [ /add |/delete] [device_name |drive_name |partition_name] [size]   参数 无   如果不带任何参数,diskpart 命令将启动 diskpart 的 Windows 字符模式版本。   /add   创建新的区。   /delete   删除现有区。   device_name   要创建或删除区的设备。设备名称可从 map 命令的输出获得。例如,设备名称:   DeviceHardDisk0   drive_name   以驱动器号表示的待删除区。仅与 /delete 同时使用。以下是驱动器名称的范例:   D:   partition_name   以区名称表示的待删除区。可代替 drive_name 使用。仅与 /delete 同时使用。以下是区名称的范例:   DeviceHardDisk0Partition1    大小   要创建的区大小,以兆字节 (MB)表示。仅与 /add 同时使用。   范例   下例将删除区: diskpart /delete Device HardDisk0 Partition3 diskpart /delete F:   下例将在硬盘上添加一个 20 MB 的区:   diskpart /add Device HardDisk0 20   Fixboot
南京工程学院 车辆工程系 本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告 题 目:基于数字图像处理的车牌定位和割的研究 专 业: 自动化(车辆电子电气) 班 级: K车电气051 学 号:240061443 学生姓名: 朱培诚 指导教师: 顾新艳 讲 师 2010年3月 说 明 1.根据南京工程学院《毕业设计(论文)工作管理规定》,学生必须撰写《毕业设计(论文)开题报告》,由指导教师签署意见、教研室审查,系教学主任批准后实施。 2.开题报告是毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。学生应当在毕业设计(论文)工作前期内完成,开题报告不合格者不得参加答辩。 3.毕业设计开题报告各项内容要实事是,逐条认真填写。其中的文字表达要明确、严谨,语言通顺,外来语要同时用原文和中文表达。第一次出现缩写词,须注出全称。 4.本报告中,由学生本人撰写的对课题和研究工作的析及描述,应不少于2000字,没有经过整理归纳,缺乏个人见解仅仅从网上下载材料拼凑而成的开题报告按不合格论。 5.开题报告检查原则上在第2~4周完成,各系完成毕业设计开题检查后,应写一份开题情况总结报告。 本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告 学生姓名 朱培诚 学 号 240061443 专 业 自动化(车辆电子电气) 指导教师 顾新艳 职 称 讲 师 所在院系 车辆工程 课题来源 自拟课题 课题性质 工程技术研究 课题名称 基于数字图像处理的车牌定位和割的研究 毕业设计的内容和意义 采用数字图像处理的原理和技术,进行车牌区域的准确定位和割的研究,给出相应的算法,并通过VC编程实现。 毕业设计的具体内容: 1.熟悉和了解数字图像处理的原理和技术。 2.熟悉VC的编程和调试方法。 3.掌握数字图像处理的常规算法,尤其对图像的几何校正,边缘检测、区域定位和图像割原理和算法要有深入的了解。 4. 完成车牌区域的准确定位和割的设计方案,给出相应的算法,并通过编程实现。 本课题研究的意义: 在交通路口的违章监视,在高速公路收费入口,在涵洞、桥梁的入口以及在停车场和加油站的管理中,都需要对汽车牌照进行记录,而目前这些工作大多数都是由人工完成的,工作量很大,有时也难免会出现错误,如果改用智能系统进行自动的检测和识别,则会大大提高工作的速度,降低管理人员的工作量,提高服务的效率与质量。 在国内现有技术的基础之上进一步研究汽车牌照智能识别技术实现对实时采集到的汽车牌照图像进行析,准确定位割、提取出图像中的汽车牌照,并快速自动智能地识别出汽车牌照,还可以全面消除人为因素,因而对车牌识别技术的研究和应用系统开发具有重要的现实意义。 文 献 综 述 车牌自动识别系统从上一世纪80年代开始进入应用研究阶段、这个阶段的研究没有形成完整的系统体系,而是就某一具体的问题进行研究,通常采用简单的图像处理方法来解决。进入20世纪90年代后,随着计算机视觉的发展和计算机性能的提高,开始出现车牌识别的系统化研究。中国、美国、日本、法国等国家相继投入大量的人力、物力进行应用研究,随着社会的进一步发展,交通状况急需更快的发展来适应经济发展需要,各国更加关注对该系统的研究和应用。 文献[1]中阐述了智能交通系统的概念于1990年由美国智能交通学会(ITS America,当时名称为IVHS America)提出,并在世界各国大力推广。经过10多年的推广、试行和发展,智能交通系统目前己在世界上经济发达国家和经济较为发达国家的一些都市及高速公路系统中实施。实践证明,迄今为止,在美国、欧洲、亚洲都已有成功应用的范例。在国外,以色列Hi-Tech公司的See/Car System系列,香港Asia VisionTechnology公司的VECON产品,新加坡Optasia公司的VLPRS系列都是比较成熟的产品。虽然国外汽车牌照识别系统研究工作己有一定进展,但并不适合我国汽车牌照识别,其原因主要有我国车牌本身的特点决定的。我国车辆牌照缺乏统一的标准,根据不同汽车、车型、用途,规定了多种牌照格式(例如为军车、警车、普通车等);悬挂位置随机,使得车牌识别过程中缺乏规律,使车牌定位割、字符切难度增加,准确性降低;车牌长期暴露易受污损,使得车牌区域模糊不清,易发生粘连、断裂等现象,在国外发达国家不允许由于环境、道路或人为因素造成汽车牌照污染严重的车辆上路行驶;我国车辆牌照由汉字、字母和数字组成,汉字的识别与字母和数字的识别有很大的不同,从而增加了识别的难度;其他国家汽车牌照的底色和字符颜色统一,只有对比度较强的两种颜色,而我国汽车牌照底色和字符有蓝/白、黑/红、黑/白等多种颜色组合;还有设置的营运牌照及张贴的广告信息,容易在车牌定位时产生干扰、误定位;车牌附近环境恶劣,往往有复杂的外形及安全杠等,不利于快速定位。 文献[2]中阐述了国内在90年代也开始了车牌识别的研究。由于中国车牌与国外的差异,加上车牌上汉字的存在。所以照搬国外的技术并不完全可行。对于国内的己应用系统中较成功的有浙江大学开发的基于web模式的LPR系统,中科院自动化研究所汉王科技公司开发的“汉王眼车牌识别系统”。另外,亚洲视觉科技有限公司、深圳吉通电子有限公司、中国信息产业部下属的中智交通电子有限公司等也有自己的产品,另外西安交通大学的图像处理和识别研究室、上海交通大学的计算机科学和工程系、清华大学人工智能国家重点实验室等也做过类似的研究。目前这些系统普遍存在的问题有:全天候识别率并不稳定, 文 献 综 述 特别是在夜间,或不良天气下识别率会降低到50%左右。还有许多其它问题需要解决,如国内许多论文谈及已实现的系统,都是在对近似理想条件下的汽车图像识别,对于车牌倾斜角度很大,车牌上字符模糊等情况提出的解决办法甚少。因此这样的系统即使识别率较高,也是建立在苛刻的特定的拍照环境下的。车牌自动识别系统产品中还存在一些不足,因而LPR技术的研究还有许多工作要做:从目前一些产品的性能指标可以看出,LPR系统的识别率和识别速度有待提高。研究高速、准确的定位与识别算法是当前的主要任务。上述产品中所使用的汽车图像均为灰度图像,而车牌本身是彩色物体,其底色和字符颜色为有限的几种,具有明显的颜色特征,车牌定位及字符的割和识别没有用到颜色特征,采用彩色图像模式,目前的算法也很少涉及颜色特征,这在一定程度上影响了系统的性能。对于车牌彩色信息的利用有待于深入研究。另外目前只能处理单个车牌的汽车图像,对于一幅图像中多个车牌的识别则无能为力。这使得目前对多个车道进行监控时,需要多套摄像设备和车牌识别所需的计算机。如能深入研究一幅图像中多个车牌的识别问题,则可降低系统成本,提高工作效率。 所以从技术上对牌照自动识别系统进行进一步的改进完善是很有必要的。在软件上这主要要提高字符识别率,同时提高软件的运行速度,提高实时性。相信随着研究的深入,LPR技术定会走向成熟。 文献[3]中阐述了目前国内外汽车牌照定位与识别技术主要采用软硬结合方式和软件方式两种技术方案。所谓软硬结合方式,就是首先通过专用的图像抓拍设备获取一幅适合于计算机识别汽车牌照的高质量图像,然后用软件和硬件结合的方式对所获取的专用图像进行牌照识别,它的最大优点就是识别率高,能够全天候工作。所谓软件方式,就是通过识别软件对普通的车辆图像进行牌照识别,它的最大优点就是成本低,通用性好。车牌自动识别系统主要有摄像装置、视频采集接口、计算机和辅助照明装置组成。计算机通过视频采集接口采集摄像装置摄入的视频图像,经处理和识别得到车牌号。在自然光较暗影响识别效果时,由辅助照明装置提供摄像光源。硬件部包括车辆感应器,高速摄影装置等。车辆感应器的功能是感应车辆的到来,触发高速摄影装置在一定时间内动作抓拍图像。如在高速公路上,通常在收费处前方公路两侧埋置电磁感应圈,当车辆驶入感应区内,电磁感应圈产生电流,触发摄影头工作。除此之外,还有激光红外线车辆感应器等。埋置电磁感应线圈的缺点是工程量大,而激光红外线车辆感应器容易引起二次触发,即脱车引起的触发拍照。动态车牌图像捕捉系统主要由高辨率摄像机,多光谱照明灯,图像处理器及控制器组成。它根据亮度变化,即可完成车牌的抓拍。相比而言,动态车牌图像捕捉 文 献 综 述 系统可以在白天和夜间等多种情况下工作,清楚捕捉高速运动中的汽车牌照图像,其效果不受日光,车灯等环境因素的影响。大量实验表明该方案是最理想的解决可靠性的方案。 图像输入通常由硬件完成,牌照定位与字符识别通常由软件完成。 文献[4][5][6]中阐述了日前存在的大量的车牌定位算法,选择一个好的定位算法成为车牌识别的一个关键问题。文中针对基于投影法的车牌定位算法。在VC平台上对车牌图像进行预处理后,再通过找点和标出矩形即可实现车牌的定位。通过大量的试验得出,本算法可以解决车牌定位时遇到的绝大部问题,具有较高的研究价值和社会经济效益。 文献[7]中对智能交通系统的核心技术——汽车牌照识别技术进行了研究,在图像处理技术的基础上,着重研究了车牌区域定位技术,析了日前有代表性的车牌定位方法,介绍了利用粒子图像测速关联PIV(Particle Image Velocimeter)算法原理,提出了一种采用车牌字符笔画2个边缘互相关值最大的方法进行车牌定位的算法,准确而快速地检出了车牌区域,为后续车牌字符识别打下了很好的基础。 文献[8][9][10][11]中阐述了针对不同尺寸车牌图像的定位问题,提出了一种新的自适应车牌定位方法。该方法首先根据车牌区域的共性来提取图像的纵向边缘;然后由车牌区纵向纹理和边缘密度等特征,采用一系列步骤自适应去除干扰边缘来保留类车牌特征区域;最后通过横向形态学运算使类车牌区闭合,以有效地克服以往形态学结构元素难以随车牌尺寸变化自适应选取的问题;同时提出了根据场景实际情况,选用灰度调整和颜色来判别模块的观点。通过实际场景中大量车牌样本的验证结果表明,该算法不仅准确率较高,而且自适应性良好,具有实用价值。 参考文献: [1] 刘允才.智能交通国际发展概况和国内优先考虑的课题[J].公路,2001,11(11):26-34. 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[11]Kenneth.R.Castleman.Digital Image Processing,Prentice Hall.1998,4. 研 究 内 容 本课题主要利用数字图像处理的原理和技术,完成车牌区域的准确定位和割的设计方案,研究相应的算法,并通过编程实现。 其具体内容如下: 1、理解和掌握数字图像处理的原理和技术,能熟练运用数字图像处理的常规算法。 2、深入研究预处理中的灰度化、二值化、背景削弱、中值滤波等原理,以及图像的灰度变换空间滤波处理等,探索车牌定位常用的方法,研究现在流行的一些算法,总结出其优点和缺点,能够继承传统方法的优点,并加以改进和提高。 3、掌握算法实现的编程语言,熟练运用设计实现的平台Visual C++ 6.0,提高查阅资料的能力,并通过编程实现车牌的定位。 4、研究一种新型的车牌定位方法,本课题采用多层次割的思想,每次割都尽可能地减少析范围,经过多次割后最终定位出车牌区域。 研 究 计 划 第1-2周 收集资料,熟悉课题,确定系统总体研究方案。 第3周 熟悉资料,写出开题报告。 第4—5周 熟悉数字图像处理的主要内容。 第6—7周 熟悉VC语言的编程和调试方法。 第8—9周 熟悉并掌握数字图像的常规算法,重点研究边缘检测和区域割等算法。 第10-11周 用VC编程实现并调试各个处理模块。 第12-13周 对整个系统进行软件联调,整理设计成果。 第14周 撰写论文。 第15周 修改论文,准备答辩。 第16周 毕业答辩。 特 色 与 创 新 在车辆识别系统中,牌照区域定位是影响车牌识别系统性能的重要因素之一车牌定位准确与否直接影响字符识别的准确率,以往的拍照定位重要包括:J.Barroso等基于提出的基于水平线搜索的定位方法;R.Parisi提出的机遇TFC变换的频域析法;Charl Coeitzee等提出的基于Niblack二值化算法及自适应边界搜索算法的定位方法。这些方法或者对背景比较复及光照条件比较敏感,或者定位速度比较慢,为了克服这些缺陷,本课题提出了基于特征的车辆牌照实时定位算法和多层次割算法,能够更高效地实现车牌的准确定位和割,充体现了该系统的实时性。 指导教师 意 见 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 教研室意见 主任签名: 年 月 日 系部意见 教学主任签名: 年 月 日



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