How to store a font object??

eboyzhang 2004-03-10 04:56:56
RegistryKey regkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(strRoot,true);
if(regkey == null)//the registry key does not exist,so create it
regkey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(strRoot);

RegistryKey rkProfile = regkey.OpenSubKey(strProfile,true);
if(rkProfile == null)//create the registry key
rkProfile = regkey.CreateSubKey(strProfile);


[Font: Name=Microsoft Sans Serif, Size=8.25, Units=3, GdiCharSet=134, GdiVerticalFont=False]

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JSP Simple Examples Index 1. Creating a String In jsp we create a string as we does in a java. In jsp we can declare it inside the declaration directive or a scriptlet directive. String Length In java, Strings are objects that belong to class java.lang.String. A string is a sequence of simple characters. We can get the length of the string by using the method length() of java.lang.String. Declaring string array in java An array is the collection of same data type. Suppose if we have a declare an array of type String, then it will store only the String value not any other data type. When we have a closely related data of the same type and scope, it is better to declare it in an array. Multidimensional array java A two dimensional array can be thought as a grid of rows and columns. The first array will reflect to a row and the second one is column. int array Array is a collection of same data type. Suppose if we have declared an array of type int then the array will take only the int values and not any other data types. We can find find out the length of the variable by using the variable length . JSP string array String array cannot hold numbers or vice- versa. Arrays can only store the type of data specified at the time of declaring the array variable. Custom exceptions Custom Exception inherits the properties from the Exception class. Whenever we have declare our own exceptions then we call it custom exceptions. Throwing an exception All methods use the throw statement to throw an exception. The throw statement requires a single argument a throwable object. Here is an example of a throw statement. Arrayindexoutofboundsexception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException is thrown when we have to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index. printStackTrace in jsp printStackTrace is a method of the Throwable class. By using this method we can get more information about the error process if we print a stack trace from the exception. Runtime Errors Errors are arised when there is any logic problem with the logic of the program. Try catch in jsp In try block we write those code which can throw exception while code execution and when the exception is thrown it is caught inside the catch block. Multiple try catch We can have more than one try/catch block. The most specific exception which can be thrown is written on the top in the catch block following by the less specific least. Nested try catch We can declare multiple try blocks inside the try block. The most specific exception which can be thrown is written on the top in the catch block following by the less specific least. kilometers per liter to miles per gallon Kilometers per liter : The distance traveled by a vehicle which is running on gasoline or diesel fuel in a kilometer. Miles per Gallon: The distance traveled by a vehicle which is running on gasoline or diesel fuel in a mile. Ascii values table ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Computers can only understand numbers, so an ASCII code is the numerical representation of a character such as @, #, $, and so on. ASCII was developed when non- printing characters were rarely used. life cycle of a jsp page Life of the the jsp page is just same as the servlet life cycle. After get translated the jsp file is just like a servlet. Page directive attributes A directive is a way to give special instructions to the container at page translation time. The page directive is written on the top of the jsp page. Html tags in jsp In this example we have used the html tag inside the println() method of the out implicit object which is used to write the content on the browser. Password Controls In this program we are going to know how the server determines whether the password entered by the user is correct or not. This whole process is controlled on the server side. Multiple forms in jsp The form tag creates a form for user input. A form can contain checkboxes, textfields, radio- buttons and many more. Forms are used to pass user- data to a specified URL which is specified in the action attribute of the form tag. Interface in jsp In interface none of its methods are implemented. All the methods are abstract. There is no code associated with an interface. In an interface all the instance methods are public and abstract. Interfaces are always implemented in the class. They add extra behaviors to the class. Inheritance in java with example Inheritance is one of the concept of the Object- Oriented programming. It allows you to define a general class, and later more specialized classes by simply adding some new details. Constructor inheritance Constructors are used to create objects from the class. Constructor declaration are just like method declaration, except that they do not have any return type and they use the name of the class. The compiler provides us with a default constructor to the class having no arguments. Abstract classes We does not make a object of the abstract class. This class must be inherited. Unlike interface the abstract class may implement some of the methods defined in the class, but in this class at least one method should be abstract. Using Super class Variables With Sub-classed Objects One of the strong features of java is that it is follows a OOPs concept, and one of the feature of OOP in java is that, we can assign a subclass object or variable to the variable of the superclass type. Log files Log files keeps a records of internet protocol addresses (IP), Http status, date, time, bytes sent, bytes recieved, number of clicks etc. Calculate a factorial by using while loop In this example we are going to find out the factorial of 12 by using the while loop. In while loop the loop will run until the condition we have given gets true. Calculating factorial After going through this example you will be understand how you can calculate the factorial by using recursion in jsp. To make a program on factorial, firstly it must be clear what is recursion. Celsius Fahrenheit Celsius is a unit to measure temperature scale on which water freezes at 0 degree and boiling point is 100 degree. This unit is discovered by Celsius in 1742, a Swedish astronomer and physicist, he has invented the centigrade, or Celsius thermometer divided between the freezing and boiling points of water into 100 parts. comment in jsp In a jsp we should always try to use jsp- style comments unless you want the comments to appear in the HTML. Jsp comments are converted by the jsp engine into java comments in the source code of the servlet that implements the Jsp page. Html tag inside out implicit object In this program we are going to use a html tag inside a out object. out object is used to display the content on the browser. To make this program run use out object inside which define some html code along with the content you want to display on the browser Jsp methods In this example we are going to show you how we can declare a method and how we can used it. In this example we are making a method named as addNum(int i, int b) which will take two numbers as its parameters and return integer value. Multiple methods Jsp is used mainly for presentation logic. In the jsp we can declare methods just like as we declare methods in java classes. Methods can be declared in either declaration directive or we can declare it in scriptlet. If we declare method inside declaration directive, then the method is applicable in the whole page. Passing Array method Array is a collection of similar data type. It is one of the simplest data structures. Arrays holds equally sized data elements generally of the similar data type. Two index In this example we will show how we can use two indexes in a for loop. We can solve this problem by using for loop defined inside the scriptlet directive. Date in JSP To print a Date in JSP firstly we are importing a class named java.util.Date of the package java.util. This package is imported in the jsp page so that the Date class and its properties can accessed in the JSP page. If- Else Ladder A ladder means a vertical set of steps. It is a computer generated list of pairings used in eliminations. Nested If We use the if condition to check if the particular condition is true then it should perform a certain task, and if a particular condition is not true then it should do some other tasks. Quintessential JSP Quintessential means representing the perfect example of a class or quality. It is pure and concentrated essence of a substance. Include File JSP using directive and include action <%@ include file = " "%>: - This is include directive. This directive has only one attribute named as file, which is used to include a file in the jsp page at the translation time. :- This is known as the include standard action. This standard action is used to include a file at run time. This standard action is evaluated at the run time. Snoop in JSP It mostly contains the request information, ServletContext initialization parameters, ServetContext attributes, request headers, response headers etc. sendRedirect In JSP sendRedirect() method is a method of HttpServletResponse interface. In sendRedirect() the object of request will be generated again with the location of page which will perform the request of the client. Request Header in JSP Whenever an http client sends a request, it sends the request in the form of get or post method or any other HttpRequest methhods. It can also sends the headers with it. Specific request headers in JSP Whenever an http client sends a request, it can also sends the headers with it. All the headers are optional except Content-length, which is required only for POST request. Java class in JSP To use the class inside the jsp page we need to create an object of the class by using the new operator. At last use the instance of the class to access the methods of the java file. Setting Colors in JSP In Jsp also we can set the background color which we want, the font color can be changed. The table can be coloured . By using the colors code we can give colors according to our wish. Sine Table in JSP Mathematically, the sine of an angle is the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the hypotenuse of an imaginary right triangle having that angle in it. Applet In Jsp Applets are small programs or applications written in java. These applets are those small programs that runs on web browsers, usually written in java. We can use the applets in jee also. In jee it runs on the context of web application on a client computer. Creating a Local Variable in JSP Consider a situation where we have to declare a variable as local, then we should declare the methods and variables in tag except the declaration directive. Method in Declaration Tag Anything which will be declared inside declaration tag will be applicable within the whole application. We call this tag a Declaration Tag. The syntax of this tag is <%! --------- %>. Forward a JSP Page The request object goes to the controller then the controller decides by which jsp or servlet this request will be processed, then the request object is passed to that jsp or servlet and the output is displayed to the browser by the response object. Random in JSP Random numbers are the numbers that are determined entirely by chance. User does not have any control over the working of random numbers. random() is a method of Math class which extends java.lang package. JSP include directive By using the include tag the file will be included in the jsp page at the translation time. In this example we have created a jsp file which has to be included in the other jsp file by using the tag <%@ include file = " "%>. Literals in JSP Literals are the values, such as a number or a text string, that are written literally as part of a program code. A literal is a expression of a value, including a number or a text string. Passing Parameter using Request parameters can be passed by using . This tag contains two attributes: 1) name 2) value. Tag Handler Custom tags are usually distributed in the form of a tag library, which defines a set of related custom tags and contains the objects that implement the tags. Custom tag libraries allow the java programmer to write code that provides data access and other services, and they make those features available to the jsp author in a simple to use XML- like fashion. UseBean Syntax: 2048游戏源码 # 2048 This is a derivative and the iOS version of the game 2048. In the very unlikely case that you don't know what it is, you can check it out [here]( Made just for fun! You can find it on the [App Store](!/id848859070?ls=1&mt=8).


## AI An AI is added, thanks to [DJBen](! Tap "Hint" to show hint (e.g. Move left/right/up/down); tap "Auto Run" to run AI automatically. Check it out in the `AI` branch. You can also check out [this demo video on YouTube]( Thanks to [ov3y]('s Javascript version that gave me (DJBen, that is) inspiration. ### Issues and pending improvements Currently the searching depth is 2 and it fails sometimes. You can increase the number to 3 or more by changing the return value of `- (NSInteger)maximumSearchingDepth` in `M2GlobalState+AI.h`. Ideally, the AI should search from 0 depth to infinity and have a time out, it records the current best move when finish searching the current depth and stops immediately when timed out and return the best move so far. However, I have a little bit of trouble when dealing with `NSOperationQueue` so I didn't do it this way. Now the AI only searches at the specified `-maximumSearchingDepth`. ## The Game Since it is a *derivative* of the original 2048, it is not the *same*. More explicitly, it has the following additions: * **Three board sizes**: 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5. The smaller the board is, the fewer cells you have, and the harder the game is.* * **Three game modes**: The original Power of 2, i.e. combining two tiles of the same value to produce their sum. The Power of 3, i.e. combining *three* consecutive tiles of the same value to produce their sum. Not surprisingly, this is pretty hard with the 3x3 board, although I found it pretty easy to get 81. 243 is a different story... And the Fibonacci sequence, i.e. combining two adjacent numbers in the sequence 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... (I omitted the two 1's in the beginning) to produce the one next to the larger value. This is pretty tricky. Try it out and you will know what I mean. * **Three themes**: I made a bright theme and a 'joyful' theme in addition to the original one. In case you wonder how to do themes in iOS. (There may be a better way, but themes are verbose in nature, because you *have to* specify all the colors, fonts, etc.) ## The Technology This version of 2048 is built using SpriteKit, the new 2-D game engine Apple introduced to iOS 7. As a result, it requires iOS 7 to run. On the other hand, this app has the following two great properties: * It does not rely on *any* third-party library. Not that Cocos-2D is not great, but the fact it's using SpriteKit means that it does not have any dependencies. * It does not have any images. That's right. The entire UI is done either via UIKit, or by Core Graphics. Check out the related files to see how that is done, if you are curious. You should be able to download the source, and build and run without problem. However, please note that you may not want to run it in the simulator unless you don't have an Apple Developer account. SpriteKit does use OpenGL, and simulating that using CPU will cause your computer to take off. ## The Code First off, the best thing about the code is that it's pretty well documented. Most methods have the Apple-style documentation, which means that you can triple-click on the method name to get its documentation. The code started to resemble the structure of the original 2048. So for example, it has a game manager, a board class, a tile class, etc. I at least *tried* to stick to MVC as much as possible. Here is a brief summary to get you started: * The `M2GameManager` class controls the game logic. There is only one action in the game: move. So the majority of that class is handling the move. The rest is checking whether you've won or died, etc. * The `M2Grid` class is the data structure for the board. The original 2048 used a 1-D array, but heck, 2-D array doesn't seem to be too bad here! ...except looping it is a bit ugly, so I made a `forEach` helper function. * The `M2Cell` class is the "slot"s. They are not the tiles themselves. The benefit of having this class is that the cells never move, so they are good references and they don't mess stuff up. * The `M2Tile` class is the actual tile, and **this** is the actual SpriteKit class. If all you want is some sample code for SpriteKit, here it is. I believe my animations are smoother than the other 2048 on the App Store, and are closer to the original animation. * The `M2GlobalState` class is a global class accessible from anywhere in the universe. Well, global stuff is evil, right? At least so we are told. But, it is at least better to encapsulate the global stuff into one single object (namespace), and that's a singleton right there. * The `M2Theme` class and its subclasses control the theme. * There are also some controller classes and view classes. It's probably a better idea to do the Game Over scene in SpriteKit, but I was lazy so I faked it using a view. The `M2GridView` class is the one that draws the board, btw. ### Contributing If you'd like to contribute, great! That's more than welcome. If you do make improvements to it, remember to put yourself in the "About 2048" page to get yourself credit. If you'd like to fork and make your own version, that's also great! Feel free to tinker with it however you'd like. It may not be a terribly good idea to change the font, add some ads, and submit to Apple, though. #### Contributors * Danqing Liu (me) * [Scott Matthewman]( * [Sihao Lu]( ## Licence and Other 2048 for iOS is licenced under the MIT license. If you find the source code somewhat useful, all I ask is to download it from the [App Store](!/id848859070?ls=1&mt=8), so I know that *someone* has seen it. Relax: It is free; it does not have any ads or weird stuff; it does not send you push notifications to ask you to go back and play it. You may also consider to [donate]( to the maker of the original 2048 if you'd like, of course. (:
1,01.zipMFC Extension LibraryMFC扩展界面库, 使用Visual C++ 6.0(15KB)2,02.zipVisual Studio style UIVisual Studio风格的界面效果(15KB)3,03.zipInternet Explorer 4 style UIIE4.0风格的界面效果(29KB)4,04.zipOutlook Style UIOutlook风格的界面效果(16KB)5,05.zipDynamic child window repositioning动态改变对话框的大小, 对话框中的控件相应改变(15KB)6,06.zipEnhanced list control增强的List控件(43KB)7,07.zipCDialog using animated control在CDialog中使用动画(12KB)8,08.zipOpen Dialog with Bitmap Preview位图预览的打开文件对话框(43KB)9,09.zipStandard file open dialog with preview标准位图预览的打开文件对话框(24KB)10,10.zipBitmap Dialog Class位图对话框类(13KB)11,11.zipClass for Browsing shell namespace with your own dialog显示目录的树型结构, 可用于目录的选择(31KB)12,12.zipUsing ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI with dialogs在对话框中使用ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(13KB)13,13.zipUsing ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI with dialogs (2)使用ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(11KB)14,14.zipModeless child dialog in a Main Dialog with corrected tab order非模式对话框在主对话框中的TAB顺序(21KB)15,15.zipCostumizing CFileDialog定制的CFileDialog(22KB)16,16.zipAttaching Elements to Borders一个可以在对话框中改变按纽位置、大小的容器(26KB)17,17.zipScrolling credits dialog滚动信用对话框(12KB)18,18.zipColor Dialog with Persistent Custom Colors对话框继承了上一次的颜色风格(12KB)19,19.zipA Base Dialog Class for Modal/Modeless Dialog with Custom Background Color自定义背景的对话框(13KB)20,20.zipParse IP addresses解析IP地址(12KB)21,21.zipParse phone fields解析电话区域(11KB)22,22.zipChanging the default file open/save dialogs in an MFC doc/view application初始化对话框和支持动态数据交换(DDX)(15KB)23,23.zipDialog with Splash Screen Example Code...Splash对话框的例子(18KB)24,24.zipClass to select directory选择目录的类(13KB)25,25.zipClass to select directory (Enhancements)增强的选择目录的类(12KB)26,26.zipDirectory Picker Dialog目录采集对话框(42KB)27,27.zipSimple way to change dialog's background and text colors改变对话框背景颜色和文字颜色的简单途径(11KB)28,28.zipA Simple Dialog Layout Manager一个简单的对话框设计管理器(19KB)29,29.zipUsing Buttons on a Dialog Bar with CCmdUI通过CCmdUI在对话框条中使用按纽(19KB)30,30.zipDisplay help for dialog controls on the status bar在状态条中显示对话框中控件的帮助信息(12KB)31,31.zipDragging a dialog by clicking anywhere on it点击任何地方拖动对话框(11KB)32,32.zipSplash screen with text on it that uses its own thread通过自己的线程在Splash对话框中显示文字(136KB)33,33.zipCreating an expanding dialog创建一个可扩展的对话框(15KB)34,34.zipExpanding/Contracting Dialog Box扩展/缩小对话框(24KB)35,35.zipCFileDialog class that only displays folders让CFileDialog只显示目录(很有用)(2KB)36,36.zipFolder Browsing Dialog目录浏览对话框(3KB)37,37.zipFont dialog with custom text preview & color字体对话框中增加字体和颜色的预览(12KB)38,38.zipEmbedding an HTML Help window into a dialog嵌入一个超文本(HTML)的帮助窗口到对话框中(22KB)39,39.zipDialog which can be used as MDI child window使用MDI子窗口的对话框(13KB)40,40.zipConvert modal dialogs to modeless将模式对话框转换成非模式对话框(12KB)41,41.zipNetscape 4.x Preferences Dialog类似Netscape 4.x参数选择的对话框(7KB)42,42.zipHandling OnUpdate() processing for menu itemsOnUpdate()处理菜单项(5KB)43,43.zipOptions Tree Dialog树状的配置对话框(25KB)44,44.zipCustomizing the font dialog定制的字体对话框(4KB)45,45.zipSizable dialogs at its easiest轻松改变对话框的大小(5KB)46,46.zipA Snap Size Dialog Class一个捕获对话框大小的类(5KB)47,47.zipCSplitterWnd in a Dialog based Application一个基于对话框的应用(6KB)48,48.zipSplash Screen with 256 color support支持256色的Splash对话框(7KB)49,49.zipSubselection Dialog 子项选择的对话框(5KB)50,50.zipSwitching dialog boxes in a dialog-based application在基于对话框应用中切换对话框(5KB)51,51.zipBetter Tip of the Day dialog典型的Did you konw...对话框(26KB)52,52.zipToolbars and Statusbars on Dialogs在对话框中增加工具条和状态条(7KB)53,53.zipTooltips in modal dialog boxes在模式对话框中实现工具提示(6KB)54,54.zipTooltips for dialog controls实现对话框控件的工具提示(4KB)55,55.zipTransparent Dialog透明的对话框(5KB)56,56.zipViewing Dialog Template Resources at Runtime运行时看对话框模板资源(5KB)57,57.zipAlternative Wizard Dialog一个Wizard对话框, 在安装程序中也有用(5KB)58,58.zipAVLTree实现AVL(Addison-Velski and Landis)树结构(5KB)59,59.zipTemplate class to manipulate bits of undefined type一个操作未知类型的模板库(5KB)60,60.zipBlowfish EncryptionBlowfish加密算法加密(4KB)61,61.zipBlowfish encryption classBlowfish加密类(5KB)62,62.zipExpression Evaluation数学公式识别类(5KB)63,63.zipA Y2.038K-Safe Replacement for CTimeCTime的替换类(5KB)64,64.zipIterating through List Containers关于List容器的话题(5KB)65,65.zipLexical Analyser词汇分析(8KB)66,66.zipLocales and Facets in Visual C++VC++的许多细节话题(10KB)67,67.zipA Generalized Parsing Class for MFC一个普通的MFC解析类(5KB)68,69.zipCreating Singleton Objects using Visual C++使用VC++创建一个单独的对象(9KB)69,69.zipSmart Pointers and other Pointer classes指针类(5KB)70,70.zipSortable CObArray class对CObArray类排序(5KB)71,71.zipSortable CObList class对CObList类排序(6KB)72,72.zipExtension to the STL find_if and for_each扩充STL库(5KB)73,73.zipChange from child window to popup window (and back) 将一个子窗口改成弹出式窗口(5KB)74,74.zipRestoring Window Position With Multiple Monitors在多层监视器中恢复窗口的位置(5KB)75,75.zipTransparent Window透明的窗口(6KB)76,CenterMDIWnd_demo.zipCenter CMDIChildWnds in the client area of the main frame window(151KB)77,TabbedMDI.zipA variation on the MDI that indicates the open child windows in a tab control. (400KB)78,AdvancedPrev.zipA simple class that helps provide faster Print Preview within MFC Doc/View applications(38KB)79,mditab.zipA dockable bar containing a tabbed list of open windows(91KB)80,CloseUnusedDocs_src.zipClosing unused MDI documents with 1 line of code(2KB)81,graphfx_demo.zipA Doc/View framework for displaying graphical data(192KB)82,WindowsManager.zipImplementing "Windows..." dialog(39KB)83,MultiMRUList_src.zipThis article describes how to maintain the separate MRU list for each document type that is needed in some applications(26KB)84,MultiTop.zipAllows an application to have multiple top-level windows. (22KB)85,PersistFrames.zipA collection of classes that allows MFC SDI and MDI applications to remember the positions and sizes of their main frame and child frame windows. (71KB)86,step0.zipA series of articles that resulted from experimenting with adding Drag and Drop features to my existing application. (16KB)87,undo.zipEasily add Undo/Redo to your CDocument/CView Based Applciation(2KB)88,PropertyView.zipA "Property Sheet"-like view class for MFC (108KB)89,DocViewWTL.zipA library that provides the easiest way to get loosely coupled components. (156KB)90,Dialog2.zipA step by step tutorial showing how to create your first windows program using MFC(112KB)91,MyMDIApp.zipA brief step-by-step tutorial that demonstrates creating an SDI and MDI based applications using the MFC Doc/View architecture.(54KB)92,sditutorial_demo.zipA brief step-by-step tutorial that demonstrates creating an SDI based application that does not use the MFC Doc/View architecture.(15KB)93,QuickWin.zipRedirect stdin, stdout and stderr into a window(125KB)94,GradientTitleBar.zipThis article shows you how to give your Win95/NT4 modeless dialogs a Win98/W2K like gradient title bar.(42KB)95,MsgBoxDemo.zipThe system Message Box that is closed atuomatically after some time(21KB)96,step1.zipSimple step by step article explaining how to create a modeless dialog box as child window.(21KB)97,step2.zipSimple step by step article explaining how to create a modeless dialog box as sibling of the app's main window.(22KB)98,ResizableDialog.zipA CDialog derived class to implement resizable dialogs with MFC (98KB)99,CenterAnywhere_demo.zipThis is a good replacement for CWnd::CenterWindow() that works. (43KB)100,CardDialog.zipA auto-sizing dialog used to store and display smaller child dialogs(22KB)101,scrolling_credits.zipA Scrolling Credits Dialog(209KB)102,snapdialog.zipDialog class that implement a snap-to-screen-border feature like Winamp(16KB)103,messagebox.zipA class which encapsulates MessageBoxIndirect.(18KB)104,rfldlg.zipThis article demonstrates how to add a recent file list to a dialog based application(25KB)105,dialogspl_demo.zipSplash screens are not only for Doc/View based applications(142KB)106,CClockCtrl_src.zipA Freeware MFC class to display an analog clock.(17KB)107,ChildDlg.zipChild Dialog (Sub Forms)(29KB)108,CIconDialog_src.zipA Freeware MFC dialog class to select an icon.(12KB)109,CPushPinFrame_src.zipA Freeware MFC PushPin property page dialog class.(19KB)110,showhide.zipA neat way to show/hide groups of related controls(13KB)111,ResizeCtrl.zipA resize control to implement resizable dialogs with MFC(38KB)112,DDXFile_src.zipA Freeware DDX routine for selecting a filename.(29KB)113,DynWindow_src.zipDescribes a method to implement resizable child windows.(108KB)114,DynamicDialog.zipCreate dialogs dynamically, and easily, without the need for a dialog resource script.(40KB)115,DlgExpand.zipThis article shows gives you the ability to make your dialogs expand or contract, depending on how much information the user wishes to view(15KB)116,TipDemo.zipImproved Tip-of-the-Day Dialog(149KB)117,layoutmgr.zipA framework to provide automatic layout control for dialogs and forms(101KB)118,MainWndPlacement.zipSave/restore the main window size at application exit/startup with a single function call in MDI, SDI and dialog based applications.(29KB)119,sizer_demo.zipAn article on extendable layout management classes(27KB)120,Splasher_src.zipAn improved splash screen component for MFC.(62KB)121,StackDialog.zipCreating a stacked dialog such as Netscape's 'Preferences' dialog(22KB)122,bitmappreviewdialog_src.zipThis article describes a completely object oriented standard file open dialog with preview.(12KB)123,subselect_dialog.zipSubselection Dialog(123KB)124,TabDialog.zipA docking dialog that auto-expands when the mouse passes over it(35KB)125,TcxMsgBox.zipTCX Message Box (derived from CWnd)(35KB)126,ToolTips.zipA demonstration of how to show tooltips in modal dialog bozes(23KB)127,UpdateModalDlg_demo.zipHow to update a modal dialog contents using a callback function(17KB)128,WinampWnd_demo.zipAn article discussing a Plugin for Nullsoft Winamp which looks and behaves like the Winamp UI.(43KB)129,Skins.zipA mini library to build Bitmap based skinnable apps.(174KB)130,FaderWnd_demo.zipAn MFC class to fade any window with only one line of code.(28KB)131,Win2kFileDlg.zipEver wanted to use the new Office 2000 file dialogs on Win 95/98/NT/Me, including the file previewing? Well now you can.(76KB)132,win2000fd.zipHow to show the new Common File Dialog in MFC Apps in Windows 2000(36KB)133,Wizard2000.zipCreate Windows 2000 style Wizards with white backgrounds(109KB)134,FileExportDialog.zipAdding filters to the Open File dialog(24KB)135,customize_dialog.zipCustomizing the Windows Common File Open Dialog(15KB)136,SelectFolder.zipThe windows 'Select Folder' dialog with some extra functionality(41KB)137,animate_dlg.zipAnimated Icon on Titlebar of a Dialog based Application(34KB)138,BmpDlg.zipBitmap Dialog Class(52KB)139,namespace.zipClass for Browsing shell namespace with your own dialog(78KB)140,OnUpdate_demo.zipHandling OnUpdate() processing for menu items(10KB)141,DialogUpdates.zipUsing ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI with all controls in a Dialog(18KB)142,override.zipCustomizing the font dialog(4KB)143,cmdlg.zipCostumizing CFileDialog(31KB)144,custom_open.zipCustom Open File or Save as Dialog(25KB)145,ColorFormView.zipCFormView Class with Custom Background Color(33KB)146,Banner.zipAnimated Background Banner(88KB)147,MDIClient.zipA Custom MDI Client Class(42KB)148,html_help_view.zipHTML Help In CView Window(5KB)149,MDIPreview_demo.zipPrint Preview in MDI Frame(20KB)150,zoom_scale.zipAdd Zoom and Scale Capabilities to CScrollView(338KB)151,autopan.zipAuto-Panning Windows(44KB)152,autopan2.zipMicrosoft Internet Explorer like Intellimouse AutoScroll(42KB)153,intellipan.zipIntellimouse panning (improved Auto-Panning Windows)(5KB)154,intellipan2.zipIntellimouse panning 2 (A universal Auto-Panning solution)(12KB)155,bigscroll.zipBreaking the CScrollView 32768 size limitation with CBigScrollView(90KB)156,variable_splitter.zipVariable splitter views(58KB)157,TabbedViews_src.zipTabbed Views(78KB)158,animate_icon_src.zipAnimated Icon on Titlebar of a window(48KB)159,msdi1632.zipMultiSingle (MSDI) Document interface(77KB)160,msdidao.zipMultiSingle (MSDI) Document interface with DAO doc(508KB)161,ScreenSwitch_demo.zipMultiple Views Using SDI(26KB)162,multiview.zipMultiple views for a single document (MDI) 3(86KB)163,WinMenu_demo.zipHome made MDI windows list in Window menu(21KB)164,SdiMulti.zipSDI Interface with Multi-Views and Multi-Splitters(88KB)165,DocViewInDll_demo.zipSeparating the views of an MDI application into different DLLs(60KB)166,MultiFrame_demo.zipMultiple frame windows in SDI application(76KB)167,mrcext.zipResizable Docking Window(862KB)168,sizing.zipSizing TabControlBar(46KB)169,devstudio.zipAnother DevStudio-alike DialogBar(43KB)170,docking.zipResizable Docking Window 2(98KB)171,simple_splitter.zipGeneral Purpose Splitter Class(43KB)172,cxysplitter.zipA pair of splitter classes used in dialogbox(21KB)173,dynamic_splitter.zipSplitter Window - "True" dynamic splitter window(52KB)174,outlook_style.zipOutook Style Splitter Bar(59KB)175,minsplit.zipMinimum size splitter(36KB)176,scrbsplt.zipRemoving and reapplying splitter windows on-the-fly in Scribble with a custom splitter window class(157KB)177,switchviews_in_splitter.zipSwitching views in splitter panes (SDI)(44KB)178,rulers_src.zipImplementing Rulers inside of Splitter Panes(5KB)179,dynamic1.zipDifferent Views In Dynamic Splitter(202KB)180,dialogstartupanimation.zipThis sample shows you how to create dialog startup animation like that of Window 98'menu(18KB)181,yqeditgridcontrol.zipa grid control that enable keyboard input. That is to say, you can write data in it. (31KB)182,switchmdiviews.zipThis sample shows you how to switch from one view to the other in a MDI splitter window application(31KB) 183,yqmdireplaceview.zipThis sample shows you how to replace different views in a MDI splitter window application(36KB) 184,switchview.zipThis sample shows you how to switch from one MDI window to another by using the "Ctrl Tab" key.(29KB) 185,filterreturnkey.zipThis sample shows you how to trap, filter the ENTER and ESCAPE key of a dialog box (17KB)186,filterkey.zipThis sample shows you how to filter a certain key and mask that key(18KB)187,editenter.zipThis sample shows you how to use RETURN key to switch among edit controls of a dialog box(18KB)188,dialoghook.zipThis sample shows you how to set keyboard hook function of a dialog box to trap RETURN ,ESCAPE key.(17KB) 189,contexthelp.zipThis sample shows you how to create context sensitive help of a control of a dialog box(26KB) 190,traparrokey.zipThis sample describes how to trap arrow keys in an control of a dialog box (18KB)191,yqadvancedbtn.zipOwner draw hot button support both bitmap and icon, with flat, gripper property. (108KB)192,drawlistbo.zipOwner draw CTabCtrl with flat gripper property (40KB)193,startupanimation.zipCreate Window startup animation, including several kind of animation style, very interesting(23KB) 194,flatlistbox.zipusing a unique way to implement flat attribute( other than those published on the codegurn), as well as hot ,gripper attribute.(21KB) 195,yqhoteditctrl.zipCreate edit control with Hot , flat, gripper. separator attributes (21KB)196,3dmdishadow.zipCreate 3D shadow of a MDI frame windows(32KB) 197,3dsdishadow.zipCreate 3D shadow of a SDI frame windows(29KB)198,getfile.zipA DDX routine for MFC to retrieve filenames(29KB)199,splasher.zipAn improved splash screen component for MFC(62KB)200,pushpin.zipA pushpin button MFC class(12KB)201,getfolder.zipA DDX routine for MFC to retrieve folders(30KB)202,ntray.zipAn MFC class to manipulate tray icons(17KB)203,hlinkctrl.zipAn MFC class to support hyperlinks on windows and dialogs(16KB)204,icondialog.zipAn icon selection dialog class for MFC(12KB)205,pushpinframe.zipAn MFC class to provide property dialogs ala Developer Studio(16KB)206,mappin.zipAn MFC class to implement map pins(286KB)207,iconcombobox.zip2 MFC classes to implement icon selection combo boxes(19KB)208,menuex_demo.zipImplementing an Ownerdrawn menu (35KB)209,bcmenu261.zipCool Owner Drawn Menus with BitmapsVersion 2.61(70KB)210,dynmenu.zipSome handy functions for adding and deleting submenus and menuitems in runtime (16KB)211,gradientmenu.zipCreate Popup menus in MFC with a gradient and text on the left side (89KB)212,menuicon_demo.zipGive your apps a unique look by adding a logo to your menu(48KB)213,bcgbappwizard.zipBCGControlBar library version 4.6(2121KB)214,mpcstatusbar.zipAn enhanced CStatusBar to easily and dynamically add/remove controls on a status bar (48KB)215,textonlystatusbar.zipAn easy to use and implement Text Only Status Bar with Tool tip text extracted from the status bar panes. (39KB)216,progressbar.zipShowing progress bar in a status bar pane(33KB)217,sizecbar_src.zipDevStudio-like docking window (64KB)218,sizing_tabct1_demo.zipCreates a dockable and resizable control bar. (46KB)219,dockview.zipA fairly simple way to incoporate views into sizing control bars(69KB)220,spin_slide_toolbar.zipHow to create toolbars with spinners and/or sliders(48KB)221,tearoffrebars_prj.zipThis article Implements the functionality similar to the Office 2000 toolbars(26KB)222,flatbar.zipA flat toolbar implementation that does not require the updated common controls library from Internet Explorer. (197KB)223,toolbar_droparrow_demo.zipDemonstrates how to use the new toolbar styles to add dropdown arrows to toolbar buttons (28KB)224,dynamictb.zipA simple tutorial that shows how to dynamically replace toolbars at runtime (35KB)225,toolbar_docking_demo.zipDemonstrates how to dock toolbars side-by-side (29KB)226,tapetoolbar.zipA spectacular variation on toolbars (35KB)227,chevions.zipAn introduction to using the cool new toolbar chevrons (18KB)228,toolgroupmanager.zipA reusable template class for managing multiple toolbars, only one of which is displayed at a time(30KB)229,toolbar_hotbuttons_demo.zipDemonstrates how to add rollover buttons to your toolbar(30KB)230,toolbar.zipWTL Tool Bar Drop-Down Extension(64KB)231,win95asm.zipIntroduction to Menus(113KB)232,outbar.zipCGfxOutBarCtrl, an Outlook98 bar-like control(163KB)233,tabstatus.zipAdvanced UI - MDI list in the status bar (and a custom Window List dialog)(62KB)234,gfxlist.zipList Control - Enhanced list control(1544KB)235,maillook.zipInternet Mail Look(42KB)236,cdxcdynamic.zipDynamic child window repositioning for dialogs, property sheets, form views and any other CWnd derived classes. (227KB)237,voicecmd.zipVoice Command Enabling Your Software (27KB)238,cj60lib.zipMFC Extension Library - CJ60 Version 6.07(1100KB)239,infobar.zipInformation Bar (62KB)240,switcher.zipA Switcher Control (like the Windows Task Bar) (40KB)
使用方法: 1、解压至C:\Program Files目录下(密码:xiaoqing); 2、双击导入注册表C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\bcgcontrolbarpro.12.00.reg; 3、运行向导C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBProIntegrationWizard.exe。 与其它不同之处: 1、包含完整的源代码、帮助文件; 2、已经对 BCGPAppWizard2005 中的向导进行汉化,在 Visual Studio 2008(2010) 中可使用中文向导 BCGPAppWizard (参考 Visual Studio 2008 原有的中文向导,如果您想学习汉化向导,参考目录是:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\VCWizards\AppWiz\MFC\Application\templates\2052) 关于静态链接: 1、首先必须在运行向导BCGCBProIntegrationWizard.exe时已经编译静态库; 2、在 Visual Studio 建立项目向导时,选择静态链接即可。 关于使用 Office2007、2010 风格: 如果您使用了这些新风格,必须在项目中包括这些资源,否则 debug 版本启动时会报错(缺少资源,release版本不会提示,但显示不正常),具体有二种方法: 1、直接在“解决方案资源管理器”-“资源文件”中点右键,“添加”-“现有项”,把C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles中所有扩展名为 .rc 的资源包括进来即可。 2、直接在“资源视图”-“您的项目”上点右键,选择“资源包括”,在“资源包括”中的“编译时指令”中的#include "BCGCBPro.rc"后面添加以下代码: #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Aqua.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Luna.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Obsidian.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Silver.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2010White.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyleCarbon.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyleScenic.rc" 3、如果使用动态库链接,请手工编译C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\Office2007_styles.sln或者build_all.dsp 仅为学习使用,下载后24小时内删除,请支持 BCGSoft 购买正版,本人不提供技术支持,不对任何负责。 尊重他人劳动成果,欢迎与大家分享成果。 官方更新说明: Version 12.0. Released 01/20/2010 New features CBCGPVisualManager2010 implements Microsoft Office 2010 Beta 1 color themes: Blue theme (see screenshot) Black theme (see screenshot) Silver theme (see screenshot) Just activate CBCGPVisualManager2010 to use these new themes in your application: CBCGPVisualManager::SetDefaultManager (RUNTIME_CLASS (CBCGPVisualManager2010)); Please run BCGPMSOffice2007Demo, DrawCli or BCGPOrganizer to see this feature in action. Added Microsoft Office 2010-style Ribbon Backstage View (see screenshot). The following new methods were added to CBCGPRibbonBar class: SetBackstageMode: enables/disables Backstage View mode. IsBackstageMode: returns TRUE if Backstage View mode is enabled. AddBackstageCategory: creates Backstage View category. GetBackstageCategory: returns Backstage View category. IsBackstageViewActive: returns TRUE if Backstage View is currently active. By default, the Ribbon Application button will be displayed with the default (blue) color, but developers can customize its appearance by calling visual manager's new method 'SetMainButtonColor' (see screenshot). CBCGPRibbonBar::AddBackstageCategory returns a pointer to the new class object - CBCGPRibbonBackstageViewPanel. Usually, you'll need to call the following class methods to create your backstage view: AddCommand: add a single command button such as "Save", "Save As" or "Exit". AddView: add a button with attached right-side form ("Print", "Recent Files" and so on). There are 2 new classes that should be used for implementing right-side views: CBCGPRibbonBackstageViewItemForm: a single page dialog CBCGPRibbonBackstageViewItemPropertySheet: multi-page Please note that our Application Wizards were updated and now, when you're creating a new, Ribbon-based application, you can choose "Backstage view" option (see screenshot) and initial backstage view code will be automatically generated for your pleasure!. The Ribbon bar Application ("main") Button can display a text label instead of icon in the "scenic" mode (usually "File" in English language UI). The following new methods were added to the CBCGPRibbonMainButton class: SetScenicText GetScenicText Implemented ability to add Ribbon Galleries to the dialogs (see screenshot). The new class CBCGPRibbonGalleryCtrl may be used for this purpose. Please take a look at BCGPMSOffice2007Demo example (Backstage view pages) to see this new control in action. Implemented Resizable Dialogs support (see screenshot1 and screenshot2): Added 2 new classes: CBCGPControlsLayout: implements the base class for all layout managers. CBCGPStaticLayout: implements "static" layout management based on anchors. To enable layout support, you've to call EnableLayout/GetLayout methods in the following classes: CBCGPDialog CBCGPDialogBar CBCGPropertyPage CBCGPFormView Please run ResizableForm new sample to see this feature in action. In addition, you can see this feature in the following examples and samples: BCGPMSOffice2007Demo: "Clipboard" Pane and Backstage view. BCGPOrganizer: resizable dialog bar. RibbonGadgets: backstage view. ToolBoxDemo: resizable form Significantly improved CBCGPVisualManagerVS2010 (see screenshot): The color scheme is identical to Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. Added a new Smart Docking style (BCGP_SDT_VS2010). You can run BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo example to examine this look. Added content scrolling support to CBCGPDockingControlBar-derived classes (see screenshot). By default, the scrolling is implemented in CBCGPDialogBar class only, but you can easily add this support to any CBCGPDockingControlBar-derived class (please take a look at BCGPGridExample example, COutputBar class). CBCGPDockingBarScrollButton class implements docking pane scroll button (vertical and horizontal) and its look depends on the currently activated visual manager. Calculator control has been significantly improved: All calculator buttons are drawn using built-in bitmaps and use visual manager appearance (see screenshot). Implemented extended commands. Using a new method CBCGPCalculator::SetExtendedCommands developers can add a lot of build-in calculator commands such as idCommandAdvSin, idCommandAdvCos, idCommandAdvTan and others. CBCGPRibbonComboBox allows to display a popup calculator window. Just call CBCGPRibbonComboBox::EnableCalculator method to assign a calculator to the ribbon combobox. Override a new 'OnCalculatorUserCommand' method to implement your calculator commands. Please take a look at BCGPControls example and RibbonGadgets/SkinnedDialog samples to see these new features in action. The following new methods were added to CBCGPVisualManager class: OnDrawDockingBarScrollButton OnDrawCaptionBarCloseButton GetHeaderCtrlTextColor OnFillPropSheetHeaderArea OnDrawDateTimeDropButton GetCalculatorButtonTextColor GetEditCtrlSelectionBkColor GetEditCtrlSelectionTextColor OnDrawDlgSizeBox OnFillRibbonBackstageForm OnDrawRibbonMinimizeButtonImage GetRibbonMinimizeButtonImageSize GetRibbonButtonsGroupHorzMargin IsDrawRibbonGroupSeparator OnDrawRibbonGroupSeparator GetRibbonBackstageTopLineHeight OnDrawRibbonBackstageTopLine SetMainButtonColor GetMainButtonColor IsOwnerDrawDlgSeparator OnDrawDlgSeparator CBCGPPropertySheet has a new mode: PropSheetLook_AeroWizard (see screenshot). In general, this mode has been designed and implemented for Vista/Windows 7 Aero, but you can use it in any OSs/modes (see screenshot). The glass (aero) area can be combined with a page header - we've added a new optional parameter 'bDrawHeaderOnAeroCaption' to EnablePageHeader method. Please take a look at PropSheetDemo sample to see this mode. Added support for the Internet Explorer-like new tab in CBCGPTabWnd class (see screenshot). Call EnableNewTab method to enable this feature. Please take a look BCGPIE7Demo example to see this feature in action. Grid and Report controls changes: Added option to select items by clicks on grid header: New header flag BCGP_GRID_HEADER_SELECT. Implemented color themes for the new visual managers such as CBCGPVisualManager2010 (Office 2010-like) and CBCGPVisualManagerVS2010 (Visual Studio 2010-like) (see screenshot). Improved grid printing support. The following new classes were added: CBCGPGridPage class: this class is used by the grid control to store print pages. A print page specifies which area of the grid is printed at the specified page. The grid counts in items in vertical direction. The grid counts in pixels in horizontal direction. CBCGPGridPageInfo class: This class is used by the grid control to store information about the printing range and the currently printing page. It is stored in CBCGPGridCtrl::m_PrintParams::m_pageInfo member and in CPrintInfo::m_lpUserData member of the CPrintInfo object used while printing at the current print session. Added an option to deselect items. To deselect an item please use SetCurSel with SM_INVERT_SEL flag. New functions were added: CBCGPGridCtrl::EnableInvertSelOnCtrl CBCGPGridCtrl::IsInvertSelOnCtrlEnabled Changes in header click events: New BCGM_GRID_COLUMN_CLICK message. Added CBCGPGridCtrl::OnHeaderColumnRClick. Modified CBCGPGridCtrl::OnHeaderColumnClick. Items align support: New CBCGPGridItem::GetAlign function. Item's alignment is specified by CBCGPGridCtrl::SetColumnAlign. Grid horizontal pagination support. Added CBCGPGridPage::m_nWidth - page width, CBCGPGridPageInfo::m_nPageWidth - width of currently printed page. See CBCGPGridPage class, CBCGPGridPageInfo class. Drag-and-Drop support (see new "Drag and Drop" tab in BCGPGridExample sample): New message BCGM_GRID_BEGINDRAG. Added methods EnableDragSelection, IsDragSelectionEnabled, EnableDragSelectionBorder, IsDragSelectionBorderEnabled, StartDragItems and HitTestSelectionBorder. Extended in-place edit customization support (see new "Easy Input" tab in BCGPGridExample sample): New messages BCGM_GRID_ITEM_BEGININPLACEEDIT, BCGM_GRID_ITEM_ENDINPLACEEDIT. New functions OnBeginInplaceEdit, OnEndInplaceEdit, CanBeginInplaceEditOnChar, CanEndInplaceEditOnChar, OnInplaceEditKeyDown, OnInplaceEditSetSel. New BCGPGRID_ITEM_INFO::dwResultCode member. See BCGPGRID_ITEM_INFO struct. New method SetClearInplaceEditOnEnter. Call SetClearInplaceEditOnEnter (FALSE) to disable grid from clearing content of the item on Enter. Added CBCGPGridCtrl::GoToNextItem method. CBCGPGridCtrl::EnsureVisible is now virtual. Added navigation by TAB (Shift+TAB) key. Added "Ctrl+Z" (Undo) handler for in-place edit of the grid item. Changes in CBCGPGridCtrl::SetCurSel for SM_SET_ACTIVE_ITEM style. Grid item with combo-box now supports F4 to open drop-down list. Added a new parameter CBCGPMDITabParams::m_bReuseRemovedTabGroups. If this flag is TRUE MDI tab groups which were marked as removed will be used for new groups. This reduces memory consumption for applications that frequently create and remove groups. Added OpenType font support for font combo boxes. Added keyboard and MS Active Accessibility support to CBCGPTasksPane class. CBCGPEditCtrl::ExportBuffer has a new optional parameter 'BOOL bForceAnsi'. Setting it to TRUE forces exporting editor's text in ANSI format. CBCGPRibbonStatusBarPane constructor and SetAnimationList method have a new optional parameter 'BOOL bDontScaleInHighDPIMode'. Set it to TRUE if you don't need to scale pane image in the High DPI mode. When user clicks on the glass area of CBCGPExplorerToolBar window, the application window is moved now. Added CBCGPCalendarBar::GetState method - returns the calendar style flags specified in SetState method. CBCGPRibbonEdit displays a drop-down window upon pressing F4 key. Added CBCGPShellManager::IsControlPanel method. Added new font 'fontCaption' to BCGPGLOBAL_DATA. This font will be useful for displaying caption texts. CBCGPStatic has a new member: m_clrText. You can set this member to colorize text labels (see SkinnedDialog sample). New method CBCGPDockManager::ShowFloatingBars shows/hides floating panes. CBCGPListBox control can work with left-side icons and item group headers now. The following new methods were added: SetImageList: set items image list SetItemImage: associate item with a specific icon AddCaption: add a group caption Changes in examples and samples: BCGPControls: "Calculator" page demonstrates new calculator features BCGPGridExample: added new visual managers and new 2 tabs: "Drag and Drop" and "Easy Input" BCGPIE7Demo: the tab control was fully redesigned and derived from the library MDI Tab control. BCGPMSOffice2007Demo: added MS Office 2010 Backstage view. "Clipboard" pane demonstrates a new layout manager. BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo: Start Page view can be converted to docking control bar. DrawCli: added MS Office 2010 Backstage view and new visual managers. PropSheetDemo: added Aero Wizard demonstration. ResizableForm: new sample, demonstrates how to use a new layout manager along with dialogs, dialog bars, property sheets and form views. RibbonGadgets: added MS Office 2010 Backstage view and edit boxes with calculator. SkinnedDialog: added edit box with calculator and text labels with a custom colors. Changes in the Ribbon Designer: Added "Calculator" element. Support for three new styles introduced in Microsoft Office 2010 (blue, silver, black) Ribbon elements can be edited by double click. Image lists can be loaded from files. Implemented icon editing for Palette (Gallery) Buttons. Fixes: FireChangingActiveTab is called from CBCGPOutlookWnd::SetActiveTab now. Fixed resource leak in CBCGPUserTool::DrawToolIcon Fixed problem with a slider's thumb location in CBCGPRibbonSlider::SetThumbRect in the High DPI mode. Improved appearance of the calendar drop-down button in CBCGPDateTimeCtrl. Fixed problem with setting editbox auto-complete mode in Windows 9x/NT4 CBCGP***FrameWnd::WinHelp dwData parameter has DWORD_PTR type now. This fixes 64-bit compatibility issue with this virtual method. Fixed memory leak in CBCGPPngImage::LoadFromBuffer (VS.NET 2003 or higher, BCGP_EXCLUDE_GDI_PLUS is defined). CBCGPGroup is properly handles WM_SETTEXT message now. CBCGPCalendar always closes dropped-down month picker when the calendar is being destroyed. CBCGPRibbonEdit::OnDraw correctly draws edit box label in case of center/right-side control alignment. Fixed appearance of CBCGPExCheckList items in the high DPI mode (under VC++ 6.0). Fixed problem with displaying disabled check boxes (CBCGPButton class) when some visual managers are activated. Fixed problem with CBCGPHeaderCtrl items text color when some visual managers are activated. Fixed problem with vertical scrolling of elements in CBCGPRibbonPanel::OnKey. CBCGPEdit correctly draws a browse button image and text when control is located on the glass (aero) area. CBCGPEdit uses visual manager color them when control has ES_READONLY style. CBCGPStatic doesn't perform the custom drawing if it has a style like icon, rectangle or frame. CBCGPPropertySheet: fixed some problems with repositioning and redrawing navigation buttons. Fixed some visual problems in owner-draw frame/dialog captions. Ribbon Main Button scenic icon is correctly painted in high DPI mode now. Fixed problem with text alignment in grid columns. CBCGPGridCtrl::SetColumnAlign is working properly now. Fixed bug with using different horizontal color and vertical color for the grid lines. The m_clrVertLine setting did not work when m_bGridItemBorders flag was switched on. Fixed problem with clicking on CBCGPGridURLItem in read-write mode. Fixed a bug with automatic sizing of grid columns. The bug appeared when auto-sizing was enabled with EnableColumnAutoSize(TRUE). Fixed bug with "Ctrl+A" for in-place editing of grid items. "Ctrl+A" selects all text inside in-place editor during in-place editing, instead of the entire grid as before. Fixed memory leak in CBCGPGridCtrl::CopyHtmlToClipboardInternal. Ribbon Designer supports Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 projects.



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