
dreameasy 2004-03-25 02:21:43

243 3 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
3 条回复
NoneSoVile 2004-03-26
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DarthVader 2004-03-25
  • 打赏
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hell190109 2004-03-25
  • 打赏
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d}),r.d(e,"b",function(){return h});var s="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},l={trace:i,debug:i,log:i,warn:i,info:i,error:i},u=l,d=function(t){if(!0===t||"object"===(void 0===t?"undefined":s(t))){o(t,"debug","log","info","warn","error");try{u.log()}catch(t){u=l}}else u=l},h=u},function(t,e,r){"use 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strict";function i(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}var a=function(){function t(){i(this,t)}return t.isHeader=function(t,e){return e+10<=t.length&&73;===t[e]&&68;===t[e+1]&&51;===t[e+2]&&t[e+3]<255&&t[e+4]<255&&t[e+6]<128&&t[e+7]<128&&t[e+8]<128&&t[e+9]<128},t.isFooter=function(t,e){return e+10<=t.length&&51;===t[e]&&68;===t[e+1]&&73;===t[e+2]&&t[e+3]<255&&t[e+4]<255&&t[e+6]<128&&t[e+7]<128&&t[e+8]<128&&t[e+9]0)return e.subarray(i,i+a)},t._readSize=function(t,e){var r=0;return r=(127&t[e])<<21,r|=(127&t[e+1])<<14,r|=(127&t[e+2])<<7,r|=127&t[e+3]},t.getTimeStamp=function(e){for(var r=t.getID3Frames(e),i=0;itStreamTimestamp"===t.info},t._getFrameData=function(e){var r=String.fromCharCode(e[0],e[1],e[2],e[3]),i=t._readSize(e,4);return{type:r,size:i,data:e.subarray(10,10+i)}},t.getID3Frames=function(e){for(var r=0,i=[];t.isHeader(e,r);){var a=t._readSize(e,r+6);r+=10;for(var n=r+a;r+84){case 0:return i;case 1:case 2:case 3:case 4:case 5:case 6:case 7:i+=String.fromCharCode(o);break;case 12:case 13:e=t[a++],i+=String.fromCharCode((31&o)<<6|63&e);break;case 14:e=t[a++],r=t[a++],i+=String.fromCharCode((15&o)<<12|(63&e)<<6|(63&r)<<0)}}return i},t}();e.a=a},function(t,e){function r(){this._events=this._events||{},this._maxListeners=this._maxListeners||void 0}function i(t){return"function"==typeof t}function a(t){return"number"==typeof t}function n(t){return"object"==typeof t&&null;!==t}function o(t){return void 0===t}t.exports=r,r.EventEmitter=r,r.prototype._events=void 0,r.prototype._maxListeners=void 0,r.defaultMaxListeners=10,r.prototype.setMaxListeners=function(t){if(!a(t)||t<0||isNaN(t))throw TypeError("n must be a positive number");return this._maxListeners=t,this},r.prototype.emit=function(t){var e,r,a,s,l,u;if(this._events||(this._events={}),"error"===t&&(!this._events.error||n(this._events.error)&&!this._events.error.length)){if((e=arguments[1])instanceof Error)throw e;var d=new Error('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event. ('+e+")");throw d.context=e,d}if(r=this._events[t],o(r))return!1;if(i(r))switch(arguments.length){case 1:r.call(this);break;case 2:r.call(this,arguments[1]);break;case 3:r.call(this,arguments[1],arguments[2]);break;default:s=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1),r.apply(this,s)}else if(n(r))for(s=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1),u=r.slice(),a=u.length,l=0;l0&&this;._events[t].length>a&&(this._events[t].warned=!0,console.error("(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. %d listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.",this._events[t].length),"function"==typeof console.trace&&console;.trace()),this},r.prototype.on=r.prototype.addListener,r.prototype.once=function(t,e){function r(){this.removeListener(t,r),a||(a=!0,e.apply(this,arguments))}if(!i(e))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");var a=!1;return r.listener=e,this.on(t,r),this},r.prototype.removeListener=function(t,e){var r,a,o,s;if(!i(e))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");if(!this._events||!this._events[t])return this;if(r=this._events[t],o=r.length,a=-1,r===e||i(r.listener)&&r.listener===e)delete this._events[t],this._events.removeListener&&this;.emit("removeListener",t,e);else if(n(r)){for(s=o;s-- >0;)if(r[s]===e||r[s].listener&&r[s].listener===e){a=s;break}if(a>>6),(n=(60&e[r+2])>>>2)>h.length-1?void t.trigger(Event.ERROR,{type:k.b.MEDIA_ERROR,details:k.a.FRAG_PARSING_ERROR,fatal:!0,reason:"invalid ADTS sampling index:"+n}):(s=(1&e[r+2])<>>6,N.b.log("manifest codec:"+i+",ADTS data:type:"+a+",sampleingIndex:"+n+"["+h[n]+"Hz],channelConfig:"+s),/firefox/i.test(u)?n>=6?(a=5,l=new Array(4),o=n-3):(a=2,l=new Array(2),o=n):-1!==u.indexOf("android")?(a=2,l=new Array(2),o=n):(a=5,l=new Array(4),i&&(-1!==i.indexOf("mp4a.40.29")||-1!==i.indexOf("mp4a.40.5"))||!i&&n>=6?o=n-3:((i&&-1!==i.indexOf("mp4a.40.2")&&(n>=6&&1===s||/vivaldi/i.test(u))||!i&&1===s)&&(a=2,l=new Array(2)),o=n)),l[0]=a<>1,l[1]|=(1&n)<<7,l[1]|=s<>1,l[2]=(1&o)<<7,l[2]|=8,l[3]=0),{config:l,samplerate:h[n],channelCount:s,codec:"mp4a.40."+a,manifestCodec:d})}function l(t,e){return 255===t[e]&&240;==(246&t[e+1])}function u(t,e){return 1&t[e+1]?7:9}function d(t,e){return(3&t[e+3])<<11|t[e+4]<>>5}function h(t,e){return!!(e+1pts:s,dts:s};return t.samples.push(d),t.len+=u,{sample:d,length:u+l}}}function y(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function m(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function b(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function E(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function T(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function R(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function S(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function A(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function _(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function L(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function w(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});var D=r(1),k=r(2),I=function(){function t(e,r){i(this,t),this.subtle=e,this.aesIV=r}return t.prototype.decrypt=function(t,e){return this.subtle.decrypt({name:"AES-CBC",iv:this.aesIV},e,t)},t}(),O=I,C=function(){function t(e,r){a(this,t),this.subtle=e,this.key=r}return t.prototype.expandKey=function(){return this.subtle.importKey("raw",this.key,{name:"AES-CBC"},!1,["encrypt","decrypt"])},t}(),P=C,x=function(){function t(){n(this,t),this.rcon=[0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,27,54],this.subMix=[new Uint32Array(256),new Uint32Array(256),new Uint32Array(256),new Uint32Array(256)],this.invSubMix=[new Uint32Array(256),new Uint32Array(256),new Uint32Array(256),new Uint32Array(256)],this.sBox=new Uint32Array(256),this.invSBox=new Uint32Array(256),this.key=new Uint32Array(0),this.initTable()}return t.prototype.uint8ArrayToUint32Array_=function(t){for(var e=new DataView(t),r=new Uint32Array(4),i=0;i<4;i++)r[i]=e.getUint32(4*i);return r},t.prototype.initTable=function(){var t=this.sBox,e=this.invSBox,r=this.subMix,i=r[0],a=r[1],n=r[2],o=r[3],s=this.invSubMix,l=s[0],u=s[1],d=s[2],h=s[3],c=new Uint32Array(256),f=0,p=0,g=0;for(g=0;g<256;g++)c[g]=g<128?g<<1:g<<1^283;for(g=0;g<256;g++){var v=p^p<<1^p<<2^p<<3^p<>>8^255&v^99,t[f]=v,e[v]=f;var y=c[f],m=c[y],b=c[m],E=257*c[v]^16843008*v;i[f]=E<>>8,a[f]=E<>>16,n[f]=E<>>24,o[f]=E,E=16843009*b^65537*m^257*y^16843008*f,l[v]=E<>>8,u[v]=E<>>16,d[v]=E<>>24,h[v]=E,f?(f=y^c[c[c[b^y]]],p^=c[c[p]]):f=p=1}},t.prototype.expandKey=function(t){for(var e=this.uint8ArrayToUint32Array_(t),r=!0,i=0;itSegment=function(t,e,r,i){this._audioTrack={container:"audio/adts",type:"audio",id:-1,sequenceNumber:0,isAAC:!0,samples:[],len:0,manifestCodec:e,duration:i,inputTimeScale:9e4}},t.prototype.resetTimeStamp=function(){},t.probe=function(t){if(!t)return!1;for(var e=B.a.getID3Data(t,0)||[],r=e.length,i=t.length;rDTS sync word found !"),!0;return!1},t.prototype.append=function(t,e,r,i){for(var a=this._audioTrack,n=B.a.getID3Data(t,0)||[],o=B.a.getTimeStamp(n),s=o?90*o:9e4*e,l=0,u=s,d=t.length,c=n.length,p=[{pts:u,dts:u,data:n}];c=0}return!1},t.bin2str=function(t){return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,t)},t.readUint32=function(t,e){t.data&&(e+=t.start,t=t.data);var r=t[e]<<24|t[e+1]<<16|t[e+2]<<8|t[e+3];return r>24,t[e+1]=r>>16&255;,t[e+2]=r>>8&255;,t[e+3]=255&r},t.findBox=function(e,r){var i,a,n,o,s,l,u,d=[];if(e.data?(l=e.start,o=e.end,e=e.data):(l=0,o=e.byteLength),!r.length)return null;for(i=l;i1?i+a:o,n===r[0]&&(1===r.length?d.push({data:e,start:i+8,end:u}):(s=t.findBox({data:e,start:i+8,end:u},r.slice(1)),s.length&&(d=d.concat(s)))),i=u;return d},t.parseInitSegment=function(e){var r=[];return t.findBox(e,["moov","trak"]).forEach(function(e){var i=t.findBox(e,["tkhd"])[0];if(i){var a=i.data[i.start],n=0===a?12:20,o=t.readUint32(i,n),s=t.findBox(e,["mdia","mdhd"])[0];if(s){a=s.data[s.start],n=0===a?12:20;var l=t.readUint32(s,n),u=t.findBox(e,["mdia","hdlr"])[0];if(u){var d=t.bin2str(u.data.subarray(u.start+8,u.start+12)),h={soun:"audio",vide:"video"}[d];h&&(r[o]={timescale:l,type:h},r[h]={timescale:l,id:o})}}}}),r},t.getStartDTS=function(e,r){var i,a,n;return i=t.findBox(r,["moof","traf"]),a=[].concat.apply([],i.map(function(r){return t.findBox(r,["tfhd"]).map(function(i){var a,n,o;return a=t.readUint32(i,4),n=e[a].timescale||9e4,o=t.findBox(r,["tfdt"]).map(function(e){var r,i;return r=e.data[e.start],i=t.readUint32(e,4),1===r&&(i*=Math.pow(2,32),i+=t.readUint32(e,8)),i})[0],(o=o||1/0)/n})})),n=Math.min.apply(null,a),isFinite(n)?n:0},t.offsetStartDTS=function(e,r,i){t.findBox(r,["moof","traf"]).map(function(r){return t.findBox(r,["tfhd"]).map(function(a){var n=t.readUint32(a,4),o=e[n].timescale||9e4;t.findBox(r,["tfdt"]).map(function(e){var r=e.data[e.start],a=t.readUint32(e,4);if(0===r)t.writeUint32(e,4,a-i*o);else{a*=Math.pow(2,32),a+=t.readUint32(e,8),a-=i*o;var n=Math.floor(a/(j+1)),s=Math.floor(a%(j+1));t.writeUint32(e,4,n),t.writeUint32(e,8,s)}})})})},t.prototype.append=function(e,r,i,a){var n=this.initData;n||(this.resetInitSegment(e,this.audioCodec,this.videoCodec),n=this.initData);var o=void 0,s=this.initPTS;if(void 0===s){var l=t.getStartDTS(n,e);this.initPTS=s=l-r,this.observer.trigger(D.a.INIT_PTS_FOUND,{initPTS:s})}t.offsetStartDTS(n,e,s),o=t.getStartDTS(n,e),this.remuxer.remux(n.audio,n.video,null,null,o,i,a,e)},t.prototype.destroy=function(){},t}(),W=K,V={BitratesMap:[32,64,96,128,160,192,224,256,288,320,352,384,416,448,32,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,384,32,40,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,32,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,144,160,176,192,224,256,8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,144,160],SamplingRateMap:[44100,48e3,32e3,22050,24e3,16e3,11025,12e3,8e3],appendFrame:function(t,e,r,i,a){if(!(r+24>e.length)){var n=this.parseHeader(e,r);if(n&&r+n.frameLength>3&3,i=t[e+1]>>1&3,a=t[e+2]>>4&15;,n=t[e+2]>>2&3,o=!!(2&t[e+2]);if(1!==r&&0!==a&&15;!==a&&3!==n){var s=3===r?3-i:3===i?3:4,l=1e3*V.BitratesMap[14*s+a-1],u=3===r?0:2===r?1:2,d=V.SamplingRateMap[3*u+n],h=o?1:0;return{sampleRate:d,channelCount:t[e+3]>>6==3?1:2,frameLength:3===i?(3===r?12:6)*l/d+h<<2:(3===r?144:72)*l/d+h|0}}},isHeaderPattern:function(t,e){return 255===t[e]&&224;==(224&t[e+1])&&0!=(6&t[e+1])},isHeader:function(t,e){return!!(e+13,t-=e>>3,this.bytesAvailable-=e,this.loadWord(),this.word<>>32-e;return t>32&&N.b.error("Cannot read more than 32 bits at a time"),this.bitsAvailable-=e,this.bitsAvailable>0?this.word<0&&this;.loadWord(),e=t-e,e>0&&this;.bitsAvailable?r<ts(e):r},t.prototype.skipLZ=function(){var t;for(t=0;t>>t))return this.word<>>1:-1*(t>>>1)},t.prototype.readBoolean=function(){return 1===this.readBits(1)},t.prototype.readUByte=function(){return this.readBits(8)},t.prototype.readUShort=function(){return this.readBits(16)},t.prototype.readUInt=function(){return this.readBits(32)},t.prototype.skipScalingList=function(t){var e,r,i=8,a=8;for(e=0;ePS=function(){var t,e,r,i,a,n,o,s=0,l=0,u=0,d=0,h=this.readUByte.bind(this),c=this.readBits.bind(this),f=this.readUEG.bind(this),p=this.readBoolean.bind(this),g=this.skipBits.bind(this),v=this.skipEG.bind(this),y=this.skipUEG.bind(this),m=this.skipScalingList.bind(this);if(h(),t=h(),c(5),g(3),h(),y(),100===t||110===t||122===t||244===t||44===t||83===t||86===t||118===t||128===t){var b=f();if(3===b&&g(1),y(),y(),g(1),p())for(n=3!==b?8:12,o=0;ots;!(r>=a.length);r++){var n=a[r];if(!(n.length=564&&71;===t[0]&&71;===t[188]&&71;===t[376]},t.prototype.resetInitSegment=function(t,e,r,i){this.pmtParsed=!1,this._pmtId=-1,this._avcTrack={container:"video/mp2t",type:"video",id:-1,inputTimeScale:9e4,sequenceNumber:0,samples:[],len:0,dropped:0},this._audioTrack={container:"video/mp2t",type:"audio",id:-1,inputTimeScale:9e4,duration:i,sequenceNumber:0,samples:[],len:0,isAAC:!0},this._id3Track={type:"id3",id:-1,inputTimeScale:9e4,sequenceNumber:0,samples:[],len:0},this._txtTrack={type:"text",id:-1,inputTimeScale:9e4,sequenceNumber:0,samples:[],len:0},this.aacOverFlow=null,this.aacLastPTS=null,this.avcSample=null,this.audioCodec=e,this.videoCodec=r,this._duration=i},t.prototype.resetTimeStamp=function(){},t.prototype.append=function(t,e,r,i){var a,n,o,s,l,u=t.length,d=!1;this.contiguous=r;var h=this.pmtParsed,c=this._avcTrack,f=this._audioTrack,p=this._id3Track,g=c.id,v=f.id,y=p.id,m=this._pmtId,b=c.pesData,E=f.pesData,T=p.pesData,R=this._parsePAT,S=this._parsePMT,A=this._parsePES,_=this._parseAVCPES.bind(this),L=this._parseAACPES.bind(this),w=this._parseMPEGPES.bind(this),I=this._parseID3PES.bind(this);for(u-=u8,a=0;a4>1){if((s=a+5+t[a+4])===a+188)continue}else s=a+4;switch(o){case g:n&&(b&&(l=A(b))&&_(l,!1),b={data:[],size:0}),b&&(b.data.push(t.subarray(s,a+188)),b.size+=a+188-s);break;case v:n&&(E&&(l=A(E))&&(f.isAAC?L(l):w(l)),E={data:[],size:0}),E&&(E.data.push(t.subarray(s,a+188)),E.size+=a+188-s);break;case y:n&&(T&&(l=A(T))&&I(l),T={data:[],size:0}),T&&(T.data.push(t.subarray(s,a+188)),T.size+=a+188-s);break;case 0:n&&(s+=t[s]+1),m=this._pmtId=R(t,s);break;case m:n&&(s+=t[s]+1);var O=S(t,s,!0===this.typeSupported.mpeg||!0===this.typeSupported.mp3,null!=this.sampleAes);g=O.avc,g>0&&(c.id=g),v=O.audio,v>0&&(f.id=v,f.isAAC=O.isAAC),y=O.id3,y>0&&(p.id=y),d&&!h&&(N.b.log("reparse from beginning"),d=!1,a=-188),h=this.pmtParsed=!0;break;case 17:case 8191:break;default:d=!0}}else this.observer.trigger(D.a.ERROR,{type:k.b.MEDIA_ERROR,details:k.a.FRAG_PARSING_ERROR,fatal:!1,reason:"TS packet did not start with 0x47"});b&&(l=A(b))?(_(l,!0),c.pesData=null):c.pesData=b,E&&(l=A(E))?(f.isAAC?L(l):w(l),f.pesData=null):(E&&E.size&&N.b.log("last AAC PES packet truncated,might overlap between fragments"),f.pesData=E),T&&(l=A(T))?(I(l),p.pesData=null):p.pesData=T,null==this.sampleAes?this.remuxer.remux(f,c,p,this._txtTrack,e,r,i):this.decryptAndRemux(f,c,p,this._txtTrack,e,r,i)},t.prototype.decryptAndRemux=function(t,e,r,i,a,n,o){if(t.samples&&t.isAAC){var s=this;this.sampleAes.decryptAacSamples(t.samples,0,function(){s.decryptAndRemuxAvc(t,e,r,i,a,n,o)})}else this.decryptAndRemuxAvc(t,e,r,i,a,n,o)},t.prototype.decryptAndRemuxAvc=function(t,e,r,i,a,n,o){if(e.samples){var s=this;this.sampleAes.decryptAvcSamples(e.samples,0,0,function(){s.remuxer.remux(t,e,r,i,a,n,o)})}else this.remuxer.remux(t,e,r,i,a,n,o)},t.prototype.destroy=function(){this._initPTS=this._initDTS=void 0,this._duration=0},t.prototype._parsePAT=function(t,e){return(31&t[e+10])<<8|t[e+11]},t.prototype._parsePMT=function(t,e,r,i){var a,n,o,s,l={audio:-1,avc:-1,id3:-1,isAAC:!0};for(a=(15&t[e+1])<<8|t[e+2],n=e+3+a-4,o=(15&t[e+10])<<8|t[e+11],e+=12+o;ePES=function(t){var e,r,i,a,n,o,s,l,u=0,d=t.data;if(!t||0===t.size)return null;for(;d[0].length1;){var h=new Uint8Array(d[0].length+d[1].length);h.set(d[0]),h.set(d[1],d[0].length),d[0]=h,d.splice(1,1)}if(e=d[0],1===(e[0]<<16)+(e[1]<<8)+e[2]){if((i=(e[4]4294967295&&(o-=8589934592),64&r?(s=536870912*(14&e[14])+4194304*(255&e[15])+16384*(254&e[16])+128*(255&e[17])+(254&e[18])/2,s>4294967295&&(s-=8589934592),o-s>54e5&&(N.b.warn(Math.round((o-s)/9e4)+"s delta between PTS and DTS, align them"),o=s)):s=o),a=e[8],l=a+9,t.size-=l,n=new Uint8Array(t.size);for(var c=0,f=d.length;cp){l-=p;continue}e=e.subarray(l),p-=l,l=0}n.set(e,u),u+=p}return i&&(i-=a+3),{data:n,pts:o,dts:s,len:i}}return null},t.prototype.pushAccesUnit=function(t,e){if(t.units.length&&t.frame){var r=e.samples,i=r.length;!this.config.forceKeyFrameOnDiscontinuity||!0===t.key||e.sps&&(i||this.contiguous)?(t.id=i,r.push(t)):e.dropped++}t.debug.length&&N.b.log(t.pts+"/"+t.dts+":"+t.debug)},t.prototype._parseAVCPES=function(t,e){var r,i,a,n=this,o=this._avcTrack,s=this._parseAVCNALu(t.data),l=this.avcSample,u=!1,d=this.pushAccesUnit.bind(this),h=function(t,e,r,i){return{key:t,pts:e,dts:r,units:[],debug:i}};t.data=null,l&&s.length&&(d(l,o),l=this.avcSample=h(!1,t.pts,t.dts,"")),s.forEach(function(e){switch(e.type){case 1:i=!0,l.frame=!0;var s=e.data;if(u&&s.length>4){var c=new z(s).readSliceType();2!==c&&4!==c&&7!==c&&9!==c||(l.key=!0)}break;case 5:i=!0,l||(l=n.avcSample=h(!0,t.pts,t.dts,"")),l.key=!0,l.frame=!0;break;case 6:i=!0,r=new z(n.discardEPB(e.data)),r.readUByte();for(var f=0,p=0,g=!1,v=0;!g&&r.bytesAvailable>1;){f=0;do{v=r.readUByte(),f+=v}while(255===v);p=0;do{v=r.readUByte(),p+=v}while(255===v);if(4===f&&0!==r.bytesAvailable){g=!0;if(181===r.readUByte()){if(49===r.readUShort()){if(1195456820===r.readUInt()){if(3===r.readUByte()){var y=r.readUByte(),m=r.readUByte(),b=31&y,E=[y,m];for(a=0;atSampleInOrder(n._txtTrack.samples,{type:3,pts:t.pts,bytes:E})}}}}}else if(pps){r=new z(e.data);var T=r.readSPS();o.width=T.width,o.height=T.height,o.pixelRatio=T.pixelRatio,o.sps=[e.data],o.duration=n._duration;var R=e.data.subarray(1,4),S="avc1.";for(a=0;a<3;a++){var A=R[a].toString(16);A.length0){if(e.pts>=t[r-1].pts)t.push(e);else for(var i=r-1;i>=0;i--)if(e.ptspts){t.splice(i,0,e);break}}else t.push(e)},t.prototype._getLastNalUnit=function(){var t=this.avcSample,e=void 0;if(!t||0===t.units.length){var r=this._avcTrack,i=r.samples;t=i[i.length-1]}if(t){var a=t.units;e=a[a.length-1]}return e},t.prototype._parseAVCNALu=function(t){var e,r,i,a,n,o=0,s=t.byteLength,l=this._avcTrack,u=l.naluState||0,d=u,h=[],c=-1;for(-1===u&&(c=0,n=31&t[0],u=0,o=1);o=0)i={data:t.subarray(c,o-u-1),type:n},h.push(i);else{var f=this._getLastNalUnit();if(f&&(d&&o0)){var p=new Uint8Array(f.data.byteLength+r);p.set(f.data,0),p.set(t.subarray(0,r),f.data.byteLength),f.data=p}}o=0&&u>=0&&(i={data:t.subarray(c,s),type:n,state:u},h.push(i)),0===h.length){var g=this._getLastNalUnit();if(g){var v=new Uint8Array(g.data.byteLength+t.byteLength);v.set(g.data,0),v.set(t,g.data.byteLength),g.data=v}}return l.naluState=u,h},t.prototype.discardEPB=function(t){for(var e,r,i=t.byteLength,a=[],n=1;nPES=function(t){var e,r,i,a,n,o=this._audioTrack,s=t.data,l=t.pts,u=this.aacOverFlow,d=this.aacLastPTS;if(u){var c=new Uint8Array(u.byteLength+s.byteLength);c.set(u,0),c.set(s,u.byteLength),s=c}for(i=0,n=s.length;iPTS for overlapping frames by "+Math.round((m-l)/90)),l=m)}for(;ipts,r++}else i++;u=iPTS=a},t.prototype._parseMPEGPES=function(t){for(var e=t.data,r=e.length,i=0,a=0,n=t.pts;aPES=function(t){this._id3Track.samples.push(t)},t}(),$=J,Z=function(){function t(e,r,i){R(this,t),this.observer=e,this.config=i,this.remuxer=r}return t.prototype.resetInitSegment=function(t,e,r,i){this._audioTrack={container:"audio/mpeg",type:"audio",id:-1,sequenceNumber:0,isAAC:!1,samples:[],len:0,manifestCodec:e,duration:i,inputTimeScale:9e4}},t.prototype.resetTimeStamp=function(){},t.probe=function(t){var e,r,i=B.a.getID3Data(t,0);if(i&&void; 0!==B.a.getTimeStamp(i))for(e=i.length,r=Math.min(t.length-1,e+100);epts:n,dts:n,data:a}];o>24&255;,e[1]=i>>16&255;,e[2]=i>>8&255;,e[3]=255&i,e.set(t,4),a=0,i=8;a>24&255;,e>>16&255;,e>>8&255;,255&e,i>>24,i>>16&255;,i>>8&255;,255&i,a>>24,a>>16&255;,a>>8&255;,255&a,85,196,0,0]))},t.mdia=function(e){return t.box(t.types.mdia,t.mdhd(e.timescale,e.duration),t.hdlr(e.type),t.minf(e))},t.mfhd=function(e){return t.box(t.types.mfhd,new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,e>>24,e>>16&255;,e>>8&255;,255&e]))},t.minf=function(e){return"audio"===e.type?t.box(t.types.minf,t.box(t.types.smhd,t.SMHD),t.DINF,t.stbl(e)):t.box(t.types.minf,t.box(t.types.vmhd,t.VMHD),t.DINF,t.stbl(e))},t.moof=function(e,r,i){return t.box(t.types.moof,t.mfhd(e),t.traf(i,r))},t.moov=function(e){for(var r=e.length,i=[];r--;)i[r]=t.trak(e[r]);return t.box.apply(null,[t.types.moov,t.mvhd(e[0].timescale,e[0].duration)].concat(i).concat(t.mvex(e)))},t.mvex=function(e){for(var r=e.length,i=[];r--;)i[r]=t.trex(e[r]);return t.box.apply(null,[t.types.mvex].concat(i))},t.mvhd=function(e,r){r*=e;var i=Math.floor(r/(it+1)),a=Math.floor(r%(it+1)),n=new Uint8Array([1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,e>>24&255;,e>>16&255;,e>>8&255;,255&e,i>>24,i>>16&255;,i>>8&255;,255&i,a>>24,a>>16&255;,a>>8&255;,255&a,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,255,255,255]);return t.box(t.types.mvhd,n)},t.sdtp=function(e){var r,i,a=e.samples||[],n=new Uint8Array(4+a.length);for(i=0;ipes.sdtp,n)},t.stbl=function(e){return t.box(t.types.stbl,t.stsd(e),t.box(t.types.stts,t.STTS),t.box(t.types.stsc,t.STSC),t.box(t.types.stsz,t.STSZ),t.box(t.types.stco,t.STCO))},t.avc1=function(e){var r,i,a,n=[],o=[];for(r=0;r>>8&255;),n.push(255&a),n=n.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(i));for(r=0;r>>8&255;),o.push(255&a),o=o.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(i));var s=t.box(t.types.avcC,new Uint8Array([1,n[3],n[4],n[5],255,224|e.sps.length].concat(n).concat([e.pps.length]).concat(o))),l=e.width,u=e.height,d=e.pixelRatio[0],h=e.pixelRatio[1];return t.box(t.types.avc1,new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,l>>8&255;,255&l,u>>8&255;,255&u,0,72,0,0,0,72,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,18,100,97,105,108,121,109,111,116,105,111,110,47,104,108,115,46,106,115,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,24,17,17]),s,t.box(t.types.btrt,new Uint8Array([0,28,156,128,0,45,198,192,0,45,198,192])),t.box(t.types.pasp,new Uint8Array([d>>24,d>>16&255;,d>>8&255;,255&d,h>>24,h>>16&255;,h>>8&255;,255&h])))},t.esds=function(t){var e=t.config.length;return new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,3,23+e,0,1,0,4,15+e,64,21,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5].concat([e]).concat(t.config).concat([6,1,2]))},t.mp4a=function(e){var r=e.samplerate;return t.box(t.types.mp4a,new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,e.channelCount,0,16,0,0,0,0,r>>8&255;,255&r,0,0]),t.box(t.types.esds,t.esds(e)))},t.mp3=function(e){var r=e.samplerate;return t.box(t.types[".mp3"],new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,e.channelCount,0,16,0,0,0,0,r>>8&255;,255&r,0,0]))},t.stsd=function(e){return"audio"===e.type?e.isAAC||"mp3"!==e.codec?t.box(t.types.stsd,t.STSD,t.mp4a(e)):t.box(t.types.stsd,t.STSD,t.mp3(e)):t.box(t.types.stsd,t.STSD,t.avc1(e))},t.tkhd=function(e){var r=e.id,i=e.duration*e.timescale,a=e.width,n=e.height,o=Math.floor(i/(it+1)),s=Math.floor(i%(it+1));return t.box(t.types.tkhd,new Uint8Array([1,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,r>>24&255;,r>>16&255;,r>>8&255;,255&r,0,0,0,0,o>>24,o>>16&255;,o>>8&255;,255&o,s>>24,s>>16&255;,s>>8&255;,255&s,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,0,0,a>>8&255;,255&a,0,0,n>>8&255;,255&n,0,0]))},t.traf=function(e,r){var i=t.sdtp(e),a=e.id,n=Math.floor(r/(it+1)),o=Math.floor(r%(it+1));return t.box(t.types.traf,t.box(t.types.tfhd,new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,a>>24,a>>16&255;,a>>8&255;,255&a])),t.box(t.types.tfdt,new Uint8Array([1,0,0,0,n>>24,n>>16&255;,n>>8&255;,255&n,o>>24,o>>16&255;,o>>8&255;,255&o])),t.trun(e,i.length+16+20+8+16+8+8),i)},t.trak=function(e){return e.duration=e.duration||4294967295,t.box(t.types.trak,t.tkhd(e),t.mdia(e))},t.trex=function(e){var r=e.id;return t.box(t.types.trex,new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,r>>24,r>>16&255;,r>>8&255;,255&r,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1]))},t.trun=function(e,r){var i,a,n,o,s,l,u=e.samples||[],d=u.length,h=12+16*d,c=new Uint8Array(h);for(r+=8+h,c.set([0,0,15,1,d>>>24&255;,d>>>16&255;,d>>>8&255;,255&d,r>>>24&255;,r>>>16&255;,r>>>8&255;,255&r],0),i=0;i>>24&255;,n>>>16&255;,n>>>8&255;,255&n,o>>>24&255;,o>>>16&255;,o>>>8&255;,255&o,s.isLeading<<2|s.dependsOn,s.isDependedOn<<6|s.hasRedundancy<<4|s.paddingValue<>>24&255;,l>>>16&255;,l>>>8&255;,255&l],12+16*i);return t.box(t.types.trun,c)},t.initSegment=function(e){t.types||t.init();var r,i=t.moov(e);return r=new Uint8Array(t.FTYP.byteLength+i.byteLength),r.set(t.FTYP),r.set(i,t.FTYP.byteLength),r},t}(),nt=at,ot=function(){function t(e,r,i,a){_(this,t),this.observer=e,this.config=r,this.typeSupported=i;var n=navigator.userAgent;this.isSafari=a&&a.indexOf("Apple")>-1&&n&&!n.match("CriOS"),this.ISGenerated=!1}return t.prototype.destroy=function(){},t.prototype.resetTimeStamp=function(t){this._initPTS=this._initDTS=t},t.prototype.resetInitSegment=function(){this.ISGenerated=!1},t.prototype.remux=function(t,e,r,i,a,n,o){if(this.ISGenerated){if(o){var s=this._initPTS,l=this._PTSNormalize,u=t.inputTimeScale||e.inputTimeScale,d=1/0,h=1/0,c=t.samples;if(c.length&&(d=h=l(c[0].pts-u*a,s)),c=e.samples,c.length){var f=c[0];d=Math.min(d,l(f.pts-u*a,s)),h=Math.min(h,l(f.dts-u*a,s))}if(d!==1/0){var p=s-d;Math.abs(p)>10*u&&(N.b.warn("timestamp inconsistency, "+(p/u).toFixed(3)+"s delta against expected value: missing discontinuity ? reset initPTS/initDTS"),this._initPTS=d,this._initDTS=h,this.observer.trigger(D.a.INIT_PTS_FOUND,{initPTS:d}))}}}else this.generateIS(t,e,a);if(this.ISGenerated)if(t.samples.length){t.timescale||(N.b.warn("regenerate InitSegment as audio detected"),this.generateIS(t,e,a));var g=this.remuxAudio(t,a,n,o);if(e.samples.length){var v=void 0;g&&(v=g.endPTS-g.startPTS),e.timescale||(N.b.warn("regenerate InitSegment as video detected"),this.generateIS(t,e,a)),this.remuxVideo(e,a,n,v,o)}}else{var y=void 0;e.samples.length&&(y=this.remuxVideo(e,a,n,o)),y&&t.codec&&this;.remuxEmptyAudio(t,a,n,y)}r.samples.length&&this;.remuxID3(r,a),i.samples.length&&this;.remuxText(i,a),this.observer.trigger(D.a.FRAG_PARSED)},t.prototype.generateIS=function(t,e,r){var i,a,n=this.observer,o=t.samples,s=e.samples,l=this.typeSupported,u="audio/mp4",d={},h={tracks:d},c=void 0===this._initPTS;if(c&&(i=a=1/0),t.config&&o.length&&(t.timescale=t.samplerate,N.b.log("audio sampling rate : "+t.samplerate),t.isAAC||(l.mpeg?(u="audio/mpeg",t.codec=""):l.mp3&&(t.codec="mp3")),d.audio={container:u,codec:t.codec,initSegment:!t.isAAC&&l.mpeg?new Uint8Array:nt.initSegment([t]),metadata:{channelCount:t.channelCount}},c&&(i=a=o[0].pts-t.inputTimeScale*r)),e.sps&&e.pps&&s.length){var f=e.inputTimeScale;e.timescale=f,d.video={container:"video/mp4",codec:e.codec,initSegment:nt.initSegment([e]),metadata:{width:e.width,height:e.height}},c&&(i=Math.min(i,s[0].pts-f*r),a=Math.min(a,s[0].dts-f*r),this.observer.trigger(D.a.INIT_PTS_FOUND,{initPTS:i}))}Object.keys(d).length?(n.trigger(D.a.FRAG_PARSING_INIT_SEGMENT,h),this.ISGenerated=!0,c&&(this._initPTS=i,this._initDTS=a)):n.trigger(D.a.ERROR,{type:k.b.MEDIA_ERROR,details:k.a.FRAG_PARSING_ERROR,fatal:!1,reason:"no audio/video samples found"})},t.prototype.remuxVideo=function(t,e,r,i,a){var n,o,s,l,u,d,h,c=8,f=t.timescale,p=t.samples,g=[],v=p.length,y=this._PTSNormalize,m=this._initDTS,b=this.nextAvcDts,E=this.isSafari;E&&(r|=p.length&&b&&(a&&Math;.abs(e-b/f)<.1||Math.abs(p[0].pts-b-m)pts=y(t.pts-m,b),t.dts=y(t.dts-m,b)}),p.sort(function(t,e){var r=t.dts-e.dts,i=t.pts-e.pts;return r||(i||t.id-e.id)});var T=p.reduce(function(t,e){return Math.max(Math.min(t,e.pts-e.dts),-18e3)},0);if(T<0){N.b.warn("PTS < DTS detected in video samples, shifting DTS by "+Math.round(T/90)+" ms to overcome this issue");for(var R=0;R1?N.b.log("AVC:"+A+" ms hole between fragments detected,filling it"):A<-1&&N.b.log("AVC:"+-A+" ms overlapping between fragments detected"),u=b,p[0].dts=u,l=Math.max(l-A,b),p[0].pts=l,N.b.log("Video/PTS/DTS adjusted: "+Math.round(l/90)+"/"+Math.round(u/90)+",delta:"+A+" ms")),S=p[p.length-1],h=Math.max(S.dts,0),d=Math.max(S.pts,0,h),E&&(n=Math.round((h-u)/(p.length-1)));for(var _=0,L=0,w=0;wts,C=O.length,P=0,x=0;xdts=E?u+w*n:Math.max(I.dts,u),I.pts=Math.max(I.pts,I.dts)}var F=L+4*_+8;try{o=new Uint8Array(F)}catch(t){return void this.observer.trigger(D.a.ERROR,{type:k.b.MUX_ERROR,details:k.a.REMUX_ALLOC_ERROR,fatal:!1,bytes:F,reason:"fail allocating video mdat "+F})}var M=new DataView(o.buffer);M.setUint32(0,F),o.set(nt.types.mdat,4);for(var U=0;Uts,H=0,j=void 0,K=0,W=G.length;Kpts-B.dts)/n));else{if(U0?U-1:U].dts;if(z.stretchShortVideoTrack){var Q=z.maxBufferHole,J=z.maxSeekHole,$=Math.floor(Math.min(Q,J)*f),Z=(i?l+i*f:this.nextAudioPts)-B.pts;Z>$?(n=Z-q,n-1){var et=g[0].flags;et.dependsOn=2,et.isNonSync=0}t.samples=g,s=nt.moof(t.sequenceNumber++,u,t),t.samples=[];var rt={data1:s,data2:o,startPTS:l/f,endPTS:(d+n)/f,startDTS:u/f,endDTS:this.nextAvcDts/f,type:"video",nb:g.length,dropped:tt};return this.observer.trigger(D.a.FRAG_PARSING_DATA,rt),rt},t.prototype.remuxAudio=function(t,e,r,i){var a,n,o,s,l,u,d,h=t.inputTimeScale,c=t.timescale,f=h/c,p=t.isAAC?1024:1152,g=p*f,v=this._PTSNormalize,y=this._initDTS,m=!t.isAAC&&this;.typeSupported.mpeg,b=t.samples,E=[],T=this.nextAudioPts;if(r|=b.length&&T&&(i&&Math;.abs(e-T/h)<.1||Math.abs(b[0].pts-T-y)<20*g),r||(T=e*h),b.forEach(function(t){t.pts=t.dts=v(t.pts-y,T)}),b.sort(function(t,e){return t.pts-e.pts}),i&&t.isAAC)for(var R=0,S=T;Rpts;A=L-S;var w=Math.abs(1e3*A/h);if(A=g&&w<1e4&&S){var I=Math.round(A/g);N.b.warn("Injecting "+I+" audio frame @ "+(S/h).toFixed(3)+"s due to "+Math.round(1e3*A/h)+" ms gap.");for(var O=0;OtSilentFrame(t.manifestCodec||t.codec,t.channelCount),o||(N.b.log("Unable to get silent frame for given audio codec; duplicating last frame instead."),o=_.unit.subarray()),b.splice(R,0,{unit:o,pts:C,dts:C}),t.len+=o.length,S+=g,R++}_.pts=_.dts=S,S+=g,R++}else Math.abs(A),_.pts=_.dts=S,S+=g,R++}for(var P=0,x=b.length;P0&&B0&&(o=rt.getSilentFrame(t.manifestCodec||t.codec,t.channelCount),o||(o=M.subarray()),t.len+=G*o.length);else if(B0))return;var H=m?t.len:t.len+8;a=m?0:8;try{s=new Uint8Array(H)}catch(t){return void this.observer.trigger(D.a.ERROR,{type:k.b.MUX_ERROR,details:k.a.REMUX_ALLOC_ERROR,fatal:!1,bytes:H,reason:"fail allocating audio mdat "+H})}if(!m){new DataView(s.buffer).setUint32(0,H),s.set(nt.types.mdat,4)}for(var j=0;j=2&&(W=E[V-2].duration,n.duration=W),V){this.nextAudioPts=T=d+f*W,t.len=0,t.samples=E,l=m?new Uint8Array:nt.moof(t.sequenceNumber++,u/f,t),t.samples=[];var Y=u/h,X=T/h,z={data1:l,data2:s,startPTS:Y,endPTS:X,startDTS:Y,endDTS:X,type:"audio",nb:V};return this.observer.trigger(D.a.FRAG_PARSING_DATA,z),z}return null},t.prototype.remuxEmptyAudio=function(t,e,r,i){var a=t.inputTimeScale,n=t.samplerate?t.samplerate:a,o=a/n,s=this.nextAudioPts,l=(void 0!==s?s:i.startDTS*a)+this._initDTS,u=i.endDTS*a+this._initDTS,d=1024*o,h=Math.ceil((u-l)/d),c=rt.getSilentFrame(t.manifestCodec||t.codec,t.channelCount);if(N.b.warn("remux empty Audio"),!c)return void N.b.trace("Unable to remuxEmptyAudio since we were unable to get a silent frame for given audio codec!");for(var f=[],p=0;ppts:g,dts:g}),t.len+=c.length}t.samples=f,this.remuxAudio(t,e,r)},t.prototype.remuxID3=function(t,e){var r,i=t.samples.length,a=t.inputTimeScale,n=this._initPTS,o=this._initDTS;if(i){for(var s=0;spts=(r.pts-n)/a,r.dts=(r.dts-o)/a;this.observer.trigger(D.a.FRAG_PARSING_METADATA,{samples:t.samples})}t.samples=[],e=e},t.prototype.remuxText=function(t,e){t.samples.sort(function(t,e){return t.pts-e.pts});var r,i=t.samples.length,a=t.inputTimeScale,n=this._initPTS;if(i){for(var o=0;opts=(r.pts-n)/a;this.observer.trigger(D.a.FRAG_PARSING_USERDATA,{samples:t.samples})}t.samples=[],e=e},t.prototype._PTSNormalize=function(t,e){var r;if(void 0===e)return t;for(r=e4294967296;)t+=r;return t},t}(),st=ot,lt=function(){function t(e){L(this,t),this.observer=e}return t.prototype.destroy=function(){},t.prototype.resetTimeStamp=function(){},t.prototype.resetInitSegment=function(){},t.prototype.remux=function(t,e,r,i,a,n,o,s){var l=this.observer,u="";t&&(u+="audio"),e&&(u+="video"),l.trigger(D.a.FRAG_PARSING_DATA,{data1:s,startPTS:a,startDTS:a,type:u,nb:1,dropped:0}),l.trigger(D.a.FRAG_PARSED)},t}(),ut=lt,dt=function(){function t(e,r,i,a){w(this,t),this.observer=e,this.typeSupported=r,this.config=i,this.vendor=a}return t.prototype.destroy=function(){var t=this.demuxer;t&&t.destroy()},t.prototype.push=function(t,e,r,i,a,n,o,s,l,u,d,h){if(t.byteLength>0&&null;!=e&&null;!=e.key&&"AES-128"===e.method){var c=this.decrypter;null==c&&(c=this.decrypter=new U(this.observer,this.config));var f,p=this;try{f=performance.now()}catch(t){f=Date.now()}c.decrypt(t,e.key.buffer,e.iv.buffer,function(t){var c;try{c=performance.now()}catch(t){c=Date.now()}p.observer.trigger(D.a.FRAG_DECRYPTED,{stats:{tstart:f,tdecrypt:c}}),p.pushDecrypted(new Uint8Array(t),e,new Uint8Array(r),i,a,n,o,s,l,u,d,h)})}else this.pushDecrypted(new Uint8Array(t),e,new Uint8Array(r),i,a,n,o,s,l,u,d,h)},t.prototype.pushDecrypted=function(t,e,r,i,a,n,o,s,l,u,d,h){var c=this.demuxer;if(!c||o&&!this.probe(t)){for(var f=this.observer,p=this.typeSupported,g=this.config,v=[{demux:$,remux:st},{demux:H,remux:st},{demux:tt,remux:st},{demux:W,remux:ut}],y=0,m=v.length;ye?i.start+i.duration:Math.max(i.start-a.duration,0):r>e?(i.duration=n-i.start,i.duration<0&&wt;.b.warn("negative duration computed for frag "+i.sn+",level "+i.level+", there should be some duration drift between playlist and fragment!")):(a.duration=i.start-n,a.duration<0&&wt;.b.warn("negative duration computed for frag "+a.sn+",level "+a.level+", there should be some duration drift between playlist and fragment!"))}function v(t,e,r,i,a,n){if(!isNaN(e.startPTS)){var o=Math.abs(e.startPTS-r);isNaN(e.deltaPTS)?e.deltaPTS=o:e.deltaPTS=Math.max(o,e.deltaPTS),r=Math.min(r,e.startPTS),i=Math.max(i,e.endPTS),a=Math.min(a,e.startDTS),n=Math.max(n,e.endDTS)}var s=r-e.start;e.start=e.startPTS=r,e.endPTS=i,e.startDTS=a,e.endDTS=n,e.duration=i-r;var l=e.sn;if(!t||lt.endSN)return 0;var u,d,h;for(u=l-t.startSN,d=t.fragments,e=d[u],h=u;h>0;h--)g(d,h,h-1);for(h=u;hPTSKnown=!0,s}function y(t,e){var r,i=Math.max(t.startSN,e.startSN)-e.startSN,a=Math.min(t.endSN,e.endSN)-e.startSN,n=e.startSN-t.startSN,o=t.fragments,s=e.fragments,l=0;if(aPTSKnown=!1);for(var u=i;u<=a;u++){var d=o[n+u],h=s[u];h&&d&&(l=d.cc-h.cc,isNaN(d.startPTS)||(h.start=h.startPTS=d.startPTS,h.endPTS=d.endPTS,h.duration=d.duration,h.backtracked=d.backtracked,h.dropped=d.dropped,r=h))}if(l)for(wt.b.log("discontinuity sliding from playlist, take drift into account"),u=0;u=0&&nPTSKnown=t.PTSKnown}function m(t,
v3.17 * updated libFLAC to version 1.2.1 * added a flush after every log line to help GUIs * "eac3to some.mpls" now also works if the stream files aren't there, anymore * fixed: number of subtitles was not appended to demuxed subtitles' file name * fixed: dialnorm removal (for Nero decoder) failed with some 2.0 TrueHD files v3.16 * added undocumented "-no2ndpass" switch to turn off 2nd pass processing * fixed: two pass processing sometimes produced superfluous sup files * fixed: MPG/EVO/VOB audio tracks with "PES extension 2" were not detected * fixed: very small W64/RF64 files were not detected correctly * fixed: when processing was aborted, log file was sometimes not created * fixed: sometimes specifying a title number addressed the wrong HD DVD title v3.15 * "24.975" is now interpreted as "25.000/1.001" * Blu-Ray "sup" are demuxed with DTS set to 0 again, proper fix will come later * fixed: error code not set for "source file format could not be detected" * fixed: audio resampling from/to 24.975 didn't work properly * fixed: WAV files beginning with lots of zeroes were sometimes not accepted v3.14 * WAV reading was broken for all but very small files (introduced in v3.13) v3.13 * fields and frames are counted and displayed separately now * added DIRAC bitstream parser * added support for "-24.975" and "-changeto24.975" * Blu-Ray subtitle demuxing: PTS value is now written to both PTS + DTS * joining MKV files is now declined with a proper error message * last chapter is now removed, if it's less than 10 seconds from end of movie * fixed: "-normalize" didn't work with stdout, anymore * fixed: audio delay was incorrect when 1st m2ts part contained no audio data * fixed: very small WAV files were not detected correctly * fixed: "eac3to source.eac3 dest.dts -core" crashed v3.12 * fixed: track languages for HD DVD discs were not shown * fixed: MLP channel order was wrong for some specific channel configurations * fixed: "DirectShow reported 255 channels" happened sometimes v3.11 * fixed: MKV subtitle track language wasn't shown v3.10 * Blu-Ray title listing now includes chapter information * fixed: v3.09 didn't show track languages for Blu-Rays v3.09 * added support for MKV "SRT/UTF8", "SRT/ASCII", "ASS" and "SSA" subtitles * increased some internal buffers to avoid AC3 overflow in the "thd ac3 joiner" * fixed: frame counting didn't work for MKV video tracks * fixed: video track FPS change was sometimes declined * fixed: video tracks with "strange" FPS were sometimes handled incorrectly * fixed: clipping removal 2nd pass was executed even for "stdout" * fixed: "eac3to -test" displayed an outdated Nero download link * fixed: specifying a specific playlist still used default playlist's chapters v3.08 * fixed: reading physical disc speed was abysmal (introduced in v3.07) * fixed: read error from physical drive resulted in crash v3.07 * added support for MKV video tracks without sequence headers in bitstream * added support for old style MKV AAC tracks * added support for various MKV "A_MS/ACM" audio formats * added support for various MKV "V_MS/VFW/FOURCC" video formats * added warning for tracks where bitstream parsing failed * demuxing a video track now also complains about video gaps/overlaps * the "-check" option now also complains about video gaps/overlaps * optimized memory allocation * fixed: adding subtitle caption count to filenames sometimes didn't work * fixed: subtitle caption counts in log sometimes had wrong track numbers * fixed: all non-supported MKV tracks shared the same description * fixed: incorrect framerate mismatch complaint was shown for pulldown sources * fixed: FLAC tracks in MKV files don't slow down detection, anymore * fixed: source file detection read 300MB from every source file v3.06 * added MKV reading/parsing support * added demux support for MKV (E-)AC3, DTS(-HD), AAC, MPx, FLAC and WAV tracks * added demux support for MKV "modern style" MPEG2, VC-1 and h264/AVC tracks * reading from (HD) DVD and Blu-Ray drives uses different reading APIs now * empty tracks in TS/m2ts container are not listed, anymore * for 24.000 fps video tracks a little warning is displayed now * when demuxing subtitle files, the number of captions is added to the filename * timestamp derived FPS is used for gap checking instead of video bitstream FPS * fixed: 44.1khz AC3 encoding was still broken * fixed: zero byte stripping pass was done for true 24bit TrueHD tracks * fixed: downconverting WAV files with 0x3f channel mask didn't work * fixed: log output "remaining delay [...]" was sometimes wrong for AC3 tracks * fixed: silent frame creation was tried for E-AC3 although it can't work v3.05 * warning is shown if h264 video bitstream contains "full range" flag * h264 video bitstream "full range" flag is automatically removed * you can disable removal of the "full range" flag by doing "-keepFullRange" * added reader for external DVD, HD DVD and Blu-Ray SUP files * external SUP files can be delayed now * number of HD DVD and DVD subtitles in SUP track is counted and displayed * number of forced and non-forced Blu-Ray subtitles in SUP track is displayed * "-check" option now also works for demuxed audio, video and subtitle tracks * when reading from physical disc drive, 2KB (instead of 1MB) blocks are read * improved automatic skipping over damaged first 5MB of TS/m2ts files * fixed: resampling and Surcode encoding didn't work in one step * fixed: TRP detection crashed * fixed: track listing sometimes contained tracks without description * fixed: h264 with missing framerate in 1st sequence header made eac3to crash * fixed: some AC3WAV files were not detected correctly * fixed: video frame count was not displayed when 2nd pass was executed v3.04 * video track framerates are now shown with up to 3 decimals, if necessary * m2ts/TS framerate is determined by interpreting video track timestamps * m2ts/TS framerate is displayed in the format description (if available) * warning is shown if container timestamps don't match video framerate * warning is shown if video bitstream has a non-standard framerate * video without framerate information: container framerate is used * video without framerate information: framerate can be set (e.g. "-23.976") * video without framerate information: new framerate is written to bitstream * remaining non-fixed audio delay is now shown in log * command prompt colors are restored after eac3to has run through * fixed: 2-pass processing for stripping zero bytes sometimes crashed * fixed: CA (Conditional Access) tracks were shown as "Unknown audio track" v3.03 * fixed: MPEG2 1088 to 1080 cropping was still incomplete v3.02 * fixed: VC-1 stream handling was broken * fixed: destination file extension "*.lpcm" didn't work with 2pass processing * fixed: MPEG2 1088 to 1080 cropping was incomplete * fixed: no log was being created when "temp file could not be interpreted" v3.01 * fixed: m2ts LCPM demuxing didn't work with v3.00 * fixed: TrueHD -> TrueHD+AC3 conversion didn't work with v3.00 v3.00 * broken AC3, DTS, AAC and MPx streams are now automatically repaired * errors in TS/m2ts files are now reported (with runtime) and ignored * damaged first max 5MB and max 5% of a TS/m2ts file are automatically skipped * video/audio tracks which can't be parsed, are now demuxed in raw form * added support for "line 21" closed captions in ATSC/NTSC broadcasts and DVDs * added reading of movie / network name from "line 21" XDS information * for gaps, edits & repairs > 1000ms eac3to now inserts silence by default * for gaps, edits & repairs < 1000ms eac3to now loops audio by default * option "-silence" forces eac3to to insert silence instead of looping audio * option "-loop" forces eac3to to loop audio instead of inserting silence * newly encoded AC3 frame is now used for "silence" instead of file's 1st frame * increased reading block size (might improve reading performance) * optimized TS/m2ts demuxing performance * optimized MPEG2, VC-1 and h264 parsing performance * command line output is colored now (e.g. errors drawn in red) * MPEG2 1920x1088 bitstream is now automatically patched/cropped to 1920x1080 * log file now contains "" and "" indicators * workaround for movie playlists which want the same m2ts file played twice * added version check for eac3to (doh!) * when a read error occurs, reading is tried again up to 3 times * (E-)AC3 frames with -0db dialnorm are now automatically patched to -31db * updated to newer libAften build -> fixes 44.1khz encoding * fixed: sometimes "The last DTS frame is incomplete" was a false alarm * fixed: mkvtoolnix version check didn't work, anymore * fixed: errors were meant to be output to stderr, but they weren't * fixed: automatic gap/overlap fixing with AAC targets aborted processing * fixed: positive edit began a bit too early * fixed: two ID3 tags after each other made eac3to fail detecting the format * fixed: some VOB files were not detected properly v2.87 * fixed: negative edit was done too late (introduced in v2.86) v2.86 * fixed: "1:some.ac3" instead of "1: some.ac3" failed for 2 digit track numbers * fixed: "eac3to source movie.mkv" demuxed video instead of muxing to MKV * negative edit now begins at the specified runtime instead of ending there v2.85 * using "eac3to source video.h264" doesn't demux audio/subtitle tracks, anymore * using "eac3to source movie.*" demuxes video, audio and subtitle tracks * using "eac3to source 1: video.* 2: audio.*" demuxes the specified tracks * AC3 and E-AC3 dialnorm removal now uses "-31db" instead of "-0db" * workaround for DTS files where last byte is missing in each audio frame * fixed: v2.84 sometimes crashed when parsing HD DVD XML files * fixed: v2.84 sometimes chose incorrect XML file * fixed: v2.84 sometimes chose wrong m2ts playlist file * fixed: some actions were eventually applied twice when "-2pass" was used * fixed: AAC encoding quality "quality=0.0x" was passed to Nero as "0.x" v2.84 * fixed: 2nd pass gap removal was tried (and failed) for TrueHD+AC3 targets * fixed: processing aborted when trying to fix gaps in PCM destination files * fixed: more than one RAW/PCM overlaps resulted in lost sync (since v2.81) * fixed: demuxing TrueHD+AC3 stream by title number didn't renew the AC3 part * new option for removing or looping audio data, e.g. "-edit=0:20:47,-100ms" * title sorting criteria changed: resolution is more important than runtime * new option "-lowPriority" sets eac3to to background/idle priority * libav warnings are now assigned to the affected audio track * fixed: "lossless check failed" false alarms for seamless branching movies * fixed: spike removal filter was not active for the very last overlap/gap * improved muxing h264 streams which begin with double sequence headers * source files are now opened with "share read + write access" * destination files are now opened with "share read access" v2.83 * fixed: gap/overlap correction didn't work for FLAC and WAV files * fixed: when clipping was detected, 2nd pass was not always executed correctly v2.82 * fixed: sometimes eac3to stalled before processing (introduced in v2.81) v2.81 * audio gap/overlap fixing is now automatically done in a 2nd pass * option "-normalize" maximizes the volume of the audio data, needs 2 passes * audio clipping is detected and automatically removed in a 2nd pass * "-2pass" activates 2 pass mode (can speedup seamless branching processing) * superfluous zero bytes are now automatically removed in 2nd pass * "-phaseShift" shifts surround channel phase by 90?for DPL II downmixing * spike removal post processing filter now always produces 16bit samples * empty channels are now reported by the bitdepth analyzer as "no audio data" * option "-shutdown" shuts the PC down automatically after processing is done * the HD DVD XPL with the longest title is now loaded instead of VPLST000.XPL * eac3to can now open selected XPL files (e.g. "eac3to ADV_OBJ\VPLS002.XPL") * eac3to can now open selected mpls files (e.g. "eac3to PLAYLIST\00002.mpls") * fixed: TrueHD streams starting with a non-major header failed to decode * fixed: WAV files created by eac3to with empty channels had incorrect header * fixed: RAW/PCM gap/overlap remover sometimes didn't work correctly v2.80 * fixed: FLAC files with missing runtime information were not accepted * gone back to old VOB/EVO auto delay calculation method, more reliable for me * improved TS broadcast audio delay detection * added support for constant bitrate AAC encoding * added support for AAC encoding 0.00 and 1.00 quality v2.79 * improved m2ts file joining overlap detection (mainly for interlaced video) * vob/evo audio delay detection now uses "vobu start presentation time" * program streams which are neither VOB nor EVO are now reported as "MPG" * resampling is now automatically activated for AC3/DTS encoding, if necessary * "Mersenne Twister" random number generator is used for dithering now * zero padded DTS tracks are now displayed as such * fixed: 32bit PCM conversion to floating point was broken * fixed: with some (rare) movies first subtitle began after 50 minutes runtime * only plugins with the extension *.dll are loaded now v2.78 * fixed: h264 interlaced muxing to MKV could result in too long runtime * fixed: transcoding DTS-HD/E-AC3 core sometimes failed to work correctly * improved TS/m2ts audio delay detection * added filter to remove spikes when fixing gaps/overlaps in RAW/PCM audio * each eac3to instance has its own log file now * playlist output now also works with "-log" option * default bitrate for mono & stereo AC3 encodes lowered to 448kbps * default bitrate for mono & stereo DTS encodes lowered to 768kbps * it should be possible to handle TsSplitter splitted TS files via "+" now v2.77 * pcm/raw audio delay is now applied before resampling and fps change * parsing of command line with multiple sources files sometimes failed v2.76 * "-slowdown" now works to convert 24.000 movies to 23.976 * "-speedup" now works to convert 24.000 movies to 25.000 * option "-xx.xxx" (e.g. "-24.000") sets the FPS of the source track * option "-changeToXx.xxx" (e.g. "-changeTo23.976") changes video/audio FPS * modified FPS information is written to video bitstream (VC-1, MPEG2, h264) * demuxing with FPS change option now activates audio track transcoding * SSRC resampling parameters modified slightly to reduce steepness and ringing * fixed incorrect h264 movie slowdown gap/overlap complaints * fixed DTS-HD High Resolution bitrate calculation * dithering is now done differently per channel v2.75 * added (E-)AC3 5.1 "EX" detection * added (E-)AC3 2.0 "Surround" detection * added (E-)AC3 2.0 "Headphone" detection * NeroAacEnc is now fed with up to 32bit float (if available) * resampling option "-quality=low|high|ultra" not supported, anymore * new option "-fast" switches SSRC resampler to fast, but low quality mode * new option "-r8brain" forces use of r8brain resampler instead of SSRC * added support for AES3 PCM streams in TS container * started working on encoder plugin interface v2.74 * "-demux" failed to work for DTS-HD and "TrueHD/AC3" tracks in v2.73 * fixed: DTS-HD tracks could make processing abort at the very end of the movie v2.73 * changed TS demuxing logic to make the broken (!) new SkyHD broadcasts work * DTS core and "TrueHD/AC3" AC3 parameters are displayed separately now * when using "-core" option, eac3to now bases its decisions on core parameters * added WAV/W64/RF64 read/write support for 32bit PCM and 32/64 bit float * option "-full" allows WAV/W64/RF64 output to be native (default <= 24bit PCM) * Surcode DTS encoding is now done with up to 32bit float (if available) * Aften AC3 encoding is now done with up to 64bit float (if available) v2.72 * fixed: per channel bitdepth analyzation didn't work correctly v2.71 * fixed: v2.70 detected Blu-Rays as "TS" without chapters and track languages * fixed: TrueHD downmixing to 2.0 didn't work v2.70 * added floating point support to the complete audio processing chain * added gain functionality, e.g. "-3db" or "+1db" * bitdepth analyzation is now done separately for each channel * fixed: when decoding lossy audio with libav, peaks were clipped incorrectly * fixed: libav MP1/2/3 decoder output was cut down to 24bit * fixed: with some EVO sources the AC3 track was not listed * fixed: if no key frame was found, h264 track in m2(ts) was not listed * fixed: video/audio data before first PAT/PMT was discarded * Blu-Ray chapters now don't contain link points, anymore, unless necessary * added 10db boost to LFE channel, when "-down2" and "-mixlfe" are used * ArcSoft output can now be overwritten to "-2", "-6", "-7" or "-8" channels v2.69 * added high precision SSRC resampler * resampling "-quality" now allows "low", "high" (SSRC) or "ultra" (r8brain) * resampling quality now defaults to "high" (SSRC) * bitdepth is now analyzed separately for original vs. processed data * fixed: downmixing 16 bit DTS tracks to 5.1 or 2.0 didn't work * fixed: Sonic Decoder was incorrectly assumed to decode XXCh DTS files to 6.1 * for movies the Haali Muxer can't handle "-seekToIFrames" is suggested now v2.68 * fixed crash when transcoding Blu-Ray/HD DVD track to FLAC v2.67 * information about HDCD and real bitdepth is now stored into FLAC metadata * information about real bitdepth is now read from FLAC metadata * PTS break: PTS is increased by 1 frame (fixes some false overlap warnings) * fixed: video gap log text was sometimes not correct (runtime information) * added undocumented switch "-neroaacenc="c:\whatever\neroaacenc.exe"" * error log messages are now output to stderr instead of stdout * improved "which mkvtoolnix is currently installed?" check * fixed: mkvtoolnix version check "Oct" date was not interpreted correctly v2.66 * changed eac3to to allow AAC encoding with 7.1 channels (for new Nero encoder) * fixed AGM creation for files bigger than 4GB * added support for Nero's new AAC Encoder download URL * lowered volume of error/success sounds * when there are 2 similar playlists the one with less chapters is ignored now v2.65 * automatic channel remapping for 6.1 tracks with wrong channel mask * automatic channel remapping for ArcSoft DTS decoder 6.1 tracks * fixed: TrueHD -> Surcode encoding didn't work, anymore * fixed: MPEG2 + h264 video gap/overlap removal didn't work properly v2.64 * added channel mask reading support to Blu-Ray PCM track parser * added channel mask reading support to TrueHD parser * added channel mask reading & writing support to FLAC decoder / encoder * changed 5.x channel mask from $03x to $60x * changed 6.x channel mask from $13x to $70x * mono wavs output now creates correct names for some channel masks * when transcoding 6.1 sources to PCM, 7 channel doubling is activated now * fixed: DTS channelmask detection was incorrect for very strange configs * fixed: sometimes the h264 video stream of a Blu-Ray m2ts was not detected v2.63 * fixed: incorrect detection of 6.0 DTS tracks as 5.0 * fixed: incorrect libav DTS channel remapping for 6.x or 7.x tracks * fixed: incorrect ArcSoft DTS channel remapping for "6.0" and "2/2.1" tracks * fixed: v2.61+62 incorrectly decoded 16bit TrueHD tracks to 24bit FLAC/WAV/RAW * fixed: some DTSWAV files made HDCD decoder crash * fixed: DTSWAV and AC3WAV samplerate and bitdepth were reported incorrectly * improved DirectShow channel configuration reporting * undocumented option -progressnumbers now outputs "analyze:" and "process:" v2.62 * fixed: downmixing 16 bit 7.1 DTS tracks to 5.1 stopped working in v2.61 v2.61 * option "-no7doubling" is not supported anymore * option "-double7" added which upconverts 6.1 to 7.1 * added read/write support for Sony wave64 (*.w64) format * added read/write support for RF64 wave64 (*.rf64) format * added write support for AGM format * true bitdepth (e.g. 18 bits) is written to extensible wav header now * when reading 16/24 (true/storage) WAV files, zero bytes are stripped now * added HDCD detection for WAV and FLAC files * added HDCD detection for PCM tracks in VOB/EVO/m2ts containers * added HDCD decoder written by Christopher Key * added new option "-decodeHdcd" to decode HDCD information * HDCD track -> lossy format: HDCD decoding is automatically activated * when DTS-MA and TrueHD tracks are decoded, a check for HDCD is done * fixed some incorrect DTS channel masks * added automatic libav DTS channel remapping * added automatic ArcSoft DTS channel remapping * added channel map manipulation to make funny DTS tracks decode with Sonic * added channel map manipulation to make funny DTS tracks decode with ArcSoft * added channel volume modification to undo ArcSoft mono surround splitting * for TrueHD+AC3 creation AC3 delay and gap correction are disabled now * fixed: DTSWAV and DTSAC3 readers reported too long runtime * fixed: sometimes processing aborted with a "bitdepth reducer" complaint v2.60 * fixed: in v2.59 "-analyzeBitdepth" stopped working for Blu-Ray TrueHD tracks v2.59 * extension ".thd+ac3" is supported now to define destination format * TrueHD tracks without AC3 core can be converted to TrueHD/AC3 now * demuxing a single-part Blu-Ray title keeps the original "TrueHD/AC3" data * demuxing a multi-part Blu-Ray title automatically redoes the AC3 substream * added workaround for Blu-Ray playlists with multiple last "invalid" parts * fixed: "-check" didn't work for LPCM tracks v2.58 * h264 parser rewritten: framerate, pulldown etc is detected reliably now * h264 pulldown is automatically removed from progressive movie sources now * h264 pulldown removal can be disabled by using "-keepPulldown" * h264 muxing now fully supports streams with mixed 23.976 and 29.970 content * h264 1920x1088 bitstream is now automatically patched/cropped to 1920x1080 * h264 filler data is now already removed during demuxing * h264 sources with funny framerates (e.g. Luxe.tv HD) are patched to 25fps now * mixed video/movie h264 streams are now always muxed with 29.970 timestamps * speedup/slowdown now changes framerate information in the h264 bitstream * options "-24p", "-60i" and "-30p" are no longer supported * fixed Blu-Ray seamless branching subtitle remuxing * added workaround for Blu-Ray playlists with a last small "invalid" m2ts part * bitdepth analyzation is now done for decoded FLAC, WAV, PCM, DTS MA, too * bitrate is now also reported for FLAC, WAV and PCM tracks * when encoding AC3, DTS or AAC, the encoding bitrate is reported * fixed: v2.57 incorrectly decoded 16bit TrueHD tracks to 24bit FLAC/WAV/RAW * (M2)TS discontinuities before the first unit start are ignored now * new option "-progressnumbers" replaces progress bar with percentage numbers v2.57 * added automated support for Nero AAC command line encoder * added "quality=0.xx" (0.00 - 0.99) parameter to control AAC encoder quality * added Nero AAC encoder check to the "-test" list * "-test" checks whether a new Haali Matroska Muxer version is available * "-test" checks whether a new MkvToolnix release build is available * "-test" checks whether a new MkvToolnix beta build is available * "-test" checks whether a new Nero AAC encoder version is available * added TRP container support (TS files without PMT/PAT) * parameter "-extensible" is no longer supported (it's default now) * new parameter "-simple" can be used to disable the "-extensible" wav header * decoded TrueHD tracks: bitdepth is now automatically analyzed in more detail * option "-analyzeBitdepth" manually activates extended bitdepth analyzation * DVB subtitle tracks are listed now - can't be demuxed, though * option "-check" doesn't fail on DTS Express tracks, anymore v2.56 * fixed: processing aborted when a VC-1 sequence end code was found v2.55 * AAC bitstream parser added * AAC auto detection added * AAC bitstream delay added * AAC bitstream gap/overlap correction added * AAC decoding (Nero & Sonic) added * old MP2 parser now "officially" and properly supports MP1, MP2 and MP3 * MP3 decoding (libav & Nero) added * added support for MPEG Audio version 2 and version 2.5 * added (limited) support for ID3, APE and LYRICS tags in MP3 and AAC tracks * improved VOB/EVO audio delay detection algorithm * detection and automatic skipping of invalid vob units * options "-60i" and "-24p" are no longer supported for MPEG2 video * improved detection of MPEG2 framerate / pulldown state / mode * improved MPEG2 muxing warnings * several bugs in MPEG2 video muxing fixed * fixed interlaced VC-1 muxing with user data (Nine Inch Nails) v2.54 * VC-1 pulldown removal rewritten (comparable to vc1conv 0.4, but faster) * VC-1 pulldown removal is activated by default * VC-1 pulldown removal can be manually deactivated by "-keepPulldown" option * VC-1 pulldown removal is also available and activated when muxing to MKV now * fixed Blu-Ray subtitle demuxing for seamless branching movies * better task separation when doing multiple operations with an audio track v2.53 * Blu-Ray PGS subtitle demuxing support added * added support for EVO/VOB subtitles which begin very late in the file * MPEG2 video muxing doesn't rely on GOP headers, anymore * all (M2)TS discontinuities are now reported with exact file position * fixed: reading language information from TS files didn't work correctly v2.52 * fixed muxing of MPEG2 broadcasts where "temporal_reference" overruns * MPEG2 bitstream headers are now updated correctly when speedup is performed * MPEG2 bitstream headers are now updated correctly when slowdown is performed * MPEG2 bitstream headers are now updated correctly when pulldown is removed * pulldown removal is now automatically disabled for MPEG2 broadcasts * AC3WAV (SPDIF formatted) support added v2.51 * DTS Express bitstream parser added * DTS Express auto detection added * DTS Express bitstream delay added * DTS Express bitstream gap/overlap correction added * DTS Express decoding (Nero & ArcSoft) added * fixed: 6.1 -> 7.1 channel doubling resulted in wrong channel order * added (undocum.) option "-no7doubling" to disable 6.1 -> 7.1 channel doubling * DTS tracks with funny speaker settings are displayed as "7.1 (strange setup)" * warning is displayed when decoding "7.1 (strange setup)" tracks with ArcSoft v2.50 * ArcSoft DTS Decoder DLL is now directly accessed instead of using DirectShow v2.49 * DTS parser sets correct channel mask now * DTS-HD parser now properly detects format, channels and samplerate * added support for ArcSoft DTS(-HD) Decoder * added several tweaks to make ArcSoft Decoder behave correctly * added ArcSoft test to the "-test" processing * made ArcSoft Decoder default for DTS and DTS-HD decoding v2.48 * 96kHz LPCM tracks in (M2)TS and EVO/VOB containers didn't work correctly * "Applying (E-)AC3 delay" now only shows if the bitstream is actually modified * fixed crash in MP2 reader when checking some PCM tracks * added support for MLP formats 13 - 16 * improved/corrected MLP channel descriptions * MLP parser sets correct channel mask * added proper channel remaps for libav MLP decoding of "funny" channel formats * added proper channel remaps for Nero MLP decoding of "funny" channel formats * added proper channel remaps for Nero AC3 decoding of "funny" channel formats * when doubling 7th channel the channel mask is set correctly now * channel mask is corrected if a decoder doesn't output all channels * channel mask is corrected if channel downmixing is performed v2.47 * improved detection of AC3/DTS tracks in TS/M2TS container * added support for Blu-Ray style LPCM tracks in TS container * fixed 44.1kHz AC3 tracks * fixed crazy audio delay values when no video track was detected * sometimes video/audio tracks were not properly detected in (M2)TS container * MPEG2 demuxing/remuxing incorrectly output the first sequence headers twice * sequence end codes are removed when demuxing video now, too * MPEG2 pulldown removal is automatically activated only for EVO HD sources now * MPEG2 pulldown removal can be manually activated by using "-stripPulldown" * MPEG2 pulldown removal can be disabled by using "-keepPulldown" v2.46 * MPEG2 muxing now fully supports streams with mixed 23.976 and 29.970 content * mixed video/movie MPEG2 streams are now always muxed with 29.970 timestamps * if a movie MPEG2 stream goes video, processing is automatically restarted * MPEG2 pulldown is now automatically removed whenever an MPEG2 stream is read * new option "-keepPulldown" can be used to disable MPEG2 pulldown removal * corrected default WAV channel masks for 4.0, 6.1 and 7.1 * added proper channel remaps for libav AC3 decoding of "funny" channel formats * added general channel mask support * WAV parser reads channel mask from extensible header * (E-)AC3 parser sets correct channel mask v2.45 * Blu-Ray angles are now reported as separate titles * duplicate playlists are not listed in the "folder view", anymore * reduced TrueHD and RAW/PCM gap/overlap threshold to 7ms * reduced (E-)AC3 gap/overlap threshold to 60% of the runtime of one audio frame * reduced MP2 gap/overlap threshold to 60% of the runtime of one MP2 frame * reduced DTS threshold to 60% of the runtime of one DTS frame, but at least 7ms * fixed: Blu-Ray chapter export sometimes wrote incorrect "00:00:00.000" items * improved handling of MPEG2 streams (changes from interlaced to progressive) * video information now shows "with pulldown flags", if applicable * removed "-ignoreDiscon" from help; hint is shown when a discontinuity occurs * added "-ignoreEncrypt" option; hint is shown when a source is encrypted * new option "-extensible" creates WAV files with a slightly different header * fixed some smaller bugs v2.44 * libav is now automatically used when Nero/Sonic decoders are not working * gap/overlap correction of RAW/PCM tracks sometimes aborted * rerunning de/remuxing to correct gaps/overlaps ignored RAW/PCM tracks * "lossless check failed" messages are surpressed on join points now v2.43 * added automatic Blu-Ray playlist parsing * added support for multi part (e.g. seamless branching) Blu-Ray titles * audio gap/overlap detection rewrite completed * added audio gap/overlap correction functionality * added Blu-Ray chapter support * log lines are now prefixed with a track identifier * RAW/PCM delay is used instead of bitstream delay, if possible * fixed: video framecount was missing v2.42 * added support for 16bit DTSWAV files * fixed: Blu-Ray TrueHD support was broken v2.41 * added full MP2 (MPEG2 audio) support including decoding + bitstream delay * added TS/M2TS runtime detection * improved VOB/EVO runtime detection * added TrueHD gap/overlap detection * audio gap/overlap detection logic rewritten (not complete yet) * fixed: log file option didn't work correctly * fixed: some DTS tracks in PAL TS broadcasts weren't detected correctly * fixed: some E-AC3 tracks in PAL TS broadcasts weren't detected correctly v2.40 * video framecount is now also shown for TS/M2TS demuxing/remuxing * "-check" option added to check container for corruption * TS/M2TS: discontinuity check sometimes fired false alarms * HD DVD subtitle language/description was not always correct * title listing is only shown if there are at least 2 titles * if there is only one title, the title is automatically selected * TS/M2TS audio delay detection was broken * improved audio delay detection for broadcasts and badly mastered discs * TS/M2TS video demuxing could eventually add some invalid data * new option "log=c:\whatever\log.txt" specifies the log file path/name v2.39 * simple audio transcoding was broken v2.38 * fixed file path handling bug v2.37 * added HD DVD chapter support * added HD DVD subtitle demuxing support * added pre-freeze detection for Haali Matroska Muxer bug * invalid characters are removed from file names now * log file is copied to destination path (of first destination file) v2.36 * TS/M2TS: discontinuity is only checked for tracks which are de- or remuxed * TS/M2TS: "-demux" creates both a "thd" and an "ac3" file for "thd/ac3" tracks * TS/M2TS: "eac3to source.m2ts movie.mkv" transcodes "thd/ac3" tracks to FLAC * M2TS: track language is displayed (if the file "xxxxx.clpi" is available) * TS: track language is displayed (if the source file contains this info) * video gaps/overlaps in the last 5 seconds of the movie are ignored now v2.35 * fixed broken EVO support v2.34 * TS/M2TS: fixed PAT/PMT reading bug * TS/M2TS: new "-ignoreDiscon" option makes eac3to ignore discontinuity errors v2.33 * added full TS and M2TS support (file joining not supported yet, though) * further improved "-demux" file names * help text and HD DVD track listing is now also written to the log v2.32 * added automatic "VPLST000.XPL" and "HVA00001.VTI" parsing * "eac3to" or "eac3to ." inside of a HD DVD folder lists all title sets * "eac3to someHdDvdMovieFolder" lists all title sets * "eac3to someHdDvdMovieFolder whatever.mkv" converts the longest title set * "eac3to someHdDvdMovieFolder x) whatever.mkv" converts the selected title set * EVO report now contains the EVO display name (if "VPLST000.XPL" is available) * added language to EVO audio track listing (if "VPLST000.XPL" is available) * added EVO audio track display names (if "VPLST000.XPL" is available) * sequence end codes are stripped from VC-1, MPEG2 and h264/AVC * put "-stripPulldown" option back in on request * option "-demux" now writes to "current directory" instead of source directory * option "-demux" now creates files with meaningful names * doing "eac3to src.evo dst.mkv" now creates audio files with meaningful names * doing "eac3to src.evo dst.mkv" writes the audio files to same path as the MKV * after successful (erroneous) processing "success.wav" (error.wav) is played v2.31 * DTSWAV input support added * fixed bitstream delaying of 96khz DTS tracks * improved DTS runtime calculation * fixed DTS audio gap/overlap correction for strange DTS formats * fixed E-AC3 audio gap/overlap correction for strange bitrates * fixed incorrect MKV "default duration" when using "-24p" or "-30p" * fixed incorrect MKV "default duration" when using "-slowdown" or "-speedup" * improved support for "open bitrate" DTS files * slightly improved automatic (E-)AC3 delaying exactness v2.30 * fixed wrong MPEG2 framerate (bug introduced in v2.29) v2.29 * added automatic audio gap/overlap correction for (E-)AC3, DTS(-HD) and LPCM * options "-slowdown" and "-speedup" can now also be used for video muxing * added support for muxing of EVO's secondary video track to MKV * added "-24p", "-30p" and "-60i" options to overwrite detected h264 framerate * fixed some MPEG2 muxing problems * temporarily disabled "-stripPulldown" because vc1conv 0.3 is better v2.28 * new "-seekToIFrames" switch makes Basic Instinct (h264) muxing work v2.27 * fixed h264/AVC muxing crash with some movies (due to too high RAM usage) * fixed missing frames at the end of the movie when doing h264/AVC muxing * fixed non-working "eac3to -test" v2.26 * Haali Splitter replaced with internal splitter for EVO h264/AVC tracks * external raw h264/AVC tracks can now be muxed directly to Matroska * timestamps for h264/AVC MKV videos don't need to be rewritten, anymore * gaps/overlaps in h264/AVC track of EVO files are detected now * h264 aspect ratio is detected and written into MKV now * Haali Media Splitter is not being used at all, anymore * mkvtoolnix is not being used at all, anymore * added detection for MPEG2 interlaced -> progressive mode change * workaround for eacGui bug v2.25 * fixed MPEG2 muxing for interlaced content v2.24 * Haali Splitter replaced with internal splitter for EVO MPEG2 tracks * external raw MPEG2 tracks can now be muxed directly to Matroska * timestamps for MPEG2 MKV videos don't need to be rewritten, anymore * gaps/overlaps in MPEG2 track of EVO files are detected now * VC-1 and MPEG2 aspect ratios are detected and written into MKV now * fixed bug with "-down2" option v2.23 * fixed bug which made some DTS tracks appear dirty although they weren't * fixed extremely big gap detection with Fantastic Four 2 * fixed non cleaned up gaps file bug v2.22 * gap/overlap logic changed completely (optional two pass muxing now) * "-ignoreGaps" parameter is gone v2.21 * latest libav MLP/TrueHD decoder fixes "lossless check failed" bug * latest libav MLP/TrueHD decoder supports & decodes 7.1 TrueHD tracks * Matroska muxing speed dramatically improved * eac3to now detects and handles E-AC3 7.1 tracks correctly * option "-core" extracts 5.1 core from E-AC3 7.1 tracks * added support for small DTS files (< 300kb) v2.20 * changed VC-1 muxing method to fix problems with several movies, e.g. - Unforgiven - Phantom of the Opera - Million Dollar Baby - Fantastic Four 2 * fps value is now also added to MKV header when muxing raw VC-1 stream * added new "-skip" option to skip corruption in the beginning of an EVO file * added extra handling which fixes some EVO authoring bugs v2.19 * fixed h264 bitstream parsing of framerate information format * fixed (again) muxing of some rare VC-1 titles like e.g. POTO USA v2.18 * fixed bug which stopped eac3to v2.15-17 from working on some PCs * fixed h264 bitstream parsing bug (Sum of all Fears) * fps value is added to MKV header now * relaxed VC-1 gap detection once more * TrueHD decoding to stdout fixed (always output as 24 bit now) v2.17 * fixed VC-1 pulldown removal * VC-1 pulldown removal must now be activated by the new option "-stripPulldown" * improved VC-1 gap/overlap detection * new option "-ignoreGaps" disables VC-1 gap/overlap detection * libav E-AC3 decoder background decoding removed again v2.16 * fixed "eac3to -test" crash * fixed "eac3to some.ddp some.wav" crash * made video gap/overlap detection a little more relaxed * WAV header is initialized to 4GB instead of 0GB (for stdout) * fixed incorrect "primary/secondary" text v2.15 * Haali Splitter replaced with internal splitter for EVO VC-1 tracks * external raw VC-1 tracks can now be muxed directly to Matroska * timestamps for VC-1 MKV videos don't need to be rewritten, anymore * some problematic VC-1 movies should mux fine to MKV now (e.g. POTO USA) * gaps/overlaps in VC-1 track of EVO files are detected and displayed now * pulldown can be removed from external raw VC-1 tracks now * pulldown is automatically removed when demuxing EVO VC-1 tracks now * updated to the latest revision of the libav E-AC3 decoder * some minor changes and bugfixes v2.14 * libav TrueHD decoder "end of stream" bug should be fixed now * fixed libav DTS decoder - subwoofer channels is properly decoded now, too * patched libav DTS decoder to output full 24 bit * updated to the latest revision of the libav E-AC3 decoder * when decoding E-AC3 with Nero, libav decoding is also executed at the same time v2.13 * added option to downmix multi channel audio to stereo * added support for VC-1 custom aspect ratios * added stdout output support v2.12 (thanks to Ron/drmpeg for all his help) * video resolution, framerate and mode (progressive/interlaced) are displayed * rewriting timestamps should now always write the correct framerate * after a full EVO/VOB processing the number of video frames is shown * EVO 16 bit and 24 bit LPCM demuxing supported now (need samples for 20 bit) * (E-)AC3 bitstream can be delayed now (similar to delaycut) * DTS bitstream can be delayed now (similar to delaycut) * DTS-HD High-Res and Master Audio bitstream can be delayed now * when demuxing bitstream audio tracks from EVO delay is automatically applied * some little bugs fixed v2.11 * libav E-AC3 decoding is without DRC now * libav AC3 decoding added (without DRC) * libav E-AC3 and AC3 decoding hacked to return full 24 bit * fixed: delay was not applied for lossless audio tracks * fixed crash when parsing PCM files without doing any conversion * TrueHD dialnorm was displayed incorrectly * changed 23.976 to 24/1.001 * fixed some more minor bugs v2.10 * fixed crash which occurred when doing "EVO/VOB -> Surcode DTS encoding" * "eac3to source.evo movie.mkv" syntax replaces "-auto" option * "eac3to 1.evo+2.evo movie.evo" syntax supported now for simple EVO/VOB joining v2.09 * EVO demuxing added with proper delays for all audio tracks * EVO file joining/rebuilding added * automated EVO video remuxing (Matroska) added * automated rewriting of Matroska timestamps to 24p via mkvtoolnix added * multiple operations on the source file can now be run at the same time * switch "-test" tests all external DirectShow filters and tools * latest ffmpeg/libav TrueHD and E-AC3 decoder patches included * latest libAften build included * libav TrueHD decoder is now the default decoder for TrueHD/MLP * support for libav DTS decoding added * fixed a whole lot of bugs (and might have added a few new ones) v2.08 * fixed: bitdepth reducer sometimes crashed when being fed a PCM file * fixed: FLAC encoder sometimes crashed when delay was applied * fixed: some TrueHD files were dithered/processed by Nero when they shouldn't * fixed: Surcode 1.0.29 encoding automation * fixed: source file was deleted when source and dest file names were identical * eac3to output is now always written to "log.txt" * when a crash occurs, "log.txt" is added to the bug report * improved help text + hints slightly * undocumented switch "-check16bit" added * undocumented switch "-mono" added v2.07 * fixed libAV MLP decoding support * added automatic MLP ID20 channel remapping * Surcode 1.0.29 (or newer) home directory detection added v2.06 * doing FLAC -> FLAC now copies metadata from source to destination file * MLP files are correctly decoded now (by both Nero and libav/ffmpeg) * runtime for padded DTS files is shown correctly now v2.05 * added support for libav/ffmpeg decoding of TrueHD/MLP and E-AC3 * added "-libav" switch to force libav decoding v2.04 * don't need dtsac3source.ax, anymore * don't need Nero Splitter, anymore * don't need Sonic HD Demuxer, anymore * replaced hacked DirectShow feeding with a cleaner approach * added support for DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 tracks (only 5.1 decoding) * little performance boost for PAL speedup/down on DualCore CPUs * fixed some bugs v2.03 * new "-debug" switch added v2.02 * fixed: automatic registering of the dtsac3source filter crashed v2.01 * fixed: AC3 encoding sometimes crashed when being fed 24 bit audio data * fixed: AC3 encoded files were invalid when being fed 24 bit audio data * eac3toGUI didn't work with eac3to v2.0 * "eac3to source.ac3 dest.ac3 -slowdown" didn't do anything useful * when a crash occurs, the bug report is automatically copied to clipboard now * some minor cosmetic improvements v2.00 totally new features * AC3 decoding support (Nero's decoder without DRC/dialnorm) * resampling to 44.1/48/96 kHz (by using "r8brain") * apply/reverse PAL speedup (by using "r8brain") * "eac3to sourceFile" will print out source file details strongly enhanced features * dramatically improved performance (no intermediate files, anymore!) * proper 6.1/7.1 downmixing to 5.1 instead of just dropping the back surround channels * RAW/PCM file detection now auto detects channels, bitdepth and endian * WAV is now fully supported as source file format * destination file extension "PCM" creates Blu-Ray style LPCM tracks * bitdepth can be reduced to anything between 14 bits and 23 bits DTS related improvements/changes * DTS-96/24 support added * "open bitrate" support added * strange channel configuration support added * removal of zero padding from DTS files added * eac3to can fix broken DTS-ES files (they decode to 5.1 instead of 6.1 without the fix) * dialog normalization can be removed without removing the additional DTS-HD data now * core extraction must be specifically asked for now (see "-core" switch) AC3 related improvements * did I mention that eac3to can decode AC3 now? * strange channel configuration support added TrueHD related improvements * delay problem (hopefully) solved * fixed: sometimes some audio data in the middle of a track was lost * TrueHD/AC3 interweaved file can be stripped to TrueHD only now various minor improvements/changes * progress bar added * eac3to detects file format independently of file extension * multiple input files can be treated as one big file * "sox" is not needed, anymore * "dump" filter not needed, anymore * "aften.exe" replaced by "libAften.dll" * "flac.exe" replaced by "libFlac.dll" * DTS/DD+/AC3 source filter ships with eac3to now * 8bit support added * crash analyzer and bug reporting added v1.23 * bugfix: sometimes TrueHD decoding resulted in incorrect sampling rate v1.22 * 6.1 -> 7.1 channel doubling was sometimes incorrectly skipped * OS speaker settings now don't have to be 7.1, anymore * added detection of 5.1 output when 6.1 was expected * DTS and DTS-ES files are now forcefully patched to 24 bit by eac3to (workaround for Sonic decoder) * Sonic Audio Decoder is now always used by default for DTS decoding v1.21 * bugfix: 2 channel DTS files were not accepted * added: DTS-ES 6.1 support * added: DTS-HD High Resolution Matrix 5.1 support * added: DTS-HD Master Audio 6.1 support v1.20 * bugfix: some Blu-Ray TrueHD tracks were not accepted * change: eac3to output text slightly improved v1.19 * bugfix: still some TrueHD files were not accepted ("The source file format is unknown") * added: FLAC supported as source/input file format now * added: full delay functionality v1.18 * bugfix: some TrueHD files were not accepted ("The source file format is unknown") * change: EVO files are not accepted as source files, anymore * added: detection and repacking of 16 bit TrueHD tracks * added: proper detection of "DTS-HD Master Audio" and "DTS-HD High Resolution" tracks * added: runtime information for "DTS-HD High Resolution" tracks * bugfix: bitrate information for "DTS-HD High Resolution" tracks * added: decoding of "DTS-HD Master Audio" tracks (Sonic) * added: decoding of "DTS-HD High Resolution" tracks (Sonic) * added: decoding of conventional DTS tracks (Sonic/Nero) v1.17 * TrueHD dialog normalization removal added v1.16 * added decoding support for Blu-Ray TrueHD files v1.15 * bugfixes v1.14 * DTS dialog normalization can be removed now * DTS core can be extracted from DTS-HD track now v1.13 * "eac3to src.ac3 dst.ac3" removes dialog normalization from AC3 files * "eac3to src.eac3 dst.eac3" removes dialog normalization from E-AC3 files * "eac3to src.thd dst.ac3" extracts the AC3 frames from a Blu-Ray TrueHD track and removes dialog normalization v1.12 * tools "flac.exe", "aften.exe" and "sox.exe" are now distributed in the eac3to zip * correct channel mapping for 7.1 LPCM tracks is default now * new option "-down6" allows downconverting of 7.1 tracks to 5.1 * modded "flac.exe" ships with eac3to now, which has no problems with 2GB file output, anymore v1.11 * bugfix: (L)PCM -> DTS encoding automation failed when source and destination folders differed * added: new "-allowDnr" switch allows Nero's audio decoder to apply DNR * added: new "-keepDialnorm" switch disables removal of E-AC3 dialnorm information v1.10 * E-AC3 dialog normalization detection and removal * DRC turned off for Nero E-AC3 decoder * Surcode automation improved * Nero is now the default E-AC3 and TrueHD decoder * the flag "/nero" is no more * there is a flag "/sonic" now to force the use of the Sonic filters v1.09 * multi channel mono wav output added * automated SurCode DTS encoding added * 24bit PCM handling works now (was buggy before) * "-blu-ray" option removed * with PCM input files "bigendian" is default now * with 5.1 PCM input blu-ray style channel remapping is default now * switches "-16" and "-24" are valid for both TrueHD and PCM input now * eac3to now creates the WAV files on its own instead of using sox * target extension ".wavs" results in one mono wav for each channel being created * SurCode DVD DTS encoding automation added * new options "-768" and "-1536" for DTS encoding * TrueHD output is not downconverted to 16bit by default, anymore * new option "-down16" downconverts the raw data from 24 -> 16 bit (not limited to TrueHD input) v1.08 * added PCM input support * automatic detection of PCM bitdepth added (16bit or 24bit) * "-blu-ray" switch remaps PCM channels correctly v1.07 * added "-8" switch for 8 channel support v1.06 * mono E-AC3 support added v1.05 * support for 5.1 TrueHD audio tracks added v1.04 * E-AC3 files bigger than 4GB are supported now v1.03 * AC3 files bigger than 2GB are supported now v1.02 * FLAC encoding works now without any input/output size limits v1.01 * support for FLAC encoding added * bitrate can be specified via command line parameter * ffdshow removed from the filter chain * "ddp" and "ec3" file extensions are accepted now, too * fix: "dd+" file extension didn't work correctly. v1.00 * initial release * can convert a 2.0 or 5.1 channel E-AC3 file to AC3.



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