ADO中,对Datetime 和 image 类型如何绑定?

anufa 2004-05-07 06:18:45
ADO中,对Datetime 和 image 类型如何绑定,
54 6 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
6 条回复
anufa 2004-05-07
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specialkid 2004-05-07
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up leart
Kudeet 2004-05-07
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tjucruiser 2004-05-07
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anufa 2004-05-07
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int m_ID;
TCHAR m_Name[20];
int m_DepartmentID;

ULONG sz_mName;
ULONG sz_mDepartmentID;

ADO_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ENTRY2(1, adInteger, m_ID, sizeof(m_ID), sz_mID, TRUE)
ADO_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ENTRY2(2, adChar, m_Name, sizeof(m_Name), sz_mName, TRUE)
ADO_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ENTRY2(3, adVarChar, m_DepartmentID, sizeof(m_DepartmentID), sz_mDepartmentID, TRUE)

create table management.dbo.BasicInfo
ID numeric(9) constraint woo NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
Name varchar(20),
DepartmentID numeric(3),


IADORecordBinding *picRs;
CBindingBasicInfo rs;
sql.Format("select * from BasicInfo where id = 10002");
m_pRecordset->Open(_variant_t(sql), _variant_t((IDispatch *)((CManageApp *)AfxGetApp())->m_pConnection,TRUE),adOpenKeyset,adLockOptimistic,adCmdText );
m_pRecordset->QueryInterface(_uuidof(IADORecordBinding), (LPVOID *)&picRs);

m_Coleage = rs.m_Name;
m_Major = rs.m_ID;

Kudeet 2004-05-07
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Datetime 是用CTime 绑定的吧!
《C#全能速查宝典》共分为8章,分别介绍了C#语言基础、Windows窗体及常用控件、Windows高级控件、控件公共属性、方法及事件、数据库开发、文件、数据流与注册表、GDI+绘图技术和C#高级编程,共包含562个C#编程常用的属性、方法、类和各种技术,每一个知识点都配有具体的示例,便于读者理解。 《C#全能速查宝典》所讲的知识点按照功能和字母进行排序,读者既可以按照功能顺序查找,又可以按照字母顺序学习。 《C#全能速查宝典》不仅适合C#程序设计初学者,也可作为、高级程序开发人员的参考手册。 ============================================================ 图书目录 第1章 C#语言基础 1 1.1 常用概念、关键字及基础类 1 1.1.1 abstract关键字——抽象 1 1.1.2 as操作符——引用类型转换 3 1.1.3 base关键字——从派生类访问基类的成员 3 1.1.4 变量——存储特类型的数据 4 1.1.5 Console类——控制台的输入流、输出流和错误流 6 1.1.6 Convert类——类型转换 8 1.1.7 常量——值不改变的量 9 1.1.8 Dispose方法——释放资源 10 1.1.9 迭代器——相同类型的值的有序序列的一段代码 10 1.1.10 泛型——处理算法和数据结构 11 1.1.11 分部类——将一个类分成几部分 12 1.1.12 is操作符——检查变量是否为指类型 14 1.1.13 lock关键字——锁 15 1.1.14 namespace关键字——义命名空间 15 1.1.15 new运算符——创建一个新的类型实例 16 1.1.16 Object类型——所有类型的基类 17 1.1.17 OOP技术——面向对象编程技术 18 1.1.18 ReadLine方法——从当前流读取一行字符 20 1.1.19 typeof运算符——获得系统原型对象的类型 21 1.1.20 using关键字——引入命名空间 22 1.1.21 WriteLine方法——写入流 23 1.2 数学方法类——Math 25 1.2.1 Abs方法——返回指数字的绝对值 25 1.2.2 Acos方法——返回余弦值为指数字的角度 26 1.2.3 Asin方法——返回正弦值为指数字的角度 26 1.2.4 Atan方法——返回正切值为指数字的角度 27 1.2.5 Pow方法——返回指数字的指次幂 27 1.2.6 Round方法——将小数值舍入到指的精度 28 1.3 流程控制语句 29 1.3.1 break语句——跳出循环 29 1.3.2 case语句——比较表达式以确结果 30 1.3.3 continue语句——继续执行下一个循环 31 1.3.4 do…while语句——循环语句 31 1.3.5 for语句——循环语句 32 1.3.6 foreach语句——枚举一个集合的元素 33 1.3.7 goto语句——跳转到标签 34 1.3.8 if…else语句——条件判断语句 36 1.3.9 return语句——返回 38 1.3.10 switch case语句——条件判断语句 39 1.3.11 throw语句——显式引发异常 40 1.3.12 try…catch…finally语句——捕捉异常 42 1.3.13 while语句——循环语句 43 1.4 字符串处理 44 1.4.1 AddDays方法——添加天数 44 1.4.2 AddString方法——添加文本字符串 45 1.4.3 Compare方法——比较两个字符串 46 1.4.4 CompareTo方法——比较两个字符串对象 47 1.4.5 DATEADD函数——在指日期上加一段时间 48 1.4.6 DateDiff方法——获取日期时间的间隔数 48 1.4.7 DateTime结构——表示时间上的一刻 50 1.4.8 DAY函数——返回日期部分的整数 51 1.4.9 DayOfWeek属性——获取星期几 52 1.4.10 Equals方法——比较两个字符串对象 53 1.4.11 First函数——返回查询结果的第一个记录 55 1.4.12 FirstDayOfWeek属性——获取或设置一周的第一天 56 1.4.13 Format方法——格式化字符串 56 1.4.14 GETDATE函数——返回当前系统日期和时间 58 1.4.15 GetDayOfMonth方法——返回几号 59 1.4.16 GetDayOfWeek方法——返回星期几 59 1.4.17 GetDayOfYear方法——返回第几天 60 1.4.18 GetDaysInMonth方法——返回指月份的天数 60 1.4.19 GetDaysInYear方法——返回指年份的天数 61 1.4.20 GetMonth方法——返回指日期的月份 61 1.4.21 GetMonthsInYear方法——返回指年份的月数 62 1.4.22 GetText方法——检索文本数据 63 1.4.23 GetYear方法——返回指日期的年份 64 1.4.24 IndexOf方法——确字符在字符串的索引 65 1.4.25 IsLeapYear方法——判断年份是否为闰年 67 1.4.26 IsMatch方法——搜索正则表达式匹配项 67 1.4.27 IsUpper方法——判断是否大写 68 1.4.28 Join方法——串联字符串 69 1.4.29 LastIndexOf方法——确字符在字符串最后索引 70 1.4.30 Matches方法——检查字符串是否有重复的词出现 71 1.4.31 MONTH函数——返回指日期月部分的整数 73 1.4.32 PadLeft方法——在左边用空格填充 73 1.4.33 PadRight方法——在右边用空格填充 74 1.4.34 Random类——伪随机数生成器 75 1.4.35 Regex类——正则表达式 76 1.4.36 Split方法——分割字符串 78 1.4.37 String类——字符串 79 1.4.38 StringBuilder类——可变字符串 82 1.4.39 Substring方法——截取字符串 83 1.4.40 TimeSpan对象——表示时间间隔或持续时间 84 1.4.41 ToInt32方法——转换为32位有符号整数 85 1.4.42 ToLongDateString 方法——转换为长日期字符串 86 1.4.43 ToLongTimeString 方法——转换为长时间字符串 87 1.4.44 ToLower方法——转换为小写 87 1.4.45 ToShortDateString方法——转换为短日期字符串 88 1.4.46 ToShortTimeString方法——转换为短时间字符串 88 1.4.47 ToString方法——转换为字符串 89 1.4.48 ToUpper方法——转换为大写 90 1.4.49 Trim方法——移除所有空白字符 91 1.4.50 TrimEnd方法——从尾部移除匹配项 92 1.4.51 TrimStart方法——从开始移除匹配项 92 1.4.52 YEAR函数——返回指日期的年份的整数 93 1.5 数组与集合 93 1.5.1 Add方法——添加项 93 1.5.2 ArrayList类——集合 95 1.5.3 AsEnumerable方法——转换为IEnumerable类型 97 1.5.4 Clear方法——清空内容 98 1.5.5 Contains方法——确是否包含某项 99 1.5.6 ContainsKey方法——确哈希表是否包含特键 100 1.5.7 ContainsText方法——确剪贴板是否存在数据 101 1.5.8 ContainsValue方法——确哈希表是否包含特值 101 1.5.9 Count属性——获取数目 102 1.5.10 GetEnumerator方法——循环访问对象 103 1.5.11 GetEnvironmentVariables方法——检索环境变量 104 1.5.12 Hashtable类——哈希表 106 1.5.13 Insert方法——插入项 110 1.5.14 Item属性——获取或设置指索引处的元素 111 1.5.15 Length属性——获取长度 112 1.5.16 Next方法——返回一个指范围内的随机数 113 1.5.17 Queue类——队列 115 1.5.18 Remove方法——移除指项 116 1.5.19 RemoveAt方法——移除指索引处的项 118 1.5.20 Replace方法——替换文件或字符串 119 1.5.21 Reverse方法——反转数组元素 120 1.5.22 Sort方法——数组排序 121 1.5.23 Stack类——堆栈 123 第2章 Windows窗体及常用控件 126 2.1 Form窗体 126 2.1.1 AcceptButton属性——设置接受按钮 126 2.1.2 Activate事件——当激活窗体时发生 126 2.1.3 Appllication类——提供管理应用程序的静态方法 126 2.1.4 CancelButton属性——设置取消按钮 128 2.1.5 Computer类——提供操作计算机组件的属性 129 2.1.6 ComputerInfo类——获取计算机信息 130 2.1.7 Control类——义控件基类 131 2.1.8 Environment类——提供当前环境和平台的信息 134 2.1.9 Form窗体——可视化界面 136 2.1.10 FormClosed事件——关闭窗体后事件 139 2.1.11 FormClosing事件——关闭窗体前事件 139 2.1.12 Icon属性——设置图标 139 2.1.13 IsMdiContainer属性——设置父窗体 140 2.1.14 LayoutMdi方法——排列子窗体 141 2.1.15 Load事件——窗体加载事件 141 2.1.16 MaximizeBox属性——是否显示最大化按钮 142 2.1.17 Maximum属性——设置数字显示框的最大值 142 2.1.18 MDI窗体——多文档界面 143 2.1.19 MdiChildren属性——获取子窗体的数组 146 2.1.20 MdiParent属性——设置父窗体 147 2.1.21 MinimizeBox属性——是否显示最小化按钮 147 2.1.22 Minimum属性——数字显示框的最小值 148 2.1.23 Opacity属性——设置窗体的透明度级别 148 2.1.24 Owner属性——设置窗体所有者 149 2.1.25 StartPosition属性——设置窗体起始位置 150 2.1.26 StartupPath 属性——获取可执行文件路径 150 2.1.27 TopMost属性——窗体是否应显示为最顶层窗体 151 2.1.28 WindowState属性——窗体的窗口状态 151 2.2 文本类控件 152 2.2.1 AllowEdit属性——是否可以编辑列表项 152 2.2.2 AppendText方法——追加文本 152 2.2.3 BeginEdit方法——将单元格置于编辑模式下 153 2.2.4 Button控件——按钮控件 153 2.2.5 CancelEdit属性——取消更改 155 2.2.6 CanPaste方法——是否可以粘贴数据 155 2.2.7 CanRedo属性——是否有可以重新应用的操作 156 2.2.8 CanSelect属性——是否可以选控件 157 2.2.9 CanUndo属性——能否撤销上一个操作 157 2.2.10 Cut方法——将选内容移动到“剪贴板” 158 2.2.11 Find方法——搜索指的项目 158 2.2.12 FindString方法——搜索文本 160 2.2.13 Label控件——标签控件 161 2.2.14 LabelEdit属性——允许用户编辑控件数据 163 2.2.15 LinkLabel控件——以超链接形式显示文本 164 2.2.16 MaskedTextBox控件——使用掩码区分用户输入 166 2.2.17 Multiline属性——是否为多行输入数据 169 2.2.18 PasswordChar属性——取代用户输入而显示的字符 170 2.2.19 Redo方法——重新应用控件上次撤销的操作 171 2.2.20 RichTextBox控件——有格式文本控件 171 2.2.21 Select方法——激活控件 173 2.2.22 SelectAll方法——选所有文本 176 2.2.23 Selected属性——是否选 176 2.2.24 SelectedCells属性——用户选的单元格集合 177 2.2.25 SelectedColumns属性——用户选的列集合 178 2.2.26 SelectedRows属性——用户选的行集合 179 2.2.27 SelectionBackColor属性——文本在选时的颜色 180 2.2.28 SelectionColor属性——插入点的文本颜色 180 2.2.29 SelectionEnd属性——设置选日期范围的结束日期 181 2.2.30 SelectionFont属性——选文本或插入点的字体 182 2.2.31 SelectionIndent属性——所选内容开始行的缩进距离 183 2.2.32 SelectionLength属性——控件的字符数 184 2.2.33 SelectionRange 属性——设置选的日期范围 185 2.2.34 SelectionStart属性——选择的起始位置的字符索引 185 2.2.35 TextBox控件——输入或显示文本 186 2.2.36 TextChanged事件——Text属性值更改时发生 187 2.3 选择类控件 188 2.3.1 CheckBox控件——复选框控件 188 2.3.2 CheckBoxes属性——是否显示复选框 190 2.3.3 Checked属性——复选框是否处于选状态 190 2.3.4 CheckedChanged事件——Checked属性更改时发生 191 2.3.5 CheckedListBox控件——复选框列表控件 191 2.3.6 CheckState属性——设置CheckBox控件的状态 193 2.3.7 ComboBox控件——下拉组合框控件 194 2.3.8 DomainUpDown控件——上下选择控件 195 2.3.9 DropDownStyle属性——指组合框样式的值 197 2.3.10 GetItemCheckState方法——当前项的复选状态的值 198 2.3.11 GetItemText方法——指项的文本表示形式 199 2.3.12 Index属性——从零开始的索引 200 2.3.13 Items属性——数组列表对象的项的集合 200 2.3.14 ListBox控件——列表控件 201 2.3.15 ListView控件——显示带图标的项列表 205 2.3.16 NumericUpDown控件——数值选择控件 208 2.3.17 RadioButton控件——单选按钮 210 2.3.18 SelectedIndex属性——获取选择项的索引 212 2.3.19 SelectedIndices属性——表示当前选的项 213 2.3.20 SelectedItem属性——当前选的项 214 2.3.21 SelectedItems属性——选项的集合 215 2.3.22 SelectedText属性——选文本 216 2.4 容器类控件 217 2.4.1 FlatStyle属性——设置控件的平面样式外观 217 2.4.2 FlowDirection属性——指示FlowLayoutPanel控件的流向 217 2.4.3 FlowLayoutPanel控件——水平或垂直排列内容 218 2.4.4 GroupBox控件——分组控件 219 2.4.5 Panel控件——容器控件 220 2.4.6 TabControl控件——选项卡控件 222 2.4.7 TabIndex属性——控件的Tab键顺序 224 2.4.8 TabPages属性——选项卡页的集合 224 第3章 Windows高级控件 226 3.1 日期时间类控件 226 3.1.1 CalendarFont属性——日历的字体样式 226 3.1.2 CalendarForeColor属性——日历的前景色 226 3.1.3 DateTimePicker控件——日期和日历的组合 226 3.1.4 MaxDate属性——最大日期和时间 228 3.1.5 MinDate属性——最小日期和时间 228 3.1.6 MonthCalendar控件——以网格形式显示日历 229 3.1.7 SetDate方法——将日期设置为当前选的日期 231 3.1.8 ShowToday属性——是否显示当前日期 232 3.2 对话框、菜单、工具栏及状态栏控件 232 3.2.1 ColorDialog控件——颜色对话框 232 3.2.2 ContextMenuStrip控件——右键快捷菜单 233 3.2.3 ExpandAll方法——展开所有树节点 233 3.2.4 Filter属性——设置筛选器字符串 234 3.2.5 FolderBrowserDialog控件——浏览文件夹对话框 234 3.2.6 Font属性——设置字体 235 3.2.7 FontDialog控件——字体对话框 235 3.2.8 InitialDirectory属性——文件对话框显示的初始目录 237 3.2.9 MenuStrip控件——菜单控件 238 3.2.10 Nodes属性——树节点集合 241 3.2.11 OpenFileDialog控件——打开文件对话框 241 3.2.12 RestoreDirectory属性——是否还原当前目录 244 3.2.13 RootFolder属性——设置浏览的根文件夹 245 3.2.14 SaveFileDialog组件——保存文件对话框 246 3.2.15 SelectedNode属性——获取选的树节点 248 3.2.16 SelectedPath属性——用户选的路径 249 3.2.17 ShowDialog方法——打开模式对话框 249 3.2.18 ToolStrip控件——工具栏控件 251 3.2.19 TreeNode类——树节点 252 3.2.20 TreeView控件——树控件 254 3.3 数据类控件 256 3.3.1 BindingNavigator控件——导航和操作数据 256 3.3.2 Cell对象——表示Word文档的单元格 258 3.3.3 CellClick事件——单元格的任何部分被单击时发生 259 3.3.4 CellEnter事件——控件接收到输入焦点时发生 260 3.3.5 CellMouseClick事件——鼠标单击单元格时发生 261 3.3.6 CellLeave事件——单元格失去输入焦点时发生 261 3.3.7 Cells属性——Bookmark控件的表单元格 261 3.3.8 ColumnCount属性——DataGridView控件显示的列数 262 3.3.9 Columns属性——控件所有列的集合 262 3.3.10 ColumnWidth属性——ListBox列的宽度 263 3.3.11 CurrentCell属性——设置当前处于活动状态的单元格 263 3.3.12 CurrentRow属性——包含当前单元格的行 263 3.3.13 DataGridView控件——数据控件 264 3.3.14 FullRowSelect属性——是否选择其所有子项 268 3.3.15 GetCellCount方法——获取满足筛选器的单元格数目 269 3.3.16 GetColumn方法——指子控件的列位置 270 3.3.17 NewRow方法——添加一条新记录 270 3.3.18 RowCount方法——DataGridView显示的行数 271 3.3.19 Rows属性——DataGridView控件的所有行 272 3.4 打印类控件 273 3.4.1 CrystalReportViewer控件——水晶报表查看控件 273 3.4.2 Document属性——设置要预览的文档 280 3.4.3 PageSetupDialog组件——配置页面的对话框 281 3.4.4 Print方法——打印当前页面 283 3.4.5 PrintDialog组件——打印对话框 283 3.4.6 PrintDocument组件——设置打印的文档 286 3.4.7 PrinterSettings属性——打印机设置 291 3.4.8 PrintPage事件——当需要为当前页打印的输出时发生 292 3.4.9 PrintPreviewControl组件——按文档打印时的外观显示Print Document组件 292 3.4.10 PrintPreviewDialog组件——显示PrintDocument组件在打印时的外观 295 3.4.11 PrinterSettings类——用来指有关文档打印方式的信息 297 3.4.12 Zoom属性——指示页面的显示大小 300 3.5 其他常用组件 300 3.5.1 BackgroundWorker组件——在主线程的另一线程上异步执行耗时的操作 300 3.5.2 ErrorProvider控件——检查并显示错误信息 302 3.5.3 EventLog组件——连接本地和远程计算机的事件日志 303 3.5.4 HelpProvider组件——将帮助文件与Windows应用程序相关联 306 3.5.5 HScrollBar控件——一个标准Windows水平滚动条 309 3.5.6 Image属性——显示在控件上的图像 311 3.5.7 ImageAlign属性——在控件显示的图像的对齐方式 312 3.5.8 ImageFormat类——指图像的格式 312 3.5.9 ImageList组件——用于存储图像 314 3.5.10 ImageList属性——在控件显示的图像的ImageList 316 3.5.11 Interval属性——设置Timer控件执行的间隔 317 3.5.12 NotifyIcon控件——设置程序的系统托盘图标 317 3.5.13 PerformStep方法——按照Step属性的数量增加进度栏的当前位置 319 3.5.14 PictrueBox控件——用于显示指的图像 320 3.5.15 Play方法——播放.wav文件 323 3.5.16 ProgressBar控件——进度条 323 3.5.17 SetError方法——设置错误信息 326 3.5.18 SetShowHelp方法——是否显示帮助信息 327 3.5.19 SetToolTip方法——设置提示文本 328 3.5.20 Step属性——增加进度条的当前位置时所根据的数量 328 3.5.21 Stop方法——停止加载网页 329 3.5.22 Tick事件——计时器处于启用状态时发生 330 3.5.23 Timer组件——期引发事件的组件 330 3.5.24 ToolTip控件——显示提示信息 332 3.5.25 ToolTipIcon属性——提示文本旁显示的图标类型 333 3.5.26 ToolTipText属性——ToolTip显示的文本 334 3.5.27 ToolTipTitle属性——工具提示窗口的标题 334 3.5.28 TrackBar控件——标准的Windows跟踪条 335 3.5.29 Url属性——引用服务说明的URL 337 3.5.30 VscrollBar控件——标准的Windows垂直滚动条 337 3.5.31 WebBrowser控件——在窗体显示网页 339 3.5.32 Windows Media Player控件——播放常见的音频文件 343 第4章 控件公共属性、方法及事件 347 4.1 控件公共属性 347 4.1.1 BackColor属性——设置控件的背景色 347 4.1.2 BackgroudColor属性——设置控件背景色 347 4.1.3 BackgroudImage属性——设置控件背景图像 347 4.1.4 Border属性——控件边框 348 4.1.5 BorderStyle属性——控件的边框样式 349 4.1.6 Bottom属性——控件下边缘与其容器的工作区上边缘之间的距离 349 4.1.7 CanFocus属性——控件是否可以接收焦点 350 4.1.8 Capture属性——控件是否已捕获鼠标 350 4.1.9 Color属性——设置用户选的颜色 350 4.1.10 Dock属性——控件在窗体的布局样式 351 4.1.11 Enabled属性——控件是否可用 352 4.1.12 ForeColor属性——设置控件的前景色 352 4.1.13 Handle属性——获取控件到的窗口句柄 352 4.1.14 Height属性——设置控件的高度 353 4.1.15 KeyChar属性——设置与按下的键对应的字符 354 4.1.16 KeyValue属性——获取KeyDown或KeyUp事件的键盘值 355 4.1.17 Lines属性——设置多行配置的文本行 355 4.1.18 Location属性——控件的左上角相对于其容器的左上角的坐标 356 4.1.19 Name属性——控件或实例的名称 356 4.1.20 Parent属性——设置控件的父容器或获取指子目录的父目录 357 4.1.21 Position属性——设置坐标 358 4.1.22 ReadOnly属性——是否只读 359 4.1.23 Right属性——控件右边缘与其容器的工作区左边缘之间的距离 359 4.1.24 RightToLeft属性——控件的文本从右向左读取 360 4.1.25 ScrollBars属性——滚动条的可见性和位置 360 4.1.26 SizeMode属性——指示如何显示图像 361 4.1.27 Tag属性——窗体或控件的标识 362 4.1.28 Text属性——与控件关联的文本 362 4.1.29 TextAlign 属性——控件上文本的对齐方式 363 4.1.30 Top属性——控件上边缘与其容器的工作区上边缘之间的距离 364 4.1.31 Value属性——辅助性对象的值 364 4.1.32 View属性——项在控件的显示方式 365 4.1.33 Visible属性——控件是否可见 366 4.1.34 Width属性——控件的宽度 366 4.2 控件公共方法 367 4.2.1 BringToFront方法——将控件带到Z顺序的前面 367 4.2.2 Focus方法——为控件设置输入焦点 367 4.2.3 GetClipboardContent方法——检索选单元格内容的格式化值 368 4.2.4 GetParent方法——检索指路径的父目录 368 4.2.5 Hide方法——隐藏窗体 369 4.2.6 Load方法——加载XML文档 369 4.2.7 LoadFile方法——将文件加载到RichTextBox控件 371 4.2.8 Navigate方法——打开指的URL地址 372 4.2.9 Refresh方法——重新加载当前的网页 373 4.2.10 SaveAs方法——用新名称或新格式保存文档 373 4.2.11 SaveFile方法——将内容保存到文件 374 4.2.12 Show方法——显示光标或者打开新窗体 375 4.2.13 UpButton方法——按照指数值递增 376 4.3 控件公共事件 377 4.3.1 Click事件——单击控件时触发该事件 377 4.3.2 Enter事件——光标进入控件时发生 378 4.3.3 KeyDown事件——控件有焦点按下键时发生 378 4.3.4 KeyPress事件——控件有焦点按下键时发生 380 4.3.5 KeyUp事件——控件有焦点释放键时发生 381 4.3.6 Leave事件——输入焦点离开控件时发生 381 4.3.7 MouseClick事件——用户单击控件时发生 382 4.3.8 Navigated事件——加载新文档时发生 383 4.3.9 Paint事件——重绘或更新控件时发生 383 第5章 数据库开发 385 5.1 SQL语言基础 385 5.1.1 AVG聚合函数——返回组值的平均值 385 5.1.2 CAST函数——数据类型显式转换 385 5.1.3 COUNT函数——返回组的项的数量 386 5.1.4 Last函数——返回查询结果的最后一个记录 386 5.1.5 MAX函数——返回表达式的最大值 388 5.1.6 MIN函数——返回表达式的最小值 388 5.1.7 newid函数——创建uniqueidentifier类型的惟一值 389 5.1.8 SUM函数——返回表达式所有值的和 389 5.1.9 UPDATE语句——更改表的现有数据 390 5.2 ADO.NET技术 392 5.2.1 Command对象——对数据源执行增、删、改、查操作 392 5.2.2 CommandText属性——获取设置SQL语句或存储过程 393 5.2.3 CommandTimeout属性——获取或设置错误等待时间 393 5.2.4 CommandType属性——获取或设置如何解释CommandText属性 394 5.2.5 Connection对象——数据库连接对象 394 5.2.6 ConnectionState枚举——数据库连接状态 395 5.2.7 DataAdapter类——数据库桥接器 396 5.2.8 DataMember属性——获取或设置数据源列表或表名称 398 5.2.9 DataReader类——只读数据集 398 5.2.10 DataSet类——数据集 400 5.2.11 DataSource属性——获取或设置数据源 402 5.2.12 ExecuteNonQuery方法——执行SQL语句并返回受影响的行数 402 5.2.13 ExecuteReader方法——执行SQL语句并返回DataReader对象 403 5.2.14 ExecuteScalar方法——执行SQL语句并返回结果集第1行的第1列 404 5.2.15 Fill方法——填充数据集 405 5.2.16 Merge方法——合并数据集 407 5.2.17 Parameters属性——获取SqlParameterCollection 409 5.2.18 ReadXml方法——将XML架构和数据读入数据集 410 5.2.19 SelectCommand属性——获取或设置选择记录命令 411 5.2.20 SQL注入式攻击——利用设计上的漏洞攻击SQL 412 5.2.21 SqlCommand类——SQL执行命令 413 5.2.22 SqlConnection类——SQL数据库连接对象 415 5.2.23 SqlDataAdapter类——SQL数据库桥接器 416 5.2.24 SqlDataReader类——SQL只读数据集 418 5.2.25 Tables属性——获取包含在数据集的表的集合 421 5.2.26 Update方法——使控件重绘工作区内的无效区域 422 5.2.27 UpdateCommand属性——获取或设置更新记录命令 423 5.2.28 WriteXml方法——将数据集数据写入到XML 423 5.3 LINQ技术 424 5.3.1 Lambda表达式——匿名函数 424 5.3.2 LINQ技术——语言集成查询 426 5.3.3 LinqToDataSet技术——LINQ操作数据集 427 5.3.4 LinqToObjects技术——LINQ操作数组和集合 429 5.3.5 LinqToSql技术——LINQ操作SQL数据库 431 5.3.6 LinqToXml技术——LINQ操作XML文件 436 5.3.7 var关键字——根据初始化语句推断变量类型 439 第6章 文件、数据流与注册表 441 6.1 文件与I/O数据流 441 6.1.1 ASCII码——键盘的一种表示方式 441 6.1.2 ASCIIEncoding类——ASCII字符编码的操作类 442 6.1.3 Attributes属性——获取和设置文件的属性 443 6.1.4 BinaryReader类——将特的数据读作二进制值 445 6.1.5 BinaryWriter类——将二进制值写入到流 447 6.1.6 CanRead属性——判断当前流是否支持读写 448 6.1.7 Close方法——释放所有关联的资源 449 6.1.8 Copy方法——文件的复制 450 6.1.9 CopyFile方法——将文件复制到新的位置 451 6.1.10 CopyTo方法——将指的字符串复制到字符数组 452 6.1.11 Create方法——创建文件 455 6.1.12 CreateDirectory方法——创建指路径的所有目录 456 6.1.13 CreateText方法——创建或打开文本文件 456 6.1.14 CreationTime属性——获取或设置文件的创建时间 457 6.1.15 CryptoStream类——将数据流连接到加密转换的流 457 6.1.16 Delete方法——删除文件 461 6.1.17 Directory类——对文件夹进行操作的类 463 6.1.18 DirectoryEntry类——封装节点或对象 464 6.1.19 DirectoryInfo类——对文件夹进行操作的类 466 6.1.20 DirectoryName属性——获取路径 468 6.1.21 DirectorySearcher组件——执行查找 468 6.1.22 DriveInfo类——驱动器的信息访问 469 6.1.23 Encoding属性——获取编码方式 470 6.1.24 Exists方法——判断文件是否存在 471 6.1.25 Exists属性——判断文件是否存在 472 6.1.26 Extension属性——获取文件扩展名 473 6.1.27 File类——对文件进行操作的类 473 6.1.28 FileAttributes枚举——提供文件和目录的属性 475 6.1.29 FileInfo类——文件的操作类 476 6.1.30 FileName属性——获取或设置文件的名称 478 6.1.31 FileStream类——对文件流操作的类 478 6.1.32 Flush方法——清除流的缓冲区 480 6.1.33 GetBytes方法——将字符串编码设为字节序列 481 6.1.34 GetDirectories方法——获取子目录的名称 482 6.1.35 GetExtension方法——获取路径字符串的扩展名 485 6.1.36 GetFiles方法——获取目录的文件名称 486 6.1.37 GetFileSystemEntries方法——获取目录的所有名称 487 6.1.38 GetFileSystemInfos方法——获取所有文件的信息 489 6.1.39 GetStream方法——返回用于发送和接收的数据 491 6.1.40 GetString方法——将字节解码成字符串 491 6.1.41 HasRows属性——指示 OleDbDataReader是否有数据 493 6.1.42 MD5CryptoServiceProvider类——操作MD5的类 493 6.1.43 MemoryStream类——创建其支持存储区为内存的流 495 6.1.44 Move方法——文件的移动 497 6.1.45 MoveNext方法——移动到下一个字符 497 6.1.46 MoveTo方法——文件的移动 498 6.1.47 NetworkStream类——网络访问的基础数据流 500 6.1.48 Open方法——打开文件 502 6.1.49 OpenFile方法——以只读方式打开文件 503 6.1.50 OpenText方法——打开UTF-8编码文本文件 504 6.1.51 Path属性——监视的目录的路径 505 6.1.52 Peek方法——返回下一个可用的字符 506 6.1.53 Read方法——读取数据流 507 6.1.54 ReadBytes方法——将指的字节读入字节数组 508 6.1.55 ReadToEnd方法——从流的当前位置读到末尾 509 6.1.56 Stream类——对数据流进行操作的类 510 6.1.57 StreamReader类——数据流的读取类 512 6.1.58 StreamWriter类——数据流的写入类 513 6.1.59 TextReader类——读取连续字符的读取器 515 6.1.60 TextWriter类——编写一个有序字符系列的编写器 516 6.1.61 Write方法——将流写入到文件 517 6.2 注册表技术 521 6.2.1 CreateSubKey方法——创建或打开子项 521 6.2.2 GetValue方法——获取注册表项的值 522 6.2.3 GetValueNames方法——所有值名称的字符串数组 523 6.2.4 GetSubKeyNames方法——所有子项名称字符串数组 525 6.2.5 OpenSubKey方法——以只读方式检索子项 525 6.2.6 Registry类——注册表操作类 528 6.2.7 RegistryKey类——表示Windows注册表的项级节点 529 6.2.8 SetValue方法——设置注册表项的指名称/值对 531 第7章 GDI+绘图技术 532 7.1 GDI+绘图基础 532 7.1.1 Bitmap类——图像对象 532 7.1.2 Cursor类——绘制光标指针图像 533 7.1.3 GDI+——图形图像的绘制 535 7.1.4 Graphics类——绘图类 536 7.1.5 GraphicsPath类——一系列相互连接的直线和曲线 540 7.1.6 Icon类——图标的操作类 542 7.1.7 Image类——图像的操作类 543 7.1.8 LinearGradientBrush类——线性渐变封装Brush 545 7.1.9 Region类——由矩形和路径构成的图形形状的内部 547 7.1.10 SolidBrush类——义单色画笔 548 7.2 常用绘图方法 549 7.2.1 Draw方法——绘制光标 549 7.2.2 DrawArc方法——绘制圆弧 550 7.2.3 DrawBezier方法——绘制贝塞尔样条 551 7.2.4 DrawEllipse方法——绘制椭圆 553 7.2.5 DrawImage方法——绘制Image图像 555 7.2.6 DrawLine方法——绘制直线 556 7.2.7 DrawPath方法——绘制GraphicsPath图形路径 558 7.2.8 DrawPie方法——绘制扇形 558 7.2.9 DrawPolygon方法——绘制多边形 560 7.2.10 DrawRectangle方法——绘制矩形 561 7.2.11 DrawString方法——绘制文本字符串 562 7.3 常用填充图像方法 565 7.3.1 FillEllipse方法——填充椭圆 565 7.3.2 FillPath方法——填充GraphicsPath的内部 566 7.3.3 FillPie方法——填充扇形 567 7.3.4 FillPolygon方法——填充多边形 568 7.3.5 FillRectangle方法——填充矩形框 570 7.3.6 FillRegion方法——填充一个区域 572 7.4 其他常用方法 572 7.4.1 Clone方法——创建Bitmap对象的某个部分的副本 572 7.4.2 CreateGraphics方法——创建Graphics对象 574 7.4.3 FromArgb方法——从ARGB值创建Color结构 574 7.4.4 FromFile方法——从指的文件创建Image 577 7.4.5 FromImage方法——从Image创建新的Graphics对象 578 7.4.6 FromStream方法——数据流创建Image 578 7.4.7 GetPixel方法——获取图像的像素颜色 580 7.4.8 GetThumbnailImage方法——Image的缩略图 581 7.4.9 Save方法——将图片以文件的形式进行复制 583 7.4.10 SetPixel方法——设置图像的像素颜色 583 7.4.11 Transform方法——对路径的数据点进行变换 584 第8章 C#高级编程 586 8.1 网络编程技术 586 8.1.1 Accept方法——为新建连接创建新的Socket对象 586 8.1.2 AcceptSocket方法——接收挂起的连接请求 586 8.1.3 BeginConnect方法——开始远程主机连接的异步请求 587 8.1.4 Dns类——从Internet域名系统检索特主机的信息 588 8.1.5 GetHostAddresses方法——返回主机的IP地址 589 8.1.6 GetHostByAddress方法——创建IPHostEntry实例 590 8.1.7 GetHostByName方法——获取指DNS主机名的信息 591 8.1.8 GetHostName方法——获取本地计算机的主机名 592 8.1.9 IPEndPoint类——将网络端点表示为IP地址和端口号 592 8.1.10 IPHostEntry类——为主机地址信息提供容器类 594 8.1.11 Listen方法——将Socket置于侦听状态 596 8.1.12 MachineName属性——读取或写入事件的计算机名称 596 8.1.13 MailMessage类——邮件的操作类 597 8.1.14 Net send命令——用net send命令进行发送 598 8.1.15 Net use命令——实现映射网络驱动器 599 8.1.16 Ping类——网络访问远程计算机的操作类 601 8.1.17 POP3协议——POP邮件的操作类 603 8.1.18 Receive方法——由远程主机发送的UDP数据报 608 8.1.19 Send方法——将数据发送到连接的Socket 609 8.1.20 SerialPort类——控制串行端口文件资源 610 8.1.21 SMTP协议——进行邮件的传输 612 8.1.22 SmtpClient类——将电子邮件发送到SMTP服务器 614 8.1.23 Socket类——网络通信的操作类 616 8.1.24 TcpClient类——为TCP网络服务提供客户端连接 618 8.1.25 TcpListener类——从TCP网络客户端侦听连接 619 8.1.26 UdpClient类——用户数据报(UDP)网络服务 620 8.1.27 WebClient类——URI标识的资源发送和接收 623 8.1.28 WebRequest类——访问Internet数据 625 8.1.29 WebResponse类——协议特的响应类 629 8.2 多线程编程 630 8.2.1 Abort方法——终止线程 630 8.2.2 BeginInvoke方法——线程上异步执行委托 631 8.2.3 EndInvoke方法——异步操作的返回值 632 8.2.4 Join方法——确保线程已终止 633 8.2.5 Kill方法——强制关闭进程 633 8.2.6 Process类——对正在计算机上运行的进程的访问 635 8.2.7 Sleep方法——线程挂起 640 8.2.8 Start方法——启动进程 640 8.2.9 Thread类——创建并控制线程的类 642 8.2.10 ThreadState属性——获取当前线程的状态 645 8.3 WMI技术——系统管理 646 8.3.1 MainWindowTitle属性——获取进程的主窗口标题 646 8.3.2 ManagementClass类——公共信息模型管理类 647 8.3.3 ManagementObject类——表示WMI实例 648 8.3.4 ManagementObjectSearcher类——查询检索管理对象 650 8.3.5 ManagementScope类——管理操作的范围 651 8.3.6 Microsoft.Win32命名空间——操作注册表类 652 8.3.7 WndProc方法——处理Windows消息 654 8.4 其他高级技术 655 8.4.1 Children属性——获取节点的子项 655 8.4.2 COM+服务——为类的实例提供服务 655 8.4.3 DirectShow技术——流媒体处理的一个开发包 656 8.4.4 DLL组件——动态链接库 663 8.4.5 MVC开发模式——模型视图控制器 664 8.4.6 VFW技术——视频应用程序提供的软件工具包 666 8.4.7 XML——义其他标识语言的元标识语言 668 8.4.8 XmlReader类——XML读取器 670 8.4.9 XmlWriter类——XML编写器 673 附录——字母索引 676
EhLib 8.0 Build 8.0.023 Pro Edition FullSource for D7-XE8 亲测可用,含全部源码及 Demo The Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi versions 7, 9, Developer Studio 2006, Delphi 2007, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2009-XE8, Lazarus. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Overview Installation Library Installation Help Demonstration Programs Registering and Prices Other information About author Where to start. ------------------- Read about EhLib for Lazarus in the file - Lazarus\readme.txt Start overview of the library with the main Demo project .\Demos\Bin\MainDemo.Exe. (Compiled Demo files are available in the Evaluation version of the library) Then you can read a summary of the new features and changes in the file history-eng.html. More detail about new features can be found in the file - About EhLib 8 Eng.doc To install a new version of the library in the IDE, use the installation program in .\Installer\EhLibInstaller.exe Overview -------- The Library contains several components and objects. TDBGridEh component TDBGridEh provides all functionality of TDBGrid and adds several new features as follows: Allows to select records, columns and rectangle areas. Special titles that can correspond to several/all columns. Footer that is able to show sum/count/other field values. Automatic column resizing to set grid width equal client width. Ability to change row and title height. Allows automatic broken of a single line long title and data row to a multiline. Title can act as button and, optionally show a sort marker. Automatically sortmarking. Ability to truncate long text with ellipsis. Lookup list can show several fields. Incremental search in lookup fields. Frozen columns. DateTime picker support for TDateField and TDateTimeField. Allows to show bitmaps from TImageList depending on field value. Allows to hide and track horizontal or vertical scrollbars. Allows to hide columns. Allows to show 3D fr
EhLib 9.3 Build 9.3.026 source included version. ------------------------------------------------- The Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi versions 7, 9, Developer Studio 2006, Delphi 2007, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2009-XE10.3, Lazarus. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Overview Installation Library Installation Help Demonstration Programs Registering and Prices Other information About author Where to start. ------------------- Start overview of the library with the main Demo project .\Demos\Bin\MainDemo.Exe. (Compiled Demo files are available in the Evaluation version of the library) If you've used previous versions of the library, then you can read a summary of the new features and changes in the file history-eng.html. More detail about new features in this version of the library can be found in the file - About EhLib 9.2 Eng.doc To install a new version of the library in the IDE, use the installation program .\Installer\EhLibInstaller.exe If, at the installation have any problems, write a letter to ehlib support address You can also install the files in the library IDE manually, as described in Section 2. Installation Library After installation, make sure the operability of all installed components. To do this, open the IDE, compile and launch a major demonstration project .\Demos\MainDemo\Project1_XE2.dpr Read next file for full instructions of working with the library components: .\Hlp\ENG\"EhLib - Users guide.doc" Read about EhLib for Lazarus in the file - Lazarus<*>\readme.txt Overview -------- The Library contains several components and objects. TDBGridEh component TDBGridEh provides all functionality of TDBGrid and adds several new features as follows: Allows to select records, columns and rectangle areas. Special titles that can correspond to several/all columns. Footer that is able to show sum/count/other field values. Automatic column resizing to set grid width equal client width. Ability to change row and title height. Allows automatic broken of a single line long title and data row to a multiline. Title can act as button and, optionally show a sort marker. Automatically sortmarking. Ability to truncate long text with ellipsis. Lookup list can show several fields. Incremental search in lookup fields. Frozen columns. DateTime picker support for TDateField and TDateTimeField. Allows to show bitmaps from TImageList depending on field value. Allows to hide and track horizontal or vertical scrollbars. Allows to hide columns. Allows to show 3D frame for frozen, footer and data rows. Allows to draw memo fields. Multiline inplace editor. Proportional scrolling independently of sequenced of dataset. Automatically show checkboxes for Boolean fields. Allows to show checkboxes for other type of fields. Has a procedures to save and restore layout (visible columns, columns order, columns width, sortmarkers, row height) in/from registry or ini file. Allows to show hint (ToolTips) for text that don't fit in the cell. Allows to export data to Text, Csv, HTML, RTF, XLS and internal formats. Allows to import data from Text and internal formats. Can sort data in various dataset's. Can filter data in various dataset's. When DBGridEh is connected to DataSet of TMemTable type it allows: To view all data without moving active record. To display a tree-type structure of TMemTable records. To form list of values in dropdown list of SubTitle filter automatically. To create grouping records basing on the selected coulmns. TDBVertGridEh component Component to show one record from dataset in Vertical Orientation. Have a special column to show Field Captions Can customize inplace editor and data of the cell like in DBGridEh. TDBLookupComboboxEh component Provides all functionality of TDBLookupCombobox and adds several new features as follows: Can have flat style. Allows assign values as to KeyValue property just and to display Text property. Allows to type (assign) values to Text property not contained in data list (Style = csDropDownEh). Allows to hold KeyValue and Text as not affecting to each other values. Take effect when KeyField, ListField, ListSource, DataField and DataSource properties is empty. Drop down list can: Show titles, Have sizing grip, Automaticaly set width as sum of DisplayWidth of the list fields (Width = -1), Automaticaly drops on user pressed the key. Edit button can: Show DropDown, Ellipsis or Bitmap image. Have specified width. Have additional events: OnKeyValueChanged, OnButtonClick. TDBSumList component This component is intended for totaling sums and amounts of records in a TDataSet with dynamic changes. Component keeps a list of TDBSum objects, which contains types of group operations (goSum or goCount) and name sum field (goCount name of field is unnecessary). TPrintDBGridEh component TPrintDBGridEh provides properties and routines for preview and print of TDBGridEh component with several features: Ability to expand rows vertically until all text is printed. Ability to scale grid to fit it to page width. Ability to print/preview title for grid. Ability to print/preview page header and page footer where you can specify macros for current page, current date, current time and/or static text. Automatically print/preview multiselected area of TDBGridEh if it area is not empty. Ability to print/preview rich text before and after grid. TPreviewBox component TPreviewBox lets you create a customizable runtime preview. TPrinterPreview object TPrinterPreview lets you to record printable data in buffer for following output them on screen and to printer. TPrinterPreview have all functions and properties as in TPrinter object. You can use TPrinterPreview object similarly of TPrinter except some details. In TPrinter Printer.Canvas.Handle and Printer.Handle is the same but in TPrinterPreview PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle represent the metafile in that is recored the data and PrinterPreview.Handle represent Printer.Handle. That is mean that you have to use PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle for draw operation (DrawText, DrawTexteEx, e.t.c.) and use PrinterPreview.Handle in functions that return information about printer facilities (GetDeviceCaps, e.t.c.). Global function PrinterPreview returns default PrinterPreview object and shows data in default preview form. TDBEditEh component represents a single or multi-line edit control that can display and edit a field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control. TDBDateTimeEditEh component represents a single-line date or time edit control that can display and edit a datetime field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control. TDBComboBoxEh component represents a single or multi-line edit control that combines an edit box with a scrollable list and can display and edit a field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware combo edit control. TDBNumberEditEh component represents a single-line number edit control that can display and edit a numeric field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control. TPropStorageEh, TIniPropStorageManEh, TRegPropStorageManEh components Components realize technology to store component properties to/from settings storage such as ini files, registry etc. TMemTableEh component dataset, which hold data in memory. Its possible consider as an array of records. Besides, it: Supports a special interface, which allows DBGridEh component to view all data without moving active record. Allows fetch data from TDataDriverEh object (DataDriver property). Allows unload change back in DataDriver, operative or postponed (in dependencies of the CachedUpdates property). Allows to create a master/detail relations on the client (filtering record) or on the external source (updating parameters [Params] and requiring data from DataDriver). Allows once-only (without the dynamic support) sort data, including Calculated and Lookup field. Allows create and fill data in design-time and save data in dfm file of the Form. Allows keep record in the manner of trees. Each record can have record elements-branches and itself be an element to other parental record. Component TDBGridEh supports to show the tree-type structure of these records. Allows to connect to the internal array of other TMemTableEh (via ExternalMemData property) and work with its data: sort, filter, edit. Has interface for requesting list of all unique values in one column of records array, ignoring local filter of the DataSet. TDBGridEh uses this property for automatic filling a list in DropDownBox of the subtitle filter cell. TDataDriverEh component carry out two tasks: Delivers data to TMemTableEh. Processes changed records of TMemTableEh (writes them in other dataset, or call events for processing the changes in program). TSQLDataDriverEh DataDriver that have four objects of the TSQLCommandEh type: SelectCommand, DeleteCommand, InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, GetrecCommand. TSQLDataDriverEh can not transfer queries to the server but it call global (for application) event which it is necessary to write to execute SQL expressions on the server. TBDEDataDriverEh, TIBXDataDriverEh, TDBXDataDriverEh and TADODataDriverEh Components. These are SQLDataDrivers that can deliver queries to the server using corresponding drivers of the access to datas. -------------------- 2. Installation Library -------------------- -------------------- 2.1 Installing library automatically -------------------- Run EhLibInstaller.exe program from "Installer" folder to install EhLib in Delphi/C++ Builder IDE. The program creates folders to keep EhLib binary and other requared files, copies requared files to created folders, compiles packages, register packages in IDE and write requared paths in registry. If you have executable installation program (for example, EhLibSetupD7Eval.exe) then you only need to run program and follow installation process. Setup automatically writes all units in necessary directory, installs packages and help files in IDE. -------------------- 2.2 Installing library manually ------------------- Follow next instructions to install files from EhLib archive: -- 2.2.1. For RAD Studio XE2 (Delphi) or higher: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstall previous or evaluation version of EhLib (Old version) from Delphi IDE. Remove or copy to other directory files of old version to prevent crossing old and new version of EhLib (Including EhLib.bpl, EhLib.dcp or EhLibXX.bpl, EhLibXX.dcp, EhLibDataDriversXX, DclEhLibDataDriversXX files). These files can be located in the following folders on your computer C:\Users\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\1X.0 C:\Users\All Users\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\XX.0\Bpl C:\Users\All Users\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\XX.0\Dcp Create new folder where source code and binary files will be kept (For example, C:\RAD_Studio_XE2\Components\EhLib). Hereinafter this folder will be call as "EhLib folder". Create new subfolder "Lib" in the "EhLib folder". Copy files from folders "Common", "RADStudioXE2" and "LangResources\Res" of EhLib archive into the folder "[EhLib folder]\Lib" as that all files were in one folder - "Lib". Default language resource of the library is English. If you want to change it to the other language do the next steps: - Select one of language file EhLibLangConsts.XXX.dfm - Copy this file to EhLibLangConsts.dfm file (with replacment of existing file) - In the first line of a new EhLibLangConsts.dfm file delete _XXX suffix in the name of object like this: object TEhLibLanguageConsts_ENU -> object TEhLibLanguageConsts Run RAD Studio IDE and Open EhLibProjGroup160.groupproj file from [EhLib folder]\Lib. Compile all packages of Prject Group. Install DclEhLibXX.Dpk and DclEhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk packages in IDE (Use Project/Install menu). Consistently compile packages EhLibXX.Dpk and EhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk in next modes: Win32\Debug Win64\Release Win64\Debug After compilation there should be created subfolders a Win32\Release, Win32\Debug, Win64\Release, Win64\Debug in the "[EhLib folder]\Lib" folder. Copy the *. dfm and *. res files from the "[Folder EhLib]\Lib" folder into the each of the next folders: Win32\Release, Win32\Debug, Win64\Release, Win64\Debug In the RAD Studio IDE add next paths: "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win32\Release" path in the "Library path" for the Win32 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win32\Debug" path in the "Debug dcu" for the Win32 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\" path in the "Browsing path" for the Win32 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win64\Release" path in the "Library path" for the Win64 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win64\Debug" path in the "Debug dcu" for the Win64 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\" path in the "Browsing path" for the Win64 platform. -- Copy DEMOS folder from the Archive EhLib to the "[EhLib Folder]". Open and compile any demo project for test. 2.2.2. Delphi 5.x - 7.x, Delphi 9.X Win32, BDS2006 Win32, Delphi2007, CodeGear RAD Studio 2009: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstall previous or evaluation version of EhLib (Old version) from Delphi IDE. Remove or copy to other directory files of old version to prevent crossing old and new version of EhLib (Including EhLib.bpl, EhLib.dcp or EhLibXX.bpl, EhLibXX.dcp, EhLibDataDriversXX, DclEhLibDataDriversXX files). Create directory from which you will install EhLib library ('EhLib directory') (for example, C:\Delphi[X]\EhLib). Copy files from "Common", "Delphi[X]" | "BDS2006" and "LangResources\Res.Ansi" folders of the EhLib archive to 'EhLib directory'. Default language resource of the library is English. If you want to change it to the other language do the next steps: - Select one of language file EhLibLangConsts.XXX.dfm - Copy this file to EhLibLangConsts.dfm file (with replacment of existing file) - In the first line of a new EhLibLangConsts.dfm file delete _XXX suffix in the name of object like this: object TEhLibLanguageConsts_ENU -> object TEhLibLanguageConsts By default Delphi (5, 6 and 7) places compiled files to the \Projects\Bpl directory and this directory already present in the search PATH. But if you overwrite default BPL directory then you need put compiled EhLibXX.BPL file into directory that is accessible through the search PATH (i.e. DOS "PATH" environment variable; for example, in the Windows\System directory). Add, (if needed) 'EhLib directory' in Tools->Environment Options->Library-> Library Path (For Delphi 9 in Tools->Options->Environment Options-> Delphi Options->Library - Win32->Library Path). Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the runtime package - EhLibXX.Dpk. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package. After that open and compile EhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk. After compiling run-time packages install design-time packages DclEhLibXX.BPL and DclEhLibDataDriversXX.BPL into the IDE. For that use "File\Open..." menu item to open design-time package DclEhLibXX.Dpk. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package and then click "Install" button to register EhLib components on the component palette. Open and install DclEhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk package. EhLib components have to appear on 'EhLib' page of components palette. 2.2.4. Delphi 9.X Vcl.Net, , BDS2006 Vcl.Net: ---------------------------------------- Uninstall previous or evaluation version of EhLib (Old version) from Delphi IDE. Remove or copy to other directory files of old version to prevent crossing old and new version of EhLib (Including Vcl.EhLib90.dll, Vcl.DclEhLib90.dll, Vcl.EhLibDataDrivers90.dll, Vcl.DclEhLibDataDrivers90.dll files). Create directory from which you will install EhLib library ('EhLib directory') (for example, C:\BDS\3.0\EhLibVclNet). Copy files from Common and Delphi9 directories of the EhLib archive to 'EhLib directory'. In Delphi IDE: Add, (if needed) 'EhLib directory' in Component->Installed .NET Components ...-> Assembly Search Paths. Add, (if needed) 'EhLib directory' in Tools->Options->Environment Options-> Delphi Options->Library - NET->Library Path. Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the runtime package - Vcl.EhLibXX.Dpk. In "Project Manager..." window, click right button above 'Vcl.EhLibXX.Dll' and select "Build" menu to compile package. After that, open and compile Vcl.EhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk, Vcl.DclEhLibXX.Dpk and Vcl.DclEhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk. Open menu "Component->Installed .NET Components ..."->.NET VCL Components. Press 'Add...' button. Locate 'Vcl.DclEhLibXX.dll' and press 'Open'. (By default, this file have to be located in 'EhLib directory' directory) Press 'Ok' in 'Installed .NET Components' Dialog. 4. Documentation and Help ------------------------- 4.1. This version of library doesn't have embedded help files for Delphi8 or Higher. But the online help is available on the ehlib home page - 4.2. Delphi 7.x: Copy the EhLib.hlp and EhLib.cnt files to the Delphi HELP subdirectory. Select Help|Customize to start the OpenHelp application. Add the EhLib.cnt file to the Contents page, add the EhLib.hlp file to the Index and Link pages. 5. Demonstration Programs and Projects -------------------------------------- Demonstration programs use tables from the DEMOS directory and ADO Data Access. Read description of Demo projects in the file Demos\Info Eng.doc 6. Registering and Prices ------------------------- The EhLib is a Commercial product. If you find it useful and want to receive the latest versions please register your evaluation copy. You can read detailed information about prices on ehlib home prices page You can read detailed information about registration at After registration you will receive (e-mail only) address of registered version for downloading and password for unpacking. By registering the components you get the following advantages: 1. You will get new versions of the library free within a year from the date of registration. 2. You will get technical support for the library all the time. 3. You encourage EhLib Team to make the library even better. 7. Other information ----------------- The ability to compile applications for OS X and Linux in combination with the CrossVCL library is only available in the EhLib version with source codes. The ability to compile applications under Linux is available only in the EhLib version with source codes. 8. About Company ---------------- Contact as if you have any questions, comments or suggestions: EhLib Team www: E-mail: Skype support:
EhLib 9.1.024 源码版本,自行编译 EhLib 9.1 Build 9.1.024 Professional Edition. ---------------------------------------------- The Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi versions 7, 9, Developer Studio 2006, Delphi 2007, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2009-XE10.2, Lazarus. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Overview Installation Library Installation Help Demonstration Programs Registering and Prices Other information About author Where to start. ------------------- Start overview of the library with the main Demo project .\Demos\Bin\MainDemo.Exe. (Compiled Demo files are available in the Evaluation version of the library) If you've used previous versions of the library, then you can read a summary of the new features and changes in the file history-eng.html. More detail about new features in this version of the library can be found in the file - About EhLib 9.1 Eng.doc To install a new version of the library in the IDE, use the installation program .\Installer\EhLibInstaller.exe If, at the installation have any problems, write a letter to ehlib support address You can also install the files in the library IDE manually, as described in Section 2. Installation Library After installation, make sure the operability of all installed components. To do this, open the IDE, compile and launch a major demonstration project .\Demos\MainDemo\Project1_XE2.dpr Read next file for full instructions of working with the library components: .\Hlp\ENG\"EhLib - Users guide.doc" Read about EhLib for Lazarus in the file - Lazarus<*>\readme.txt Overview -------- The Library contains several components and objects. TDBGridEh component TDBGridEh provides all functionality of TDBGrid and adds several new features as follows: Allows to select records, columns and rectangle areas. Special titles that can correspond to several/all columns. Footer that is able to show sum/count/other field values. Automatic column resizing to set grid width equal client width. Ability to change row and title height. Allows automatic broken of a single line long title and data row to a multiline. Title can act as button and, optionally show a sort marker. Automatically sortmarking. Ability to truncate long text with ellipsis. Lookup list can show several fields. Incremental search in lookup fields. Frozen columns. DateTime picker support for TDateField and TDateTimeField. Allows to show bitmaps from TImageList depending on field value. Allows to hide and track horizontal or vertical scrollbars. Allows to hide columns. Allows to show 3D frame for frozen, footer and data rows. Allows to draw memo fields. Multiline inplace editor. Proportional scrolling independently of sequenced of dataset. Automatically show checkboxes for Boolean fields. Allows to show checkboxes for other type of fields. Has a procedures to save and restore layout (visible columns, columns order, columns width, sortmarkers, row height) in/from registry or ini file. Allows to show hint (ToolTips) for text that don't fit in the cell. Allows to export data to Text, Csv, HTML, RTF, XLS and internal formats. Allows to import data from Text and internal formats. Can sort data in various dataset's. Can filter data in various dataset's. When DBGridEh is connected to DataSet of TMemTable type it allows: To view all data without moving active record. To display a tree-type structure of TMemTable records. To form list of values in dropdown list of SubTitle filter automatically. To create grouping records basing on the selected coulmns. TDBVertGridEh component Component to show one record from dataset in Vertical Orientation. Have a special column to show Field Captions Can customize inplace editor and data of the cell like in DBGridEh. TDBLookupComboboxEh component Provides all functionality of TDBLookupCombobox and adds several new features as follows: Can have flat style. Allows assign values as to KeyValue property just and to display Text property. Allows to type (assign) values to Text property not contained in data list (Style = csDropDownEh). Allows to hold KeyValue and Text as not affecting to each other values. Take effect when KeyField, ListField, ListSource, DataField and DataSource properties is empty. Drop down list can: Show titles, Have sizing grip, Automaticaly set width as sum of DisplayWidth of the list fields (Width = -1), Automaticaly drops on user pressed the key. Edit button can: Show DropDown, Ellipsis or Bitmap image. Have specified width. Have additional events: OnKeyValueChanged, OnButtonClick. TDBSumList component This component is intended for totaling sums and amounts of records in a TDataSet with dynamic changes. Component keeps a list of TDBSum objects, which contains types of group operations (goSum or goCount) and name sum field (goCount name of field is unnecessary). TPrintDBGridEh component TPrintDBGridEh provides properties and routines for preview and print of TDBGridEh component with several features: Ability to expand rows vertically until all text is printed. Ability to scale grid to fit it to page width. Ability to print/preview title for grid. Ability to print/preview page header and page footer where you can specify macros for current page, current date, current time and/or static text. Automatically print/preview multiselected area of TDBGridEh if it area is not empty. Ability to print/preview rich text before and after grid. TPreviewBox component TPreviewBox lets you create a customizable runtime preview. TPrinterPreview object TPrinterPreview lets you to record printable data in buffer for following output them on screen and to printer. TPrinterPreview have all functions and properties as in TPrinter object. You can use TPrinterPreview object similarly of TPrinter except some details. In TPrinter Printer.Canvas.Handle and Printer.Handle is the same but in TPrinterPreview PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle represent the metafile in that is recored the data and PrinterPreview.Handle represent Printer.Handle. That is mean that you have to use PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle for draw operation (DrawText, DrawTexteEx, e.t.c.) and use PrinterPreview.Handle in functions that return information about printer facilities (GetDeviceCaps, e.t.c.). Global function PrinterPreview returns default PrinterPreview object and shows data in default preview form. TDBEditEh component represents a single or multi-line edit control that can display and edit a field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control. TDBDateTimeEditEh component represents a single-line date or time edit control that can display and edit a datetime field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control. TDBComboBoxEh component represents a single or multi-line edit control that combines an edit box with a scrollable list and can display and edit a field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware combo edit control. TDBNumberEditEh component represents a single-line number edit control that can display and edit a numeric field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control. TPropStorageEh, TIniPropStorageManEh, TRegPropStorageManEh components Components realize technology to store component properties to/from settings storage such as ini files, registry etc. TMemTableEh component dataset, which hold data in memory. Its possible consider as an array of records. Besides, it: Supports a special interface, which allows DBGridEh component to view all data without moving active record. Allows fetch data from TDataDriverEh object (DataDriver property). Allows unload change back in DataDriver, operative or postponed (in dependencies of the CachedUpdates property). Allows to create a master/detail relations on the client (filtering record) or on the external source (updating parameters [Params] and requiring data from DataDriver). Allows once-only (without the dynamic support) sort data, including Calculated and Lookup field. Allows create and fill data in design-time and save data in dfm file of the Form. Allows keep record in the manner of trees. Each record can have record elements-branches and itself be an element to other parental record. Component TDBGridEh supports to show the tree-type structure of these records. Allows to connect to the internal array of other TMemTableEh (via ExternalMemData property) and work with its data: sort, filter, edit. Has interface for requesting list of all unique values in one column of records array, ignoring local filter of the DataSet. TDBGridEh uses this property for automatic filling a list in DropDownBox of the subtitle filter cell. TDataDriverEh component carry out two tasks: Delivers data to TMemTableEh. Processes changed records of TMemTableEh (writes them in other dataset, or call events for processing the changes in program). TSQLDataDriverEh DataDriver that have four objects of the TSQLCommandEh type: SelectCommand, DeleteCommand, InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, GetrecCommand. TSQLDataDriverEh can not transfer queries to the server but it call global (for application) event which it is necessary to write to execute SQL expressions on the server. TBDEDataDriverEh, TIBXDataDriverEh, TDBXDataDriverEh and TADODataDriverEh Components. These are SQLDataDrivers that can deliver queries to the server using corresponding drivers of the access to datas. -------------------- 2. Installation Library -------------------- -------------------- 2.1 Installing library automatically -------------------- Run EhLibInstaller.exe program from "Installer" folder to install EhLib in Delphi/C++ Builder IDE. The program creates folders to keep EhLib binary and other requared files, copies requared files to created folders, compiles packages, register packages in IDE and write requared paths in registry. If you have executable installation program (for example, EhLibSetupD7Eval.exe) then you only need to run program and follow installation process. Setup automatically writes all units in necessary directory, installs packages and help files in IDE. -------------------- 2.2 Installing library manually ------------------- Follow next instructions to install files from EhLib archive: -- 2.2.1. For RAD Studio XE2 (Delphi) or higher: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstall previous or evaluation version of EhLib (Old version) from Delphi IDE. Remove or copy to other directory files of old version to prevent crossing old and new version of EhLib (Including EhLib.bpl, EhLib.dcp or EhLibXX.bpl, EhLibXX.dcp, EhLibDataDriversXX, DclEhLibDataDriversXX files). These files can be located in the following folders on your computer C:\Users\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\1X.0 C:\Users\All Users\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\XX.0\Bpl C:\Users\All Users\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\XX.0\Dcp Create new folder where source code and binary files will be kept (For example, C:\RAD_Studio_XE2\Components\EhLib). Hereinafter this folder will be call as "EhLib folder". Create new subfolder "Lib" in the "EhLib folder". Copy files from folders "Common", "RADStudioXE2" and "LangResources\Res" of EhLib archive into the folder "[EhLib folder]\Lib" as that all files were in one folder - "Lib". Default language resource of the library is English. If you want to change it to the other language do the next steps: - Select one of language file EhLibLangConsts.XXX.dfm - Copy this file to EhLibLangConsts.dfm file (with replacment of existing file) - In the first line of a new EhLibLangConsts.dfm file delete _XXX suffix in the name of object like this: object TEhLibLanguageConsts_ENU -> object TEhLibLanguageConsts Run RAD Studio IDE and Open EhLibProjGroup160.groupproj file from [EhLib folder]\Lib. Compile all packages of Prject Group. Install DclEhLibXX.Dpk and DclEhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk packages in IDE (Use Project/Install menu). Consistently compile packages EhLibXX.Dpk and EhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk in next modes: Win32\Debug Win64\Release Win64\Debug After compilation there should be created subfolders a Win32\Release, Win32\Debug, Win64\Release, Win64\Debug in the "[EhLib folder]\Lib" folder. Copy the *. dfm and *. res files from the "[Folder EhLib]\Lib" folder into the each of the next folders: Win32\Release, Win32\Debug, Win64\Release, Win64\Debug In the RAD Studio IDE add next paths: "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win32\Release" path in the "Library path" for the Win32 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win32\Debug" path in the "Debug dcu" for the Win32 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\" path in the "Brasing path" for the Win32 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win64\Release" path in the "Library path" for the Win64 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win64\Debug" path in the "Debug dcu" for the Win64 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\" path in the "Brasing path" for the Win64 platform. -- Copy DEMOS folder from the Archive EhLib to the "[EhLib Folder]". Open and compile any demo project for test. 2.2.2. Delphi 5.x - 7.x, Delphi 9.X Win32, BDS2006 Win32, Delphi2007, CodeGear RAD Studio 2009: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstall previous or evaluation version of EhLib (Old version) from Delphi IDE. Remove or copy to other directory files of old version to prevent crossing old and new version of EhLib (Including EhLib.bpl, EhLib.dcp or EhLibXX.bpl, EhLibXX.dcp, EhLibDataDriversXX, DclEhLibDataDriversXX files). Create directory from which you will install EhLib library ('EhLib directory') (for example, C:\Delphi[X]\EhLib). Copy files from "Common", "Delphi[X]" | "BDS2006" and "LangResources\Res.Ansi" folders of the EhLib archive to 'EhLib directory'. Default language resource of the library is English. If you want to change it to the other language do the next steps: - Select one of language file EhLibLangConsts.XXX.dfm - Copy this file to EhLibLangConsts.dfm file (with replacment of existing file) - In the first line of a new EhLibLangConsts.dfm file delete _XXX suffix in the name of object like this: object TEhLibLanguageConsts_ENU -> object TEhLibLanguageConsts By default Delphi (5, 6 and 7) places compiled files to the \Projects\Bpl directory and this directory already present in the search PATH. But if you overwrite default BPL directory then you need put compiled EhLibXX.BPL file into directory that is accessible through the search PATH (i.e. DOS "PATH" environment variable; for example, in the Windows\System directory). Add, (if needed) 'EhLib directory' in Tools->Environment Options->Library-> Library Path (For Delphi 9 in Tools->Options->Environment Options-> Delphi Options->Library - Win32->Library Path). Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the runtime package - EhLibXX.Dpk. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package. After that open and compile EhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk. After compiling run-time packages install design-time packages DclEhLibXX.BPL and DclEhLibDataDriversXX.BPL into the IDE. For that use "File\Open..." menu item to open design-time package DclEhLibXX.Dpk. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package and then click "Install" button to register EhLib components on the component palette. Open and install DclEhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk package. EhLib components have to appear on 'EhLib' page of components palette. 2.2.4. Delphi 9.X Vcl.Net, , BDS2006 Vcl.Net: ---------------------------------------- Uninstall previous or evaluation version of EhLib (Old version) from Delphi IDE. Remove or copy to other directory files of old version to prevent crossing old and new version of EhLib (Including Vcl.EhLib90.dll, Vcl.DclEhLib90.dll, Vcl.EhLibDataDrivers90.dll, Vcl.DclEhLibDataDrivers90.dll files). Create directory from which you will install EhLib library ('EhLib directory') (for example, C:\BDS\3.0\EhLibVclNet). Copy files from Common and Delphi9 directories of the EhLib archive to 'EhLib directory'. In Delphi IDE: Add, (if needed) 'EhLib directory' in Component->Installed .NET Components ...-> Assembly Search Paths. Add, (if needed) 'EhLib directory' in Tools->Options->Environment Options-> Delphi Options->Library - NET->Library Path. Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the runtime package - Vcl.EhLibXX.Dpk. In "Project Manager..." window, click right button above 'Vcl.EhLibXX.Dll' and select "Build" menu to compile package. After that, open and compile Vcl.EhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk, Vcl.DclEhLibXX.Dpk and Vcl.DclEhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk. Open menu "Component->Installed .NET Components ..."->.NET VCL Components. Press 'Add...' button. Locate 'Vcl.DclEhLibXX.dll' and press 'Open'. (By default, this file have to be located in 'EhLib directory' directory) Press 'Ok' in 'Installed .NET Components' Dialog. 4. Documentation and Help ------------------------- 4.1. This version of library doesn't have embedded help files for Delphi8 or Higher. But the online help is available on the ehlib home page - 4.2. Delphi 7.x: Copy the EhLib.hlp and EhLib.cnt files to the Delphi HELP subdirectory. Select Help|Customize to start the OpenHelp application. Add the EhLib.cnt file to the Contents page, add the EhLib.hlp file to the Index and Link pages. 5. Demonstration Programs and Projects -------------------------------------- Demonstration programs use tables from the DEMOS directory and ADO Data Access. Read description of Demo projects in the file Demos\Info Eng.doc 6. Registering and Prices ------------------------- The EhLib is a Commercial product. If you find it useful and want to receive the latest versions please register your evaluation copy. You can read detailed information about prices on ehlib home prices page You can read detailed information about registration at After registration you will receive (e-mail only) address of registered version for downloading and password for unpacking. By registering the components you get the following advantages: 1. You will get new versions of the library free within a year from the date of registration. 2. You will get technical support for the library all the time. 3. You encourage EhLib Team to make the library even better. 7. Other information ----------------- (1) Information for user who already have old version of TDBGridEH or TDBSumList or EhLib installed: Before installation this version of EhLib uninstall previous version of TDBGridEh or TDBSumList or EhLib from IDE and remove or copy this files to other directory to prevent crossing of new and old files. (2) If at compile-time under C++ Builder you get next error: [Linker Error] Unresolved external 'AlphaBlend' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES\BORLAND\CBUILDER6\PROJECTS\LIB\EHLIBB60.LIB|C:\VCL6\EhLib\Common\DBGridEh.pas then add msimg32.lib library in Linker options of your Project. It is placed at $(BCB)\lib\psdk\msimg32.lib 8. About Company ---------------- Contact as if you have any questions, comments or suggestions: EhLib Team



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