LAB_12_Course Summary

金银王 2021-12-31 15:14:51
The Link Your Class
The Link of Requirement of This Assignment
The Aim of This AssignmentCourse Summary
MU STU ID and FZU STU ID19103581_831901103

1、 After so many times of experiment, my this major of software engineering have very deep understanding, at the same time I also realized to complete an experiment that need to learn in the process of module, which I also expected to begin the experiment, in the process of study, we studied a lot of knowledge, also learned as a team we need cooperation ability;

I strengthened my Python programming skills and learned some database languages like MySQL in the process of interaction with classmates at the front end.
I was in charge of the back end crawler, and part of my code was not well developed due to the rush to deliver. There is still a lot of room for improvement and iteration.


Personal Programming600
Pair programming600
Team programming6000

2、 A team has to do what it's supposed to do, work together, or it'll just make a piece of s**t

3、I tried my best to learn some knowledge that I had never been exposed to, but the effect was not good

4、Thanks to everyone for sticking with it, especially shizhe and me


6、I want to make something that I'm really happy with

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CSDN-Ada助手 2023-01-12
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├ 01 Introduction To The Course,网盘文件 永久连接 │ │ 001 Introduction Overview 2018.mp4 │ └ 002 The Exam Blue Print.mp4 ├ 02 AWS - 10000 Feet Overview │ │ 003 The History Of AWS So Far.mp4 │ │ 004 AWS - 10000 Foot Overview Part 1.mp4 │ │ 005 AWS - 10000 Foot Overview Part 2.mp4 │ │ 006 AWS - 10000 Foot Overview Part 3.mp4 │ │ 007 AWS - 10000 Foot Overview Part 4.mp4 │ │ 008 Dont Freak Out.mp4 │ │ 009 Sign Up To AWS Free Tier.mp4 │ └ quizzes │ └ 001 10000 Foot Quiz.html ├ 03 Identity Access Management IAM │ │ 010 IAM 101.mp4 │ │ 011 IAM - Lab.mp4 │ │ 012 Create A Billing Alarm - Lab.mp4 │ │ 013 IAM Summary.mp4 │ └ quizzes │ └ 002 IAM - Quiz.html ├ 04 AWS Object Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront │ │ 014 S3 - 101.mp4 │ │ 015 Create an S3 Bucket - Lab.mp4 │ │ 016 Version Control - Lab.mp4 │ │ 017 Cross Region Replication.mp4 │ │ 018 Lifecycle Management Glacier - Lab.mp4 │ │ 019 CloudFront CDN Overview.mp4 │ │ 020 Create a CloudFront CDN - Lab.mp4 │ │ 021 S3 - Security Encryption.mp4 │ │ 022 Storage Gateway.mp4 │ │ 023 Snowball.mp4 │ │ 024 Snowball - Lab.mp4 │ │ 025 S3 Transfer Acceleration.mp4 │ │ 026 Create A Static Website Using S3.mp4 │ │ 027 S3 Summary.mp4 │ └ quizzes │ └ 003 S3 Quiz.html ├ 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS │ │ 028 EC2 101 - Part 1.mp4 │ │ 029 EC2 101 - Part 2.mp4 │ │ 030 Lets Get Our Hands Dirty Launch An EC2 Instance - Part 1.mp4 │ │ 031 Lets Get Our Hands Dirty Launch An EC2 Instance - Part 2.mp4 │ │ 032 How To Use Putty Windows Users Only.mp4 │ │ 033 Security Groups Basics.mp4 │ │ 034 Upgrading EBS Volume Types - Lab.mp4 │ │ 035 Creating a Windows EC2 Instance RAID Group.mp4 │ │ 036 Create An AMI - Lab.mp4 │ │ 037 AMIs - EBS Root Volumes vs Instance Store.mp4 │ │ 038 Load Balancers Health Checks.mp4 │ │ 039 Cloud Watch EC2.mp4 │ │ 040 The AWS Command Line EC2.mp4 │ │ 041 Using IAM roles with EC2.mp4 │ │ 042 S3 CLI Regions.mp4 │ │ 043 Using Bootstrap .mp4 │ │ 044 EC2...........



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