
李海辰 2004-12-14 01:54:40
我想知道将 32 位 IEEE 浮点数转换为 ANSI 字符串的算法。本来我想查一下 VC 附带的 CRT 的源代码,可谁知核心部分的代码都没有给~~可恶滴 M$~~~

小弟不太懂汇编,看资料上说浮点数的存储格式为 1 位符号 + 8 位指数 + 23 位系数~~并且 23 位系数应看作两进制小数,并省略整数部分的 1。搞没有搞错,那我算法怎么实现啊!?希望哪位大侠能给出源代码,最好能附上 C 代码的解释~~万分感谢。

小弟不常来 MSDN,如果我迟迟未结贴可发邮件到 lichen8566@126.com 催我。 :)
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李海辰 2004-12-16
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李海辰 2004-12-15
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xqlez 2004-12-15
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; #########################################################################

; -----------------------------------------
; This procedure was written by Tim Roberts
; -----------------------------------------

.model flat
option casemap :none ; case sensitive

; Convert an 8-byte double-precision value to an ASCII string.
; If the value is an integer of less than 16 digits, we convert it to
; an integral value.
; If the value is between 0.1 and 9999999.0, we convert it to a decimal
; value.
; Otherwise, we convert it to a scientific notation with 1 digit
; left and up to 6 digits right of the decimal, with a 3 digit exponent:
; 9.999999E+999
; Note that these rules differ somewhat from the '%g' specifier in printf.
; But, since you have the source code, you can make this do whatever you
; want.
; I've tried to include comments on how to convert this to use 10-byte
; doubles.
; Tim N. Roberts.

; These are bits in the FP status word.

FP_EQUALTO equ 40h


; I'd rather this was local to the procedure, but masm doesn't do
; local arrays correctly.

szTemp db 18 dup (0)


PowerOf10 proto

ten dq 10.0
ten7 dq 1.0e6
ten17 dq 1.0e17
rounder dq 5.0e10

; Convert a floating point register to ASCII. For internal use.
; The result always has exactly 18 digits, with zero padding on the
; left if required.
; Entry: ST(0) = a number to convert, 0 <= ST(0) < 1E19.
; szTemp = an 18-character buffer.
; Exit: szTemp = the converted result.

FloatToBCD PROC public uses esi edi

sub esp, 10

; The fbstp instruction converts the top of the stack to a
; packed BCD form in ten bytes, with two digits per byte. The top
; byte has the sign, which we ignore.

fbstp [esp]

; Now we need to unpack the BCD to ASCII.

lea esi, [esp+8]
lea edi, [szTemp]
mov ecx, 9

mov al, [esi] ; xxxx xxxx AAAA BBBB
dec esi
rol ax, 12 ; BBBB xxxx xxxx AAAA
rol ah, 4 ; xxxx BBBB xxxx AAAA
and ax, 0f0fh ; 0000 BBBB 0000 AAAA
add ax, 3030h ; 3B3A
mov [edi], ax
add edi, 2
dec ecx

add esp, 10


; Convert a double precision number to a string.
; Entry: fpin = 8-byte double to convert
; szDbl = character buffer
; Exit: szDbl = converted value
; szDbl should be at least 19 bytes long.

FloatToStr PROC stdcall public USES esi edi,
fpin: QWORD,

LOCAL mystat: WORD

; Special case zero. fxtract fails for zero.

mov edi, [szDbl]

.if (dword ptr [fpin] == 0) && (dword ptr [fpin][4] == 0)
mov byte ptr [edi], '0'
mov byte ptr [edi][1], 0

; Check for a negative number.

.if (sdword ptr [fpin][4] < 0)
and byte ptr [fpin][7], 07fh ; change to positive
mov byte ptr [edi], '-' ; store a minus sign
inc edi

; Initialize the floating point unit and load our value onto the stack.

fstcw [stat]
mov [mystat], 027fh
fldcw [mystat]

fld [fpin]
fld st(0)

; Compute the closest power of 10 below the number. We can't get an
; exact value because of rounding. We could get close by adding in
; log10(mantissa), but it still wouldn't be exact. Since we'll have to
; check the result anyway, it's silly to waste cycles worrying about
; the mantissa.
; The exponent is basically log2(fpin). Those of you who remember
; algebra realize that log2(fpin) x log10(2) = log10(fpin), which is
; what we want.

fxtract ; ST=> mantissa, exponent, fpin
fstp st(0) ; drop the mantissa
fldlg2 ; push log10(2)
fmulp st(1), st ; ST = log10(fpin), fpin
fistp [iExp] ; ST = fpin

; An 8-byte double can carry almost 16 digits of precision. Actually, it's
; 15.9 digits, so some numbers close to 1E17 will be wrong in the bottom
; digit. If this is a concern, change the '16' to a '15'.
; A 10-byte double can carry almost 19 digits, but fbstp only stores the
; guaranteed 18. If you're doing 10-byte doubles, change the '16' to '18'.

.IF ([iExp] < 16)
fld st(0) ; ST = fpin, fpin
frndint ; ST = int(fpin), fpin
fcomp st(1) ; ST = fpin, status set
fstsw ax
.IF (ah & FP_EQUALTO) ; if EQUAL

; We have an integer! Lucky day. Go convert it into a temp buffer.

call FloatToBCD

mov eax, 17
mov ecx, [iExp]
sub eax, ecx
inc ecx
lea esi, [szTemp][eax]

; The off-by-one order of magnitude problem below can hit us here.
; We just trim off the possible leading zero.

.IF (byte ptr [esi] == '0')
inc esi
dec ecx

; Copy the rest of the converted BCD value to our buffer.

rep movsb
jmp ftsExit


; We use the format [-]d.ddddddE+ddd. That means we only need a maximum
; of 7 decimal places. Let's have fbstp do our rounding for us.

mov eax, 6
sub eax, [iExp] ; adjust exponent to 7
call PowerOf10

; Either we have exactly 7 digits, or we have exactly 6 digits. We can
; detect that condition and adjust now.

fcom [ten7]
; x0xxxx00 means top of stack > ten7
; x0xxxx01 means top of stack < ten7
; x1xxxx00 means top of stack = ten7
fstsw ax
.IF (ah & 1)
fmul [ten]
dec iExp

; Go convert to BCD.

call FloatToBCD

lea esi, [szTemp+11] ; point to converted buffer

; If the exponent is between -1 and 6, we can express this as a number
; without scientific notation.

mov ecx, iExp
.IF (SDWORD PTR ecx >= -1) && (SDWORD PTR ecx <= 6)

; We need to copy ecx+1 digits, then a decimal point (maybe), then
; the remaining 6-ecx digits. If exponent is 0, add a leading 0.

.IF (SDWORD PTR ecx == -1)
mov byte ptr [edi], '0'
inc edi

inc ecx
rep movsb
mov byte ptr [edi], '.'
inc edi
mov ecx, 6
sub ecx, [iExp]
rep movsb

; Trim off trailing zeros.

.WHILE (byte ptr [edi-1] == '0')
dec edi

; If we cleared out all the decimal digits, kill the decimal point, too.

.IF (byte ptr [edi-1] == '.')
dec edi

; That's it.

jmp ftsExit


; Now convert this to a standard, usable format. If needed, a minus
; sign is already present in the outgoing buffer, and edi already points
; past it.

movsb ; copy the first digit
mov byte ptr [edi], '.' ; plop in a decimal point
inc edi
movsd ; copy four more digits
movsw ; copy two more digits

if 0

; The printf %g specified trims off trailing zeros here. I dislike
; this, so I've disabled it. Comment out the if 0 and endif if you
; want this.

.WHILE (byte ptr [edi][-1] == '0')
dec edi

; Shove in the exponent. If you support 10-byte reals, remember to
; allow 4 digits for the exponent.

mov byte ptr [edi], 'e' ; start the exponent
mov eax, [iExp]
.IF (sdword ptr eax < 0) ; plop in the exponent sign
mov byte ptr [edi][1], '-'
neg eax
mov byte ptr [edi][1], '+'

mov ecx, 10

xor edx, edx
div ecx
add dl, '0'
mov [edi][4], dl ; shove in the ones exponent digit

xor edx, edx
div ecx
add dl, '0'
mov [edi][3], dl ; shove in the tens exponent digit

xor edx, edx
div ecx
add dl, '0'
mov [edi][2], dl ; shove in the hundreds exponent digit

add edi, 5 ; point to terminator

; Clean up and go home.

mov byte ptr [edi], 0
fldcw [stat] ; restore control word


FloatToStr ENDP

xqlez 2004-12-15
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xqlez 2004-12-14
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