
m0_57843239 2022-10-27 01:31:12
The Link Your Class
The Link of Requirement of This Assignment
The Aim of This Assignment<Extract keywords of different levels from the C or C++ code files>
MU STU ID and FZU STU ID<20124279_832001119>

1.the PSP of this work

Program design processWhat I doESTIMATE TIME(MIN)
PlanningUnderstand the requirements of the question, roughly construct the idea20
designWrite down the general idea,draw a logical diagram20
Write the codeImport different data for detection120
TestImport different data for detection30
Improve my codeSummarize and improve the above tests30
Wring ReportWring Report60

After getting the problem, I solve the problem of general thinking, and process

  1. First of all, I think how to let program read c files
  2. The input c language file into an array form
  3. By looking up the data that through the positive expression can more easily calculate the required value, get the result(a Regular Expression is a pattern of text that includes both normal characters (for example, letters between A and z) and special characters (called "metacharacters"))



1.    #include <stdio.h>  
2.    int main(){  
3.        int i=1;  
4.        double j=0;  
5.        long f;  
6.        switch(i){  
7.            case 0:  
8.                break;  
9.            case 1:  
10.                break;  
11.            case 2:  
12.                break;  
13.            default:  
14.                break;  
15.        }  
16.        switch(i){  
17.            case 0:  
18.                break;  
19.            case 1:  
20.                break;  
21.            default:  
22.                break;  
23.        }  
24.        if(i<0){  
25.            if(i<-1){}  
26.            else{}  
27.        }  
28.        else if(i>0){  
29.            if (i>2){}  
30.            else if (i==2) {}  
31.            else if (i>1) {}  
32.            else {}  
33.        }  
34.        else{  
35.            if(j!=0){}  
36.            else{}  
37.        }  
38.        return 0;  
39.    }  

Code writing process

Overall logic diagram


Reads the specified code file

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        //read the test file
        FileReader file = null;
        try {
            file = new FileReader("C:\\Users\\Desktop\\lab1-2.txt");
        } catch (Exception e) {
        BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(file);
        String lineString = "";
        String tempString = input.readLine();
        while(tempString!=null) {
            tempString = input.readLine();


Import c language keywords,And convert it into an array

c language keyword table(ANSI C standard C language has 32 keywords)

String keywords="abstract、assert、boolean、break、byte、case、"
                + "catch、char、class、continue、default、do、double、else、"
                + "enum、extends、final、finally、float、for、if、implements、"
                + "import、int、interface、instanceof、long、native、new、"
                + "package、private、protected、public、return、short、static、"
                + "strictfp、super、switch、synchronized、this、throw、throws、"
                + "transient、try、void、volatile、while";//all keywords

Calculate leve1


int num = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
            String regExpress = "[^a-zA-Z_]"+keywords[i]+"[^a-zA-Z_]";
            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regExpress);
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
            while (matcher.find()) {
        System.out.println("The number of keywords is "+num+".");
    public static void solution2(String input) {
        int num_switch = 0;
        String regExpress = "[^a-zA-Z_]"+"switch"+"[^a-zA-Z_]";
        Pattern pattern1 = Pattern.compile(regExpress);
        Matcher matcher1 = pattern1.matcher(input);
        while(matcher1.find()) {
        System.out.println("The number of 'switch' is "+num_switch+".");

Calculate the number of switches and cases


int num_case = 0;
        int num = 0;
        String regExpress2 = "switch.*?}";
        Pattern pattern2 = Pattern.compile(regExpress2);
        Matcher matcher2 = pattern2.matcher(input);
        while(matcher2.find()) {
            String regExpress3 = "[^a-zA-Z_]"+"case"+"[^a-zA-Z_]";
            String tempText=matcher2.toString();
            Pattern pattern3 = Pattern.compile(regExpress3);
            Matcher matcher3 = pattern3.matcher(tempText);
            while(matcher3.find()) {
            System.out.println("The number of 'case' in switch "+ num +" is "+num_case+".");
            num_case = 0;

Calculate the number of if-else and if-elseif-else

    public static void solution3_4(String input){
        Stack<String> s = new Stack<String>();
        int num_if_else = 0;
        int num_if_elseif_else = 0;
        String regExpress = "else *if|else|if";
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regExpress);
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
        while(matcher.find()) {
            String sub=input.substring(matcher.start(),matcher.end());

            if(sub.equals("if")||sub.equals("else if")){

            }else {
                //s.pop() is 'if'
                if(s.pop().equals("if")) {
                //s.pop() is 'else if'
                    //Keep popping the top of the stack until the top is 'if'
                    while(s.peek().equals("else if")) {

        System.out.println("The number of 'if-else' is "+num_if_else+".");
        System.out.println("The number of 'if-elseif-else' is "+num_if_elseif_else+".");

The results



The result are all the correct with the reference ,Using regular expressions can simplify the code as much as possible, and in terms of code optimization, I use the Vector class to replace the previous string, which can save space.Because I have not used Java programming much, so I am not very skilled, took a long time, but at the same time got a lot of improvement

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FASMARM v1.42 This package is an ARM assembler add-on for FASM. FASMARM currently supports the full range of instructions for 32-bit and 64-bit ARM processors and coprocessors up to and including v8. Contents: 1. ARM assembly compatibility 2. UAL and pre-UAL syntaxes 3. IT block handling 4. Alternate encodings 5. Output formats 6. Control directives 7. Data definitions 8. Defining registers lists inside macros 9. Half-precision number formatting 10. Variants supported 11. Further information 12. Version history _______________________________________________________________________________ 1. ARM assembly compatibility There are a few restrictions how the ARM instruction set is implemented. The changes are minor and mostly have a minor impact. For the most part the basic instruction outline is the same. Where possible the original style is used but there are some differences: Not everything matches the ARM ADS assembly style, where possible the original style is used but there are some differences 1) label names cannot begin with a digit 2) CPSIE and CPSID formats are changed, use "iflags_aif" form instead of "aif" (eg. "CPSIE iflags_i" instead of "CPSID i") 3) SRS with writeback must have a separating space after the mode number and before "!" (eg. "SRSDB 16 !" instead of "SRSDB 16!") 4) macro, rept, irp, format, if, virtual etc. are all significant changes from the ARM ADS, so you will need to re-write those sections of existing code Original ARM Syntax | fasmarm Syntax ----------------------+---------------------- cpsie a | cpsie iflags_a | srsdb #29! | srsdb #29 ! ;or, | srsdb 29 ! _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. UAL and pre-UAL syntaxes fasmarm supports the original pre-UAL syntax and the newer UAL syntax. These two syntaxes only affect THUMB encodings. UAL stands for: Universal Assembly Language. pre-UAL syntax is selected wi



福州大学 梅努斯国际工程学院 软件工程(2022秋) 教学
软件工程 高校
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