
root@qinshi-virtual-machine:/home/qinshi/gamit# chmod +x install_software
GAMIT and GLOBK to be installed into /home/qinshi/gamit
If you need help with command line options type CTL_C now and type
install_software -help on the command line
The compressed tarfiles will be removed after extraction of the
directories, but except for that, the script may be stopped and
rerun safely from any point. Tarfiles to be uncompressed:
ls: No match.
Continue ? (y/n)
.. uncompressing and extracting the directories:
.. adding /home/qinshi/gamit/com to your search path to continue installation
To execute GAMIT and GLOBK you will need to set your login path to
include /home/qinshi/gamit/com /home/qinshi/gamit/gamit/bin /home/qinshi/gamit/kf/bin
You will also need the alias or link gg --> /home/qinshi/gamit
Your Operating System type is: Linux
Your default awk version is: /usr/bin/awk
Searching directories set in libraries/Makefile.config for X11 installation...
Verified these paths to X11 libs and includes
X11LIBPATH: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
X11INCPATH: /usr/include
Are these paths complete and correct for your system? (y/n)
X11LIBPATH and X11INCPATH OK in libraries/Makefile.config.
GAMIT dimensions in /libraries/Makefile.config are set to
maxsit = 99
maxepc = 8640
maxatm = 25
maxsat = 40
Are these defaults found in Makefile.config correct?
If NOT edit the Makefile.config now before choosing to contine
Continue ? (y/n)
.. removing any existing Makefiles or archive files from libraries directories
Removing object and archive files from libraries directories
Removing machine-specific Makefiles from libraries directories
Removing residual trace files from libraries directories
.. removing any existing Makefiles or archive files from gamit directories
Removing object and archive files from gamit directories
find: ‘/home/qinshi/gamit/gamit’: No such file or directory
Removing machine-specific Makefiles from gamit directories
find: ‘/home/qinshi/gamit/gamit’: No such file or directory
Removing residual trace files from gamit directories
find: ‘/home/qinshi/gamit/gamit’: No such file or directory
.. making libraries and gamit
Reading gamit/Makefile.config to get program dimensions
/home/qinshi/gamit/gamit/includes: No such file or directory.
Failure in make_gamit -- install_software terminated