
Gen_power 2022-12-04 21:52:40


  • Team Gathering
  • Introduction of Team Members
  • Team Characteristics
  • Team Logo
  • Group Photo
  • Start Action
  • Project Introduction
  • Individual Contribution Points
  • Contribution Proportion
  • Drip Record
  • Mind Map and Burnout Map
  • UML
  • Learning Progress Bar
  • Experience
  • Video Clip

Team Gathering

Introduction of Team Members

  • Junmin Zhou

Division of labor: Project leader & Back-end design
Skill: Backend development
Expected role: Tester
One sentence declaration: Non Terrae Plus Ultra!

  • Li Zhuo

Division of labor: Video clips & PPT making
Skill: Interface beautification & Backend development
Expected role: Video editors
One sentence declaration: The old ways and the new, I will use both to guide us.

  • Zikun Guo

Division of labor: Report maker & Front-end design
Skill: Project management & Front-end development
Expected role: Report maker
One sentence declaration: True mastery can't be programmed.

  • Zhengxi Wu

Division of labor: Blog writer and UI design
Skill: Backend development & UI design
Expected role: Editor
One sentence declaration: All it takes is a single spark.

  • Jianjie Chen

Division of labor: Drawing charts and UML
Skill: Backend development & Draw charts
Expected role: UI designer
One sentence declaration: Maybe next time you should try a different path.

  • Kangping Chen

Division of labor: Publicity
Skill: Backend development
Expected role: Publicity
One sentence declaration: I'm here to watch your back, brudda.

  • Honggeng Lin

Division of labor: Person of Defense
Skill: UI Design
Expected role: Person of Defense
One sentence declaration: You need to move faster that that, amigo. Speed is life.

  • Yejun Chen

Division of labor: Front-end development
Skill: Front-end & UI design
Expected role: Front-end developer
One sentence declaration: I survived being swallowed by the dark heart of the universe, so you lot seem a wee bit... quaint to me.

  • Jialin Xu

Division of labor: Prototype maker & UI design
Skill: Prototyping & Front-end development
Expected role: UI designer
One sentence declaration: I did really good today.

Team Characteristics

Most of our group members are in one dormitory, so the team can communicate easily. We divide the work and do our best to complete the task we need to do. Each member has their own strengths, and our team leader is also a good manager.:)

Team Logo


Group Photo


Start Action

Project Introduction

Our project is a library management system, in which users need to register a personal account to complete the borrowing and returning of books. Library management personnel can complete the management of books and user information through the background of the system.

Individual Contribution Points

The Individual Contribution Points is judged by the amount of tasks each person achieves for which they are accepted. Divide the project into modules and assign tasks based on each member's familiar expertise. At the end, we will work together to negotiate whether the allocation is reasonable.

Σ Contribution ratio of each person=total number of people × 100% (The project completion rate is 100%)
Each person's contribution ratio = The amount of work actually done

Contribution Proportion

NameTask ContentsProportion
Junmin ZhouOrganization & Backend development103
Li ZhuoVideo clips & PPT making101
Zikun GuoReport making & Front-end development102
Zhengxi WuUI design & Blogging102
Jianjie ChenBackend development & Draw charts102
Kangping ChenPublicity93
Honggeng LinDefense101
Yejun ChenReport making93
Jialin XuPrototyping & UI design102

Drip Record

Mind Map and Burnout Map

Mind Map:


Burnout Map:



UML use class diagram


UML use case diagram


  • This section describes how to use the basic functions of the software and the relationship between these functions.

Problems faced by this part:

  • The core problem of our project is that the project needs to simplify the operation, so that the vast majority of library managers can quickly get familiar with the system operation.

Problems solved:

  • Put the main functions in the bottom column, and use a relatively simple ui design, clear function guidelines.

Learning Progress Bar

Week NNew Code(line)Cumulative code(line)Time spent on learning this week (hours)Cumulative time spent on learning (hours)Important growth
Week 17007001515Determine the project theme, prepare for the report and review the programming tools used
Week 29009002035Design the prototype, write software code and complete reports & PPT


Selection of UML design tools
We used WPS for our UML design. WPS has a very comprehensive UML content library, and we can use any template we want. what's more it is esay to use for novice.We can easily manipulate and share our designs.

Difficulties encountered in this task and solutions


  • We don't konw the requirement and modules of UML diagram.


  • We use the Internet to learn a variety of UML graphics production methods, and then brainstorm our most intuitive and accurate UML model diagram.

Video Clip

Click here to see the video<<<

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福州大学 梅努斯国际工程学院 软件工程(2022秋) 教学
软件工程 高校
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