Please add a format description at the beginning of a blog written for this assignment.
The Link Your Class | <https: ...> |
The Link of Requirements of This Assignment | <https: ...> |
eg. 13579_24680 |
Video demo link | <https: ...> |
GitHub link | <https: ...> |
Course summary (one blog per person is required under this assignment)
This homework will affect the final grade. Please write carefully and submit it before DDL (2023.01.11 24:00).
The blog should contain the following sections:
1. The CSDN links of each Lab, which should include:
Lab1-1: <https: ...>
Lab1-2: <https: ...>
Lab2-1: <https: ...>
Lab2-2: <https: ...>
Lab3-1: <https: ...>
Lab3-2: <https: ...>
2. Summary and harvest: personal programming/pair programming/on-site programming/team project practice experience summary + example/example combined analysis
3. Technology and tools: Introduce the new technologies or productivity tools you have learned and what effects they have brought to you? Please list in points
For the rest, you can use your own ideas to create freely, customize the format, say what you want to say, course suggestions, stories that happened, career planning, etc.
Video link and Github link
Software Project Demonstration Video: A hypothetical team will pitch your software project and create a sales video of your software project in order to get customers to accept your project. The video is free and creative, and the innovative part of your software function (that is, the difference from other competing software) and the function points of your software should be reflected as much as possible in the video. The video is 2-5 minutes long. Each group makes one, and each member shares the link on their blog.
When the blog is submitted, the Github link of the project is also attached. For projects that are difficult to deploy, please describe the deployment process on Github.
Finally, please update The Online Form with your blog link of this course summary.
MU-SE: Course summary
FZU ID:832001119
MU ID:20124279
Block link:https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/611867781?spm=1001.2014.3001.6377
MU-SE: Course summary
FZU ID:832001111
MU ID:20124759
Block link:https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/612286290
MU-SE: Course summary
FZU ID:832001221
MU ID:20123957
Block link:https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/611955124?spm=1001.2014.3001.6377