【论文精读】Review of Finance, 2022 -Climate Change Risk and the Cost of Mortgage Credit

星期日-不上发条 合约 2023-03-04 17:53:41
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Progress in software engineering has been remarkable over my professional lifetime. Our societies could not function without large, professional software systems. For building business systems, there is an alphabet soup of technologies—J2EE, .NET, SaaS, SAP, BPEL4WS, SOAP, CBSE, etc.—that support the development and deployment of large enterprise applications. National utilities and infrastructure— energy, communications, and transport—all rely on complex and mostly reliable computer systems. Software has allowed us to explore space and to create the World Wide Web, the most significant information system in the history of mankind. Humanity is now faced with a new set of challenges—climate change and extreme weather, declining natural resources, an increasing world population to be fed and housed, international terrorism, and the need to help elderly people lead satisfying and fulfilled lives. We need new technologies to help us address these problems and, for sure, software will play a central role in these technologies. Software engineering is, therefore, a critically important technology for the future of mankind. We must continue to educate software engineers and develop the discipline so that we can create more complex software systems. Of course, there are still problems with software projects. Software is still sometimes late and costs more than expected. However, we should not let these problems conceal the real successes in software engineering and the impressive software engineering methods and technologies that have been developed. Software engineering is now such a huge area that it is impossible to cover the whole subject in one book. My focus, therefore, is on key topics that are fundamentalto all development processes and topics concerned with the development of reliable, distributed systems. There is an increased emphasis on agile methods and software reuse. I strongly believe that agile methods have their place but so too does ‘traditional’ plan-driven software engineering. We need to combine the best of these approaches to build better software systems. Books inevitably reflect the opinions and prejudices of their authors. Some readers will inevitably disagree with my opinions and with my choice of material. Such disagreement is a healthy reflection of the diversity of the discipline and is essential for its evolution. Nevertheless, I hope that all software engineers and software engineering students can find something of interest here.
1、 Atmosphere-Ocean Climate (性能测试) 这篇文章讨论了高性能标准测试应用程序在亚马逊EC2云计算系统中的性能。经过测试发现EC2云计算系统是一个可靠的解决方案,支持按需响应,小规模,高性能计算应用程序。 2、 Chukwa: A large-scale monitoring system Chukwa是建立在Hadoop上的数据收集系统,用以监控和分析大规模的分布式系统。本文介绍了他的设计和初步实施。 3、 Cloud Computing and Grid Computing 360-Degree Compared Ian Foster比较对比了云计算和网格计算的各方面,并给出了两者的本质特征。 4、 Toward a Unified Ontology of Cloud Computing 这篇文章把云模型分为5层,解释了他们的内在关系,本文的贡献是第一个对云模型建立本体。 5、 The Cumulus Project: Build a Scientific Cloud for a Data Center 介绍了Cumulus工程的各个方面,如实验床,基础设施,中间件和应用程序模型。 6、 The Eucalyptus Open-source Cloud-computing System Eucalyptus作为云计算开源的软件框架,概述了他设计的基本原则,简单易于使用而且能模块化。 7、 GridBatch: Cloud Computing for Large-Scale Data-Intensive Batch Applications GridBatch系统为解决在云计算下的大规模精密数据批处理问题,GridBatch是一个编程模型,用户能控制数据的分割,控制计算怎么被分布的,最后给出一个例子,展示了他在EC2下的高性能。 8、 Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cloud Computing versus Desktop Grids 分析对比了采用云计算模型和桌面电脑组成的网格模型在性能和成本收益方面的优劣。 9、 Programming Abstractions for Clouds 本文讨论了云应用程序编程面临的挑战与发展,通过几个应用程序的讨论,演示了可能的解决方案。同时讨论了怎样正确使用抽象的编程接口,框架使其更有效,可扩展,最重要的独立于系统,这些接口框架支持普通的编程执行模式。 10、 The RESERVOIR Model and Architecture for Open Federated Cloud Computing 本文提出了RESERVOIR工程,他是一个体系结构,他允许云基础设施的提供者动态的和其他云设施成为伙伴,从而构成一个无限的信息资源池,同时不同的云设施保证他自己技术和商业管理决定高度自治。 11、 Science Clouds: Early Experiences in Cloud Computing for Scientific Applications 这篇文档包含科学项目采用科学云技术的描述,还有他经验的早期总结。 12、 Sector and Sphere: The Design and Implementation of a High Performance Data Cloud 在这篇论文中,我们介绍了一个新的云计算软件,他包括Sector存储云和Sphere计算云。对比现有的数据云,Sector不但支持作为数据中心的数据存储,而且可以在广域网上进行数据分发。Sphere执行流处理示例,从而支持数据密集型的应用。Sphere支持所有能用MapReduce完成的应用,Sphere更简单更容易使用。根据我们的实验研究他的速度是Hadoop的两倍。 13、 Phoenix Cloud: Consolidating Different Computing Loads on Shared Cluster System for Large Organization 在论文中,我们设计运行了software-phoenix云管理系统,在共享的集群系统中整合异构的计算负载。进一步,我们还提出了供大组织和他附属部门共享集群系统的合作资源提供和管理策略。Phoenix Cloud减少了系统的规模。 14、 Adapting MapReduce for Dynamic Environments Using a Peer-to-Peer Model



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