[基础软件理论与实践] 第五节作业实现 yhg2000

yhgu2000 2023-05-06 22:40:10




  1. Complete the type inference ( two substitution functions )
  2. Complete the implementation for let-polymorphism
  3. Think about how to handle recursive functions





module List = Belt.List

type rec expr =
  | CstI(int)
  | CstB(bool)
  | Var(string)
  | If(expr, expr, expr)
  | Fun(string, expr)
  | App(expr, expr)
  | Add(expr, expr)

type rec typ = TInt | TBool | TVar(string) | TArr(typ, typ)

let rec to_string = (t: typ) =>
  switch t {
  | TInt => "Int"
  | TBool => "Bool"
  | TVar(x) => "@" ++ x
  | TArr(x, y) => "(" ++ to_string(x) ++ "->" ++ to_string(y) ++ ")"

type context = list<(string, typ)>
type constraints = list<(typ, typ)>

let rec cs_to_string = (cs: constraints) =>
  switch cs {
  | list{} => ""
  | list{(a, b), ...rest} =>
    "[" ++ to_string(a) ++ " = " ++ to_string(b) ++ "], " ++ cs_to_string(rest)

let tvar_count = ref(0)
let new_tvar = (): typ => {
  tvar_count.contents = tvar_count.contents + 1

// 约束提取
let rec check_expr = (ctx: context, expr: expr): (typ, constraints) => {
  switch expr {
  | CstI(_) => (TInt, list{})
  | CstB(_) => (TBool, list{})
  | Var(x) => (
      switch List.getAssoc(ctx, x, (a, b) => a == b) {
      | Some(xt) => xt
      | _ => assert false // 变量名必须在上下文中存在
  | If(e1, e2, e3) => {
      let (t1, c1) = check_expr(ctx, e1)
      let (t2, c2) = check_expr(ctx, e2)
      let (t3, c3) = check_expr(ctx, e3)
      (t2, List.concatMany([c1, c2, c3, list{(t1, TBool), (t2, t3)}]))

  | Fun(x, e) => {
      let tx = new_tvar()
      let (te, c) = check_expr(list{(x, tx), ...ctx}, e)
      (TArr(tx, te), c)

  | App(e1, e2) => {
      let t = new_tvar()
      let (t1, c1) = check_expr(ctx, e1)
      let (t2, c2) = check_expr(ctx, e2)
      (t, List.concatMany([c1, c2, list{(t1, TArr(t2, t))}]))

  | Add(e1, e2) => {
      let (t1, c1) = check_expr(ctx, e1)
      let (t2, c2) = check_expr(ctx, e2)
      (TInt, List.concatMany([c1, c2, list{(t1, t2), (t1, TInt)}]))

let rec occurs = (x: string, t: typ): bool => {
  switch t {
  | TInt | TBool => false
  | TVar(y) => x == y
  | TArr(t1, t2) => occurs(x, t1) || occurs(x, t2)

type subst = list<(string, typ)>

let rec st_to_string = (st: subst) =>
  switch st {
  | list{} => ""
  | list{(a, b), ...rest} => a ++ "= " ++ to_string(b) ++ ", " ++ st_to_string(rest)

let rec rest_subst = (cs: constraints, x: string, xt: typ): constraints => {
  switch cs {
  | list{} => cs
  | list{c, ...rest} =>
      switch c {
      | (TVar(y), yt) if y == x => (xt, yt)
      | (yt, TVar(y)) if y == x => (xt, yt)
      | _ => c
      ...rest_subst(rest, x, xt),

// 约束求解
let solve = (cs: constraints): subst => {
  let rec go = (cs, s): subst => {
    switch cs {
    | list{} => s
    | list{c, ...rest} =>
      switch c {
      | (TInt, TInt) | (TBool, TBool) => go(rest, s)
      | (TArr(t1, t2), TArr(t3, t4)) => go(list{(t1, t3), (t2, t4), ...rest}, s)
      | (TVar(x), t) | (t, TVar(x)) => {
          assert !occurs(x, t) // 禁止递归类型
          go(rest_subst(rest, x, t), list{(x, t), ...s})

      | _ => assert false
  go(cs, list{})

let rec subst_resolve = (x: string, s: subst): typ => {
  switch s {
  | list{} => TVar(x)
  | list{(y, yt), ...rest} =>
    if y == x {
    } else {
      subst_resolve(x, rest)

let rec type_subst = (t: typ, s: subst): typ => {
  switch t {
  | TVar(x) => {
      let y = subst_resolve(x, s)
      if y == TVar(x) {
      } else {
        type_subst(y, s) // 递归求解,直到解无可解

  | TArr(t1, t2) => TArr(type_subst(t1, s), type_subst(t2, s))
  | _ => t

// 类型推导
let infer = (expr: expr): typ => {
  let (t, cs) = check_expr(list{}, expr)
  let s = solve(cs)
  type_subst(t, s)

let test = Fun(
  Fun("a", Fun("b", If(Var("a"), Add(App(Var("f"), Var("b")), CstI(1)), App(Var("f"), Var("a"))))),

let inferred = infer(test)

let omega = Fun("x", App(Var("x"), Var("x")))
let omega_inferred = infer(omega)
module List = Belt.List

type rec expr =
  | CstI(int)
  | CstB(bool)
  | Var(string)
  | If(expr, expr, expr)
  | Fun(string, expr)
  | App(expr, expr)
  | Add(expr, expr)
  | Let(string, expr, expr)

type rec typ = TInt | TBool | TArr(typ, typ) | TVar(string) | QVar(string) | IVar(string) // 使用IVar来标记已经实例化的类型变量

let rec to_string = (t: typ) =>
  switch t {
  | TInt => "Int"
  | TBool => "Bool"
  | TArr(x, y) => "(" ++ to_string(x) ++ "->" ++ to_string(y) ++ ")"
  | TVar(x) => "@" ++ x
  | IVar(x) => "#" ++ x
  | QVar(x) => "$" ++ x

type context = list<(string, typ)>
type constraints = list<(typ, typ)>

let rec cs_to_string = (cs: constraints) =>
  switch cs {
  | list{} => ""
  | list{(a, b), ...rest} => to_string(a) ++ " = " ++ to_string(b) ++ ", " ++ cs_to_string(rest)

let var_count = ref(0)
let new_tvar = (): typ => {
  var_count.contents = var_count.contents + 1
let new_ivar = (): typ => {
  var_count.contents = var_count.contents + 1

let inst = (ty: typ): typ => {
  let rec go = (ty: typ, ctx: context): (typ, context) => {
    switch ty {
    | TArr(t1, t2) => {
        let (t1, ctx) = go(t1, ctx)
        let (t2, ctx) = go(t2, ctx)
        (TArr(t1, t2), ctx)

    | QVar(x) =>
      switch List.getAssoc(ctx, x, (a, b) => a == b) {
      | Some(y) => (y, ctx)
      | None => {
          let y = new_ivar()
          (y, list{(x, y), ...ctx})

    | _ => (ty, ctx)
  let (t, _) = go(ty, list{})

let rec gen = (ty: typ): typ => {
  switch ty {
  | TArr(t1, t2) => TArr(gen(t1), gen(t2))
  | TVar(x) => QVar(x)
  | _ => ty

// 约束提取
let rec check_expr = (ctx: context, expr: expr): (typ, constraints) => {
  switch expr {
  | CstI(_) => (TInt, list{})
  | CstB(_) => (TBool, list{})
  | Var(x) => {
      let ty = switch List.getAssoc(ctx, x, (a, b) => a == b) {
      | Some(xt) => inst(xt)
      | _ => assert false // 变量名必须在上下文中存在
      (ty, list{})

  | If(e1, e2, e3) => {
      let (t1, c1) = check_expr(ctx, e1)
      let (t2, c2) = check_expr(ctx, e2)
      let (t3, c3) = check_expr(ctx, e3)
      (t2, List.concatMany([c1, c2, c3, list{(t1, TBool), (t2, t3)}]))

  | Fun(x, e) => {
      let tx = new_tvar()
      let (te, c) = check_expr(list{(x, tx), ...ctx}, e)
      (TArr(tx, te), c)

  | App(e1, e2) => {
      let t = new_tvar()
      let (t1, c1) = check_expr(ctx, e1)
      let (t2, c2) = check_expr(ctx, e2)
      (t, List.concatMany([c1, c2, list{(t1, TArr(t2, t))}]))

  | Add(e1, e2) => {
      let (t1, c1) = check_expr(ctx, e1)
      let (t2, c2) = check_expr(ctx, e2)
      (TInt, List.concatMany([c1, c2, list{(t1, t2), (t1, TInt)}]))

  | Let(x, e1, e2) => {
      let xt = new_tvar() // 不知道这样处理递归对不对
      let (t1, c1) = check_expr(list{(x, xt), ...ctx}, e1)
      let (t2, c2) = check_expr(list{(x, gen(t1)), ...ctx}, e2)

      (t2, List.concatMany([c1, c2]))

let rec occurs = (x: string, t: typ): bool => {
  switch t {
  | TInt | TBool => false
  | TVar(y) | IVar(y) => x == y
  | TArr(t1, t2) => occurs(x, t1) || occurs(x, t2)
  | QVar(_) => assert false

type subst = list<(string, typ)>

let rec st_to_string = (st: subst) =>
  switch st {
  | list{} => ""
  | list{(a, b), ...rest} => a ++ "= " ++ to_string(b) ++ ", " ++ st_to_string(rest)

let rec rest_subst = (cs: constraints, x: string, xt: typ): constraints => {
  switch cs {
  | list{} => cs
  | list{c, ...rest} =>
      switch c {
      | (TVar(y) | IVar(y), yt) if y == x => (xt, yt)
      | (yt, TVar(y) | IVar(y)) if y == x => (xt, yt)
      | _ => c
      ...rest_subst(rest, x, xt),

// 约束求解
let solve = (cs: constraints): subst => {
  let rec go = (cs, s): subst => {
    switch cs {
    | list{} => s
    | list{c, ...rest} =>
      switch c {
      | (TInt, TInt) | (TBool, TBool) => go(rest, s)
      | (TArr(t1, t2), TArr(t3, t4)) => go(list{(t1, t3), (t2, t4), ...rest}, s)
      | (TVar(x) | IVar(x), t) | (t, TVar(x) | IVar(x)) => {
          assert !occurs(x, t) // 禁止递归类型
          go(rest_subst(rest, x, t), list{(x, t), ...s})

      | _ => assert false
  go(cs, list{})

let rec subst_resolve = (x: string, s: subst): typ => {
  switch s {
  | list{} => TVar(x)
  | list{(y, yt), ...rest} =>
    if y == x {
    } else {
      subst_resolve(x, rest)

let rec type_subst = (t: typ, s: subst): typ => {
  switch t {
  | TVar(x) => {
      let y = subst_resolve(x, s)
      if y == TVar(x) {
      } else {
        type_subst(y, s) // 递归求解,直到解无可解

  | TArr(t1, t2) => TArr(type_subst(t1, s), type_subst(t2, s))
  | _ => t

// 类型推导
let infer = (expr: expr): typ => {
  let (t, cs) = check_expr(list{}, expr)
  let s = solve(cs)
  type_subst(t, s)

// let test = Let("a", Fun("x", Var("x")), Let("b", Var("a"), App(Var("b"), CstI(10))))

// let test = Let("id", Fun("x", Var("x")), Let("a", App(Var("id"), CstI(42)), Var("a")))

// 递归函数
let test = Let("a", Fun("x", App(Var("a"), Var("x"))), App(Var("a"), CstI(42)))

let inferred = infer(test)
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