Extreme Programming(deadline November 19, 2023 23:59)

chennuo. 2023-11-17 22:14:21


  • Deadline
  • 1. Basic functions
  • 1. Registration and login module
  • 2. Scientific Calculator functions
  • 3. Interest rate calculator
  • 2.Homework content
  • 3.Assignment Grading Criteria and Evaluation Rule
  • 4.Rules & Format
  • To help teachers or teaching assistants from other schools understand the course situation, please add a format description at the beginning of the assignment:
(Extreme Programming-- Back-end separation calculator programming with login module)


The deadline for this assignment is: November 19, 2023 23:59
Note: The blog needs to be reviewed after publication, please remember to publish the blog in advance to avoid affecting the assignment submission.

1. Basic functions

1. Registration and login module

  • Implement login and registration pages, where users register first, and after login verification, jump to the main interface. Save their calculation history for different users.When a user logs in, their corresponding calculation history can be read.

2. Scientific Calculator functions

  • The requirements are the same as the second assignment, and the functions should be as complete as possible

3. Interest rate calculator

  • Function 1: Calculate deposit and loan interest
        * Implement an interest rate calculator and store the interest rate table in the database (which can be modified at any time), as shown in the following figure. Use two input boxes to read the input data of the front-end, 1. Enter the deposit/loan amount 2. Deposit/loan duration (unit: year). Output the corresponding deposit/loan interest. 
        * Note: the interest rate must be read from the back-end database, can not use the cache
  • deposit interest rate:

  • loan interest rate:

  • Function 2: Modify deposit and loan interest on the front-end
        * Input the modified information on the front-end page, and the values of the table in the database will be modified accordingly.
        * Input: 1. Deposit/loan 2. Duration (unit: year) 3. Modified interest rate

2.Homework content

  • Design the division of module in advance
  • It's a multi-person collaborative work. Although this is a team task, we hope that each student can complete a total development process through group communication. Everyone needs to participate in coding. Establish a GitHub team repository (commit times ≥ 3) and upload relevant programs and documents to the repository before the deadline.There are no mandatory requirements for the repository directory structure, but it is important to ensure that the code provided by this repository can be relied on to build the project.
  • The team need to post a blog with the following content: 
        * Project address (repository address, access address, and other related addresses)
        * Take a screenshot of Github's submission log and count the commit times of each group
        * Description of functional implementation ideas
        * Screenshots and complete running video of the program 
        * Division of labor among team members
        * Evaluate the contribution ratio of each team member, with a total score of 100 (if there is no evaluation, the team leader's score will be reduced by 50% after averaging the entire group)
        * Difficulties encountered in cooperation and solutions
            * Team member 1
            * …
            * Team member 2
            * …
        * PSP table (one table per team member, posted on team blog)

3.Assignment Grading Criteria and Evaluation Rule

The total score for this assignment is 100 points.

  • (30’)Basic Requirements [Covering Course Objective 2]

  - (10‘) Blog Formatting, using Markdown formatting; Provide the Github repository link correctly and the code standard link.
  - (20‘) Description of functional implementation ideas, Program screenshot, Division of labor among team members.

  • (70‘)Coding Implementation [Covering Course Objective 4]

    - (10‘) Page Style
    - (25‘) Registration and login function (storing users information with a database)
    - (10‘) Scientific Calculator
    - (25‘) Interest rate calculator (use database storage)

4.Rules & Format

To help teachers or teaching assistants from other schools understand the course situation, please add a format description at the beginning of the assignment:

|Course for This Assignment|... |
|--    |--    |
|Team Name|... |
|Assignment Requirements|... |
|Objectives of This Assignment|... |
|Other References|...    |

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