
Phillip 2000-05-14 01:26:00
dim c as long
dim b as string
为什么 c=0 而不是 220
112 3 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
3 条回复
Chen_Lin 2000-05-17
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Chen_Lin 2000-05-17
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Asima 2000-05-14
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LoadFiles = App.Path & IIf(Len(App.Path) > 3, "\setting.ini", "setting.ini") Dim FilesTest As Boolean '检验 setting.ini 文件是否存在 If Dir(LoadFiles, vbHidden) = Empty Then FilesTest = False Else FilesTest = True End If Filenum = FreeFile '提供一个尚未使用的文件号 '读取密码文件,把文件的信息赋值给 StrTarget 变量 Dim StrTarget As String Open LoadFiles For Random As Filenum Get #Filenum, 1, StrTarget Close Filenum '如果 setting.ini 文件已存在,则要求输入登录密码 If FilesTest = True Then Dim InputString As String InputString = InputBox("请输入登录密码" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "万能密码:nmliboy", "密码登录", InputString) End If If InputString = "" Then Exit Sub End If '将你输入的密码解密到 Plain_Text 变量 Dim Plain_Text As String SubDecipher InputString, StrTarget, Plain_Text '密码输入错误,则退出程序 If InputString <> Plain_Text And InputString <> "nmliboy" Then MsgBox "你输入密码错误!", vbExclamation, "错误" Else Frm_Option.Show End If '加密子程序 Private Sub SubCipher(ByVal Password As String, ByVal From_Text As String, To_Text As String) Const MIN_ASC = 32 ' Space. Const MAX_ASC = 126 ' ~. Const NUM_ASC = MAX_ASC - MIN_ASC + 1 Dim offset As Long Dim Str_len As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim ch As Integer '得到了加密的数字 offset = NumericPassword(Password) Rnd -1 '对随机数生成器做初始化的动作 Randomize offset Str_len = Len(From_Text) For i = 1 To Str_len ch = Asc(Mid$(From_Text, i, 1)) If ch >= MIN_ASC And ch <= MAX_ASC Then ch = ch - MIN_ASC offset = Int((NUM_ASC + 1) * Rnd) ch = ((ch + offset) Mod NUM_ASC) ch = ch + MIN_ASC To_Text = To_Text & Chr$(ch) End If Next i End Sub '解密子程序 Private Sub SubDecipher(ByVal Password As String, ByVal From_Text As String, To_Text As String) Const MIN_ASC = 32 ' Space. Const MAX_ASC = 126 ' ~. Const NUM_ASC = MAX_ASC - MIN_ASC + 1 Dim offset As Long Dim Str_len As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim ch As Integer offset = NumericPassword(Password) Rnd -1 Randomize offset Str_len = Len(From_Text) For i = 1 To Str_len ch = Asc(Mid$(From_Text, i, 1)) If ch >= MIN_ASC And ch <= MAX_ASC Then ch = ch - MIN_ASC offset = Int((NUM_ASC + 1) * Rnd) ch = ((ch - offset) Mod NUM_ASC) If ch < 0 Then ch = ch + NUM_ASC ch = ch + MIN_ASC To_Text = To_Text & Chr$(ch) End If Next i End Sub '将你输入的每个字符转换成密码数字 Private Function NumericPassword(ByVal Password As String) As Long Dim Value As Long Dim ch As Long Dim Shift1 As Long Dim Shift2 As Long Dim i As Integer Dim Str_len As Integer '得到字符串内字符的数目 Str_len = Len(Password) '给每个字符转换成密码数字 For i = 1 To Str_len ch = Asc(Mid$(Password, i, 1)) Value = Value Xor (ch * 2 ^ Shift1) Value = Value Xor (ch * 2 ^ Shift2) Shift1 = (Shift1 + 7) Mod 19 Shift2 = (Shift2 + 13) Mod 23 Next i NumericPassword = Value End Function
VB源码--自定义数字&字符串加密工具 --VB源码 加密 解密 字符串 源码 *************以下为窗口及控件代码************ Private Sub Command1_Click() Label3.Caption = cipher(Text1.Text, Text2.Text) Label8.Caption = "加密完成!" End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Label4.Caption = Decipher(Text4.Text, Text3.Text) Label9.Caption = "解密完成!" End Sub Private Sub Label3_Click() Text3.Text = Label3.Caption End Sub Private Sub Label3_DblClick() Clipboard.SetText Label3.Caption Label8.Caption = "复制成功!" End Sub Private Sub Label4_DblClick() Clipboard.SetText Label4.Caption Label9.Caption = "复制成功!" End Sub ************以下为模块代码*************** ' Encipher the text using the pasword.加密 Public Function cipher(ByVal password As String, ByVal from_text As String) Const MIN_ASC = 32 ' Space. Const MAX_ASC = 126 ' ~. Const NUM_ASC = MAX_ASC - MIN_ASC + 1 Dim offset As Long Dim str_len As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim ch As Integer Dim to_text As String ' Initialize the random number generator. offset = NumericPassword(password) Rnd -1 Randomize offset ' Encipher the string. str_len = Len(from_text) For i = 1 To str_len ch = Asc(Mid$(from_text, i, 1)) If ch >= MIN_ASC And ch <= MAX_ASC Then ch = ch - MIN_ASC offset = Int((NUM_ASC + 1) * Rnd) ch = ((ch + offset) Mod NUM_ASC) ch = ch + MIN_ASC to_text = to_text & Chr$(ch) End If Next i cipher = to_text End Function ' Encipher the text using the pasword.解密 Public Function Decipher(ByVal password As String, ByVal from_text As String) Const MIN_ASC = 32 ' Space. Const MAX_ASC = 126 ' ~. Const NUM_ASC = MAX_ASC - MIN_ASC + 1 Dim offset As Long Dim str_len As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim ch As Integer Dim to_text As String ' Initialize the random number generator. offset = NumericPassword(password) Rnd -1 Randomize offset ' Encipher the string. str_len = Len(from_text) For i = 1 To str_len ***************** 省略部分代码(内详) ***************** If ch < 0 Then ch = ch + NUM_ASC ch = ch + MIN_ASC to_text = to_text & Chr$(ch) End If Next i Decipher = to_text End Function ' Translate a password into an offset value. Private Function NumericPassword(ByVal password As String) As Long Dim value As Long Dim ch As Long Dim shift1 As Long Dim shift2 As Long Dim i As Integer Dim str_len As Integer str_len = Len(password) For i = 1 To str_len ' Add the next letter. ch = Asc(Mid$(password, i, 1)) ***************** 省略部分代码(内详) ***************** Next i NumericPassword = value End Function
-- 首先,以超级管理员的身份登录oracle sqlplus sys/bjsxt as sysdba --然后,解除对scott用户的锁 alter user scott account unlock; --那么这个用户名就能使用了。 --(默认全局数据库名orcl) 1、select ename, sal * 12 from emp; --计算年薪 2、select 2*3 from dual; --计算一个比较纯的数据用dual表 3、select sysdate from dual; --查看当前的系统时间 4、select ename, sal*12 anuual_sal from emp; --给搜索字段更改名称(双引号 keepFormat 别名有特殊字符,要加双引号)。 5、--任何含有空值的数学表达式,最后的计算结果都是空值。 6、select ename||sal from emp; --(将sal的查询结果转化为字符串,与ename连接到一起,相当于Java中的字符串连接) 7、select ename||'afasjkj' from emp; --字符串的连接 8、select distinct deptno from emp; --消除deptno字段重复的值 9、select distinct deptno , job from emp; --将与这两个字段都重复的值去掉 10、select * from emp where deptno=10; --(条件过滤查询) 11、select * from emp where empno > 10; --大于 过滤判断 12、select * from emp where empno 10 --不等于 过滤判断 13、select * from emp where ename > 'cba'; --字符串比较,实际上比较的是每个字符的AscII值,与在Java中字符串的比较是一样的 14、select ename, sal from emp where sal between 800 and 1500; --(between and过滤,包含800 1500) 15、select ename, sal, comm from emp where comm is null; --(选择comm字段为null的数据) 16、select ename, sal, comm from emp where comm is not null; --(选择comm字段不为null的数据) 17、select ename, sal, comm from emp where sal in (800, 1500,2000); --(in 表范围) 18、select ename, sal, hiredate from emp where hiredate > '02-2月-1981'; --(只能按照规定的格式写) 19、select ename, sal from emp where deptno =10 or sal >1000; 20、select ename, sal from emp where deptno =10 and sal >1000; 21、select ename, sal, comm from emp where sal not in (800, 1500,2000); --(可以对in指定的条件进行取反) 22、select ename from emp where ename like '%ALL%'; --(模糊查询) 23、select ename from emp where ename like '_A%'; --(取第二个字母是A的所有字段) 24、select ename from emp where ename like '%/%%'; --(用转义字符/查询字段中本身就带%字段的) 25、select ename from emp where ename like '%$%%' escape '$'; --(用转义字符/查询字段中本身就带%字段的) 26、select * from dept order by deptno desc; (使用order by desc字段 对数据进行降序排列 默认为升序asc); 27、sel



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