Microsoft Antivirus, Microsoft AntiSpyware, IE 7.0

icuc88 2005-02-23 10:56:40
ISA Server 2004 Enterprise Edition
Last July, Microsoft released ISA Server 2004, the latest version
of its application-level firewall and Web cache server. However, only
the standard edition of ISA Server 2004 shipped last year. Since
then, large corporations have been waiting for the more advanced
enterprise edition. This version, which is now finally available,
adds several high-end features. Chief among these features are the
high-availability technology called Cache Array Routing Protocol
(CARP)-based Web caching and an enhanced version of Windows Network
Load Balancing (NLB) that adds support for bidirectional affinity for
all Internet protocols, according to Microsoft. During his RSA
keynote, Gates highlighted ISA Server 2004 Enterprise Edition's new
support for Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM), which lets you
replicate firewall policy across Active Directory (AD).

Microsoft Antivirus
According to Gates, 88 percent of all virus-based attacks enter
corporations through email. To help combat these attacks, Microsoft
is working on "the ultimate mail virus protection," but sadly, that's
about as specific as he got, which I found troubling. We do know that
Microsoft's eventual antivirus solution will ship in a managed,
enterprise version and will be based on Sybari Software's well-
regarded antivirus engine technology, which lets you plug in
antivirus engines from many third parties. Microsoft, of course, will
supply its own engine, which is based on GeCAD Software technology.
The product is expected to ship in late 2005.

Microsoft AntiSpyware
Gates surprised onlookers by announcing that Microsoft would
provide consumers with Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware for free.
However, corporate customers won't be surprised to discover that the
managed version will be sold as a subscription offering by late 2005.
Based on the antispyware technology it purchased from GIANT Company
Software in late 2004, Windows AntiSpyware is, in fact, the highest
rated antispyware solution currently available for desktops. However,
a problem exists with all today's antispyware applications: None can
stop all spyware threats, and therefore consumers are advised to use
two antispyware solutions in tandem to get the best protection (I use
Windows AntiSpyware and Webroot Software's Spy Sweeper, the latter of
which is rated the number-two solution). However, it would be better
to fix the spyware problem at the source. But that brings us nicely
to ...

IE 7.0
The biggest security hole in any Windows system is IE. Although
Microsoft made many important improvements to IE in Windows XP
Service Pack 2 (SP2), the product is still a conduit for spyware and
other malicious software (malware), phishing probes, and numerous
other electronic attacks. Microsoft is going to attack the problem at
the source: Rather than wait for the release of Longhorn in 2006,
which was the original plan, Microsoft will ship IE 7.0 in late 2005.
At least two public betas will ship around midyear. As with SP2, IE
7.0 will include sweeping security fixes and, possibly, heavily
requested features such as tabbed browsing.
There's a catch, however. IE 7.0 will be made available only to XP
SP2 users. That's right. Customers still using earlier XP versions,
Windows 2000, or Windows 9x are out of luck. This kind of forced
upgrade in the name of security is dangerous, in my opinion. Although
I agree that XP SP2 includes low-level security features that aren't
present in other OS versions and would be difficult or time consuming
to add, forcing customers to upgrade an OS--with all the inherent
time, difficulty, and cost associated with such an effort--is

只有Windows XP with sp2才能安装IE7.0,呵呵。
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