我想请问一下: Visual C# MVP 和 Asp.net MVP 有什么区别?? C#不就是用来开发Asp.net的吗?

whyNotHere 2005-07-09 11:36:57
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wh8254 2005-07-14
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bflovesnow 2005-07-14
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楼上的 星星 们解释得很详细了.
sylmoon 2005-07-14
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oneway888 2005-07-14
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so many stars
蒋晟 2005-07-14
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用C++的话只能写ASP.Net的Web Service玩……
lzzw 2005-07-09
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C# 是一门.NET开发语言,ASP.NET可以理解是一个.NET的技术。
支持.NET 的语言都可以开发ASP.NET ,XML Web-Services或者Windows Forms..等等。
whyNotHere 2005-07-09
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所属领域:Visual Developer - Visual C#

yilan505 2005-07-09
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CMIC 2005-07-09
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其实LaoDai_Net(『老代』) 说的已经很清楚了
不是,是说Visual C#是可以开发 Asp.net,但 Asp.net可不一点要用C#开发,所以你的说法不对。
whyNotHere 2005-07-09
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那这个意思是不是Visual C#  涵盖了 Asp.net, 可以这样说不?
老戴12345654 2005-07-09
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C#不止可以开发ASP.NET 还可以开发WINFORM运用等等
ASP.NET不止可以用C#开发,还可以用VB.NET J#等等
zhongwanli 2005-07-09
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wormwormwormworm 2005-07-09
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TechnoFantasy 2005-07-09
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colinliu 2005-07-09
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C#不止可以开发ASP.NET 还可以开发WINFORM运用等等
ASP.NET不止可以用C#开发,还可以用VB.NET J#等等
csuc20 2005-07-09
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Refactoring is an effective way to quickly uncover problematic code and fix it. In this first book to provide a hands-on approach to refactoring in C# and ASP.NET, you’ll discover to apply refactoring techniques to manage and modify your code. Plus, you’ll learn how to build a prototype application from scratch and discover how to refactor the prototype into a properly designed, enterprise-level application. With the help of step-by-step directions, you’ll gain a better understanding of different code issues and refactoring transformations. Many of these transformations are developed from real-world scenarios that are the result of key business decisions. In addition, you’ll find formal definitions of refactoring techniques that you’ll be able to refer to while on the job. This book covers the refactoring techniques that will enable you to become more efficient and productive. You’ll be able to use this information to respond to change and improve the design of existing code. What you will learn from this book How to assemble your own refactoring toolkit Techniques for performing unit testing Tips on refactoring to patterns How to use refactoring to upgrade legacy C# and ASP.NET code Ways to take advantage of the method extraction to eliminate duplicated code How to make code simpler, easier to modify, and more understandable All about object oriented theory and design patterns Methods for using LINQ and other C# 3.0 enhancements Who this book is for This book is for C# and ASP.NET developers who want to learn how to effectively manage and modify their code with refactoring tools and features. Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job. About the Author Danijel Arsenovski is an author, software architect, and agile coach. Currently, he works as Product and Solutions Architect at Excelsys S.A., designing web 2.0 banking solutions for numerous clients in the region. He started experimenting with refactoring while overhauling a huge banking system, and he hasn’t lost interest in refactoring ever since. He is known for evangelizing about refactoring on the .NET platform. Arsenovski is a contributing author for Visual Studio Magazine, .NET Developers Journal, and Visual Systems Journal. He holds the Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) certification, and was named Microsoft MVP in 2005. You can reach him at danijel.arsenovski@empoweragile.com, and feel free to drop by at his blog at http://blog.refactoring.net.
Book Description Complete coverage of all key .NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 languages and technologies.NET 4 is Microsoft’s latest version of their core programming platform, and Visual Studio 2010 is the toolset that helps write .NET 4 applications. This comprehensive resource offers one-stop shopping for all you need to know to get productive with .NET 4. Experienced author and .NET guru Mitchel Sellers reviews all the important new features of .NET 4, including .NET charting and ASP.NET charting, ASP.NET dynamic data and jQuery, and the addition of F# as a supported package language. The expansive coverage is divided into six distinctive parts for easy navigation, and addresses: Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4, ASP.NET, the C# language, the VB.NET language, and the new F# language. A practical approach and complete examples round out this much-needed reference. Focuses on the new and important features of the latest version Microsoft’s core programming platform-.NET 4-as well as Visual Studio 2010, which allows you to write .NET 4 applications Provides comprehensive coverage divided into six parts: Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4, ASP.NET, the C# language, the VB.NET language, and the new F# language Discusses Visual Studio snippets and templates, .NET charting components, the .NET framework and WPF, LINQ, and the Entity framework Explores various aspects of Visual Basic 2010, such as multi-line lambdas, auto-implemented properties, nullable optional parameters, and more This investigative look at .NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 will help you identify and isolate key elements that can benefit you immediately. From the Back Cover Get up to date with the new Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4 The .NET Framework has undergone extensive updates and improvements. To help you get up to speed with these changes, a team of .NET experts offers you this hands-on guide covering the changes to the latest versions of Visual Studio and .NET. Written with the experienced .NET developer in mind, this reference is broken into six parts so that you can quickly locate the content you need regarding the following topics: Visual Studio, .NET 4, ASP.NET 4, VB. NET, C#, and finally, F# and other .NET languages. Detailed examples and summary chapters help you identify new features so that you can quickly acquire an understanding of the functionality they provide. Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4 Six-in-One: Serves as a comprehensive overview of Visual Studio and .NET Discusses the Visual Studio 2010 IDE and its newest features Addresses the functionality provided by version 4 of the .NET Framework and Silverlight 4 Provides a foundation concerning ASP.NET 4 and VB.NET Explores the changes to the Visual Basic, C#, and F# languages Delves into other .NET languages, such as IronRuby and IronPython About the Author István Novák is a Microsoft MVP in Visual C# and an associate of Grepton, a Hungarian IT services company. András Velvárt is a Silverlight MVP, regular speaker at conferences, and the owner of Response Ltd., a consulting and WPF/Silverlight development company in Hungary. Adam Granicz is the CEO of IntelliFactory, a leading provider of F# training, development, and consulting services. He is the coauthor of two F# books and a regular speaker at conferences. Book Details Paperback: 1272 pages Publisher: Wrox (October, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470499486 ISBN-13: 978-0470499481
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