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caesun 2006-01-12
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zxyjyzxyjy 2005-11-07
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zxyjyzxyjy 2005-11-07
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zxyjyzxyjy 2005-11-07
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Providing Windowless Activation
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Window creation code (that is, everything that happens when you call CreateWindow) is costly to execute. A control that maintains an on-screen window has to manage messages for the window. Windowless controls are therefore faster than controls with windows.

A further advantage of windowless controls is that, unlike windowed controls, windowless controls support transparent painting and nonrectangular screen regions. A common example of a transparent control is a text control with a transparent background. The controls paints the text but not the background, so whatever is under the text shows through. Newer forms often make use of nonrectangular controls, such as arrows and round buttons.

Often, a control does not need a window of its own and, instead, can use the window services of its container, provided that the container has been written to support windowless objects. Windowless controls are backward compatible with older containers. In older containers not written to support windowless controls, the windowless controls simply create a window when active.

Since windowless controls do not have their own windows, the container (which does have a window) is responsible for providing services that would otherwise have been provided by the control’s own window. For example, if your control needs to query the keyboard focus, capture the mouse, or obtain a device context, these operations are managed by the container. The container routes user input messages sent to its window to the appropriate windowless control, using the IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless interface. (See the ActiveX SDK for a description of this interface.) COleControl member functions invoke these services from the container.

To make your control use windowless activation, include the windowlessActivate flag in the set of flags returned byCOleControl::GetControlFlags. For example:

DWORD CMyCtrl::GetControlFlags()
return COleControl::GetControlFlags() | windowlessActivate;

The code to include this flag is automatically generated if you select the Windowless Activation option on the Advanced ActiveX Features page of the ControlWizard dialog box.

When windowless activation is enabled, the container will delegate input messages to the control’s IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless interface. COleControl’s implementation of this interface dispatches the messages through your control’s message map, after adjusting the mouse coordinates appropriately. You can process the messages like ordinary window messages, by adding the corresponding entries to the message map. In your handlers for these messages, avoid using the m_hWnd member variable (or any member function that uses it) without first checking that its value is not NULL.

COleControl provides member functions that invoke mouse capture, keyboard focus, scrolling, and other window services from the container as appropriate, including:






In windowless controls, you should always use the COleControl member functions instead of the corresponding CWnd member functions or their related Win32 API functions.

You may want a windowless control to be the target of an OLE drag-and-drop operation. Normally, this would require that the control’s window be registered as a drop target. Since the control has no window of its own, the container uses its own window as a drop target. The control simply provides an implementation of the IDropTarget interface to which the container can delegate calls at the appropriate time. To expose this interface to the container, overrideCOleControl::GetWindowlessDropTarget. For example:

IDropTarget* CMyCtrl::GetWindowlessDropTarget()
return &m_xDropTarget;

www821010 2005-11-07
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zxyjyzxyjy 2005-11-07
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Message dispatching
Windowless objects rely on their containers to dispatch window messages to them, capture the mouse, and get the keyboard focus. The container calls IOleInPlaceObject::OnWindowMessage to dispatch a window message to a windowless object. This method is similar to the SendMessage Windows API function except that it does not require an HWND parameter and it returns both an HRESULT and a LRESULT.

A windowless object must not call the DefWindowProc Windows API function directly. Instead, it calls IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::OnDefWindowMessage to invoke the default action, for example with WM_SETCURSOR or WM_HELP that should be propagated back up to the container. Thus, the container has a chance to handle the message before the object processes it.

For mouse messages, the object calls IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::Set Capture to obtain the mouse capture and IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::SetFocus to get the keyboard focus.

A windowless object handles accelerators and mnemonics as follows:

The UI active object checks for its own accelerators in IOleInPlaceActiveObject::TranslateAccelerator. A windowless object does the same. However, a windowless object cannot send a WM_COMMAND message to itself, as a windowed object would do. Therefore, instead of translating the key to a command, a windowless object should simply process the key right away.
Except for that one difference, windowless objects should implement the IOleInPlaceActiveObject::TranslateAccelerator method as defined in the OLE specifications. In particular, a windowless object should pass the accelerator message up to its site object if it does not wish to handle it. The windowless object and returns S_OK if the message got translated and S_FALSE if not. In the case of a windowless object, the message is processed instead of translated. Non translated messages will come back to the object through the IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless::OnWindowMessage method.

Note that because the container's window gets all keyboard input, a UI active object should look for messages sent to that window to find those it needs to process in its IOleInPlaceActiveObject::TranslateAccelerator method. An object can get its container's window by calling IOleWindow::GetWindow.

Control mnemonics are handled the same way whether the control is windowless or not. The container gets the control mnemonic table by calling IOleControl::GetControlInfo and then calls IOleControl::OnMnemonic when it receives a key combination that matches a control mnemonic.
Drag & drop onto windowless objects
Since a windowless object does not have a window when it is active, it cannot register its own IDropTarget interface with the RegisterDragDrop function. However, to participate in drag and drop operations, a windowless object still must implement this interface. The object supplies its container with a pointer to its IDropTarget interface through IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless::GetDropTarget instead of having the container call QueryInterface for it. See IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless::GetDropTarget for more information on drag and drop operations involving windowless objects.

In-place drawing for windowless objects
With windowed objects, the container is only responsible for drawing the object when it is inactive. Windowed objects have their own window when they are active and can draw themselves independently of their container.

A windowless object, however, needs services from its container to redraw itself even when it is active. The container must provide the object with information about its surrounding environment, such as the clipping region, the background, overlapping objects in front of the object being redrawn, and a device context in which to draw.

The IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless interface on the container's site object provides these services: drawing the object, obtaining and releasing the device context, invalidating the object's on-screen display, scrolling the object, or showing a caret when the object is active.

Note All methods of IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless take position information in client coordinates of the containing window, that is, the window in which the object is being drawn.

Drawing windowless objects
To maintain compatibility with windowed objects, the container still uses IViewObject::Draw to redraw the in-place active, windowless object. See IViewObject::Draw for information on how the method is used with windowless objects.
Obtaining and releasing a device context
To draw on its own when in-place active, a windowless object must call its site's IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::GetDC method to get a device context in which to draw. Then, it draws into the device context and releases it by calling IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::ReleaseDC.
Display Invalidation
In-place windowless objects may need to invalidate regions of their on-screen image. Even though the notification methods in IAdviseSinkEx can be used for that purpose, they are not ideal for in-place active objects because they take HIMETRIC coordinates. In order to simplify and speed up in-place drawing, the InvalidateRect and InvalidateRgn methods in the IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless interface provide the same functionality.
An object cannot call the Windows API functions InvalidateRect and InvalidateRgn directly on the window handle it gets from calling IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::GetWindow on its site.

In-place active windowless objects may need to scroll a given rectangle of their on-screen image, for example, with a multi-line text control. Because of transparent and overlapping objects, the Windows API functions ScrollWindow and ScrollDC cannot be used. Instead, the IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::ScrollRect method enables objects to perform scrolling.
Caret support
A windowless object cannot safely show a caret without first checking whether the caret is partially or totally hidden by overlapping objects. In order to make that possible, an object can submit a rectangle to its site object when it calls the site's IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::AdjustRect method to get a specified rectangle adjusted (usually, reduced) to ensure the rectangle fits in the clipping region.
zxyjyzxyjy 2005-11-07
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The IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless interface is derived from and extends the IOleInPlaceSiteEx interface. IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless works with IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless which is implemented on the windowless object. Together, these two interfaces provide services to a windowless object from its container allowing the windowless object to:

process window messages
participate in drag and drop operations
perform drawing operations
Having a window can place unnecessary burdens on small objects, such as controls. It prevents an object from being non-rectangular. It prevents windows from being transparent. It prevents the small instance size needed by many small controls.

A windowless object can enter the in-place active state without requiring a window or the resources associated with a window. Instead, the object's container provides the object with many of the services associated with having a window.

Windowless object model
Windowless objects are an extension of normal compound document objects. They follow the same in-place activation model and share the same definitions for the various OLE states, with the difference that they do not consume a window when they enter the in-place and UI active states. They are required to comply with the OLE compound document specification, including in-place and UI activation.

Windowless objects require special support from their container. In other words, the container has to be specifically written to support this new kind of object. However, windowless objects are backward compatible with down level containers. In such containers, they simply create a window when active and behave as a normal compound document object.

As with other compound document objects, windowless objects need to be in-place active to get mouse and keyboard messages. In fact, since an object needs to have the keyboard focus to receive keyboard messages, and having the keyboard focus implies being UI active for an object, only UI active objects will actually get keyboard messages. Non-active objects can still process keyboard mnemonics.

Since windowless objects do not have a window, they rely on their container to receive window messages for them. The container dispatches its own window messages to the appropriate embedded, windowless object through calls to IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless methods. Similarly, windowless objects can obtain services from their container such as capturing the mouse, setting the focus, getting a device context in which to paint, and so on. The control calls IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless methods. In addition, the container is responsible for drawing any border hatching as well as the grab handles for the control.

These two interfaces are derived from existing interfaces. By extending existing interfaces rather than creating new ones, no new VTable pointer is added to the object instance, helping to keep the instance size small.

Client and server negotiations with windowless objects
When a windowless object gets in-place activated, it should query its site for the IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless interface. If this interface is supported, the object calls IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::CanWindowlessActivate to determine if it can proceed and in-place activate without a window.

If the container does not support IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless or if the IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::CanWindowlessActivate method returns S_FALSE, the windowless object should behave like a normal compound document object and create a window.

The container can get the window handle for an embedded object by calling IOleWindow::GetWindow. This method should fail (return E_FAIL) for a windowless object. However, a container cannot be sure that the object is windowless by calling this method. The object may have a window but may not have created it yet. Many existing objects only create their window after calling the OnInPlaceActivate method on their site object.

Consequently, a windowless object must call the new IOleInPlaceSiteEx::OnInPlaceActivateEx method on its site object, instead of OnInPlaceActivate. The dwFlags parameter for this new method contains additional information in the ACTIVATEFLAGS enumeration. The ACTIVATE_WINDOWLESS enumeration value indicates that the object is activated without a window. Containers can cache this value instead of calling the GetWindow method on the IOleWindow interface repeatedly.

www821010 2005-11-07
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zxyjyzxyjy 2005-11-07
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zxyjyzxyjy 2005-11-07
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1。输入windowless ActiveX controls,点击Providing Windowless Activation,

www821010 2005-11-07
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www821010 2005-11-07
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bohut 2005-11-07
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HWND m_hWndParent;
IOleInPlaceSite *pOleInPlaceSite = NULL;
if (NOERROR==m_pClientSite->QueryInterface(IID_IOleInPlaceSite, (LPVOID *)&pOleInPlaceSite))
pOleInPlaceSite->GetWindow((HWND *)&m_hWndParent);
在Windows操作系统上,VisualBasic作为一门计算机语言,功能非常强大,而且简单易学。VisualBasic提供可视化设计工具,编程人员可利用VisualBasic提供的件轻松的“画”出应用程序的友好界面,因此容易入门,入门以后就有能力进一步学习难度更大的编程语言。VisualBasic作为编程人员的首选程序设计语言,有如下特点: 1、VisualBasic是开发Windows应用程序的强有力的工具,使用了最先进的程序设计思想,能轻而易举的开发出符合Windows规范和风格的应用程序; 2、VisualBasic在科学计算、多媒体软件开发、网络应用等方面都有强大的功能,尤其在数据库开发方面,提供了许多件,便于连接、查询和显示查询结果,现在很多管理软件,包括一些大型软件,都是利用VisualBasic开发的; 3、VisualBasic改变了传统的程序的机制,采用“事件驱动”方式,用户操作产生不同的事件,程序根据这些事件去分别执行不同的子程序。编程人员可以分别编写出这样一些子程序,因此使编程难度大大下降。   在VisualBasic语言中,件是用户界面的基本要素,是进行可视化程序设计的重要基础,它不仅关系到界面是否友好,还直接关系到程序的运行速度以及整个程序的好坏。每个件都具有它的属性、方法和事件,设计窗体就必须很好的掌握件的属性和应用方法。件具有很多相同的属性,如标识件名称的Name属性、标识件标题的Caption属性、有效属性Enable、可见属性Visible、标识件位置和大小的Top、Left、Width、Height、属性、定义背景色的BackColor属性、定义前景色的ForeColor属性和定义字体类型的Font属性,各个件也有其特有的一些属性。   VisualBasic中的件分为两种,即标准件(或内部件)和ActiveX件。内部件是工具箱中的“常驻”件,始终出现在工具箱里,而ActiveX件是扩展名为.ocx的文件(在Windows\System文件夹里),它是根据变成需要添加到工具箱里的。   在一般情况下,工具箱里只有标准件,为了把ActiveX件添加到工具箱里,可按以下步骤执行: (1)在菜单里选择“工程-部件”,弹出“部件”对话框; (2)在对话框中选择“件”选项卡,显示ActiveX件列表; (3)在列表框中找到需要添加的件名称,单击件名称左侧的复选框; (4)使用同样的方法选择需要添加的其它件; (5)单击“确定”按钮,即可将所选ActiveX件添加到工具箱里。 窗体(FORM)的常用属性 属性 说明 (Name)窗体的名称 ActiveControl返回焦点所在的件,该属性设计阶段不可用,运行时只读。 Appearance外观效果,取值为:0 平面1 3D(立体) AutoRedraw是否自动刷新或重画窗体上所有图形[获得或设置从绘图(graphics)方法到一个持久性位图的输出],取值为:True False BackColor背景颜色,可从弹出的调色板选择。 BorderStyle设置边界类型,取值为: 0 None(无边界框架)1 FixedSingle(窗口大小固定不变的单线框架) 2 Sizable(窗口大小可变的标准双线框架) 3 FixedDialog(窗口大小固定的对话框窗体) 4 FixedToolWindow(窗口大小固定的工具箱窗体) 5 Sizable ToolWindow(窗口大小可变的工具箱窗体) Caption窗体的标题 ClipControls决定Paint事件的graphics方法是重画整个对象,还是重画新显示的区域。取值为: True或False ControlBox是或有制框, 取值为: True 有 False 无 DrawMode设定窗体上绘图(graphics方法),Shape,Line等件的输出外观,有16种可选: 1 黑色 2 非或笔,设置值15的反相 3 与非笔,背景色以及画笔反相二者共有颜色的组合 4 非复制笔,设置值13的反相 5 与笔非,画笔以及显示色反相二者共有颜色的组合 6 反相,显示颜色反相 7 异或笔,画笔颜色以及显示颜色的异或 8 非与笔,设置值9的反相 9 与笔,画笔以及显示色二者共有颜色的组合 10 非异或笔,设置值7的反相 11 无操作,该设置实际上是不画图 12 或非笔,显示颜色与画笔颜色反相的组合 13 复制笔,用ForeColor属性指定的颜色,此为默认值 14 或笔非,画笔颜色与显示颜色反相的组合 15 或笔,画笔颜色与显示颜色的组合 16 白色 DrawStyle设定绘图相关方法使用的直线样式, 有7种可选: 0 实线,此为默认值 1 虚线 2 点线 3 单点划线 4 双点划线 5 无线 6 内部实线 DrawWidth设定绘图相关方法使用的直线宽度 Enabled是或把鼠标或键盘事件发送到窗体,取值为: True 可用 False 不可用 FillColor填充颜色, 可从弹出的调色板选择。 FillStyle填充样式, 有8种可选: 0 全部填充 1 透明,此为默认值 2 水平直线 3 竖直直线 4 上斜对角线 5 下斜对角线 6 十字线 7 交叉对角线 Font字型,可从弹出的对话框选择字体,大小和风格 FontTransparent输出数据是否允许重叠(获得或设置一个值,决定是否显示窗体,打印机或PictureBox上的背景文本/图形)。取值为: True或False ForeColor前景颜色,可从弹出的调色板选择。 HasDC决定是否为该件分配了唯一的显示上下文。取值为: True或False Height窗体的高度 HelpContextID指定一个对象的缺省帮助文件上下文标识符 Icon为窗体设计图标,该图标位于标题栏的左端 KeyPrevier获得或设置是否在对象的上的件的键盘事件之前,优先对象键盘事件。取值为: True或False Left窗体距屏幕左边界的距离 LinkMode获得或设置用于DDE会话的链接类型并连接,取值为: 0 None 1 Source LinkTopic获得或设置目标件的源应用程序和主题 MaxButton窗体右上角最大化按钮是否显示,运行时只读, 取值为: True 显示 False 不显示 MDIChild是否为MDI窗体的子窗体, 取值为: True 为MDI窗体的子窗体 False 否 MinButton窗体右上角最小化按钮是否显示,运行时只读, 取值为: True 显示 False 不显示 MouseIcon MousePointer=99时,设定一个自定义的鼠标图标 MousePointer Moveable是否可以移动窗体, 取值为: True 可以移动 False 不可以移动 NegotiateMenus决定是否将对象的菜单合并到该窗体的菜单栏上。取值为: True或False OLEDropMode 获得或设置该对象是否能作为一个OLE放下目标, 取值为: 0 None(无) 1 Manual(手动) Palette 获得或设置一个图象,包含了当PaletteMode被设置为Custom时用于调色板的对象。 PaletteMode 获得或设置一个值,决定对于对象的件使用哪个调色板。取值为: 0 Halftone 1 UseZOrder 2 Custom Picture 窗体背景图片 RightToLeft 文本书写是否自左向右。取值为: True False 自右向左 ScaleHeight 自定义坐标系的纵坐标轴的高度 ScaleLeft 自定义坐标系的左边界起点的横坐标 ScaleMode 获得或设置一个值,指示当使用graphics方法或可定位的件时,自定义坐标系的单位, 有8种可选: 0 自定义 1 表示单位为twip(缇),每英寸=1440缇,每厘米=567缇 2 表示单位为point(磅) ,每英寸=72磅,每磅=20缇 3 表示单位为像素,是监视器或打印机分辨率的最小单位 4 表示单位为字符,每个水平单位为120缇,每个垂直单位为240缇 5 表示单位为in(英寸) 6 表示单位为mm(毫米) 7 表示单位为cm(厘米) ScaleTop 自定义坐标系的上边界起点的纵坐标 ScaleWidth 自定义坐标系的横坐标轴的宽度 ShowInTaskbar 窗体或MDI窗体是否出现在Windows95的任务栏。取值为: True 出现 False 不出现 StartUpPosition 窗体第一次出现的位置, 有4种可选: 0 没有指定初始位置 1 设定在所属项目的中央 2 设置在屏幕的中央 3 设置在屏幕的左上角 Tag 存储程序所需的附加数据 Top 窗体距屏幕顶部边界的距离 Visible 窗体是否可见, 取值为: True 该对象可见 False 该对象不可见 WhatsThisButton 获得或设置是否在一个窗体或MDI窗体的标题上显示"这是什么"按钮。取值为: True或False WhatsThisHelp 获得或设置是否在上下文相关帮助中, 使用Windows95帮助或主帮助窗口提供的"这是什么"弹出菜单。取值为: True或False Width 窗体的宽度 WindowStart 获得或设置一个窗体窗口运行时的可见状态, 取值为: 0 窗体正常状态 1 窗体最小状态 2 窗体最大状态
第一部分 了解COM 第1章 COM概述 何谓CoM COM术语 COM利与弊 COM的好处 COM的局限性 COM组件与接口 何谓接口 接口特征 接口类型 接口规则 接口设计 COM组件的实现规则 实现IUnknown规则 内存管理规则 引用计数规则 COM COM类型 COM客户机 COM服务器 ActiveX件 COM与面向对象技术 包装 抽象 多态 继承 COMTrader应用程序 小结 第2章 由VC++建立并使用COM服务器 IDL文件 建立第一个COM服务器 定义自定义接口 实现IUnknown和自定义接口 完成COM服务器 生成测试客户机 用ATL建立COM服务器 关于ATL 用ATL建立进程内COM服务器 用ATL建立进程外COM服务器 线程与COM服务器 Win32多线程应用 线程COM组件 自动化与IDispatch 用VC++实现IDispatch ATL与自动化 Automation数据类型 再谈类型库 C++自动化客户机 VB自动化客户机 小结 第3章 用VB建立并使用COM服务器 选择COM项目 设计接口 描述接口 浏览接口 生成对象 使用ClassBuilder 增加属性 增加方法 增加事件与枚举 使用ActiveXDataObject(ADO) 在服务器组件中使用Recordset对象 在客户机组件中使用ADOR 生成断开的Recodset 生成自己的RecodsctS 使用用户定义类型 错误处理 服务器客户机错误处理 使用VBErr.Raise机制 在VB中使用线程模型 设置线程模型 了解再入性与公寓 小结 第二部分 COM与Internet 第4章 在VC++中建立并使用ActiveXACtiveX件概还 属性与方法 件与容器通信 事件与连接点 建立第一个件 生成件 测试件 增加方法 增加属性 增加事件 增加属性页 允许属性保持 使用件 建立复合件 增加复合件 增加功能 增加事件 处理复合件事件 处理错误 使用件 小结 第5章 在VB中建立并使用ActiveX件 VB件简介 约束与无约束件生成技术 属性类型 方法 属性配置 过程属性 环境属性配置 运行时只读属性 只在运行时有效的属性 扩展属性 容器属性 合成件属性 可关联属性 持续与属性包 属性包 使用ActiveX件界面向导 了解件寿命 生成ActiveX件 生成无约束件 生成设计时数据约束件 生成运行数据约束件 小结 第6章 用VC++建立InternetCOM组件 IEActiveX件 轻量级件 安全件 持续属性 文档对象模型编程 动服务器组件 动服务器页面 ASP页面的COM组件 小结 第7章 用VB建立InternetCOM组件 无窗口ActiveX件容器的线程模型 ActiveX件的安全性 Web页面访问 VBDHTML项目 DHTML项目基础 DHTML应用程序样本 VBIIS应用程序 WebClass 一个IIS应用程序样本 设计件 设计件与HTML文件 样本设计件 小结 第三部分 了解DCOM 第8章 DCOM概述 何谓DCOM 为什么使用DCOM DCOM操作 DCOM组件位置 进程内或进程外组件 代理 RPC(RemoteProcedureCall,远程过程调用) 调动 数据传递 DCOM配置实用程序 DCOM应用程序的安全机制 验证 授权 加密 整性检查 小结 第9章 用VC++建立DCOM服务器 标准与自定义调动 标准调动 自定又调动 网络通伯 远程 AppID注册表项 可配置AppID注册表项参数 IUknown优化 DCOM与NT服务 NT服务解剖 基于NT服务的COM服务器 小结 第10章 用VB建立DCOM服务器 应用程序对象模型 何谓对象模型 如何生成对象模型 DCOM设计准则与技术 再论调动 按数值与按引用 DCOM进程外服务器 建立DCOM组件 增加测试客户机 IIS应用程序 增加WebClasses 使用模板 增加自定义Webltems 远程错误处理 小结 第四部分 了解COM++ 第11章 COM++概述 COM与WindowsDNA 用户界面层技术 中间层技术 数据库层技术 组件服务配置 事务处理 排队组件(QC) 实时结构的限制 事务性消息排队 排队组件结构 排队组件故障恢复 QC安全性 动态负荷平衡 对象地 小结 第12章 用VC++建立COM++组件 ADO编程 ADO与OLEDB VC++中的ADO VC++的ADO扩展 建立COM++应用程序 温习IObjectContext接口 用ATL建立COM++组件 编制基于角色的安全性 处理COM+事务 制事务结果 指定事务属性 确定事务情境 传递接口指针 共享状态 建立事务性COM+组件 小结 第13章 用VB建立COM+组件 了解事务 事务与多层应用程序 COM+与事务 事务属性:ACID COM+系统简介 COM+运行环境 COM+ComponentServices COM+接口 资源分配器 应用程序组件 探索COM+编程模型 COM+组件作为COMDLL 基本COM+编程规则 COM+API 用VB编程COM+ 对象描述表 COM+组件的生命周期 ObjectControl接口 MTS动 COM+中生成对象 安全引用 组件之间的参数传递 数据类型 使用分布式事务 分布式事务协调器(MSDTC) COM+事务的工作 事务与有状态对象 使用共享属性管理器(SPMSharedProperyManager) 小结 第14章 了解MSMQ 何谓MSMQ MSMQ的好处 MSMQ组件 队列 消息 MSMQ对象模型 MSMQ设置 MSMQ基础 消息发送 消息接收 MSMQ事件 MSMQ事务 小结 第五部分 高级COM与COM+ 第15章 VC++与VB中的COM+服务 了解COM+ 描述表包装器 顺序 使用即时(JIT) 使用对象构造 中性公寓简介 了解同步域 表示事务状态 取得对象信息 使用对象地 对象池的好处 对象地要求 对象地配置 使用排队组件 QC限制 QC配置 QC调用 QC播放件 使用负荷平衡 负荷平衡要求 负荷平衡配置 小结 第16章 COM与COM+安全性 何谓安全性 WindowsNT安全简介 NT验证 NT扮演 NT访问制 COM安全结构 验证 访问制 启动权限 标_ 扮演与掩盖 安全总括 COM+安全 COM+说明性安全 COM+角色 编程COM与COM+安全 整个进程安全 接口级安全 安全 服务器方安全 调用描述表安全信息 SecuntyProperty信息 安全性与数据库访问 小结 第17章 Windows2000中的新COM特性 同步机制 COM同步API COM同步接口 异步COM 异步接口构造 异步接口调用 关于异步服务器与客户机 让服务器进行异步处理 调用序列化与自动完成 COM管道 COM管道接口 异步管道与提前读取 调用对象与调用取消 调用取消请求 调用取消处理 轻量级处理器 标准LWH 自定义LWH 小结 第六部分 调试与部署COM和COM+应用程序 第18章 调试与剖析COM和COM+应用程序 调试VB组件 调试MTS组件 调试COM+组件 使用条件编译 调试VC++组件 用VisualStUdioAnalyzer剖析 小结 第19章 部署COM与COM+应用程序 DCOM应用程序部署 配置DCOM服务器 配置DCOM客户机 在Internet上部署 Internet上部署与包装 签名CAB文件 许可ActiveX件 自动化COM+配置 使用COMAdmin接口与集合 配置COM+应用程序 配置组件 配置角色 部署COM+应用程序 小结
摘要 ActiveBar 2.0提供了完整的Microsoft Office 和Visual Studio 工具栏,菜单和一个小型容易操作的ActiveX件中可停靠的模拟窗口。ActiveBar 2.0去除了系统菜单和工具栏的局限性,为您的应用程序提供了完整的运行时自定义和个性化环境功能。 技术特性 唯一的一个交互式WYSIWYG(所见即所得 )设计器,可以直接在您的窗体上运行。 提供菜单,上下文菜单,工具栏,选项卡工具栏,快捷键,可分离工具箱和状态栏;同时也提供了可停靠窗体,以及将ActiveX件宿主于工具栏中。 提供了状态栏,可以支持各种各样的面板类型(数据型、时间型、Ins, CAPS, 数值型, 和 SCRL),也可以支持宿主ActiveX件。 支持保存和加载布局功能,以在运行时使用,或创建共享工具库。 包括各种大小图标的支持。 包括按比例调整尺寸的件容器 包括常规工具的工具库 应用场景 适用于工具栏模块 运用优势 § ;;; ;;;完全运行时件,用来或撤消停靠,浮动,调整大小。 § ;;; ;;; 支持按钮,下拉按钮,复选框,文本框,标签,分隔符,ActiveX件和可停靠窗体。 § ;;; 支持内置MDI子窗体目录和开放的窗体任务栏。 § ;;; ;;; ;;;支持不同工具状态的图标自动解析:点击,,撤销。 § ;;; ;;; ;;;可以制对齐方式,标题位置和工具中的图标。 § ;;; ;;; 支持自动的快捷键操作和每个工具的多种快捷键。 § ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;可以在运行时进行快捷键自定义。 § ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;可以将菜单和工具栏布局保存或添加到文件或字节数组中,您可以把图层保存在数据库或注册表中。 § ;;; ;;; ;;;可以创建具有特别上下文的MDI子菜单。 § ;;; ;;; ;;;提供展开菜单和滑动菜单动画。 § ;;; ;;; ;;;提供快捷键梯度和图片背景。 § ;;; ;;; ;;;在弹出菜单中有唯一的标题分离器,可以很清楚的聚集菜单项。 § ;;; ;;; ;;;在弹出菜单和上下文菜单中提供旗帜图片。 § ;;; ;;; ;;;具有Office2000个性化菜单,快速自定义和突出工具。 § ;;; ;;; 具有完全公开的对象模型,可以创建菜单,工具栏以及在运行时以代码形式创建可停靠界面。 开发环境 支持平台:Windows 95, 98 或以上, Windows NT 4.0 或以上。 支持平台 ";;; Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Microsoft Visual Studio 97 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0 Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Netscape Navigator Borland(R) C++ Borland(R) Delphi[TM] 3.0 Borland(R) Delphi[TM] 2.0";;; 标准报价 2,550 元人民币 * 以上报价仅供参考,具体以厂商正式报价为准。 电话 021-58549800 Email: tools@sh.grapecity.com http://www.grapecity.com/china



ATL,Active Template Library活动(动态)模板库,是一种微软程序库,支持利用C++语言编写ASP代码以及其它ActiveX程序。
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