请问如何使用C#来控制Windows 2000 Server 中的DNS服务功能?急!

zhangyu_nj 2005-11-22 10:06:01
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zhangyu_nj 2005-11-22
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C# 开发的邮件服务器 Features supports pop3 smtp imap etc. supports ssl/tls for pop3, smtp and imap. supports multi mail vitural server, can bind multi domains. supports run as windows service, winform application with or without tray icon control. supports remote management using mailservermanager.exe supports mail recycle bin supports plugins using api interfaces Build and release download source code or use the releases i provided. if from source code you should run afterbuild.bat after build the solution successfuly then you get the debug or release version from application folder. Installation run MailServerLauncher.exe to install as windows service or just run as desktop application with or without tray icon. Configuration run MailServerManager.exe at the machine runs mailserver service or app. Connect to server press connect button from menu. type server localhost or or leave it empty type username Administrator with case sensitive type password emtpy press ok to connect with saving or not Add virtual server type name and select storage api [your vitural server]>system>general, add dns servers for query mailto's domain mx record. [your vitural server]>system>services, enable smtp and pop3 services and set ipaddress binding with or without ssl/tls. the host name is required when set bindings. eg. bind smtp service to smtp.[your.domain] + IPAddress.Any [your vitural server]>system>service>relay, 'send email using DNS' and set at least a local ipaddress binding for email sending. the name of the binding here only a name,not mean domain. [your vitural server]>system>logging, enable logging for all services when something error you can see the details from 'Logs and Events' node [your vitural server]>domains, set email host domain, eg. if your email will be xyz@abc.com then the domain should be abc.domain, description is optional [your vitural server]>security, !!! important, add rules for your service to allow outside access like email client. eg. add a rule 'Smtp Allow All' for smtp service with ip allows between to to enable smtp service for outside access add 'Pop3 Allow All' and 'Rlay Allow All' like that too. [your vitural server]>filters, there are two types of filter named 'DnsBlackList' and 'VirusScan' its configurable by run it's executable from mail server install path. Domain name resolution Add smtp.[your.domain], pop3.[your.domain], imap.[your.domain] resolution to your server public ip address with A record or to your server domain with CNAME record. mx record is optional if [your.domain] has a A record.if not, you shoud add a mx record point to your server ip. Remote management to enable remote management you must add ACL to allow mail server managers connect from outside network. use MailServerAccessManager.exe to add management users or just use administrator. add rules to allow access from specific IPs or ip ranges The users here only for management cases.
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