
joymachines 2005-12-21 10:42:15
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rxiao99 2006-01-14
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lu仙深 2005-12-24
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如果你在代码编辑窗口点右键-》NEW EDIT WINDOWS 再关闭还会出现个错误报告!!
ccrun.com 2005-12-24
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Maconel 2005-12-24
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michael_bo 2005-12-24
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TO Maconel(Maconel) :这个与BCB6中的ClassExplorer不一样了,不带右键功能的。
Maconel 2005-12-23
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huzhangyou 2005-12-23
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也没有找到class explorer
loujing 2005-12-23
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joymachines 2005-12-23
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michael_bo 2005-12-22
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HalfWorm 2005-12-22
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ClassExplorer 是第三方为borland写的。有不少问题是因为这个东西引起的。所以大概borland把它去掉了。是否真的去掉我不知道。我没装过2006
ModelMaker Code Explorer: Delphi Refactoring made easy! As a Class Browser it shows classes (inheritance) and members (fields, methods, properties) in two filtered views, similar to the windows explorer. On the left the Explorer docked in the IDE editor. The Classes view (top) displays classes and inheritance relations for the current module. The Members view (bottom) show the filtered members for the selected class.Integrated with CodeGear Delphi 5 6 7 and Delphi 2005 2006 2007 2009 and 2010. Navigation features like Member search bar Member Favorites Navigation history help finding your way around in code. Code Explorer is fully Form Designer aware and, for example, has a special filter to suppress component fields and event handler methods. As a Refactoring Editor, it makes changing code easy and fast: Classes and members can be created and modified through drag and drop or by selecting options in dedicated dialogs. You to Refactor, edit, correct and delete existing classes and members just as easy as you created them. Cut,Copy and Paste let you pick up a class, properties and methods and duplicate them or move them to another class or module. Where necessary names and modifiers are automatically adjusted. Drag and Drop Members on a class to copy / move / convert them. For example: Drag interface members on a class to implement the interface (C#, pascal), Drag a module or local procedure on a class to convert it to a method (pascal) Use Editor Refactoring抯 to refactor an entity at cursor position or operate on selected code. For example press Ctrl Shift X to invoke Extract Method for the selected code. Configurable keyboard shortcuts make these refactoring-s available with just one keystroke. Common tasks like Add a Field, Modify a Property and Rename Local are all invoked with just one keystroke. Check a demo movie Beyond Templates demo movie with some editor enhancements. Advanced Code Sort and Rearrange features include: * Rearrange members in Members view using Drag and Drop in Interface and Implementation (pascal) rearrange modes. * Rearrange class members using predefined sorting schemes. * Sort class members according the customizable default scheme. * Sorting maintains Source Regions and optionally sorts inside regions * Sorting hints are emitted for classes not matching the default sorting scheme.
ModelMaker Code Explorer: Delphi Refactoring made easy! As a Class Browser it shows classes (inheritance) and members (fields, methods, properties) in two filtered views, similar to the windows explorer. On the left the Explorer docked in the IDE editor. The Classes view (top) displays classes and inheritance relations for the current module. The Members view (bottom) show the filtered members for the selected class.Integrated with CodeGear Delphi 5 6 7 and Delphi 2005 2006 2007 2009 and 2010. Navigation features like Member search bar Member Favorites Navigation history help finding your way around in code. Code Explorer is fully Form Designer aware and, for example, has a special filter to suppress component fields and event handler methods. As a Refactoring Editor, it makes changing code easy and fast: Classes and members can be created and modified through drag and drop or by selecting options in dedicated dialogs. You to Refactor, edit, correct and delete existing classes and members just as easy as you created them. Cut,Copy and Paste let you pick up a class, properties and methods and duplicate them or move them to another class or module. Where necessary names and modifiers are automatically adjusted. Drag and Drop Members on a class to copy / move / convert them. For example: Drag interface members on a class to implement the interface (C#, pascal), Drag a module or local procedure on a class to convert it to a method (pascal) Use Editor Refactoring抯 to refactor an entity at cursor position or operate on selected code. For example press Ctrl Shift X to invoke Extract Method for the selected code. Configurable keyboard shortcuts make these refactoring-s available with just one keystroke. Common tasks like Add a Field, Modify a Property and Rename Local are all invoked with just one keystroke. Check a demo movie Beyond Templates demo movie with some editor enhancements. Advanced Code Sort and Rearrange features include: * Rearrange members in Members view using Drag and Drop in Interface and Implementation (pascal) rearrange modes. * Rearrange class members using predefined sorting schemes. * Sort class members according the customizable default scheme. * Sorting maintains Source Regions and optionally sorts inside regions * Sorting hints are emitted for classes not matching the default sorting scheme.
maven2的插件,用于在eclipse下进行maven2的快速配置 打开eclipse .选择菜单 window ->preferences ; 在新打开的对话框的左边的一列会看到一个名为Maven2的选项。鼠标单击,然后点击右边的Local Repository Folder 那一栏的Browse按扭。然后定位到你本地的maven repository 目录。就是前面运行脚本生成的哪个目录。比如我的 是C:\Documents and Settings\er\.m2\repository 点ok,配置完成。 接下来就是测试一下maven能不能在eclipse里运行。新建一个项目 名为test. File->new ->project,选择java project 点next.然后在Project name 一栏输入test 然后我们回在下边看到有一个 JRE 的表。这个是指定你的项目所使用的JDK的版本。因为EJB3只能在jdk1.5上运行 所以在这里必须选择1.5.具体配置方法为:点击Configure JREs...弹出一个对话框。这个对话框是配制jdk的。它会 有一个已经定义的jdk.。就是现在系统所使用的那个。如果此jdk的版本不是jdk1.5你就得添加一个。 点add按扭 在jre name一栏起个名字,比如 my-jdKl1.5,然后在 jre home directory一栏选择你的jdk1。5的安装路径,如果正确 在jre system libraries 下边回看到有很多瓶子。点ok,然后把 “对勾”从你原来哪个改到my-jdk1.5上就可以了。然后再 点ok.. 然后点finish.)右键点击test new class 新建一个类。包为org.main 类名为Sample .添加一些测试代码,最后这个类的代码如下: package org.main;public class Sample { public String something(){ return "aaaaaaaa"; }} 右键点击test new ->junit test case 回弹出一个对话框,问你是否要把junit .jar 加入到这个项目。这回我们选NO. (因为这回我们是通过maven 来构建项目。导入类库的操作由Maven来控制。)在新弹出的窗口它会让你输入包 名和类名。包名:org.test 类名: testSample 然后点确定。然后添加一些代码,最后我们testSample的代码如下: package org.test;import org.main.Sample;import junit.framework.TestCase;public class testSample extends TestCase { public void testSample(){ Sample sa = new Sample(); String a = sa.something(); this.assertNotNull(a); }}此时会看到 有很多错误,这是因为没有导入junit.jar这个包。在项目test上点右键选择 Maven2 ->enable 在Group Id 一栏添如入test,然后点finish. 然后再在项目test上点右键选择 Maven2 ->add dependency 在新对话框里的Query输入junit 然后在下面的Search Results 里 展开junit 选择 "3.8.1 - junit-3.8.1.jar ............"这一项。然后点ok. 然后等一会。我们会看到错误没有了。然后在 左边的Package Explorer里展开Maben2 Dependencies 回 看到有一个junit.jar的瓶子。junit.jar这个库包已经被加入这个项目了。所以没有错误了。 然后打开testSample.java这个类。然后在outline窗口把 类testSample展开,然后选择testSample()点 右键 然后选择run as ->junit test 然后回看到这个方法运行了。 这里有个小插曲, public void testSample(){ Sample sa = new Sample(); String a = sa.something(); this.assertNotNull(a); } 这个是这个类的一个方法,不是它的构造函数。如果是以下形式 public testSample(){ Sample sa = new Sample(); String a = sa.something(); this.assertNotNull(a); } 就是这个类的构造函数。 可以看出构造函数与方法的区别为构造函数是 public testSample() 而方法为public void testSample()。 构造函数不指定返回类型。而且它必须与类同名。 在outLine 窗口里构造函数上边有个“C”的小标记。我们把testSample 这个类改为 package org.test;import org.main.Sample;import junit.framework.TestCase;public class testSample extends TestCase { public void testSample(){ Sample sa = new Sample(); String a = sa.something(); this.assertNotNull(a); } public testSample(){ System.out.print("testSample"); }} 然后再在 outLine 里选择testSample() (注意选那个没有"C"标记的那个,然后点右键,run as junit test) 然后我们回看到程序运行了,而且在console里打印出 testSample,从可以看到,你只要用到这个类、 它肯定要调用构造函数创建它自己,然后才执行你调用的方法。接着我们关掉junit窗口(在eclipse 左边那一列点 junit 旁边哪个X )回到Package Explorer。然后右键点 pom.xml 选择run as ->Maven2 build 在弹出的对话框选者Goals...按纽,Lifecycle Phases 展开选package 然后点ok.然后点run.等一会。 如果如下类似文字就好了:[INFO] Total time: 206 second [INFO] Finished at: Sun Mar 26 12:20:01 CST 2006 [INFO] Memory 1M/6M然后我们直接通过文件夹找到这个项目的位置。比如我的是 D:\Taylorspace\test\target在这个文件夹下我们会 看到一个名为test-0.0.1.jar的文件。总结: 从可以看到Maven的两个作用 1。管理library 包。在开发过程我们回遇到这么一种情况,比如你建了 两个项目,一个为 project1 一个为project2 而这两个项目都用到一个jar 包。比如junit.jar 如果两个项目各自导入 junit.jar 不仅对磁盘空间是一个浪费,而且也不好管理。而通过Maven 我们可以看到它把是这么做的。当你的项目 需要一个包时通过 add dependancy.把它加进来以后Maven 就会在你在eclipse里指定的哪个Local Repository Folder 目录下找这个jar包。比如我设的目录是C:\Documents and Settings\er\.m2\repository ,如果找到,就在项目的构建 路径加上这个jar.如果在这个目录找不到此jar包。它回从网上下载这个jar包,放到此目录。以后再用到此jar就不用下载 了。 2。就是项目部署。就是我们在上例 选择pom.xml 然后选择运行,Goal 设成package,然后我们发现生成一个 test-0.0.1.jar的文件。
Eclipse插件系列——SQLExplorer插件的安装和使用 Posted on 2006-07-20 17:28 百花岛主 阅读(3528) 评论(5)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Eclipse插件基础



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