taskSpawn 函数的使用问题

billy123456 2014-05-11 10:00:25
int taskSpawn
char *name, /*你要创建的任务名:比如说task1,在Shell下可以用命令:i 来查看当前系统中所有的任务*/
int priority, /*任务优先级,*/
int options, /*一般为0*/
int stackSize, /* 需要申请堆栈的大小*/
FUNCPTR entryPt, /*回调函数,*/
int arg1, /*传递给处理任务回调函数所需要的参数*/
int arg2,
int arg3,
int arg4,
int arg5,
int arg6,
int arg7,
int arg8,
int arg9,
int arg10

typedef struct
typedef Stype *pStype;
void function(pStype Sty)
那么taskSpawn 中的参数 arg1 应怎么样写啊?一个结构体指针吗?
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紫神 2015-01-03
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转化为int类型再传,传入后转回来, int指针也是4字节。。。。
i80428048 2015-01-01
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typedef  struct
typedef  Stype  *pStype;

void function(pStype   Sty)
pStype arg;

taskSpawn ("tTest", 101, 0, 10000, function, arg,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)/*其余填零*/
woquNOKIA 2014-11-18
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「已注销」 2014-07-01
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引用 vxworks6.8文档 的回复:
The arguments to taskSpawn( ) are the new task’s name (an ASCII string), the task’s priority, an options word, the stack size, the main routine address, and 10 arguments to be passed to the main routine as startup parameters: id = taskSpawn ( name, priority, options, stacksize, main, arg1, …arg10 );

/*Example 7-6 POSIX Unnamed Semaphores*/
* This example uses unnamed semaphores to synchronize an action between the
* calling task and a task that it spawns (tSyncTask). To run from the shell,
* spawn as a task:
* -> sp unnameSem
/* includes */
#include <vxWorks.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
/* forward declarations */
void syncTask (sem_t * pSem);
* unnameSem - test case for unamed semaphores
* This routine tests unamed semaphores.
void unnameSem (void)
sem_t * pSem;
/* reserve memory for semaphore */
pSem = (sem_t *) malloc (sizeof (sem_t));
if (pSem == NULL)
printf ("pSem allocation failed\n");
/* initialize semaphore to unavailable */
if (sem_init (pSem, 0, 0) == -1)
printf ("unnameSem: sem_init failed\n");
free ((char *) pSem);
/* create sync task */
printf ("unnameSem: spawning task...\n");
if (taskSpawn ("tSyncTask", 90, 0, 2000, syncTask, pSem) == ERROR)
printf ("Failed to spawn tSyncTask\n");
sem_destroy (pSem);
free ((char *) pSem);
/* do something useful to synchronize with syncTask */
/* unlock sem */
printf ("unnameSem: posting semaphore - synchronizing action\n");
if (sem_post (pSem) == -1)
printf ("unnameSem: posting semaphore failed\n");
sem_destroy (pSem);
free ((char *) pSem);
/* all done - destroy semaphore */
if (sem_destroy (pSem) == -1)
printf ("unnameSem: sem_destroy failed\n");
free ((char *) pSem);
void syncTask
sem_t * pSem
/* wait for synchronization from unnameSem */
if (sem_wait (pSem) == -1)
printf ("syncTask: sem_wait failed \n");
printf ("syncTask: sem locked; doing sync’ed action...\n");
/* do something useful here */
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loopback_2012 2014-05-12
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#include #include #include "vxWorks.h" #include "msgQLib.h" #include "taskLib.h" /*#include "memPartLib.h"*/ #include "memLib.h" /*宏定义*/ #define MAX_MSGS (10) /* the length of msg*/ #define MAX_MSG_LEN sizeof(MESSAGE) /*the length of message*/ #define STACK_SIZE 20000 /*the stack size of task*/ #define DELAY_TICKS 50 /*the time of sending message*/ #define MAX_point 5 /*用户从系统内存池中获得内存的最大次数*/ #define size_1 30 /*用户分区的分配的大小*/ #define size_2 40 /*全局变量*/ int tidtask1; int tidtask2; int tidtask3; SEM_ID syncSemId; SEM_ID waitSemId; MSG_Q_ID myMsgQId1; MSG_Q_ID myMsgQId2; MSG_Q_ID myMsgQId3; typedef struct _MESSAGE { int mSendId; /*发送任务 ID*/ int mRecvId; /*接收任务 ID*/ int mData; /*消息中传递的数据*/ char Data[14]; } MESSAGE; /*内存管理*/ char* usermem1; char* usermem2; MESSAGE *point1[MAX_point]; MESSAGE *point2[MAX_point]; MESSAGE *point3[MAX_point]; int point1_index=0; int point2_index=0; int point3_index=0; PART_ID partid1; PART_ID partid2; #define MID_MESSAGE(id) (id) /*函数声明*/ int start(void); int task1(void); int task2(void); int task3(void); template T* mymalloc(unsigned nBytes); void myfree(void); void bye(void); /***************************************[progStart]*******************************************/ /*启动程序,创建息队例,任务*/ int start(void) { tidtask1=taskSpawn("tTask1", 220, 0, STACK_SIZE, (FUNCPTR)task1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); usermem1=malloc(200); partid1=memPartCreate(usermem1,200); usermem2=malloc(400); partid2=memPartCreate(usermem2,400); return; } /**************************************[test_end]********************************************/ /*是否相等,相等返回1*/ int test_end(char *end,char *target) { int ret; if(!strcmp(end,target)) ret=1; else ret=0; return ret; } /****************************************[task1]***********************************************/ /*管理Task。负责系统启动时同步系统中其他Task的启动同步,利用信号量的semFlush()完成。同时接收各*/ /*Task的告警信息,告警信息需编号以logmsg方式输出。本task负责系统结束时的Task删除处理*/ int task1(void) { int singal; int message; MESSAGE *rxMsg=mymalloc(26); /*define messages,and alloc memory*/ memset(rxMsg,0,26); syncSemId=semBCreate(SEM_Q_FIFO,SEM_EMPTY); /*creat semaphore*/ waitSemId=semBCreate(SEM_Q_PRIORITY,SEM_EMPTY); myMsgQId1=msgQCreate(MAX_MSGS,MAX_MSG_LEN,MSG_Q_PRIORITY); /*create msgQ*/ myMsgQId2=msgQCreate(MAX_MSGS,MAX_MSG_LEN,MSG_Q_PRIORITY); myMsgQId3=msgQCreate(MAX_MSGS,MAX_MSG_LEN,MSG_Q_PRIORITY); tidtask2=taskSpawn("tTask2", 200, 0, STACK_SIZE, (FUNCPTR)task2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); /*create task*/ tidtask3=taskSpawn("tTask3", 210, 0, STACK_SIZE, (FUNCPTR)task3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); printf("Please input one of the following commands:add,sub,multiply,divide,testcommand\n"); /*the command we should put into the console*/ semFlush(syncSemId); /*release semaphore*/ semGive(waitSemId); while(1) { singal=1; msgQReceive(myMsgQId1,(char*)&rxMsg,sizeof(rxMsg),WAIT_FOREVER); if(rxMsg->mRecvId==MID_MESSAGE(3)) /*receive MsgQ from task3*/ { singal=test_end(rxMsg->Data,"wrong length")-1; logMsg("task3 receiveing a:%s\n",rxMsg->Data); /*put the warn from task3*/ logMsg("Please reput the other command!\n"); msgQReceive(myMsgQId1,(char*)&rxMsg,MAX_MSG_LEN,WAIT_FOREVER); /*recive MsgQ from task3*/ } if(rxMsg->mRecvId==MID_MESSAGE(2)) /*receive MsgQ from task2*/ { message=test_end(rxMsg->Data,"sysend"); if(message) { /*if the message from task2 is "sysend" and did not receive the warn from task3, close the system*/ if(singal) { bye(); } } else {/*if the message from task2 is "sysend" and receive the warn from task3, reput the command*/ if(singal) logMsg("task2 receiveing a %s\n",rxMsg->Data); logMsg("please reput the correct command!\n"); } } } return; } /********************************************************************************************/ int change_buf(char *command) { int ret; if(!strcmp(command,"add")) ret=1; else if(!strcmp(command,"sub")) ret=2; else if(!strcmp(command,"multiply")) ret=3; else if(!strcmp(command,"divide")) ret=4; else if(!strcmp(command,"testcommand")) ret=5; else ret=0; return ret; } /****************************************[task2]*********************************************/ /*console 命令行接收Task。接收并分析console发来的命令行及参数。自行设置5种以上命令,并根据命*/ /*令的内容向Task3发送激励消息。同时实现系统退出命令,使系统采用适当方式安全退出。收到非法命令*/ /*向Task1告警*/ int task2(void) { char buf[100]; int command; char *str=mymalloc(35); MESSAGE *txMsg=mymalloc(26); memset(str,0,35); memset(txMsg,0,26); txMsg->mSendId=MID_MESSAGE(2); txMsg->mRecvId=MID_MESSAGE(2); FOREVER { semTake(syncSemId,WAIT_FOREVER); semTake(waitSemId,WAIT_FOREVER); gets(buf); command=change_buf(buf);/*change the commands into numbers*/ switch(command) { case 0:/*receive uncorrect command*/ txMsg->mData=0; strcpy(txMsg->Data,"wrong command");/*send warn to task1*/ msgQSend(myMsgQId1,(char*)&txMsg,sizeof(txMsg),WAIT_FOREVER,MSG_PRI_NORMAL); break; case 1:/*receive add command*/ strcpy(str,"This an add caculate!\0"); txMsg->mData=1; break; case 2:/*receive sub command*/ strcpy(str,"This a sub caculate!\0"); txMsg->mData=2; break; case 3:/*receive multiply command*/ strcpy(str,"This a multiply caculate!\0"); txMsg->mData=3; break; case 4:/*receive divide command*/ strcpy(str,"This a divide caculate!\0"); txMsg->mData=4; break; case 5:/*receive testcommand,send a long string to task3*/ strcpy(str,"This a testcommand to warn task1!\0"); txMsg->mData=5; break; default: break; } if(txMsg->mData!=0) {/*send along string to task3,and send a message to taks3*/ msgQSend(myMsgQId3,(char*)&str,sizeof(str),WAIT_FOREVER,MSG_PRI_NORMAL); msgQSend(myMsgQId3,(char*)&txMsg,sizeof(txMsg),WAIT_FOREVER,MSG_PRI_NORMAL); } semGive(waitSemId); semGive(syncSemId); taskDelay(DELAY_TICKS); if(txMsg->mData!=0) {/*send sysend to task1 to let task1 close system*/ strcpy(txMsg->Data,"sysend"); msgQSend(myMsgQId1,(char*)&txMsg,sizeof(txMsg),WAIT_FOREVER,MSG_PRI_NORMAL); } } return; } /****************************************[task3]********************************************/ /*console输出Task。接收需打印输出的字串消息(命令),输出到console。收到长度为0或超常字串向*/ /*Task1告警*/ int task3(void) { int firstData=100; int secondData=10; MESSAGE *rxMsg=mymalloc(26); MESSAGE *txMsg=mymalloc(26); char *rstr=mymalloc(35); memset(txMsg,0,26); memset(txMsg,0,26); memset(rstr,0,35); txMsg->mSendId=MID_MESSAGE(3); txMsg->mRecvId=MID_MESSAGE(3); while(1) { semTake(syncSemId,WAIT_FOREVER); msgQReceive(myMsgQId3,(char*)&rstr,sizeof(rstr),WAIT_FOREVER); if(strlen(rstr)=26) {/*make sure whether the string is too long or short*/ strcpy(txMsg->Data,"wrong length"); msgQSend(myMsgQId1,(char*)&txMsg,sizeof(txMsg),WAIT_FOREVER,MSG_PRI_NORMAL); /*msgQReceive(myMsgQId3,(char*)&rxMsg,sizeof(rxMsg),WAIT_FOREVER);*/ } semTake(waitSemId,WAIT_FOREVER); msgQReceive(myMsgQId3,(char*)&rxMsg,sizeof(rxMsg),WAIT_FOREVER); if(rxMsg->mData!=5) {/*when it is not testcommand,printf these*/ printf("%s\n",rstr); printf("there are two datas!\n"); printf("firstData:100\n"); printf("secondData:10\n"); } switch(rxMsg->mData) { case 1:/*printf add caculate*/ printf("The result is:%d\n",firstData+secondData); break; case 2:/*printf sub caculate*/ printf("The result is:%d\n",firstData-secondData); break; case 3:/*printf multiply caculate*/ printf("The result is:%d\n",firstData*secondData); break; case 4:/*printf divide caculate*/ printf("The result is:%d\n",firstData/secondData); break; case 5: break; default: break; } semGive(waitSemId); semGive(syncSemId); taskDelay(DELAY_TICKS); } return; } template T* mymalloc(unsigned nBytes) { T* point; int i=0; /*用户分区一是否能分配的标志位*/ int j=0; /*用户分区二是否能分配的标志位*/ if(nBytes=size_1 && nBytes=size_2) && point3_indextaskDelete(tidtask2); taskDelete(tidtask3); msgQDelete(myMsgQId1); msgQDelete(myMsgQId2); msgQDelete(myMsgQId3); semDelete(syncSemId); taskDelete(tidtask1); }



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