Ultra Edit 9.10的序列号的问题

mickwang 2002-06-26 02:35:55
下一次打开的时候 好用,但是推出后再使用就提示输入用户名和序列号
总是如此反复 ,我输入的用户名和序列号好像也没有什么问题,如果随便输入
的话 则一次也不能用,请问这是怎么回事?怎么解决?
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pi1ot 2002-06-26
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// History - Purged changes prior to v6.00

v9.10 - Support for files greater than 4GB (previously support was for files
up to 2GB)
- View menu items (and toolbar support) to zoom in/out by
increasing/decreasing font size
- Sort support for up to 4 sort keys, much quicker in most cases
- Sort option for numeric sort vs. alphanumeric
- Back/Forward functions take you to the previous place you edited,
or scrolled from, or jumped to a tag from etc. and works across
multiple files
- Added FTP support for AS400
- Added FTP support for MVS
- FTP Dialog now has a log mode that shows the FTP session between
UltraEdit and the FTP server
- Increased performance for Macros under some conditions
- Increased performance for Replace All on larger files
- Added default Open Directory and Default Project File Directory
- Syntax highlighting allows user to specify what characters precede line
- Syntax highlighting allows user to specify what columns line comments
are valid for
- INI setting to disable new style toolbar and menus - use old style
toolbar configuration compatible with screen readers and quicker load
- Add option for tool configuration to save active file (or not)
before running the tool
- Quick Open now has option to open all match files recursively through
sub directories
- Command line option to force OEM character set
- Find in Files with an empty find string will create listing of all
files matching directory/name specification
- Undo supported for Replace all
- INI option to use memory for editing
- Updated HTML Tidy version
v9.00c - Bug Fixes
- New file created on load not automatically being closed when file is
- Fix problem with UNICODE and syntax highlighting comments
- HEX mode not accepting ASCII character input
- Fixed problem with some UTF-8 or UNICODE files being corrupted
with extra '00'
- Other minor issues
v9.00b - Bug Fixes
- Issues relating to display of page break
- On XP, non printable characters are not displayed by system routines
and are ignored. Changed UltraEdit to display '?' instead
- Fixed crash with macros invoked from the command line that also exit
- Corrected Find in Files positioning with some UNIX files
- Fixed several problems with UNICODE files
- Fixed problem with Print Preview and tabs with two pages on one page
- Fixed scrolling problem with hidden lines
- Fixed problem with replace in selection when selection made from
right to left
- Corrected problem with relative paths in projects
- Fixed crash at startup with nVidia drivers and nView
- Other minor issues
- Added INI setting "Display DOS Lines Only" that causes only lines
terminated with CR/LF to display as separate lines
- Added INI setting "ClearType" for XP users that use ClearType fonts
to provide better display of these with Syntax Highlighting
- Added View Template List to key mapping
v9.00a - Bug Fixes
- Issues relating to display of page break
- Unicode search of ASIAN characters sometimes failed
- Addressed several issues with menu hot keys
- Running tools will cause the file change detection to run
- Fixed issue with some user tool bitmaps not showing correctly
on some systems
- Fixed problem with UTF-8 and FTP save
- Fixed problems with Column Mode and UTF-8/Unicode files
- Fixed problem with file associations setting the wrong default icon
registry setting
- Fixed FTP problem with some passwords not working
- Fixed FTP problem with some links and directory changes
- Other minor issues reported
- Added PER TOOL option to display DOS box while running
- Changed Find in Files back to pre-V9 default for directory
with INI setting "FIFUseActiveFilePath" option in the [Settings]
section to default to active file path
- Added Hungarian Spelling Dictionary
v9.00 - Multiple Tools bars available (user configurable)
- Configurable menus
- Icons on menus
- Find "entry" box/drop down on toolbar for quick finds
- Macros can be run when file is loaded and when file is saved
- Macro functions for "IfNameIs" and "IfExtIs" to check active filename/
extension within macros for conditional statements
- Improved macro shortcut support
- Reformmatting of existing code to indent/unindent based on language
- Automatic unindenting now happens when unindent string typed, not
after newline
- Syntax highlighting support for up to 20 languages
- EBCDIC/HEX combined view without conversion
- Printing support of hidden lines
- User tools may have user ICONS or BITMAPS
- User tools now run by default without command window showing
- Increased number of function strings to 6 for syntax highlighting
- Commands for going to END of next or previous WORD
- New template list view provided for quick access to templates
- Ctags support*:
- Project specific Ctag file with option to create automtaically when
- Configurable parameters and tag file for use outside of projects
- Find Symbol command will locate symbol in ctag file of selected
item or item under cursor and postion to it in appropriate file
- *Requires the use of thirdpart CTag EXE for tagfile generation
(links provided)
- INI setting to disable left cursor from going to end of previous line
- Tools with output to output window run without showing DOS box
- Command line parameter (/a) added to allow specifying an already open
file without having the prompt to reload it (just position to
specified line)
- Command line parameter -lx and -cx allowed following each file name
to specify line and column to position to. Older method still
supported also
- Multiple search paths allowed with find and replace in files
- View Menu includes option to show Page Breaks as line across the
- Added ability to copy Function List contents to clipboard
- Find and Replace in Files now allows multiple directories to be
- Other minor changes
NowCan 2002-06-26
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alula 2002-06-26
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9.10比 9.00增加了什么功能?
alula 2002-06-26
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9.01比 9.00增加了什么功能?
coldcrane 2002-06-26
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Name: http://soft163.com S/N: H8P0D-Y306D-00D0E-Q405A
coldcrane 2002-06-26
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Name: http://soft163.com S/N: H8P0D-Y306D-00D0E-Q405A
nakoka 2002-06-26
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pi1ot 2002-06-26
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