How can we get performance improved after getting another new application server

猿来是我 2012-11-03 10:30:38
Currently we have one application server, and we have a windows service running on it - retrieving data from database, filling out to a DataTable, and then do some kind of caculation and update each row in DataTable, finally save changes into Database.

And soon we would get another application server, what/how can we gain from this added physical resource(processor), HOW can we use multiple threads technology to improve the performance? Is there any best practices which i can follow in this case of multiple application servers?

Any comments is welcome.
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机器人 2012-11-03
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数据量大的话,考虑使用多线程充分利用多核特性。 或者... 直接把计算移到存储过程里。
VCLZip Native Delphi Zip/UnZip Component! (VCLZip Lite: Version 2.23 April 14th, 2002) (VCLZip Pro: Version 3.10 Buid 1 - November 25th, 2007) IMPORTANT: If installing the registered version, please be sure to always re-install/rebuild the components (VCLZip and VCLUnZip) to the component pallette (or rebuild the design time package) so that the ThisVersion property and any other new properties will be properly updated. If your application still does not run without the IDE, open up VCLZip's package, click on options and look at the Directories/Conditionals tab. If KPDEMO is defined, remove it and recompile the package. ***IMPORTANT: Please remember do not install these components into a package by the name of either VCLZip or VCLUnZip. You will receive an error if you do. PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE "WHAT's NEW IN THIS VERSION" LINK IN THE HELP FILE AS IT HAS CONVENIENT LINKS TO ALL OF THE NEW TOPICS. ==================== Version 3.10 Build 1 - Several bug fixes. - Added support for Delphi 2006, 2007 - Added support for BCB 2006, 2007 - Improved memory performance when working with archives containing extremely high number of compressed files. ==================== Version 3.06 Build 2 Made Delphi 2005 compatible Other assorted fixes ==================== Version 3.05 Build 1 Fixed a lot of incompatabilities between VCLZip and WinZip Other assorted fixes ==================== Version 3.04 Build 1 New ZLib methods for optimized compression and decompression of single entities of data in standard ZLib format, without the overhead of the PKZip format. This is excellent for compression of data to be sent across the net, compressing web pages (http compliant compression), blobs, etc. - ZLibCompressStream - ZLibDecompressStream - ZLibCompressBuffer - ZLibDecompressBuffer - ZLibCompressString - ZLibDecompressString Overloaded TStream Methods for Delphi 4,5, BCB 4, and 5 - UnZipToStream - UnZipToStreamByIndex - ZipFromStream Special OnGetNextTStream Event for Delphi 4,5, BCB 4, and 5 - Allows zipping multiple TStreams in one process - More efficient than calling ZipFromStream multiple times Capability to use the latest version of ZLib 1.2.1. - VCLZip currently uses 1.4.1 by default. - By defining ZLIB121, VCLZip will use the latest version of ZLib which is included with the registered version. Some optimization improvements which should show some improvement in zipping and unzipping speed when using TkpStreams with D4, D5, BCB4, and BCB5. ============ Version 3.03 (VCLZip Pro) - Please test your application thoroughly with this new version of VCLZip Pro. While it has been tested and has even been used in at least two production applications for several months now prior to initial release, there are so many combinations of property settings, environment differences, and ways to use VCLZip that you should always test VCLZip completely in your application before deploying. *** New Zip64 capabilities, properties, methods and events: - Uncompressed, Compressed, and Archive file sizes can be up to 2^63-1 bytes in length. - You can compress up to 2147483647 files into an archive. This is compatible with PKZip's Zip64 format. - If a file does not extend beyond any of the original limitations (filesizes of 4 gig or 65535 files) then no Zip64 format information is included in the archive. - property isZip64 - tells you when you are working with a zip file that is using Zip64 format. Much faster processing due to linking to Zlib object files for compression and decompression routines. Blocked Zip Files (spanned zip archives split onto hard drive) - Now completely compatible with PKZip and WinZip split archives file naming format. - For backwards compatability you can tell VCLZip to use the old VCLZip filenaming format by using the BlockMode property. - New method OnFileNameForSplitPart called just before each split filepart is created. VCLZip supplies a default implementation of this method so for most purposes you won't need your own. - method DefaultFileNameForSplitPart - VCLZip calls this internally if you don't define your own OnFileNameForSplitPart. You can also call it from your own OnFileNameForSplitPart if you wish to add some processing to the default behavior. - property BlockMode - determines whether VCLZip uses PKZip/WinZip standard naming convention or VCLZip classic method. - method DefaultGetNextDisk - VCLZip calls this internally if you don't define your own OnGetNextDisk. You can also call it from your own OnGetNextDisk event if you wish to add some processing to the default behavior. - Properties for controlling which files are zipped... - IncludeHiddenFiles - default False; - IncludeSysFiles: - default False; - IncludeReadOnlyFiles: - default True; - IncludeArchiveFiles: - default True; - Event OnGetNextStream - Allows you to zip from multiple streams when using the ZipFromStream method. This improves performance since repeated calls to ZipFromStream causes the archive to be updated on each subsequent call. - property ThisBuild - Tells you the current build. See also ThisVersion - property OnHandleMessage - Handles interactive messages with VCLZip. There is a default, so you don't need to define your own unless you wish to eliminate interactive messages and handle them on your own. This is helpful if you are using VCLZip as a service or on a webserver for instance. ******** Upgrading existing applications that use VCLZip 2.X ********** For the most part, existing applications will work as-is. Just install VCLZip 3.X and recompile your code. Here are some things to be aware of though... 1) If your app currently creates mmBlock archives (spanned directly to hard drive) and you define your own OnGetNextDisk in VCLZip 2.X, you should move your code from this event that handles mmBlock events to the new event OnFileNameForSplitPart. However, if you simply rely on VCLZip's default OnGetNextDisk then you don't have to worry about this. 2) If your app creates mmBlock archives, the default naming convention has changed to match the PKZip/WinZip standard. If you wish to keep the same naming convention then set BlockMode := mbClassic. 3) OnGetNextDisk and OnPrepareNextDisk events are called for the 1st disk now. VCLZip 2.X only calls these events starting with the 2nd disk. 4) properties CompressedSize[Index], UncompressedSize[Index], ZipSize are now Int64 types. 5) Delphi 4, Delphi 5, BCB 4, and BCB5 are all capable of using the Zip64 format. However they use the TkpHugeStream decendants which act just like TStreams except they handle files/stream sizes larger than 2gig. There is a TkpHugeFileStream and a TkpHugeMemoryStream which should handle 99% of all necessary actions. If you currently work with VCLZip 2.X with TBlobStreams or some other type of streams, you can either define your own TkpBlobStream for instance which inherits from TkpHugeStream, or use the TkpHugeStream.CopyFrom(TStream, Count) and the TkpHugeStream.GetStream: TStream methods to give VCLZip your stream and get it back. Ofcourse when using regular TStream decendants in D4,4,BCB4,and 5, you cannot create Zip64 archives. If you use Delphi 6, 7, or BCB 6, you don't have to worry about any of this as the normal TSTream is used by VCLZip and handles large file/stream sizes. ============ Version 2.23 (VCLZip Lite) Added the OEMConvert property. Filenames stored in a PKZip compatible archive normally go through an OEM conversion to make them ascii compatible. When opening the zip file the conversion is undone. If you do not plan on having other zip utilities opening up your archives this conversion process is not really necessary. Setting this property to False will eliminate this process. The default value for this property is True for normal PKZip compatability. Added OnEncrypt and OnDecrypt events. These allow you to replace the standard pkzip encryption with your own. Data is passed to these events a buffer at a time. Use this with care as this is still somewhat experimental and I'm not sure how useful it is yet. You must make all changes within the buffer sent in to you. Treat the entire file as a stream. Byte for byte replacement only. No additional keys can be saved. Added OnRecursingFile event. Sometimes when using wildcards and recursing directories, there was no reporting of progress. This will be fired each time a file matches as the file list is being built while recursing directories. Added the EncryptBeforeCompress boolean property. The default for this property is False and if left like this VCLZip will behave like normal. If set to True, VCLZip will encrypt each buffer prior to compressing it instead of afterwards. This will cause files to not be decryptable by normal zip utilities thereby adding a bit of extra security. Bugs Fixed: IMPORTANT!!! Behavior of freeing the ArchiveStream (compressed stream) has been modified. VCLZip will now no longer try to free ArchiveStream, you must free it yourself. This was due to a problem where it would be freed automatically if there was a problem with the ArchiveStream when trying to open it as a zip file (possibly corrupt). Best practice is that ArchiveStream should always point toward a TMemoryStream that you create anyway. Modified the SFX code (the code used to create the SFX stub distributed with VCLZip) so that it handles filenames that have been run through an OEM Conversion. The SFX was losing accented characters. This modification means that if you are creating zip files to be used as SFX's you will want to leave the OEMConvert property mentioned above, set to it's default value of True. Modified so that when cursor is changed to hourglass by VCLZip, previous cursor is saved correctly instead of just changing it back to default cursor. Now saves Central Directory Extra Fields correctly. Fixed the SFX code so that it works properly if you use Copy /B to concatenate a zip file to the stub. Due to a Delphi strange behavior sometimes path names for directory only entries would become corrupted. Removed reference to QConsts, replaced with RTLConsts. Sometimes a GPF would result if a corrupt zip file was opened. Using a wildcard in pathname added to FilesList did not work. Using '*.*' as a wildcard in files added to FilesList now is the same as using '*'. VCLZip will now check for CancelTheOperation during initial building of the fileslist instead of just during compression processing. Added a final call to OnTotalPercentDone with 100% because this didn't always happen. Attributes were not getting set correctly for directory-only entries. Fixed a problem that was not allowing ZipComment's to be added correctly to spanned or blocked zip files. Not the same fix as in 2.22. Directories (directory-only entries) were not being restored properly unless DoAll was True. You were unable to delete a directory from which files were recursively zipped until exiting your application. ============ Version 2.22 Now Delphi 6 compatible. New event called {link=93,OnRecursingFile} which gets called as VCLZip recurses directories searching for files that match a wildcard that is entered in the FilesList. This gets called each time a file matches the wildcard. Fixed a bug which kept diskettes from being labeled when creating spanned zip files on WIN31. Fixed a bug which sometimes did not allow zip comments to be added to blocked zip sets. Fixed a bug which caused VCLZip to not properly handle the IncompleteZip exception on spanned zip sets unless you called ReadZip prior to calling UnZip. Version 2.21 (Changes are shown in the build stages as they were implemented) Pre-Release Build 5: When working with temporary files, VCLZip will now rename, instead of copy, the temp file if the destination is on the same drive. This will speed up the adding of files to an existing zip file when the resulting zip file is very large. Pre-Release Build 4: New event called OnPrepareNextDisk which is an event that will allow you, when creating spanned zip files across diskettes, to do things like format a diskette that has just been inserted, or to add or delete files from the diskette before continuing with the zipping process. Fixed a problem that was causing the CancelTheOperation Method to not work properly. Pre-Release Build 3: Fixed bug which caused VCLZip to miscalculate space needed for zfc file if wildcards are put into the FilesList. Fixed bug so you could have FilePercentDone without needing TotalPercentDone when creating spanned zip files Fixed so relative_offset set correctly for spanned zips. Side effect of removing needless write of header. Added code to read local fileheaders if exception thrown when reading a central fileheader. Fixed problem where directories couldn't be created from directory entries because the fullpath wasn't known yet. Result of having moved this code to earlier. Fixed typo in creation of LOC header values which could cause error if reading local headers. Changed so Zip Comment starting position is calculated based on end of central record instead of end of file. Pre-Release Build 2: IMPORTANT: Changed default for FileOpenMode back to fmShareDenyNone as it had been for all but version 2.20. Fixed a problem where drivepart (i.e. C:\) was not being stripped when saving relative paths. Added a BufferedStreamSize property which can increase the speed of creating zips to floppy (and other slow media) dramatically. The new default for this should increase the speed by as much as 3 times, but you can now tweak this especially for your application! Added an ImproperZip property which gets set when VCLZip detects an inconsistency with the zip. This can be useful for detecting when VCLZip was able to open the zip in spite of an inconsistency found. There was no way to know this in the past. Fixed a problem where zip comments in zfc files were not being read correctly. Added a setZipSignatures procedure which allows you to modify the signatures of your zip file. This will cause other zip utilities to not be able to recognize or read your zip files created with VCLZip. Useful if you want to add further security to your zip files. Pre-Release Build 1: Some zip files would not open correctly, throwing an incomplete zip file exception due to an erroneous "extra field length" identifier in headers of some compressed files. These zip files are rare, but a very few people seemed to have several of them. This problem would not affect zip files created by VCLZip, and this problem should only occur in VCLZip 2.20, not in any previous version. If you had Range Checking turned on, VCLZip would get a range check error when using a wildcard that ended with a * as in 'somefile.*'. Under certain circumstances, drive information would not be stripped from path information if zipping recursively (including subdirectories) "Retrying" to zip a file that could not be opened using the OnSkippingFile event would not always work correctly. Creating spanned zip set to floppy should be faster now due to removing a needless header write to disk for each file. VCLZip would not compile correctly with MAKESMALL defined. Added code to make VCLZip work with BCB5. Haven't tested this yet though since I don't have BCB5 myself yet. Added readonly boolean ImproperZip property which will be set to True when some sort of problem is found when opening the zip file, even if recoverable. This property will be enhanced and refined in the future. If KeepZipOpen is set to True, when putting in the wrong disk in a spanned zip set, VCLZip would not always properly close the file on the old diskette before trying to open the file on the next diskette. Added ECantWriteUCF exception which will be thrown if VCLZip runs out of room to write the uncompressed file when unzipping. Timestamp was not being set properly when unzipping readonly files. Moved setting of the timestamp to before the attributes get set. ============ Version 2.20 Changes have been made in the following areas: --Performance There are a few code optimizations that should speed up the zipping process slightly. --Spanned Zip Files A new feature, turned on with the SaveZipInfoOnFirstDisk allows VCLZip to create and read spanned zip files starting with the first disk instead of the normally required last disk of the spanned disk set by saving a Zip Configuration File on the first disk. This feature can be used even if creating the spanned zip file directly to your hard drive. A new property, SaveOnFirstDisk, allows you to save room on the first disk when creating a spanned zip file, to allow room for other files, such as setup programs, data files, or a Zip Configuration File. Spanned zip files can now be directed toward disks greater than 2 gig in size as long as you are using Delphi 5 or BCB 4. --UnZipping The new Selected indexed property offers another way to flag files to be unzipped. Files that have the Selected property set to True can be unzipped using the UnZipSelected method. The Selected property will be cleared (set to False) for each file as it is unzipped, but you can also call the ClearSelected method to clear them all. At anytime the NumSelected property can be checked to see how many files have been selected. Also, the UnZipToBufferByIndex and UnZipToStreamByIndex methods allow you to unzip files specified by their index instead of by name or wildcard. The BufferLength property allows buffered output (buffer smaller than the total uncompressed filesize) when unzipping directly to memory (see UnZipToBuffer and UnZipToBufferByIndex). This will cause the OnGetNextBuffer Event to be called everytime BufferLength bytes have been output by VCLZip. Modified to work in all ways with zip files that have "extra fields" in their headers. These tend to be quite rare, but they do show up from time to time. --Zipping Added a property called FileOpenMode which allows you to define the file open mode for files when they are opened to be zipped. Added a Retry parameter to the OnSkippingFile Event that can be used to re-attempt to open a file for zipping that is open by another process. This gives the chance to close the file and continue with the zipping process rather than having to start over again. Added a ENotEnoughRoom exception which will be thrown if there is not enough room to write to the archive, i.e. out of disk space. The new OnUpdate Event gets fired when updating or freshening an existing archive. It is triggered for each file that already exists in the archive as it is either replaced or kept in the updated archive. The AddDirEntriesOnRecurse will cause separate directory entries to be included in archives when doing recursive zips through subdirectories. --Integrity Checking A new method, CheckArchive, will perform an integrity check on all files in an archive. This is much faster than using FileIsOK on each file if testing all files in an archive with VERY MANY files. Further improved checking for corrupted zip files when opening zip files. --Encryption The following new properties and methods allow lower level work with password encrypted archives: DecryptHeader Gets the decryption header for a particular compressed file in an archive GetDecryptHeaderPtr Same as DecryptHeader but easier to use in BCB. DecryptHeaderByte Method Tests a password against the decryption header found in the DecryptHeader property. GetDecryptHeaderByteByPtr Same as DecryptHeaderByte but easier to use in BCB. --Self Extracting Executables Changes were made to the ZIPSFX32.BIN stub itself: - Modified to work with zip files containing "extra fields" in their headers. - Modified to change mouse cursor to an hour glass during processing. - Check for correct file size is now done automatically - Now uses the end of central and central headers to find the first local header. - Added a progress meter - Better checking for corrupted zip files. - Added an information window that can optionally be shown when the sfx is initially started up. - Added an AutoRun option to make the sfx stub run automatially when double clicked with no other interaction from the user. For the new modified sfx stub, ZIPSFX32.BIN, instead of using kpSFXOpt, you should now use the TSfxConfig component to set the options for the sfx stub. The new sfx can be found in the sfx\ subdirectory as usual and is called ZIPSFX32.BIN and the original sfx can be found in the same subdirectory except it is now called ORGSFX32.bin. Just rename it if you prefer that one (use KPSFXOPT instead of TSfxConfig with the old stub). --Miscellaneous The installation is now easier, atleast for first time installers of the source code. The .DPK files for Delphi and .CPP files for BCB are now included. Now these files simply have to be compiled and that's it. There is a separate option in the installation for installing to the different versions of Delphi and BCB. Added a property called FlushFilesOnClose which will cause all files opened for write by VCLZip to have their disk buffers flushed to disk when closed. Added the capability to delete Selected files from an archive using the DeleteEntries Method. The behavior of the OnInCompleteZip Event has been greatly improved. You can now use this event to ask the user to insert the last disk of a spanned disk set rather than having to handle this situation from outside VCLZip. The register procedures were changed so that the components now get installed to the "VCLZip" tab on the palette. I found that for all but Delphi 1 I had to actually manually move the components to the "VCLZip" tab. You may find that you have to do this too if you have already installed VCLZip before. The components now use new bitmaps in place of the old ones on the component palette. Separated many compiler defines into a new file called KPDEFS.INC. ==================================== Version 2.18: 1) Thanks to the hard work of a fellow registered user, added the capability to remove all dependencies on the Dialogs, Forms, Controls, and FileCtrl units by defining the conditional MAKESMALL, which results in a smaller footprint. This can be quite useful when putting VCLZip into a DLL for instance. In order to make this work, go into your Project | Options and select the Directories/Conditionals tab and enter MAKESMALL in the conditional defines text box. In Delphi you can add this conditinal define to the project options of your application that uses VCLZip and then do a "build all". In BCB you will have to add this to the project options of the package that contains VCLZip and then rebuild the package. If you define MAKESMALL, the only things you lose are: a) ZIP file open dialog box that appears when the ZipName is set to "?" b) Select Directory dialog box that appears when the DestDir is set to "?" c) Changing the cursor to an hour glass during some operations. d) No long filename support in Delphi 1 2) Made VCLZip completely BCB4 compatible. 3) Added some exception handling to KPUNZIPP and KPINFLT, mainly to handle unexpected situations when wrong passwords are entered. This fixes the problem with PRP, the password recovery program. 4) For Borland C++ Builder, changed any COMP types to double, getting rid of the compiler warnings for unsupported comp type. This affects the OnStartZipInfo and OnStartUnZipInfo events, so you'll have to change the comp parameter to double in these events if you use them (in both your header files and in the CPP files). 5) Modified OnStartUnZip event so that FName (the filename of the file that is about to be unzipped along with complete path) is now a VAR parameter and can be modified. This allows you to change the path and name of a file that is about to be unzipped. This is especially helpfull in applications like Install Programs. NOTE: You will need to change your current code to add the VAR to the event definition and implementation if you already use this event in your application. (In BCB, add a & just before the parameter instead of VAR) 6) Moved many type definitions to VCLUNZIP.PAS so that kpZipObj won't have to be included in your USES list. 7) Fixed bug that caused GPF when setting Zip Comment to '' (empty string). 8) Moved strings in VCLZip/VCLUnZip into a string table, making the code size a little smaller as well as making it much easier to localize string information. However you have the option of not using the new string table, for whatever reason, by defining NO_RES in your project options (in the conditional defines text box on the Directories/Conditionals tab). 9) Removed the need for several files. No longer included are kpstrm.res, kpstrm.rc, kpsconst.res, kpsconst.rc, kpstres.pas, and for Delphi 1, kpdrvs.pas. In some cases the need for these files was eliminated and in other cases just rolled into the newly included kpzcnst.rc, kpzcnst.pas, and kpzcnst.res. Definining NO_RES in your project options will elimiate the need for these new files but will make your code size slightly larger and you won't be able to localize your application without changing VCLZip source code. 10) Modified the OnFilePercentDone and OnTotalPercentDone progress events to work better when creating spanned disk sets and blocked zip sets. They no longer report 100% when the compressed file still has to be copied to disk. 11) Added the ReplaceReadOnly property. Setting this to true will allow files with the ReadOnly attribute to be replaced during the unzip process. 12) Added the ifNewer and ifOlder options to the OverwriteMode property. (This had somehow made it into the help file but not into VCLUnZip) 13) Added the SFXToZip method which will convert an SFX file to a regular zip file. The header pointers will be properly adjusted during the conversion. 14) Fixed a problem where the OnGetNextDisk event would always revert to the DefaultGetNextDisk method instead of what you entered into the Object Inspector each time your project was re-opened. 15) Fixed a bug that caused CRC errors when unzipping files from spanned disk sets if they were STORED (no compression) and spanned across disks. 16) Added the OnZipComplete and OnUnZipComplete events. If defined, these will fire at the very end of a zip or unzip operation (after all files have been processed, not after each file). These events will rarely be used since, normally you will be able to do the same thing at the point that the call to Zip or UnZip returns, but these events can be useful when using VCLZip in threads where in certain circumstances the return from the Zip or UnZip methods are not seen. 17) Creation of SFX files has never been easier!!! The addition of the MakeNewSFX method allows you to create Self Extracting Executables without the need to create a zip file first. The files that you specify in the FilesList property will be zipped, using all the normal VCLZip property settings, and the SFX will be created, all in one step! In addition, you can create configurable SFX files using this method, and you can do this especially easy by adding the new unit kpSFXOpt to your application's USES list and using the new 32bit SFX stub that is now distributed with VCLZip. This allows you to easily set things like SFX Dialog caption, default target extraction directory, file to launch after extraction, etc. 18) Fixed a memory leak that only affects applications using VCLZip that are compiled with Delphi 2, and that use wildcard specifications in the FilesList property. Version 2.17a: 1) Fixed a bug that was keeping VCLZip from reading truncated zip files or sfx files that did not have their headers adjusted. 2) Fixed a bug that was causing a directory to be created on the C drive when doing integrity checking with the FileIsOK property. 3) Added {$V-} to kpZipObj.PAS 4) Moved two AssignTo methods to public instead of private in kpZipObj.PAS Version 2.17: 1) Added Memory zipping and unzipping capabilities through the UnZipToBuffer and ZipFromBuffer methods. See the documentation for these methods in the Help File for more information. 2) New FileIsOK Property allows you to check for the integrity of individual files within an archive without actually unzipping the file. 3) Fixed a bug that kept checking of volume labels from working on WIN31 when working with spanned disk sets. 4) Removed all references to ChDirectory so that VCLZip will be more thread safe allowing separate instances of VCLZip in separate threads to be performing zip/unzip operations at the same time. 5) A new public property PreserveStubs allows you to make modifications to sfx archives and have the archive remain an SFX rather than revert back to a normal zip file. 6) Added a default OnGetNextDisk event. If one is not defined, then the default event will be called when the situation arises that a new disk is needed when zipping or unzipping a spanned or blocked zip archive. 7) Added more power to the wildcard capabilities. Now you can qualify the * wildcard character, for instance: * would satisfy any number of contiguous characters as long as they are all a thru e. * would satisfy any number of contiguous characters as long as none of them were a thru e. This allows you to do things like include files in specific direcories into your ExcludeList. For instance: VCLZip1.ExcludeList.Add('c:\test\*.txt') would exclude the zipping of all .txt files in the test directory but not in any subdirectories. 8) Fixed other minor bugs and made other code enhancements. Version 2.16: ***Please be aware that if you currently use the OnSkippingFile event in any of your applications, version 2.16 will require a small modification as this event has an added parameter and one of the current parameters is used a little differently when being called by the zip operation. Please see the help file for more information. 1) The OnSkippingFile Event has been changed slightly, adding a parameter for the filename. 2) OnSkippingFile is now called when a file to be zipped is skipped because it is locked by another application. See the Help File for more information. 3) Fixed a bug with the Exclude and NoCompressList where they were ignoring entries with anything before the extention (i.e. 'somefile.*' as opposed to '*.zip') if you were saving directory information. 4) Fixed a bug that caused an error if you added a wildcard with a non-existent directory to the FilesList. 5) A few other minor bug fixes. Modifications for 2.15 include: 1) PackLevel can now be set to 0 (zero) which means no compression at all (STORED only). 2) New property ExcludeList is a new stringlist that you can add filenames and wildcards to in order to specify files that you do not wish to be included in an archive. 3) New property NoCompressList is a new stringlist that you can add filenames and wildcards to in order to specify files that you wish to be STORED with a PackLevel of 0 (zero), no compression. 4) All compiler warnings and hints were removed. Modifications for 2.14 include: 1) Delphi 4 compatability. 2) Added ability to use complex wildcards when specifying which files are to be zipped. This includes wildcard characters not only in the filename but also in the pathname. This allows you to specify directories using wildcards, for instance: VCLZip1.FilesList.add('c:\test\w*\mycode*.pas'); would get all PAS files beginning with mycode in subdirectories under TEST that begin with the letter w. Wilcards may be much more complex than this. Please see the help file for more information. 3) Added the ability to override the RECURSE property setting when specifying files to be zipped. By adding the following characters to the beginning of the filenames being added, you can override whatever the current setting is for the RECURSE property: '>' will force recursion into subdirectories '|' will force NO-recursion For instance: VCLZip1.FilesList.add('>c:\windows\*.ini'); will get all .ini files in and below the windows directory reguardless of what the recurse property setting is. and: VCLZip1.FilesList.add('|c:\windows\sys*\*.dll'); will get all .dll files in subdirectories of the windows directories that start with 'sys' but will not recurse into any directories below the sys* directories. 4) The [ and ] characters previously used as special wildcard characters have been changed to since [ and ] are valid filename characters. If you still need to use the previous characters for backward compatability, I can show registered users how to easily modify a couple of constants in the source code in order to go back to the old style. See "Using Wildcards" in the help file for more information. 5) A few bug fixes. Modifications for 2.13 include: 1) New property ResetArchiveBitOnZip causes each file's archive bit to be turned off after being zipped. 2) New Property SkipIfArchiveBitNotSet causes files who's archive bit is not set to be skipped during zipping operations. 3) A few modifications were made to allow more compatibility with BCB 1. 4) Cleaned up the Help File some. 5) KWF file now works for Delphi 1 and Delphi 2 again. Still can't get context sensitive help in Delphi 3. 6) Cleaned up some of the code that was causing compiler warnings and hints. Modifications for 2.12 include: 1) Added a TempPath property to allow the temporary files path to be different from the Windows default. 2) Modified VCLZip so that any temporary files that are created receive a unique temporary filename so as not to clash with any other files in the temporary directory. This also allows working with zip files residing in the temporary directory. 3) Fixed a bug in the relative path feature. 4) Fixed a bug that caused a "list out of bounds" error if a file in the FilesList did not actually exist. Modifications for 2.11 include: 1) Fixed password encryption bug for 16 bit. 2) Fixed "invalid pointer operation" when closing application bug. 3) Fixed path device truncation bug which caused inability to modify existing archives in 16 bit. 4) Fixed inability to cancel during wilcard expansion bug. 5) Added capability to better handle corrupted timestamps. 6) Added capability to open and work with SFX files that were created with the COPY/B method (header files not adjusted). 7) Other small bug fixes. I'm still working on a bug which causes a GPF when continually unzipping the same file thousands to millions of times. This mainly affects programs like the Password Recovery Program (PRP) which uses the brute force method of searching for an archive's password. Modifications for 2.10 include: 1) Capability for 16bit VCLZip to store long file/path names when running on a 32bit OS. 2) New property (Store83Names) which allows you to force DOS 8.3 file and path names to be stored. 3) Better UNC path support. 4) Fixed a bug to allow files to be added to an empty archive. Modifications for 2.03 include: 1) Volume labels now get written correctly to spanned disk sets in Delphi 1 for all versions of Windows. 2) Delphi 1 VCLZip now correctly recognizes when it is running on Windows NT. 3) Fixed a problem with zipping files in the root directory when StorePaths = True. 4) File and Zip Comments are now read correctly from spanned/blocked zip archives. 5) Fixed a buf that was causing "Duplicate Object" errors. Modifications for 2.02 include: 1) Fix for file comments which were supposed to be fixed in version 2.01 but weren't. 2) Fix for stream zipping. Version 2.01 would not create a new archive if using a stream. (The Stream Demo now allows creating new zip files to streams too) 3) A few other minor modifications to further solidify the code. 4) A modification to the Zip Utility Demo which allows unzipping from Blocked zip files as if they were single zip files. 5) Added a read-only, published ThisVersion property which reflects the version of the VCLZip/VCLUnZip that you are currently working with. Modifications for 2.01 include: 1) Fixes for exceptions that were caused when CANCELING a zip or unzip of a spanned zip file. 2) Fix for a possible problem when zipping or unzipping a spanned zip file when one or more of the compressed files resided on more than 2 of the spanned parts. 3) Fix for file comments which were broken in version 2.00. Additional features for version 2.00 include: 1) Modify/Add internal file details (filename, pathname, timestamp, comment) for any file while zipping, in the OnStartZip event. 2) Add an Archive Comment while zipping in the OnStartZipInfo event. 3) Delphi 1 compatiblity for VCLZip. 4) Stream to Stream Zipping - Archives themselves can now be TStreams! 5) New Relative Path Information option. 6) Unzip archives that weren't zipped with the Relative Path option turned on as if they had been by determining how much path information to use with the Rootpath property. 7) Modify timestamps for files in existing archives (you could already modify filenames and pathnames for files in existing archives) 8) The OnBadPassword event now allows you to supply a new password and try the same file again when unzipping. 9) Source code has been cleaned up so that it will compile under Borland C++ Builder with no modifications. Also some bugs were fixed, most importantly: 1) An empty file, that had been compressed into an archive would cause any file added to the archive to cause the archive to approximately double in size. Any archives containing empty files are not corrupted, they are OK. This was simply a fix to the way the archive was processed. 2) After creating an SFX file, you had to close the zip file before you could modify it in any way, otherwise a stream read error was encountered. See the Help file for more information on new features. This zip file is part of a self contained installation program. Just run it and the installation program will begin. Contact for further information Thanks! Kevin Boylan
Drag and Drop Component Suite Version 4.1 Field test 5, released 16-dec-2001 ?1997-2001 Angus Johnson & Anders Melander ------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: ------------------------------------------- 1. Supported platforms 2. Installation 3. Getting started 4. Known problems 5. Support and feedback 6. Bug reports 7. Upgrades and bug fixes 8. Missing in this release 9. New in version 4.x 10. TODO 11. Licence, Copyright and Disclaimer 12. Release history ------------------------------------------- 1. Supported platforms: ------------------------------------------- This release supports Delphi 4-6 and C++ Builder 4-5. Earlier versions of Delphi and C++ Builder will not be supported. If you need Delphi 3 or C++ Builder 3 support you will have to revert to version 3.7 of the Drag and Drop Component Suite. The library has been tested on NT4 service pack 5 and Windows 2000. Windows 95, 98, ME and XP should be supported, but has not been tested. Linux and Kylix are not supported. There are *NO* plans to port the library to Kylix. The drag and drop protocols available on Linux are too much of a mess at this time. ------------------------------------------- 2. Installation: ------------------------------------------- 1) Before you do anything else, read the "Known problems" section of this document. 2) Install the source into a directory of your choice. The files are installed into three directories: DragDrop DragDrop\Components DragDrop\Demo 3) Install and compile the appropriate design time package. The design time packages are located in the Components directory. Each version of Delphi and C++ Builder has its own package; DragDropD6.dpk for Delphi 6, DragDropD5.dpk for Delphi 5, DragDropC5.bpk for C++ Builder 5, etc. 4) Add the Drag and Drop Component Suite components directory to your library path. 5) Load the demo project group: demo\dragdrop_delphi.bpg for Delphi 5 and 6 demo\dragdrop_bcb4.bpg for C++ Builder 4 demo\dragdrop_bcb5.bpg for C++ Builder 5 The project group contains all the demo applications. 6) If your version of Delphi does not support text format DFM files (e.g. Delphi 4 doesn't), you will have to use the convert.exe utility supplied with Delphi to convert all the demo form files to binary format. A batch file, convert_forms_to delphi_4_format.bat, is supplied in the demo directory which automates the conversion process. The C++ Builder demo forms are distributed in binary format. 7) If upgrading from a previous version of the Drag and Drop Component Suite, please read the document "upgrading_to_v4.txt" before you begin working on your existing projects. Note about "Property does not exist" errors: Since all demos were developed with the latest version of Delphi, most of the demo forms probably contains references to properties that doesn't exist in earlier versions of Delphi and C++ Builder. Because of this you will get fatal run-time errors (e.g. "Error reading blahblahblah: Property does not exist.") if you attemt to run the demos without fixing this problem. Luckily it is very easy to make the forms work again; Just open the forms in the IDE, then select "Ignore All" when the IDE complains that this or that property doesn't exist and finally save the forms. ------------------------------------------- 3. Getting started: ------------------------------------------- It is recommended that you start by running each of the demo applications and then look through the demo source. Each demo application is supplied with a readme.txt file which briefly describes what the demo does and what features it uses. The demos should be run in the order in which they are listed in the supplied project group. Even if you have used previous versions of the Drag and Drop Component Suite it would be a good idea to have a quick look at the demos. The library has been completely rewritten and a lot of new features has been added. ------------------------------------------- 4. Known problems: ------------------------------------------- * The Shell Extension components does not support C++ Builder 4. For some strange reason the components causes a link error. * There appear to be sporadic problems compiling with C++ Builder 5. Several user have reported that they occasionally get one or more of the following compiler errors: [C++ Error] DragDropFile.hpp(178): E2450 Undefined structure '_FILEDESCRIPTORW' [C++ Error] DropSource.hpp(135): E2076 Overloadable operator expected I have not been able to reproduce these errors, but I believe the following work around will fix the problem: In the project options of *all* projects which uses these components, add the following conditional define: NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN The define *must* be made in the project options. It is not sufficient to #define it in the source. If you manage to compile with C++ Builder (any version), I would very much like to know about it. * Delphi's and C++ Builder's HWND and THandle types are not compatible. For this reason it might be nescessary to cast C++ Builder's HWND values to Delphi's THandle type when a HWND is passed to a function. E.g.: if (DragDetectPlus(THandle(MyControl->Handle), Point(X, Y))) { ... } * Virtual File Stream formats can only be pasted from the clipboard with live data (i.e. FlushClipboard/OleFlushClipboard hasn't been called on the data source). This problem affects TFileContentsStreamOnDemandClipboardFormat and the VirtualFileStream demo. This is believed to be a bug in the Windows clipboard and a work around hasn't been found yet. * Asynchronous targets appears to be broken in the current release. * When TDropFileTarget.GetDataOnEnter is set to True, the component doesn't work with WinZip. Although the file names are received correctly by TDropFileTarget, WinZip doesn't extract the files and the files thus can't be copied/moved. This is caused by a quirk in WinZip; Apparently WinZip doesn't like IDataObject.GetData to be called before IDropTarget.Drop is called. ------------------------------------------- 5. Support and feedback: ------------------------------------------- Since these components are freeware they are also unsupported. You are welcome to ask for help via email, but I cannot guarantee that I will have time to help you or even reply to your mail. If you absolytely can't live without my help, you can alway try bribing me. You can also try asking for help in the Delphi newsgroups. Since the Drag and Drop Component Suite is in widespread use, there's a good chance another user can help you. I recommend the following newsgroups for issues regarding this library (or COM based Drag/Drop in general): borland.public.delphi.winapi borland.public.delphi.thirdparty-tools borland.public.delphi.oleautomation borland.public.cppbuilder.winapi borland.public.cppbuilder.thirdparty-tools Please choose the most appropiate newsgroup for your question. Do not cross post to them all. Before posting to the newsgroups, I suggest you try to search for an answer on the Google (DejaNews) search engine: Chances are that your question has been asked and answered before. If you have suggestions for improvements please mail them to me: Please include the words "Drag Drop" in the subject of any email regarding these components. ------------------------------------------- 6. Bug reports: ------------------------------------------- Bugs can either be reported at my home page ( or mailed directly to me: When reporting a bug, please provide the following information: * The exact version of the Drag and Drop Component Suite you are using. * The exact version of Delphi or C++ Builder you are using. * The name and exact version of your operating system (e.g. NT4 SP5). * The exact version of the Internet Explorer installed on your system. If you can provide me with a minimal application which reproduces the problem, I can almost guarantee that I will be able to fix the problem in very short time. Please supply only the source files (pas, dfm, dpr, dof, res, etc.) and mail them as a single zip file. If I need a compiled version I will ask for it. If you feel you need to send me a screen shot, please send it in GIF or PNG format. If you mail a bug report to me, please include the words "Drag Drop" in the subject of your email. ------------------------------------------- 7. Upgrades and bug fixes: ------------------------------------------- Upgrades can be downloaded from my home page: Bug fixes will also be posted to the above page. If you have registered for update notification via the installation program, you will receive email notification when a new release is available. You will not be notified of bug fixes. You can use the installation program to check for and download new releases and to check for known bugs. Note: If a new release is made available and you are not notified even though you registered for notification, you probably mistyped your email address during installation; About 10% of all registrations supply an invalid email address. ------------------------------------------- 8. Missing in this release: ------------------------------------------- * On-line help has not been updated and included in the kit due to late changes in the Delphi 6 help system and lack of time. If time permits, I will update the help and include it in a future release. ------------------------------------------- 9. New in version 4.x: ------------------------------------------- * Completely redesigned and rewritten. Previous versions of the Drag and Drop Component Suite used a very monolithic design and flat class hierachy which made it a bit cumbersome to extend the existing components or implement new ones. Version 4 is a complete rewrite and redesign, but still maintains compatibility with previous versions. The new V4 design basically separates the library into three layers: 1) Clipboard format I/O. 2) Data format conversion and storage. 3) COM Drag/Drop implementation and VCL component interface. The clipboard format layer is responsible for reading and writing data in different formats to and from an IDataObject interface. For each different clipboard format version 4 implements a specialized class which knows exactly how to interpret the clipboard format. For example the CF_TEXT (plain text) clipboard format is handled by the TTextClipboardFormat class and the CF_FILE (file names) clipboard format is handled by the TFileClipboardFormat class. The data format layer is primarily used to render the different clipboard formats to and from native Delphi data types. For example the TTextDataFormat class represents all text based clipboard formats (e.g. TTextClipboardFormat) as a string while the TFileDataFormat class represents a list of file names (e.g. TFileClipboardFormat) as a string list. The conversion between different data- and clipboard formats is handled by the same Assign/AssignTo mechanism as the VCLs TPersistent employes. This makes it possible to extend existing data formats with support for new clipboard formats without modification to the existing classes. The drag/drop component layer has several tasks; It implements the actual COM drag/drop functionality (i.e. it implements the IDropSource, IDropTarget and IDataObject interfaces (along with several other related interfaces)), it surfaces the data provided by the data format layer as component properties and it handles the interaction between the whole drag/drop framework and the users code. The suite provides a multitude of different components. Most are specialized for different drag/drop tasks (e.g. the TDropFileTarget and TDropFilesSource components for drag/drop of files), but some are either more generic, handling multiple unrelated formats, or simply helper components which are used to extend the existing components or build new ones. * Support for Delphi 6. Version 4.0 was primarily developed on Delphi 6 and then ported back to previous versions of Delphi and C++ Builder. * Support for Windows 2000 inter application drag images. On Windows platforms which supports it, drag images are now displayed when dragging between applications. Currently only Windows 2000 supports this feature. On platforms which doesn't support the feature, drag images are only displayed whithin the source application. * Support for Windows 2000 asynchronous data transfers. Asynchronous data tranfers allows the drop source and targets to perform slow transfers or to transfer large amounts of data without blocking the user interface while the data is being transfered. For platforms other than Windows 2000, the new TDropSourceThread class can be used to provide similar (but more limited) asynchronous data transfer capabilities. * Support for optimized and non-optimized move. When performing drag-move operations, it is now possible to specify if the target (optimized move) or the source (non-optimized move) is responsible for deleting the source files. * Support for delete-on-paste. When data is cut to the clipboard, it is now possible to defer the deletion of the source data until the target actually pastes the data. The source is notified by an event when the target pastes the data. * Extended clipboard support. All formats and components (both source and target) now support clipboard operations (copy/cut/paste) and the VCL clipboard object. * Support for shell drop handlers. The new TDropHandler component can be used to write drop handler shell extensions. A drop handler is a shell extension which is executed when a user drags and drops one or more files on a file associated wth your application. * Support for shell drag drop handlers. The new TDragDropHandler component can be used to write drag drop handler shell extensions. A drag drop handler is a shell extension which can extend the popup menu which is displayed when a user drag and drops files with the right mouse button. * Support for shell context menu handlers. The new TDropContextMenu component can be used to write context menu handler shell extensions. A context menu handler is a shell extension which can extend the popup menu which is displayed when a user right-clicks a file in the shell. * Drop sources can receive data from drop targets. It is now possible for drop targets to write data back to the drop source. This is used to support optimized-move, delete-on-paste and inter application drag images. * Automatic re-registration of targets when the target window handle is recreated. In previous versions, target controls would loose their ability to accept drops when their window handles were recreated by the VCL (e.g. when changing the border style or docking a form). This is no longer a problem. * Support for run-time definition of custom data formats. You can now add support for new clipboard formats without custom components. * Support for design-time extension of existing source and target components. Using the new TDataFormatAdapter component it is now possible to mix and match data formats and source and target components at design time. E.g. the TDropFileTarget component can be extended with URL support. * It is now possible to completely customize the target auto-scroll feature. Auto scroling can now be completely customized via the OnDragEnter, OnDragOver, OnGetDropEffect and OnScroll events and the public NoScrollZone and published AutoScroll properties. * Multiple target controls per drop target component. In previous versions you had to use one drop target component per target control. With version 4, each drop target component can handle any number of target controls. * It is now possible to specify the target control at design time. A published Target property has been added to the drop target components. * Includes 20 components: - TDropFileSource and TDropFileTarget Used for drag and drop of files. Supports recycle bin and PIDLs. - TDropTextSource and TDropTextTarget Used for drag and drop of text. - TDropBMPSource and TDropBMPTarget Used for drag and drop of bitmaps. - TDropPIDLSource and TDropPIDLTarget Used for drag and drop of PIDLs in native format. - TDropURLSource and TDropURLTarget Used for drag and drop of internet shortcuts. - TDropDummyTarget Used to provide drag/drop cursor feedback for controls which aren't registered as drop targets. - TDropComboTarget (new) Swiss-army-knife target. Accepts text, files, bitmaps, meta files, URLs and file contents. - TDropMetaFileTarget (new) Target which can accept meta files and enhanced meta files. - TDropImageTarget (new) Target which can accept bitmaps, DIBs, meta files and enhanced meta files. - TDragDropHandler (new) Used to implement Drag Drop Handler shell extensions. - TDropHandler (new) Used to implement Shell Drop Handler shell extensions. - TDragDropContext (new) Used to implement Shell Context Menu Handler shell extensions. - TDataFormatAdapter (new) Extends the standard source and target components with support for extra data formats. An alternative to TDropComboTarget. - TDropEmptySource and TDropEmptyTarget (new) Target and source components which doesn't support any formats, but can be extended with TDataFormatAdapter components. * Supports 27 standard clipboard formats: Text formats: - CF_TEXT (plain text) - CF_UNICODETEXT (Unicode text) - CF_OEMTEXT (Text in the OEM characterset) - CF_LOCALE (Locale specification) - 'Rich Text Format' (RTF text) - 'CSV' (Tabular spreadsheet text) File formats: - CF_HDROP (list of file names) - CF_FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR, CF_FILEGROUPDESCRIPTORW and CF_FILECONTENTS (list of files and their attributes and content). - 'Shell IDList Array' (PIDLs) - 'FileName' and 'FileNameW' (single filename, used for 16 bit compatibility). - 'FileNameMap' and 'FileNameMapW' (used to rename files, usually when dragging from the recycle bin) Image formats: - CF_BITMAP (Windows bitmap) - CF_DIB (Device Independant Bitmap) - CF_METAFILEPICT (Windows MetaFile) - CF_ENHMETAFILE (Enhanced Metafile) - CF_PALETTE (Bitmap palette) Internet formats: - 'UniformResourceLocator' and 'UniformResourceLocatorW' (Internet shortcut) - 'Netscape Bookmark' (Netscape bookmark/URL) - 'Netscape Image Format' (Netscape image/URL) - '+//ISBN 1-887687-00-9::versit::PDI//vCard' (V-Card) - 'HTML Format' (HTML text) - 'Internet Message (rfc822/rfc1522)' (E-mail message in RFC822 format) Misc. formats: - CF_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT and CF_PASTESUCCEEDED (mostly used by clipboard) - CF_PERFORMEDDROPEFFECT and CF_LOGICALPERFORMEDDROPEFFECT (mostly used for optimized-move) - 'InShellDragLoop' (used by Windows shell) - 'TargetCLSID' (Mostly used when dragging to recycle-bin) * New source events: - OnGetData: Fired when the target requests data. - OnSetData: Fired when the target writes data back to the source. - OnPaste: Fired when the target pastes data which the source has placed on the clipboard. - OnAfterDrop: Fired after the drag/drop operation has completed. * New target events: - OnScroll: Fires when the target component is about to perform auto-scroll on the target control. - OnAcceptFormat: Fires when the target component needs to determine if it will accept a given data format. Only surfaced in the TDropComboTarget component. * 8 new demo applications, 19 in total. ------------------------------------------- 10. TODO (may or may not be implemented): ------------------------------------------- * Async target demo (with and without IAsyncOperation support). * Scrap file demo. * Native Outlook message format. * Structured storage support (IStorage encapsulation). ------------------------------------------- 11. Licence, Copyright and Disclaimer: ------------------------------------------- The Drag and Drop Component Suite is Copyright ?1997-2001 Angus Johnson and Anders Melander. All rights reserved. The software is copyrighted as noted above. It may be freely copied, modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice(s) is preserved on all copies. The Drag and Drop Component Suite is freeware and we would like it to remain so. This means that it may not be bundled with commercial libraries or sold as shareware. You are welcome to use it in commercial and shareware applications providing you do not charge for the functionality provided by the Drag and Drop Component Suite. There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software, it is provided solely "as is". You are welcome to use the source to make your own modified components, and such modified components may be distributed by you or others if you include credits to the original components, and do not charge anything for your modified components. ------------------------------------------- 12. Version 4 release history: ------------------------------------------- 16-dec-2001 * Ported to C++ Builder 4. * Released for test as v4.1 FT5. 12-dec-2001 * Fixed C++ Builder name clash between TDropComboTarget.GetMetaFile and the GetMetaFile #define in wingdi.h 1-dec-2001 * The IAsyncOperation interface is now also declared as IAsyncOperation2 and all references to IAsyncOperation has been replaced with IAsyncOperation2. This was done to work around a bug in C++ Builder. Thanks to Jonathan Arnold for all his help with getting the components to work with C++ Builder. Without Jonathan's help version 4.1 would prabably have shipped witout C++ Builder support and certainly without any C++ Builder demos. * Demo applications for C++ Builder. The C++ Builder demos were contributed by Jonathan Arnold. 27-nov-2001 * TCustomDropTarget.Droptypes property renamed to DropTypes (notice the case). Thanks to Krystian Brazulewicz for spotting this. 24-nov-2001 * The GetURLFromString function in the DragDropInternet unit has been made public due to user request. 21-nov-2001 * Modified MakeHTML function to comply with Microsoft's description of the CF_HTML clipboard format. * Added MakeTextFromHTML function to convert CF_HTML data to plain HTML. Provides the reverse functionality of MakeHTML. * Added HTML support to TTextDataFormat class and TDropTextSource and TDropTextTarget components. * Fixed C++ Builder 5 problem with IAsyncOperation. * Released for test as v4.1 FT4. 10-nov-2001 * Added NetscapeDemo demo application. Demonstrates how to receive messages dropped from Netscape. This demo was sponsored by ThoughtShare Communications Inc. * Released for test as v4.1 FT3. 23-oct-2001 * Conversion priority of TURLDataFormat has been changed to give the File Group Descritor formats priority over the Internet Shortcut format. This resolves a problem where dropping an URL on the desktop would cause the desktop to assume that an Active Desktop item was to be created instead of an Internet Shortcut. Thanks to Allen Martin for reporting this problem. By luck this modification also happens to work around a bug in Mozilla and Netscape 6; Mozilla incorrectly supplies the UniformResourceLocator clipboard format in unicode format instead of ANSI format. Thanks to Florian Kusche for reporting this problem. * Added support for TFileGroupDescritorWClipboardFormat to TURLDataFormat. * Added declaration of FD_PROGRESSUI to DragDropFormats. * Added TURLWClipboardFormat which implements the "UniformResourceLocatorW" (a.k.a. CFSTR_INETURLW) clipboard format. Basically a Unicode version of CFSTR_SHELLURL/CFSTR_INETURL. The TURLWClipboardFormat class isn't used anywhere yet but will probably be supported by TURLDataFormat (and thus TDropURLTarget/TDropURLSource) in a later release. * Added experimental Shell Drag Image support. This relies on undodumented shell32.dll functions and probably won't be fully support before v4.2 (if ever). See InitShellDragImage in DropSource.pas. Thanks to Jim Kueneman for bringning these functions to my attention. 13-oct-2001 * TCustomDropSource.Destroy and TCustomDropMultiSource.Destroy changed to call FlushClipboard instead of EmptyClipboard. This means that clipboard contents will be preserved when the source application/component is terminated. * Added clipboard support to VirtualFileStream demo. * Modified VirtualFileStream demo to work around clipboard quirk with IStream medium. * Modified TCustomSimpleClipboardFormat to disable TYMED_ISTORAGE support by default. At present TYMED_ISTORAGE is only supported for drop targets and enabling it by default in TCustomSimpleClipboardFormat.Create caused a lot of clipboard operations (e.g. copy/paste of text) to fail. Thanks to Michael J Marshall for bringing this problem to my attention. * Modified TCustomSimpleClipboardFormat to read from the the TYMED_ISTREAM medium in small (1Mb) chunks and via a global memory buffer. This has resultet in a huge performance gain (several orders of magnitude) when transferring large amounts of data via the TYMED_ISTREAM medium. 3-oct-2001 * Fixed bug in TCustomDropSource.SetImageIndex. Thanks to Maxim Abramovich for spotting this. * Added missing default property values to TCustomDropSource. Thanks to Maxim Abramovich for spotting this. * DragDrop.pas and DragDropContext.pas updated for Delphi 4. * Reimplemented utility to convert DFM form files from Delphi 5/6 test format to Delphi 4/5 binary format. * Improved unregistration of Shell Extensions. Shell extension now completely (and safely) remove their registry entries when unregistered. * Deprecated support for C++ Builder 3. * Released for test as v4.1 FT2. 25-sep-2001 * Rewritten ContextMenuHandlerShellExt demo. The demo is now actually a quite useful utility which can be used to register and unregister ActiveX controls, COM servers and type libraries. It includes the same functionality as Borland's TRegSvr utility. 20-sep-2001 * Added support for cascading menus, ownerdraw and menu bitmaps to TDropContextMenu component. * Modified TFileContentsStreamOnDemandClipboardFormat to handle invalid parameter value (FormatEtcIn.lindex) when data is copied to clipboard. This works around an apparent bug in the Windows clipboard. Thanks to Steve Moss for reporting this problem. * Modified TEnumFormatEtc class to not enumerate empty clipboard formats. Thanks to Steve Moss for this improvement. 1-sep-2001 * Introduced TCustomDropTarget.AutoRegister property. The AutoRegister property is used to control if drop target controls should be automatically unregistered and reregistered when their window handle is recreated by the VCL. If AutoRegister is True, which is the default, then automatic reregistration will be performed. This property was introduced because the hidden child control, which is used to monitor the drop target control's window handle, can have unwanted side effects on the drop target control (e.g. TToolBar). * Deprecated support for Delphi 3. 22-jun-2001 * Redesigned TTextDataFormat to handle RTF, Unicode, CSV and OEM text without conversion. Moved TTextDataFormat class to DragDropText unit. Added support for TLocaleClipboardFormat. * Surfaced new text formats as properties in TDropTextSource and TDropTextTarget. Previous versions of the Text source and target components represented all supported text formats via the Text property. In order to enable users to handle the different text formats independantly, the text source and target components now has individual properties for ANSI, OEM, Unicode and RTF text formats. The text target component can automatically synthesize some of the formats from the others (e.g. OEM text from ANSI text), but applications which previously relied on all formats being represented by the Text property will have to be modified to handle the new properties. * Added work around for problem where TToolBar as a drop target would display the invisible target proxy window. * Fixed wide string bug in WriteFilesToZeroList. Thanks to Werner Lehmann for spotting this. 15-jun-2001 * Added work-around for Outlook Express IDataObject.QueryGetData quirk. 3-jun-2001 * Ported to C++ Builder 4 and 5. * Added missing DragDropDesign.pas unit to design time packages. * First attempt at C++ Builder 3 port.... failed. * Improved handling of oversized File Group Descriptor data. * Added support for IStorage medium to TFileContentsStreamClipboardFormat. This allows the TDropComboTarget component to accept messages dropped from Microsoft Outlook. This work was sponsored by ThoughtShare Communications Inc. 23-may-2001 * Ported to Delphi 4. * First attempt at C++ Builder 5 port.... failed. 18-may-2001 * Released as version 4.0. Note: Version 4.0 was released exclusively on the Delphi 6 Companion CD. * ContextMenuDemo and DropHandlerDemo application has been partially rewritten and renamed. ContextMenuDemo is now named ContextMenuHandlerShellExt. DropHandlerDemo is now named DropHandlerShellExt. * TDropContextMenu component has been rewitten. The TDropContextMenu now implements a context menu handler shell extension. In previous releases it implemented a drag drop handler shell extension. * The DragDropHandler.pas unit which implements the TDropHandler component has been renamed to DropHandler.pas. * Added new TDragDropHandler component. The new component, which lives in the DragDropHandler unit, is used to implement drag drop handler shell extensions. * Added DragDropHandlerShellExt demo application. * Removed misc incomplete demos from kit. * Fixed minor problem in VirtualFileStream demo which caused drops from the VirtualFile demo not to transfer content correctly. 11-may-2001 * Converted all demo forms to text DFM format. This has been nescessary to maintain compatibility between all supported versions of Delphi. * Fixed a bug in GetPIDLsFromFilenames which caused drag-link of files (dtLink with TDropFileSource) not to work. * Added readme.txt files to some demo applications. * Added missing tlb and C++ Builder files to install kit. * Released as FT4. 6-may-2001 * Added missing dfm files to install kit. * Tested with Delphi 5. Fixed Delphi 5 compatibility error in main.dfm of DragDropDemo. * Removed misc compiler warnings. * The AsyncTransferTarget and OleObjectDemo demos were incomplete and has been removed from the kit for the V4.0 release. The demos will be included in a future release. * Released as FT3. 3-may-2001 * Added missing dpr and bpg files to install kit. * Updated readme.txt with regard to lack of C++ Builder demos. * Released as FT2. 29-apr-2001 * Cleaned up for release. * Released as FT1. 23-feb-2001 * Modified TCustomDropTarget.FindTarget to handle overlapping targets (e.g. different targets at the same position but on different pages of a page control or notebook). Thanks to Roger Moe for spotting this problem. 13-feb-2001 * Renamed AsyncTransfer2 demo to AsyncTransferSource. * Added AsyncTransferTarget demo. * Replaced TChart in AsyncTransfer2 demo with homegrown pie-chart-thing. * Modified all IStream based target formats to support incremental transfer. * URW533 problem has finally been fixed. The cause of the problem, which is a bug in Delphi, was found by Stefan Hoffmeister. * Fixed free notification for TDropContextmenu and TDataFormatAdapter. 27-dec-2000 * Moved TVirtualFileStreamDataFormat and TFileContentsStreamOnDemandClipboardFormat classes from VirtualFileStream demo to DragDropFormats unit. * Added TClipboardFormat.DataFormat and TClipboardFormats.DataFormat property. * Added TDropEmptySource and TDropEmptyTarget components. These are basically do-nothing components for use with TDataFormatAdapter. * Rewritten AsyncTransfer2 demo. The demo now uses TDropEmptySource, TDataFormatAdapter and TVirtualFileStreamDataFormat to transfer 10Mb of data with progress feedback. * Rewritten VirtualFileStream demo. The demo now uses TDropEmptySource, TDropEmptyTarget, TDataFormatAdapter and TVirtualFileStreamDataFormat. * Fixed memory leak in TVirtualFileStreamDataFormat. This leak only affected the old VirtualFileStream demo. * Added support for full File Descriptor attribute set to TVirtualFileStreamDataFormat. It is now possible to specify file attributes such as file size and last modified time in addition to the filename. I plan to add similar features to the other classes which uses FileDescriptors (e.g. TDropFileSource and TDropFileTarget). 21-dec-2000 * Ported to Delphi 4. * Added workaround for design bug in either Explorer or the clipboard. Explorer and the clipboard's requirements to the cursor position of an IStream object are incompatible. Explorer requires the cursor to be at the beginning of stream and the clipboard requires the cursor to be at the end of stream. 15-dec-2000 * Fixed URW533 problem. I'll leave the description of the workaround in here for now in case the problem resurfaces. 11-dec-2000 * Fixed bug in filename to PIDL conversion (GetPIDLsFromFilenames) which affected TDropFileTarget. Thanks to Poul Halgaard J鴕gensen for reporting this. 4-dec-2000 * Added THTMLDataFormat. * Fixed a a few small bugs which affected clipboard operations. * Added {$ALIGN ON} to Apparently COM drag/drop requires some structures to be word alligned. This change fixes problems where some of the demos would suddenly stop working. * The URW533 problem has resurfaced. See the "Known problems" section below. 13-nov-2000 * TCopyPasteDataFormat has been renamed to TFeedbackDataFormat. * Added support for the Windows 2000 "TargetCLSID" format with the TTargetCLSIDClipboardFormat class and the TCustomDropSource.TargetCLSID property. * Added support for the "Logical Performed DropEffect" format with the TLogicalPerformedDropEffectClipboardFormat class. The class is used internally by TCustomDropSource. 30-oct-2000 * Added ContextMenu demo and TDropContextMenu component. Demonstrates how to customize the context menu which is displayed when a file is dragged with the right mouse button and dropped in the shell. * Added TCustomDataFormat.GetData. With the introduction of the GetData method, Data Format classes can now be used stand-alone to extract data from an IDataObject. 20-oct-2000 * Added VirtualFileStream demo. Demonstrates how to use the "File Contents" and "File Group Descritor" clipboard formats to drag and drop virtual files (files which doesn't exist physically) and transfer the data on-demand via a stream. 14-oct-2000 * Added special drop target registration of TCustomRichEdit controls. TCustomRichEdit needs special attention because it implements its own drop target handling which prevents it to work with these components. TCustomDropTarget now disables a rich edit control's built in drag/drop handling when the control is registered as a drop target. * Added work around for Windows bug where IDropTarget.DragOver is called regardless that the drop has been rejected in IDropTarget.DragEnter. 12-oct-2000 * Fixed bug that caused docking to interfere with drop targets. Thanks to G. Bradley MacDonald for bringing the problem to my attention. 30-sep-2000 * The DataFormats property has been made public in the TCustomDropMultiTarget class. * Added VirtualFile demo. Demonstrates how to use the TFileContentsClipboardFormat and TFileGroupDescritorClipboardFormat formats to drag and drop a virtual file (a file which doesn't exist physically). 28-sep-2000 * Improved drop source detection of optimized move. When an optimized move is performed by a drop target, the drop source's Execute method will now return drDropMove. Previously drCancel was returned. The OnAfterDrop event must still be used to determine if a move operation were optimized or not. * Modified TCustomDropTarget.GetPreferredDropEffect to get data from the current IDataObject instead of from the VCL global clipboard. 18-sep-2000 * Fixed bug in DropComboTarget caused by the 17-sep-2000 TStreams modification. 17-sep-2000 * Added AsyncTransfer2 demo to demonstrate use of TDropSourceThread. * Renamed TStreams class to TStreamList. 29-aug-2000 * Added TDropSourceThread. TDropSourceThread is an alternative to Windows 2000 asynchronous data transfers but also works on other platforms than Windows 2000. TDropSourceThread is based on code contributed by E. J. Molendijk. 24-aug-2000 * Added support for Windows 2000 asynchronous data transfers. Added IAsyncOperation implementation to TCustomDropSource. Added TCustomDropSource.AllowAsyncTransfer and AsyncTransfer properties. 5-aug-2000 * Added work around for URW533 compiler bug. * Fixed D4 and D5 packages and updated a few demos. Obsolete DropMultiTarget were still referenced a few places. * Documented work around for C++ Builder 5 compiler error. See the Known Problems section later in this document for more information. 2-aug-2000 * The package files provided in the kit is now design-time only packages. In previous versions, the packages could be used both at design- and run-time. The change was nescessary because the package now contains design-time code. * Added possible work around for suspected C++ Builder bug. The bug manifests itself as a "Overloadable operator expected" compile time error. See the "Known problems" section of this document. * Rewrote CustomFormat1 demo. * Added CustomFormat2 demo. * TDataDirection members has been renamed from ddGet and ddSet to ddRead and ddWrite. * All File Group Descritor and File Contents clipboard formats has been moved from the DragDropFile unit to the DragDropFormats unit. * File Contents support has been added to TTextDataFormat. The support is currently only enabled for drop sources. * Renamed TDropMultiTarget component to TDropComboTarget. Note: This will break applications which uses the TDropMultiTarget component. You can use the following technique to port application from previous releases: 1) Install the new components. 2) Repeat step 3-8 for all units which uses the TDropMultiTarget component. 3) Make a backup of the unit (both pas and dfm file) just in case... 4) Open the unit in the IDE. 5) In the .pas file, replace all occurances of "TDropMultiTarget" with "TDropComboTarget". 6) View the form as text. 7) Replace all occurances of "TDropMultiTarget" with "TDropComboTarget". 8) Save the unit. * Renamed a lot of demo files and directories. * Added work around for yet another bug in TStreamAdapter. * Added TCustomStringClipboardFormat as new base class for TCustomTextClipboardFormat. This changes the class hierachy a bit for classes which previously descended from TCustomTextClipboardFormat: All formats which needs zero termination now descend from TCustomTextClipboardFormat and the rest descend from TCustomStringClipboardFormat. Added TrimZeroes property. Fixed zero termination bug in TCustomTextClipboardFormat and generally improved handling of zero terminated strings. Disabled zero trim in TCustomStringClipboardFormat and enabled it in TCustomTextClipboardFormat. 23-jul-2000 * Improved handling of long file names in DropHandler demo. Added work around for ParamStr bug. * Added TDataFormatAdapter component and adapter demo. TDataFormatAdapter is used to extend the existing source and target components with additional data format support without modifying them. It can be considered an dynamic alternative to the current TDropMultiTarget component. 17-jul-2000 * TDropHandler component and DropHandler demo fully functional. 14-jul-2000 * Tested with C++ Builder 5. * Fixed sporadic integer overflow bug in DragDetectPlus function. * Added shell drop handler support with TDropHandler component. This is a work in progress and is not yet functional. 1-jul-2000 * Tested with Delphi 4. * Support for Windows 2000 inter application drag images. * TRawClipboardFormat and TRawDataFormat classes for support of arbitrary unknown clipboard formats. The classes are used internally in the TCustomDropSource.SetData method to support W2K drag images.



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