silverlight 中Out of Browser 是什么东西呀

haixinl2012 2013-03-01 11:26:31
silverlight 中Out of Browser 是什么东西呀,这个需要安装吗?为甚么我的silverlight中没有呀
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jv9 2013-03-03
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什么是Silverlight的Out-of-Browser应用? Silverlight Out-of-Browser应用,从字面理解是Silverlight脱离浏览器的应用,也可以理解为Silverlight离线应用,简称为OOB。微软给出的解释是OOB应用是可以安装到本地的运行在浏览器之外的应用,简单的理解,Silverlight OOB应用就是一个不需要存取HTML DOM,并且完全脱离浏览器,具有独立窗口的Web应用。微软在Silverlight 3已经发布该功能,由于当时Silverlight 3的种种限制,Silverlight的OOB应用基本没有过多的发展,但是这个新特性给当时的开发人员留下了深刻的印象,微软在随后的Silverlight 4版本中,对OOB功能进行的强化,例如OOB的权限信任支持,自定义窗口设计支持,消息通告API支持等。这些功能,不仅增强了Silverlight跨平台应用功能支持,而且还加大了用户对Silverlight离线应用的体验。 Silverlight 4 Out-of-Browser实例系列
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Professional Silverlight 4 By Jason Beres, Bill Evjen, Devin Rader Publisher: John Wiley 2010 | 840 Pages | ISBN: 0470650923 | PDF | 17 MB Everything .NET developers need to take advantage of Silverlight 4 Silverlight 4 is a major new release of Microsoft′s flagship product for building rich, interactive applications that combine animation, graphics, audio, and video. This book, by seasoned Wrox authors and Silverlight experts, gives professional Web developers all the tools necessary to build RIAs using the new Silverlight capabilities. You will gain a complete, thorough understanding of both core and advanced platform concepts, with examples in both C# and VB.NET. Professional Silverlight 4 prepares Web developers to take full advantage of the newest release of the most popular platform for developing rich interactive applications. Coverage Includes: * Introduction to Silverlight * Building Applications with Visual Studio * Building Applications with Expression Blend 4 * Working with the Navigation Framework * Controlling Layout with Panels * Working with Visual Controls * Accessing Data * WCF RIA Services * Out–of–Browser Experiences * Networking Applications * Building Line of Business Applications * Application Architecture * DOM Interaction * Securing Your Applications * Accessing Audio and Video Devices * Working with File I/O * Using Graphics and Visuals * Working with Animations in Silverlight * Working with Text * Making It Richer with Media * Styling and Themes
Book Description Silverlight 4 has the potential to revolutionize the way we build business applications. With its flexibility, web deployment, cross-platform capabilities, rich .NET language support on the client, rich user interface control set, small runtime, and more, it comes close to the perfect platform in which to build business applications. It’s a very powerful technology, and despite its relative youth, it’s moving forward at a rapid pace and is gaining widespread adoption. This book will guide you through the process of designing and developing enterprise-strength business applications in Silverlight 4 and C#. You will learn how to take advantage of the power of Silverlight to develop rich and robust business applications, from getting started to deployment, and everything in between. In particular, this book will serve developers who want to learn how to design business applications, and tackle the issues that you’ll face, and how to resolve them. Chris Anderson demonstrates his experience through a candid presentation of how to approach real-life implementation decisions. With this book in hand, you will Create a fully functional business application in Silverlight Discover how to satisfy all of the common requirements that most business applications share What you’ll learn How to structure your project to ensure a robust and maintainable application How to create user interfaces with XAML and bind controls to data How to communicate securely between the server and the client How to view and maintain data within a Silverlight user interface How to implement standard business application paradigms in Silverlight Who is this book for? This book is for developers experienced in other .NET technologies, such as WinForms or ASP.NET, looking to translate their existing skills to developing business applications with Silverlight. Table of Contents 1.Introduction 2.Getting Started with Sliverlight 3.An Introduction to XAML 4.The Navigation Framework 5.Exposing Data From The Server 6.Implementing Summary Lists 7.Building Data Entry Forms 8.Securing Your Application 9.Styling Your Application 10.Advanced XAML and Data Binding 11.Creating Custom Controls 12.The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Design Pattern 13.Reporting and Printing 14.Out of Browser Mode, and Interacting with the Operating System 15.Application Deployment



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