使用xbdCreatePartition 初始化硬盘的问题

jackydi 2014-08-11 04:03:08
500G的ATA硬盘,通过PCIe挂载到p2020子卡,系统是vxworks 6.9。

-> devs
drv name
0 /null
1 /tyCo/0
1 /tyCo/1
8 host:
3 /sd0:1
4 /sd0:2
4 /ata0:0
9 /vio
3 RAM:
5 stdio_pty_0x8ff0410.S
6 stdio_pty_0x8ff0410.M
value = 26 = 0x1a
-> xbdCreatePartition "/ata0:0",4,25,25,25
Instantiating /ata0 as rawFs, device = 0x40001
Instantiating /ata0:4 as rawFs, device = 0x90001
value = 0 = 0x0
-> devs
drv name
0 /null
1 /tyCo/0
1 /tyCo/1
8 host:
3 /sd0:1
4 /sd0:2
9 /vio
3 RAM:
5 stdio_pty_0x8ff0410.S
6 stdio_pty_0x8ff0410.M
4 /ata0:4
value = 25 = 0x19
-> /* 这里的问题,为什么只有一个/ata0:4,难道是之前分过区,并且分区错误的原因吗? */
-> dosFsVolFormat "/ata0:4",0
Formatting /ata0:4 for DOSFS
Instantiating /ata0:4 as rawFs, device = 0x60001
Formatting...Retrieved old volume params with %48 confidence:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 0
0 FAT copies, 0 clusters, 0 sectors per FAT
Sectors reserved 0, hidden 0, FAT sectors 0
Root dir entries 32, sysId (null) , serial number a900000
Label:" " ...
Disk with 244192725 sectors of 512 bytes will be formatted with:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 64
2 FAT copies, 3814579 clusters, 29809 sectors per FAT
Sectors reserved 32, hidden 0, FAT sectors 59618
Root dir entries 0, sysId VX5DOS32, serial number a900000
Label:" " ...
value = 0 = 0x0
-> copy "/sd0:1/vxworks","/ata0:4/vx"
copy: error writing file. errno 0x 38001d
value = -1 = 0xffffffff



-> devs
drv name
0 /null
1 /tyCo/0
1 /tyCo/1
8 host:
9 /vio
3 /sd0:1
4 /sd0:2
3 RAM:
4 /ata0:0
5 stdio_pty_0x1030b4f0.S
6 stdio_pty_0x1030b4f0.M
value = 27 = 0x1b
-> xbdCreatePartition "/ata:0",1,0,0,0
value = -1 = 0xffffffff
-> xbdCreatePartition "/ata0:0",1,0,0,0
Instantiating /ata0 as rawFs, device = 0x60001
value = 0 = 0x0
-> dosFsVolFormat "/ata0:1",0x20,0
Formatting /ata0:1 for DOSFS
Instantiating /ata0:1 as rawFs, device = 0x90001
Formatting...Retrieved old volume params with %95 confidence:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 64
2 FAT copies, 0 clusters, 53699 sectors per FAT
Sectors reserved 32, hidden 536870975, FAT sectors 107398
Root dir entries 32, sysId (null) , serial number 3ba90000
Label:" " ...
Disk with 439902194 sectors of 512 bytes will be formatted with:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 64
2 FAT copies, 6871793 clusters, 53699 sectors per FAT
Sectors reserved 32, hidden 536870975, FAT sectors 107398
Root dir entries 0, sysId VX5DOS32, serial number 3ba90000
Label:" " ...
value = 0 = 0x0
-> dosFsShow "/ata0:1"

volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0xf104280
XBD device block I/O handle: 0x90001
auto disk check on mount: NOT ENABLED
volume write mode: copyback (DOS_WRITE)
volume options:
max # of simultaneously open files: 26
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0

current volume configuration:
- volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 3ba90000
- total number of sectors: 439,902,194
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 64
- # of reserved sectors: 32
- FAT entry size: FAT32
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 53,699
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 63
- first cluster is in sector # 107,430
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- file name format: 8-bit (extended-ASCII)
- root dir start cluster: 2

FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 688 clusters
- free space on volume: 112,587,440,102 bytes
value = 0 = 0x0

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