
sinat_36023721 2016-09-21 12:47:58
int u2g(char *inbuf,int inlen,char *outbuf,int outlen)
return code_convert("utf-8","gb2312",inbuf,inlen,outbuf,outlen);
int g2u(char *inbuf,size_t inlen,char *outbuf,size_t outlen)
return code_convert("gb2312","utf-8",inbuf,inlen,outbuf,outlen);
例如英文字符w ,gbk编码是单字节,unicode编码是两个字节,低位为0x00,转换完后w后面的其他字符都没了....
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fefe82 2016-09-21
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引用 9 楼 fefe82 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 sinat_36023721 的回复:] [quote=引用 6 楼 fefe82 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 sinat_36023721 的回复:] [quote=引用 4楼fefe82 的回复:]utf8 没有 0x00 。'w' 也是一个字节。 你会不会是 utf-16 utf-16 的话,不要用 strlen 取长度
是utf16.那该怎么取长度,我打印了看的,如果是“我的w我的”,gbk长度是9即inlen为9,转换成unicode后长度变成了7……[/quote] iconv 不是有一个 outlen 的输出嘛 ..[/quote] 我的意思是我转换完的文本再用strlen测长度只有7。。。。用printf按%c打印,00的后面也没有内容。[/quote] utf16 的不能用 strlen 。strlen 只适用于“已零为结束的字符串”。utf16 编码串不是。%s 同理。 这里只能自己写一个长度检测的函数。 打印的话,还得转回 gbk 或 utf8 。[/quote] C11 现在有 char16_t 用于存储 utf16 的字符(串),但是貌似还没有相应的 strlen ,printf 也不接受。
fefe82 2016-09-21
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引用 8 楼 sinat_36023721 的回复:
[quote=引用 6 楼 fefe82 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 sinat_36023721 的回复:] [quote=引用 4楼fefe82 的回复:]utf8 没有 0x00 。'w' 也是一个字节。 你会不会是 utf-16 utf-16 的话,不要用 strlen 取长度
是utf16.那该怎么取长度,我打印了看的,如果是“我的w我的”,gbk长度是9即inlen为9,转换成unicode后长度变成了7……[/quote] iconv 不是有一个 outlen 的输出嘛 ..[/quote] 我的意思是我转换完的文本再用strlen测长度只有7。。。。用printf按%c打印,00的后面也没有内容。[/quote] utf16 的不能用 strlen 。strlen 只适用于“已零为结束的字符串”。utf16 编码串不是。%s 同理。 这里只能自己写一个长度检测的函数。 打印的话,还得转回 gbk 或 utf8 。
sinat_36023721 2016-09-21
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引用 6 楼 fefe82 的回复:
[quote=引用 5 楼 sinat_36023721 的回复:] [quote=引用 4楼fefe82 的回复:]utf8 没有 0x00 。'w' 也是一个字节。 你会不会是 utf-16 utf-16 的话,不要用 strlen 取长度
是utf16.那该怎么取长度,我打印了看的,如果是“我的w我的”,gbk长度是9即inlen为9,转换成unicode后长度变成了7……[/quote] iconv 不是有一个 outlen 的输出嘛 ..[/quote] 我的意思是我转换完的文本再用strlen测长度只有7。。。。用printf按%c打印,00的后面也没有内容。
sinat_36023721 2016-09-21
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引用 6楼fefe82 的回复:
[quote=引用 5 楼 sinat_36023721 的回复:] [quote=引用 4楼fefe82 的回复:]utf8 没有 0x00 。'w' 也是一个字节。 你会不会是 utf-16 utf-16 的话,不要用 strlen 取长度
是utf16.那该怎么取长度,我打印了看的,如果是“我的w我的”,gbk长度是9即inlen为9,转换成unicode后长度变成了7……[/quote] iconv 不是有一个 outlen 的输出嘛 ..[/quote]outlen我是直接定长145
fefe82 2016-09-21
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引用 5 楼 sinat_36023721 的回复:
[quote=引用 4楼fefe82 的回复:]utf8 没有 0x00 。'w' 也是一个字节。 你会不会是 utf-16 utf-16 的话,不要用 strlen 取长度
是utf16.那该怎么取长度,我打印了看的,如果是“我的w我的”,gbk长度是9即inlen为9,转换成unicode后长度变成了7……[/quote] iconv 不是有一个 outlen 的输出嘛 ..
sinat_36023721 2016-09-21
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引用 4楼fefe82 的回复:
utf8 没有 0x00 。'w' 也是一个字节。 你会不会是 utf-16 utf-16 的话,不要用 strlen 取长度
fefe82 2016-09-21
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utf8 没有 0x00 。'w' 也是一个字节。 你会不会是 utf-16 utf-16 的话,不要用 strlen 取长度
slmax1 2016-09-21
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outbuf 的空间要先申请好.
slmax1 2016-09-21
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slmax1 2016-09-21
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outlen的长度一般要是inlen长度的3倍. size_t outLen = inLen * 3 + 1; 我是这样处理的.
赵4老师 2016-09-21
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(1) iconv_t iconv_open(const char *tocode, const char *fromcode);
(2) size_t iconv(iconv_t cd,char **inbuf,size_t *inbytesleft,char **outbuf,size_t *outbytesleft);
(3) int iconv_close(iconv_t cd);

//例子1: 用C语言实现的转换示例程序

/* f.c : 代码转换示例C程序 */
#include <iconv.h>
#define OUTLEN 255
char *in_utf8 = "姝e?ㄥ??瑁?";
char *in_gb2312 = "正在安装";
char out[OUTLEN];

rc = u2g(in_utf8,strlen(in_utf8),out,OUTLEN);
printf("unicode-->gb2312 out=%sn",out);

rc = g2u(in_gb2312,strlen(in_gb2312),out,OUTLEN);
printf("gb2312-->unicode out=%sn",out);
int code_convert(char *from_charset,char *to_charset,char *inbuf,int inlen,char *outbuf,int outlen)
iconv_t cd;
int rc;
char **pin = &inbuf;
char **pout = &outbuf;

cd = iconv_open(to_charset,from_charset);
if (cd==0) return -1;
if (iconv(cd,pin,&inlen,pout,&outlen)==-1) return -1;
return 0;
int u2g(char *inbuf,int inlen,char *outbuf,int outlen)
return code_convert("utf-8","gb2312",inbuf,inlen,outbuf,outlen);
int g2u(char *inbuf,size_t inlen,char *outbuf,size_t outlen)
return code_convert("gb2312","utf-8",inbuf,inlen,outbuf,outlen);

//例子2: 用C++语言实现的转换示例程序

/* f.cpp : 代码转换示例C++程序 */
#include <iconv.h>
#include <iostream>

#define OUTLEN 255

using namespace std;

// 代码转换操作类

class CodeConverter {

iconv_t cd;

// 构造
CodeConverter(const char *from_charset,const char *to_charset) {
cd = iconv_open(to_charset,from_charset);

// 析构
~CodeConverter() {

// 转换输出
int convert(char *inbuf,int inlen,char *outbuf,int outlen) {
char **pin = &inbuf;
char **pout = &outbuf;

return iconv(cd,pin,(size_t *)&inlen,pout,(size_t *)&outlen);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
char *in_utf8 = "姝e?ㄥ??瑁?";
char *in_gb2312 = "正在安装";
char out[OUTLEN];

// utf-8-->gb2312
CodeConverter cc = CodeConverter("utf-8","gb2312");
cout << "utf-8-->gb2312 in=" << in_utf8 << ",out=" << out << endl;

// gb2312-->utf-8
CodeConverter cc2 = CodeConverter("gb2312","utf-8");
cout << "gb2312-->utf-8 in=" << in_gb2312 << ",out=" << out << endl;



用法: iconv [选项...] [文件...]


-f, --from-code=名称 原始文本编码
-t, --to-code=名称 输出编码

-l, --list 列举所有已知的字符集

-c 从输出中忽略无效的字符
-o, --output=FILE 输出文件
-s, --silent 关闭警告
--verbose 打印进度信息

-?, --help 给出该系统求助列表
--usage 给出简要的用法信息
-V, --version 打印程序版本号

iconv -f utf-8 -t gb2312 aaa.txt >bbb.txt

小结: Linux为我们提供了强大的编码转换工具,给我们带来了方便。

赵4老师 2016-09-21
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strlen, wcslen, _mbslen, _mbstrlen Get the length of a string. size_t strlen( const char *string ); size_t wcslen( const wchar_t *string ); size_t _mbslen( const unsigned char *string ); size_t _mbstrlen( const char *string ); Routine Required Header Compatibility strlen <string.h> ANSI, Win 95, Win NT wcslen <string.h> or <wchar.h> ANSI, Win 95, Win NT _mbslen <mbstring.h> Win 95, Win NT _mbstrlen <stdlib.h> Win 95, Win NT For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction. Libraries LIBC.LIB Single thread static library, retail version LIBCMT.LIB Multithread static library, retail version MSVCRT.LIB Import library for MSVCRT.DLL, retail version Return Value Each of these functions returns the number of characters in string, excluding the terminal NULL. No return value is reserved to indicate an error. Parameter string Null-terminated string Remarks Each of these functions returns the number of characters in string, not including the terminating null character. wcslen is a wide-character version of strlen; the argument of wcslen is a wide-character string. wcslen and strlen behave identically otherwise. Generic-Text Routine Mappings TCHAR.H Routine _UNICODE & _MBCS Not Defined _MBCS Defined _UNICODE Defined _tcslen strlen strlen wcslen _tcsclen strlen _mbslen wcslen _mbslen and _mbstrlen return the number of multibyte characters in a multibyte-character string. _mbslen recognizes multibyte-character sequences according to the multibyte code page currently in use; it does not test for multibyte-character validity. _mbstrlen tests for multibyte-character validity and recognizes multibyte-character sequences according to the LC_CTYPE category setting of the current locale. For more information about the LC_CTYPE category, see setlocale. Example /* STRLEN.C */ #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <dos.h> void main( void ) { char buffer[61] = "How long am I?"; int len; len = strlen( buffer ); printf( "'%s' is %d characters long\n", buffer, len ); } Output 'How long am I?' is 14 characters long String Manipulation Routines | Locale Routines See Also setlocale, strcat, strcmp, strcoll Functions, strcpy, strrchr, _strset, strspn printf, wprintf Print formatted output to the standard output stream. int printf( const char *format [, argument]... ); int wprintf( const wchar_t *format [, argument]... ); Routine Required Header Compatibility printf <stdio.h> ANSI, Win 95, Win NT wprintf <stdio.h> or <wchar.h> ANSI, Win 95, Win NT For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction. Libraries LIBC.LIB Single thread static library, retail version LIBCMT.LIB Multithread static library, retail version MSVCRT.LIB Import library for MSVCRT.DLL, retail version Return Value Each of these functions returns the number of characters printed, or a negative value if an error occurs. Parameters format Format control argument Optional arguments Remarks The printf function formats and prints a series of characters and values to the standard output stream, stdout. If arguments follow the format string, the format string must contain specifications that determine the output format for the arguments. printf and fprintf behave identically except that printf writes output to stdout rather than to a destination of type FILE. wprintf is a wide-character version of printf; format is a wide-character string. wprintf and printf behave identically otherwise. Generic-Text Routine Mappings TCHAR.H Routine _UNICODE & _MBCS Not Defined _MBCS Defined _UNICODE Defined _tprintf printf printf wprintf The format argument consists of ordinary characters, escape sequences, and (if arguments follow format) format specifications. The ordinary characters and escape sequences are copied to stdout in order of their appearance. For example, the line printf("Line one\n\t\tLine two\n"); produces the output Line one Line two Format specifications always begin with a percent sign (%) and are read left to right. When printf encounters the first format specification (if any), it converts the value of the first argument after format and outputs it accordingly. The second format specification causes the second argument to be converted and output, and so on. If there are more arguments than there are format specifications, the extra arguments are ignored. The results are undefined if there are not enough arguments for all the format specifications. Example /* PRINTF.C: This program uses the printf and wprintf functions * to produce formatted output. */ #include <stdio.h> void main( void ) { char ch = 'h', *string = "computer"; int count = -9234; double fp = 251.7366; wchar_t wch = L'w', *wstring = L"Unicode"; /* Display integers. */ printf( "Integer formats:\n" "\tDecimal: %d Justified: %.6d Unsigned: %u\n", count, count, count, count ); printf( "Decimal %d as:\n\tHex: %Xh C hex: 0x%x Octal: %o\n", count, count, count, count ); /* Display in different radixes. */ printf( "Digits 10 equal:\n\tHex: %i Octal: %i Decimal: %i\n", 0x10, 010, 10 ); /* Display characters. */ printf("Characters in field (1):\n%10c%5hc%5C%5lc\n", ch, ch, wch, wch); wprintf(L"Characters in field (2):\n%10C%5hc%5c%5lc\n", ch, ch, wch, wch); /* Display strings. */ printf("Strings in field (1):\n%25s\n%25.4hs\n\t%S%25.3ls\n", string, string, wstring, wstring); wprintf(L"Strings in field (2):\n%25S\n%25.4hs\n\t%s%25.3ls\n", string, string, wstring, wstring); /* Display real numbers. */ printf( "Real numbers:\n\t%f %.2f %e %E\n", fp, fp, fp, fp ); /* Display pointer. */ printf( "\nAddress as:\t%p\n", &count); /* Count characters printed. */ printf( "\nDisplay to here:\n" ); printf( "1234567890123456%n78901234567890\n", &count ); printf( "\tNumber displayed: %d\n\n", count ); } Output Integer formats: Decimal: -9234 Justified: -009234 Unsigned: 4294958062 Decimal -9234 as: Hex: FFFFDBEEh C hex: 0xffffdbee Octal: 37777755756 Digits 10 equal: Hex: 16 Octal: 8 Decimal: 10 Characters in field (1): h h w w Characters in field (2): h h w w Strings in field (1): computer comp Unicode Uni Strings in field (2): computer comp Unicode Uni Real numbers: 251.736600 251.74 2.517366e+002 2.517366E+002 Address as: 0012FFAC Display to here: 123456789012345678901234567890 Number displayed: 16 Floating-Point Support Routines | Stream I/O Routines | Locale Routines See Also fopen, fprintf, scanf, sprintf, vprintf Functions



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