richard is great

linux1028 2003-08-19 12:35:41
我们大家都应该为free soft贡献住自己的光和热
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klbt 2003-08-31
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Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software(以下简称《设计模式》),一书由Erich Gamma、Richard Helm、Ralph Johnson和John Vlissides合著(Addison-Wesley,1995)。这四位作者常被称为“四人组(Gang of Four)”,而这本书也就被称为“四人组(或 GoF)”书。他们首次给我们总结出一套软件开发可以反复使用的经验,帮助我们提高代码的可重用性、系统的可维护性等,解决软件开发中的复杂问题。设计模式已诞生20多年,其间相继出版的关于设计模式的经典著作不计其数。如果说GoF的《设计模式》是设计模式领域的“圣经”,那么之后出版的各种关于设计模式的书籍可称为“圣经”的“批注版”或者“白话版”。本书正是基于GoF的《设计模式》来编写的。  本课程由《设计模式就该这样学》作者亲授,课程内容和书籍完全同步,可以作为作者对“圣经”实践的精华总结,是一门可以真正能够落地的“设计模式”的课程,也是目前全网唯一一门结合框架源码如何落地“设计模式”这个角度来理解设计模式的课程。本课程将结合JDK、Spring、MyBatis、Tomcat、Netty等经典框架源码展开对设计模式的分析。当然,本课程中还会结合作者多年的“踩坑填坑”经验和“教学答疑”经验,用比“圣经”更深刻、更全面、更通俗、更生动、更有趣、更接地气的方式并且结合真实业务场景分析每种设计模式的优缺点,治愈“设计模式选择困难症”。选设计模式就像相亲选对象,一旦做好了接受TA缺点的准备,那TA就一定属于你。所以,本课程内容对于日常开发而言更具有指导意义。内容均从实战角度出发,在日常应用中,设计模式从来都不是单个设计模式独立使用的。在实际应用中,通常多个设计模式混合使用,你中有我,我中有你。下图完整地描述了设计模式之间的混用关系,希望对大家有所帮助。在《设计模式就该这样学》一书中,还有大量的UML图及易混淆的设计模式对比案例分析,也欢迎大家关注。
React Native By Example by Richard Kho English | 24 Apr. 2017 | ASIN: B01M31KB4Q | 414 Pages | AZW3 | 4.46 MB Key Features Work on native APIs and UI Elements using React Native Get the best of both worlds: the power of native approach and the fluidity of JavaScript Create increasingly complex real-world applications and dive deeper into React Native Book Description React Native's ability to build performant mobile applications with JavaScript has resulted in its popularity amongst developers. Developers now have the luxury to create incredible mobile experiences that look and feel native to their platforms with the comfort of a well-known language and the popular React.js library. This book will show you how to build your own native mobile applications for the iOS and Android platforms while leveraging the finesse and simplicity of JavaScript and React. Throughout the book you will build three projects, each of increasing complexity. You will also link up with the third-party Facebook SDK, convert an app to support the Redux architecture, and learn the process involved in making your apps available for sale on the iOS App Store and Google Play. At the end of this book, you will have learned and implemented a wide breadth of core APIs and components found in the React Native framework that are necessary in creating great mobile experiences. What you will learn How to create mobile-performant iOS and Android apps using JavaScript and React The potential of each API and component, putting them into practice throughout the course of three projects The process of integrating the Facebook SDK to build an app that connects to third-party data Every step taken to implement Redux, a popular state management library, in your mobile apps The requirements for building and deploying your apps to market, with detailed instructions on how to release and beta test apps on both the Apple App Store and Google Play About the Author Richard Kho is a software engineer livin



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