
wangxj333 2003-12-18 01:29:31
cds.XMLData := dsp.GetRecords(-1, i, ResetOption + MetaDataOption + XMLOption + XMLUTF8Option);

报错:Mismatch in datapacket.
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wangxj333 2003-12-29
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hiflower 2003-12-25
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XMLData 只是 Data 的 XML 表示形式,只要取得了 Data ,也就得到了 XMLData
lgqTiger 2003-12-22
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wangxj333 2003-12-22
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wangxj333 2003-12-19
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Borland Delphi 2005 Architect Update 3----------Report #: Short Description: Rating: Status12241 IntToHex returns lowercase letters0.00 of 5 Closed11881 TStringStream constructor for .NET sets Position incorrectly0.00 of 5 Closed11787 Access violation using Code Insight when editing the uses clause0.00 of 5 Closed11759 TList instance leaked in DBCommon.pas when using IN operator in Filter expression5.00 of 5 Closed11651 New EllipsisPosition property causes text to be invisible & process to hang5.00 of 5 Closed11471 Cannot manage StarTeam association since applying Update20.00 of 5 Closed11353 (strict) protected nested class become public3.67 of 5 Closed11314 Too much inlining yields unstable compiled code.0.00 of 5 Closed11266 Inline causes compile error : F2084 Internal Error SCR765.00 of 5 Closed11193 Inlined function affects working of the enclosing for loop0.00 of 5 Closed11184 [Fatal Error] F2084 Internal Error: ILLK26340.00 of 5 Closed11069 Compact the TApplication.ProcessMessage code fragment for Unicode handling5.00 of 5 Closed10918 TColorBox control custom color selection causes AV0.00 of 5 Closed10873 Internal error: URW 793 when using constant struct with enums2.00 of 5 Closed10861 Access Violation when compiling code with default index property0.00 of 5 Closed10772 Designer improperly handles controls tagged with [ToolboxItem]0.00 of 5 Closed10669 TWideStrings has no GetEnumerator method0.00 of 5 Closed10661 Switching between form and source view cause long delay4.67 of 5 Closed10567 Ability to create all VCL packages0.00 of 5 Closed10498 D2005: DataSet lots of methods missing in code completion0.00 of 5 Closed10450 The Ellipse is drawn over some of the caption text when a form is docked in IDE0.00 of 5 Closed10381 Constant array of procedural types crashes compiler5.00 of 5 Closed10376 The Delphi 2k5 IDE UpTime & project loading is very SLOW4.00 of 5 Closed10314 Error Insight fails to flag an error4.00 of 5 Closed10248 Alignment Palette in VCL form designer malfunctions5.00 of 5 Closed10190 List view selected item no longer selected5.00 of 5 Closed10009 Double-click in the Search Results window0.00 of 5 Closed9912 Press Enter on Component crashes Delphi 20050.00 of 5 Closed9847 Transactional Object Wizard Missing0.00 of 5 Closed9712 The XML documentation feature doesn't associate comments with the correct symbols5.00 of 5 Closed9690 "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" in IDE0.00 of 5 Closed9666 Code Completion doesn't show all available items when using overload5.00 of 5 Closed9639 Active Form wizard not available in Delphi 2005 but mentioned in online help5.00 of 5 Closed9634 IDE response too SLOW4.63 of 5 Closed9578 TXPManifest + TFrame + TLabel + TRadioGroup = bad5.00 of 5 Closed9477 Delphi .NET assembly references with strong names5.00 of 5 Closed9254 Incorrect reference public key token included into Delphi8 strong-named assembly metadata4.00 of 5 Closed9021 Memory Leak in TreeView0.00 of 5 Closed8866 Assigning long string values (greater than 8192 characters) to TStringFields results in access violation.5.00 of 5 Closed8785 Filter or Ranges on Nested Dataset's should restrict master as well.0.00 of 5 Closed8417 TCustomSQLDataSet.GetFieldData implementation0.00 of 5 Closed8229 Error in code when database doesn't support schema/owner names5.00 of 5 Closed8032 Show modified code in the scrollbar0.00 of 5 Closed8021 TIndexDef.Assign Doesn't copy DescFiels and CaseInsFields5.00 of 5 Closed8001 SQLDataset doesn't call .Close on dbExpress driver cursor when closing5.00 of 5 Closed7912 TCustomClientdataset: properties "IndexDefs" and "IndexName" should be public0.00 of 5 Closed7872 double exception in method TDataSetProvider.InternalGetRecords5.00 of 5 Closed7809 SetOptionalParam don't work0.00 of 5 Closed7768 An Easy Feature Request: TDataset.CopyFields4.00 of 5 Closed7290 Grid's functionality enhancement5.00 of 5 Closed7199 Class Completion erroneously adds fields to a complete class if the getter functions starts with F5.00 of 5 Closed7082 Add SSE3 / PNI instructions to the BASM5.00 of 5 Closed7005 New control request - TDBStaticText - Add possibility to have Edge Borders0.00 of 5 Closed6985 Add node for unit name in Find in Files results in Message Window0.00 of 5 Closed6803 WebToolBar problem with buttons0.00 of 5 Closed6558 AV in DBGrid when destroying DataSet0.00 of 5 Closed6428 Labels disappear with XPManifest5.00 of 5 Closed6368 Resolving lookup- & calculated fields to datafields4.00 of 5 Closed6238 DBNavigator and DBGrid compliant with Federal Section 5080.00 of 5 Closed6021 Labels not visible in Windows XP0.00 of 5 Closed5951 Internal error: SY5764.44 of 5 Closed5812 TComboBox.Focused method does not always return good results.1.00 of 5 Closed5803 Unable to delete component if code editor minimized in saved desktop5.00 of 5 Closed5763 Cannot debug datamodule containing many objects0.00 of 5 Closed5699 Apache shared modules do not work with Apache 2.0.4x5.00 of 5 Closed5592 New event OnValidate that is fired before applying updates2.00 of 5 Closed5336 fatal error: Internal Error: L6812.33 of 5 Closed5283 Cannot read complete compiler error message.0.00 of 5 Closed5280 MessageDlg returns mrNone instead of mrCancel when aborted5.00 of 5 Closed5248 Assert fails to break and leaves FPU invalid op exception set.4.50 of 5 Closed4627 Cannot assign -2147483648 into INTEGER Variable4.00 of 5 Closed4624 A way to set both Width and Height of TBitmap (speed reason)4.85 of 5 Closed4581 Field description and Label3.00 of 5 Closed4444 IncMilliSeconds...IncHour with DateTime<0 wrong0.00 of 5 Closed4343 Proposal of modification of the TDataSet.Post method in DB.pas unit1.00 of 5 Closed4184 Delphi DLL using sharemem called from VC++ exe AV on exit3.25 of 5 Closed4172 tFrames and XPMan hiding controls5.00 of 5 Closed3850 TGraphicControl descendants invisible in frames with XP Manifest4.60 of 5 Closed3792 TryEncodeDateTime not correct for dates before Dec. 30, 18995.00 of 5 Closed3776 Add full IDL support0.00 of 5 Closed3718 Automatic Required setting of TField not consistent with SQL3.71 of 5 Closed3542 Strange limits in property CommandText2.40 of 5 Closed2881 DBGrid doesn't repaint when Enabled changed.5.00 of 5 Closed2625 Impossible to open a .TLB into the TLB Editor if missing uses reference3.50 of 5 Closed2608 Compiler crashes, dcc70.dll Read of address 000000004.00 of 5 Closed2572 Unable to sort on columns in module view3.00 of 5 Closed2382 TListView doesn't update correctly in OwnerData mode.4.00 of 5 Closed2276 'deprecated' warning appears when it shouldn't4.31 of 5 Closed2258 Failure to parse/compile integer constant --2147483648 and lower4.86 of 5 Closed2236 Delphi converts Text DFM's to binary with these steps4.71 of 5 Closed1685 Compiler error message refers to HIGH when it should be LOW3.43 of 5 Closed1455 GetRange method3.38 of 5 Closed1209 Context help does not work for TComboboxEx3.67 of 5 Closed1177 ResourceString limitation of 1024 characters3.89 of 5 Closed(出处
Delphi 7.1 Update Release Notes=======================================================This file contains important supplemental and late-breakinginformation that may not appear in the main productdocumentation, and supersedes information contained in otherdocuments, including previously installed release notes.Borland recommends that you read this file in its entirety.NOTE: If you are updating a localized version of Delphi 7, visit the Borland Registered User web site to obtain a localized readme file that may contain important late- breaking information not included in this readme file.IMPORTANT: Delphi must be closed before installing this update. =====================================================CONTENTS * INSTALLING THIS UPDATE * UPDATING LOCALIZED VERSIONS OF DELPHI 7 * KNOWN ISSUES * ISSUES ADDRESSED BY THIS UPDATE - IDE - CORE DATABASE - DATASNAP - DBGO (ADO COMPONENTS) - dbExpress - dbExpress COMPONENTS AND DB VCL - dbExpress CORE DRIVER AND METADATA - dbExpress VENDOR ISSUES - dbExpress CERTIFICATION - WEB SNAP - ACTIVEX - COMPILER - RTL - VCL - THIRD PARTY - BOLD FOR DELPHI * VERIFYING THAT THE UPDATE WAS SUCCESSFUL * FILES INSTALLED BY THIS UPDATE =======================================================INSTALLING THIS UPDATE* This update can not be applied to Delphi 7 Architect Trial version. * This update can not be removed after it is installed.* You will need the original Delphi 7 installation CD available to install this update.* To install this update from the CD, insert the CD, and launch the d7_ent_upd1.exe file appropriate for your locale.* To install this update from the Web, double-click the self-executing installation file and follow the prompts. * The Delphi 7 documentation PDF files are available on the update CD.========================================================UPDATING LOCALIZED VERSIONS OF DELPHI 7* This update can be applied only to the English version of Delphi 7. There are separate updates for the German, French and Japanese ver
[转]为什么要选择UniDAC? 说到数据集组件,大家也许会首选ADO,然后说BDE太老了,DBX不敢用。其实delphi优秀的数据集组件真不少,除了上诉的数据集组件,还有ZEOSDB、SQL Direct、UniDAC等,要是专业的数据集组件,更是百花盛开,如FIBPLUS、SDAC、ODAC、DOA等等,商业和开源不尽其中!这里只讨论UniDAC和ADO的一些比较。 Delphi能发展到现在,和一些著名的第三方控件厂商大力支持分不开,这其中包括Devart公司(Corelab)公司。Corelab公司做数据集驱动非常出名,就拿ODAC、SDAC和DBX驱动来说,已经远胜其他同行的第三方控件公司。UniDAC是Devart公司最近的力作,将ODAC、SDAC、IBDAC等驱动综合集成在一块。UniDAC无论是做三层还是两层,都远胜于ADO。下面说一些UniDAC的优点: 1、非常完美的支持多数据库的数据集套件。这一点,ADO也支持多数据库,但ADO除了MSSQL驱动之外,其他驱动支持的非常差。就拿Oracle驱动来说,在调用oracle复杂的存储过程参数,总是或多或少有些问题;MSSQL企业管理器如果用了第三方驱动(比如是oracle),在导入导出数据也尚存在问题!更别提不是主流的IB数据库驱动。UniDAC支持Oracle、MSSQL、MYSQL、IB/FB、PostgreSQL。 2、对三层特性支持非常好!也许你也会问,三层也是访问DB,ADO也支持啊?!但三层最好方式是无状态方式,在高并发的处理中,一般不允许本地有数据集缓存。ADO没有单向数据集特性,所有的数据下载到本地,不停的开辟内存或释放大内存,对三层的内存是一个极大考验。TUniQuery有一个UniDirectional属性,支持单向速度,这点和DBX的想法不谋而合。况且,单向数据集特性速度非常快,在三层中,配合TDataSetProvider,中间件将其Data包发送到客户端,速度无可比拟。ADO也有流或XML格式包,但无论是XML或流格式,数据包远比CDS的包大几倍。CDS封包技术很好! 3、一些非常有用的属性或方法。常言道,细微之处见体贴。UniDAC有一些过人的方法或属性。比如,刷新单条记录(RefreshRecord)、多表更新的属性(UpdatingTable)、宏替换参数(Macros)、集成删除/新增/修改/刷新/锁定SQL语句、FetchRows,更让人称道的是引入了UpdateSQL组件。 在处理MSSQL新增后的自增字段,和ADO一样可以直接自动返回自增字段值,这一点,BDE不能做到、DBX不能做到、ZEOSDB不能做到。更令人称奇是,配合TUniUpdateSQL,还能自动返回自增字段值。 TUniUpdateSQL是一个好东西,ADO缺少TUdateSQL运作模式,默认的更新机制是主键字段+已变化的字段做where条件。在一般情况下是没问题,但如果这个表没有主键或where条件中的字段小数位很长导致误餐,就会产生更新找不到记录。TUdateSQL可以保证这点,运作灵活又透明。 4、对oracle支持非常好。别的不说,光是一个oracle连接的Direct Mode,不用安装oracle官方肥硕客户端(网上也有精10M左右简版的客户端),只要客户机支持TCP/IP协议即可。如果用ADO连接Oracle,必须保证先安装oracle客户端,还要配置连接文件,一堆繁琐事情。UniDAC对oracle支持的非常完美,和专业化的DOA差不多! 当然,最大的缺点是,非常贵,最贵的档次,差不多可以买半套的D2009!
第1章 Delphi 7新特性 1.1 安装 1.2 新特性 1.3 IDE的改进 第2章 Delphi 7组件简介 2.1 VCL 2.2 Delphi 7组件 2.3 可视组件的通用属性和事件 第3章 常用组件 3.1 文本相关组件 3.2 按钮和复选框 3.3 分组组件 3.4 菜单组件 3.5 图形组件 3.6 文件选择组件 3.7 网格组件 第4章 Data Access组件页 4.1 TDataSource组件 4.2 TClientDataSet组件 4.3 TDataSetProvider组件 4.4 TXMLTransform组件 4.5 TXMLTransformProvider组件 4.6 TXMLTransformClient组件 4.7 XMLMapper实用程序 第5章 Data Controls组件页 5.1 共同属性 5.2 TDBGrid组件 5.3 TDBNavigator组件 5.4 TDBText组件 5.5 TDBEdit组件 5.6 TDBMemo组件 5.7 TDBImage组件 5.8 TDDBListBox组件 5.9 TDBComboBox组件 5.10 TDBCheckBox组件 5.11 TDBRadioGroup组件 5.12 TdBLookkupListBox组件 5.13 TDBLookkupComboBox组件 5.14 TDBRichEdit组件 5.15 TDBCtrlGrid组件 5.16 TDBChart组件 第6章 dbExpress组件页 6.1 TSQLConnection组件 6.2 TSQLDataSet组件 6.3 TSQLQuery组件 6.4 TSQLTable组件 6.5 TSQLStoredProc组件 6.6 TSQLMonitor组件 6.7 TSimpleDataSet组件 6.8 实例——使用dbExpress方式连接Oracle数据库 6.9 实例——建立双平台运行的应用程序 第7章 BDE组件页 7.1 TTable组件 7.2 TQuery组件 7.3 TDataBase组件 7.4 TBatchMove组件 7.5 TUpdateSQL组件 7.6 综合应用实例 第8章 ADO组件页 8.1 TADOConnection组件 8.2 TADOCommand组件 8.3 TADODataSet组件 8.4 TADOTable组件 8.5 TADOQuery组件 8.6 TADOStoredProc组件 8.7 TRDSConnection组件 8.8 实例——应用TADOConnection和TADODataSet组件 8.9 实例——应用TADOConnection和TADOTable组件 8.10 实例——应用TADOConnection和TADOQuery组件 8.11 实例——应用TADOConnection、TADODataSet和TADOCommand组件 第9章 Decision Cube组件页 9.1 TDecisionCube组件 9.2 TDecisionQuery组件 9.3 TDecisionSource组件 9.4 TDecisionPivot组件 9.5 TDecisionGrid组件 9.6 TDecisionGraph组件 9.7 实例——应用Decision Cube组件页 第10章 Dialogs组件页 10.1 TOpenDialog组件 10.2 TSaveDialog组件 10.3 TOpenPicTureDialog组件 10.4 TSavePicTureDialog组件 10.5 TFontDialog组件 10.6 TColorDialog组件 10.7 TFindDialog组件 10.8 TReplaceDialog组件 10.9 TPrintDialog组件 10.10 TPrinterSetupDialog组件 10.11 TPageSetupDialog组件 第11章 Rave组件页 11.1 TRvProject组件 11.2 TRvSystem组件 11.3 TRvNDRWriter组件 11.4 TRvCustomConnection组件 11.5 TRvDataSetConnection组件 11.6 TRvTableConnection组件 11.7 TRvQueryConnection组件 11.8 TRvRenderPrinter组件 11.9 TRvRenderPreview组件 11.10 TRvRenderPDF组件 11.11 TRvRenderHTML组件 11.12 TRvRenderRTF组件 11.13 TRvRenderText组件 11.14 实例——建立Rave报表 11.15 实例——获取报表列表和预览报表 第12章 InterBase组件页 12.1 InterBase组件页 12.2 InterBase Admin组件页 12.3 InterBase组件页应用实例 第13章 Server组件页 13.1 Word和Excel程序对象 13.2 ToleServer组件 13.3 实例——在Delphi中操作Word 13.4 实例——使用TWordDocument组件连接Word自动化服务器 13.5 实例——建立与Excel连接 13.6 实例——以OLE方式建立与Excel连接 第14章 Internet组件页 14.1 Web服务器应用程序的结构 14.2 TWebDispatcher组件 14.3 TPageProducer组件 14.4 TDataSetPageProducer组件 14.5 TQueryTableProducer组件 14.6 TDataSetTableProducer组件 14.7 TSQLQueryTableProducer组件 14.8 TTcpClient组件 14.9 TTcpServer组件 14.10 TUdpSocket组件 14.11 TXMLDocument组件 14.12 TWebBrowser组件 14.13 建立Web服务器应用程序 14.14 访问数据库 14.15 调试Web服务器应用程序 14.16 实例——实现数据库查询的Web服务器应用程序 14.17 实例——实现动态参数查询 14.18 实例——Web服务器应用程序 14.19 综合实例——使用Socket的“网上对话”程序 第15章 WebSnap组件页 15.1 WebSnap概述 15.2 WebSnap结构 15.3 WebSnap组件页中的常用组件 15.4 WebSnap组件页中的数据库组件 15.5 WebSnap组件页中的访问控制组件 第16章 WebServices组件页 16.1 HTTPRIO组件 16.2 HTTPReqResp组件 16.3 OPToSoapDomConvert组件 16.4 SoapConnection组件 16.5 HTTPSoapDispatcher组件 16.6 WSDLHTMLPublish组件 16.7 HTTPSoapPascalInvoker组件 16.8 实例——应用Web Service组件页 第17章 Indy组件集 17.1 Indy Clients组件页 17.2 Indy Servers组件页 17.3 Indy Intercepts组件页 17.4 Indy I/O Handlers组件页 17.5 Indy Misc组件页 17.6 Indy组件集应用实例 第18章 IntraWeb组件页 18.1 概述 18.2 IW Standard组件页 18.3 IW Data组件页 18.4 IW Client Side组件页 18.5 IW Control组件页 18.6 IW组件应用实例
unit uMain; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Mask, RzEdit, RzButton, ExtCtrls, IniFiles, RzTabs, ComCtrls, RzListVw, RzShellCtrls, ImgList, RzShellDialogs, RzCmboBx, QRCtrls, QuickRpt, jpeg, ShlObj, RzPanel, RzSplit, RzTreeVw, DB, ADODB, Provider, DBClient, GridsEh, DBGridEh, RzStatus; type PShellItem = ^TShellItem; TShellItem = record FullID, ID: PItemIDList; Empty: Boolean; DisplayName, TypeName: string; ImageIndex, Size, Attributes: Integer; ModDate: string; end; TfrmMain = class(TForm) RzPageControl1: TRzPageControl; TabSheet1: TRzTabSheet; TabSheet2: TRzTabSheet; lbl1: TLabel; edt_Path1: TRzEdit; btn_o2: TButton; Button1: TButton; SplPreview: TRzSplitter; img1: TImage; RzToolbar1: TRzToolbar; RzSpacer1: TRzSpacer; ClientDS_PicCap: TClientDataSet; DataSP_PicCap: TDataSetProvider; Qry_PicCap: TADOQuery; Ds_PicCap: TDataSource; DBGridEh1: TDBGridEh; ClientDataSetH: TClientDataSet; DataSetProviderH: TDataSetProvider; QueryH: TADOQuery; DataSourceH: TDataSource; RzBtn_0: TRzBitBtn; RzBtn_1: TRzBitBtn; ImageList1: TImageList; Memo1: TMemo; ClientDS_PicCapacc_id_only: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapname: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapplate_num: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapplate_type: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapInsDate: TDateTimeField; ClientDS_PicCapAcc_ID_Only_1: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapfDateTime: TDateTimeField; ClientDS_PicCapPicturePath1: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapPicturePath2: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapPicturePath3: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapPicturePath4: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapPicturePath5: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapPicturePath6: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapPicturePath7: TStringField; ClientDS_PicCapPrintCount: TIntegerField; ClientDataSetHAutoID: TAu



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