
hollysky 2004-04-20 10:35:34
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mfc42d 2004-04-21
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Metainfo file and tracker responses are both sent in a simple, efficient, and extensible format called bencoding (pronounced 'bee encoding'). Bencoded messages are nested dictionaries and lists (as in Python), which can contain strings and integers. Extensibility is supported by ignoring unexpected dictionary keys, so additional optional ones can be added later.

Bencoding is done as follows:

Strings are length-prefixed base ten followed by a colon and the string. For example 4:spam corresponds to 'spam'.
Integers are represented by an 'i' followed by the number in base 10 followed by an 'e'. For example i3e corresponds to 3 and i-3e corresponds to -3. Integers have no size limitation. i-0e is invalid. All encodings with a leading zero, such as i03e, are invalid, other than i0e, which of course corresponds to 0.
Lists are encoded as an 'l' followed by their elements (also bencoded) followed by an 'e'. For example l4:spam4:eggse corresponds to ['spam', 'eggs'].
Dictionaries are encoded as a 'd' followed by a list of alternating keys and their corresponding values followed by an 'e'. For example, d3:cow3:moo4:spam4:eggse corresponds to {'cow': 'moo', 'spam': 'eggs'} and d4:spaml1:a1:bee corresponds to {'spam': ['a', 'b']} . Keys must be strings and appear in sorted order (sorted as raw strings, not alphanumerics).
Metainfo files are bencoded dictionaries with the following keys:

The URL of the tracker.

This maps to a dictionary, with keys described below.

The name key maps to a string which is the suggested name to save the file (or directory) as. It is purely advisory.

piece length maps to the number of bytes in each piece the file is split into. For the purposes of transfer, files are split into fixed-size pieces which are all the same length except for possibly the last one which may be truncated. Piece length is almost always a power of two, most commonly 218 = 256 K (BitTorrent prior to version 3.2 uses 220 = 1 M as default).

pieces maps to a string whose length is a multiple of 20. It is to be subdivided into strings of length 20, each of which is the SHA1 hash of the piece at the corresponding index.

There is also a key length or a key files, but not both or neither. If length is present then the download represents a single file, otherwise it represents a set of files which go in a directory structure.

In the single file case, length maps to the length of the file in bytes.

For the purposes of the other keys, the multi-file case is treated as only having a single file by concatenating the files in the order they appear in the files list. The files list is the value files maps to, and is a list of dictionaries containing the following keys:

The length of the file, in bytes.
A list of strings corresponding to subdirectory names, the last of which is the actual file name (a zero length list is an error case).
In the single file case, the name key is the name of a file, in the muliple file case, it's the name of a directory.

Tracker queries are two way. The tracker receives information via HTTP GET parameters and returns a bencoded message. Note that although the current tracker implementation has its own web server, the tracker could run very nicely as, for example, an apache module.

Tracker GET requests have the following keys:

The 20 byte sha1 hash of the bencoded form of the info value from the metainfo file. Note that this is a substring of the metainfo file. This value will almost certainly have to be escaped.

A string of length 20 which this downloader uses as its id. Each downloader generates its own id at random at the start of a new download. This value will also almost certainly have to be escaped.

An optional parameter giving the IP (or dns name) which this peer is at. Generally used for the origin if it's on the same machine as the tracker.

The port number this peer is listening on. Common behavior is for a downloader to try to listen on port 6881 and if that port is taken try 6882, then 6883, etc. and give up after 6889.

The total amount uploaded so far, encoded in base ten ascii.

The total amount downloaded so far, encoded in base ten ascii.

The number of bytes this peer still has to download, encoded in base ten ascii. Note that this can't be computed from downloaded and the file length since it might be a resume, and there's a chance that some of the downloaded data failed an integrity check and had to be re-downloaded.

This is an optional key which maps to started, completed, or stopped (or empty, which is the same as not being present). If not present, this is one of the announcements done at regular intervals. An announcement using started is sent when a download first begins, and one using completed is sent when the download is complete. No completed is sent if the file was complete when started. Downloaders send an announcement using 'stopped' when they cease downloading.

Tracker responses are bencoded dictionaries. If a tracker response has a key failure reason, then that maps to a human readable string which explains why the query failed, and no other keys are required. Otherwise, it must have two keys: interval, which maps to the number of seconds the downloader should wait between regular rerequests, and peers. peers maps to a list of dictionaries corresponding to peers, each of which contains the keys peer id, ip, and port, which map to the peer's self-selected ID, IP address or dns name as a string, and port number, respectively. Note that downloaders may rerequest on nonscheduled times if an event happens or they need more peers.

mfc42d 2004-04-21
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A BitTorrent file distribution consists of these entities:

An ordinary web server
A static 'metainfo' file
A BitTorrent tracker
An 'original' downloader
The end user web browsers
The end user downloaders
There are ideally many end users for a single file.

To start serving, a host goes through the following steps:

Start running a tracker (or, more likely, have one running already).
Start running an ordinary web server, such as apache, or have one already.
Associate the extension .torrent with mimetype application/x-bittorrent on their web server (or have done so already).
Generate a metainfo (.torrent) file using the complete file to be served and the URL of the tracker.
Put the metainfo file on the web server.
Link to the metainfo (.torrent) file from some other web page.
Start a downloader which already has the complete file (the 'origin').
To start downloading, a user does the following:

Install BitTorrent (or have done so already).
Surf the web.
Click on a link to a .torrent file.
Select where to save the file locally, or select a partial download to resume.
Wait for download to complete.
Tell downloader to exit (it keeps uploading until this happens).
The connectivity is as follows:

The web site is serving up static files as normal, but kicking off the BitTorrent helper app on the clients.
The tracker is receiving information from all downloaders and giving them random lists of peers. This is done over HTTP or HTTPS.
Downloaders are periodically checking in with the tracker to keep it informed of their progress, and are uploading to and downloading from each other via direct connections. These connections use the BitTorrent peer protocol, which operates over TCP.
The origin is uploading but not downloading at all, since it has the entire file. The origin is necessary to get the entire file into the network. Often for popular downloads the origin can be taken down after a while since several downloads may have completed and been left running indefinitely.
mfc42d 2004-04-21
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BitTorrent is a protocol for distributing files. It identifies content by URL and is designed to integrate seamlessly with the web. Its advantage over plain HTTP is that when multiple downloads of the same file happen concurrently, the downloaders upload to each other, making it possible for the file source to support very large numbers of downloaders with only a modest increase in its load.

hollysky 2004-04-21
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_xiao 2004-04-20
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所以人人都可以制作BT种子,但该种子信息需要找个服务器进行发布,这样别人才能知道你提供了一个种子,称之为"Announce URL",很多BT网站都提供种子信息发布的。。。
hollysky 2004-04-20
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_xiao 2004-04-20
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