How to enable persists with camxoverridesettings.txt?

weixin_32254261 2022-09-21 14:49:39

How to enable persists with camxoverridesettings.txt? 

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weixin_38498942 2022-09-22
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adb root
adb remount
adb shell "echo xxxxxx >> /vendor/etc/camera/camxoverridesettings.txt"
adb reboot

Revision 8 Ready to Master Vue.js? What if you could master the entire framework – with solid foundations – in less time without beating your head against a wall? Imagine how quickly you could work if you knew the best practices and the best tools? Stop wasting your time searching and have everything you need to be productive in one, well-organized place, with complete examples to get your project up without needing to resort to endless hours of research. Lots of Sample Apps and Code You will learn what you need to know to work professionally with Fullstack Vue: The Complete Guide to Vue.js You’ll build: A Server-Persisted Shopping Cart: Use the Flux-like library Vuex to manage data for a large shopping cart application that persists information on to a local server. A Calendar Event App: Dive deeper into component based architecture by learning how simple state management works with Vue Single-file components. A Voting Application: Learn how to render dynamic components and use standard Vue directives to build an interactive voting application. Forms with Validations: Build powerful forms that accept user input, and give clear messaging when the input is of an invalid format. Vuex-based Routes and Authentication: Build on top of the server persisted shopping cart app by creating dynamic routes and a token authentication flow with the official vue-router library. Build bullet-proof apps with Testing: Use Vue’s official test utility library, vue-test-utils, to create meaningful tests for a daily weather app that interacts with a third party API.
Product Description A self-respecting Google hacker spends hours trolling the Internet for juicy stuff. Firing off search after search, they thrive on the thrill of finding clean, mean, streamlined queries and get a real rush from sharing those queries and trading screenshots of their findings. I know because I've seen it with my own eyes. As the founder of the Google Hacking Database (GHDB) and the Search engine hacking forums at, I am constantly amazed at what the Google hacking community comes up with. It turns out the rumors are true-creative Google searches can reveal medical, financial, proprietary and even classified information. Despite government edicts, regulation and protection acts like HIPPA and the constant barking of security watchdogs, this problem still persists. Stuff still makes it out onto the web, and Google hackers snatch it right up. Protect yourself from Google hackers with this new volume of information. -Johnny Long . Learn Google Searching Basics Explore Google's Web-based Interface, build Google queries, and work with Google URLs. . Use Advanced Operators to Perform Advanced Queries Combine advanced operators and learn about colliding operators and bad search-fu. . Learn the Ways of the Google Hacker See how to use caches for anonymity and review directory listings and traversal techniques. . Review Document Grinding and Database Digging See the ways to use Google to locate documents and then search within the documents to locate information. . Understand Google's Part in an Information Collection Framework Learn the principles of automating searches and the applications of data mining. . Locate Exploits and Finding Targets Locate exploit code and then vulnerable targets. . See Ten Simple Security Searches Learn a few searches that give good results just about every time and are good for a security assessment. . Track Down Web Servers Locate and profile web servers, login portals, network hardware and utilities. . See How Bad Guys Troll for Data Find ways to search for usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other juicy information. . Hack Google Services Learn more about the AJAX Search API, Calendar, Blogger, Blog Search, and more. About the Author Johnny Long is a "clean-living" family guy who just so happens to like hacking stuff. Over the past two years, Johnny's most visible focus has been on this Google hacking "thing" which has served as yet another diversion to a serious (and bill-paying) job as a professional hacker and security researcher for Computer Sciences Corporation. In his spare time, Johnny enjoys making random pirate noises ("Yarrrrr!"), spending time with his wife and kids, convincing others that acting like a kid is part of his job as a parent, feigning artistic ability with programs like Bryce and Photoshop, pushing all the pretty shiny buttons on them new-fangled Mac computers, and making much-too-serious security types either look at him funny or start laughing uncontrollably. Johnny has written or contributed to several books, including "Google Hacking for Penetration Testers" from Syngress Publishing, which has secured rave reviews and has lots of pictures.



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