
YUZUq 2022-11-03 23:24:26
The Link Your Class
The Link of Requirement of This Assignment
The Aim of This Assignmentimplement the Bobing software prototype
MU STU ID and FZU STU ID20124261_832002225
Partner MU STU ID and FZU STU ID20122101_832002220

Partner CSDN link:


  • 1. Demand analysis
  • 1.1 Need:
  • 1.2 Approach:
  • 1.3 Benefit:
  • 1.4 Competitors:
  • 1.5 Delivery:
  • 2. PSP form
  • 3. Prototype model
  • 4. Summary

1. Demand analysis

1.1 Need:

Bobing is an important folk game in the south Fujian area centered in Xiamen. It is very interesting and popular. It is a necessary game for people in the South Fujian to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.  However, bobing also has a lot of limitations, because there are so many rules that the game is difficult for beginners to play, What’s more, not everyone can come up with all the equipment, especially those who live in other places, such as college students, do not necessarily have dice on hand, and there is no need to buy them for the annual Mid-Autumn Festival. In addition, the current epidemic situation is still severe, and in many cases, offline gathering activities still cannot be carried out. It is based on this demand that the bobing software is developed to help people more easily start the bobing game, both offline and online, you can feel the fun and festive atmosphere brought by bobing.

1.2 Approach:

You just need to enter the number of players and their names to start the multiplayer game quickly, and each person takes turns to roll the six dice, which are randomly generated by the background, and win the corresponding prizes. There is also a single player mode. And you can query the rules in the main menu.


1.3 Benefit:

The main advantage of this software is that it is convenient. Not everyone has six dice, but almost everyone has a smart phone and can start the game quickly through this software, thus saving money on game items.  At the same time, while meeting people's needs to play games anytime and anywhere, it also meets the requirements of epidemic prevention and control.  In addition, the system can automatically help you find the prizes corresponding to the points rolled, without the need for manual search, greatly improving the game experience of novice players.

1.4 Competitors:

As there are few similar software on the market, releasing this APP as soon as possible is conducive to occupying the market share in advance. The other main competition of this app is offline physical games, and its disadvantage is the relative lack of festival atmosphere, but its advantage is clear enough to occupy a place in the market.

1.5 Delivery:

We have a lot of channels to apply the promotion to the user, the first is in some famous software download publish our software platform, secondly because this playful software is sought after by young people, so we can give priority to some young people commonly used to advertise in the app, and also can make posters in the south of fujian province within the scope of the university, To attract student users. Then we can promote our application on the social platform, now the social network spread ten, ten hundred, can quickly get a lot of browsing attention. In the later period, we can seek cooperation with wechat and Alipay to develop a more convenient and more advantageous small program version.

2. PSP form

Personal Software Process StagesEstimated time(min)Actual Time(min)
· Estimate3020
· Analysis12090
· Design Spec4040
· Design Review1010
· Coding Standard1010
· Design4040
· Coding120150
· Code Review2010
· Test1010
· Test Report2010
· Size Measurement1010
· Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan3020

3. Prototype model

We used Axure to build it.

4. Summary


In this lab, we learned how to conduct requirements analysis and build the prototype model. Due to lack of experience, there are many things we need to learn. Especially, we need to learn dedicated prototype model design tool.

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福州大学 梅努斯国际工程学院 软件工程(2022秋) 教学
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