EE308 Lab2-1



  • Table
  •  1.NABCD model
  • (1)Need
  • (2)Approach
  • (3)Benefit
  • (4)Competitors
  • (5)Delivery
  •  2.Process
  • (1)Flow chart
  • (2)PSP
  •  3.Development
  • (1)UI Prototype GitHub Link
  • (2)Application part of the interface display
  •  4.Summary


The Link Your ClassMUEE308FZU202201
The Link of Requirement of This AssignmentLAB 2-1 First pair programming assignment
The Aim of This AssignmentBobing software
FZU ID and MU IDFZU : 832002106  MU : 20122128
TeamMate FZU ID and MU IDFZU : 832002128  MU : 20124007

 1.NABCD model


  Course requirements

  • Need to have an interface, six dice, shake randomly to produce results.
  • The program allows multiple people to participate, and can automatically determine the results, it can be a stand-alone version or a network format.
  • The interface style is lively and generous in response to the scene, and lays the foundation for the second implementation of pair coding.

  Our analysis
  According to the requirements of the topic, we need to design a program for the traditional Fujian Mid-Autumn Festival event Bobing to meet the Bobing tool for students who cannot participate in the event online because of the epidemic. For the user group, we will design our software program in four aspects: basic functions, user experience, product feedback, and optimization, which will include the basic dice throwing, judging the winning level, Mid-Autumn Festival special environment theme, and throwing records.



  Our software program was initially designed through the android studio platform, and the designed application has been able to run normally on Android phones, including the main interface of the application, the basic UI interaction interface, throwing the dice and judging the reward level, as well as displaying the game rules and other functions.


  Our software program is able to continue traditional activities in an online format during the epidemic, while the software design and UI theme are full of Mid-Autumn elements, which can give users the most immersive experience of traditional activities. At the same time, we have set up a rule explanation interface in the software, which is convenient for users to check the rules at any time, while the software will automatically determine the throwing results and their corresponding prizes, which is friendly for users who are not clear about the game rules and from other places.


  In a horizontal comparison, as an online product, our software can meet the basic features of convenience and ease of use, and we can design the UI interaction interface with Mid-Autumn elements to bring users an immersive festival experience when completing the basic functions, and we will record the results of previous throws to facilitate statistics, but there may be problems with data sluggishness or display order logic when synchronizing data in multiplayer online


  It is planned to be promoted in the epidemic-stricken Fujian region, as a means to replace offline pancakes and to meet the demand for quick online use.


  At the beginning of the design phase intended to complete the basic design of the program, such as throwing six dice and randomly obtaining the value of six dice, while setting up the main interface of the application, in the follow-up work, we added the recognition function to automatically determine the level of the reward, to be able to correspond to the rule description, to provide the user with a description of the level of the prize won, while adding the game rule description to the basic interface of the program, so that users can easily view it at any time, in the optimization, we expect to achieve the function of multiplayer online activities, to be able to record the data of multiple people online and to display the sorting of the data obtained

(1)Flow chart



Personal Software Process StagesEstimated Time/minutesCompleted Time/minutes
Design Spec4045
Design Review1510
Coding Standard9040
Code Review Planning2020
Test Report1530
Size Measurement4030
Postmortem&Process Improvement12030


UI Prototype GitHub Link

(2)Application part of the interface display

Application main interface
Rules interface


Select number of users
Throwing interface
Reward judgment interface
Cooperation(F**K U!!!)
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cms-Cloud后台管理系统 cms-Cloud 基于Spring Boot、Spring Cloud & Alibaba、OAuth2的前后端分离的后台管理系统,内置模块如:部门管理、角色用户、菜单及按钮授权、数据权限、系统参数、日志管理、代码生成等。在线定时任务配置;支持集群,支持多数据源。核心技术前端技术栈 ES6、vue、vuex、vue-router、vue-cli、axios、element-ui后端技术栈 Spring Boot、Spring Cloud & Alibaba、OAuth2系统需求JDK >= 1.8MySQL >= 5.5Maven >= 3.0主要特性1. 完全响应式布局(支持电脑、平板、手机等所有主流设备)2. 强大的一键生成功能(包括控制器、模型、视图、菜单等)3. 支持多数据源,简单配置即可实现切换。4. 支持按钮及数据权限,可自定义部门数据权限。5. 对常用js插件进行二次封装,使js代码变得简洁,更加易维护6. 完善的XSS防范及脚本过滤,彻底杜绝XSS攻击7. Maven多项目依赖,模块及插件分项目,尽量松耦合,方便模块升级、增减模块。8. 国际化支持,服务端及客户端支持9. 完善的日志记录体系简单注解即可实现技术选型1、系统环境Java EE 8Servlet 3.0Apache Maven 32、主框架Spring Boot 2.2Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR3Spring Framework 5.1Spring Security 5.13、持久层Apache MyBatis 3.4Alibaba Druid 1.14、视图层Vue 2.6Axios 0.18Element UI 2.11内置功能(1) 用户管理:用户是系统操作者,该功能主要完成系统用户配置。(2) 部门管理:配置系统组织机构(公司、部门、小组),树结构展现支持数据权限。(3) 岗位管理:配置系统用户所属担任职务。(4) 菜单管理:配置系统菜单,操作权限,按钮权限标识等。(5) 角色管理:角色菜单权限分配、设置角色按机构进行数据范围权限划分。(6) 字典管理:对系统中经常使用的一些较为固定的数据进行维护。(7) 参数管理:对系统动态配置常用参数。(8) 通知公告:系统通知公告信息发布维护。(9) 操作日志:系统正常操作日志记录和查询;系统异常信息日志记录和查询。(10) 登录日志:系统登录日志记录查询包含登录异常。(11) 在线用户:当前系统中活跃用户状态监控。(12) 定时任务:在线(添加、修改、删除)任务调度包含执行结果日志。(13) 代码生成:前后端代码的生成(java、html、xml、sql)支持CRUD下载 。(14) 系统接口:根据业务代码自动生成相关的api接口文档。(15) 服务监控:监视当前系统CPU、内存、磁盘、堆栈等相关信息。(16) 在线构建器:拖动表单元素生成相应的HTML代码。(17) 连接池监视:监视当期系统数据库连接池状态,可进行分析SQL找出系统性能瓶颈。 环境部署准备工作JDK >= 1.8 (推荐1.8版本)Mysql >= 5.5.0 (推荐5.7版本)Redis >= 3.0Maven >= 3.0Node >= 10nacos >= 1.1.0sentinel >= 1.6.0运行系统因为本项目是前后端分离的,所以需要前后端都启动好,才能进行访问。后端运行1、导入cms到Eclipse,菜单 File -> Import,然后选择 Maven -> Existing Maven Projects,点击 Next> 按钮,选择工作目录,然后点击 Finish 按钮,即可成功导入Eclipse会自动加载Maven依赖包,初次加载会比较慢(根据自身网络情况而定)2、创建数据库cms-cloud并导入数据脚本cms.sql(必须),quartz.sql(可选)3、创建数据库cms-config并导入数据脚本cms_config.sql(必须)4、配置nacos持久化,修改conf/application.properties文件,增加支持mysql数据源配置。# db mysqlspring.datasource.platform=mysqldb.num=1db.url.0=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cms-config?characterEncoding=utf8&connectTimeout=1000&socketTimeout=3000&autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTCdb.user=rootdb.password=password5、打开运行基础模块(启动没有先后顺序)CmsGatewayApplication (网关模块 必须)CmsAuthApplication (认证模块 必须)CmsSystemApplication (系统模块 必须)CmsMonitorApplication (监控中心 可选)CmsGenApplication (代码生成 可选)CmsJobApplication (定时任务 可选)CmsFileApplication (文件服务 可选)前端运行# 进入项目目录cd cms-ui# 安装依赖npm install# 强烈建议不要用直接使用 cnpm 安装,会有各种诡异的 bug,可以通过重新指定 registry 来解决 npm 安装速度慢的问题。npm install --registry= 本地开发 启动项目npm run dev打开浏览器,输入:http://localhost:80 (默认账户 admin/admin123)若能正确展示登录页面,并能成功登录,菜单及页面展示正常,则表明环境搭建成功提示前端安装完node后,最好设置下淘宝的镜像源,不建议使用cnpm(可能会出现奇怪的问题)部署系统因为本项目是前后端分离的,所以需要前后端都部署好,才能进行访问后端部署bin/package.bat 在项目的目录下执行然后会在项目下生成 target文件夹包含 war 或jar1、jar部署方式使用命令行执行:java –jar xxxx.jar 或者执行脚本:bin/run.bat2、war部署方式pom.xml packaging修改为war 放入tomcat服务器webapps提示SpringBoot去除内嵌tomcat前端部署当项目开发完毕,只需要运行一行命令就可以打包你的应用# 打包正式环境npm run build:prod# 打包预发布环境npm run build:stage构建打包成功之后,会在根目录生成 dist 文件夹,里面就是构建打包好的文件,通常是 ***.js 、***.css、index.html 等静态文件。通常情况下 dist 文件夹的静态文件发布到你的 nginx 或者静态服务器即可,其中的 index.html 是后台服务的入口页面。环境变量所有测试环境或者正式环境变量的配置都在 .env.development (opens new window)等 .env.xxxx文件中。它们都会通过 webpack.DefinePlugin 插件注入到全局。常见问题如果使用Mac 需要修改application.yml文件路径profile如果使用Linux 提示表不存在,设置大小写敏感配置在/etc/my.cnf 添加lower_case_table_names=1,重启MYSQL服务如果提示当前权限不足,无法写入文件请检查profile是否可读可写,或者无法访问此目录



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