
weixin_58088411 2022-11-11 02:09:12


  • the PSP form of this operation
  • Learning Progress Bar
  • GitHub link
  • a link to the video demonstration of software running

The Link Your Class
The Link of Requirement of This Assignment
The Aim of This AssignmentSpecify information statistics on file
My MU STU ID and FZU STU ID20123426_832001106
Partner1 MU STU ID and FZU STU ID20124716_832001109
Partner1 blog address of this assignment
Partner2 MU STU ID and FZU STU ID20124520_832001229
Partner2 blog address of this assignment
GitHub link
Video demo link

Give what you think are the key or difficult functions and programming thinking, at least 2 points.

For the design of the whole program, we referred to the flow of some daily games, designed the main page, login page, menu, mode, results and a series of processes, and then began to design the details of the game.

  1. The first difficulty we encountered was the dice in the game. The six dice had to be rolled randomly and judged automatically, and the result was displayed in the next screen.
    This is the most important point of the whole mini-game. We set six global variables that correspond to the number of sides on the die from 1 to 6. After starting the game, calculate the result of each die and increment the variable by 1 for each point on the die. Finally, according to the final results of the six variables, the award can be inferred and displayed in the next interface.

  2. After we've solved the six-dice random result, we have another big problem: how to save data for three players in multiplayer mode. After consulting literature, we went to self-study "node.js" to create a small server to import data into the database.

Give a photo, including the paired classmates, work place, computer, and other items or scenes that can express the working experience of pair programming.


Pair programming experience.

In this experiment, we started to touch the front-end development software, designed the UI, learned to use Axure for some interactive operations, used JavaScript for programming, and ran on the VScode platform. I learned a lot from this cooperation. Teamwork is very important, because when a person's idea is not perfect, communication and discussion with teammates can often supplement the idea, which can bring better results. At the same time, in programming, the collision of the minds of many people can better check the code, so that the code is constantly improved. This experiment attaches great importance to pairing, allowing the whole team to participate in the development process and benefit from various aspects.

Give at least 3 events that take a long time in coding, arguing, reviewing, etc., and give you great gains.

  1. For coding: A new challenge : JavaScript
    We chose JS to write this program, because I have not learned it before, so I spent a lot of time in learning the code, and often the program runs wrong. The logical thinking is very confusing at the beginning, and then I become proficient with writing more.

  2. For reviewing: How to implement multiplayer mode
    At first, because I do not know how to save the data and account password data, I plan to make a "do not need the Internet can also be carried out by a number of people and human machine" cookie game; Later, in the process of studying JS code, I learned some **[node.js] ,[MySQL]**and successfully established a database, which effectively saved the account password.

  3. For arguing: Dice animation change
    At first, when we were thinking about dice and how to realize the number of dice corresponding to them, we designed static dice with animation of 360 degree rotation from the beginning to the end of dice casting. Then we found the animation material of dice to realize three-dimensional animation of dice casting. For random dice, we use the random function **[Math.random()6]* to ensure the randomness of the dice. Finally we match the random roll with the die: the die animation changes the corresponding die face as the roll of the die changes.


the PSP form of this operation

PSP and learning progress bar.

Record the PSP form of this operation, including the estimated time and actual time.

PSP2.2Personal Software Process StagesEstimated time(minutes)actual time consuming(minutes)
· Estimate· Estimate how much time the task will take1020
· Analysis· Needs analysis (including learning new technologies)100110
· Design Spec· Generating design documentation4055
· Design Review· Design review (review design documents with partners)1015
· Coding Standard· Code specifications (Develop appropriate specifications for current development)1520
· Design· detailed design6070
· Coding· specific coding480600
· Code Review· code review100100
· Test· Test (test yourself, modify code, commit changes)180200
· Test Report· 测试报告2035
· Size Measurement· computational effort2525
· Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan· Summarize afterwards and propose process improvement plan2530
totaltotal time10651280

Learning Progress Bar

weekAdded code (line)Cumulative code (lines)Study Time this week (hours)Cumulative learning time (hours)Important Growth
1500500129Analysis requirements, design program page
260011001221Optimize the program and page, improve the multiplayer system

GitHub link

Give GitHub link and commit record.

a link to the video demonstration of software running

Give a link to the video demonstration of software running.

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福州大学 梅努斯国际工程学院 软件工程(2022秋) 教学
软件工程 高校
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