05 Group - Sprint Log 1st (12.06)

Hanlin-CAI 2022-12-06 20:17:23

05 Group - Sprint Log 1st (12.06)

1. Brief Introduction

The Link Your ClassHere
The Link of Requirements of This AssignmentLab3-2 Requirement
Team NameRIDS-IoT-Group
Team Project TopicIoT Garbage Manager
Sprint Collection Link[Sprint Collection Link]
Sprint Summary Link[Sprint Summary Link]
Video demo linkPreview Demo and Pervious Oral
GitHub linkGithub Repo


  • 05 Group - Sprint Log 1st (12.06)
  • 1. Brief Introduction
  • 2. Progress of Sprint
  • 3. Minutes of Meeting
  • 3.1 Contents of the Meeting
  • 3.2 Pictures of the Meeting
  • 4. Development Process
  • 4.1 Check-in Records of Github
  • 4.2 Screenshots of the Operation
  • 4.3 Corresponding UML designs
  • 5. Introduction to Progress
  • 5.1 Progress of Development
  • 5.2 Burnout Diagram

2. Progress of Sprint

NameCompleted TaskDuration of the TaskProblem EncounteredSolutionProportion
Hanlin Cai (Leader)Sprint plan task assignment5hOther specialized courses have more exams and homework.Group time is arranged according to the open test and homework time.105%
Zheng LiA summary of the proposal report3hThe tasks completed before are more scatteredCommunicate with students who have completed different functions100%
Jiaqi HuBack end authoring10hHow to cooperate with the front end to effectively display the data.Swagger API document is applied to solve communication test problem between front and back ends.110%
Zhijun ZhaoFront end writing6hHow to connect the front-end and back-end api interfaces.Strengthen communication and re-write api encapsulation files in the front end.105%
Yinheng LinUpdate of prototype3hThe layout of some pages is not quite right.Spruce up the finished front page.100%
Shipei ZhangBack end testing2hThe processing of the data is not perfect.Learn the method of data processing on the Internet.80%
Youlin FengPPT editing3hAnimation effects are difficult to achieve.Find tutorials to learn about After Effects(AE).100%
Shuying LiuBlog writing and documentation5hThe sprint documentation requirements are not very clear.Private chat with members to analyze the specific requirements and related requirements of the sprint document110%
Jingjie YuDocument organizing3hThe usage of some functions is unclear.Communicate with classmates in the group and complete the writing of functions.90%

3. Minutes of Meeting

3.1 Contents of the Meeting

  1. Review the previous proposal and evaluate team members.

  2. Divide the tasks for the next sprint.

  3. Discussed features that need to be updated.

  4. In-depth communication between front end and back end

3.2 Pictures of the Meeting

4. Development Process

4.1 Check-in Records of Github

4.2 Screenshots of the Operation

The background picture of the front end is not completely set. Currently, the picture of the prototype is used for display.

Login screen

User Interface - Map Location

User Interface - Data Visualization

User Interface - Information Search

User Interface - Daily Express

4.3 Corresponding UML designs

This week's focus is on implementing the front end, located in the red box section of the general mind map, and based on the UML diagram below.

5. Introduction to Progress

5.1 Progress of Development

The back-end has been basically written, the front-end has completed the basic interface connection, the next plan is to complete the front-end administrator mode, and page beautification.

5.2 Burnout Diagram

This blog is written by Shuying Liu, and edited by Hanlin Cai.

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